by Fred Burks
WantToKnow Website
Aloha all,
what follows is a very
informative article by Fred Burkes on the
extraterrestrial issue. Burkes worked for 18 years as an
interpreter for the State Department, and worked with a
number of U.S. presidential administrations, and
provided needed Indonesian translation services for
Presidents Clinton and Bush.
He resigned in 2004 when he
refused to sign a new secrecy agreement and the
Washington Post wrote a story about it:
Burkes previously dismissed conspiracy theories
concerning UFOs/extraterrestrial life on the basis that
government bureaucracies could not keep secrets. He
explains below his personal journey where he now
recognizes that secrets can be kept in the military
intelligence environment where compartmentalization,
"need to know" and strict enforcements mechanisms are in
place to ensure secrecy.
Interestingly, he explains that
many of his former professional colleagues resist his
extraterrestrial analysis. So there is still much
opposition among professionals who falsely believe that
if such secrets existed, then they would at some point
have been exposed to or briefed about them.
In peace
Michael Salla, Ph.D. |
Introduction - What's Really Going on Here?
As a former language interpreter for presidents and other top
government officials, I was present at a number of secret
meetings where the only people allowed were the top officials
and their interpreters.
For most of my 18 years working with
the U.S. Department of State, I did not see or hear anything
which would support the belief of some of my conspiracy friends
that global politics is largely controlled by a small group of
evil men behind the scenes who wield inordinate amounts of
wealth and power. I laughed at the level of paranoia I perceived
in these friends, as I had been in top secret meetings and never
seen anything to support their fearful beliefs.
Then in 2001, thanks to a wonderful friend who sent me a
life-changing video, I had my eyes opened to a major cover-up of
UFOs. This caused me to have to completely reformulate my
beliefs about how the world works and the meaning of life. It
started me on a quest to discover what was really going on
behind the scenes. I dove into serious research and came up with
an astounding amount of reliable information on a number of
major cover-ups which I previously would have dismissed as
completely crazy.
I then compiled this information on
the website WantToKnow.info. This website eventually became
quite popular and put me in touch with a number of wonderful,
brave researchers who shared reliable information they had
gathered on various aspects of these cover-ups.
As WantToKnow.info is limited to only information that is highly
reliable and generally easy to verify, I did not post my own
deeper beliefs about what is really going on behind all of the
cover-ups. Yet based on information I received independently
from sources I personally trust, I developed my own theories
about the big picture, which I provide here for you.
The information given here is
clearly speculative, yet I include many supporting links for you
to explore. I fully acknowledge that major parts of this could
be mistaken. Yet I came to the basic conclusions listed below in
2002, and most new information I've received since has only
strengthened my belief in all of this.
I present this material not to convince anyone of its truth. I
offer it simply to present the conclusions of someone who has
devoted many long hours to exploring these issues with a
discerning eye, and with a faith that I am being led by forces
greater than myself who are aligned with what's best for all of
Some of this information is far
outside of consensus reality, yet I have lots of evidence to
back up my conclusions. Remember in reading this that the mass
media clearly plays a major role in fabricating the current
consensus reality. As you will read below, despite all of the
major manipulations, I am incredibly optimistic about our
Thanks for your interest and may you
be guided to whatever is best for you and for all of us as you
explore this material.
The Galactic
First, the television program Star Trek is much closer to the truth
than anyone might imagine. I’m convinced that there is some form of
galactic federation of advanced beings from various planets and star
systems throughout the galaxy. The vast majority of these beings are
far advanced from us both technologically and spiritually.
A million
years is a very short time in the evolution of a planet.
Some of these advanced species are many
millions of years more evolved than us. They generally travel
between planets not by mechanical propulsion, but by shifting
The federation’s members all agree to a prime directive similar to
that of Star Trek—not to disturb the natural evolutionary process of
less evolved planets unless help is specifically requested, or
unless it is necessary to avoid major disaster.
Developing planets are invited to join
the galactic federation only after they have evolved to a place
where they have expanded beyond the confines of their own world both
technologically and spiritually—meaning no more wars at the very
The Evolution
of Humanity
Key researchers of these matters speculate, however, that there are
a few relatively young ET (extra-terrestrial) species which have
developed the technology of interstellar travel, yet spiritually are
lagging. They are not part of the galactic federation, nor do they
feel obligated to abide by its guidelines. Like the Klingons of
Trek, these species at times ignore the prime directive and
manipulate the natural evolution of developing planets for their own
This may be what happened here on Earth.
Evidence suggests that ETs
have been visiting Earth from long before the dawn of modern man. In
fact, it is possible that one or more human-like, less spiritually
evolved ET races were actually involved in the evolution of humans
on this planet. There may have been some conflict between these
races, and even between factions within the same race, which
affected the ancient history of humankind.
Some researchers speculate that at key points in ancient human
history, members of these ET races chose select human women for
procreation to inject more intelligent, capable genes into
humankind, thus upgrading human capabilities. This may have been
done for scientific purposes, such as to upgrade the pool of genetic
possibilities available to the ETs, or to correct perceived
deficiencies in their genetic code, or to forward evolutionary
agendas. Others speculate that even earlier, some ET race or races
may even have used scientific processes to create homo sapiens by
manipulating DNA, possibly mixing their own DNA with primate species
already here on Earth.
At certain times in ancient human history, these “sons of gods” (in
the eyes of primitive humans) thus came down to procreate with “the
daughters of men,” as is mentioned in Genesis 6 in the Bible and
other ancient writings.
There are stories in the texts of
various religions which make a lot of sense if you consider that
what was being described might have been some kind of
extraterrestrial contact, for instance, “virgin” births, Moses and
the burning bush, Muhammad’s trip into the heavens described in the
Koran, chariots of fire in the Bible and other ancient stories, and
Dangers Draw ET Interest
As our planet evolved and eventually developed nuclear capabilities
in WWII, many ET species began paying a lot more attention to what
was happening on Earth. This accounts for the large increase in
sightings during and after WWII.
A few more advanced species are
particularly concerned that we could seriously damage our planet.
The most vivid UFO sightings tend to be focused around nuclear and
military research facilities. The famous 1947 Roswell incident,
where two UFOs crashed and were recovered in the New Mexico desert,
took place right near where the 509th bomb group was located—the
only nuclear-capable jet fleet in the world at that time!
Some of the more advanced species are sending clear warnings to
those in power not to play with nuclear bombs. Three military
witnesses in the book Disclosure describe accounts where nuclear
warheads were disarmed or destroyed. In one case, 16 nuclear
warheads were totally disarmed in one day after UFOs were sighted
over military bases firing pencil-thin red beams into the warheads.
One of the reasons I’m so optimistic about all this is that even
though some of these less advanced species may be causing problems
here, other species far advanced of them will not allow us or any
other ET species to badly damage the planet or the human race. In
accordance with the prime directive, they will implement the minimum
intervention necessary to keep things in balance. The vast majority
of people on the planet may not even know that there was
A significant minority, including
myself, are already sending prayers asking the more advanced ETs not
to allow things to get out of hand, and to help us in whatever way
is best.
The Control
After the recovery of two downed UFOs at Roswell in 1947, it is
speculated that
Majestic 12 was formed. A secret task force
comprised of top military and government officials, this group
advised the president on the UFO situation and was charged with
doing everything necessary to keep information on the subject top
secret—for reasons of “national security.” Actions taken by this
group eventually led to secret contact with the ETs, and
a meeting
between Eisenhower and some ETs.
At this meeting, agreements were made whereby one species of ETs was
given permission to conduct genetic studies on the planet (cattle
mutilations, abductions) in exchange for helping the U.S. to develop
and advance its technology.
This apparently was one of the
lesser-evolved species. Lasers, the integrated circuit, and fiber
optics were just a few of the technologies “seeded” by these ETs
secretly through military channels to select research groups in
large corporations (see the book
The Day After Roswell by Colonel
Philip J. Corso, who was in charge of seeding this technology).
During Eisenhower’s presidency, a major power struggle erupted over
UFO technology. Eisenhower lost control of the subject, which is
likely one reason why in
his farewell speech on leaving the
presidency, he gives the following stern warning,
“We must guard
against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise
of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”
Through the
ever-increasing secrecy around this issue, everything related to
UFOs became hidden even to later presidents.
A culture of intense secrecy was formed,
whereby all involved in these unacknowledged or “black projects” on
UFOs and related material were strictly prohibited from discussing
any information except on a “need to know” basis.
A Culture of
Strict Control and Secrecy
Something to remember in dealing with secrecy and major cover-ups is
that governments are massive bureaucracies and thus very inefficient
in general and incapable of carrying out detailed secret plans.
However, the military and intelligence branches of government are
rigid hierarchies in which everyone knows their position. Superiors
who give commands are very rarely questioned. Just the words "Yes,
sir" bring up images of a "good soldier" in the military.
The massive Manhattan Project (development of the first atomic bomb)
is one example of a huge military project that was successfully kept
secret for years. The building of an entire city to support the
project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee at the time was successfully kept
secret even from the state's governor. It is through use of the
highly organized military and intelligence services that the power
elite, working together with key allies in government and the media,
are able to carry out major cover-ups and secret operations like
those involved with UFOs and ETs.
A person must have special clearance to even get close to the group
involved with UFOs and advanced technologies. Once a person reaches
a certain level within this secret community and has been screened
and cleared, if they agree to go deeper and thus be exposed to
sensitive parts of the cover-up, they must agree to give up quite a
bit of their freedom. Microchips are implanted in their bone to
track their whereabouts. They are frequently monitored and strictly
forbidden from sharing any secret information with anyone, under
threat of severe penalties, including death if necessary.
Everything that those with this special clearance publish or
write—even their emails—is screened for content. They have become a
part of what is almost like a secret brotherhood or secret society.
And there is no turning back once you’re in. You do what you are
told by your superiors—no questions asked. Only a very few of these
people have ever managed to escape and get information out. The
large majority of them likely enjoy the power of their positions,
and thus are willing to put up with the restrictions on their
liberty in exchange for money, power, and knowledge.
Even among this secret group, which likely involves many thousands
of people, very few have any idea of the full scope and scale of all
that is going on. Many don’t even know that their work is based in
UFO technologies.
Complex layers of secrecy
(compartmentalization) and the passing of sensitive information on a
“need to know” basis ensure that only a few at the very top of the
command structure know the big picture. Highly sophisticated
disinformation programs also lead even insiders into false beliefs
about the cover-up. It is unlikely than any one person knows all of
what is going on, as like in any large society, there is infighting
for control and power all the way to the very top.
Steven M. Greer, an MD and former head of a hospital ER, is the
head of
the Disclosure Project, which has riveting testimony from
over 400 government and military witnesses on the UFO cover-up. Dr.
Greer has met a few of the top echelon within the secret group. He
estimates that as many as 40% of the top leaders in this secret
structure now feel that everything has gone too far, and that it’s
time for a large-scale disclosure.
Major shifts and changes are happening
in this structure as people all over are gradually awakening to the
fact that we are all interconnected at the deepest levels.
Getting back to the involvement of ETs, it appears that though many,
if not most, of these ETs are either benevolent or neutral, others
are largely interested in control and dominance. Those into control
and dominance are working with key individuals both inside and
outside of this secret group.
They particularly interact with a select
group of powerful men we might call “the controllers.” These are the
ones at the top of the pyramid in the “brotherhood” mentioned above.
These controllers now have unprecedented control over the press,
corporations, drug trade, stock market, oil and energy production,
and lots more.
They facilitated
the 9/11 attacks in
order to promote fear and war.
Empowering ETs
and Humans
Other ETs, along with groups of humans and many individuals like
myself, are focused on uncovering the intentions of the controllers
at the same time as we lay the foundations for planetary
We are working to help humans wake up to
all that is going on around them and to the infinite potential
within them, so that humankind might eventually join the galactic
We are focused, each in our own way, on spreading love and
empowerment with no desire to work against anyone. We know that the
controllers don’t fully understand what they are doing, as their
personalities and beliefs have been twisted by their own upbringing
and many other factors. We clearly are working to stop the
destructive behavior of these controllers, yet even as we do this,
we recognize that all beings are in their essence divine and fully
worthy of love and empowerment.
Both advanced ETs and humans working
with them have no doubt that in the end love always prevails.
Other Beings
Aside from these ETs, there are a large variety of beings or spirits
who do not have physical bodies. The vast majority of these beings
are far advanced of us spiritually, though like the ETs, among them
are some less evolved spirits who don’t yet understand the power of
love. By opening and asking for guidance from the spirits (call them
angels if you like) who spread love and empowerment, we can deeply
enrich our personal lives and help to shift the planet into a new
We attract to us whatever we hold deepest and strongest inside
ourselves. Let us work to become more aware of both our conscious
and unconscious beliefs as we develop clear intentions and seek
guidance in this. There are many sources of guidance and inspiration
if we only choose to open to them.
By first committing ourselves to a path
of love, healing, and empowerment, and then doing our best to live
that path, and by inviting guidance from empowering beings and ETs,
we can and will transform our lives and planet.
Global Control
The controllers are working hard to consolidate the global economy
under the multinational corporations which they own and control.
They know that cheap new energy sources would allow people to become
independent of the power grid that they now control. It would also
destroy the oil economy which in so many ways dominates the world
and keeps those in power rich.
So they will take whatever measures
necessary, including killing people, to keep new energy sources from
becoming available. They often use “national security” as the excuse
to forward their plans. Patents for
new energy devices and
inventions are known to have been seized for national security
These controllers now have incredible influence over the mass media,
and thus public perception. Just 10 years ago, 50 corporations
jointly controlled most of the mass media. Today it is dominated by
less than ten enormous transnational conglomerates. The controllers
also have their hands in the international drug trade (largely
through the CIA), and can have great influence on the stock market
through the huge amounts of cash they control as a result of the
cash-only drug trade.
One of the reasons these people wanted 9/11 was that the Taliban
began to eradicate opium production in Afghanistan in mid 2000,
eventually decimating the cash income through drugs of the
controllers. In 2000, Afghanistan provided over 70% of the world's
heroin. By 2001, it had dropped to almost nothing. Yet by the end of
2002, under an American installed puppet (a former Unocal
contractor), the opium trade had surpassed the levels of 2000!
you don’t believe it, follow the links.
9/11 provided a convenient pretext to
invade Afghanistan and revive the profitable opium industry.
The controllers realize that there are several powerful methods to
control people:
create as much fear as possible
while encouraging people to feel like victims
convince citizens of the need
for ever more secrecy
keep the public polarized
distract people from their
deeper purpose in life through promoting consumerism, empty
sex, drugs, the money chase, and more...
9/11 and the war on terrorism are part
of an extended plan to promote these methods so that the controllers
can eventually gain unbridled control of the politics and economics
of the whole planet.
Ultimately, it is the collective fear, secrecy, polarization, and
loss of purpose within all of us that has allowed leaders to take
power who would subvert democracy, and who would take away our
freedoms and liberties. By each one of us making a commitment to
work on these issues both inside of ourselves and out in the
world—and to inspire others to do the same—we can and will change
our collective direction and build a solid foundation for a brighter
The simple way to counteract the methods of the controllers is to do
our best to:
transform fear into love
promote transparency
recognize and overcome
continually develop and refine
our deepest intentions for life and then live these
We can also empower ourselves by
noticing when we feel like victims, and choosing instead to take
responsibility for how we interpret our lives. Coming together to do
this in groups provides support and magnifies all these efforts. The
more people who join in these efforts, the less control the elite
group has over our world.
And it’s already happening! We are rapidly
developing a new paradigm on this planet!!!
When we learn about things that appear to be “bad” or “wrong,” it’s
easy to place the responsibility outside of ourselves. It’s very
easy to blame others, like the controllers, for everything that’s
wrong with our world. Yet ultimately, we all are co-creators here.
We all play a role in everything that goes on. When we commit to
look inside of ourselves for the reason things aren’t working the
way we would like, we can make a big difference.
By working to transform fear and hatred
inside of ourselves, we can play a significant role in creating more
love and empowerment not only in our own lives, but on the whole
planet. I am totally committed to do my very best to love, heal, and
empower myself and all beings on this planet.
I invite you to join me in this in
whatever way feels right to you.
The Internet—A
Powerful Source of Information
So there has been ET intervention throughout the history of
humankind, with greatly increased contact over the last 50 years.
For decades, there have been huge cover-ups around energy, wars,
drugs, and news coverage of these. All this information has been
strictly suppressed through a variety of means and for a variety of
reasons. With the advent of the Internet, however, the flow of
information on all the cover-ups has become much more difficult to
The controllers are very aware of the power of the Internet. They
have a very well developed disinformation campaign working through a
great variety of websites and other sources to lead researchers
That is why WantToKnow.info has been
very careful to focus on information that can be verified and that
comes from trustworthy sources. If people are careful to verify and
substantiate what they find on the Internet, they can now research
and discover for themselves what is really going on in the world.
This is another reason I’m very
optimistic about the future.
Does Anybody
Want to Know?
From all this, it is clear that my entire view of the world shifted
radically beginning in 2001.
Before that, I was absolutely convinced
that there were no really huge cover-ups. Once I learned what was
going on, however, I was eager to share this information with my
friends. Yet to my great surprise, most of my friends didn’t want to
hear about it. As almost everything I had learned was based on
solid, verifiable evidence, I had assumed that others would be both
concerned and fascinated. I was very wrong. I found that few even of
my close friends really wanted to know anything that would disturb
their comfortable view of reality.
I’ve now become very clear that most people are not willing to let
their established concepts of the world go so easily. It can feel
threatening to most people to learn that they have been massively
I’ve learned that I’m more flexible than
most in changing even deeply held beliefs when presented with
evidence which clearly shows these beliefs to be mistaken. I now
encourage people to explore how to develop a more open mind and more
fluid intelligence if they want to play a significant role in the
transformation of our planet.
I have also found that very few people are deeply committed to
what’s best for all of us. Few are really interested even in
consciously moving in that direction. On meeting new friends, I now
generally expect most people not to be interested in all this,
though I almost always put out feelers, just in case. I have no
desire to push anyone into believing anything.
Yet I do love talking about both the
cover-ups and the transformation movements sweeping our planet with
the few who are really open, and especially with the even fewer who
already knew about some of this before I did.
New Friends
Thankfully, the deeper I open to all of this, the more I meet people
from around the world who do share my commitment and my desire to
know what's really happening, no matter how ugly it may be. It’s
great to now be in contact with courageous, pioneering people not
only from across the U.S., but also from Australia, New Zealand,
Germany, and many other countries.
Yet no matter how little or how much
friends support me, I’m just excited to have gained all of this
knowledge. I truly want to know what’s happening in the world, so
that I can be more effective in promoting transformation.
I’m aware now that some of the controllers would like to steer us
into World War III. And I’m really OK with that.
Even if in a
worst-case scenario we end up completely destroying the planet, I
know that this would simply mean that all of our souls would migrate
somewhere else to try again to learn that love is the way back into
wholeness. Now I highly doubt that we will destroy the Earth. I’m
actually incredibly optimistic, yet I’m also prepared for anything.
Based on my belief in the divine
interconnectedness of all beings, I fully trust that what’s best for
all is what happens always.
No Fear - It’s
Why I’m Here!
It’s remarkable how I’ve hardly felt scared by even the most twisted
activities I’ve learned about. The reason is that for the first time
in my life, it’s very clear to me why I ended up living on this
planet now. I'm here because this is a unique time when many souls
on the planet are awakening from their slumber and being presented
with a choice.
We have the choice, upon being exposed
to all this, to go back to sleep and be led into disempowering
realms, or to wake up and join in creating a beautiful new paradigm
based in love and cooperation. I am very clear that I am here with
many others to invite all people on this planet to choose a new
paradigm now and to help create it together.
I am totally jazzed and passionate about playing my role in
transforming this planet into a place of love, healing, and
empowerment for all! Yea!!!
In the years since learning about all
the cover-ups, I have become incredibly clear that I was called here
not just to invite people to awaken, but also to help spread love
and empowerment to all who are open to it. What a joyful mission to
have, no matter what might happen in the future!
I am very excited about inviting all I meet to work towards
transforming fear into love, towards moving from victim
consciousness to becoming powerful creators in our lives, towards
developing and refining our purpose and intentions in life, and
towards truly seeing all beings as divine.
What an exciting mission to have! And I
get to work with many wonderful, courageous souls who are passionate
about this work, too!
How awesome is that!!!
Shifting Focus
to the New Paradigm
Having researched major cover-ups almost full time for several years
now, I feel I have the big picture pretty well down. I see the plan
of the controllers, yet I also surrender to the greater divine plan
of All That Is.
The knowledge I've gained has helped me
to awaken to who I am and what I’m doing here. I’m now ready and
very excited to spend much less time on researching the cover-ups,
and focus my energies much more on creating a new paradigm of love,
healing, and empowerment for all. I'm thrilled about all the
transformation happening in my own life and in the world around me!
If you feel that you are called to be a part of the planetary
transformation team, we have developed an empowering website
specifically for you. As we
join together in building bridges to a new paradigm for our world,
we are paving the way for our planet to join the galactic
federation, and for humanity to join the galactic family which
patiently and lovingly awaits us.
It's an exciting time to be alive
and a privilege to be committed fully in service to all of us.
Thank you to all of you for wanting to
know and for working together to build a brighter future for us all!