February 13, 2009
VigilantCitizen Website

The destruction of New York city (including the
Towers) sculpted right on the building… Strange occult symbols on
the floor… Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary… Home of the
Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a
new world religion…
This cathedral is definitively “different”, as
some people might say. But the “difference” lies in the fact that the
cathedral is in fact a temple of
I personally couldn’t care less about each
individual’s beliefs, but to trick unsuspecting church goers into an occult
house of worship is nothing less than Evil.
“The pagan intellectuals re-clothed their
original ideas in a garment of christian phraseology but bestowed the
keys of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound to
- Manly P. Hall
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Background and History
of the Cathedral
This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world’s largest
cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your
sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent
figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York.
The completion of the cathedral was such a
prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front
page of “Masonic World” of March 1925.

The article states:
“It is particularly fitting that the Masons,
who were the principal builders of cathedrals and churches during the
greatest cathedral-building period, should now have a prominent part in
the movement to build America’s greatest cathedral (…) Little need be
added to the story of Freemasonry during the cathedral-building period;
its monuments are its best history, alike of its genius, its faith and
its symbols.”
The article openly admits that Masonic
cathedrals represent the best legacy of the Brotherhood and the symbolism is
prominently showcased. The masses are however too ignorant to recognize the
meanings behind the art, so they just stare at them, thinking “it’s pretty

Illuminati Pyramid and
All-Seeing Eye on the Cathedral
Freemasonry and the Occult
As you might know, Masonry has been,
through the ages, the keeper of the “ancient mysteries”, which are occult
and esoteric teachings only communicated to the initiates. I will not
explain here the mystery religion as it takes several years of studies to
get some understanding. I can however say that the occultists draw their
teachings from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Kaballah and Gnostic cultures,
who predate by many centuries the christian era.
Secret societies have been forced to hide
the true nature of their philosophies in a veil of christianity to avoid
persecution by
the Church. Freemasons and their fellow
organisms, the Rosicrucian Order and the Knights Templar have all been
accused of devil worship and idolatry in Europe.
While many low-level Freemasons may be practicing christians, those looking
to reach higher degrees within the Brotherhood are required to study the
tenants and the philosophies of the Mystery Religion. Freemasons do
not necessarily seek for the world to embrace their brand of spirituality,
as it is strictly reserved to the initiates.
However, people in high places, who often happen
to be Masons are seeking to steer the population towards a “dumbed-down”
version of their paganism, as you will read later.
The Symbols
The impressive exterior of the cathedral provokes a humbling sensation at
whom gazes at it. But what are you humbling yourself to?
We’ll examine the details of the artwork.
1- The Apocalyptic Pillar
On the western facade of the
building, stonemasons have sculpted numerous scenes that seem oddly out
of place for a Cathedral.
The most striking one is the chilling
depiction of the destruction of New York city and its landmarks.

Twin towers
The scene above was done in 1997, four years
before the
destruction of the Twin Towers. Other
recognizable skyscrapers are the Chrysler Building and the Citigroup

Apocalyptic New
The scene above might be unsettling for New
York residents.
We see the Brooklyn bridge crumbling with
cars and buses falling into agitated waters. At the right is the Statue
of Liberty, which seems to be sinking in the water.
Beneath this horrifying prophecy is the
New York Stock Exchange, with people trading goods around it.

So, what is the purpose of this weird
Well, the first thing that needs to be
mentioned is the actual St. John the Divine is credited for
writing the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which describes in
symbolic imagery the events of the apocalypse. Occultists believe that
the Book of Revelation has been hermetically coded to reveal its
true meaning to the initiates of esoteric teachings.
This scene, carved on the west entrance of
the cathedral, depicts New York as being ”Babylon the Great”, the city
who gets completely destroyed by the wrath of God.
The Book of Revelation mentions:
“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
For all the nations have drunk
the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive
-Book of Revelation 18
The artists might be on to something because
there is indeed numerous similarities between the actual New York city
and the description of Babylon the Great in the Bible.
The Book of Revelation mentions:
A “Great Prostitute” who sits on
many waters – peoples, multitudes, nations and languages –
holding a golden cup. She rules over the kings of the Earth =
The Statue of Liberty
Merchants of the Earth who grew rich
of her “excessive luxuries”, weeping because nobody buys their
goods anymore = New York Stock Exchange
“The merchants who sold these things and
gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her
torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out:
” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city,
dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet,
and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!
In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’
- Book of Revelation, 18
Knowing that, still today, over 70% of the
world’s capital goes through the NYSE, we understand why the building
was depicted on the apocalyptic pillar. It represents the “financial”
aspect of the Book of Revelation, where it repeatedly refers to rich
merchants and trading goods.
So, a landmark of NYC, the St. John the Divine Cathedral,
predicts in vivid detail the destruction of its home city. Pretty
unusual. Under the rendering of the NYSE, we see a skeleton and strange
creatures, who seem to represent death and destruction.
Is this some sort of prophecy?
2- 'Pagan' Sculpture

Side of the tired

Pretty disgusting

This sculpture, which basically symbolizes
the struggle between Good and Evil, features numerous elements we can
find in paganism: Sun worship, mythical creatures and sun versus moon
Called “Fountain of Peace”, the sculpture
borrows the fantastic, bizarre and distorted art style of the grotesque.
All sorts of animal creatures are emerging from a smiling sun, which
represents the basic paradigm of
Sun Worship (the Sun as giver of
The idol points to the east, an ancient
pagan tradition. There is also weird stuff on the sculpture like a DNA
symbol (a DNA symbol also appears at the entrance of the Cathedral). We
all know how genetic modification is as Christian as it gets.
We can also find a quote of John Lennon
saying “…one day the world will live as one”.
Think this is spooky?
Read on.
Strange Rituals
A) Procession of the Ghouls
Every year, at Halloween, St. John
the Divine is the host of a strange event called “The Grand
Procession of the Ghouls”.
It is basically a parade taking place right
inside the sanctuary of the Cathedral where people dressed in costumes
of demons, ghouls, monsters and other creepy things, walk around to
macabre organ music. This thing resembles the strange rituals held
behind closed doors by occult groups.
Outside of the great number of costumes
representing demons and Satan (already extremely bizarre
for a Cathedral), some costumes seem to make a mockery out of

Does this look
like Jesus crucified to you?
Other pictures:

A priest-monster
with a evil looking crucifix floating behind him

The "bishop"
standing in the pulpit while the ghouls parade
Don’t satanic rituals make fun of christian
rituals by distorting them? Well that’s as distorted as it can get.
Processions are a pagan tradition like the
“Procession of the Prechten” in Germany, which is very similar to the
one at St. John the Divine in many ways.

Procession of the
Perchten in Germany
A video shot by a tourist of the event:
B) The Blessing of the Animals
Another bizarre ritual is the Blessing of the Animals that takes place
in September of every year. You have a bunch of animals INSIDE and
outside the sanctuary of the Cathedral “worshiping God” (in their
words). Since when do animals read the Bible and such? They never did.
An article published in 1996 by the
California Forestry Association describes the scene:
“…goats, horses and other animals are
led to the alter to receive blessings. Camels and elephants walk the
aisles as worshipers march to the alter with bowls of compost and
This is another pagan ritual, taking place
inside a church. Notice the white robes everybody is wearing.

Hope this horse
won't poop while getting its blessing

This cow is all
worshiped out
Did you notice those white robes? Look at those pictures of other pagan


Pagan ritual in Greece
Notice a similarity? Yes, white robes!
Some christian's ritual
white robes
Anyways, this is a video captured during the
actual mass. There are UNCANNY resemblances with pagan rituals...
So we’ve blessed, horses, monkeys and aunt Sylvia’s poodle dressed like
a ballerina. What is there left to bless? Why not people’s bicycles
while we’re at it?
Oh crap, shouldn’t have said that.
C) The Blessing of Bicycles
I won’t even talk about this, its is too stupid.

The environment is
our religion and we don't know it yet
D) Paul Winter’s Winter Solstice

Can't worship the
Sun more than that
This famous New Age musician celebrates the
Winter solstice, one of the most ancient pagan rituals. He says on his
website about the consort:
In ancient times, observers watched the sun sink lower in the sky each
day, and feared it would disappear completely and leave them in
People practiced special rituals intended to entice the sun’s return.
Bonfires and candles, with their imitative magic, helped fortify the
waning sun and ward off the spirits of darkness. These symbols live on
in our modern seasonal customs: the candles of Hanukkah and Christmas
are kin to the fiery rites of old, which celebrated the miracle of the
earth’s renewal.
So, yes he is Pagan, he’s proud of it and he
performs inside a cathedral. Here’s a video of his rendering of “Silent
Tell me who/what is being worshipped?
The Temple of
St. John the Divine is the headquarters of the
Temple of Understanding, an
interfaith effort to steer away people from traditional religions to a
hybrid kind of spirituality based on
New Age philosophies, Neo-Paganism and
a mix of organized religions’ traditions.
The “friends” who have assisted the founder
Juliet Hollister include:
Jean Houston, a New Age guru and
supporter of the Temple of Understanding wrote in her book “Trojan Horse”:
“The Temple’s purpose is to facilitate the
one world religion, through the promoting both the acceptance and the
embrace of all religions, beliefs and rituals. The Temple of
Understanding’s Meditation Room was to be known as the “Hall of
Illumination”‘ where the Illuminati, Masters of Wisdom, Our Leaders of
the Temple of Understanding will train the public in the new humanistic
cult…to create a new type of mystic”
The Temple has received full
United Nations accreditation
and has been a key actor in the “spiritual” department of the UN.
Twelve individuals listed as Directors or
Advisors of the Temple of Understanding are also members of the UN’s
Global Forum councils. Those Forums have received numerous
speakers who’ve openly supported a neo-pagan world religion based on Earth
James Lovelock, one of the speakers
mentioned that “Gaia” (an ancient term describing the Earth as a Goddess)
was the giver of life and had the capacity to heal herself. He describes
humans as being cancers to Gaia, an “illness too overwhelming for her to
heal herself”. In other words, humans are parasites to the goddess Gaia.
Al Gore has been a guest several times at the Cathedral of St.John the
Divine where he said “God is not separate from the Earth“. Well,
in christianity, judaism and islam, God IS in fact separate from the Earth
(in the Heavens).
If you decipher Gore’s phrase:
God = Earth = Earth is God
Gore has been repeatedly applauded by Pagan
groups for his books and lectures. The Church of All Worlds congratulated
the Clinton/Gore victory in 1996 by writing:
“We are Neo-Pagans - implying an eclectic
reconstruction of ancient Nature religions, and combining archetypes of
many cultures with other mystic and spiritual disciplines - and our
beliefs and values are no different from those you describe as your own.
Your book, Earth in Balance, is
heralded by our People as a manifesto for all we hold dear… Know that
there are half million Neo-Pagans out here who support you, and who
voted for you, and who will rally to the aid of your policies for the
salvation of the Earth and the reunification of the Great Family”.
Another member of the board of directors of the
Temple of Understanding is Thomas Berry. He believes that the
world is being called to a new, “post-denominational”, even a post-christian
belief system that sees the earth as a living being - with mankind as her
If you read about the
Georgia Guidestones or the
Denver International Airport, you’re already aware of unusual
monuments and art placed by powerful yet secretive groups calling for a new
type of global spirituality.
Key words or expressions are often used to make
this religious shift socially acceptable:
“Peace” , “balance with nature” or ”harmony
with the infinite”.
How can you be against peace? You can’t.
Those buzz words hide however the means that
will be used to obtain those objectives:
“Peace” will only happen when all there
will be a single world government
“Balance with nature” will only happen
when the world population will drastically decrease
“Harmony with the infinite” will only
happen when the world will give up traditional religions to embrace
neo-pagan humanism
The St. John the Divine Cathedral acts as a
nervous center for the spiritual side of the global shift.
Through numerous forums and UN summits, the
Temple of Understanding reunites leaders from all major religions to devise
a universal message. This message will later be communicated to the masses
through local religious networks.
In a slow yet steady manner, all religious
faiths are leaning towards the same sets of values and will eventually
converge into humanism.

Interfaith meeting at
the Temple of Understanding
An example of this is Madeleine L’Engle’s
courses given inside the Cathedral (she also is one of the founders of the
Her teachings include
experiences, astral projection, Tarot methods of fortune telling, earth
psychic abilities, yoga, Tantric Yoga and astrology. Those types of
courses are being promoted in various religious temples across the world.
But the main value that needs to be globally accepted is environmentalism.
By creating a sense of urgency and fear
regarding the degradation of Nature, it is easy to pass laws that would be
otherwise unpopular, to raise taxes for the sake of environment and to shift
the masses’ focus from their respective religions’ laws to the worship of
the Earth.