by Jerry E. Smith and George Piccard
A somewhat abbreviated
version of this article appeared in World Explorer
Magazine Vol. 4. No. 4, 2006 under the title
THE ANTARCTIC REICH: The Final Secret of the Holy Lance |
According to the Gospel of John (19:31-37) as Jesus hung on the
Cross a Roman centurion pierced his side with a spear. Christian
tradition later named that soldier as Gaius Cassius Longinus. Over
the centuries an object claimed to be this Holy Lance has passed
through the hands of some of Europe’s most influential leaders
including Constantine, Justinian, Charlemagne, Otto the Great, the
Habsburg Emperors, and most recently Adolf Hitler.
A legend has
arisen that,
"whosoever possesses this Holy Lance and understands the
powers it serves, holds in his hand the destiny of the world for
good or evil."
Also called the Spear of Destiny,
Spear of Longinus, and The Spear
of Christ, this strange relic of The Passion of The Christ has been
written about for nearly two thousand years.
Eusebius of Caesarea, who became a
spiritual advisor to Constantine described the Holy Lance as it was
at the height of Constantine’s power in the Fourth Century:
It was a long spear, overlaid with
gold. On the top was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones,
and within this the symbol of the Savior’s name, two letters
indicating the name of Christ by means of its initial characters
– those letters the emperor was in the habit of wearing on his
helmet at a later period.
From the spear was also suspended a
cloth, a royal piece, covered with a profuse embroidery of most
brilliant precious stones and which, being also richly
interlaced with gold, presented an indescribable degree of
beauty to the beholder. The emperor constantly made use of this
sign of salvation as a safeguard against every adverse and
hostile power, and commanded that it should be carried at the
head of all his armies.
Trevor Ravenscroft captured the world’s
attention with his 1972 opus The Spear of Destiny, the Occult Power
Behind the Spear Which Pierced the Side of Christ. His book dealt
primarily with the past lives of the Nazi inner core. His contention
was that they had been involved in using the Spear of Destiny for
black magic in the eleventh century and were at it again, describing
World War II as a wizard’s battle between black and white magicians.
He spent much of his book presenting
“evidence” that the principal players in the world drama of the 1930
and 40s were reincarnations of the real life people who had been the
models for the characters in Wagner’s opera Parsifal. Since then the
Spear of Destiny has held the central place in many novels,
scholarly tomes, TV shows (fictional and documentary) and even comic
books: including Indiana Jones And The Spear Of Destiny; Hellboy;
and Hellblazer, which gave us the 2005 film Constantine with Keanu
Ravenscroft was not the only post-war college professor to write
about, and add to the Holy Lance mythos.
In 1988-89 Dr. Howard A. Buechner, M.D., professor of medicine at Tulane and later L.S.U.,
added a strange chapter to the tale in his two books Hitler's Ashes
- Seeds Of A New Reich and Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy
In them he relates that he was contacted
by a former German U-boat submariner who claimed to have helped take
the Holy Lance to Antarctica in 1945 and to have helped a group of
German businessmen who called themselves The Hartmann Expedition
recover it in 1979.
Doctor Buechner was a retired Colonel with the U.S. Army who had
served as a battalion surgeon in World War II. In the mid-1980s he
was presented by the pseudonymous “Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart” with what
was claimed to be the log of the equally pseudonymous “Hartmann
Expedition,” including a hand-written letter of authenticity signed
by “Hartmann,” and photos of some of the objects recovered.
According to Buechner, this former Nazi sailor claimed that he could
prove that the famous Spear of Destiny currently on display in the
Schatzkammer Museum in Vienna is a fake. Prior to the war Heinrich
Himmler, who would become head of the Occult Bureau of the SS,
formed a circle of Knights dedicated to the Holy Lance, called The
Knight’s Grand Council.
It has been widely reported that they
used a replica of the Holy Lance in arcane black magic ceremonies in
a specially appointed castle in Wewelsburg, Germany, which today
welcomes tourists with a taste for the macabre. Capt. Bernhart
claimed that during the war Himmler had Japan's greatest sword maker
flown to Germany where he created a second and much more exact
duplicate of the lance.
The “perfect” copy then went on display
in Nuremberg, from whence it was turned over to Austrian authorities
at the war’s end, while the real one remained under Himmler’s
control – until sent to Antarctica by order of Hitler.
In the final hours of the war, according to this sailor, Hitler
personally selected a man who would later be called “Col. Maximilian
Hartmann” to send several of his most prized possessions, including
the Spear of Destiny, to Antarctica via submarine – the one on which
Bernhart said he had served. Further, Col. Hartmann was alleged to
have recovered the real Spear of Destiny, again with aid from
Bernhart, in 1979. According to Buechner and Bernhart the Holy Lance
is now in hiding somewhere in Europe, in the possession of the
reconvened order of Himmler’s knights, renamed The Knights of the
Holy Lance.
After contacting most of the purported members of the 1979 Hartmann
Expedition and others involved, including senior former Nazi
officials and close personal associates of Adolf Hitler, like Hitler
Youth Leader Artur Axmann, Col. Buechner became convinced that the
sailor’s claims were true. Either he was the victim of an incredibly
elaborate hoax, or the Spear of Destiny really did reside for a
while in Antarctica and may well be in the hands of a group of
individuals who believe in its power to direct the destiny of
mankind – and may be conducting magic rites with it right this
Col. Buechner's story was examined and partially corroborated by the
authors of this article in our 2005 book for Adventures Unlimited
Press SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE: The Spear of Destiny in History &
Legend. Common sense, perhaps, would lead one to reject such a wild
Yet, over and over we discover that
truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Although we leaned toward
believing that Buechner was the victim of a hoax we agreed that his
story was certainly worthy of inclusion in a book about legends
surrounding the Holy Lance – and elements of Buechner’s tale did
strike awfully close to the truth!
Here then is what we discovered while
trying to unravel this final secret of the Holy Lance…
The Prime Meridian, zero degrees longitude, runs from pole to pole
passing through Greenwich, England, Western France, Eastern Spain,
Western Africa, and the South Atlantic Ocean, before reaching
Antarctica in the region known today as Dronning (Queen) Maud Land.
It was named that in 1930 by the Norwegian Riiser-Larsen in honor of
the Queen of Norway.
In 1939 Germany and Norway each staked official territorial claims,
within days of each other, to this Atlantic coastal area of
Antarctica. The German Antarctica Expedition of 1938-39 over-flew
nearly one-fifth of the continent, taking some 11,000 photographs.
The expedition’s aircraft also dropped several thousand small Nazi
flags, as well as special metal poles with the expedition's insignia
and the swastika, claiming the territory for Germany.
They named the region Neuschwabenland (New Schwabenland) after
Swabia as it is known today, which was one of the original duchies
of the German Kingdom. Swabia was home to one of the most powerful
dynasties of European monarchs, The Hohenstaufen Dynasty, which
ruled the Holy Roman Empire in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Frederick Barbarossa was the greatest of the Hohenstaufen kings, and
a wielder of the Holy Lance. It has been reported that Hitler
believed he was a reincarnation of Barbarossa. He named one of his
houses after him and dubbed the invasion of Russia Operation
The German Antarctic Expedition discovered several ice-free regions
with lakes and signs of vegetation (mostly lichen and moss) in the
territory’s interior. The expedition's geologists said that this
phenomenon was due to hot springs or other geothermal sources. This
discovery, it is claimed, led Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler to
hatch a bold plan to build a permanent base in Antarctica.
For more than sixty years rumors about a
base code named “Station 211” have tantalized historians and
researchers. Could it be that it was actually constructed and
staffed as an ongoing project throughout the war?
Perhaps Grand
Admiral Karl Dönitz announced its completion when, in 1943, he said:
The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer,
in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable
Most of the rumors agree that Station 211, if it really existed, was
located inside a prominent ice-free mountain in the Muhlig-Hofmann
Mountains of Neuschwabenland (Queen Maud Land).

In 1946-47 Admiral Byrd, America’s most
recognized polar explorer may have searched for Station 211. In what
was called
Operation Highjump
he had at his
disposal the largest armada ever sent to Antarctica. Some 13 ships
and 4,700 men, which included an aircraft carrier, a submarine, two
destroyers, more than two-dozen aircraft and some 3,500 Marines in
full battle gear were sent by the United States to Antarctica on
what was officially described as a “training” mission.
Yet persistent rumors insist that the
actual purpose of Highjump was to find the Nazi fortress. It’s
unclear if Byrd ever discovered the location of the Führer’s
“Shangri-La” - if it really was there and if he really was looking
for it, that is.
During the period between 1956 and 1960 a Norwegian expedition
mapped most of Queen Maud Land from land surveys and air photos.
Tantalizingly they did find an ice-free mountain that matched the
description of the one in the Station 211 rumors. They called it
Svarthamaren (the black hammer). If it truly is the location of
Station 211 its secret will be kept well into this century, for it
has been designated an Antarctic Specially Protected Area and Site
of Special Scientific Interest under the Antarctic Conservation Act
of 1978.
It was listed as an,
“exceptional natural
research laboratory for research on the Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica
Antarctica), snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) and south polar skua (Catharacta
maccormicki), and their adaptation to breeding in the
inland/interior of Antarctica.”
Access is limited to only a handful
of specially selected scientists. If this is a ruse, anyone and
everyone not deemed safe with the knowledge of what really went on
there will be prevented from getting too close for many years to
Col. Buechner and Capt. Bernhart avoid mention of Station 211
though, perhaps to maintain its secrecy, which would be in keeping
with the general tone of their two books. Indeed, they admit that
the names given for all members of the 1979 expedition, including Bernhart and Hartmann, are fictitious and where used to protect
their true identities. It is clear that Buechner does not tell us
all he knows.
Instead, Buechner and Bernhart tell us that the submarine crew in
1945 placed Hitler’s treasure at the foot of an unnamed glazier in
the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains, dug in and protected with steel
plates. This would have meant them finding one of the few stretches
of beach not blocked by miles of shelf ice. Then to have gone on
shore and trekked more than 100 miles deep into the interior, loaded
down with a ton or more of steel! This seemed to us to be the least
plausible piece of this whole mad jigsaw puzzle.
Some parts of Antarctica receive as much
as sixty feet of snow in a single year.
No, we rejected Buechner’s cover story,
feeling sure that if any of it were true then they must have taken
the Holy Lance somewhere from which it would be easily recoverable -
to Station 211.
Surprisingly we uncovered evidence that Hitler’s right hand man,
Rudolf Hess, had been entrusted with coordinating the effort to
build Station 211. Historians have often dismissed Hess as a Nazi
figurehead, positioned highly because of his total subservience to
the Führer, but perhaps this was because his true role was so well
If so, Hess must have enlisted the aid of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich
Himmler. Himmler had rejected Christianity, as had many of the Nazi
inner core and believed in a strange Germanic version of a neo-pagan
New Age. He was a devotee of the German occultist, Dr. Friedrich Wichtl who specialized in Masonic lore and "world conspiracy"
theories. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918
at the end of World War I, Dr. Wichtl wrote a best-selling book
entitled Weltfreimaurerei, Weltrevolution, Weltrepublik ["World
Freemasonry, World Revolution, World Republic”].
Himmler was drawn into the occult after
reading Dr. Wichtl's book in 1919, while a military cadet
convalescing after a serious stomach illness.
Himmler eventually became a believer in the Hindu concept of
world-ages or yugas. He believed that the current age, or Kali Yuga,
would end in a global cataclysm, thereby giving birth to a new
world-age called the Satya Yuga. By sending a Nazi colony to
Antarctica, Himmler believed that he was ensuring a remnant of the
"pure Aryan race" would survive the coming cataclysm with its
society and culture intact. He believed that these survivors would
then take possession of Antarctica after the cataclysm had melted
the south polar ice cap.
Germany built more than two dozen “super subs” during the war. Each
was the size of an aircraft carrier, but they weren’t built as war
ships, they were underwater cargo ships. Initially they were used to
re-supply the submarine “wolf packs.” Later, it would seem, they
were pressed into transporting tools, equipment, raw materials, and
perhaps even slave labor to the south polar base. Evidence suggests
that the U-boat traffic to Neuschwabenland continued even after
Germany’s surrender in 1945, as we’ll see in a moment.
During the war, surface ships were involved in this massive effort,
but as the tide of war turned against the Germans the bulk of the
transport work fell to the U-boats and their crews. Some insight
into how much activity took place to and from Antarctica might be
gleaned from the fact that between October 1942 and September 1944
16 German U-boats were sunk in the South Atlantic.
Several surface ships appear to have been put on “watch dog” duty,
resupplying the subs and keeping Allied shipping away. For example,
the raider ship Atlantis, under the command of Captain Bernhard
Rogge, made an extended voyage in the South Atlantic, Indian and
South Pacific Oceans, from 1939 to 1941, visiting the Iles Kerguelen
between December 1940 to January 1941 (burying a seaman at Bassin de
la Gazelle).
The ship then adopted a new disguise as
Tamesis before being sunk by HMS Devonshire near Ascension Island,
on 22nd November 1941 (the Atlantis was also known as Hilfskreuzer
16 and was, at various times, disguised as Kasii-Maru or Abbekerk).
Another sea raider was the Pinguin, under the command of Captain
Ernst-Felix Kruder. She operated chiefly in the Indian Ocean. In
January 1941, she captured a Norwegian whaling fleet (factory ships
Ole Wegger and Pelagos, supply ship Solglimt and eleven whale
catchers) at about 59° S, 02° 30W. One of these catchers was renamed
Adjutant. It remained in the Indian Ocean as a tender while the rest
of the Norwegian ships were sent to occupied France.
On the 8th of May 1941 Pinguin was sunk
off the Persian Gulf by HMS Cornwall, after she had captured 136,550
tons of British and allied shipping. She was also known as
Hilfskreuzer 33, and disguised herself at various times as Tamerlan,
Petschura, Kassos and Trafalgar.
Another raider was the Komet, commanded by Captain Robert Eyssen.
She operated in the Pacific and Indian oceans, including a voyage
along the Antarctic coastline from Cape Adare to the Shackleton Ice
Shelf in search of whaling vessels during February 1941. There she
met the Pinguin and supply vessels Alstertor and Adjutant. Komet was
also known as Hilfskreuzer 45 and was sunk off Cherbourg in 1942.
Possible evidence for this construction project can be gleamed from
the story of submarine U-859. On April 4, 1944 at 04:40 hours, it
left port on an unknown mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of
mercury sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates. The
submarine was later sunk on the 23rd of September by the British
submarine HMS Trenchant in the Straits of Malacca.
Although 47 of the crew died, 20
survived. Some 30 years later one of these survivors spoke openly
about the cargo and divers later confirmed the story on
rediscovering the mercury. The significance being that mercury is
usable as a fuel source for certain types of aerospace propulsion,
as we will discuss shortly. Why would a German submarine be
transporting such a cargo so far from home?
We suspect that it was
en route to Station 211 with “fuel” for a certain specialized type
of disk-shaped aircraft!
Further evidence that Station 211 existed, and continued to be
inhabited after the war’s end, can be seen in the several accounts
of German naval activity after the fall of Berlin. For example, on
July 10, 1945, more than two months after the cessation of known
hostilities, the German submarine U-530 surrendered to Argentine
authorities at the port of Mar del Plata, one of the closest
Argentine harbors to Antarctica.
Similarly, U-977 arrived a month later
in Mar del Plata on 17 August. These were but two of the boats that
are believed to have made up the convoy of the “Führer’s Final
Army.” Col. Buechner’s informant, “Capt. Bernhart,” supposedly
served on one of these U-boats, but which one is never made clear so
as to hide his real identity.
There continued to be accounts of German activity for a considerable
post-war period.
The French Agence France Press on
September 25, 1946 stated,
"the continuous rumors about German
U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fuego between the
southernmost tip of Latin America and the continent of
Antarctica are based on true happenings."
Then the French newspaper, France Soir,
gave the following account of an encounter with such a German
Almost one and a half years after
cessation of hostilities in Europe, the Icelandic Whaler Juliana
was stopped by a large German U-boat. The Juliana was in the
Antarctic region around Malvinas Islands [The Falklands] when a
German submarine surfaced and raised the German official Flag of
Mourning - red with a black edge.
The submarine commander sent out a boarding party, which
approached the Juliana in a rubber dingy, and having boarded the
whaler demanded of Capt. Hekla part of his fresh food stocks.
The request was made in the definite tone of an order to which
resistance would have been unwise.
The German officer spoke a correct English and paid for his
provisions in US dollars, giving the Captain a bonus of $10 for
each member of the Juliana crew. Whilst the foodstuffs were
being transferred to the submarine, the submarine commander
informed Capt. Hekla of the exact location of a large school of
whales. Later the Juliana found the school of whales where
Could it be possible that other German
U-boats, in addition to U-530 and U-977 were continuing to operate
in the area following the war? There are no formal records of such
activity, however it is known that 54 German U-boats “disappeared”
during the war, of which only 11 are likely to have met their fate
in collision with mines.
It is reasonable to suppose that once the first phases of
construction at Station 211 were complete, a number of experimental
weapons research and development programs would have been relocated
there. It is well known that the German High Command hung on
believing that the new weapons under development would turn the tide
of the war back in Germany’s favor.
With ever increasing Allied bombing and
armies closing in on Germany from the east, west and south it would
seem prudent to move one’s most precious projects to somewhere
beyond reach - and what could be further from the Allies’ grasp than
By the end of 1944 Himmler's SS had taken over complete control of
all advanced weapon’s design and most of their manufacturing. This
included the so-called super weapons projects (like the V-2 rockets
and jet fighter planes), and the numerous underground facilities in
Germany and elsewhere, and the associated slave labor camps needed
to build them.
Nazi ideology wasn’t limited by the established and conventional
sciences as taught in American schools. It is apparent that Nazi
technological programs enjoyed a similar leisure. These programs
were the fusion of Nazi madness and the mobilization of Germany’s
seemingly endless resources of production and radical concept.
One such program, headed by implosion technologist Viktor Schauberger, developed flying saucers and levitating disks.
Schauberger (1885-1958) pioneered a new understanding of the Science
of Nature, discovering primary laws and principles unacknowledged by
contemporary science.
The Allies stumbled upon evidence of the saucer program after the
war. At the Peenemünde rocket site, managed by the future head of
Wernher Von Braun, the Allies discovered several photographs
of the saucers. They viewed images of the Mercury powered Flugkreisel, and the luminescent mystery spheres labeled by Allied
pilots as Foo-Fighters.
An article in the May 1980 issue of Neue
Presse details the recollection of a German engineer from Peenemünde
who worked on the project to develop a saucer craft capable of
flying manned with weaponry at 3,000 kilometers per hour. Defecting
to the United States after the war, the engineer filed for a patent
on a flying saucer of his own design.
From 1947 until 17 December 1969, the United States Air Force
actively investigated reports and sightings of unidentified flying
objects (UFOs) under a program called Project Blue Book. The project
was headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB. After closing Project
Blue Book, the US Air Force has not publicly acknowledged any
further interest in UFO sightings. The man in charge of
Project Blue
Book, Captain Edward Ruppert, said in 1956:
When World War II ended, the Germans had several radical types of
aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in
the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that
could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO
The Allies felt fortunate for Germany’s timely defeat after
examining the evidence from their experimental weapons programs. Sir
Roy Feddon, entrusted by the Brits to investigate Nazi aircraft
production said:
I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realize
that if they had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we
would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly
weapons in air warfare.
An early saucer, the long range reconnaissance craft dubbed the
Vril-ya RFZ-2 (below image), was photographed accompanying the
Atlantis in the
Atlantic Ocean. It is likely that some of these longer range saucers
were used to assist the later U-boat missions.

Before the production
of the Elektroboat - an electric powered submarine -- the U-boats
were required to refuel. The ports friendly to German submarines en
route to the South Pole were found in Tierra del Fuego and near the
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. From the onset of the
Neuschwabenland development, UFO sightings were abundant around
these ports and their surrounding areas and in South America
persisted for decades afterward.
After Hess’ ill-fated peace mission to England that resulted in his
spending the rest of his life behind bars, Admiral Dönitz may have
assumed Hess’ role of leading the Antarctic project. While giving a
commencement speech for graduating naval cadets in 1944, the Admiral
ominously boasted:
The German Navy still has a great role to play in the future. The
German Navy knows all the hiding places for the Navy to take the
Führer to, should the need arise.
There, he can complete his last measures
in complete quiet.
If you had been a Wehrmacht soldier
at the bombed-out railroad station in Poltava, a city in the
Ukraine, during the summer of 1942, you may have seen a very
strange-looking military unit on the march, heading for a
waiting passenger train. The unit consisted of women, all of
them blond and blue-eyed, between the ages of 17 and 24, tall
and slender, their sensational figures encased in striking
sky-blue uniforms.
Each woman wore an Italian-style
garrison cap, an A-line skirt with the hem below the knee, and a
form-fitting jacket with the insignia of the SS. You might have
thought the SS had recruited a platoon of high-class call girls,
but the truth was far stranger than that. You would have been
looking at Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler's latest brainstorm
- the Antarktische Siedlungensfrauen [Antarctic
Settlement Women or ASF].
So wrote Russian UFOlogist Konstantin
Ivanenko claims that the SS’s Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt (Race and
Settlement Bureau or RuSHA) was the agency responsible for selecting
women for the Antarctisches Seidlungensfrauen. About half of these
"recruits" were Volksdeutsch - ethnic Germans whose ancestors had
settled in the Ukraine in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
The others were native Ukrainians whom
RuSHA had "upgraded" to full Aryans in a process called
Eindeutschung (Germanization). He claimed that as many as 10,000
Ukrainians with acceptable racial purity (out of the more than half
a million Ukrainians deported during the war) were transported, not
to munitions factories in Germany, but to the German Antarctic!
Further, Ivanenko claimed that the women of the ASF were dispatched
in a ratio of “four Ukrainian women to one German man." If true,
this would mean that some 2,500 men went to Neuschwabenland, as the
territory in Antarctica claimed by Germany was called. While some of
these might have been scientists and engineers sent to work on
advanced weapons systems, many must have been not-so-common soldiers
- the so-called “Last Battalion.” Perhaps they were members of
Himmler’s Waffen-SS? Soldiers who had proven themselves in combat,
say, on the Russian front? Wow! Four girls for every guy is better
than the Beach Boys’ Surf City!
According to believers, the colony in Neuschwabenland survived not
only the end of World War II, but a full on battle with the 3,500
Marines and aircraft of
Operation Highjump.
Taking credulity to the breaking point Ivanenko wrote:
The total population of Nazis in
Antarctica now exceeds two million and that many of them have
undergone plastic surgery in order to move about with greater
ease through South America and conduct all manner of business
He called the Antarctic Reich,
"one of
the most militarily powerful states in the world because it can
destroy the USA several times over with its submarine-based nuclear
missiles, remaining itself invulnerable to U.S. nuclear strikes
because of the two-mile-thick ice shield."
He further claims that the city of Neuberlin, the colony's capital,
sprawls through "narrow sub-glacial tunnels" under an unnamed
mountain range, heated by “volcanic vents.” Going totally over the
top he also makes the claim that Neuberlin adjoins,
"the prehistoric
ruins of Kadath, which may have been built by settlers from the lost
continent of
Atlantis well over 100,000 years ago."
A search of the Internet will reveal that many other fringe
researchers claim that the actual ruins of Atlantis have been found
- and possibly reoccupied - under the Antarctic ice. Some say that
Atlantis is located near one of the 70 or so warm water lakes that
have been discovered miles beneath the Polar Ice Sheet, such as
Lake Vostok near the Russian base at the
Pole of Inaccessibility.
Another of the oft made claims about Neuberlin is that the city has
an Alien Quarter, where Pleiadians, Zeta Reticulans, Reptoids, Men
In Black, Aldebarani and other visitors from the stars dwell.
The Nazis were working on some very
advanced aircraft, some of which may have been capable of leaving
the earth’s atmosphere. Some researchers are convinced that the
Nazis did indeed make it to the
Moon, and even
Mars. Could they have
made contact with space aliens once they left the earth? Or, could
their rockets, foo-fighters and disk aircraft have attracted aliens
to visit them?
Our favorite piece of tabloid wackiness is a strange religious sect
called the Redemptionists. They believe that Hitler traveled to the
moon in 1954 aboard a Nazi-built flying saucer and there met with
aliens from Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation
Taurus. These very undocumented aliens then took Adolf back to their
world. But, the cult believes, he will soon return to “redeem” Earth
on the bridge of the flagship of a vast Aldebarani space armada!
A claim floats around in modern UFO lore that an extraterrestrial
craft with anti-gravity propulsion crashed in the Black Forest in
the summer 1936, and was recovered by the Nazis who back-engineered
it, thus explaining their flying saucer program. This parallels
stories of a similarly recovered crashed “saucer” near Roswell, New
Mexico in 1947, the American back-engineering of which supposedly led
to the discovery of the transistor (patented by Bell Laboratories
the following year), fiber-optics and other exotic technologies.
According to Ivanenko in recent years "there was increased
popularity for the idea of a 'German-Slavonic Antarctic Reich.'” He
says that talk about the Antarctic Reich is "becoming more and more
popular" in Russia, Poland, the Ukraine, Belarus and other countries
in eastern Europe. In the May 10, 2003 issue of the newspaper
Frankfurter Allgemeine, Polish journalist A. Stagjuk criticized
Poland's decision to send troops to Iraq to assist with the American
led occupation.
At the end of the article he added,
next Polish government will sign a treaty with Antarctica and
declare war on the USA."
Stagjuk's words were broadcast on the
shortwave radio station Deutsche Welle the same week.
Could there be a city under the ice inhabited by the grandchildren
and great-grandchildren of the original SS settlers; or is it just
an urban legend and Queen Maud Land is inhabited only by birds and
well chilled scientists? Or, could the truth be somewhere in
What, if anything, did Admiral Byrd
encounter in 1947?
Most of the rumors about the alleged German colony in Antarctica
agree that Station 211, if it really existed, was located inside a
prominent ice-free mountain in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains of
Neuschwabenland (Queen Maud Land). In 1946-47 Admiral Byrd,
America’s most recognized polar explorer may have searched for
Station 211.
In what was called Operation Highjump he
had at his disposal the largest armada ever sent to Antarctica. Some
13 ships and 4,700 men, which included an aircraft carrier, a
submarine, two destroyers, more than two-dozen aircraft and some
3,500 Marines in full battle gear were sent by the United States to
Antarctica on what was officially described as a “training” mission.
Yet persistent rumors insist that the actual purpose of Highjump was
to find, and if occupied, engage the Nazis in their fortress.
The baker’s dozen of ships in Byrd’s flotilla arrived at three
different rendezvous points in the Southern Ocean inside the
Antarctic Circle, spread out over more than a month, with the first
to arrive dropping anchor on December 30, 1946.
The plan was for the main body of men and equipment, the Central
Group, to go to Byrd’s Antarctic “home,” Little America on the Ross
Ice Shelf, where they would set up a base camp. There would be two
other groups of ships, each group composed of a seaplane tender, a
destroyer and a tanker. One group would begin to the east of the
central group, the other to the west.
The Central Group consisted of the Mount Olympus, a communications
vessel; two supply ships, the Yancey and the Merrick; two
icebreakers, the Burton Island and the Northwind; and a submarine,
the Sennet.
The East Group, under the command of Captain George J. Dufek, would
start on the opposite side of the continent from the base camp at
Little America. It would be East Group’s task to begin their mission
by reconnoitering Dronning Maud Land, the Norwegian name for the
area called Neuschwabenland by the Germans. They began to the east
of Neuschwabenland and swung around west, photographing all of the
former Deutsch Antarctica in the process. The East Group consisted
of the seaplane tender Pine Island, the destroyer Brownson and their
refueling ship the Canisteo.
The West Group, under Captain Charles A. Bond, was made up of the
Currituck, a seaplane tender, the Henderson, a destroyer, and the Cacapon, a tanker. They in turn began in the center and ended their
voyage half-way around the Antarctic continent at Dronning Maud
Land, completing the circle.
Bringing up the rear was the brand new aircraft carrier the
Philippine Sea with Admiral Byrd on board. She had been finishing up
a shakedown cruise near Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, when her orders came
in to participate in Operation Highjump. A hasty trip north returned
her to harbor at the Norfolk Navy Base in Virginia. It would take a
month to complete the preparations for her 10,000 mile voyage to
Since she would be going through the Panama Canal, changes had to be
made in the hull and flight deck structures. Dug at the beginning of
the 20th Century, the canal can only accommodate small to moderately
sized ships. Today’s giants of the sea -- supertankers, container
ships, and the floating cities that are modern carriers - are
forced, like sailing ships of old, to go around the Horn.
Soon piles of crates burdened the docks around the Philippine Sea as
over one hundred tons of miscellaneous equipment and supplies
arrived and waited to be loaded. Several helicopters landed on the
flight deck and were secured for the trip.
Then came the biggest of the problem children, six R4D transport
planes. These were military versions of the famous DC3. They were
far too large to land on a WWII era carrier, and could only take off
from one with the assistance of rocket engines affixed to their
sides. The landing field was over a mile from the dock, so a path
from airport to quay had to be cut right through the middle of the
naval base. Drivers had to "pilot" the planes through that narrow
pathway, with sailors sitting on the wings to prevent a sudden burst
of wind from picking the plane up and hurling it against the sides
of buildings, fences or machinery. Often the wingtips came within
inches of disaster.
Last aboard the Philippine Sea was Admiral Byrd, just hours before
shoving off. Shortly after noon on Thursday, January 2, 1947, with
Admiral Byrd on the bridge, the Philippine Sea slowly pulled away
from the pier as bands played and the local command saluted
The Central Group had reached their designated rendezvoused point in
Antarctica three days before the Philippine Sea even left port,
arriving at Scott Island on December 30, 1946. That is, all except
for the icebreaker Burton Island. She was also on a shakedown cruise
when tapped for the mission. The Burton Island would leave its west
coast base late and arrive in the Southern Ocean last of all –
indeed, she got there just in time to go home when the hasty retreat
was called, as we shall see in a moment.
The first “casualty” of Byrd’s War was the submarine, the USS Sennet.
The ships of the Central Group followed the icebreaker Northwind
through the pack ice into the open waters of the Ross Sea. The
official story is that the ice proved to be too dangerous for the
sub, which was towed back to Scott Island. Some researchers have
speculated that she actually hit German anti-submarine defenses.
From the Ross Sea she went to New Zealand for repairs then headed
back to home base, the Balboa naval facility in the Canal Zone. The
remainder of the group reached the Bay of Whales on January 15.
Over the following two days, landing parties went ashore and
selected a location for their base camp. Once a site was chosen for
Little America IV construction began immediately. A wide assortment
of vehicles were soon off-loaded and put to use building three
compacted snow runways and a short airstrip made of steel matting,
as well as preparing the ice surface for their tent city (which also
boasted a single Quonset hut). The heavy machinery used included
tractors, jeeps, “weasels,” bulldozers and other tracked equipment.
The second “casualty” and the first official fatality occurred on
January 21. The victim was a young sailor named Vance Woodall, from
the supply ship Yancey.
From one account of the incident:
The D6 tractors were proving too
heavy to ride on top of the snow that lay on the surface of the
bay ice. In order to gain sufficient towing purchase, the
drivers had to let the steel treads plow into the snow until
reaching the hard ice. As a result, one tread would often grip
the ice before the other, throwing the tractor violently from
side to side until both treads took equally.
The official accident report states
that Woodall unfortunately caught both his right arm and head in
the slats of the roller just as the tractor suddenly lurched
ahead. Woodall's spinal column was severed "high in the neck"
and the navy veteran of only seven months died instantly.
Four days later a very displeased
Admiral Byrd arrived.
The Philippine Sea rendezvoused with the
Central Group on January 25 near Scott Island. Four days later, on
January 29, the first two R4D's successfully took off for the
dangerous flight to Little America - with Admiral Byrd aboard the
first plane aloft. By January 30, all six R4D's had arrived safely.
With that the carrier's objective had been completed. Too big to
return to the carrier the R4Ds were simply going to be left behind
at the end of the mission. The Philippine Sea promptly put her stern
to Antarctica and made all possible speed for home, arriving back at
Quonset Point, Rhode Island on February 28.
From their base at Little America the six R4D’s flew scores of
mapping flights deep into the heart of the frozen continent,
including several over-flights of the South Pole. Meanwhile their
colleagues, in the PBM “flying boats” launched from the seaplane
tenders in the East and West groups, flew mapping missions all along
the Antarctic coast.
In all over 73,000 photographs would be taken. But what should have
been a mapmaker's dream turned out to be a cartographic nightmare.
Only a few thousand of the photographs were of any value due to lack
of adequate ground control points. Without known locations to mosaic
the images around, all they had were meaningless pictures of ice. Or
so it was claimed.
The following year a much smaller expedition, called Operation
Windmill, was launched to get these needed coordinates. Some
researchers have suggested that Windmill’s real purpose was to see
if Station 211 were still occupied, and the need for ground control
points was a literal “shore story”.
Not that the photo mapping went that well for the crews of Operation Highjump. All three groups were plagued with bad weather: fogs, low
ceilings, dense clouds in the upper atmosphere, strong winds, and so
on, but The Western Group had it the worst, spending whole weeks
without getting a plane in the air.
The most remarkable happening from the Western Group was the
discovery of “Bunger’s Oasis.”
As one Antarctic chronicler put it:
On either January 30 or February 1
(the record is unclear), PBM pilot Lieutenant Commander David E.
Bunger lifted from the bay and headed south for the continent
some hundred miles distant. At this time the USS Currituck was
off the Shackleton Ice Shelf on the Queen Mary Coast of Wilkes
Land. Reaching the coastline, Bunger flew west with cameras
humming. Suddenly the men in the cockpit saw a dark spot come up
over the barren white horizon and as they drew closer, they
couldn't believe their eyes.
Byrd later described it as a "land
of blue and green lakes and brown hills in an otherwise
limitless expanse of ice". Bunger and his men carefully
inspected the region and then raced back to the ship to tell the
others of their discovery. Several days later Bunger and his
flight crew returned for another look, finding one of the lakes
big enough to land on. Bunger carefully landed the "flying boat"
and slowly came to a stop. The water was actually quite warm for
Antarctica, about 30°, as the men dipped their hands in to the
The lake was filled with red, blue
and green algae which gave the lakes their distinctive color.
The fly boys "seemed to have dropped out of the twentieth
century into a landscape of thousands of years ago when land was
just starting to emerge from one of the great ice ages",
Byrd later wrote.
Byrd called the discovery "by far
the most important, so far as the public interest was concerned
of the expedition".
Dr. Paul Siple, Admiral Byrd’s closest
friend who had accompanied him on all of his polar expeditions,
including this one, later commented that discussions between the
expedition’s scientists as to the nature of "Bunger’s Oasis" had
hardly even begun,
"before the eleven press
representatives aboard the USS Mount Olympus had fired off
dispatches to the outside world describing the oasis as a
'Shangri-La' and implying that it was warmed by a mysterious
source of heat and might be supporting vegetation".
Does “Shangri-La” and “a mysterious
source of heat” sound familiar?
Officially, because of the brackish
nature of Bunger’s water sample, "Bunger’s Oasis” was dismissed as
being an inlet of the sea.
It was the Eastern Group, flying over Neuschwabenland, who would
suffer the next, and last officially recorded fatalities. The
official story was that one of their PBM “flying boats” named George
One struck the top of a mountain and went down, killing three. What
happened is here described by one of the survivors, radar operator
Jim Robbins:
My radar had nothing to see except the top of the mountain range
peaks that had rugged terrain with good reflective surfaces. They
were 15 miles away as indicated on my radar. This agreed with our
very erroneous charts and we were still fogged in flying at 800 ft
(mostly below the weather) and about to turn back as there was no
CAVU over the coast as indicated by the crew on George One's earlier
Before we had a chance to turn around,
we hit a bump that caused an explosion. We had torn a hole in the
hull and hull gas tank which caused the 145 octane to come pouring
out. The engine exhaust flames set it all off immediately. Probably
the biggest airplane explosion ever, back in 1946! The entire hull
completely disintegrated! Most of us were thrown out in the same
general direction from the flight deck. Two of us went through the
propellers and died instantly.
Bill Kearns was blown right through the windshield in front of the
co-pilot's seat, Warr was blown way down the hill behind us. It was
snowing like the devil! Williams was seated next to our flight
engineer Warr, watching the instrument panel with him. After the
explosion we found him beside the flaming fire pit and internally
hurt very seriously, bleeding from the mouth and nose. He died a
couple of hours later.
The photographer, McCarty had been
sleeping in the tunnel by his trimetrigon camera and tunnel hatch.
He was evidentially thrown around in there (the tunnel section
remained pretty well intact and became our foul weather home).
Frenchy was left hanging by his seat belt in the flames caused by
the remaining fuel from the hull tank still burning.
Our honored guest observer, the Capt. of
the USS Pine Island, sea plane tender super deluxe, was strapped
into a very special new bow seat that replaced the old bow turret.
It was encased in a clear plexiglass dome with the most beautiful
possible view ever! He was blown right through it. He appeared to be
in fairly good shape except for his nose which was obviously badly
broken. We later noted that he had a bad limp.
The Duluth, Minnesota News-Tribune for January 2, 2005, ran the
“Navy tries to find plane lost in Antarctica 58 years ago" on
page 7A that read, in part:
On November 27, 2004, the Navy undertook the initial flight... to try
to locate the wreckage of the George 1, the plane that crashed in
1946. The search flight was a joint one,
conducted aboard a Chilean Navy Orion P-3 aircraft with a Chilean
crew and NASA scientists working together.
“This wasn't just a routine task for
us,” said Capt. Christian Aldunate, the senior Chilean pilot on
the recovery flight. “It was a challenge to find clues that
could help locate the plane, even though we knew it would be
almost impossible to get at it because of the ice and snow that
had piled up over so many years."
During an 11-hour flight from and back
to Punta Arenas, in the extreme south of Chile, the search plane
dipped as low as 500 feet (150 meters) over Thurston Island so
scientists could use radar and laser beams to try to locate the
remains of the U.S. Navy PBM (Martin) Mariner seaplane.
"Even today it's not easy, but we
can rely on information from satellite photos, GPS systems and
wind predictions,” Aldunate said, referring to global
positioning networks. “But from the time they took off until the
time they arrived in the area, they had no idea what to expect."
Though little known in the outside
world, the three men who died in the (1946) crash - Wendell K. Hendersin, Maxwell Lopez and Frederick Williams - are still
celebrated in Antarctica as heroes.
At McMurdo Station, a U.S. research base on the edge of the Ross Ice
Shelf, there is a plaque to honor the four men who died on
Operation Highjump, the first Americans to die on any of Byrd's many
Admittedly, the official record of the operation doesn’t sound much
like a report from a war zone. Yet there have been persistent rumors
of pitched battles, massive casualties, planes shot down, and more.
All just wild tales? If so, why did Captain Richard H. Cruzen, the
operational commander of the expedition order an abrupt end to the
mission after just eight weeks, when they had enough provisions for
6 to 8 months in the polar region?
Did Byrd, and perhaps the George One, encounter Nazi disk aircraft?
Some take comments the Admiral made to a reporter for the Chilean
newspaper Brisant while aboard the Mount Olympus on the voyage home
as proof that he did:
It was necessary for the USA to take
defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the
polar regions... Fighters that are able to fly from one pole
to the other with incredible speed.
According to paranormal investigator
Alan DeWalton:
One thing that Admiral Byrd stated
in a press conference after his defeat at Antarctica was that
the Antarctic continent should be surrounded by a "wall of
defense installations since it represented the last line of
defense for America."
Although the U.S. and Russia had been
allies during the war, suddenly the "Iron Curtain" was created
and we and the Russians became enemies.
Both the Soviets and the United States
ringed the poles with defense and detection bases, and in between
was the barren no-man's-land of the poles where absolutely nobody
lived, or did they? Could it be that we pretended we were protecting
against the Russians and they pretended they were protecting against
us, while really we and they were both scared of what was in between
us - the Nazi Last Battalion?
Another claim which has been made by some investigators, although
the original source is difficult to track down, was that upon
returning to the States Admiral Byrd went into a rage before the
President and Joint Chiefs of Staff (some versions of the story say
he was testifying before Congress) and in an almost demanding tone,
strongly “suggested” that Antarctica be turned into a thermonuclear
test range.
Urban Legends add that shortly after Byrd’s demand to
nuke the Nazis in Antarctica UFOs buzzed the Capitol. It has been
conjectured by some that the UFOs were Nazi craft from Antarctica
warning the US of their power to retaliate should Byrd’s
recommendation be acted on.
We tried hard to prove this one, believe me!
We found no evidence of
Byrd’s alleged testimony to Congress but did find that he was
debriefed by the President, and the records of that debriefing are
still sealed. We did indeed find that UFOs were seen over the
Capitol twice, once by day and later again that night. They were
witnessed by thousands and were duly reported in the nation’s press.
Unfortunately, they were sighted in 1951 long after Byrd’s return,
and still nearly two years after Operation Windmill. It seems
unlikely to us that there was any connection between these events.
After Highjump and Windmill, the Antarctic was literally crawling
with expeditions. Although the Americans stayed away from Antarctica
for the next decade, expeditions were launched by more than a dozen
nations in the next few years.
It is your author’s collective
opinion that if there had been a
Station 211 it was surely abandoned
long before the International Geophysical Year (1958-59) that saw
the greatest number of non-German visitors to Antarctica up till
that time.
Our recounting of the legend of the Spear of Destiny in
THE HOLY LANCE: The Spear of Destiny in History & Legend began and
ended in 1979 with the recovery of the Holy Lance from the ice of
Antarctica by the “Hartmann Expedition.” Our retelling of that event
was an admitted fiction, blending the material from Col. Buechner
and Capt. Bernhart’s books with our own research into Station 211.
As a literary device each chapter in our
book begins with a fictionalized reenactment of the most important
scene in it, and so we also did the same with the entire book,
opening with the Hartmann Expedition’s exploration of a long
abandoned Station 211 and final discovery of the treasure they
Besides its obvious cinematic value, we began and ended the
story of the lance in 1979 because if at least partially true then
the Spear of Destiny is not an object on display in some museum, or
holed up in some church, but is actually an active player on the
world's stage.
“The destiny of the world for good or
evil” may again be in one man’s hands!
The late Dr. Howard A. Buechner’s books are based on the evidence
provided him by a former German U-boat submariner who claimed to
have helped take the Holy Lance to Antarctica in 1945 and to have
helped the Hartmann Expedition recover it in 1979. As the co-author
of Buechner’s books he wrote under the pseudonym of “Capt. Wilhelm
Bernhart.” Capt. Bernhart provided Dr. Buechner with what was
claimed to be the log of the Hartmann Expedition, including a
hand-written letter of authenticity signed by “Hartmann,” also a
pseudonym, and photos of some of the objects recovered.
Col. Buechner and Capt. Bernhart avoid mention of Station 211
though. Instead, Buechner and Bernhart tell us that the submarine
crew in 1945 placed Hitler’s treasure at the foot of an unnamed
glazier in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains, dug in and protected with
steel plates. The submarine then proceeded to Mar del Plata,
Argentina where it surrendered some months after the war’s end. At
least the mysterious surrenders of two such subs to Argentine
authorities in July and August of 1945 can be confirmed.
In Adolf Hitler And The Secrets of The Holy Lance Col. Buechner and
Capt. Bernhard detail how the Hartmann Expedition came about. It
began, they wrote, in 1969 when Rudolf Hess was taken to a British
hospital for the treatment of ulcers. Several days later an ex-crew
member of U-boat 530, one of the subs that had surrendered at Mar
del Plata after the war’s end, received the key to a bank box in
Switzerland. This box led to another where a number of sealed
envelopes were found, along with a large amount of liquid assets.
The message had been signed “H.”
The sealed envelopes in the Swiss bank were opened by the former
U-530 crewmember. He was instructed to contact and deliver the
contents of the box to the man whom Hitler had personally entrusted
with sending some of his most prized possessions, including the Holy
Lance, to Antarctica. In Buechner and Bernhard’s books he would only
be identified as “Colonel Maximilian Hartmann” a name they admitted
to being false.
Hartmann did not leave Germany at the
end of the war, but he saw to it that senior officials, like Martin
Bormann, Hitler’s personal secretary, and the Reich treasurer Hitler
had entrusted to him got out in two or more subs in the final days
of the war. This group of subs, somewhere between three and twelve
in number, have often been referred to as the “Führer Convoy.” It
was part of the northern “Rat Line” that helped escaping Nazis – and
may have conveyed the Führer himself!
The sailor did as instructed, passing the envelopes to Colonel
Hartmann. In the first one Hartmann found a coded message from
Professor Karl Haushofer. Haushofer was to the Third Reich what the
Rev. Billy Graham has been to the last several American Presidents,
and then some. More than confidant, Haushofer actively molded the
thinking of the Nazi inner core. His beliefs were part of the
motivation for the Nazi search for the Ark of the Covenant and
Agharta, the mystical realm of enlightened beings who lived inside
the hollow earth! Decoded, his message revealed the exact location
of the bronze boxes Hartmann had sent to Antarctica aboard a
submarine so many years before.
The second envelope instructed Hartmann to recreate Himmler’s
Knight’s Grand Council, only this time the knights were to dedicate
themselves, and use the power of the Holy Lance, for the purpose of
world peace. The organization was also to be called by a new name,
Knights of the Holy Lance.
The third envelope contained a very large sum of money. With it
Hartmann set about the task of creating the Knights of the Holy
Lance and preparing to recover their mystic talisman, the Spear of
As Buechner and “Bernhart” put it:
In 1974 the Order of the Knights was
reorganized by a former German army officer named Colonel
Maximilian Hartmann, but now the group had a vastly different
purpose. This time there was no ancient castle for a meeting
place. The military uniforms had been replaced by business suits
and guns had given way to briefcases. Violence had disappeared
and the wisdom of negotiation had taken its place.
While the major objective of their new
direction was the attainment of world peace, or so we are asked to
believe, they also put the reunification of their homeland as a
central goal. Of overriding importance was the need for the power
and guidance of the Holy Lance. They believed that there was little
hope of success without it. The recovery of the Lance became their
first objective. They knew that a secret expedition to Antarctica
would be a Herculean task and that the cost would be incredible, but
they were determined to succeed.
The Log of the Hartmann Expedition as quoted from and explained by
Buechner and Bernhart details a long and somewhat implausible series
of changes of planes, boats and finally a helicopter to arrive in
Antarctica. Although Buechner seemed to accept the authenticity of
the log your authors had a hard time swallowing it. Frankly, it
reads like poor amateur fiction.
Still, what would you expect from an
aging businessman writing in German, then translated into English by
an equally aged German sailor who picked up English as a second
language? We suspect the narrative was laced with misdirections and
half-truths to prevent anyone from identifying those involved –
assuming it happened at all of course.
Finally Col. Hartmann arrived in Antarctica aboard a helicopter with
three other Knights of the Holy Lance. They located and removed the
steel plates placed over the entrance to Lance’s hiding place and
found a steel lined tunnel leading into the mountain.
Quoting from the expedition’s log we
Our lights penetrate the steel
tunnel which extends for approximately ten meters. When we
arrive at the end of the tunnel, we find ourselves in a huge
cavernous area. It seems warm. As we search the cavern with our
lights, we notice frozen pillars of ice in strange and grotesque
shapes. We penetrate into the cavern the distance of about 300
meters. It is at this point that we came to a smaller cavern
which turned towards the right and ended in a room approximately
80 meters in width and ten meters in height. It is here that the
Reich treasures are hidden!!!
At this point stands a small obelisk about a meter in height
which marks the spot. There is an inscription which reads as
“There are truly more things in
heaven and ‘in’ earth than man has dreamt (beyond this point
is AGHARTA) Haushofer, 1943.”
Our lights immediately fall upon the
treasure which consists of eight large bronze chests. This makes
two for each man and will require two trips. Can we do it? This
remains to be seen. Each one of us grasps a bronze box in his
Hartman was soon disappointed to realize
that the weight of the boxes, in total, is too heavy for his team to
carry back to their waiting helicopter. Four of the boxes had to be
left behind.
Hartmann continues:
The trek back is energy consuming
and difficult. We stop to rest several times along the return
route. The chests are growing heavier and heavier as we go
along. We have to stop and rest more frequently. Finally we
reach the [helicopter] just as complete exhaustion is setting
in. After one more brief rest, we begin our task of loading the
bronze chests aboard. Lothar and Heinz remove the extra fuel
supply cell after pumping its contents into the main benzene
tank... Bits and pieces of unnecessary gear are discarded. The
loss of weight will compensate for the extra cargo. Eight chests
would have been an impossible load.
Shortly before we are ready to leave, the chest containing the
Holy Lance is opened. We all watch with profound fascination as Klauss knocks the bronze pin from the clasp. Inside the chest is
a faded leather case along with a variety of other items. We
carefully open the case. It is there! the Holy Lance! the lance
that pierced the side of our lord Jesus Christ! The oil torch we
have lit … makes it seem like a ceremony. I hold the Holy Lance
aloft in my hand.
Without thinking, the words seem to
flow from my mouth, “the Holy Lance points ever towards our
eternal Deutschland.”
Buechner and Bernhart
wrote that from Antarctica, Col. Hartman and his team made
their way back to their starting point in Brazil, where papers were
obtained for the Holy Lance, declaring it an art object. This
enabled them to slip it through customs with little or no
difficulty. Most of Hartmann’s team returned to Germany, and their
everyday lives as successful but otherwise unremarkable businessmen.
Col. Hartmann, however, went on to the United States. There he met
with a former crewman from one of the submarines that, perhaps,
Admiral Doenitz had used to ferry material and personnel to Station
211. Buechner and Bernhard claim that Col. Hartmann left certain
items with this seaman, including a copy of the log of the Hartmann
Expedition and a signed, handwritten letter of authenticity.
Hartmann then departed, taking the Spear
back to Germany.
Buechner assures us that the Spear is now held in the protective
custody of these Knights of the Holy Lance. It would seem that their
plan is working, for indeed, Germany is again reunited as a single,
and very great, nation. Buechner died believing that these modern
knights were guarding the Spear, preventing it from ever again
falling into the wrong hands.
Are they?
Perhaps only time will tell.