by Benjamin Fulford
November 12, 2007
Rense Website
Aloha all,
I have written earlier
about Benjamin
Fulford's ultimatum to the
Rockefeller branch of the Illuminati
concerning a covert depopulation program that targeted
Asians. Fulford was allegedly recruited by Chinese
secret societies to deliver a stark ultimatum to the
Rockefeller's to abandon this depopulation policy, and
to begin a policy of positive works to atone for past
Fulford then offered to
meet with the Rockefellers at the historic Canadian
residence of G.T. Fulford (his industrialist
grandfather) to negotiate with them. G.T. Fulford was
allegedly murdered for attempting to fund
Nikola Tesla's
efforts to create a new energy system. Fulford's
professional background with Forbes Magazine led to me
to concluding that he did have the kind of underworld
connections he claimed, and that he was likely being
used as an intermediary to negotiate on a sensitive
regional policy issue.
A new article concerning Fulford's dealings with the
Rockefellers has just appeared (see below). This
concerns 'channeled' letters from his Grandfather, G.T.
Fulford, to David Rockefeller. Fulford tells Rockefeller
about the importance of thinking about "his legacy", and
then talks about a number of issues, some of which
concern disclosure of space faring technology.
According to Fulford, this
would ensure Rockefeller's legacy and he would be
remembered as the benefactor of humanity's
interplanetary future - the "Greatest of Mortals"
according to Fulford. Strangely, Fulford dares
Rockefeller to go ahead with a false flag operation
involving holographic projections, flying saucers and to
stage a final Armageddon, but one with few casualties.
Fulford claims that after
he received his 'channeled message' that he was able to
contact David Rockefeller who was secretly
visiting Japan. According to Fulford, his grandfather
advised him on how to contact Rockefeller.
All the above sounds fantastic, yet Fulford was able to
supply a photograph of him meeting with David
Rockefeller in Japan. This in itself is highly unusual
and very significant if the photo is genuine. The photo
suggests that either Rockefeller is playing some kind of
bizarre joke in meeting with Fulford, something that is
unlikely since I have never heard of him having much of
a sense of humor.
The other possibility is
that Fulford's letters genuinely spooked Rockefeller in
ways that might lead to him think about his legacy. What
this means for official disclosure of advanced space
travel technology and extraterrestrial life is not
certain. However, given David Rockefeller's powerful
influence in the cover up of extraterrestrial life,
he is in a position to make the kind of grand gesture to
ensure a positive legacy for him. All this makes
Fulford's latest letter something to ponder.
In peace
Michael Salla,
Ph.D. |
I received the following email information from Benjamin
Fulford and am publishing it with his permission.
For further information about George Taylor (G.T.)
Fulford -
- Jeff Rense
Jeff -
There is much I cannot tell. I met David Rockefeller just
before he was due to meet the Emperor. He was summoned.
Something big is happening. It seems G.T. Fulford is an
honest-to-God genuine ghost. (Ghosts have appeared to, and
worked through, relatives and descendants throughout history. -ed)
The reason I met him (Rockefeller) is that I sent a letter from
G.T. to him. I believe the matrix is about to collapse and the
world is going to get much, much better.
The fact that I was able to call him (David Rockefeller)
directly (without going through middlemen), and knew he was in
Tokyo for what was supposed to have been a secret visit, may
have spooked him a bit.
It is clear the Asian secret society has begun to move.
The dollar is still dropping. The US Air Force has suspended all
flights of F15s. Japan's politics are in turmoil. The post-war
regime is ending.
I have attached G.T.'s letters to David. My very powerful
subjective experience was that the letters were dictated to me
by G.T. Fulford.
I have never believed in ghosts. However, I have had visions
recently (without using any drugs) so powerful and so unusual,
that I am pretty sure G.T. is really a ghost. Impossible
memories are also coming back to me (like being frozen and
hungry on a boat in the St. Laurence river in my early days or
like my love for Eleanora - the lady I knew of as my great-aunt
Please also note that William Lyon Mackenzie King, who
was Prime Minister of Canada for over 20 years, wrote in
his diaries that he consulted with ghosts to decide how to run
the country. Mackenzie King's séances were often held at the
Fulford home. My Great Grandmother introduced him (King) to
spirituality. According to my Grandmother, he regularly
consulted with the ghost of G.T. Fulford. David
Rockefeller told me that Mackenzie King was his father's best
friend. These are historical facts.
I continue to check and, as far as I can tell, I still have full
Benjamin Fulford

Note - Here are three letters
purportedly dictated to Benjamin Fulford from his late Great
Grandfather G.T. Fulford to David Rockefeller.
They are published here with permission.
- Jeff Rense
Dear David,
Your picture was in the paper yesterday. I am worried about
you. You look like you have at most six months left. You
have to think about your legacy.
I knew your Grandfather J.D. He was obsessed with his own
mortality. He often said to me "it is not fair, I have
everything, why do I have to die?" He decided to either
provoke God into making an appearance or else create
God himself.
After our last meeting, when he told me of his plans, I was
horrified beyond belief. I knew there had to be a God.
I determined to stop him. He had me killed. As I lay dying,
I was so worried about the future of the human race, I
became a ghost. I have now returned to finish job of saving
the planet.
You and your people finally provoked God enough to
force It (God is gender neutral) to make an
appearance. The planet is like a giant egg that is about to
hatch. Humanity is about to expand into billions and
trillions of different species spreading throughout the
universe and into different fractal dimensions. Many will be
immortal by your standards.
One more thing, there really is a Heaven. I have been there.
You will be able to go there so long as you take good care
of your legacy.
You will be known as the Greatest of the Mortals, the
man who presided over the dawn of the age of immortals.
Sincerely yours,
G.T. Fulford
Memories Of Heaven
Dear David,
As I mentioned in my last letter, I have been to Heaven. I
suppose you may be curious as to what it is like. I will
tell you some of what I remember.
Heaven is like the ultimate virtual reality. Whatever you
imagine is real. You will also be free from the horrendous
loneliness of the mortal who is locked inside his own head.
You will be able to join with other minds or merge into the
Tao or the Godhead. The Tao is the dynamic part of the
universe. The Godhead is like an infinite ocean of mind.
Heaven exists in the Godhead. Earth is in the Tao. The Tao
generates the Godhead.
My own last memory of heaven is that I was a giant
whale-like creature swimming through a vivid green ocean
analogue. I was experiencing heavenly pleasures which, given
your current state of development, make earthly pleasure
almost seem like nothing.
Suddenly, I appeared in a human configuration in a small
blue room. The room was Spartan and not geometrically
shaped. I was told I had a job to do. I was to go to the
planet Earth in reality C-558 (sorry, I made up the C-558
part as such a human system of enumeration and cataloguing
would make no sense in an ocean of infinite realities). I
was given a temporary memory wipe and my memories are only
now returning to me.
You may remember I referred to "your definition of
immortality." What I meant was that in addition to your
concept of lineal immortality there many other types. One
example could be called point immortality. Imagine a drop of
water that merges into a river and then an ocean. The drop
as a singular entity will cease to be. However, it will
reappear in the same configuration an infinite amount of
times. Sometimes it will be identical, sometimes only
In a similar way, your soul too could merge into an ocean of
souls and vanish as a single ego only to reappear again and
again. Any choice to merge would be yours to make.
Your memory will remain intact, but in the same manner in
which you forgot what you ate for lunch exactly 3 years ago,
over the eons much will fade away from lack of use.
Weaker people, who might be tempted to commit suicide in
order to enter heaven, will simply melt like a snowflake
falling in the sea.
I was also able to confront God with some of my
doubts. Why, for example, does an 8-day old child have to
die of starvation in an African refugee camp? What happened
to all the creatures that have gone extinct over the ages?
The answer I received is that just like there is matter and
anti-matter, there is life and anti-life. They are like Ying
and Yang or the two hemispheres of a brain. Destruction and
creation are different parts of the same dynamic process. As
living creatures, we must fight to increase both and our own
specific life energy and all life energy. By doing so we
will be generating both life and anti- life, replenishing
the Yin and the Yang.
God also said the universe is fractal. So, just like
not all turtle eggs hatch and send new turtles into the sea,
so it is with planets as a whole and the creatures in them.
Much of what you can see in a pond, will be similar to what
you would see in a pond of universes. It is up to you to
make sure you succeed. God does not like to baby-sit.
Is there an end to it all? I asked. "So far it just keeps
getting infinitely better forever but, we will let you know
if we find out anything different," came the answer. There
is much I saw that I cannot describe but perhaps, at some
future date, I could illustrate.
In any case, as these memories and visions came back to me,
my entire nervous system was so flooded with energy that I
was worried it would overload. I do not believe these
visions to be the product of an over- active imagination.
Sincerely yours,
G.T. and Benjamin Fulford
Dear David,
Here is a humble suggestion. We would like to see your
Armageddon. It would be a fitting way to announce a fresh
start for the planet Earth.
Please, turn on your hologram machines, bring out your
flying saucers, fill your screens with your best computer
graphics. We want to see the greatest show the planet has
ever seen. But please, no hurting people and no vandalism.
Although perhaps it might me neat to watch you zap an
Antarctic mountain or two with your earthquake machine and
any other toys you may have stashed away. We want to have a
party such has never happened before.
After the party is over, how about hosting a Global pow-wow
to decide how to carry out an intensive, unprecedented,
three-year campaign to eliminate the 5 curses of humanity:
war, poverty, environmental destruction, ignorance and
disease. At the end of those three years, every child on
earth should have a full stomach and a full mind.
It would also be a wonderful thing if we as a species could
divert as many resources as possible to the task of ensuring
immortality for all humans on the planet. Of course we would
need to enhance our intelligence and release all the hidden
technology that could benefit the species if we are to be
able to take care of all these new immortals.
Once this accomplished, humanity will be able to reach for
the stars and beyond in ways we cannot even imagine.
Sincerely yours,
G.T. Fulford and Benjamin Fulford