[AC - Alex Collier]
[Q - audience question]
Hydrogen life beings felt threatened
by O2 life forms because O2 life forms have a much faster
rhythm. Hydrogen can only travel at near space light speeds.
They cannot go beyond that. O2’s can go as fast as 4 times the
speed of light. H2’s are much smaller and slower and more
numerous because of a higher frequency of suitable bio-spheres.
There is trade between oxygen and hydrogen breathers but very
disastrous wars have been fought between these two civilizations
in the past. The Andromedan Council is held in the star system
of, the constellation of, Andromeda. And it is here at (mi rosh?)
This is where the Andromedan Council is held. This is also where
the star systems of Zenitae (?) exist. This is where the Andromedan people live.
Andromedan Council was created to
study migration and to try to limit contact between hydrogen and
O2 races and hence, to stop conflict between the two great
orders of organic life. Communication between the two species at
times remains quite difficult.
That’s how it got started.
Q. [Question about talking with hydrogen life forms and
should you talk very slowly]
AC: Yes, you should. And you absolutely want to use the formal,
polite language so that nothing you say is misunderstood. You
will know that because they will be wearing some kind of an
apparatus over their nostrils and those nostrils could be almost
anywhere, depending upon the
species. If they are wearing a suit
or some type of a helmet, then you can assume that it is
Hydrogen, or Methane, or Ammonia, because if it is an O2, he
will not need that apparatus.
The Andromedans: these are just some brief notes and then we are
going to do some questions. They are tough, honorable,
courageous fighters. They build massive ships to environmentally
resemble worlds: comfortable, solid, endurable craft (these are
my own words).
They are model galactic citizens. They are
responsible to a fault. They tell you they are going to do
something; they will do it, even at great cost to themselves.
They are very active in galactic politics and enjoy considerable
influence in galactic institutions. Institutions have been set
up, especially with O2 civilizations.
Those institutions are:
the Institution of Civilized Warfare
Upliftment (they don’t use
the word “ascension”)
Migrations (which is colonization)
They are very patient, thoughtful and above all,
They have been responsible for the official stoppage of
hostilities in many wars and assisted in the withdrawal of all
forces that were in those conflicts.
Upliftment. A lot of people here on Earth in the
New Age circles
talk about ascension, but nobody really knows what the ascension
is. They know that there are higher densities and that all of us
are striving to reach a higher frequency in the hopes that we
will move into a more evolved society, become more evolved
ourselves and become more expanded consciousnesses, because
sometimes third density is just too damn hard.
I acknowledge all
that. All of that is correct and there is archeological evidence
in the galaxy of races that have actually changed their
frequency and moved to a higher level. That is a fact, but it is
not called ascension.
It is called “Upliftment” and apparently
none of the races that have done this have done it by
themselves. They have always had someone help them out of the
mess they are in; reach down and basically mentor them to the
next level.
Q: Does that mean that they don’t have a physical body anymore?
AC: No, they have a physical body; there is physicality in all
the dimensions. There it is. You don’t just move up to fourth
density and fifth density and now you are this little cloud
blowing with the breeze; it’s not like that at all. It is as
solid as this, it’s just completely different. The physicality
is different.
The physicality is much bigger; it is on a much
grander scale. The color spectrum where we live now is 72
different frequencies of color. Fifth density is 123. There are
colors, things that I have seen that I can’t explain. There is
just no way, because there is nothing here to compare it to.
I want to do 15 minutes of questions and then I am going to turn
it over to Mr. [Mike] Russ.

Q: I want to ask about
the Dogons and that
whole Sirian thing,
where the Dogon tribe in Africa say they communicated with the
AC: They had maps before we even knew that Sirius existed. I am
not aware of that at all, that they have an actual fishtail, no.
Q: You mentioned the Upliftment. Do we know who or if we are
being helped with the Upliftment.
AC: I think that is a definite possibility. Vasais said to me
once before he crossed over that our specific terran race was
one of the most promising human species that they had seen in a
very long time. Despite all of the other crap, we were one of
the most promising. However, I’m giving you my own opinion now,
based on what I know, I don’t know this as fact.
But, if the
Andromedan Council does what they are planning to do next year
and try to remove all regressive extra-terrestrial presences off
the planet and the moon, if they do in fact do that, Morenay has
said that they are planning to just sit up in space, we will all
see them, and just watch us for two to four years in our time.
What they want to do, is they want to see how we are going to
react with each other when we are not being manipulated.
we, in fact, come together?
The point that I made this morning, was there was a period of 300
years where there was actually no extra-terrestrial intervention
and what happened? We dusted off the monarchies of Europe and we
created the United State of America. The United States of
America, Ladies and Gentlemen, was never supposed to happen. It
was an accident. It was never supposed to happen.
Families of Europe who are connected to the extra-terrestrial
lineages were never supposed to loose control, never. And once
America opened up Pandora’s Box, a lot of people followed.
Because we had all been sick of the tyranny, and we still are.
Q: Is there anything you want to say about shape-shifting, the
Royalty, Draconians, that sort of thing?
AC: I had this conversation earlier as well, with a member of
our audience. Shape-shifters: does technology exist where
someone can create a holograph around themselves? Yes, the
technology does exist. Is that technology presently being used
on Earth? The answer to that is no. Can a person, a regressive
entity take over a human body?
The answer to that is absolutely
And the process is actually very simple. They abduct
someone, they bring him to death very slowly, and the moment his
last breath, his essence, leaves the body, they replace it with
another. Several moments later, that body will rise off the
table, it will be the same physical body, but inside, it has a
completely different agenda, because now it is a different soul.
That technology does exist.
Q: Would you call that a walk-in?
AC: Yes, I would.
Q: Would they have the memory of the original body?
AC: Yes, they do. But my understanding is that there is anywhere
from three to seven months where there is a transition period.
And generally, when it happens to a major figure, they will be
out of the limelight or be very rarely seen, because they are
still adjusting. Let‘s talk about that some more. The word is: I
saw him turn into a reptilian, I actually saw the reptilian.
That’s probably very true.
That doesn’t mean that they are
actually reptilian and they are using technology to look like
human beings. It is a human body. But you have to remember
something. Reptilians are not used to the extremes of emotions;
they don’t have emotions like we do. In fact many of the human
races out there don’t have the extreme of emotions that we do.
So what happens is that if there is a situation where the body
gets excited, because it is a human body, that is what is does.
It is this huge antenna.
When is gets excited the reptilian soul
inside doesn’t know how to act, so he probably either gets
frightened, or he gets alarmed. And when he does that, because
they are extremely powerful souls you see a projection of
themselves in their auric field, you will see it, because they
are not used to the emotions. They don’t know how to handle it
and that is part of the transition period.
That’s what I have
been told.

Q: Can an original reptilian have sex with a human being?
AC: Yeah, but no offspring will come of it. If there is
offspring it is because there was a genetic manipulation.
Q: Why would they do it then?
AC: I actually don’t know that it actually has been done, but it
can and they do have a phallic.
Q: I have run into that with some people.
AC: Could be. Maybe they have been watching humans do it, they
see the heightened emotion and passion, the rush that we get at
that moment, and they are trying to experience it themselves.
Q: They seem to be attracted to different races on Earth, why,
are they different combinations of this 22 or what?
AC: Yes, they are.
Q: Do you know what aliens are what?
We know some of them. I am not prepared to talk about that
tonight, but we will do it really, really soon. I promise within
probably 4 weeks, it will be up on the website. I’m extremely
motivated to create a scorecard, so everybody knows who
everybody is; especially if this thing is coming down. We need
to know, or at least the information needs to be available.
Those who want to know will find it.
Q: You don’t have to answer this, but are the Caucasians all
from one stream, or are we a mixture as well?
AC: We are a mixture, we all are. We are all a Heinz 57. With a
moderate to good temperament when we are left alone and not
Q: There is some suggestion that we will take the planet back.
AC: It is going to be handed to us, but what we do with it after
that will be entirely our responsibility. We will be handed back
the planet, I know for a fact that discussions of a download of
all of humanity has and is being talked about, where everybody
is given exactly the same data of who we are, where we are from,
who these beings were and how we have been manipulated.
They are
going to basically say, ok, here is the truth, and I don’t know
how many people are going to be able to handle it. If that
happens, they have talked about it. I know that there will be
some contact of some sort after the extraction occurs. Then they
are going to withdraw and they are going to watch us. Now, we
will be totally self-responsible for this.
Depending on what it
is that we do with each other and with our own eco-sphere,
bio-sphere, if we are not responsible, they are not going to
help us.
Q: That was the galactic debate.
AC: Yes, it is exactly the galactic debate and that is the
compromise they came to. They
don’t honor themselves, they don’t honor each other, they don’t
honor their home, what is their value. That is exactly what was
presented. They have been manipulated from the get-go.
Q: What if it is a few people that take the responsibility, but
not the majority?
AC: That’s why I am kind of hoping that they are going to do the
download. Because everybody will know and all of us will be
starting on page one. It would be a huge help.
Q: Did you say this is going to happen next year?
AC: The date that they gave me was August 12, 2003. The reason
they have given me that date, that specific day, and I didn’t
know about this until a couple years ago, why that date,
was…. remember the
Philadelphia Experiment and they sent the
Eldridge through time and they ripped a hole in time?
created a portal that was never supposed to be there. Some of
the regressive races that are here and have been in other places
in the galaxy were sucked in through that time hole and they are
literally out of their own time.
And the idea is to round them
up and literally say, OK, we are either going to take care of
you here and now or you are going to be allowed to go back
through that hole, because it opens on that day.
Q: Is it 60 years?
AC: Yes, so when that hole opens they are going to have the
opportunity to back to their time to where they belong. The hope
is that they will do it and the thought is that they actually
will do it. Once that hole closes there are apparently galactic
races that have been recruited from outside our galaxy who know
how to fix it. And they are already here, apparently, and as
soon as that hole closes they are going to seal it forever so
that it never opens again.
It didn’t cause problems just for us;
it caused problems for everybody because it created a bridge
between two different times.
Q: What will we experience on that day?
AC: That’s a great question. (laughter) That’s a really, really
great question and I have absolutely no idea. All I can tell you
is that unless I hear otherwise I will be taking that day off of
work. If it has been postponed, I will go to work. If I haven’t
heard any change in the schedule, I will not be going to work
that day.
Q: Is there any correlation between this event and the
approaching of
Planet X?
AC: That is a great question too. Planet X: two years ago, and I
am on the record as putting this on the website, a portion of
the Nibiruan Family,
the Enki line, approached the
Council and asked for permission to enter our solar system to
retrieve mining equipment and other materials that they had left
behind when they left here. There was a considerable amount of
The Andromedan civilization itself was staunchly against
it because the Nibiruans are not known for keeping their word.
However, the Andromedan Council itself ruled OK. We will allow
them in. And they are in fact coming. What is coming is not a
planet; it is an intelligently guided planetary size craft. It
can maneuver, it can change direction, it can come and go
anywhere it wants.
It is not in an orbit, like we have been
Q: So it can’t hurt us.
AC: It can hurt us, if it comes too close to us. Its field will
cause a lot of problems here.
Q: Is it as big as they say?
AC: Sure. The Andromedans have told me of races that have mother
craft from the Andromedan Galaxy that are twice the size of
Jupiter that house over a billion beings on it. That’s amazing;
I can’t imagine being stuck with the same people. Let me finish
Nibiru thing. They are coming, what’s going to happen, I
have no idea. I can honestly tell you this, though; the
Andromedans expect them not to keep their word, to just pick up
their mining materials. Much of that mining material is in the
rings of Saturn for the record.
Exactly what is a regressive? How do they know who is a
regressive extra-terrestrial or hybrid?
The Andromedans monitor;
when they send in their teams to start studying a planet, a
race, for induction, for mentoring, what they do is they monitor
their chains of thoughts. And it is by their chains of thought
that they can tell who is evolved, who’s regressive, who’s
benevolent, who’s empathetic, etc, etc, by the chains of
They have technology that literally is more than a
picture of a brain wave. It’s like a photocopier. It literally
takes a brainwave and takes a picture of an intent and of a
thought. And if they see a chain of thought that is very
regressive, they are marked and they know exactly where they are
and who they are on this planet. They know exactly. And they are
not the only ones; there are other races that are part of the
Council. There are 38 different races in our solar system and
just outside of it right now.
And they are all sharing data and
they are just waiting to find out what is going to happen here.
Q: Like Hitler would be considered a regressive?
AC: He would be considered a regressive, but is he a walk-in? If
he is not a walk-in, he stays; we will have to deal with him. If
he is a walk-in he is out of here, because he is not the birth
soul. Are we all clear on that?

Q: What about
the Illuminati?
AC: Many of them are walk-ins. But there is one family and I
have been told not to say, because it would get me in a lot of
trouble. But I am going to tell you the circumstances. There is
one family where the children are birthed of a line and when the
child reaches three years of age the exchange takes place.
same family is basically used as a carrier. They are not the
actual genetic lineage, but they have been propped up to be 'the
genetic lineage.' Do you follow what I am saying? They have been
propped up to be the actual lineage because that is the lineage
that this particular race has chosen to walk into.
Q: For breeding purposes?
AC: Yes, for breeding purposes, thank you. I didn’t want to come
right out and say it because it gives me the creeps.
Q: Some Illuminati will be removed and some will not be removed?
AC: The walk-ins will be removed; the actual alien genetic
beings will be removed. If they are actually true terrans and
they are just sons’ a bitches, we are stuck with them because
that is our race. The fact that they have a mental psychosis is
not a problem that the Andromedan Council wants to deal with. We
need to deal with that.
We need to take responsibility for our
own race. And again is goes back to the traditions. The actions
of an individual are a reflection on the clan and the species.
And that is what they live by. There is going to be a big
learning curve for us if this all goes down the way it might go
I honestly don’t know.
Q: Is there some kind of mark so they know who is regressive?
AC: What kind of a mark? They don’t need a mark, they have their
brain waves, they have their chains of thought. What they do is
they plug it in. They have their own type of satellite machinery
and they plug in this brain wave frequency. And their computers
which are incredible monitor every move they make. And they are
recording every thought and every action that they make. And
they are recording every thought and every action that they
And they will answer for it.
Q: Do you think that those that are in this room and other rooms
similar that you are talking to that the reason for it is that
we will possibly be there to help with the transition?
AC: I would think so. People are not going to know how to
process the downloads. Like your devout Jewish people, your
devout Christians, they are going to have a really hard time
transitioning with this information, because all of their belief
systems are going to implode. And they are going to need to
process this and it is going to be one hell of an interesting
experience for all of us.
Organized religion will be gone, it
will be gone in a heartbeat.
Q: Some people listening to you are going to think you are a
AC: I have been told that, but fortunately my wife and my
children don’t think so and that’s really all that matters. They
are going to see extra-terrestrials, they are going to see very
large space craft, they are going to see hundreds and hundreds
of miles, maybe thousands of miles of mother-ships in the sky.
Are they going to look at me and say, “I don’t really see that”?
And then who is in denial here?
I think that there is a move to really educate people and I
think that there are elements within world government that are
benevolent, that are really trying to solve a very difficult
problem, that are trying to help. I think that is why the
Disclosure Project has been allowed to get off the ground,
because for those of us that have been studying this information
that is the smoking gun.
That whole thing is about the speakers,
it’s about the guys telling their stories, it’s not about
Stephen Greer. I want to make that crystal clear. I think
Stephen has done everybody a great service but it is not about
him. It is about the guys on the tape that are putting it on the
My wife and I talk about this stuff at dinner. We have had Mike
[Russ] over to the house several times. We talk about it and the
frustration for us is how do we get this information out there?
It’s hard. All I can do is offer it.
I can’t make a living at
this, that’s for sure.

Q: Because we believe we have taken the initiative would it be
possible that the Andromedans may want to also include us as
AC: I have been talking to them for 15 years about adding more
people to the list (laughter). My understanding is that many
people in the next several years are going to be contacted.
But depending on the extra-terrestrial lineage that is dominant in
your physicality it will be that clan or that star system race
that will contact you. That is how it is done, it’s all about
the lineage. Out there, and it is here, it really is.
This has been a pleasure for me. I get a lot of this off my
chest and my head (maybe the hair will grow back now!)
I just
want to say thank you.