19 Signs That America Has Become a
Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything is
70 Years Later it's Still '1984'
Español |
1984/2024 - La Esperanza Oculta en
la Advertencia de Orwell
1984/2024 - The Hidden Hope in
Orwell's Warning
- "1984"
has Come to China
1984 in 2012 - The Assault on
- "1984"
turns 70 Years Old in a World that Looks a Lot Like the
1984 Versus 2025 - Top Secret
Government Agenda for Global Enslavement Plan
2022's Danger Signs - From
Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness
Agenda 21 and Earth Charter
Main File
Aldous Huxley foresaw our Despots
- Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine Crusaders
A Letter from Spain in the Year
Español |
Alguien Nos Vigila A Todas Horas
Español |
Algunas Razones por las que Creer
en la Autoridad es la 'Superstición Más Peligrosa'
Español |
- ¿Amarás
tu Servidumbre?
Amazon Sells Out of Orwell's
'1984' as America Starts Paying Attention to What's
Really Going On
Almost Everything Is A Crime In
America Now
- 14 of The Most Ridiculous Things That Americans Are...
America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A
Totalitarian Society |
American Idiocracy - 50 Years
Later, We're Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone |
Americans are Being Prepared for
Full Spectrum Tyranny |
America Stands Upon The Precipice of Brutal Martial Law
America, Welcome to The Fourth
Reich |
Amerika - Behind The Mask |
Español |
Amerika - Detrás de la Máscara |
A New Kind of Tyranny - The Global
State's War on 'Those Who Speak Truth to Power' |
A New World Tax Regime |
Español |
Anónimo Publica un
Poderoso Mensaje de Navidad a la Humanidad - 2017 va a
Ser Emocionante
Releases a Powerful Holiday Message to Humanity - 2017 is
Going to Be Exciting
Apocalypse Now - The Government's
use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power
Are Corporations Poised to
Overtake Countries?
Are You Loving Your Servitude...?
Español |
Asesores Científicos del Gobierno
admiten usar 'Tácticas de Miedo Totalitario' - Control
durante la 'Pandemia'
A State of Never-Ending Crisis -
The Government is Fomenting Mass Hysteria
A Totalitarian Society has
Totalitarian Science
- And Vice Versa
Beyond Orwell - The Electronic
Police State, 2010
Biden Administration creates 'Ministry of
Truth' |
Español |
Bienvenido al Gobierno de Vigilancia
Masiva a Través de ¡Píldoras con Microchips! |
Español |
Bienvenidos al Futuro Orwelliano - Control
Mental, Telepatía, Supersoldados, Transhumanismo,
Supervigilancia |
Big Brother and The Hidden Hand of
The "Free Market"
- "Managing" Data and Dissent in America
Big Brother Gets Under Your Skin
Big Brother is Spying on You in
'Thousands of Ways' - All of that Info now goes into
Centralized "Fusion Systems"
Big Brother Loves You...
Big Brother Not Just Spying on
Schoolchildren Through Their Laptops
Big Brother - Obama Calls for The
Integration of State and Federal Military Forces
Big Brother - Obama Demands Access
to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review
Brother's Coming!
- Revealed Secret Plan to Tag Every Man, Woman and Child |
Big Brother
Surveillance Society - from "The Atlantean
Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to...
Big Brother to Track Your
Medication Compliance With Electronic Transmitters in
Big Brother - Towards the
Homeland Security State
- from "America's 'War on Terrorism”' by M.Chossud...
Italiano |
Data' isola Milioni per la 'Lotta al Coronavirus'
Data' Segregates Millions in China's 'Coronavirus fight'
Big Government - An Unnecessary
Evil That Should Be Abolished
 |
Other - Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information
Big Tech's Authoritarian Practices
are Accelerating - Will You Submit?
Bill Gates "defends" Free Speech -
Unless it hurts His Investments...!
Biometrics - The Prison Within
- TripWires, Totalitarianism, and Technoids
Español |
Biopoder en la Era del 'Gran
Biopower in the Age of the 'Great
Blue Beam - The Uncovert Project
- Main File
Boston Bombings - Detonator to Mobilize The Entire U.S.
Security Apparatus - It May Change The World...
Italiano |
Braccialetti, Segnali Luminosi,
Codici a Barre - Indossabili come Risposta Globale al
Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes -
Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19
Brainwashed by The 1% - Are We
Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a Documentary of
'A Fake World'
New World' predicted 2018 Better than Any Other Novel
British Protest the "15-Minute
Cities" where they will become Prisoners of the State
Cameron Advocates Greater Stasi-style Surveillance Powers for
GCHQ after Charlie Hebdo
Can The Corporate Media Turn Lies
Into Truth?
Capitalism is Doomed - Without Alternatives, So Are We
Español |
Capitalismo de Vigilancia -
Algoritmos para Manipular la Opinión Pública y la Caída
de Facebook
Chicago "Black Site" Indicates
America has Passed the Point of No Return...
China is Helping Governments of
the World Build their Own Surveillance State
Technological System to Control Dissenters
CIA Home Invasion
- Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'
The Central Intelligence Agency
- Main File
Citizen Spy Recruitment Program
Launches in U.S. Hotels
Italiano |
Come "La Sorveglianza e il 5G"
stanno Monitorando Rapidamente col pretesto della "Lotta
al Coonavirus
Español |
Cómo Palantir Conquistó el Mundo -
El Estado Profundo
Continuity of Government Police
State -
The Day After
Español |
Convergencia Biodigital - Un
explosivo Documento revela la Verdadera Agenda
Covert Operations of The U.S.
National Security Agency
Creating the "Domestic
Surveillance State"
- How America's Wars Are Systematically Destroying Our...
Español |
- ¿Cuán
Fascistas son Los Estados Unidos?
- Diez Indicadores del Fascismo
Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and China Now More Free than
America in Notable Ways
Español |
Cuidado con la Manipulación de las
Empresas de Tecnología como Google
CV-1984: China rolls out 'Test of
Digital Currency' in Four Cities - Western Businesses
Sponsors Surveillance Technology to Predict Future
Español |
De Cuarentena a Estado Policial -
Se inaugura el "Gran Reinicio"
Defense Department Seeks Legal
Authority to Deploy Reservists onto American Streets
Español |
De la Libertad de Expresión y la
Actual Censura de Internet
Voting Machines Can Be Hacked by Remote Control
Digital Currency - The FED moves
toward Monetary Totalitarianism
Digital Tyranny and Hidden Agendas
- Beware of the Government's Push for a Digital Currency
Digital Vaccine Certificates after
Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World
- "D"
is for a 'Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy'
- 'Disinformation'
isn't the Problem - Government Cover-ups and Censorship
are the Problem
Divide, Conquer, Reset and then
Scientific Dictatorship
Italiano |
Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e
poi Dittatura Scientifica
Documents Show Undersea Cable Firms Provide Surveillance
Access to U.S. Secret State
Domestic "Internet of Things"
Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid
Do People Still Read
'Brave New World'?
Español |
Dos Ejemplos que Muestran que Rusia y China "No son la
Dutch State Secretary admits 5G
will be Used for 'Crowd Control'
Español |
EE.UU. sienta las Bases
para un Estado Policial Médico
World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate
Español |
El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File
Español |
El Covid-19 podría ser el
Detonador del Peor Sistema Totalitario de la Historia -
Afirma Yuval Noah Harari
Español |
El Diagnostico Psiquiátrico y sus
Vínculos con la Vigilancia Masiva
Electronic Surveillance -
America's Secret Domestic Spying Apparatus
Español |
El escenario Perfecto para la
Videovigilancia Masiva - Los Juegos Olímpicos 2024 en
Español |
El Estado de Vigilancia
Omnipresente - '1984' de Orwell ya No Es una Ficción
Español |
El Estado Tecnocrático es el
Enemigo Mortal del Individuo
Español |
El Fin
de La Humanidad Como la Conocemos
- Según Documento Filtrado de La NASA 2013
Español |
- ¿El
Fin de La Internet... Que Conocemos?
- Main File
Español |
El Futuro 'Orwelliano' que los
Expertos en Tecnología Plantean en la Cumbre de Davos
Español |
El Germen de un Gran Mal
Español |
El Gobierno Secreto-Invisible
- Main File
Español |
El Golpe de Estado Mundial
Español |
El 'Gran Teatro' de la
Bioseguridad - Covid-19
Español |
El Matrimonio de Big Data con Big
Brother - China crea Sistema para Evaluar Conducta de
sus Ciudadanos
Español |
El Mundo Anglosajón - Camino de La
Español |
El Mundo Después de la Pandemia
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial
- Main File
Español |
El Pentágono Abre La Puerta al
Golpe de Estado Militar en EE.UU.
Español |
El Plan para un Sistema Global de
Esclavitud |
Español |
El Precio de La Verdad
- Un Acto de Rebelión
Español |
El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio
- Main File |
Español |
El Triunfo del Gran Hermano
a Decentralized World - How can we Create something that has
Never Existed Before?
Español |
Entendiendo y Desmantelando El
Sistema de Control Global
Español |
- ¿Esclavos
Voluntarios del 'Estado Covidiano'?
Español |
- ¿Es
el 'Control de la Población' la próxima "Teoría
Conspirativa" que se hará Realidad...?
Español |
Agencia del Gobierno en la Sombra es más Atemorizante
que la NSA
Español |
- "Estados
Unidos No Teme a Los Informantes - Teme a Una Sociedad
Informada" - Dice Snowden
Español |
Este Párrafo de 'Un Mundo Feliz'
explica la Tragedia Moderna - O cómo Canjeamos la Verdad
y la Belleza...
Every Click You Make, They'll Be
FaceBook and The Internet
- Main File
FaceBook as the Ultimate
Government Surveillance Tool?
FaceBook is Working on a
Smartphone that Can Read Thoughts
- 'Fahrenheit
451' predicted People would Demand Tyranny
False Flag Attacks Part of Global
Elite's Plan for Tyrannical Police State
Fascism and War - Elite Tools to
Crush and Kill Dissent
FBI Creating Terrorism Plots to
Thwart, Instilling Fear in Americans
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Main File
Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast
Finland abandons Universal Basic
Income Experiment after Two Years
FOIA Lawsuit Reveals FBI
Collecting Biometric Information for Massive Interagency
- Next Door to The Magic
Forget '1984'... We're Facing a
'Brave New World'
From America to Amerika - The End Game
Español |
- ¿Futuro
Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de
Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...
Español |
- 'Gaslighting'
- La Psicología de Moldear la Realidad del Otro
Genes Are Considered The Property
of Big Brother
- Newborns' DNA Routinely Harvested for...
Giant Surveillance Balloons are
Lurking at the Edge of Space
Global Reset -
Great Reset
- Main File |
Global Smart Grid - Technocracy
Global Upraising
- Main File
Glorious Martial Law?
Español |
Gmail de Google Escanea, Controla
la Sintaxis, Analiza y Cataloga tu Correo Electrónico
Google Chrome is Tracking Your
Every Move and Storing it - This is How to Stop It
Google Has Become Orwell's
"Ministry of Truth"
Google is Watching You - Meet
Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency
Google latest Search Engine Update
crushes Traffic to "Inconvenient" Websites
Google - None Dare Call It
Español |
Google nos Vigila - El Caso de los
Servicios Médicos
Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has
Become Spy Software"
Government Microchips Our Soldiers
- How Long Will it Be Before They Want to Put a
Microchip in YOU?
Government Proposes Massive Shift In Online Privacy
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking
Scientific Advisors admit they used 'Totalitarian Fear
Tactics' to Control People during 'Pandemic'
Government to Spy on Everyone Who Banks in The U.S.
Government wants to 'Dictate
Español |
- "Guía
para entender 'El Gran Reset' - Ampliación"
Grab in U.S. Precludes United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
Talks to Disarm the World
Español |
Hacia Una Sociedad Sin
Dinero En Efectivo
- de "La Verdadera Historia Del Club Bilderberg"
Español |
- ¿Ha
Muerto la Libertad? - Control Mental, Manipulación de
las Masas y Esclavitud Moderna
Have Authoritarians used '1984' as
a Handbook?
Hegemony and Propaganda - Love
Your Servitude...!
Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About
You from 164 Feet Away
High-Level U.S. Government Officials Have Warned for 40
Years that Mass Surveillance Would Lead to...
History Warned Us about
Technocracy's coming Tyranny
How "1984" Turned into an
Instruction Manual
How a Cashless Society
Could Embolden Big Brother
Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly
Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...
How Governments and Telecom
Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws
How People Become Easily Controlled by Tyrants |
How Real Mind Control Works
How "Surveillance and 5G" are
being Fast-Tracked under the pretext of 'Fighting
How the Boston Bombing is Already Being Exploited to
Introduce Tyranny
How the Great Reset is
'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'
How the United Kingdom Became a
Police State
How They make sure 'You Stay a Slave to the System' - They
need your eventual Demise to sustain their Empire...
How to Be a Rogue Superpower - A
Manual for The Twenty-First Century
How to Escape from a 'Sick
How Wide Does This Go?
- Now Google Devices 'Found
to Transmit User Locations Back to The Company'
Public Outcry Over TSA Forcing 95-year-old Cancer
Patient to Remove Adult Diaper
Human Will - The
Forgotten Freedom Faculty
- "Hunger
Games" and Fourth-Turning America
Huxley or Orwell - Will You Get to
Choose Your Own Dystopia? |
Italiano |
I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino
dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post
Identity Politics =
Totalitarianism |
Español |
a la Americana - 50 Años después Continuamos Encallados en
la "Zona de Penumbra - Twilight...
Italiano |
Il "1984" è arrivato in Cina
Italiano |
Il Futuro del Post-Coronavirus? -
Biosensori Iniettabili, I.A. di Rilevazione dei Virus,
Robot a una Società senza...
Italiano |
Il Mondo Anglosassone - Il Cammino
della Tirannia
Gargantuan Biometric Database Raises Big Questions
Inside The NSA's Largest and Most Expansive Secret
Domestic Spy Center in Bluffdale, Utah
- Exposed
Institutional Thinking - The
Matrix, 1984 and The Allegory of The Cave
Invasion of the 'New Normals'...
Is Big Brother The 'New Normal'?
- The Supreme Court Will Decide
Is Big Tech merging with Big
Italiano |
I Segnali di Pericolo del 2022 -
Dalla Paranoia Totalitaria alla Pazzia Autoritaria
Is Your TV Watching You? - Latest Models Raise
It's Time to Start Imagining a
Post-Police World - Why Abolishing the Police is Not a
Crazy Idea...
Just How Fascist is The U.S.? - Ten
Indicators of Fascism
Karotz - The RFID Rabbit That'll
Monitor Your Home
Klaus Schwab and the World
Economic Forum
- Main File
Español |
Klaus Schwab y el Foro Economico
- Main File
Español |
La Degradación de la Democracia
hacia la Tiranía ¿es Natural e Inevitable?
Español |
La Elite Global - La Clase Capitalista Transnacional
- Main File
Italiano |
La Empia Trinità - Facebook come
Dato di Fatto, Governo come Verità, Big Pharma come Dio
Español |
La Fabricación de una Psicosis
Masiva - ¿Puede la Cordura volver a un Mundo Loco?
Español |
La Farsa y Diabólica Agenda de "Un
Bloqueo Universal"
Español |
La Globalización Viral de la
Vigilancia de la IA - Inteligencia Artificial
Español |
La Granja Humana y la Jaula en la
que Usted Nació
Español |
La Guerra Contra el Dinero en
Efectivo - Ahora los Gobiernos se Apropian o Gravan el
Dinero en Efectivo...
Español |
La Guerra Contra el Dinero en
- Llega la Tiranía Global
Español |
La Identificación Digital Global
llega inmediatamente después del Pánico del Coronavirus
de 2020
Español |
La Identificación Digital podría
facilitar La Vigilancia y Persecución - Informe del Foro
Económico Mundial
Español |
La Idiotización de la Sociedad
como Estrategia de Dominación
Español |
La Infantilización de la Cultura Occidental
Español |
La Inutilidad de Los Derechos
Español |
La Invasión de los 'Nuevos
Español |
La Ley del Almirantazgo y
la Esclavitud a Través del Lenguaje
Español |
La ONU anuncia Billetera de
Identificación Digital Biométrica
Español |
ONU busca Implementar la Identificación Biométrica
Universal para el 2030
Español |
La Proliferación del Control
Biométrico... y el Extraño Programa "Masonic Chip"
Español |
La Psicopatía y los Orígenes del
Español |
La Red de Vigilancia 5G
Español |
Diez Estrategias de 'Manipulación Masiva' reveladas por Noam
Chomsky |
Español |
La Secretaria de Estado de Holanda
admite que el 5G será Utilizado para 'Control de
Español |
Las Libertades Públicas están
Muriendo Silenciosamente en Europa
Español |
Las Maniobras "Jade Helm" y la Dictadura Global |
Español |
- 'Las
No-Libertades' Normales
Español |
La Terrible Verdad que se
Oculta tras la Renta Básica Universal
Español |
La Tormenta del Totalitarismo se
Español |
La Verdad Oculta tras "El
Nuevo Modelo de Terrorismo" |
North Korean Documentary ‘Exposes Western Propaganda'
- And It's Scary How True It Is
Lessons from George Orwell's '1984'
Italiano |
L'Età Distopica della Maschera -
Come Ernst Junger predisse l'Ubiquità delle Mascherine
Life in The Electronic
Concentration Camp - The Many Ways that
You're Being Tracked, Catalogued and...
Italiano |
- "L'Occhio
di Sauron" e la Pandemia del Controllo
London's Militarized Olympic Games
Conjures Up Orwell's '1984'
Español |
Lo Que Nadie Quiere Ver
Español |
Los Cerebros 'Hackeados' Votan
Español |
Los Pasos Para Llegar al Totalitarismo Según Naomi Wolf - Un
Informe de la Situación
Italiano |
Lo Stato Tecnocratico è il Nemico
Mortale dell'Individuo
Español |
Los Tatuajes del…
Español |
Los Teléfonos Android envían Datos
de dispositivos e 'Identificadores' de usuarios a
fabricantes y firmas de Big...
The Internet Gatekeepers
Italiano |
Metaverse è la 'Libertà' inflitta
dai Tiranni Tecnologici
is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants
Microsoft Collects Phone Location
Data Without Permission
- Says Researcher
Curbs Wi-Fi Location Database
Microsoft President Threatens that
Orwell's '1984' could Happen in 2024
Microsoft Warns of 'Orwellian
Future' as WikiLeaks Exposes Participation with
Español |
Miles de Matemáticos piden
Boicotear la IA de 'Crimen Predictivo' de la Policía
Mission Creep - How the Police
State acclimates us to being 'Modern-Day Slaves'
Mobile Phones Soon Required to
Receive, Display White House Propaganda Messages
More Police Raids as War on
Journalism Escalates Worldwide
Naomi Wolf's Steps to Fascism - A
Progress Report
 |
Programs for Mass Surveillance of Personal Data in EU
Members States and Their Compatibility...
 |
Navigating The Anthropocene - Improving Earth System
Español |
New Tech Startup Predicts
the Future by Decoding the Past
New Worldwide Ministry of
Truth? - International Fact-Checking
Network (IFCN)
Noam Chomsky - Top 10 Media
Manipulation Strategies
Español |
Noam Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación
No Escape from our Techno-Feudal
Español |
No hay Diferencia entre Psicópatas
y Políticos - La Patocracia del 'Estado Profundo'
Non-profit Group Linked to
Homeland Security Promotes Absurd Fear of Non-Existent
Threat of Terrorism
Normal Unfreedoms
Not Just Surveillance -
Three Current Phenomena Exposing '1984' as an
Instruction Manual for the State
NSA and State Surveillance - 5-Part Special
Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and
Surveillance Goes Beyond Orwell's Imagination - Says Alan Rusbridger
Español |
Nuestro Gulag Digital
Español |
Inicio Tecnológico Predice el Futuro Descifrando el Pasado
Obama Administration Claims Right to "Lawfully"
Assassinate Citizens Within The U.S.
Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will "Fire On US
Citizens" - Nobel
Peace Prize Nominee Says
Español |
Obama Crea una Ley para "Controlar
Mentalmente a la Población"
Obama Criminalize Free Speech?
Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent
Obama's Endgame
Obama Wants to Make Sure The Government Can Lock You Up
Without Trial
- The National Defense...
- Senate Bill 1867 Would Allow U.S. Military to Detain
and Murder Anti-Government...
Español |
Operaciones Psicológicas
Utilizadas Diariamente para Manipularnos
- 'Operation
Warp Speed' - Your One-Way Ticket to Total Surveillance |
Orwell 2011 - Towards a Pervasive
"Surveillance State" in America
- Biometrics, Facial Mapping...
Español |
Orwell Acertó - El "Ministerio de
la Verdad" ya Existe
Orwellian Justice System
- The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life -
Spying on Americans...
Orwell's Ideas remain Relevant 75
years after 'Animal Farm' was Published
Orwell's Startling World Is Officially Here
Español |
Orwell Tenia Razón - Escocia Utilizará a los Niños para Vigilar
a sus Propios Padres
Protected, Predatory Oligarchy - Dirty Secrets, Dirty Lies
- 'Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms'
have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline
Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand
of Psychopaths
Español |
Patocracia - Tiranía en Las Manos
de Psicópatas
Revolution -
Push Back, Refuse, Non-Cooperation
Italiano |
Perché l'Esercito degli Stati
Uniti si Allena per Combattere nei Grandi Centri Urbani?
Storm Conditions Now in Place for Big Government to
Allow (or Even Stage) Terrorism Attacks in...
Brutality in The USA
- Americans Too Are Oppressed
State USA - TSA
Gestapo Empire
Political Scientism - Beware the Enlightened Ones
Popular Culture Promotes The Police State
Español |
Porqué Caminamos Sonámbulos hacia
la Tiranía - Sobre la Tecnocracia...
Español |
- ¿Porqué
el Ejército de Estados Unidos se Entrena para Combatir
en Grandes Centros Urbanos?
Español |
Porqué lo que Estamos Viviendo se
Parece más a 'Un Mundo Feliz' de Huxley que a '1984' de
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Post-Coronavirus Future? -
Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and
a Cashless Society
Post Games UK - Full-Blown Police
Pre-Crime is Now Here!
Minority Report (2002) Esoteric Analysis
Memo on Insider Threats - Why Now?
Prisons of Pleasure or Pain -
Huxley's "Brave New World" vs. Orwell's "1984"
Privacy Protection and The Secret
State's Surveillance Powers
Español |
Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con
Robots' y 'Libertad', en un Mundo post-COVID
- 'Automaton Conformity' and 'Freedom' in a Post-COVID World
PSYOPs Used Daily to Manipulate You
- Covert Hypnosis, Mind Control Techniques - Wake Up and...
Español |
- ¿Qué
es Anonymous? ¿Qué es "El Plan"?
Q: What's the Difference between a
Politician and a Psychopath? - A: None
Español |
Repensar El 11-S (ReThink 9/11)
Ante El Totalitarismo Emergente
Español |
- ¡Resistencia
a la Cuarta Represión Industrial...!
Revealed what the 'Totalitarian
Future Globalists' want for the Entire World
Español |
Revelan una de las Bases para la Tiranía que Pronto
Afectará a Todos
RFID Monitoring and DNA Profiles Work Together to
Manifest Our Brave New World
Rise of The Global Police State
Rolling Out the Architecture of
Oppression because 'They Fear the People' |
Scientists look for a Cure against
Politically Undesirable Behavior
Secret Military Training Blurs
Line Between Police and Soldiers
Secret Panel Can Put Americans on "Kill List"
Security Grifters Partner-Up on
Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project
Security, Safety, Security! -
Dictatorship by Democracy
Senate Wants The Military to Lock You Up Without Trial
Several Defining Characteristics
of Fascism - The U.S. in 2012
Shut Up and Play Nice - How The
Western World is Limiting Free Speech
Español |
Silicon Valley está Construyendo
un Sistema de Crédito Social al estilo de China
Since 9/11 North America has
Traded Liberty for Security and we're Almost Out of Both
Español |
Sin Cifrado Perderemos toda la
Privacidad - Este es nuestro Nuevo Campo de Batalla
Six Whistleblowers Charged Under
The Espionage Act
Skype Collaborated With NSA Long
Before PRISM
- The New York Times
Smart Grid - The Implementation of
Charter' Web Spying Bill
- The Queen's Announced Internet Surveillance Plan
Social Media, Smartphones and
Police Create a Stasi Web of Surveillance
 |
Social Radar for Smart Power
Some Reasons why Belief in
Authority is the 'Most Dangerous Superstition'
Space Fence - Connecting the
Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas
on Americans - Police Scanners Everywhere...
- Government Will Soon Be Able To Know...
Stellar Wind - The Secret NSA Domestic Spying Program
Study Shows Mass
Government Surveillance Silences Unpopular Opinions
Supplanting The United States
- War, National Emergency and "Continuity of Government"
Court Justice Scalia Warns of U.S. Internment Camps
Technetronic Enslavement - Life Inside the Matrix of Control
Technocracy and the Rise
of the Police State
Technology Companies Concede to Government Surveillance
Español |
Te Controlan Para Dominarte Mejor - Tu Peor Enemigo es Tu
Ten Ways That the Iron Grip of The
Big Brother Prison Grid is Tightening on All of Our
Español |
Terrorífico... ¿Es así
como "Controlan" Completamente el Mundo?
Thank you China, you're Wonderful
The 3 Trigger Terms being used to
Stop Critical Thinking
The Age of Tyrannical Surveillance
- We're Being Branded, Bought and Sold for Our Data
The American Surveillance State
Puts Orwell to Shame
The Big Media Lie About the U.S.
Government's Purchases of Over One Billion Rounds of
The Birth of Fascism?
- A Wrong Turn on A One-Way
The Brave New World of 2030 -
"You'll Own Nothing, and You'll be Happy"
The Brave New World of
Surveillance Capitalism
The Bureau of Counterterrorism
- Obama Administration Gives Birth to New Agents of
Cashless Society is Almost Here - And With Some Very
Sinister Implications
The Coming "Brain Chip"
The Coming EBT Riots - What Will Happen When Government
Entitlements Stop?
The Coming Techno Apocalypse
Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
- Main File
The Dark Road - The Worst Tax Law You've Never Heard
The Decade's Biggest Scam
The Dystopian Age of the Mask -
How Ernst Jünger predicted the Ubiquity of Masks
The Emerging 'Mark of the Beast'
System - Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society
The End of Mankind as We Know it -
According to NASA's Future Warfare Document 2013
The End of The Internet... As We Know It?
- Main File
The Era of Tyranny has Begun -
Washington has Destroyed Western Liberty
The Evolution of Psychological
Manipulation in Democratic Societies
The 'Eye of Sauron' and the
Pandemic of Surveillance
The Fact that Mass Surveillance
Doesn't Keep Us Safe Goes Mainstream
The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of
a "Universal Lockdown"
The Fatal Attraction of
The Fight For Health Freedom - Why Focus on Health
Freedom? Because Our Future is Worth Protecting
The Five Criminals - In America,
the Gestapo Has Replaced the Rule of Law
The Future of CCTV and Policing
The Global Coup d'Etat
The Global Digital ID
'Surveillance Plan' Accelerates - Urgent Resistance
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
The "Hi-Tech" Corporate Police State
- "Reengineering" The Internet... for Persistent
The Human Farm and The Cage You
Were Born Into
The Individual Solution to
Avoiding the 'Great Reset' and Totalitarianism
The Information War - The Deadly
War hardly Anyone realizes we're Fighting
The Internet is A Surveillance
The Last American President
The Latest from "DHS Insider" - Government Control Plans
for The Near Futures
The Manufacturing of a Mass
Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
The Many Faces of Secrecy - Amy
The Many Signs That The United
States of America is Being Turned Into a Giant Prison
The Military Origins of Facebook
The Modernized Slave Labor System - Also Known as the
Prison Industrial Complex
Murder of Americans
- Existence of Secret Kill Lists Now Admitted by Lawless
White House
The Myth of Freedom in The Land of
The Free
New Inquisition
- The NDAA
The New Reign of Biopower - The
Rise of Control-Biology
The New World Order
- Main File
NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You've Never Heard
- They Can See
a 'Stick of Butter from Space'
The NSA Has Dossiers on Nearly Every U.S. Citizen
- Whistleblower William Binney says
NSA is Building The Country's Biggest Spy Center
- Watch What You Say - Big Brother Goes Live...
- The Super Secret National Security Agency
- Main File
The Obama Regime's Fabricated "Terror Conspiracy" in
Defense of The Police State
The Omnipresent Surveillance State
- Orwell's 1984 is No Longer Fiction
The Orwellian Global State - The
Next Stage Begins
The Path to Total
Dictatorship - America's Shadow Government and its
Silent Coup
The Pentagon is Building
a 'Self-Aware' Killer Robot Army Fueled by Social Media
The Police - Our Enemies in Blue? |
The Police State Targets Health
Food Buying Clubs Rather Than Real Criminals
- In Time of Accelerating... |
The Prescience of George Orwell -
'1984' is Here |
The Prison State of America |
The Purpose of War According to
George Orwell in "1984" |
The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers |
There is an 800% Higher Probably
Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist |
There is No Difference Between
Psychopaths and Politicians - The Pathocracy of the Deep
State |
The Rise of Global Digital
Surveillance - Spying, Prying and Lying |
The Roots of Today's
Tyranny |
The Secret Government Rulebook for
Labeling You a Terrorist
The Secret History of America's
Capital - Washington D.C.
- Main File
The Secret-Shadow Government
- Main File
The Shadow Government
The State as Terrorist
The State Attracts Sociopaths
The Surveillance State - Knowing Every Bit About
The Technocracy's 1984 Predictive
Programming |
The Technocratic State is the
Mortal Enemy of the Individual |
The Technological Revolution and
The Future of Freedom |
The Tyranny of Modern Scientism
The Tyranny of the Police State
disguised as Law-and-Order
The Underwear "Bomber"
- Crushing Freedom With Phony Muslims Terrorism
The United Stasi of Amerika
The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze
Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe
The U.S. has Become a Worse Police
State than Orwell Could Imagine
The U.S. Internment Camp
- Prison for A New American Century
The U.S. is Now The United (Police) State of America
The Violence of Organized
The War on Cash - Governments
Grabbing or Taxing Cash At Will Now |
The War on Science and the 20th
Century Descent of Man - Huxley's New World |
Worrying Trend of Internet Shutdowns
Think You're Not Being Tracked? -
Now Websites Turn to Audio Fingerprinting to Follow You
Thirteen Ways Government Tracks Us
This is Why We Need to Talk about
Shadow Government Agency is Scarier than the NSA
Thought Police
- The Next Logical Step in A Total Surveillance Society
Too Many Signs That The UK is
Being Transformed Into a Hellish Big Brother
Surveillance Society
Top 20 Modern Doublespeak
Terms to Be Aware Of |
Top Secret America - A Hidden
World Growing Beyond Control |
- Main File
Español |
Trump está Aquí para Quedarse y
Cambiar el Mundo
Pats Down Cancer-Stricken 95-Year-Old Woman and Removes
Adult Diaper
Twelve Simple Steps to VeriChip The World
Español |
Una Carta desde España en el Año
Italiano |
Una Lettera dalla Spagna nell'anno
Understanding and Dismantling The
Global Control System
Under the Skin - The Internet of
Bio-Nano Things
Español |
Un Estudio revela Amenazas para la
Privacidad y la Seguridad en los Hogares 'Inteligentes'
Trinity - Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma
as God
Nations Policy Paper Outlines 7 Building Blocks for
'Heavy-Handed' World Government
Universal Basic Income
Spreading Like Wildfire - Now Finland...
U.S. Descends Into Total Police
State as 2012 'Solar Chaos' Fears Grow
U.S. Government Claims That the Truth Is Too Complicated
and Dangerous to Disclose to the Public
Ushering in a Totalitarian Police
State in Cashless "Smart Cities" |
U.S. Military ‘Power Grab' Goes
Into Effect
U.S. Prison Business - Privatize Profits,
Socialize Losses
U.S. to Let Spy Agencies Scour
Americans' Finances
Vaccines - An Ideal
Covert-Operation to Genetically Re-Engineer Humans
Español |
Veinte Realidades Sombrías
desenterradas por los Confinamientos del Covid
Español |
- "Vivimos
Hiperconectados y eso permite que Controlen nuestra
War for Total Control -
Planning the Ultimate 'Big Brother' Surveillance Society
WEF calls for '24-Hour Monitoring'
of the Public
Just Don't Trust You - Note to President Obama
Welcome, Big Brother - Iris Scanners Create
The Most Secure City in The World
Welcome to the Mass Surveillance
State through Microchipping Pills!
We're Almost There Now
- No Speech Zones - HR347
What I Can Say and What I Cannot
is Anonymous? What is "The Plan"?
When Government Funds Science,
Government Controls Science...
Why are Americans Paying to Be
Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the
Why are Americans So Easy to
Manipulate and Control?
Why are Most People Cowards? -
Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism...
Why Orwell Matters...!
we are Sleepwalking into Tyranny - On Technocracy...
Why we Have a Surveillance State -
It is the Inevitable Consequence of our Prevailing
Governing Philosophy
Will Electronic Tattoos Replace Internet Passwords and
All Other Forms of Identification
Will You Love Your Servitude...?
You Are Surrounded by Propaganda -
"The Invisible Government"
You Are The Hope
Information |
10 Ways Hackers Have Punked Corporations and Oppressive
1.2 Billion People in India to Be
Given Biometric ID Cards
1984 - George Orwell - The
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
- What Every Person Should Know...
9-11 and The Orwellian
Redefinition of "Conspiracy Theory"
9-11 in Context - The Importance
of The Growing Contradictory Evidence
Academic Oligarchy - Majority of
Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies
Español |
Adiós - La Verdad Ha Caído
Llevándose con Ella La Libertad
Español |
Agotar el ADN - ¿Cuánto Control
tienes realmente sobre tu Información Genética?
- "Alien
Transformers" Descend On America
I Want for Christmas Is The Truth
- "All
Your Data Belongs to Us" - FBI Wiretapping of Internet
Users -
A Seamless Global Surveillance Web
America's Eco-Cities - Sustainable
Prisons of The Future
America's Police State Mentality
in The Electronic Age
- Big Brother
- How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize The Human Race
Español |
- ¿Apocalipsis
o Cuento De Hadas?
- extraido del libro "La Mente de Las Células"
Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips
Inside Vaccines? |
Tale of Two Countries
- New Zealand Apologizes for Illegal Domestic Spying,
While U.S. Still Refuses... |
Army Readies Its Mammoth Spy Blimp
for First Flight |
Australia Becomes First to Ban
Travelers Who Refuse Naked Body Scanners |
Beyond The Arab Spring, The European Winter
- Hungary Becomes Third European State to Suspend... |
Big Brother Is Watching You Shop
Big Brother Is Well Connected -
Google's Growing Domination
Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging
- Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook, Blackberry
Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology
Targets Shoppers
Big Pharma Nanotechnology Encodes
Pills With Tracking Data That You Swallow
Biochip Implants
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
British Government Begins Stealing
Its Peoples' Bank Deposits Ahead of The Global Financial
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare
- What Is The U.S. Government Planning?
Cancer Surges in Body Scanner
Operators - TSA Launches Cover-Up
of the Mind - The Free Individual Returns |
China Spending as Much on Calming
Civil Unrest as U.S. on War Effort
- Chinese Netizen Speaks Out
CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID
“Death Chips”
- A Conspiracy Theory? Think
- Counterintelligence Program
- Main File
Combined Video Analytics and Image
Fusion are Ushering in A New Era in Surveillance
Español |
Cómo Retractarse de Los Escáneres
de Cuerpo Desnudo de La TSA en El Aeropuerto
 |
Consensus Decision Making in Human
 |
Conspiracy Theories
- White Paper by Cass R. Sunstein
Español |
Control Mental
Main File
Español |
del Mundo - ¿Diversión o Maniobra Diversiva de Masas?
Español |
Cosas Que Los Controladores
Científicos Tienen en Mente Para Nosotros en El Futuro
Español |
Covid-Stasi - ¿Se Convertirán Ustedes en 'Agentes Estatales'
denunciando a sus Vecinos por infringir las...
Crypto Wars! - Obama Wants New Law to Wiretap The
DARPA - Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency
- Main File
DARPA Set to Drop Computer "F-Bombs" to Spy on Public
DARPA's Insight - New World Order Program
to Watch Us All
DARPA to Develop Technology to Analyze Social Media
David Icke on Terrorism,
'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and The Coming Post-Industrial
Technocracy |
Dear Neocon |
Español |
De La Servidumbre Moderna
Español |
Democracia - Sistema para Entregar
tu Poder a Través de tu Propio Libre Albedrío
Department of Homeland Security Prepares for Civil
Unrest as Obama Poised to Destroy 2nd Amendment
DHS & TSA - Making A List,
Checking It Twice
Español |
Diez Principales Teorías de
Conspiración que se Convirtieron en HECHOS en el Año
2017 |
Disney, Militarization and The
National Security State After 9/11
- Book Excerpt
DNA Exhaust - How much Control do
You really have over Your Genetic Data?
Español |
- ¿Dónde
Estamos Ahora? -
El Despertar
Doomsday Lingo - A Guide
Edible Microchips, Biometric
Identity Systems and Mind Reading Computers
Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying that
Should Send a Chill Up Your Spine
Español |
El Chip Inteligente
Español |
El Desastre de Fabricar
Consentimiento en La Matriz
Español |
El Estado de Excepción, la
Política de la Pandemia y el Fin de lo Humano - Giorgio
Español |
El Padre de la Propaganda Moderna
de la Élite Gobernante - Edward Bernays
Español |
El Senado de EEUU y Obama Reclaman el Derecho a Matar y
Encarcelar Americanos Sin Juicio Previo...
Español |
Estos son los Países Más 'Libres'
del Mundo - ¿Pero qué es Realmente la 'Libertad'...?
Government Surveillance Stay Anonymous Online
Even Bigger Big Brother
- Facebook Purchases Israeli Facial Recognition Company Face.com
Examining Capitalism Through Quantum Mechanics
Español |
Ex Disidente Soviético Alerta Sobre el Peligro de
Una Dictatura en La Unión Europea - Vladimir Bukovksy
Español |
Explicación de La Mentalidad de 'Rebaño'
Exposing RFID Documents And Plans
For Surveilling
- Connecting The Dots
Proposes Widespread Civilian Drone Use in U.S. Airspace
by 2015
FaceBook Buys Face.com... At What
Privacy Cost?
Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants
- The Tactics of FBI 'Entrapment' Questioned
Feds Used Aaron Swartz's Political
Manifesto Against Him
First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's
Secret Service File Released
Privacy - By 2025 There Will Only Be The Watchers and
The Watched
Former ECB Chief Economist says
ECB is In Panic, as Czech President Warns The End of
Former Soviet Dissident Warns for
EU Dictatorship - Vladimir Bukovksy
- "Freedom
of The Press" and "The Shield Law"
- "Protecting the Public" from Independent Alternatives
From Global Depression to Global
- The Role of The Corporate Elites' Secretive Global...
- "Gate
Rape" of America
Generation Being Born Now is the
Last to be Free - Assange in Last Interview before
Globalists Using London Cyberspace Summit to Push for
Global Internet Treaty
Español |
Globalizacion - El Pulpo del Nuevo
Orden Mundial
- Main File
Globalization - The Octopus of The
New World Order
- Main File
Good-Bye - Truth Has Fallen and
Taken Liberty With It
Google, Facebook, Amazon Planning Internet Blackout to
Protest "Big Brother" SOPA Bill
Google - The Perfect Compliment to
Big Brother
Governments Are Beginning to
Censor Much More Than Just What Makes Us Healthy
- "Herd"
Mentality Explained
History Regurgitates
Algorithms Rule The World
Disney Magic and The Corporate Media Shape Youth Identity in The
Digital Age
How Plato's "The Republic"
Describes Today's Society
How The U.S. Government Strikes
Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around The World
How to Hide Your Digital
Communications from Big Brother
How to Opt Out of The TSA's Naked
Body Scanners at The Airport
- "Hunger
Games" and Fourth-Turning America
 |
Clobbered Every Cash Confiscatory Agency Known to Man
If America Continues to Go Down the Same Path as Europe,
this is What Life Will Be Like
Italiano |
Il Padre della Propaganda Moderna
dell'Elite che Governa - Edward Bernays
Español |
Imperio Reciclado - Porqué Obama Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush
- Las Líneas Matrices
Information Control in The Digital
Age -
The Journey From Internet Piracy to Full Spectrum
Insight Program
- DARPA's Ubiquitous Intelligence
Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy
- Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away
Invasive Surveillance Technology Awaits - Have You Posted Your
Pictures on The Internet?
Español |
Investigadores Farmacéuticos Están
Trabajando en Una Droga Para Borrar Los Recuerdos
I Refuse to be Microchipped
ISIS is America's New Terror Brand
- Endless Propaganda Fuels "War on Terror"
It Time to Pack Your Bags America?
Español |
Italia Prohíbe Las Transacciones
en Metálico de Más de 50 Euros para 2013
 |
Just Say No to Big Brother's Smart
- The Latest in Bio-Hazard Technology
Italiano |
La Generazione che Nasce Ora Sarà
l'Ultima as Essere Libera - L'Ultima Intervista ad
Assange prima del...
Español |
La Guerra Mas Antigua del Mundo
Español |
La Historia se Vuelve a Repetir
Español |
La Mentalidad de Colmena es La
Tumba de La Humanidad
Español |
Red Echelon
- Main File
Las Puertas de La Percepción
- ¿Por Qué Los Norteamericanos Creen Casi Cualquier Cosa?
Italiano |
L'Italia Proibisce Le transazioni
in Denaro liquido di Più di 50 Euro dal 2013
- "Lockstep"
- Written 10 years ago Chronicles how to Bring the World Down
with a Pandemic
Look! Up in the Sky! It's a
Bird... It's a Plane... It's a Raytheon Spy Blimp!
Español |
Lo Que Google Sabe Acerca de Tí
Español |
Los Teléfonos Inteligentes están
Pre-Cargados con Interruptor de Desactivación a Control
 |
Manhunting - Counter-Network Organization for Irregular
Manufacturing The Deadhead - A
Product of Social Engineering
 |
2013 Watchlisting Guidance - by National Counterterrorism
Microsoft Wants to Know How Many
Friends You've Got in Your Living Room
- Big Brother Alert
Mind Control
Main File
Monstrosity - America's For-Profit Gulag System
Español |
- ¡Mucho Más que Una Máscara!
Naked Scans of My Children
- An Open Letter to the Walt Disney Company
New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press
No Privacy on Washington D.C.
Roads - High-Tech Cameras
"Pinpoint People's Movements All Over...
Number One Enemy of The State
On Modern Servitude
Openness and The Metaverse
Pharma Researchers Working On Drug
to Erase Your Memories
Plan for Massive Rollout of Mobile
Surveillance Vans
- TSA and DHS With Long-Distance X-Ray...
Political Correctness or Political
- New York City Schools
Ban Words and Topics From Tests
Español |
Polvo Inteligente - Seguimiento de Todo, en Todas Partes
Español |
Porqué nos Desprecian Los
Gobernantes - Análisis Shock...
Priest Removed from Ministry Due
to Sex Abuse Allegations Now Works at Philadelphia
International Airport
 |
Privacy Impact Assessment for The
Rail Security Pilot Study Phase II at PATH
Español |
de Vida Planetario 2014
- Marielalero
 |
Protective Measures Guide for The
U.S. Lodging Industry
Italiano |
Quello che Google Sa su Di Te
Español |
- ¿Quieres
Saber Porque la Gente se Comporta como un Rebaño? - El
Experimento Solomon Asch
Radiation Scientists Agree TSA
Naked Body Scanners Could Cause Breast Cancer and Sperm
Español |
Recordatorio de lo que Nikita
Khrushchev dijo hace 60 Años
Español |
Revelan un Nivel Récord de 'Espionaje'
Gubernamental de EE.UU. a Través de Google
Italiano |
Ricordiamo ciò che Nikita
Khrushchev disse 60 Anni fa
Riders on The Storm |
Rogue State? - Britain railing
against International Norms and Laws
Scenarios for The Future of Technology and
International Development
Sixteen Signs That People Are
Becoming Stupider
Smart Dust - Real-time Tracking of Everything,
Smartphones are Now Pre-Loaded
with Remote Controlled Kill Switch
Something Funny Is Going On
- Our Government Is Not What It Appears to Be
Special Army Unit Ready to Be Deployed on American Soil
Just Before November Elections
Spies For Hire - Who's Who in
Intelligence Contactors
Spying on Americans
- America's Endless & Highly Profitable, "War on Terror"
- A Multibillion Bonanza...
State Crimes Against Democracy
Español |
Tarjetas de Crédito, el 666 y el
Tasers Have Killed at Least 500
Ten Outlandish Things The
'Scientific' Controllers Have In Mind for You in The
Near Future
Ten Reasons Why Nothing You Do on
The Internet Will EVER Be Private Again
The All-Seeing-Eye of Google and
the Future of Criminal Investigations
The Austerity Hoax
The Banksters Ultimate Dream
- A Cashless Society, Starting With The Military
 |
Death of Freewill
The Despicable Truth Emerges About
The Development of "Privacy
Killing Technologies"
- A Link to The Murdoch Scandal?
The Disaster of Manufacturing Consent in The Matrix
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events,
and The Shrinking of American Democracy
Echelon Network
- Main File
 |
The Electronic Police State - 2010 National Rankings
Theft, Pedophilia, Murder Among
TSA Employees' Crimes
Hunger Games' Movie Review - A Glimpse of Our Own
Future if The Cancerous Growth of ...
 |
The Challenges Posed by The
Militarization of Law Enforcement
Ministry of Climate Truth Strikes Again |
Obsession With Controlling Speech Is Soaring to
Unbelievable Heights
The Politics of Terror as The
Business of Terror
- The Greatest Covert Operation Ever
The Scorched Earth
The Secret State's Surveillance
- Undermining the American People's Right to Privacy
The Spyfiles - WikiLeaks
 |
The Taking of The Internet
The Tyranny of Government
The United States Isn't a Country - It's a Corporation! |
The U.S. Senate and Obama Claiming The Right to Murder
and Imprison Americans Without Trial Was...
The War Is Over... And We Won
Is Your Brain on Neuroscience - Brain
Activity Map - BAM
 |
TIA Lives On
The Balance of Power - How to Really Change The World - And
It's Easier Than You Think
Ten Conspiracy Theories that Turned FACT in 2017
True Stories of Violation
- Border Patrol (100 Miles From The Border)
TSA Agents Gone Wild
- Fondling Little Children, Planting Cocaine in
Passenger Bags and More...
Turning The Tables on Big Brother
- Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in
Tyrannical "Health Standards" of The New World Order
Español |
Una Difícil Elección Para Llegar
al ‘Maravilloso' Mundo de Disney
Español |
Una Película de Terror
 |
Unclassified Report On The
President's Surveillance Program
- Obama Administration
Español |
Un Estudio de La Fundación
Rockefeller Analiza La “Década de La Fatalidad”
- Desastres Naturales...
Unplug the Signal - The Truth Will
Not Be Televised
U.S. Company that Built Guantánamo
Wants to Run Police Services in UK
U.S. Government Developing
Ultimate Cyber Weapon
- Prime-Factoring Quantum Computing Makes...
U.S. Government Issues More Takedown Requests Than
China, Including One for "Government Criticism"
U.S. Government Spy Program
- Main Core, PROMIS and The Shadow Government
Military-Industrial Giant KBR in Bidding to Privatize
British Police Forces
Español |
Una Búsqueda Sobre El Gobierno de
Los Estados Unidos
University of Texas Researchers
Design Chip Allowing Mobile Devices to See Through Walls
Español |
Vacunas - Una Operación-Encubierta
Ideal para Manipular Humanos Genéticamente
Español |
Varias Señales de Que Los Estados
Unidos de América se Está Convirtiendo en Una Gigantesca
Español |
Vigilancia Genética - EE.UU.
Creará una Base de Datos de ADN Para Rastrear Personas
- "V"
is For Vendetta
Italiano |
Volete Sapere Perché la Gente si
Comporta come un Gregge?
Want to 'Be Felt Up' by Government
We Are Being Watched More Than
Ever in The U.S.
- Jesse Ventura
What Google Knows About You
What Location Tracking Looks Like
 |
What Price
What Will Happen When the Arrests
- A Futuristic Picture of Mass Arrests, Critical Mass
When Empire Hits Home
Where Are We Now?
- The
Was President Obama Gifted The Nobel Peace Prize?
- The Answer to The Burning Question...
WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy
- International New Media Non-Profit Organization
- Main File
Collectivism |
Español |
La Guerra Es La Paz
- Teoría y Práctica del Colectivismo Oligarquico
The Collectivist Conspiracy
- G. Edward Griffin
The Future is Calling
War is Peace
- The Theory & Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
Why the System is Set for
Tyranny - The High-Tech Collectivist State
Multimedia: |
 |
How the "Greater Good" is Used as
a 'Tool of Social Control'
Books-Treatises |
 |
- by George Orwell
Español |
- Español
- por George Orwell
Italiano |
- Italiano
- di George Orwell
 |
Animal Farm
- by George Orwell
 |
Brave New
- by
Aldous Huxley
 |
Brave New
World Revisited
- by
Aldous Huxley
Español |
De la Servidumbre Moderna
- por Jean François Brient
Español |
Archipiélago Gulag - por Alexander Solzhenitsyn
 |
Farenheit 451
- by Ray Bradbury
Español |
Farenheit 451
- por Ray Bradbury
 |
How to Lose the Information War
- by Nina Jankowicz
Español |
La Granja de Los Animales
- por George Orwell
 |
On Modern Servitude -
by Jean François Brient
- by Edward L. Bernays
Español |
Sobre la Servidumbre Voluntaria
- por Étienne de la Boétie
 |
The Abolition of Man
- by C.S. Lewis |
 |
The Impact of Science on Society
- by Bertrand Russell
Last Circle - by Carol Marshall
 |
The Many Faces of Secrecy
- by Amy Benjamin
 |
The Most Dangerous Superstition
- by Larken Rose
 |
Origins of Totalitarianism
- by Hannah Arendt
 |
Road to Wigan Pier
- by George Orwell
 |
The Society of The Spectacle
- by Guy Debord
 |
The Worker
- by Ernst Jünger
Español |
Mundo Feliz
- por
 |
- by
Yevgeny Zamyatin
 |
World Brain
- by
H.G. Wells
Multimedia |
 |
George Orwell '1984'
Español |
George Orwell '1984' Español
Español |
2012 - Jaque Mate a La Humanidad -
Checkmate to Humanity
 |
2081 - Universal Absurdity
 |
9/11 and Continuity of Government
Español |
Adiós a Las Libertades
- Taking Liberties (Since 1997)
 |
America - From The Road of Freedom
to The Streets of Fascism
 |
Be Warned of Digital Deception...
 |
Big Brother
- The Big Picture
- David Icke |
 |
Bigger Brother - Total
Surveillance Comes to UK
 |
CFR Discusses a Future with "Humans 2.0" and "Autonomous
 |
College Conspiracy
 |
David Icke
Interviewed by BBC5
- 2009
 |
Do You Hear The People Sing
Español |
El Fin del Letargo |
Español |
El Grupo Bilderberg (2010) y El
Implante en El Cercano Futuro de Los Chips RFID
Español |
El Llamado - The Calling
 |
El Mundo Según Google
 |
Essential Knowledge For A Wall
Street Protestor
- David Icke
 |
Fall of The Republic
- The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
 |
Freedom of Speech - Stories From The Edge
of Free Speech
 |
Gray State 2013 - America's Last Chance for Liberty |
 |
Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates
Call For Mass Vaccination and Global Governance
 |
- "Honest
Government" Ad - Julian Assange
 |
Human Resources - Social
Engineering In The 20th Century
 |
 |
Ignorance is Strengh
- The Theory & Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
 |
- "It
Can't Happen Here!" - Or Can It...?
 |
JFK II - The Bush Connection
 |
John Stossel's Illegal Everything |
 |
Judge Andrew Napolitano - "It's
Time to Change Our Government!!" |
Español |
- ¿La
Pandemia del Miedo? - Pastor francés Explica el
Confinamiento por Covid-19 |
Español |
- "La
Policía Del Amor" Sincroniza con David Icke Sobre el
Sufragio en UK |
Español |
La Servidumbre Moderna
- Documental Alternativo
 |
Message For The Uniforms and Dark
Suits -
David Icke
 |
Mind the Matrix - Collective
Change in the Matrix Template
 |
Monopoly Men
Español |
Obediencia Ciega e Hipnosis
Colectiva - La Humanidad está Viviendo una Tragedia
Inmensa con el Covid-19
 |
On Modern Servitude
- Shattered Times
 |
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si Soy Nadie?
 |
Remember Who You Are
- David Icke
Wembley Arena Oct 27, 2012 |
 |
Rule from The Shadows - The
Psychology of Power
 |
Senate Has Declared War on American People
 |
Skynet 2.0 - Unstoppable Secret
Network Bypasses Internet
 |
Slavery by Consent
 |
Statism is Dead
- True News
 |
The Big Brother Matrix of Reality
 |
The Calling
- Expose of The New World Order
 |
The End Game
- David Icke
 |
The Greatest Speech for Humanity -
'V for Vendetta'
- David Icke |
 |
The Matrix
- True News |
 |
Movie... and The Secret Agenda
- David Icke |
 |
The New World Order Endgame
- David Icke
 |
The Power of Nightmares
- The Rise of The Politics of Fear
 |
The Story of Your Enslavement |
 |
The Theory & Practice of
Oligarchical Collectivism
 |
Ubiquitous Computing - Big
Brother's All-Seeing Eye
Español |
USA de Verdad
Español |
For Vendetta
- Subtitulos en español
 |
Whitehouse Coup
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Capitalism is a Collapsing System - What's Next? - Main File
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EndGame - JuegoFinal
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Illuminati - Order of The Illumined
Wise Men - Main
Martial Law in USA?
- The Death of Democracy - Main
Synthetic Life - Robotoids,
Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main
The Global Media Control - Main
The United Nations 2030 Agenda - Main
on Terror' - Main