
by Paul Adams, J.D.
May 2012
ActivistPost Website
Part 1
May 14, 2012

As Coolio said, we spend our lives living in a gangsta’s paradise.
What he
failed to mention is that throughout history the most sinister and dangerous
gangsters are banksters. There is no shortage of
historical quotes to prove
this point.
Gerald Celente
points out that the only time the Prince of Peace became
violent is when he cleansed the temple of the money changers.
… Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple
he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the
money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them
all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the
coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
the money changers have conquered the
world through numerous frauds including debt-based currencies issued by
their privately owned central banks, fractional reserve lending, fiat
currencies and political think-tanks such as the,
...which control all major political parties.
To free the world of debt slavery and a
totalitarian world government run by banksters, it is necessary to understand these frauds. Let us start with the
private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve, which issues and
controls the value of the world’s first reserve paper currency, the U.S.
The Private Federal
It is well enough that people of the
nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they
did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
- Henry Ford
The world financial system seems complex but it
is actually very simple: a cabal of banksters has conquered the world by
lending people and governments money that does not exist and charging
interest on it.
Creature from Jekyll Island documents the following individuals drafted
the Federal Reserve legislation in secret at Jekyll Island in 1910 (page 5
of the fourth edition):
Paul Warburg, a partner of international
investing giant Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a representative of the
Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe, brother to Max Warburg who was
head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany.
Senator Nelson Aldrich: business
associate of J.P. Morgan and father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller,
Frank Vanderlip: president of National
City Bank of New York, one of the most powerful banks at the time,
representing William Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb & Company.
Henry Davidson: senior partner of J.P.
Charles Norton: president of J.P.
Morgan’s First National Bank of New York.
Abraham Andrew, Assistant Secretary of
the U.S. Treasury.
Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan’s
Bankers Trust Company.
Bankster stooge Woodrow Wilson signed the
Federal Reserve Act into law on December 23, 1913.
On that day, the U.S. government officially
transferred its power to create money and regulate the value thereof to the
world’s wealthiest private banksters. Furthermore, the U.S. government would
now borrow money from private banks, enslaving its citizens with the
national debt, rather than creating its own money interest free.
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan publicly brags that the
private banking cartel is above the law and creates unlimited money out of
nothing to loan its insolvent borrower, the U.S. government.
David Lang, a Federal Reserve employee, admits that the Federal Reserve is a
private corporation that pays dividends to its undisclosed shareholders. The
head of security at the San Antonio Federal Reserve also admits the
institution is private.
The private Federal Reserve’s website says that the Fed:
… is considered an independent central bank
because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the
President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of
government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress,
and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple
presidential and congressional terms.
The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which
were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation's
central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations -
possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership."
For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of
stock to member banks.
However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different
from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated
for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a
condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or
pledged as security for a loan;
dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year.
Despite its pathetic propaganda encouraging us to practice doublethink, the
Federal Reserve freely admits that it is privately owned, is a monopoly
empowered by Congress, now operates above Congress and the president, and
pays its private undisclosed shareholder dividends.
So who receives dividends from owning shares of the private Federal Reserve?
Charts created by the House Banking Committee
Staff Report of August, 1976 reveal the following people and companies own
shares in the Federal Reserve:
...and many others.
Looting America
more recent study found that,
Bank of America
JP Morgan Chase
Wells Fargo
...now have the power of the Federal Reserve at their
That makes sense because after years of making bad loans with artificially
low interest rates and foreclosing on millions of American homes, the Fed
bailed out the following banks with at least $16.9 trillion according to
page 131 of the first GAO audit:
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868
billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541
billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262
billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181
billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion
...and many more including banks in Belgium of
all places
However, other economists estimate the bankster theft and financial raping
of dollar holders since 2008 is $29 trillion.
That’s right, largest banks, many of which appear to own shares in the
private Federal Reserve, bailed themselves out in excess of the U.S. 2010
GDP ($14.59 Trillion - value of all goods and services produced in the U.S.
for the year). Yes, even the fictional national debt of $15.7 trillion
dollars could have been paid-off for less than the bankster stole.
Why didn’t the Federal Reserve offer you a bailout?
Dollar Doomsday
The collapse of the dollar, a fiat currency, is guaranteed as there is
always more debt and interest owed on the debt than there is money in
It is important to understand that the real
national debt, which increases every year, is not just a measly $15.7
trillion. When you factor in unfounded liabilities like Social Security and
Medicare, the actual debt is $127 trillion - $211 trillion.
There is no question that the
dollar’s doomsday will arrive, the question is
Part 2
May 15, 2012

In part one of this research, we documented that
fact that banksters have conquered the world by obtaining a monopoly on
creating money from nothing and loaning it at interest.
The IRS and Federal
Like the Federal Reserve, the IRS was created in 1913. The purpose of the
IRS is to enslave citizens by stealing the value of their labor through
collecting income taxes.
Tax Freedom Day 2012 arrives on April 17
this year, four days later than last year due to higher federal income
and corporate tax collections. That means Americans will work 107 days
into the year, from January 1 to April 17, to earn enough money to pay
this year’s combined 29.2% federal, state, and local tax bill.
That shows, on average, that the IRS and other
tax collectors steal 3.5 months of each Americans’ labor time each year, or
one-third of earned income.
Of course, many Americans pay much higher tax
rates, with a top individual Federal tax bracket of 35%.
The private Federal Reserve is one of
largest holders of U.S. government
debt, owning approximately $1.65 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities. Much
of the collected federal income taxes go towards paying interest on the
national debt to the Fed for money that it created out of nothing and loaned
to the government at interest.
This unfortunate reality has been verified by G.
Edward Griffin, Joe Plummer, IRS whistleblower, Joe Banister, and many
Fractional Reserve
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Your local bank also profits from the banking fraud known as fractional
reserve lending.
While the bankers may wear suits and appear respectable,
they are actually looking to use your deposit to make themselves ten times
wealthier or enslave you in debt that they create out of nothing should you
be a borrower.
It works like this:
I set up a
Rothbard Bank, and invest $1,000
of cash.
Then I 'lend out' $10,000 to someone, either for consumer
spending or to invest in his business. How can I 'lend out' far more
than I have? Ahh, that's the magic of the 'fraction' in the fractional
reserve. I simply open up a checking account of $10,000 which I am happy
to lend to Mr. Jones.
Why does Jones borrow from me? Well, for one
thing, I can charge a lower rate of interest than savers would.
I don't have to save up the money myself,
but simply can counterfeit it out of thin air. Since demand deposits at
the Rothbard Bank function as equivalent to cash, the nation's money
supply has just, by magic, increased by $10,000. The inflationary,
counterfeiting process is under way.
In short, the money you borrow from a bank is
created out of nothing.
On the other hand, you must actually produce
real goods and services to earn money to pay back the bank plus interest. Of
the largest banks, which most likely own shares of the Fed as
discussed in Part 1, make the most money from this magical fraud.
When banksters create money faster than the economy grows, the purchasing
power of the dollar declines which is known as inflation. There is no
question that each year Americans work harder for less money (reduced
purchasing power) thanks to the private Fed’s
criminal inflationary
Home Mortgage Slavery
The great jurist Sir Edward Coke, who lived
from 1552 to 1634, has explained why the term mortgage comes from the
Old French words mort, 'dead,' and gage, 'pledge.' It seemed to him that
it had to do with the doubtfulness of whether or not the mortgagor will
pay the debt.
A thirty-year-debt-slave is someone that has a
home mortgage (excluding cash-flowing investment property).
First, the debtor is borrowing money
that was created out of nothing through fractional reserve lending.
Second, after years of making payments,
the debtor may become injured or unemployed. The bank will then
foreclose and sell the house. The bank will keep the proceeds of the
sale and all the principal and interest that the debtor paid prior
to going into default.
Given the fact that home prices are back to 2001 levels thanks to
the credit bubble created by the private Federal Reserve and large
banks, many people have little or negative home equity.
Third, the cost of the house is almost
double the sale price when thirty years of interest payments are
For example, if a debtor buys a $250,000 house and puts down 20
percent ($50,000), the debtor will borrow $200,000 from the
banksters. The interest on a $200,000 loan at 5% over thirty years
is $189,511.57 (which is interest paid on a loan created out of
Therefore, the total cost of the
$250,000 home is actually $439,511.57 (not including property taxes
and insurance). Go ahead,
run the numbers yourself.
One must determine if it is better to be a
mortgage debt slave or a rent debt slave.
Starving/Robbing Billions of People Worldwide
Almost half the world, three billion people, live on less than $2.50 per day
and 80 percent of humanity lives on less than $10 per day.
According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each
day due to poverty. That is, people are dying because a bank did not create
enough digits on a computer screen (money) for them to buy food. This is no
accident; it is the banksters’ move to
depopulate the planet.
John Perkins wrote
Confessions of An Economic Hit Man. During the 1970s he
worked as an economic planner for an international consulting firm. In his
book he describes how the globalists force the economic hegemony of the banksters, the IMF and World Bank on victim nations in the Third World.
Perkins’ job was to negotiate huge loans to third-world nations, loans that
the banksters created out of nothing and which they knew the borrower nation
could not repay. Once the borrower defaulted, the banksters would move in to
steal the nation’s natural resources and gain control of its political
system and economy.
Several third-world leaders had integrity and refused to enslave their
nations to the money changers.
They also refused the cash, luxury, cocaine
and hookers Perkins offered them on behalf of the banksters Perkins says
that leaders who would not play ball would eventually be overthrown in a CIA
sponsored coup or assassinated.
In the United States, the current economic depression caused by the Federal
Reserve has resulted in
44 million once independent Americans relying on the
government for food assistance. Many food assistance recipients hold college
and post-graduate degrees.
Additionally, up to 1 million U.S. families are
too broke to go bankrupt,
that is they don’t have the money to cover legal fees.
Funding Wars
The banksters also support wars (often arming and funding both sides) by
creating money out of nothing.
Since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003, the New York Federal Reserve
shipped tens of billions of dollars to the government and central bank of
Iraq, allegedly for reconstruction.
Between 2003 and 2008, over $40 billion in cash
was secretly shipped in trucks from the New York Federal Reserve compound in
East Rutherford, New Jersey to Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington,
where they were then flown by military aircraft to Baghdad International
Airport. In just the first two years, the shipments of dollar bills weighed
a total of 363 tons.
But much of that money was
stolen, misappropriated, and simply lost. Despite
Congressional hearings and reports, nobody is saying exactly what happened
to the bulk of the money.
Most likely, the stolen fiat dollars, secretly
printed out of thin air to fund
the US government’s illegal war and
senseless slaughter of Iraqis, went towards intricate contracting schemes
and corrupt Iraqi and American officials.
Global Government Run
by Banks
The endgame for the banksters is,
“nothing less than to create a
world system
of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
Once the system is perfected the human
population will be culled.
The first president (appointed) of the European Union, Belgian Prime
Minister Herman Van Rompuy
stated that 2009 was the first year of global
governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial
Therefore, the banksters already have their
planetary regime established and the lives of 90% of the population are
Clearly banksters are the ultimate sewers of iniquity, reaping where they
have not sewn.
To defeat them and their plans to cull the
population, the private Federal Reserve must be abolished when its 100-year
charter expires in 2013. Fractional reserve lending must also be abolished.
We must educate others as to the issues in this article and
the nature of
the real government. No one would invest in Enron or trust MF Global today
because their crimes are pubic knowledge. Likewise, the banksters will not
be able to continue their crimes when they become common knowledge.
Boycotting the largest banks is a necessity as is refusing to own shares of
their stock.
Icke’s excellent lecture on the corrupt money and banking system is
worth sharing with others.