"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. [The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component.

Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force

the United States to change it's perceptions."

Henry Kissinger

World Affairs Council Press Conference

Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, April 19th 1994.


"The elderly are useless eaters."
Henry Kissinger, quoted in the book 'The Final Days'





 -  100 Anni di Henry Kissinger - Stratega Globale e Criminale di Guerre...?


 -  100 Años de Henry Kissinger - ¿Estratega Global y Criminal de Guerras...?


 -  Bilderberg 2023 - Junto a Henry Kissinger, los 'Dueños del Mundo' debaten la Guerra en Ucrania


 -  Birds of a Feather - John McCain Defends Henry Kissinger



 -  'Breaking Russia has Become Objective for U.S.' - Kissinger



 -  Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger heckled at NYU - Told to 'Rot in Hell'


 -  Frustrated by Biden, China courts 'Old Friends' like Kissinger


 -  Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path to Population Control


 -  Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della Popolazione


 -  Genesis or Simulacra? - Kissinger's reach Beyond the Grave


 -  Henry Kissinger - America's Most Notorious War Criminal - Dies at 100


 -  Henry Kissinger - Architect of The New World Order


 -  Henry Kissinger at WEF Annual Meeting - Davos 2022 - Main Geopolitical Challenges facing the World  right Now


 -  Henry Kissinger con 100 Años viajó a China - Se reunió con Xi Jinping y pidió "Coexistir Pacíficamente"


 -  Henry Kissinger - Honorary Council of Advisors - United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce


 -  Henry Kissinger - Il più Noto Criminale di Guerra d'America - Muore a 100 anni


 -  Henry Kissinger Proposed to 'Destroy' The U.S.


 -  Henry Kissinger, War Criminal - Still at Large at 100


 -  Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?


 -  Kissinger, a Longtime Putin Confidant, Sidles Up to Trump


 -  Kissinger and Depopulation


 -  Kissinger and Rockefeller Connections to American Central Intelligence and The Origins of AIDS and Ebola


 -  Kissinger and the War in Ukraine - The Messenger and the Master


 -  Kissinger, Eugenics and Depopulation



 -  Kissinger Nails It... For Once...


 -  Kissinger nombra la Única Vía por la que podría Resolverse el Conflicto en torno a Ucrania


 -  Kissinger Out of The Closet



 -  Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide


 -  Kissinger Speaks - Ukraine must give Russia Territory


 -  Kissinger - The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control


 - "La Segunda Guerra Fría será todavía Más Peligrosa que la Primera" - Henry Kissinger a los 100 años


 -  London's Food Weapon Slams Kissinger's NSSM 200 Hit List of 13 Nations, and Others the World Over


 -  Los Neoconservadores quieren la Guerra con China


 -  Murió Henry Kissinger a los 100 Años - El influyente Funcionario de los Estados Unidos


 -  No One Will Hold Kissinger Accountable


 -  Parole di Kissinger - L'Ucraina deve cedere il territorio alla Russia


 -  Profiles in Power - The World According to Kissinger


 -  SIDA, Ebola, Kissinger, Rockefeller y La CIA


 -  'Terrorists are Really People that Reject The International System' - Kissinger Says


 -  The Case Against Henry Kissinger - The Making of A War Criminal


 -  The Hoax Re-Appearance of Dr. Henry Kissinger



 -  The Iran Nuclear Situation Will Come to A Head in The 'Very Foreseeable Future' - Kissinger Says


 -  The Kissinger Continuum - The Unauthorized History of the WEF's 'Young Global Leaders Program'


 -  The Mysterious Disappearance of Dr. Henry Kissinger



 -  The Prominence of Henry Kissinger as PI-40’s Master Strategist


 -  Theranos - La Misteriosa Azienda Sanitaria Controllata da Kissinger e da altri Membri della Elite Militare e...


 -  Theranos - La Misteriosa Empresa Sanitaria Controlada por Kissinger y Otros Miembros de La Élite Militar...


 -  United Nations Ambassador - Kissinger Clone



 -  Wanted for War Crimes - Henry Kissinger



 -  Warmonger Henry Kissinger worried about Thermonuclear War


 -  Why Not Being Friends with a War Criminal like Henry Kissinger Matters


 -  With NAFTA, U.S. Finally Creates a New World Order


 -  World Depopulation is Top NSA Agenda - Club of Rome

 -  'World Economic Forum' was Created by U.S. Policies


Additional Information


 -  George Bush Sr. In Russia On Carlyle Business - Bush Sr, Kissinger, Giuliani, Brzezinski, d'Estaing In...


 -  Illuminati Headed For Civil War or Revolution - Kissinger Rebuffed in Japan, Obama Rebuffed in Iran


 -  Institutions Through Which Control is Exercised - Section 5 - from "The Story of the Committee of 300"


 -  Kissinger Associates / Kissinger McLarty Associates



 -  National Security Memo 200 - NSSM-200 - Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security...


 -  National Security Study Memorandum 200 - (alternative version)


 -  Satanic Black Masses at Vatican - Bush Sr. and Kissinger Exposed for Attending by Illuminati Insider


 -  The Octopus Is Dying - 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger Missing-Presumed Dead


 -  The "Peace-Keapers" - from Chapter 13 "The Biggest Secret"


 -  The Systems Method - Bilderberg


 -  USACC - United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce



Books - Treatises


 -  Kissinger Boasts of Three Decades of Treason


 -  Kissinger - The Secret Side of The Secretary of State


 -  Leadership - Six Studies in World Strategy - by Henry Kissinger

 -  Letter to the NYU Community on Henry Kissinger


 -  Nixon, Kissinger and The New World Order - A Revisionist History

 -  State of Denial - by Bob Woodward

 -  The Age of AI - And our Human Future - by Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger

 -  The Blood Telegram - Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide - by Gary Bass

 -  The Trial of Henry Kissinger - by Christopher Hitchens

 -  Works Reviewed of Henry A. Kissinger





 -  Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination and Global Governance

 -  Henry Kissinger - China, The U.S., and a Common Challenge


 -  Henry Kissinger e Bill Gates chiedono la Vaccinazione di Massa e la Governance Globale

 -  Kissinger Message to WEF Meeting at Davos - 2022


 -  Los Juicios de Henry Kissinger


 -  The Crimes of Henry Kissinger - Christopher Hitchens


 -  The Trials of Henry Kissinger



Related Reports


 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File



 -  Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File



 -  The New World Order - Main File