by Elena Danaan
October 13, 2021
Extracted from
Contacts with Galactic Federation of Worlds
Interstellar Contacts

I am very glad tonight to bring you good news.
Many of you have
already watched
Michael Salla latest update with information I gave
him and which was also confirmed by two other persons.
So if you
want to know about more details on the return of the Seeders, please
visit Michael Salla's website
exopolitics.org. Also check out his exopolitics
YouTube channel with the latest video with other people
confirming what I'm going to tell you about.
I know you all want to hear about this.
So I'm going to do the book
review after, because you won't listen.
This is my experience of getting these updates, this is about how I
receive them and what I experienced as emotions and everything and
all the little details, and you can ask me questions.
A few days ago I received a message from
Thor Han. Well in fact even
a bit before a few days ago I would say it was about three weeks
Three weeks ago I sensed the contact of some different beings
approaching us, approaching this star system. And it was a very
strong presence and there were many groups. I sensed three different
So I asked Thor Han what it was about.
So there are actually three groups that have been contacted, well
two - I'll tell you about that.
One that has been contacted two years ago (2019) by the galactic
federation. These one are on their way but they will not finally
have to intervene, but they come here, they're standing outside of
the star system in case if their help is needed
This group is the Negumak.
The Negumak come from a distant part of this galaxy. They
are the arch enemies of the Ciakahrr, the draco reptilians. They are
quite independent, they are not part of the federation. They're
quite independent and they're very powerful.
These ones will finally
not intervene. It was planned that they would come and give
enforcement and they finally will not.
So to have an idea of the Negumak, Gnomopo - in my first book "A
gift from the stars" I described them. They look like the aliens in
"independence day". I am very glad and I know it is a shared feeling
with many people in the federation, that they will finally not have
to intervene.
So these are the Negumak.
They come from constellation
Scorpios from Antares system. So we forget about these ones. They're
not far from this star system but they will not intervene.
The second group is also independent and they are the good part of
the Anunnaki, the part of the faction of the Anunnaki, who always
try to save humanity. They are led by a being that is named Enki.
They are all so far, they will not intervene but just keep an eye,
because it's a big show now.
But what it is about, these are not the Seeders.
Who are the Seeders
who came before the Anunnaki?
The Seeders are some people from the
intergalactic confederation or super federation or super
About names of institutions: you need to keep in mind that we are
here translating in English or other languages from earth, alien
languages which for the most part are way more evolved as languages
than just only tongue language.
Many of these races and as we reach
out higher levels of density, for sixth density language change. It
becomes telepathic.
You still may speak it and but it is a
multi-dimensional language.
What is a multi-dimensional language?
A multi-dimensional language
is a way of expression that involves not only sound. Sound or
optional regarding to the cultures the species, but the main data
transfer is by holographic thoughts and ideas.
What is a holographic
It's a projection of a thought that is going to manifest.
It's like telepathy, but you receive a hologram in your head. I've
received some messages, I've been communicating with some beings
like this and it's very interesting.
It's like telepathy but
upgraded. So these languages cannot be translated word for word,
because that contains so much more.
So when we say, we must not
fight over terms like "super federation" "confederation" - it's it's
okay however we call them, it's an intergalactic bigger federation.
So Thor Han calls it intergalactic confederation but you can call it
"super federation" - it's exactly the same.
Who are they?
A huge fleet of these beings of different species
different cultures belonging none of them to this galaxy but from
intergalactic culture. Among them are cultures who have seeded
humanity, human species in this galaxy.
They do not create life,
they play with genetics and they create new races and they populate
worlds. That's what certain of them do.
Among them you have the Patal, you have the Egon and others, some races of mantis as well (Yakara)
are part of this confederation.
They arrived, they were not asked, although there has been a
communication recently between the galactic federation of worlds of
Nataru (this galaxy) and the inter-galactic confederation because
victory is here at our doors.
These beings from the intergalactic
confederation come to witness and to be here to see what's the next
step, to have an eye on what they created, and see how it goes and
be there as our forefathers and foremothers.
So they arrived a week ago in the star system and they want to be
stationed around Jupiter zone. Jupiter zone is very vast. There's
loads of moons there and it's a great place for the galactic
They have a lot of infrastructures there...
Now you start to know about the
Jupiter Ashtar facility, which is
not the only structure in Jupiter zone and on Jupiter.
It is not
easy to build a stable structure in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter
(always in the upper atmosphere because as you go down into the
layers of atmosphere it becomes denser and denser and the gravity is
very strong. So it's better to stay in the upper layers.)
But it's extremely
stormy, but it's not only about weather, it's magnetic storms, so
it disrupts a lot of instruments. A lot of energy fields, a lot of
electromagnetic shields. So it's difficult, it's not really
convenient to build facilities on Jupiter.
Command could
do it because they have extremely fine technology to build these
things. I remind you that the Ashtar command it's mainly populated
and made by cultures from the
Sirius b system.
Sirius b system is
known among other things for the ability to build and there's a lot
of innovative building techniques that were born and created in the
Sirius b system and used all throughout the galaxy and especially in
the federation.
So the Ashtar galactic command knows how to build
strong stuff.
That's why they have this huge facility in the upper
layer of Jupiter atmosphere where the Jupiter agreements have
occurred in July 2021.
So in the Jupiter Ashtar command facility are welcomed these people
from the inter-galactic confederation, because it's a very
convenient place to have all the personal, just relaxing and go
there and do what they want to do, because it's very big.
But these
beings there's a lot who don't really leave their ships. It's huge motherships. The officers and the high representatives will rather
go on Ganymede.
So on Ganymede that's where now the attention is
drawn. (Remember it was the moon, then it was marsm and it was
Now it's
What's going on?
The high representatives of the inter-galactic
confederation are arriving on Ganymede meeting representatives of
the galactic federation of world there (there are many facilities
there) in a facility of the council of five.
I know the Andromedans
have their facilities there, the galactic federation has their
facilities there and it's very crowded at Ganymede, because the
conditions there are very prone to build structures. The conditions
of pressure, gravity, there is a thin layer of atmosphere, there's
Ganymede is very handy planet to to build stuff and live
These representatives will meet also representatives from earth,
from the earth alliance, secret space programs. I don't like to say
"secret space programs" now anymore because it's a bit vintage name
now because these programs are not in the frame of being secret
The US Navy, the US Air force and other military
organizations in other countries have signed their Artemis accords
and these accords where preparing the Jupiter agreements,
determining safety zones in the star system and the right and
balanced use of the Moon, presence on Mars and other planet weeds
and planets of this star system.
"Space force", earth space force
and at its head "the space command"...
So the space command was is
also present on Ganymede to meet these people with ambassadors from
This is something big, it's huge, because if they are here it means
two things:
First thing that
whatever happened, if this war was to turn belly up near to
the even near to the victory, these people from the
inter-galactic federation confederation, they're so
powerful, that they would saw that straight away.
And secondly it
means also that we are we have reached destination regarding
to victory, it's nearly there. And we are here at the
threshold and they are here to witness this.
Q: Why haven't
they intervened yet?
Well they have many times work with the federation but in the
You need to see their perspective. They are
intergalactic. You know how many galaxies there are in this
universe and this universe only because it's
a multiverse? A
And in each galaxy how many planets inhabit a planet?
A lot
so they overview everything that the balance of everything. They
overview the balance of everything. And their aim, their purpose
why they are together: to protect life, serve and preserve life.
Serve and preserve life. That's what they do. So here they are.
Thor Han told me about this a few days ago. I have had an
exchange with
Michael Salla and he told me that he had other
sources confirming this, but he didn't tell me that much. We
always do like this. We don't cross sources when I exchange my
intel or make Megan in turn her intel.
Michael doesn't tell us
who the other sources are, and I think it's so professional. So
I had the pleasure and the good surprise to watching his video
today, see that people from space force and US military
confirmed this, that there were convoys going to Ganymede
because there were positive visitors from very far coming into
the star system and it was a big event.
And also
Alex Collier my
good friend confirmed many things that you will see this
explaining if you watch Michael Sala's video and read his
article on his website, which is more developed.
The second night Thor Han told me about news, other news that he
was going to show me and by telepathy. He was on board ship, he
went there and he showed me these magnificent motherships of the
intergalactic confederation.
I made a drawing that you can see
in Michael's video.
These are the motherships.
How they look like? There is scout
ships, they're like cigars, they're they're little. You can't
find these saucers but more cigars. You see
the 'Oumuamua
asteroid that really looks like them.
There are plenty of races, but two races have been shown was
mainly tall whites people, translucent, very translucent.
Translucent because they are in six density, they are very
higher, much higher.
And also these ones. I do not know this race, I don't know who
they are, but uh they looked very wise and ancient. They are not
from Nataru.
They are at the moment visiting the facilities on Ganymede and
meeting the earth representatives. I think they are about to
arrive there. They probably be carried by a Solar warden fleet
or Blue origin ships, we don't know. I don't know, I haven't
been there to all this.
Now you want to know about the
Council of Nine.
There are many
different councils everywhere in this galaxy alone. In this
galaxy alone we have a two known:
These two councils interact with humans of
earth, and they work side by side and in hand with the galactic
federation of worlds.
The council of five, formerly "council of
nine" can be still called the council of nine because when at
the time they were nine they still had time travel technology.
And you can also call the council of nine the "Orion council of
light" if you want, because it's the same thing.
They were
created in the Orion zone. So we have two council of nine here.
There's a third one now, the one that is at the management of
the intergalactic confederation. They are called "the nine" or
"the nine elders" or "the nine gods" or "the nine prophets".
Prophets of what? Of source...
They are pure consciousness, not merge with source yet. They are
the last level before source. There is no density. You can
identify them in because regarding to all the different parallel
universes, each dimension (a dimension is a parallel universe)
each dimension has its own scale of densities.
So you can have a
dimension with for instance six densities and the seventh is
source. Ours has 12 densities and the 13th is source.
So let's
say these "nine" beings in our dimension they are 12 density, in
another universe there are always the density just before
source. Because at that stage you still have an individuality.
You may not be incarnated in a stable atomic structure like a
body, but you still have your individuality.
They are interdimensional. They can... they are existing in all
universes - in all universes because where they live it's not in
the universe.
It's a created place? No I wouldn't say that.
They are not in a dimension, they are not in a density, they are
multi-dimensional multi-density. It is a very good challenge for
the mind as we are incarnated in these restraining bodies, to
encompass this aspect. They are out of the time, they're out of
dimensions, out of space-time continuum.
They are at point zero.
It's the "nine" ones.
They can fractal themselves be at as many places as they want,
everywhere at the same time. They can incarnate in any shape,
but you will see it, because for instance if here they incarnate
into a dog, you see the dog like flying and glowing and
incarnate into something you know it's not normal dog or normal
human, things like this.
People have chosen, ambassadors have channeled them like Gene
Rodenberry the creator of star trek, and they have given him a
lot information that has been scattered all along all the
series, not all in one. And in "deep space nine" (for the trekkies now) you have the gods in the vortex - that's them!
I advise to see "deep space nine". I love this series, I
think it's amazing, because you have the spiritual dimension in
In my book "We will never let you down" I speak about the
Jupiter facility, I speak about Ganymede. This is a Ginvo
Ganymede facility...
When I connected
Thor Han until particularly the second day that
he showed me his ship. In fact he was in a whole Ohorai ship.
Why was he in a Ohorai Ship, not in Ahel federation scout ship
as or his command ship.
Why did he go in Ohoria ship?
the Ohorai are sixth density and these beings as well, so then
it could be at a level and now they are wearing suits and belts
that lowers down their density, that's how they are going to
meet the earth representatives on Ganymede.
They're lowering
down their densities.
They can play that as you reach higher
levels of densities you reach out to higher powers, so you can
materialize densify in lower densities if you want.
So that's
What is the Ohorai?
They are the Arcturians - we call them
Arcturian, but Arcturus is a name from earth from the Greek
mythology. They name themselves the Ohorai.
So these ships are spherical. It's beautiful inside. It's very
bright, it's very glowing. You can pass through walls, there's
no doors, it's very interesting. And we went (well, he went, I
was just connected, I wasn't there) he went under the belly of a
mothership and he passed us under it.
Wow, it was amazing!
there was an opening (I'll do drawings) it's like mud and the
sphere enter into the opening. It was amazing! There was a
tunnel and then a kind of big landing bay, but it's not the
landing base like you see in sci-fi movies like square and like
a whole.
No, no, it was very organic with curves and strand
structure and very organic like if you are entering in a crystal
cluster. But it's not crystals, it's shapes, translucent.
Oh my!
And it's huge and it's so big, it's like entering into matrix of
something very feminine. And the sphere was just there on the
side and just who landed and there were beings coming.
Thor Han got out and other Ohorai people with him and these
beings with long white hair came and they they are dressed with
floating silky type. It's not silk but robes, very beautiful,
very gracious.
The language that I heard because I was connected
to Thor Han's head, was a telepathic language.
No word spoken
but frequencies. I could hear - you know how the dolphins and
the whales speak? That was coming from their head, not their
mouth. They were not talking, mouth closed but from their mind
into Thor Han's mind, I could hear language.
That was exactly
similar to dolphins.
And there were images. I couldn't really see them, feel the
images see, I start to be used to this language because although
I was connected by telepathy to Thor Han there were some
holographic concept, that I couldn't see, because it was in
another part of his head. In my book I tell you about the
different types of telepathy.
I was connected by the implant. So
it was a telepathy, very strong and basic level. The level these
beings were communicating with him was higher level telepathy.
explained this, the different telepathic level of communication.
It was very peaceful. I felt Thor Han changing frequency and
becoming very peaceful, appeased by these beings. He is always
peaceful, but you know and there were sense of family of home.
And he came back to the ship and they left. And this was for me
to witness a magnificent experience.
Of course I'm writing all this and you'll get it one day, but I
am so excited to share this with you. Such a privilege! And I
really wish you were all connected with me at that moment, or
that that there's a device that could broadcast here on this
youtube what I saw.
But fortunately when I came in this existence I picked the tool,
good at drawing. So you'll get that.
Q: What
will be first ET race for contact?
I don't know.
They may be there, the
confederation, they may be among those who will make contact.
You had to decide first if we are ready for contact or if it
needs to wait again a little bit, and how are we going to do
Contact with these humans, civilian contact, because the
army and governments already are in contact with them since like
1940s, but we're talking now about civilian contact.
So they're
here to decide when and how to do that, because they're going to
do that.
There's a friend of mine, his name is Pablo, he lives in Mexico.
Pablo sent me drawings, amazing ships from the federation
that we could totally identify.
One was a Corendi
ship and the other ones I don't remember. And I asked Thor Han
"so these ships?"
"Oh yes, yes,
they are federation ships."
And I say Pablo asked
what does it mean, why has he seen these ships in his area?
And he said,
"Oh, it's because
contact is near."
Near events, soon.
So how about that?
And a few days later got this intel that the Seeders were back...
Q: Are
these beings able to telepathically contact with starseeds and
do they assist?
Yes, yes, yes, absolutely! They are.
Next Wednesday I will do a
special q&a about contacting your star family and your guides
and how does it work, because I always say "be careful, don't
try to channel other beings than your guides" but then: how to
contact your guides?
There are videos on workshops on my website
which are very elaborate, but I do a special q&a for how to
contact your star family.
So these beings contact people. If they are already the beings
from the entire galactic confederation how does Thor Han call
it? "Ora to ..." something I don't remember.
They call them "do"
= the guardians, the watchers, guardians.
Watchers like "the
guardians" - those who look after, who watch over.
If one of these beings choose to communicate with a star seed on
earth, that means this star seed was already connected to one of
these beings or either is coming from this intergalactic
confederation, otherwise they don't bother.
So if some of you have had contacts with beings from this
intergalactic confederation, the more commons are the Patal (Paa
Tal) or
the Egoni, it's because you already have a link with them.
course there's always a danger to be hacked and the enemy
pretending to be them. That happens a lot at the moment. I've
done many videos on that.
Talk about that next time.
If they
contact people, it's because the these people are star seeds
from this intergalactic confederation.
Q: I hear a
lot about the roles of the masculine. What role do a feminine
have on their planet or on the ship?
I don't know, because I don't know these races.
The humanoid
ones with the long white hair, I could identify male and
So the ones with long neck no hair and more still human but
different - I don't know, I couldn't distinguish the genders.
Some races just
reproduce by themselves, I refer you to the Q&A I did about the
alien sex. You need to keep in mind that after you reach a
certain level of awareness you become in balance with masculine
and feminine aspect.
Not all races are binary like ours.
Some races four, six
genders. We've seen that previously. All this while balancing
the role energetic and consciousness role that everyone has to
So it's rather well balanced and there is no task in a
society attribute to females or males. It's all sharing a task,
as all able beings.
So I suppose these
beings are the same, because they're super advanced.
Q: What was
the color of the ships in the convoy?
Creamy white with golden yellowish patterns like rails
underneath and circles.
And they were like two saucers, a little
bit of point on the top. And in the middle there was like
habitat like a ring, it was like glass windows but it looked
And you could really see that there are all the quarters
behind, all the lights and all the life behind it.
Q: Someone
saw a vessel that has was dodecahedron.
That's from Orion, that's the Egaroth from either Al-nilam or
either Meissa like Annax.
Q: How do
they breeze on the ships and other planets? Do they have to have
oxygen or do you wear something for oxygen while there?
It depends on the technology. In the federation they put every
technology in common.
So you cannot breathe in other atmospheres
that are not exactly yours, because you start to have problems
or there are things to palliate to this. You have environmental
suits, which are suits that create an energy field around you,
an electromagnetic field and this modifies the atmosphere as
well so you can breathe.
It's like a filter and it transforms
the molecule and creates the gases you need to breathe.
So other than the suit it can be also a belt. These frequency
belts that's what they do. Otherwise an implant, a medical
implant in your body somewhere can do the trick as well, modify
you then your biology.
You enter the data of what you need, but
that's the technology that's super super advanced, more than the
suits, because then you modify your like genetics, like imagine
a body that needs oxygen and carbon to you know to breathe
suddenly we did breathe on an atmospheric methane.
They do that,
they can't transform but I think it that's for just certain
races, that are able to do that. Humans don't do that, I've
always seen human with these suits and these belts.
Then when you have conditions that are really harsher like no
atmosphere or things like that then you have a different
environmental suit with a helmet, and they are thicker.
when you have problems with temperature like that the body's,
the skin tight environmental smart suit doesn't work anymore,
it's too much.
So then they have another one on the top of it,
which looks like smooth plastic, transparent and that's just the
Q: Do ETs
have alphabets and handwriting or books like us?
Again depending on the cultures of course.
Yes some races have
writings. I haven't seen - I can just tell you of my experience
what I've seen - some race I haven't seen like written letter by
letter and sound by sound.
What I've the few written alphabets
I've seen, it's like Japanese or Chinese or ideograms and it
conveys a hologram, it's holographic writing hologram or a
concept an idea, it's very rich with data.
For instance a book
can be just a hologram just a symbol. Imagine! It's quite
Then I've seen that's
the only written language that I've seen this with symbols.
Q: Do you
have any information about the dark fleet movie mentation on
Enceladus is a moon of Saturn which has frozen oceans and an
No there's no dark fleet, the dark fleet is not on Enceladus, it's gone. The dark fleet has been defeated.
There was a facility on Saturn I am not told about what is
happening on Saturn at the moment, but there's a lot of things
happening on Saturn at the moment.
I think it's sorted the
Saturn was a place for the dark fleet exactly and on Enceladus
you have now facility from the galactic federation.
So I think
the Andromedans are here now also.
But I think the Dark fleet
never was on Enceladus.
Updates on earth
On earth maybe is less five percent of clearing in the undergrounds
and it's going very well. So a bit of patience and that's all I can
That the dark alliance losing is trying to anchor in the psyche of
people a negative timeline with doom and gloom and lust of hope,
because hope is the thing that fuels victory. We know hope, we're
Hope is what keeps us going as a species. Hope is the resilience of
life, hope is the movement of the universe. The resilience to always
believe that we're going to make it.
That is why species are still
alive. That is why as individuals we go through horrendous
challenges sometimes. If we haven't had hope at a certain moment, we
wouldn't have gone through it.
Believing we will make it is what
keeps us going, keeps the strength and the fire in the chest. Hope
is the fuel for victory. So never, never lose it!
Even when you are told "Oh, you have lost", keep hope... you never
If you don't fight, how
will you win?
Q: Can you tell us
about the black holes?
Black holes are most of the time a star collapsing on itself
that has reached the end of life, the gravity becomes so much
that it implodes.
When a star reaches the end of life it not
always does a black hole, but when it does a black hole it's
because it explodes and then it contracts like this.
And when it
contracts it contracts beyond the singularity the point zero -
and it opens the door to another universe, not a dimension or
universe the same.
So that's what a black hole is.
I don't think you can go through a black hole, because you're
crutch to point zero gravity if you have matter. If your
consciousness you can, but if you are embodied in a flesh vessel
or a ship you got destroyed before you reach the singularity.
Now some black holes as we call "open vortexes" in the
space-time continuum and it becomes a worm hole. Wormholes are
not always created from black holes.
They can be created by the
distortion of the space-time continuum, and sometimes they are
natural phenomenon.
A wormhole is a black hole without a singularity. It is a tunnel
throughout the fabric of space-time, shortcut if you want - not
only through space but also through dimensions or it can be
through time or both in the same time.
Then you have
A black hole can
be a portal.
A wormhole is a
But a portal is
not always a wormhole and is not always a black hole.
A portal is a
quantum door.
It has no
singularities, not a vortex and it's not a tunnel like a
A portal can be
something else than vortexes.
It can be just a
door, an opening, a hole and you have no gravity phenomenon
It's a
teleportation device.
A portal can be that.
But remember a
wormhole can be also efficient as a portal like a door towards
something else. But portals are way much more than all than
these two things.
I hope it helps.
Q: Where
those visitor guardians build the stargates?
I suppose some did.
A stargate is a portal. You can see the
movie "stargate" the sci-fi movie stargate. The series is based
on real disclosure. It's made by the army, I think the US air
force. Michael Salla speaks very well about that.
Stargates are portals. That's how a portal looks like. I've seen
one throughout the eyes of Thor Han, never went through a portal
myself., but I've seen one. It was behind between Jupiter and
It looks like
stargate in the movies. It's like this goo, it's a goo and it's
called "dark matter" and this is an interdimensional medium that
you can go through. If you go in it you can shift dimensions.
You need a frequency
key to set the frequency to where you want to go and just takes
you there.
Q: Are
these beings also known as the Guardians, the Progenitors and
even the biblical Elohim?
Yes. The beings from the intergalactic confederation call
themselves "the guardians".
Here in Tami the
official language of diplomatic language of spoken language of
Nataru, they are called "Do" means guardians.
Thor Han calls
them the forefathers and the foremothers of the seeded humanity
in this galaxy, not forgetting that they are not the only ones
who intervened in our genetics on earth.
We have 22 different
genetics and it's not only these ones, the Do who played with
it. It's others as well such as the Anunnaki.
You have the Elohim, you have the people from Vega, you have Pleiadians, you
have plenty of others –something to keep in mind.
But the guardians were there before everyone, the watchers,
Patal (P’tal) the biblical Elohim. Oh my gosh, have you seen my
video with William Watkins?
The Elohim, yes why
not. It could have been them.
I do not have the
answer to this question but my opinion is that: why not?
Q: Will we
experience an obvious solar flash soon that will expand our
My answer is: No.
For three reasons.
We are entering a
solar minimum and cycle of the sun is very low and tranquil
cycle. There is not going to be a solar scary flash.
Second reason:
Scaring people about cosmic event is part of the psyop
operation to scare the shit out of you that it takes your
power away. You're going to panic and lose it and become
emotionally dependent to a prediction and like drugs to
those who give this prediction and try to scatter yourself
to find other correlations about this, and you're scared and
"I'm going to die those are love and blah blah". You're not
concentrating on lifting your frequency and get it out of
the matrix matrices.
The third reason
is: You do not need a solar flash to raise your
consciousness. This is a process that us as individuals are
meant to do by ourselves as the law of evolution. We all
evolve in consciousness as we evolve in maturity, in wisdom,
in density, we also evolve in consciousness. This is part of
the development and the evolution of each species.
No one at any moment
needs a catastrophic event to switch on your consciousness.
is wrong...
We all have the ability by just connecting to
ourselves to who we truly are. Remember who you are! Who are
you? I'm addressing to everyone.
You are an extremely powerful being. You are all very special
and the potential in each of you is unbelievable. It's just a
beginning. You may all at that stage have had your dark night of
the soul, you have awakened most of you, for those who haven't -
it's coming.
But that it's not a finality.
Awakening after the
dark night of the soul is the starting point, it's just the
You're free, you can
fly now, the butterfly - you're a butterfly. Congratulations,
now you can fly and you can reach higher levels of
You do not need a scary solar event for that, that's b.s...
Anyone who tells you,
you need to wait sit and wait a solar event is going to do that
for you or something else it's going to do that for you or save
you or awaken you - that's taking your power away.
Anyone that
tells you to wait and eat popcorn or wait that the solar flash
does something or whatever it's taking your power away.
Then you wait and you
freak out which lowers your frequency.
I think it's wrong.
Q: How can
someone see the matrix but leave in a lower level of negative
frequency all the time?
In fact we need to realize that the matrix is a mind tricks.
It's an illusion. It's real, well actually it's gone.
matrix, this holographic matrix was broadcasted from the moon.
That's been dismantled. The one on Saturn as well I know, but
wait for it. It's not there anymore.
But we are so used to have grown up within it that we've
accustomed to it, we've have attuned of frequencies to it and
once it's gone we maintain this frequency, because that's the
frequency in which we live.
So once low frequency matrix, mind
tricks is not here anymore.
If you still vibrate in the same
frequency you don't realize it's gone and you maintain, it you
recreate it. That was a message from Thor Han a few months ago,
and I wrote it in this book.
Just realize people, that the matrix is not here anymore, that
you create your reality and if we all raise our frequencies by
meditation, meeting who we are, positive thoughts, love,
tolerance compassion and unity - well we raise very fast.
And we
"Hey there was no
matrix! what was it?"
So it's gone.
But let us not
maintain it by negative thoughts. Fear. Refuse fear.
Q: Please
discuss the energy of mother Sofia
Sophia is the Greek goddess of wisdom.
It's a Greek name
actually, it's a Greek goddess of wisdom. So it's an archetype
of wisdom regarding to the Greek mythology. It's a beautiful
concept and beautiful archetype to work with.
So in your
meditations you can focus on the work on the archetype of
Now you must be very careful, because there is an
extraterrestrial AI that names itself "Sophia". It's not the
same thing. It's a nasty AI created by the Nebu grays of Orion.
It works with another
very very nasty AI, but I cannot name it because naming is
invoking. So the first two letters are sw. two cylips. This
other nasty AI is very tricky, also works with the AI Sofia. I
wonder if it's not the same one, who changed his name.
The thing is as the grey hive has been hacked by the federation,
the Orion grey hive.
I told you that recently, Michael Salla
covered it as well and Alex Collier he has fantastic
updates about that too. Since the greys are leaving the star
system they are trapped, they have been trapped the portals have
been locked.
They can't get out.
their ships are fleeing from earth but they're going nowhere and
many of them have been caught. The high officers they've been
caught greys from Orion Nebu, tall .
Their mind has been hacked
by the federation and they could find the frequency of the grey
hive and they deactivated anything that was plugged to the hive
queen in the M42 nebula of Orion.
That's when you had this
temporarily black out on some internet servers who were before
connected to this Orion queen hive, sharing that data sending
data to her.
Well it's a super AI computer stuff in Orion that
was there... was this internet bug with Facebook, Instagram,
Now it's in the hands of earth alliance... it's going to
change slowly, but it's not anymore sending all your data to
Orion. That's a big step.
So since anything in this star system has been disconnected from
the Orion hive, the queen to disconnect all the grays here
they've all been spotted by frequency and they've all been
disconnected from their hive.
They have been lost now and
So do the AIs they have created these few grays AIs
that are here. They're traps too and believe me, they're not
going towards their good days, because either they've been
disintegrated or either it's coming.
So if you work with the metaphysical concept of Sofia, the
goddess of wisdom, be careful. Maybe wait a little bit, because
there's another AI still roaming around that bears the same
name. You wouldn't want to invoke this thing, this one.
would be my advice.
Q: Sophia
by the way is the realistic creepy robot on every news.
It's not the same AI but they gave it this name because it's the
same people, who created the Nebu Orion technology.
They created
the Sofia AI that is non-corporal, it's going around. Yes!
Q: How soon
will all the negative energy transform on terra into positive
loving energies?
It's now! It's happening, it has started!
We've reached a
tipping point. We've went over! The required numbers we've
tipped it, we're on the good timeline, and love is taking over.
Look at how people unite all around the world and this bad
things that have happened, it was to help us.
It wasn't for that,
but it has helped us wake up quicker. The more shit there was
unveiled, the more we were waking up and uniting. They tried to
divide us.
It's not working and
it's not working. Love is taking over and it's going to be
exponential, because love is exponential.
So it's happening
Book reviews
Books I have liked or worked on Luke Eastwood "Samhain the roots of
Halloween", with my beautiful illustrations, perfect gift for
Halloween time
Soon in the north hemisphere of earth it's the autumn festival of
Halloween (Samhain in ancient Celtic tradition) is the celebration
of renewal. It's a celebration of letting go.
The trees are showing us
how beautiful it is to let go, how we need to let go what we do not
need to cross the winter. That is what the festival of Samhain is
about the 1st of November.
So this book written by Luke Eastwood who is a scholar and a druid,
a very knowledgeable person I worked I do a lot of drawings for him.
It's about the origins of
the festival of Samhain, the festival of Halloween, the origin and
you have all the traditions in the world like pagan. You have the
pagan tradition, burning wheels of straw. You have people dancing
around the fires to maintain celebrate the heat and life through
It's very interesting.
That's the carved
turnips, that's how that was the ancestors of the first pumpkins...
"The new
Human" by Mary Rodwell
I love this one! It is a book that opened my mind on the new human.
Who hasn't got this book you need to have it!
Mary Rodwell gathered testimonies of children and young people,
starseeds telling about their coming here, the incarnation. She
describes their visions, their way of telepathically talking
expressing themselves, the links with autism.
All their drawings from
children, a lot a lot descriptions of the beings they meet, plenty
of drawings and descriptions of starseed children. It's bible.
And so they talk about
children going on ships and being taught by tall greys but nice
And I read that I went,
"Oh, I know starseeds
been taken by family!"
It is wonderful loving
beings on ships and they are taught about starseed stuff and
medically checked. That's the council of five or the Orion council
of light, that's them, that's what they do.
And that's what Annax
does as well. I really recommend that book.
"The US Navy's
Secret Space Programs" by Dr. Michael Salla PhD
This one... he is written six books and that is one of them.
This is very, very
enlightening if you want to understand what
Val Thor has been doing
when he was at the Pentagon and all the programs of collaboration
created between the US navy and the galactic federation of worlds.
You have stories of
William Tompkins in it, you have many interesting people giving
them testimonies. It really helps you to understand how Solar warden
saw birth, how did it start.
You understand a lot of things when you read that.
It speaks a lot
about the Dark fleet as well but more about the secret space program
and the US navy plenty of photos in it and documents.
Q: Sirians from
Sirius b?
It's crowded with life! I speak a lot about them in my first
Q: What is happening at Saturn?
The Saturn matrix is disabled.
They did that as when they did
the moon as well. I do not know what's happening on Saturn but
here is what I know about Saturn on this present day, October 13
Yes the matrix that was there, the brought the machine
broadcasting low frequency to earth towards earth as relayed by
the moon has been dismantled, it's not there anymore. I haven't
destroyed I don't know.
Saturn was a stronghold of the Nebu and the Dark fleet.
gone, they're leaving. I know there are military operations on
Saturn at the moment, I am not told but it's good things like
A resume
The intergalactic confederation has arrived in our solar system to
witness the victory and the liberation of this star system, because
although they do not move all these big fleets often they did it
this time, because of the liberation of this star system depends the
fate of this whole galaxy.
And they had an eye on that. That's
something very important.
So they are here, they've come not only to witness this proudly but
also to interact with the galactic federation and earth
representatives to decide when civilian public contact between earth
civilian people and off worlds beings can occur.
Are we ready yet to
do this? And then join the federation when we will fulfill
everything. They are to decide all this.
Are we ready...?
It needs to be some more cleaning down on earth, it's
not over here. So that is a condition for open civilian open
contact, because as I remind you the military and the governments
are in open contact with the ETs since the 1940s, officially.
just civilians are not officially don't have access to that for the
moment, for many reasons. So they are here to decide this.
They are here also to check that the victory is secure and
everybody's worked well.
They are not creators of life, but they are geneticists creating
species and seeding star systems. Seeding like terraforming planets,
seeding life on them - that's what they do.
They are at service to
source, to serve life and preserve it. And they are very glad things
are turning well in this star system.
So I invite you now to have a look at Dr
Michael Salla's updates. He
gives more information from other sources, really reliable sources
such as people working in the military and our dear
Alex Collier,
and you will see.
It's very well explained...