by Joseph P. Farrell
September 5,
GizaDeathStar Website

When Mr. M.S. sent me the link for the following video about the
discovery of several "somethings"
in Antarctica, I was, at first,
inclined to hit the "delete" button, as I do with about 99% of
videos people send me.
Sorry folks, it's just
the reality of things:
I simply do not have
the time to watch videos from hundreds of people.
But every now and then,
one manages to pique my curiosity sufficiently that I have to watch.
In this case, I was
floored, flabbergasted, stunned, shocked; and there was more than
just a queasy anxiety in the pit of my stomach, for if true, then
it's definitely confirmation that "something" is "up" down there.
But first, let me hedge today's blog around with multiple riders,
caveats, exemptions, exceptions, and cave
I have no idea of
the reliability of the site from which the video came; I did
watch several other videos from the same site, just to get a
"feel" for it, and I come away with some ambivalence, though
I did not detect any intention willingly to dissemble, but
that is a purely subjective assessment, and the reader may
the video links
yet another video about "high Antarctic strangeness" that I
also watched and will link below, which seems to "confirm"
the anomalies found in the first video
if true, what is
shown in both videos is nothing less than stunning, and it
tends to confirm my suspicions - stated most recently for
example on the Richard Dolan Show - that the high
strangeness going on in Antarctica may be due to the fact
that they "found something"; if these videos are showing
genuine anomalies, then that hypothesis has just been
confirmed, and in spades
this, however,
must always be tempered by the fact that in today's digital
age, anything can be "photoshopped". The question then
becomes, who photoshopped what is seen, and why. That
said, I'd be remiss on a website that specializes in high
octane speculation and "the weird" not to pass this along
Finally, an
apology to readers: the videos will require about thirty
minutes of your time. Again, I pass them along for their
intrinsic prima facie interest
That said, here is the
video sent by Mr. M.
And here is the second video that the above video referred that I
also investigated:
Now, if you've managed to make it through both videos, there are a
number of things that stand out to my mind, and which form the focus
of my daily dose of high octane speculation.
Again, for the sake of
argument, let us assume that the anomalies highlighted in both
videos is genuine.
What, then, emerges?
Firstly, I note
that the anomalies for the most part, as far as I can tell,
fall within the general regions that were either "invaded"
or that were explored by aerial photogrammetry mapping
missions by Admiral
Richard Byrd in the well-known
High Jump, 1946-1947.
Let me underscore
that once again:
they are within the general regions in
which Operation High Jump took place.
A careful and
detailed examination of this correspondence I did not do;
and thus this remains a merely qualitative "first glance"
Secondly, what is
also interesting and intriguing to me is that the author of
both of these videos, who calls himself "Florida Maquis" and
who did a great deal of yeoman's work on these videos, also
did yet another video in which he examines other Antarctic
anomalies which fall within the general region explored by
the 1938-1939 German expedition in the region they called
Neuschwabenland, otherwise known as
Queen Maud Land.
Thirdly, if these
anomalies are genuine, then my hypothesis that the reason
for all the recent strangeness in Antarctica, from the
sudden visit of former Secretary of State John Kerry to the
visit of Patriarch Kiril III of Moscow, to Apollo 11
astronaut Buzz Aldrin - who incidentally made several
strange tweets on his Twitter account both prior to and
after his visit:
One of which was a tweet that was quickly
taken down that what was down there was "pure evil" -
assumes a context that they did not have before:
they were
most probably down there have a first hand look at these
anomalies for themselves.
The sudden
interest of Turkey in Antarctica would also make sense,
because if these anomalies are genuinely there, then it
stands to reason that there is a lot of quiet discussion
taking place in the background by the "powers that be."

The anomalies themselves
are worth commenting on:
again, if genuine, then they are showing
three basic classes of "things" there:
indicating an intelligent origin
remains that are quite large
anomalies both on
or beneath the land surface, and beneath the coastal waters,
whose exact nature is unknown, but which in some cases
exhibit recurring rectilinearity
With respect to the last
class, recall that Russia was going to send elements of its
Fleet to Antarctica, along with a "spy ship" to do coastal
explorations off the continent.
To put all this high octane speculation as succinctly as possible:
if the anomalies are
indeed genuine, then we now have clear evidence that there may
once have been some sort of civilization on the continent, but
of a very bizarre nature, given the "fossils" displayed in the
second video.
The author of the videos,
"Florida Maquis", also points out that these anomalies are not
necessarily visible from a simple Google Earth search, but rather,
that one can only view them in the professional version, and even
then, only by using the time stamp feature, which, he maintains, is
a simple but effective way that "the powers that be" have been
hiding things.
Something might be visible, or hidden, in the year
(to pick a date at random) 2011, that will not be visible in the
same area if one only looks at 2018, which as he also correctly
points out, most people will do.
Which brings me to a second high octane speculation:
let us assume -
again only for the sake of argument - that the anomalies uncovered
by "Florida Maquis" were indeed photoshopped and injected into the
Google Earth (pro version) data stream.
The question then becomes,
"who did it" and "why"?
Here, I suspect, a team
of delinquent hackers playing an elaborate practical joke on the
rest of us, while possible, is only barely so. If such occurred, in
my opinion it would be much more likely that it would come from
"much higher up."
The question then
"Why", and here I
suspect that the reason is simply to create both a
misdirection, and to keep attention focused on Antarctica,
but to misdirect it.
Why be concerned,
for example, about Lockheed-Martin's presence in Antarctica,
if there are large "fossils" of a large "something" to be
found there?
When all is said and
done, I am left with that same queasy feeling in the pit of my
stomach that these pictures may be genuine, rather than a faked
deception and misdirection, for if genuine, they explain a lot of
the strange history of that continent in the decades immediately
prior to World War Two, and ever since.
In other words, if one
assumes their genuineness, then they explain much of the hidden
reasons for the recent strange interests and activities there.
one assumes for the sake of argument that these anomalies are
genuine, then they explain the presence and associations of,
Kiril III
John Kerry,
...and many others in and
with Antarctica.
For the moment, my vote
is on the genuine side.
See you on the flip side...