by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
January 26, 2011
Examiner Website
A Canadian newspaper is reporting that
Sun Shili, a retired foreign
ministry official, states "Extraterrestrials are living among us."
An extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti living in the U.S.A.
The China ET report is corroborative of this reporter
4-part ExopoliticsTV interview with
Jerry Wills, an apparent extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti
who resides in the United States.
Jerry Wills is an accomplished healer, explorer, and musician with
the band UFAUX who recently participated in a world webcast in which
Mr. Wills discussed his identity as an extraterrestrial from the
Tau Ceti star system (12 light years from Earth) left here as an infant
as part of a project of the Council of Worlds for the betterment of
In this interview,
Mr. Wills, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall, talks about how he was
adopted by a human family, how he dealt with his unusual abilities
growing up, how he was visited regularly by an extraterrestrial
delegation that briefed him on his extraterrestrial identity and his
mission, how during these visits he was told to watch for specific
signs during the 18-year period preceding
2012 as to whether the
earth and the human population would veer toward peace or war, and
how these visits stopped on the day of
September 11, 2001, Mr.
Wills’ birthday and the date a regularly scheduled visit was of the
extraterrestrial delegation to occur.
In conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Mr. Wills speaks about
the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and the 2012-13 positive timeline
and what this means to all of us.
China TV Xinhua News Report Shows Chinese Communist Party is Gaming
ET Disclosure
A recent
China TV Xinhua News Report shows
that the Chinese Communist Party (which controls Xinhua) may be
gaming a subtle dialogue about Extraterrestrial disclosure in its TV
news reports on the subject.
Translation and analysis of the Xinhua TV news report on the Project
Camelot demonstrates that there is a great deal of subtle
information and communication going on in the Xinhua TV news item.
Xinhua is most plausibly serving as part of the dialectic of ET
disclosure strategy by forces within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Project Camelot forum analysis of
the Xinhua TV newscast
"Actually, I noticed this 'News' 2
weeks ago. It's the same kind of shocking as my post on the
People Daily report about 'Aliens'. The original source
is here.
The main content of what the TV news anchor say in Chinese is:
'An UFO gossip website name AllNewsWeb claim: US
Defense Advanced Research Program Department (DARPA) had
admitted: there will be a speech, in which, without script,
President Obama will confess that: ETs might try to contact
human, within 3 years, governments of earth will admit that
human had contact with ETs.'
"You see, how many 'probable' words they used? And the TV
channel is a local TV channel; Xinhua news just quoted that as
an entertainment style report. The appearance of the content
itself is worthless and boring.
"But the background of the context is important: XinHua news is
the most important official Info & Intelligence Agency under
direct controlled by the Top of [Chinese Communist Party] CCP.
It doesn't own a newspaper or TV channel per se, the website is
its only public channel, but everything reported in/out China is
under and through its control, so, you see, it never say
something meaningless or far out.
"And one more thing to add: its reports about Aliens or dooms
day debate stuff are increasing rapidly in the last 6 months. So
you can bet on more things will come from it.
"My thought is: Xinhua news Agency
information leak tactic: Borrow others' mouth and others' words
to say what they really want to prepare you [for]. That creates
plausible confirm and deny abilities, when things finally come
out, either way, they win - two birds with one stone. That’s the
way they usually do."
How to
evaluate ET disclosure among the People's Republic of China, USA,
Russia, and the UK
It seems most plausible that the
major space powers (USA, Russia, China, U.K.) have a vested
interest, including their covert coordination with specific
Grey ET human abduction program, so that these powers will
not perform an authoritative disclosure by their Head of
State on their own.
It may take a combined action by
ethical extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations, in
conjunction with public political pressure and rising
multi-dimensional consciousness to drive a public ET
In the interim, there is some possibility that
terrestrial power structures may attempt a false flag ET
invasion or landing for the purpose of implementing a
dictatorial "New World Order".
Whether this is successful or
not will depend on popular discernment and democratic
Intelligent extraterrestrial
The evidence of Jerry Wills regarding an
Council of Worlds project that has seeded ethical
human extraterrestrials among our human society.
evidence of
Stanley A. Fulham and former NATO-Spanish
intelligence officer who also speak of an extraterrestrial
council provide a prima facie case that ethical
extraterrestrial civilizations are carrying out positive,
helpful interventions in human society aimed at our
successful evolution toward a positive human future,
independent of an ET disclosure actions of the matrix of
human governments.
At the core of the
extraterrestrial interventions appears a desire to motivate
humans to act in concert harmoniously for the benefit of the
planet, its ecology, biosphere and population.