by Steve Hammons
December 17, 2009
JointReconStudyGroup Website
Did U.S. government and international
representatives meet with extraterrestrials in November at a remote
area in the Pacific?
That is the interesting account put forward in an e-mail news and
information service this week.
Victor Martinez, a former U.S. government employee who
coordinates the e-mail communication activity, says that
confidential sources who are current and former U.S. Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA)
officials told him about the meeting.
Martinez reported that his anonymous source(s) stated that on Nov.
12, 2009, extraterrestrials who have been in contact with elements
of the U.S. Government for several decades met with U.S. and
international representatives at the remote
Akau Island. The island is part of the
Johnston Atoll system of islands, a U.S. territory in the
Pacific Ocean 750 miles south west of Honolulu.
The extraterrestrials landed their craft on the island, the source(s)
Since plans had been made for this
meeting, according to the report, this craft would most likely be
considered an identified craft, rather than the often-used term
UFO or unidentified flying object.
According to the information in Martinez' e-mail report, the
extraterrestrials are from a planet in
the Zeta Reticuli star system and
are referred to by U.S. personnel as the "Ebens."
The e-mail report alleges that the Ebens met on Akau Island with a
total of 18 representatives from
...and certain other guests.
U.S. representatives are said to have included,
Gifts were reportedly exchanged between
the Ebens and humans, Martinez' report stated.
The Ebens presented,
"six gifts that would assist us in
future technological developments," he said.
In addition, Martinez states that his
anonymous source(s) noted that future such meetings are planned for
Nov. 11, 2010 and November 2012, and that past visits have occurred
in 1978, 1983, 1991, 1996 and 1999.
Earlier information allegedly released to Martinez explained that
contact with Ebens extends back to the late 1940s and
into the 1950s and '60s when a
planned meeting occurred. Previous accounts presented by the
source(s) via Martinez claimed that specially-trained U.S. personnel
were involved in an exchange program with the Ebens which was
implemented in the mid-1960s.
In the report this week, the source(s) noted that two other similar
programs have also been conducted.
Also included in the e-mail report from the source(s), via Martinez,
were explanations of the science involved in the Ebens' ability to
travel through space using unique technologies and understanding of
According to Martinez, the source(s) told him,
"The Ebens use a 'universal grid'
system in traveling from one point of space to another. Their
craft are able to travel near the speed of light. This enables
their craft to go into an altered space-time chamber."
"That allows the point of departure the point of destination to
become closer in real time. It is similar to folding space by
making the two points – departure and destination – become much
closer," the source(s) allegedly stated.
The source(s) reportedly told Martinez,
"Remember, the Ebens have been
working to perfect this type of space travel – overcoming the
time barrier – for well over a period of 50,000 years. By now,
they have in fact perfected this mode of space travel. Although
we have been given the basic blueprint their craft, propulsion
mechanism and overall operating system, we still don't
understand it."
"They also utilize a form of a space displacement system, which
basically causes a vacuum in front of the propulsion that allows
nothing to interfere with the created thrust. At the present
time, we cannot understand how they accomplish this."
The source(s) added,
"They use a vacuum chamber, which
consists of a mini-nuclear reactor that forces some type of
matter into space that deletes the molecules and causes that
very small portion of space to become a vacuum."
"They also utilize anti-matter in such a way as to force their
propulsion system into 'streams' of energy in front of their
craft that enables the craft to move and flow much easier
through space without any friction from the atmosphere,"
according to Martinez' source(s).
It was not explained if these
technologies are related to many other UFOs that various witnesses
have reported around the world over the decades.
Other interesting statements were included in Martinez' e-mail
information about UFOs, extraterrestrials and a variety of related
topics. He states he had asked his anonymous source(s) several
questions and received responses.
One response related to the so-called "Roswell
Incident." Another responded to a question about he
alleged recovery of a crashed space craft that apparently visited
Earth approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the
The source(s) also stated it was not known if President
Barack Obama had received a
standard briefing on
extraterrestrials and related
Martinez also pointed out that the site of the alleged recent
the Johnston Atoll, is
administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the
Department of the Interior as part of the Pacific Remote
Islands Marine National Monument, and managed by the National
Wildlife Refuge System.
The defense of the atoll is managed by
the U.S. military and the islands are not open to the public.
The detailed information contained in Martinez' recent e-mail
service, as well as past similar accounts, are posted