by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
May 16, 2011
Examiner Website
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview (far below video) with Alfred Lambremont Webre
released May 16, 2011 America’s Morning News correspondent Robert M.
Stanley, author of
Covert Encounters in Washington DC, has revealed
how unethical extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional entities
manipulate terrestrial elite “controllers” of the human population
in finance, politics, media, religion, and in governmental and
public events in Washington DC.
With regard to the inter-dimensional extraterrestrials around
Washington DC, Mr. Stanley states,
“We are dealing with a
shape-shifting ET that is apparently known to the U.S. government.”
Mr. Stanley reveals how the
masonic layout of Washington DC’s
architecture and infrastructure is used as a “dimensional” mind
control panel by unethical inter-dimensional lower-order
extraterrestrials, for the manipulation and control of the worldwide
permanent war economy and arms industry by manipulating the
war-industry decision-making processes in Washington DC.
Mr. Stanley notes the prevalence of “Anunnaki” extraterrestrials and interdimensional entities inter-acting in the
Washington DC power
environment, and their interconnection with Satanic networks within
the U.S. armed forces and government.
At the conclusion of his book
Covert Encounters in Washington DC, Mr. Stanley writes,
“"For some reason, the U.S. military has a publicly-admitted,
open-door policy for practicing Satanists and Luciferians. For
example, there is the case of Satanist Lieutenant Colonel Michael
Aquino who trained at the Defense Intelligence College at Bolling
Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
News reports indicate he was a
prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual
abuse of hundreds of children, including the children of military
personnel. But even as Aquino was being investigated by Army
Criminal Investigation Division officers for his involvement in the
pedophile cases, he retained the highest-level security clearances
and was involved in pioneering work in *military psychological
"The Pentagon also gave its blessings to Aquino’s long-standing
public association with the Church of Satan and his successor church
the Temple of Set. This, despite the fact that Aquino’s Satanic
activities involved overt support for neo-Nazi movements in the
United States and Europe.
"In April 1978, the U.S. Army published
A Handbook for Chaplains to,
“facilitate the provision of religious activities.”
Both the
of Satan and the
Temple of Set were listed among the other religions
to be tolerated inside the U.S. military.
A section of the handbook
dealing with Satanism stated,
'Often confused with witchcraft,
Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or
Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving black masses, human
sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare.'
"Regarding his work in psychological operations, Colonel Aquino
'Mindwar is a permanent state of strategic, psychological
warfare against the populations of friend and foe nations alike. In
its strategic context, mind-war must reach out to friends, enemies,
and neutrals alike across the globe through the electronic media
possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach
virtually all people on the face of the Earth.'
“State of the art developments in satellite communication, video
recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of
broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world in
ways that would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.”
Mr. Stanley’s revelations come in an wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV
interview that provides beginning clarification on issues
surrounding the pervasive role of disinformation, the process of
extraterrestrial activity, and the ET/UFO disclosure process in
Washington DC.
ExopoliticsTV interview with Robert M. Stanley
Extraterrestrial presence in Washington DC
U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull (1939) witnessed
extraterrestrial bodies in glass containers in the U.S Capitol |
To illustrate how long
extraterrestrial disclosure by the U.S.
government has been an issue in Washington DC, Mr. Stanley notes
that the first UFO sighting in Washington DC occurred in 1850, and
the first UFO abduction occurred in 1926.
Mr. Stanley discusses a pre-Roswell 1939 case of U.S. Secretary of
State Cordell Hull’s access to a reported secret storage room under
the U.S. Capitol holding grey extraterrestrial bodies and wreckage
of a grey extraterrestrial UFO.
The following is a report of UFO Casebook regarding how President
Franklin Roosevelt's Secretary of State Cordell Hull witnessed
extraterrestrial bodies in glass containers in the U.S. Capitol
William E. Jones writes,
"I thought your readers should be aware of
the Cordell Hull story that alien artifacts were in our hands in
In early December of 1999 the Center of UFO Studies received
a letter from the daughter of the Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt:
"Today I want to share some knowledge that has been, by request,
kept secret in our family since sometime in World War II. This
concerns something my father was shown by his cousin Cordell Hull,
the Secretary of State under Franklin Roosevelt.
Snip, my father,
who was young, brilliant, and sound of mind, told us this story
because he didn't want the information to be lost."
"One day when my father was in D.C. Cordell swore him to secrecy
and took him to a sub-basement in the U.S. Capitol building, and
showed him an amazing sight:
Four large glass jars holding 4 creatures unknown to my father
or Cordell [and],
A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby.
"Depiction of Aliens in Containers
"My father wanted my sister and I to make this information known
long after he and Cordell were dead, because he felt it was a very
important bit of information. We have researched your group {Mufon}
and feel it is the most reliable group in the country.
We hope that
you will research and search this information. The jars with
creatures in formaldehyde and the wrecked craft are some where!
"Cordell said they were afraid they would start a panic if the
public found out about it." Sincerely, Lucile Andrew, Ashland, Ohio.
Cordell Hull was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th Century
with absolutely no apparent reason to tell this story unless it was
true, especially at a time when stories of flying saucers and their
alien drivers had not yet become part of our culture.
Hull was
elected U.S. Senator 1931-1937, as chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, and became the Secretary of State under
President Franklin D. Roosevelt in March 1933, the longest in
American history until 1944, when he resigned because of ill health.
He was also offered the Vice Presidency and in 1945, Cordell Hull
won the 1945 Nobel Prize for Peace.
"Reverend Holt and Hull were both born in Pickett County and were
cousins and friends. Holt attained a Doctor in Theology degree from
Ashland Theological Seminary, and was a minister at the Shenandoah
Christian Church in Greenwich, Ohio. He was a community leader, and
wrote a book entitled Life's Convictions.
He married Vina May Clark
and they had three daughters. Two of the daughters claim they had
been told about the creatures by their father. Lucile's original
letter essentially tells the story as her father told it to her when
she was a teenager. Unfortunately, Lucile said that she was too
young to really pay much attention to what her father told her but
Allene the mother of Eloise, the co-author of this story was told
the same story as her sister.
Both sisters assured us that they
remember the stories independently. Reverend Holt described the
entities in the glass jars as "creatures, a term common for his
He never referred to them as "aliens" or "extraterrestrials."
He never said where they came from.
"Depiction of Flying Saucer
"Lucile stated that his experience happened in the "late 1930s,"
probably 1939. The material that was nearby the less than four feet
tall creatures was described as "silver metallic."
She also
remembers him referring to the material as being a "vehicle" that
appeared to have been taken apart and was "in pieces." He said the
color of this material wasn't a color that he had seen before, but
for the lack of a better word he used "silver."
Reverend Holt was
not the sort of person to make up such a wild story and, the sisters
feel that by telling the story they are following their father's