GreyFalcon Website
Germans were very
close to solving the mystery
Much has been said about the “UFO” developments of the Third Reich;
however, some important questions still remain. Were the Germans
actually successful with these developments or not? According to
some sources, an UFO crashed near the city of Freiburg in 1936. The
UFO was found, and it’s likely that German scientists with the
assistance of Schutzstaffel (SS) managed to repair and even test the
UFO’s energy system and propulsion systems.
However, all attempts to reproduce the alien technology failed. That
is why there was only one variant of the flying apparatus.
Representatives of three occult societies, “Thule”,
"Vril” and “Ahnenerbe”,
ran those projects.

An ancient hi-tech "city" nicknamed "Rainbow City" was reportedly
discovered in Antarctica by a small group of American researchers in
the late 1940's.
Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to
study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space
portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground 'rail'
system with Rainbow City being the central hub. Antigravity craft
are also reportedly being used by the researchers.
~The Hefferlin Manuscript; Rainbow City and the Inner Earth People,
by Timothy Green Beckley |
For five years, the Germans carried out work for the creation of a
secret project code-named “Base-211.”
This has been determined by
several independent experts. By the end of WWII, the Germans already
had nine scientific enterprises where “flying disk” projects were
tested. Many scientists are positive that at least one of these
Third Reich enterprises was transferred to the Antarctic.
Famous researchers of the Third Reich’s Antarctic mysteries,
R.Vesko, V.Terzisky, and D.Childress, claim that from 1942,
thousands of concentration camp prisoners, prominent scientists,
pilots, politicians with their families, and members of the Hitlerjugend were taken to the South Pole via submarine. Some
scientists believe that a German base still remains in the
Antarctic. Moreover, it is even said that there is an underground
Aryan city called New Berlin, which has a population of two million
It is claimed that population of this city researches genetic
engineering and space technology. UFOs have been witnessed several
times near the South Pole, which is an indirect confirmation of the
base’s existence there. In 1976, with the help of the latest
technology, the Japanese managed to detect nineteen round objects at
the same time; the objects dived from space to the Antarctic and
disappeared from the radar screens.
In 1998 Angel Alcazar de Velasco was interviewed at his home near
Madrid. He was then 90 years old; he died in 2001. Mr. Velasco was a
member of the most pro-German section of the 'Falange' (Spanish
right-wing political movement of the 30s and 40s) and he spied for
Germany and Japan during the war. From Mexico he organized and
controlled two spy rings that operated in the USA for some time. One
of them was directed against the Manhattan-Project
He was asked about the German nuclear research during WW-II (this
research was far more advanced indeed than it is usually admitted
today) and talked about this topic, but at a certain moment he
commented that the jets and the rockets were certainly NOT the most
advanced flying machines developed in Germany in those years.
told that:
The Germans had developed round flying machines ('Flugscheiben').
These flying machines operated and still operate today from
secret bases mainly in South America and the South Pole and are
responsible for the modern UFO-sightings.
There is no connection (and never has been) between any
(supposed) extraterrestrial life form and the Flying Saucers.
About the Führer, Velasco said only that Hitler did NOT die in May
1945 in Berlin, but by the end of the 50s, and is now buried in the
German base at the South Pole.
Mr. Velasco declared also he had been several times personally in
the South Polar base and also in some of the bases in South America
(for instance in the Fireland -Tierra del Fuego- area).
Aryan UFOs & Antarctic Bases
- A Realistic Appraisal -
by Rob Arndt
In Response to the above article published in PRAVDA Ernst Zündel
I consider this a garbled account about the Third Reich's best-kept
secret weapons research and development: Circular flying craft,
commonly called UFOs. The article gives one an insight into the
state of the mind of at least a segment of the Russian reading
public, when one sees newspaper stories of this type, which mix pure
speculation, propaganda tales of World War II and weird, far-fetched
occult themes with the serious side of cutting edge technology.
There is also the usual misspelling of names, incomplete titles
etc., and one wonders what original sources the authors consulted
for this rather incredible tale.
One more very interesting source was a mass-circulation book
published in England and America, titled "Intercept But Don't
Shoot!" by Renato Vesco, who is alleged to have been Benito
Mussolini's Air Technical Intelligence Chief during World War II.
Vesco lists an incredible number of sources, among them whole sets
of declassified British intelligence and engineering assessments of
German research projects, including weird alloys, completely new
metals and Rube Goldberg-like contraptions, all tried and tested by
the Germans. In the 1970s, it was obtainable from the Queen's
Printer in London.
As to German Antarctic explorations - there was at least one
publicly known German Antarctic expedition undertaken by the Third
Reich in 1938 before the war broke out. The documentation is replete
with lots of maps, flying courses, black-and-white photographs and
even a color photo section. The title is "Die deutsche Antarktische
Expedition 1938", published by the Safari Verlag. The book itself is
long out of print - at least since 1945. However, the negatives of
the aerial photos taken by the expedition and some newsreel film
footage survived World War II and can be seen at Hamburg's famous
Hydrographic Institute.
The serious British publisher, W.R.D. McLaughlin, published a book
after the war called German Antarctic Raiders, which is about German
naval activity in the Antarctic in World War II.
In the 1970s, a film documentary appeared about the German
Antarctica expedition on prime time German TV, which included filmed
interviews of some of the actual participants of that expedition.
This expedition team surveyed and mapped large areas and took soil,
water and ice samples. It charted the Antarctic waters and air
It left behind hundreds of Swastika flags driven into the
Antarctic snow and more hundreds of flags air-dropped to lay proper
explorers' rights of possession to that terrain. All of this is
documented in the above mentioned book. This expedition claimed
officially for Germany a clearly defined geographic area of the
Antarctic Continent and named warm water lakes and mountain ranges
they discovered you can read about and find on any map put out by
the National Geographic Society, for instance.
This claim is
presently recorded in the Antarctica Gazetteer No. 14, available
from the United States Board on Geographic Names. There even exists
a German Antarctic Foundation which, through its various chapters
around the world, keeps alive Germany's rightful claim to the area,
known as Neu-Schwabenland.
Thus, Germany is far larger than the chopped-up, politically
truncated, demonically maligned little piece of real estate in the
very heart of Europe the Allies left behind after their defeat of
Hitler. Germany's Antarctic claim, never challenged, is three times
the size of pre-World War II Germany.
Many of its highest, Alp-like
mountains as well as lakes and glaciers are named after those Nazi
crew and expedition members.

One Japanese national TV program invited me to Princeton University
in the middle 1990s where I was interviewed for hours and where some
of my unpublished material was filmed. This television program was
then enhanced with computer-generated, brilliantly done Nazi flying
saucers, being shielded by icebergs at first, gracefully rising out
from Antarctic ocean bases and glaciers.
They are some sight to see
- what with the Swastika strikingly adorning these incredibly
maneuverable, exotic flying craft wobbling out of the choppy,
iceberg-strewn ocean, shaking off pieces of ice and trailing
cascading water, as they elegantly zoom away at very high speed!
In the 1990s I interviewed an American publisher and author from
Florida who publishes a magazine, called Sharkhunters, devoted
largely to WWII submarines with lots of famous U-Boat aces as
contributors. He told a fascinating story, which I broadcast on my
satellite show, The Voice of Freedom.
He claims that he had, indeed,
come across maps and photographs of German Antarctic bases in World
War II in the Chilean and Argentinean naval archives, one based in
Tierra del Fuego, accommodating approximately 8,000 men
There is immense worldwide interest in this alleged German Antarctic
UFO activity, borne out by the fact that large-circulation Japanese
newspapers, magazines and TV programs devote a lot of space, money
and time to this story.
Even in America, the topic is a sizzling one. Right after World War
II, Col. Byrd, the famous American Arctic Explorer, was sent to
Antarctica by President Truman in 1947 with a military task force,
equipped with the latest military hardware including air craft
carriers, submarines, helicopters, even tanks. What was he looking
for - in, of all places, Antarctica? There are all kinds of
articles, serious and otherwise, suggesting that he was sent to
smoke out Hitler's last stronghold there.
National Geographic
Magazine covered that Task Force in over 40 pages of photographs and
texts in 1947.
Another Response to the above article by
Ernst Zündel:
I consider this a garbled account about the Third Reich's best-kept
secret weapons research and development: Circular flying craft,
commonly called UFOs. The article gives one an insight into the
state of the mind of at least a segment of the Russian reading
public, when one sees newspaper stories of this type, which mix pure
speculation, propaganda tales of World War II and weird, far-fetched
occult themes with the serious side of cutting edge technology.
There is also the usual misspelling of names, incomplete titles
etc., and one wonders what original sources the authors consulted
for this rather incredible tale.
Nonetheless, the goofy essay merits comment.
I believe I can claim at least some familiarity with the UFO topic,
having authored and published some small booklets on Nazi UFOs in
the late '60s and early '70s - before I was forced by Germany's
enemies to tackle the hoary and fraudulent "Holocaust" claims ,
which put an end to my youthful fascination and explorations of the
This political derailing of my life caused me to become a
serious activist and made me dedicate my life to the clearing of my
people's and country's reputation by debunking an untrue accusation.
Had my enemies left me alone, who knows what flights of fancy might
I have indulged in instead?
Seriously: I personally corresponded with and interviewed some of
the German UFO researchers in the 1960s still alive then, including
Rudolf Lusar, post-war Germany's most famous author on German secret
weapons in World War II. Nobody ever told me about a secret project
code-named "Base 211", although some, who were aircraft engineers -
one attached to Hermann Göring's Reichs-Luftfahrtministerium, was
personally present when one of those circular crafts, being tethered
to a concrete floor of a large aircraft hangar and propulsion-tested
in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, broke its moorings and shot through the
ceiling, damaging it and the aircraft severely.
I can say with
certainty that advanced research, production and flight testing were
definitely going on during World War II of these circular flying
craft, some which could reach incredible heights very quickly and
obtain high speeds in horizontal flight - well in excess of the
speed of sound.
Some of the sanest descriptions of German secret weapons can be
found in the bestselling books of Lusar, who was an aircraft
engineer and whose books went through several printings in the 1950s
and 1960s. The German title was "Deutsche Geheimwaffen des II.
Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung." (German Secret Weapons And
Their Continuing Development) At least one English translation was
published in London at the time.
In a similar vein, the American Air Force's Air Technical
Intelligence Chief, a general named Simon, published a hardcover
book about Nazi Secret Weapons he and his team had inspected and
tested in the 1960s with a small publishing house called WE Inc.,
based in Connecticut. It is full of astonishing photos and rich in
technical details.
When I spoke to the publisher, who had ordered
some of the UFO books published by me, he said:
"Very interesting, Zündel, but you have only scratched the surface!"
One more very interesting source was a mass-circulation book
published in England and America, titled "Intercept But Don't
Shoot!" by Renato Vesco, who is alleged to have been Benito
Mussolini's Air Technical Intelligence Chief during World War II.
Vesco lists an incredible number of sources, among them whole sets
of declassified British intelligence and engineering assessments of
German research projects, including weird alloys, completely new
metals and Rube Goldberg-like contraptions, all tried and tested by
the Germans. In the 1970s, it was obtainable from the Queen's
Printer in London.
As to German Antarctic explorations - there was at least one
publicly known German Antarctic expedition undertaken by the Third
Reich in 1938 before the war broke out. The documentation is replete
with lots of maps, flying courses, black-and-white photographs and
even a color photo section.
The title is "Die deutsche antarktische
Expedition 1938", published by the Safari Verlag. The book itself is
long out of print - at least since 1945. However, the negatives of
the aereal photos taken by the expedition and some newsreel film
footage survived World War II and can be seen at Hamburg's famous
Hydrographic Institute.
The serious British publisher, W.R.D. McLaughlin, published a book
after the war called German Antarctic Raiders, which is about German
naval activity in the Antarctic in World War II.
In the 1970s, a film documentary appeared about the German
Antarctica expedition on prime time German TV, which included filmed
interviews of some of the actual participants of that expedition.
This expedition team surveyed and mapped large areas and took soil,
water and ice samples. It charted the Antarctic waters and air
currents. It left behind hundreds of Swastika flags driven into the
Antarctic snow and more hundreds of flags air-dropped to lay proper
explorers' rights of possession to that terrain.
All of this is
documented in the above mentioned book. This expedition claimed
officially for Germany a clearly defined geographic area of the
Antarctic Continent and named warm water lakes and mountain ranges
they discovered you can read about and find on any map put out by
the National Geographic Society, for instance. This claim is
presently recorded in the Antarctica Gazetteer No. 14, available
from the United States Board on Geographic Names.
There even exists
a German Antarctic Foundation which, through its various chapters
around the world, keeps alive Germany's rightful claim to the area,
known as Neu-Schwabenland - and trust me, I had nothing to do with
the selection of that name, even though I am a proud, full-blooded
Swabian. I was born in 1939!
Thus, Germany is far larger than the chopped-up, politically
truncated, demonically maligned little piece of real estate in the
very heart of Europe the Allies left behind after their defeat of
Hitler. Germany's Antarctic claim, never challenged, is three times
the size of pre-World War II Germany. Many of its highest, Alp-like
mountains as well as lakes and glaciers are named after those wicked
Nazi crew and expedition members. Horrors!
In the 1990s I interviewed an American publisher and author from
Florida who publishes a magazine, called Sharkhunters, devoted
largely to WWII submarines with lots of famous U-Boat aces as
contributors. He told a fascinating story, which I broadcast on my
satellite show, The Voice of Freedom. He claims that he had, indeed,
come across maps and photographs of German Antarctic bases in World
War II in the Chilean and Argentinean naval archives, one based in
Tierra del Fuego, accommodating approximately 8,000 men.
One Japanese national TV program invited me to Princeton University
in the middle 1990s where I was interviewed for hours and where some
of my unpublished material was filmed. This television program was
then enhanced with computer-generated, brilliantly done Nazi flying
saucers, being shielded by icebergs at first, gracefully rising out
from Antarctic ocean bases and glaciers.
They are some sight to see
- what with the Swastika strikingly adorning these incredibly
maneuverable, exotic flying craft wobbling out of the choppy,
iceberg-strewn ocean, shaking off pieces of ice and trailing
cascading water, as they elegantly zoom away at very high speed!
There is immense worldwide interest in this alleged German Antarctic
UFO activity, borne out by the fact that large-circulation Japanese
newspapers, magazines and TV programs devote a lot of space, money
and time to this story.
One even came to interview me in Toronto and
ended up hiring one of my own "Zündel-Haus Lieutenants", a volunteer
who helped around the office, but who had lived in Argentina many
years and spoke several languages. This man had personal knowledge
of the people and places involved. That expedition is as well a
fascinating one - but too long to recount here. Perhaps another
Even im America, the topic is a sizzling one. Right after World War
II, Col. Byrd, the famous American Arctic Explorer, was sent to
Antarctica by President Truman in 1947 with a military task force,
equipped with the latest military hardware including air craft
carriers, submarines, helicopters, even tanks. What was he looking
for - in, of all places, Antarctica? There are all kinds of
articles, serious and otherwise, suggesting that he was sent to
smoke out Hitler's last stronghold there.
National Geographic
Magazine covered that Task Force in over 40 pages of photographs and
texts in 1947.
When I was younger than I am today and learned about all these
things in the 1970s, I tried to raise public awareness with my
little easy-to-read books, which turned quickly into controversial
bestsellers, going through numerous printings before I myself pulled
the plug on the "Secret Nazi UFO Project" by not reprinting and not
writing new material on this topic. My Jewish detractors made me
change course, but I want to touch briefly on a widely misreported
story of my UFO exploits. It had to do with my last UFO project, a
planned Antarctic overflight via a leased, extra-large, fuel tank
equipped, long range Boeing 747 from South African Airways.
For political reasons, this airline had to fly non-stop from Europe
to South Africa, not being allowed to land and refuel anywhere in
Black Africa at the time, courtesy of apartheid. I had a lead on the
plane and had tentatively found a crew of Australian and New
Zealanders with 747 flying skills and training and also Antarctic
overflight experience.
The idea itself was a bit of a publicity lark
- we were going to toast each other with champagne over the South
Pole and drop a Hitler flag onto some glaciers from the plane to
send a greeting to whoever might have been holed up down below. It
caused lots of media interest. I had already close to ten media and
TV programs lined up whose executives had pledged the $9,999.- fee
to send their staff writers and photographers along - to see for
themselves what was down there!
I was young, rich and adventurous then - and we were all roaring to
go. I had lots of fun and did up to three and four talk shows a week
on that "Nazi-Antarctic-UFO-Find-the Fuehrer's Bases" story and sold
lots of UFO booklets to boot - when tragedy struck! An Air New
Zealand passenger plane crashed into Mt. Erebus, killing all
passengers and crew members. The subsequent, painstaking
investigation came to no firm conclusions on why the plane crashed.
The United Nations, in conjunction with the Big Powers - Russia,
America, England etc. - got involved and declared the Antarctic
Continent off limits to all civilian overflights.
It put an end to the Zündel UFO Adventure for good.
The last person to raise my "UFO past" and grill me intensely on it
was the famous Mike Wallace of "Sixty Minutes" in the 1990s. Wallace
seemed to be fascinated and not a little freaked out by the topic.
What does he have to fear?
In the summer of 2000, Ingrid Rimland, my new wife, and I visited
the famous, much-visited Roswell, New Mexico UFO Museum. Many will
recall that a UFO allegedly crashed there in 1947 only two years
after World War II - with little "aliens" on board etc. etc. While
there, I bought a nicely produced hardcover book by U.S. Col.
J. Corso, (Ret.), who worked deep within the Pentagon hierarchy on a
secret UFO Project in the 1950s-60s.
On the dust jacket it says
"...With unprecedented detail, Corso divulges how he
spearheaded the (U.S.) Army's reverse engineering project that
seeded Alien technology at American companies such as IBM, Hughes
Aircraft, Bell Labs and Dow Corning."
We toured the museum for several hours and talked with employees and
tour guides there, and what do you know? Nicely protected by glass I
spotted some diaramas - life-like models reduced to scale:
Saucers", Swastikas, Balkenkreuze, Luftwaffe insignias and all -
being refueled by tankers on the ground with Luftwaffe - and
SS-uniformed and armed German soldiers guarding the "Nazi UFO base."
I thought I could not trust my eyes!
Allow me this thought as a German who has refused throughout a
lifetime to make myself a slave to the Pavlovian Reflex and kick a
long-dead Adolf Hitler in the shin:
The Americans captured and shipped thousands of German rocket,
aircraft and other weapons specialists to the US immediately after
World War II to "seed" exactly the same projects that Col. Corso
described as their advanced weapons research. While in Roswell,
Ingrid and I also went to the American rocket pioneer Stoddard's
workshop/museum and looked at the tools and scientific gear
displayed there - a shockingly primitively equipped place, compared
to what Wernher von Braun had had to work with Hitler's test
facilities at Peenemünde at the end of World War II.
On that hot
summer afternoon I wondered to myself if what had really crashed in
Roswell might not have been one of the German Flying Saucers,
keeping an eye on what the competition was up to at Mr. Stoddard's
lab and test site - and that the "little green men" story was a
false road flare, planted by US authorities at the time!
Why so?
Would it not have been painfully embarrassing to admit to
the American and world public that,
"... here we were, having clubbed
the Germans to a pulp in massive bombing raids, monkeying around at
Mr. Stoddard's lab and other places with that outdated,
old-fashioned, glorified fire cracker rocketry the departing Hitler
regime left behind, along with Wernher von Braun - while a
still-undefeated bunch of high-tech Nazis are hot-rodding it around
the globe and maybe even through the universe, snugly ensconced in
their never-captured, Antarctic based UFOs?"
A man can speculate, can't he? After all, this is America, isn't it?
And red-blooded Americans don't fear - or do they? - that they will
faint or turn into some frogs if they discover that a real live
"Nazi" called Ernst Zündel - according to the ADL, the JDL, the
Wiesenthalers and other some such outfits that specialize in smears
- turned out to be a human being after all who has just given them a
publicly little-known piece of his mind.
The Solution To The UFO Mystery
Has Been Found At Long Last
The Aliens Are
Actually Nazis Bent On Establishing A Bloody Fourth
And world governments have known about it all along, but they're
scared to death, says a leading researcher.
Nazi Germany had built a small fleet of UFO's as early as 1940,
according to Christof Friedrich, author of
UFOs: Nazi Secret
Friedrich claims that German UFO scientists escaped from their
war-torn homeland as the Allied armies were closing in.
Writes Friedrich:
"That some key scientists were obviously missing
became clear, and though some plants and their installations were
located, the staff with their machinery and prototypes had
disappeared. Even the test pilots had vanished."
And Friedrich contends Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, tricked the
world into believing they committed suicide in a Berlin bunker
during the last days of World War II.
Among the evidence Friedrich presents that Hitler is alive:
The bodies of Hitler and Braun were never produced.
The items introduced as evidence are only circumstantial - two of
Hitler's hats, one pair of panties with the initials EB, and a few
The bloodstains found on the furniture in
Hitler's quarters in
the bunker were not of his blood type.
The most important witnesses and the men closest to Hitler have
never been found.
There are too many reports and sightings, eyewitness reports, and
even evidence that the suicide attempts was a brilliantly
successful, carefully staged scenario.
The researcher says Hitler and Braun were flown to Norway in one of
the world's first jets. The pair then boarded a submarine and were
delivered to a secret base in South America.
Friedrich claims Hitler's U-boat convoy engaged in a fierce battle
with the British Navy and the Germans destroyed a British blockade
with secret high-tech weaponry.
Wrote Friedrich:
"It would seem that the secret weapons, which Göbbels had spoken of in such glowing terms only a few days
previous, were now put to use for the first time in an actual battle
"The result was one sole survivor from a British destroyer and it
was from this, the captain, that the words were uttered, 'May God
help me, may I never again encounter such a force.' The report of
the captain was carried in El Mercurio, a Santiago, Chile,
Friedrich contends that
Hitler's secret agents used counterfeit US
dollars and British pounds to finance the construction of secret
military bases in South America and UFO bases in Antarctica.
"Hitler had planned far ahead and at long range," according to
Friedrich. "Obviously guided by the possible occupation and
subsequent loss of Germany itself, he had cast around for land still
available for colonization and found that Antarctica was at that
time, the only continent still unclaimed."
Added Friedrich:
"The secret Nazi expeditionary force was headed by
Captain Ritscher and took place in 1938-1939.
The force landed in the area of Queen Maud Land and established
bases there. Over 11,000 photographs were taken for mapping
Incredibly, the researchers says the US and Soviet governments have
known about the secret Nazi UFO bases for more than 40 years, but
have covered up the truth because they do not know how to deal with
Friedrich claims Nazi spacecraft could have become sophisticated
thanks to extraterrestrials who befriended the Nazis while they were
hiding in Antarctica.
Writes the researcher:
"Did Hitler's scientists perform their
miracle alone, unaided, or did flying saucer people, perhaps
visitors from other galaxies give them a helping hand because they
had mastered the new technology and consequently spoke the same or
at least similar technological language?"
Friedrich believes Hitler's so-called "Last Battalion" will spring
into action with a worldwide economic collapse. Then the saucer
Nazis will invade strategic military areas and rule the world.
- George Glidden
Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel was born in Germany's Schwarzwald in
1939. He emigrated to Canada in 1958, where he met Adrien Arcand,
the Quebec nationalist and ardent right-winger. It was from Arcand
that Zündel first heard the rumors about "saucer Nazis" and "the
Antarctic Reich."
[Neo-Nazis, Black Sun enthusiasts and members of
the Redemption sect believe that Hitler escaped from Germany in 1945
aboard a UFO. Together with an SS "Last Battalion," these fugitive
Nazis supposedly founded a colony called Neuschwabenland in
Antarctica not too far from the ancient ruins H.P. Lovecraft called
"Kadath in the Cold Waste".]

In 1974, Zündel launched Samisdat Press to publicize these theories.
His first publication was UFOs: Unbekanntes Flugobjekt? Letzte
Geheimwaffe des Dritten Reiches by Willibald Mattern. He followed
this with two books of his own, Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions in
1978 and Hitler at the South Pole? in 1979, both written under a
pseudonym consisting of his two middle names - Christopher
In the 1970s, Zündel proposed leasing a Boeing 747 and flying to
Antarctica to search for the hidden Nazi colony. But then he dropped
this idea and flew to India instead to interview
Savitri Devi [birth
name: Maximiani Portas].
According to Savitri's biographer Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke,
Devi was the first to suggest to Zündel that the Nazi genocide of
the Jews was untrue. Zündel went on to make a career out of
Holocaust denial, publishing Thies Christopherson's notorious
Auschwitz: Truth or Lie? and Richard Harwood's Did Six Million
Really Die?"
Savitri Devi was hardly in a position to discuss the Holocaust, as
she spent all of World War II in Lucknow, India.
Zündel did NOT invent the Neu Schwabenland history. It started with
the Nazi Expedition in 38/39, their mapping out and claiming the
territory with German national markers, and establishment for the
site of what was to become Base 211 in the Mühlig-Hoffman mountains.
In the early 1940s the German surface raiders and U-boats brought
men and mining supplies to Neu Schwabenland where Base 211 became
operational between 1942-43. Dönitz gave a speech to his U-boat men
about such a "safe haven" for U-boats in 1943, a place "outside" the
Reich. Furthermore, during the war Argentina supplied German U-boats
with supplies and kept track of their movements in the South
Atlantic, to Tierra del Fuego, the Falklands, and Neu Schwabenland.
The British Occult Bureau of MI5 sent Wraith commandos recruited
from S.O.E. to track down Ahnenerbe and SS Technical Branch
technology which led them to Neu Schwabenland. The British captured
German soldiers on the Falklands while the US captured German
soldiers involved in occult activities in Greenland. These are
historical facts that cannot be denied.
The last communication out of Berlin from Göbbel's ministry was to
Tierra del Fuego. That would seem utterly of no use at all except
for the fact that Hitler chose Dönitz as Führer. The Kriegsmarine
leadership were the least obedient to the NSDAP and yet Hitler chose
Grossadmiral Dönitz as his replacement.
Because Dönitz knew of
Neu Schwabenland and the plans for a Fourth Reich.
Himmler did too
but was a traitor while Canaris was found to be collaborating with
Vril to groom a new Führer while Hitler was still alive. SS General
Kammler, head of ALL of Germany's most secret weapons disappeared
from Germany in April 1945 and there is little doubt he fled to Neu
Schwabenland with the disc technology intact.
According to various high-level declassified communications between
Washington D.C. and London in late 1945 and 1946, the US was worried
about the alleged German base in Antarctica AND flight disc
technology. Zündel, therefore, fabricated nothing. 54 U-boats WERE
missing from Nazi Germany along with between 142,000-250,000 people
of which virtually the entire SS Technical Branch, the entire
Thule Gesellschafts, six thousand scientists and technicians,
tens of thousands of slave laborers, and the stolen plans to the
Type XXVI U-Boat were a part of it.
Zündel had NOTHING to do with the 1947
Operation Highjump military
task force fiasco to Neu Schwabenland nor the famous UFO-Blitz over
Washington D.C. while there was a plan to use nukes in Antarctica
(against the German colony) in Congress. Amazingly, the nuke plans
were scrapped immediately afterward.
Please note that the nations involved in Antarctica have their bases
established largely out of Neu Schwabenland, forming a ring around
it! Although some exploration has been done there, that does NOT
prove a German base(s) do not sit there underground. Plenty of US
soldiers walked right over vast underground VC strongholds/networks
without a clue and that is in decent weather. Antarctic weather is
the worst on the planet. It has been further claimed that the German
colony is down two miles underground since 1945 so good luck
"stumbling" upon the entrance to it.
The Germans are master bunker builders and even in European Germany
in 1945 under total bombardment plans were moving forward to move
the entire population and industry underground. In Antarctica with
no bombing nor interference it would be quite possible to achieve
Zündel's holocaust views and political beliefs have nothing to do
with creating a Neu Schwabenland myth. I only complained to him
about his outdated, inaccurate disc information.
Map of Antarctic Base Stations
Winter 2002

Nazi Germany's 'Advanced Secret Weapon and Space Program' began in
the early 1940's and involved the development of the 'Flügelrad' or
The Flügelrad was a saucer-helicopter, the first vertical take-off
flying vehicle developed by the Nazi's. The wings (blades) which
issued from the centre of the craft like spokes toward the outer
rim, were tiltable. This was allegedly the 'Model T' of a series of
German 'disk' or 'saucer' designs which followed.
Much of this program, of course, was top secret - even to the
German public. According to 'Samisdat Publications', an ultra
right-wing organization [founded by Ernst Zündel] based in Toronto,
Canada, the Nazis did in fact develop such a flying device. Why then
did not the world learn of such a thing when Nazi Germany fell?
Well, says Samisdat and others, as the war was coming to an end
several colonies of German scientists were transported to secret
bases in Antarctica and elsewhere (a possibility that, when
considered, seems to be plausible) where the secret 'discus' and
other technologies were perfected. Actually there is evidence that
just before World War II the Germans had secretly been exploring the
Polar regions.
Perhaps this would explain the bizarre episode surrounding the
fateful voyage of Capt. Charles Hall.
The American Geographical
Society in New York records that, apparently on the basis of
'stories' of unexplored regions in the extreme north (where
'habitable' land -- perhaps volcanically heated - was rumored to
exist, possibly beyond a great 'ice barrier'), the U.S. Government
sent out an expedition to the North Pole, at the request of
President Grant, in 1870.
The expedition used the 'U.S.S. POLARIS'
under the command of Capt. Charles Hall. Hall died along the way and
was buried in the snow. The ship returned. But, that's not the end
of the story. The public T.V. program 'NOVA' reported that in recent
years Hall's grave was found. Samples of hair and finger-nails were
taken and tested.
They showed that he had died of slow poisoning!
And, what's more, a check of records showed that the cook (who would
have been in a perfect position to administer poisoning) AND first
mate on the U.S.A. Polaris turned out to be GERMAN 'OCCULTIST'
SPIES! This would indicate that animosity between the American Navy
and the German Nazis [or at least their predecessors in the form of
the German occult lodges which gave rise to the Nazis] dates back at
least to 1870.
Other examples are,
the U.S. Navy vs. Germans/Nazis in WWI and WWII
the battle between Admiral Byrd's Naval force and the Nazi "Last
Battalion in Antarctica"
the secret "Intelligence Wars" between the
Navy- back COM-12
the Nazi-backed AQUARIUS agencies, as well as the
Navy-backed "Philadelphia Project" personnel vs. the Nazi-backed
"Phoenix Project" personnel...
...and so on.
Was there something at the
North Pole that the German occultists were trying to hide?
the case, there is sufficient evidence that during the war these
secret Nazi Polar expeditions were intensified, especially to the
South Polar regions.
There is much evidence that, in fact, the Nazi's WERE very deeply
involved in the occult.
Researcher Jason Bishop (pseudonym for a
French-American researcher) gives the following information on the
All of the Nazi-occult groups were more or less closely associated
with the powerful and well organized 'Theosophical Society', which
added to neo-pagan magic an oriental setting and a Hindu
terminology. Or, rather, it provided a link between a certain
oriental Satanism and the west.
Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct
contact with the Dervish Orders and knew a great deal about Islamic
mysticism, particularly Sufism in all it's aspects... wrote 'BEFORE
HITLER CAME', in 1933, which mentioned the occult affiliations of
the Nazi leadership (National Socialist Movement). The Nazi regime
suppressed and destroyed this book, as the information was not for
the (German) public.
The Thulist, Dietrich Eckart is believed to have initiated Hitler
into various occult mysteries with the aid of psychedelic drugs. The
most prominent member of the Vril Society, was Karl Haushofer, a
close confident of Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg.
"Alfred Rosenberg and
Adolf Hitler himself belonged to the Thule Gesellschaft."
So did
Rudolf Hess! [for additional details read 'The
Spear of Destiny', by
Trevor Ravenscroft and 'The
Occult and the Third Reich', by
Jean-Michel Angebert.] These were the type of men who were in charge
of the Nazi's secret 'flying disk' program.
One of the scientists involved with the early Nazi 'saucer' projects
was of course Viktor Schauberger, who was brought to America after
the war where he was rumored to be working on a top-secret 'flying
disk' project in Texas for the U.S. Government, until his death in
1958. It is said that some of the prototypes which are now being
developed are as advanced (whereas propulsion and so on is
concerned) over the 'Schauberger' models as the Space Shuttle is
over the bi-plane. '
Samisdat relates some information on Schauberger, who might have
been considered the aeronautical 'Einstein' of his time, although
not nearly as well-known as the famous white-haired Jewish
Schauberger reportedly developed several prototypes of
discoid-shaped air craft for the Nazis which worked on the following
"MODEL I - The most conventional design, by today's concepts. It
used a standard German Walther Rocket Engine and was steered by a
conventional rudder.
"MODEL II - An improvement over Model I, with a radical departure:
A specially-designed 'rotary wing' stabilized and steered the craft.
This model was more maneuverable and faster.
"MODEL III - Extremely fast, using a jet-vacuum (implosion)
propulsion system. Capable of attaining speeds of over 6,000
kilometers per hour. The fuel mixture produced vapor trails, an
acrid smell, and sometimes flames and sparks. The saucer's
propulsion system produced high-pitched, whining sounds. The craft
was capable of terrific acceleration or steady hover. It could climb
and bank steeply and often startled the observer with loud sonic
booms as it accelerated through the sound barrier.
This model was
equipped with telescopic landing gear. Successors of MODEL III,
still in the planning stage during the mid-1940's, utilized the
Earth's magnetic field in their propulsion systems.

Using the original implosion-powered propulsion system, these
Saucers made no sound. They were flameless, odorless and smokeless,
but the outer skin of the hull, composed of a secret alloy called 'impervium',
pulsated eerily with various colors of the rainbow as the craft sped
through the sky at velocities in excess of 10,000 kilometers per
Extremely maneuverable, these Nazi Saucers, dubbed 'Foo-Fighters'
by Allied bomber crews, could change altitude and course with
surprising suddenness.
Flying saucers hiding in secret Antarctic base
by Michael Forsyth
Weekly World News
AMERICA faces invasion by an armada of Nazi flying saucers --
launched from a secret underground base in Antarctica where they've
been housed since World War II!
That's the horrifying claim of a National Security Agency source,
who says global warming is to blame.
"Because of excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Antarctic
ice is rapidly melting - depriving German scientists, SS officers
and their families of their sanctuary,' declares the source.
"Their 'final solution' is to conquer America."
The source claims that images collected by U.S. spy satellites
reveal that at least 420 of the menacing saucers, each about 90-feet
in diameter, emerged from the now-partially exposed base and are
hovering over the continent - waiting to attack.
"Radio messages we've intercepted and decoded suggest that each
saucer is packed with enough super-advanced weaponry to destroy 10
American cities," warns the source.
It's been rumored since World War II that German scientists designed
and built flying saucers.
"Adolf Hitler desperately sought a super-weapon that could guarantee
him victory," explains historian Lawrence C. Wangler. "One of the
many secret projects his scientists pursued was the creation of a
circular aircraft that could lift off vertically.
"The project was led by Dr. Viktor Schauberger, who designed a craft
that utilized a vortex to generate magnetic fields, causing
"A prototype tested on Feb. 19, 1945, attained an altitude of 45,000
feet, according to Schauberger's notes."
Success came too late for Hitler to win Word War II. But the twisted
maniac did dispatch men and equipment to construct a fleet that
could fight another day - in Antarctica.
The Germans had already extensively mapped the continent and claimed
it in the name of the Third Reich.
"In March 1945, just before the end of the war, two German U-boats
left a port on the Baltic Sea -- reportedly taking with them top SS
officers and key members of the flying saucer research team, plus
saucer designs and plans for a gigantic underground complex. It's
widely believed that the submarines were bound for Antarctica."
According to the NSA source, it's more than a belief - it's a fact.
"The theory up until now was that if we leave them alone, they'll
leave us alone," he says. "But it looks like that uneasy truce is
about to end."