GreatDreams Website
Tribal Memory of The Flying Saucers
I am an American Indian, some of the sages among my people have
talked, and if you care to, I shall permit you to sit down with us
and listen.
"Let us say that it is dusk in that strange place which you, the
white-man, calls ’Death Valley.’ I have passed tobacco... to the aged
chief of the Paiutes who sits across a tiny fire from me and
sprinkles corn meal upon the flames...
"The old chief looked like a wrinkled mummy as he sat there puffing
upon his pipe. Yet his eyes were not those of the unseeing, but eyes
which seemed to look back on long trails of time. His people had
held the Inyo, Panamint and Death Valleys for untold centuries
before the coming of the white-man. Now we sat in the valley which
white-man named for Death, but which the Paiute calls Tomesha --
Flaming Land. Here before me as I faced eastward, the Funerals
(mountains forming Death Valley’s eastern wall) were wrapped in
purple-blue blankets about their feet while their faces were painted
in scarlet. Behind me, the Panamints rose like a mile-high wall,
dark against the sinking sun.
"The old Paiute smoked my tobacco for a long time before he
reverently blew the smoke to the four directions. Finally he spoke.
"’You ask me if we heard of the great silver
airships in the days before white-man brought his wagon trains
into the land?’
"’Yes grandfather, I come seeking knowledge.’ (Among all tribes of
my people, grandfather is the term of greatest respect which one man
can pay to another.)
"’We, the Paiute Nation, have known of these ships for untold
generations. We also believe that we know something of the people
who fly them. They are called
The Hav-musuvs.’
"’Who are the
"’They are a people of the Panamints, and they are as ancient as
Tomesha itself.’
"He smiled a little at my confusion.
"’You do not understand? Of course not. You are not a Paiute. Then
listen closely and I will lead you back along the trail of the dim
"’When the world was young, and this valley which is now dry,
parched desert, was a lush, hidden harbor of a blue water- sea which
stretched from half way up those mountains to the Gulf of
California, it is said that the Hav-musuvs came here in huge
rowing-ships. They found great caverns in the Panamints, and in them
they built one of their cities. At that time California was the
island which the Indians of that state told the Spanish it was, and
which they marked so on their maps.
"’Living in their
hidden city, the Hav-musuvs ruled the sea with
their fast rowing-ships, trading with far-away peoples and bringing
strange goods to the great quays said still to exist in the caverns.
"’Then as untold centuries rolled past, the climate began to change.
The water in the lake went down until there was no longer a way to
the sea. First the way was broken only by the southern mountains,
over the tops of which goods could be carried. But as time went by,
the water continued to shrink, until the day came when only a dry
crust was all that remained of the great blue lake. Then the desert
came, and the Fire-God began to walk across Tomesha,
"’When the Hav-musuvs could no longer use their great rowing-ships,
they began to think of other means to reach the world beyond. I
suppose that is how it happened. We know that they began to use
flying canoes. At first they were not large, these silvery ships
with wings. They moved with a slight whirring sound, and a dipping
movement, like an eagle.
"’The passing centuries brought other changes. Tribe after tribe
swept across the land, fighting to possess it for awhile and passing
like the storm of sand. In their mountain city still in the caverns,
the Hav-musuvs dwelt in peace, far removed from the
conflict. Sometimes they were seen in the distance, in their
flying ships or riding on the snowy-white animals which took
them from ledge to ledge up the cliffs. We have never seen these
strange animals at any other place. To these people the passing
centuries brought only larger and larger ships, moving always
more silently.’
"’Have you ever seen a
"’No, but we have many stories
of them. There are reasons why one does not become too curious.’
"’Yes. These strange people have
weapons. One is a small tube which stuns one with a
prickly feeling like a rain of cactus needles. One cannot move
for hours, and during this time the mysterious ones vanish up
the cliffs. The other weapon is deadly. It is a long, silvery
tube. When this is pointed at you, death follows immediately.’
tell me about these people. What do they look like and how do
they dress?’
"’They are a beautiful people. Their
skin is a golden tint, and a head band holds back their long
dark hair. They dress always in a white fine-spun garment which
wraps around them and is draped upon one shoulder. Pale sandals
are worn upon their feet...’
"His voice trailed away in a puff of smoke. The purple shadows
rising up the walls of the Funerals splashed like the waves of the
ghost lake. The old man seemed to have fallen into a sort of trance,
but I had one more question.
"’Has any Paiute ever spoken to a
Hav-musuv, or were the Paiutes
here when the great rowing-ships first appeared?’
"For some moments I wondered if he had heard me. Yet as is our
custom, I waited patiently for the answer. Again he went through the
ritual of the smoke-breathing to the four directions, and then his
soft voice continued:
"’Yes. Once in the not-so-distant-past, but yet many generations
before the coming of the Spanish, a Paiute chief lost his bride by
sudden death. In his great and overwhelming grief, he thought of the
Hav-musuvs and their long tube-of-death.
He wished to join her, so he bid farewell to his sorrowing people
and set off to find the Hav-musuvs. None appeared until the chief
began to climb the almost unscaleable Panamints. Then one of the men
in white appeared suddenly before him with the long tube, and
motioned him back. The chief made signs that he wished to die, and
came on. The man in white made a long singing whistle and other
Hav-musuvs appeared. They spoke together in a strange tongue and
then regarded the chief thought-fully. Finally they made signs to
him making him understand that they would take him with them.
"’Many weeks after his people had mourned him for dead,
the Paiute
chief came back to his camp. He had been in the giant underground
valley of the Hav-musuvs, he said, where white lights which burn
night and day and never go out, or need any fuel, lit an ancient
city of marble beauty. There he learned the language and the history
of the mysterious people, giving them in turn the language and
legends of the Paiutes. He said that he would have liked to
remain there forever in the peace and beauty of their life, but
they bade him return and use his new knowledge for his people.’
"I could not help but ask the inevitable.
"’Do you believe this story of the chief?’
"His eyes studied the wisps of smoke for some minutes before he
"’I do not know. When a man is lost in Tomesha, and the Fire-God is
walking across the salt crust, strange dreams like clouds, fog
through his mind. No man can breathe the hot breath of the Fire-God
and long remain sane. Of course, the Paiutes have thought of this.
No people knows the moods of Tomesha better than they.
"’You asked me to tell you
the legend of the flying ships. I have
told you what the young men of the tribe do not know, for they no
longer listen to the stories of the past. Now you ask me if I
believe. I answer this. Turn around. Look behind you at that wall of
the Panamints. How many giant caverns could open there, being hidden
by the lights and shadows of the rocks? How many could open outward
or inward and never be seen behind the arrow-like pinnacles before
them? How many ships could swoop down like an eagle from the beyond,
on summer nights when the fires of the furnace-sands have closed
away the valley from the eyes of the white-man? How many Hav-musuvs
could live in their eternal peace away from the noise of white-man’s
guns in their unscaleable stronghold? This has always been a land of
mystery. Nothing can change that. Not even white-man with his flying
engines, for should they come too close to the wall of the Panamints
a sharp wind like the flying arrow can sheer off a wing. Tomesha
hides its secrets well even in winter, but no man can pry into them
when the Fire-God draws the hot veil of his breath across the
"’I must still answer your question with my mind in doubt, for we
speak of a weird land. White-man does not yet know it as well as the
Paiutes, and we have ever held it in awe. It is still the forbidden
The preceding account, titled "TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING
SAUCERS", appeared in the Sept. 1949 issue of FATE magazine.
Coincidentally or not, this same ’legend’ was repeated in amazing
similarity by an old prospector by the name of Bourke Lee in his
book "DEATH VALLEY MEN" (Macmillan Co., New York, 1932). However,
Lee stated that it was NOT a legend, but an actual account of the
discovery of a (now abandoned) city WITHIN the Panamint Mountains as
he heard it from three other people who claimed to have seen this
ancient wonder beneath the earth.
Believe it or not, those who talked to
Bourke Lee mentioned the
ancient ’lake’ within Death Valley, the ancient city within the Panamints themselves, and even the large tunnel-like
’quays’ or
ancient boat docks above the ancient shoreline on the eastern slope
of the Panamints which led INTO the ancient city... ancient
artifacts which they swore they saw with their own eyes.
The Editors of
FATE magazine introduced the story which appears
above with the following words:
"...FATE presents two new saucer stories in this issue. The
first is
a startling account of an aviation editor’s encounter with two disks
(two week’s after he had photographed four and was frustrated in
every attempt to get the photo into the big dailies and thus prove
the flying saucers were real at the height of the ’scare’); and the
second is a tribal secret of the Paihute Indians given to FATE
magazine out of appreciation for FATE’s Navaho story in the Spring,
1948 issue, which helped relieve their hardship in the ensuing
winter. Your editor wonders about (these) stories, and presents them
as a possible solution of the nature and origin of the famous disks.
Both these stories arrived on our desk on the same day. They
corroborate each other. We say that investigation will prove both to
be true. We admit, however, that we believe it will be as impossible
to prove the Hav-musuv story as it has been to produce a captive
disk. Your editor, however, has been a friend of the American Indian
for many years, and he has rarely known an Indian to lie. He is
convinced of the sincerity of the story we present in this issue,
and that it has not been distorted. What does it mean? What, really,
are the Hav-musuvs?"
The story of the Hav-musuvs seems to be a major or key ’piece’ of
the overall puzzle of a wide range of aerial as well as subsurface
phenomena which have mystified numerous researchers throughout this
Not the least of these unusual phenomena were the so-called
’contactees’ of California who during the 1950’s and ’60’s, in fact,
described their own alleged encounters with ’benevolent’ human-like
beings who were seen to emerge from aerial disks, not far at all
from the mysterious Panamint mountains them-selves.
The Mojave Desert is also, believe it or not, the very place where
William Shatner claimed to have had his UFO encounter with a
’silvery disk’, which he alleges saved his life after he became lost
in the Mojave’s other-worldly expanse, and this long before he was
Christened ’Captain’ of the U.S.S. Enterprise!

"click" image to
detailed enlargement of Mojave Desert - Paramint Area
The Mojave Desert of California is in this sense perhaps one of the
most interesting areas in the world whereas encounters with strange
aerial phenomena are concerned. In certain small California and
Mojave Desert towns, like the small town of Anza for instance, one
is more likely to be called crazy for NOT believing in UFO’s than
they are for believing in them. Sightings have been so numerous over
the years that these aerial visitors are an accepted fact of life.
The interesting thing, however, is that the two most commonly
reported types of ’occupants’ which are described by thousands of
witnesses with remarkable consistency the world over (in relation to
these aerial phenomena) play a large part in the Mojave Desert
scenario as well. These are the two groups which have often been
referred to at the ’Saurian Grays’ and the ’Nordic Blonds’.
Both types of ’entities’ have appeared in many accounts describing
encounters with not only so-called extraterrestrial beings, but also
the lesser known -- although nevertheless persistent -- accounts of
intra-terranean beings as well.
In this file we will document numerous accounts which seem to
suggest that the ’Nordics’ may be our ancient ancestors
who, a few thousand years previous to the modern ’space race’, may
have attained the science and technology necessary to burrow deep
into the earth in order to construct vast subterranean technological
metropolises, and shortly thereafter like a slingshot from the lower
depths of the earth they may have hurled them-selves in starships of
their own devising through the interplanetary and perhaps even
interstellar depths of space.
The strange allegation among ’UFOlogists’, however, is one mentioned
by many ’contactees’ who allege that a neo-sauroid or reptilian race
known as the GRAYS may have for hundreds if not thousands of
years been in conflict, or even in even all-out warfare with the
so-called ’Nordics’ (as we will see further on, the "Nordic"
appellation may be closer to the truth than one might think). The
explanation given by some researchers as to the ACTUAL ORIGIN of
this malevolent and predatory (other) race of ’grayish’ aliens may shock you!
Since National Polls reveal that approximately 80 percent of all
Americans believe in the phenomena known as UFO’s to some degree,
and that as many as 2 percent or 1 in 50 believe that they have been
targets of ’abduction’ by the same in the past, this file is written
with the assumption that the reader is one of the 80% (and possibly
even one of the 2 percent who have experiential knowledge of the UFO
If the reader believes that they are part of the 20 percent who do
not believe in UFO’s and have no desire to do so, then the following
may not be for you. If one does not like the idea of having the very
’fabric’ of their concept of reality torn apart and woven back
together again, then they might do well to pass on this information
to someone with a more open mind. But if you desire to bear with us,
we will reveal to you the hidden secrets of one place on earth which
appears to be a ’doorway’ to other worlds, to worlds and realities
and adventures which may well make the reader’s own perception of
’reality’ seem absolutely mundane to the extreme...
But if you dare, then read on:
George H. Leonard, in his book "SOMEBODY ELSE IS ON THE MOON" (David
McKay Co. Inc., New York., 1967), quotes
Morris K. Jessup (the UFOlogist who died under mysterious circumstances after exposing the
so-called ’PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT’), who asked the question:
has beaten us to the moon by hundreds or even thousands of years?"
Leonard, based on research gathered by himself and certain ex-NASA
employees, confirms the suspicions of certain researchers to the
effect that NASA is aware of the fact that an alien race (the
etc.) AND a human-like race has for centuries been fighting for
possession of the moon, that mining equipment has been seen as well
as many other evidences of lunar activity. Leonard says:
"More than one... race occupies the
Moon - Culture traits and
technology seen in different parts of the Moon vary considerably ...
it appears from the body of reliable data that one or more of the
(non-human) races regards us with disdain and values human life
cheaply... Races capable of moving between star systems... and
existing on the Moon must be capable of wiping us out at will. It is
probably this (understandably) which PANICS the military."
Mr. Leonard, during one of his interviews with an ex-NASA employee
whom he refers to as Dr. Sam Wittcomb (a pseudonym to protect his
real identity), at which time he showed ’Whittcomb’ the ms. for his
book, learned the following disturbing facts:
"...And Sam Wittcomb read my manuscript in draft and then sat
staring into the black night. When he spoke, it was in a hushed
voice. I’d never heard him like that before. ’They brought
scientists together from many countries in the Spring of 1975. The
meeting was in England. They wanted to talk on the quiet about
"extraterrestrials" and what they’re up to. A lot of people at the
top are scared.’ A cold spot formed in the small of my back. Sam
turned to me. ’They invited a physicist from Colorado, a man named
Joachim Kuetner, who’d worked on the Moon program and
knows what’s
up there. He could tell them about it first hand. About the frenetic
building and digging going on, the spraying of craters and carving
up of crater rims and ridges. I don’t know exactly what they talked
about. But you can bet they know it’s not Earth-people’s Moon
anymore -- if it ever was. It belongs to THEM.’"
As we’ve said, at least one of the races on the Moon is human, or
identical to those of us on earth. If this is so, then we might ask
ourselves "where on earth did these people come from, and how did
they get to the moon before ’we’ did?" It is certainly a reasonable
There exist several corroborative accounts taken from ancient Hindu
scripts (again, as Ripley would say "believe it or not"), which we
will quote shortly, stating that the ancient GREEKS had actually
developed flying ships thousands of years ago. Is it possible that
the Hav-musuvs (which as we’ve said, may have been a neo-Grecian
race because of their dress and their marble-like cities) would have
taken the next logical step after developing aerial travel: that is,
attempt to land one or more of their kind on the Moon... eventually
upon Mars... and possibly even later upon planets in a nearby star
The United States has made incredible advances in this area in a
period of less than 100 years, thanks to the phenomena known as the
technological curve (i.e. that a synchronous effort on the part of
many contributing factors eventually leads to a multiplying
explosion in technology). If America landed a man on the moon only
70 years after the Wright Brothers opened the skies to aerial
travel, then can we expect anything less from the Hav-musuvs or
others like them? For instance technology in our society is becoming
thousands of times more sophisticated every year. Is it possible
that the ancient Greeks or a similar ancient society had a ’technology explosion’ thousands of years ago? If so, then it may
have been possible for them to establish bases or colonies on the
Moon, Mars, and perhaps beyond! We might add that there are some who
even claim that the secret of "hyper-space" travel was inadvertently
discovered only 40 years after the Wright Brothers successfully
tested their aircraft at Kitty Hawk - during a super-secret Navy
experiment called the Rainbow Project which was carried out at the
Philadelphia Naval harbor in 1943.
If ’we’ can go from the horse-and-buggy to landing men on the moon
in LESS that 100 years (or from the horse-and-buggy to "hyperspace"
travel in only 40 years!?) then how much exploration and
colonization of other planetary bodies might have taken place by a
race who three or four THOUSAND years ago possessed aerial craft and
technologies equal to or greater than our own?
One ’contactee’, incidentally, has stated that a large ’space port’
does in fact exist in a network of caverns deep below present-day
Death Valley.
In reference to this we will quote from a ’synopsis’ of the
experiences of Brazilian ’contactee’ Jefferson Souza, as it appeared
in a catalog put out by the UFO LIBRARY (11684 Ventura Blvd. #708.,
Studio City, CA 91604). Many of the individuals referred to in this
catalog, which offers taped interviews or lectures describing their
encounters, are either ’contactees’ who have had friendly encounters
with the so-called ’Nordic’ or human-like beings who pilot many of
the ’alien’ craft; or who have been ’abducted’ by the more
manipulating and predatory ’Gray’ or ’saurian’ entities. Quoting
from their description of Mr. Souza’s experiences:
"Reaction to the first sighting of a
UFO is unpredictable. Jeff
Souza had his first contact in 1979 when he was only 13. The memory
of it was tucked away in the recesses of his mind. Twenty alien
contacts during the next 10 years never fully restored the image.
But those years were filled with excitement that would result in one
of the most inspirational stories of alien contact ever recorded.
"The young Brazilian was possessed of intelligence and intuition. He
studied and managed to complete one semester of medical school
before giving up his formal education.
"In contact with two races of extraterrestrials,
Jeff has met them
in Brazil, Argentina and the United States. But where they occurred
is unimportant when compared to the depth and cope of what he
"The gentle
VEGANS and the business-like
UMMITES taught Souza
more than he could ever imagine about technology and life on all
planets. He was transported aboard a spaceship by LIGHT and taken to other planets and (other) parts of the world.
On one such trip he suffered an unusual reaction - all his hair fell
out. His watch broke at every contact.
"Jeff Souza has been questioned by experts in the field of alien
contact. He has been clinically regressed through hypnotism to the
time of his first contact but the answers came only in Portuguese.
At that age, Jeff could not speak English.
"The details he has learned are awe inspiring. Answers to questions
about time, space, matter, energy, life and spirituality easily
rolled from his tongue. All prompted by the alien contacts of his
past and present.
"His interview and the recorded details of
"There is a final precaution from his contacts - we must all learn
the lessons given to Jeff Souza because we are destroying our planet
and if we don’t change, not even the friendly aliens will be able to
save us."
We see here then a definite connection between the subterranea of
the Death Valley region, which is reportedly inhabited by the
neo-Grecian (?) Hav-musuvs and the human societies in
’Vega’ and ’Ummo’,
which as we shall see later on, according to other contactees, are
"Federated" with other human colonies or civilizations in Tau Ceti,
Epsilon Eridani, Alpha Centauri, the
Pleiades and elsewhere.
Although Jefferson Souza claims to have encountered the Ummo People
in landed craft, the Vegans are the ones who allowed him to travel
on their craft most often. It was also the Vegans who showed him the
MASSIVE basing complex below Death Valley, which contained chambers
miles in diameter and numerous compartmentalized sectors which had
been adapted to meet the gravitational, atmospheric and
environmental needs of the various Federation world representatives
who use the base as a way-station for their operations on earth.
Apparently the Hav-musuvs have been VERY BUSY for the last few
thousand years, if we are to believe Souza’s account.
In addition to the above, Souza learned of two other alien species
that are in conflict to some extent with the humanoids with whom he
maintained contact. One of these includes an "Insectoid" type race,
while the other is reptilian. The latter consists of a tall, very
reptilian-saurian appearing "master" race to which the shorter
reptilian "Grays" are subservient. There are at least three types of
"Grays", according to Souza:
those that reproduce via
those that reproduce via cloning
those that
reproduce via polyembryony
One might ask: if some of our ancient ancestors were so intelligent
that they could develop aerial craft, then where is all the
evidence? The evidence is there, but has been largely ignored by
orthodox scientists who cannot fit the existence of advanced
prehistoric civilizations into their own theoretical framework.
Ancient sophisticated artifacts discovered imbedded in SOLID ROCK
(including ancient ’spark plugs’, metal cubes, gold chains, metal
vases, nails, screws, and even electric batteries such as those
described in Rene Noorbergen’s ’SECRETS OF THE LOST RACES’ -
Bobbs-Merril Co., N.Y.), as well as artifacts found on the ocean
floor, give evidence to the fact that our ancient ancestors were FAR
more intelligent in the scientific realm than we give them credit
(Ferni Publishers, Geneva, Switzerland, 1978) describes one such
"In 1900, sponge divers near
Antikythera (Greece), found rusty
fragments of a metallic apparatus on the sea floor. Scientists at
first thought that they were remnants of an astrolabe dating from 65
B.C. In 1959, the English scientist, Solla Price, made a discovery
which astounded the professional world when he published it in the
NATURAL HISTORY review of March 1962:
"’It appears that
this object is really a computer which can determine and
describe the movements of the sun, of the moon, and probably of
the planets.’
"This modern expert felt extremely humble and could only pay homage
to the high science of our ancestors, although the homage was tinged
with fear.
"’It is quite frightening,’ he wrote in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (June,
1959), ’to learn that, shortly before their great civilization
crumbled, THE ANCIENT GREEKS had come as close as this to our time,
not only in terms of their thinking, but also in their scientific
Back to the Mojave Desert mystery -- it would seem that, based on
the various reports (many of which we will record later on), that
the Mojave Desert of Southern California and the deserts of western
Nevada may in fact be a secret ’battleground’ involving U.S.
Government troops working in ALLIANCE with the alien races known as
the ’Nordics’. Who are ’they’ fighting? Their battle, according to
SEVERAL sources is against the ’Grays’ which have over the last
century, possibly earlier, entrenched themselves below ground in
underground ’bases’ in the Mojave Desert region and elsewhere.
Just as the U.S. government is allegedly working with ’Nordics’
based at Mt. Shasta near Weed, California and others in nearby star
systems such as those mentioned above who have a base below the Panamint Mt.-Death Valley region; their neo-saurian adversaries are
allegedly working with others of their kind within a huge
subterranean network centered below the Mt.Archuleta region near the
town of
Dulce in Northwestern New Mexico (which seems to be the U.S.
CENTER of activity in regards to MIBs or ’Men In Black’, abductions,
mutilations, disappearances, sightings of reptilian entities and so
These ’Grays’ are allegedly working with other ’Draconians’ who have
established themselves in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta
Reticuli, Altair in Aquila, Rigel and Belletrax Orion, as well as
possibly other NEARBY star systems. Why is this ’war’ being carried
on in secret? Partly because the U.S. Government does not believe
that the American public can handle the truth. Just recall Orson
Wells’ ’WAR OF THE WORLDS’ radio program of so many years ago, and
the panic it incited.
In reference to Zeta Reticuli, from where many of the Grays are said
to ’originate’, Jeffrey L. Kretch, in his article ’THE AGE OF NEARBY
STARS’ (which appeared in ASTRONOMY Magazine in response to Terence Eckerson’s Dec. 1974 article
describing the Hill abduction, an article which incidentally raised
more interest among the readership than any other article the
magazine had published), makes note of the METAL and CARBON
deficiencies of this binary system. He suggests that carbon-based
life could not have ’evolved’ in such an environment, and he may be
right, for the ’Grays’ have ’told’ some abductees that they are
actually RETURNING to earth, their native planet. No doubt ’they’
will try to use this argument, even if true, in an attempt to
justify their planned takeover of the planet.
Recently one researcher, K.S., was approached by the family of a
U.S. Intelligence worker (O.S.I.) by the name of ’Tucker’, who had
disappeared mysteriously. They were concerned and frightened as they
had discovered, in a personal locker of his, SEVERAL papers
describing INTIMATE details of activities surrounding the
Dulce, New
Mexico and Nevada (S-4, etc.)
underground installations. Among this
large stack of papers was hidden the following letter which was
stamped ’SECRET’. The letter, copies of which were apparently also
in the hands of a few other researchers as well, stated the
"Dear John...
"I am writing to you in the event that I do not return.
"There is a
triangle surrounding the Nevada Test Site.
"There are in fact two of
them. Each one frontiers on the other. One is the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC
TRIANGLE, installed by
MJ-12. This is a shield to protect the ’Benevolents’
(very human looking) from the EBEs while they help us develop
our counter-attack/defenses. The other is the EBEs’ ’trap’ keeping
the benevolents in the redoubt... At each corner of the EM Triangle
you will find BLM stations and they are the transmitters of the
"Facing each one of these is an EBE transmitter... There are MANY OF
THESE STAND-OFFS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. It is important that you do
not interfere by attempting to destroy one of their ’surrounds’,
they would be able to ’double-up’ some-where else and overthrow that
"There have been countless other civilizations that have destroyed
themselves in the planet’s past, and before this, when another
planet was approximately in Earth’s position."
Richard Hoagland and the city on Mars. The other planet was
in Earth’s current EVOLUTIONARY position, that is.]
"There were, however, civilizations that endured, that outlasted
their planet, and went elsewhere...."
[Now think
Hoagland et al. and the evidence of geometric structures
on the Moon, including the recent admission by Maurice Chatelain
sometime last year that NASA had discovered these structures... he
ever - so carefully tried to tell us in his book from ’73, but he
didn’t have the guts. Now he doesn’t fear getting killed for it like
he would have then. This is an almost completely ignored snippet of
information out there now.]
"There were nine planets once... evenly spaced, one from the other,
and they were evenly distributed outward from the sun. And this was
the first system that knew the RACE OF MAN. These were in your
corner of the universe, but in your terms they would have seemed to
have drifted off so far that none of your instruments could ever
find them."
[Look at the implications of this. Even in the farthest reaches of
the universe, consciousness seeks to express itself in a humanoid
form. That would explain why all extraterrestrial beings that have
been substantiated are humanoid in appearance. Seth himself looks
like a cross between human and Grey, if you see his picture in the
middle section of the now out - of- print "The Seth Material," of
which this quote was taken from.]
"They [the first system of the race of man] exploded and were re -
created many times - disappeared and returned. They would seem to
PULSATE. To you, they would seem to disappear for EONS. To them,
their existence was CONTINUOUS. As atoms and molecules give your
chairs a reality within your system even though the atoms and
molecules themselves come and go, so this planetary system still
retains its identity. Your astronomers may perceive a ghost image of
it at the edges of your universe, but only a reflection of a reality
that you cannot perceive...."
[But wait, it gets a hell of a lot better!!]
"Now: existence uses form. When a planetary system is disrupted, in
many cases entities who are attracted to it or consider it their
home, simply change their form, regroup their forces, and - if they
consider it worthwhile - put the house back in order. They enter,
then, such forms as are available or MAKE SUCH FORMS AS COULD
OCCASIONS. It is not often done, however, since with the materials
at hand, often a complicated - enough structure cannot be formed in
which consciousness can fully enough express itself."
[That is why more and more scientists are shooting holes in the
theory of evolution. Consciousness seeks to create humanoid bodies,
and sometimes as it works up to it, some of the strains just drop
out, like the Neanderthals. All the gaps and ’missing links’ in the
timeline are from the continuing reconstruction of fully modern
humanoid bodies in the forms of their extra-terrestrial makers.]
- (See Sitchin books series "The
Earth Chronicles")
"There can be, in your terms, some loss of memory - complications
that confuse the knowledge of origin. When the situation does occur,
there is always a division of forces, some entities turning into
their memories and knowledge intact, and acting as directors against
whose memories the new models are formed. Again: this has happened
within your own system."
"Many entities have no need for form, in your terms."
So, our purpose here is one of remembering who we are. We are all
Star People, just some of us are newer to this density, and some of
us never entered it at all, and talk to their friends who did in any
way they possibly can manage.
You may notice that Seth [an Egyptian name] used the word WATCH. If
you study and correlate the Betty Andreasson / Raymond Fowler
abduction research with a whole variety of others, both present and
historical, you realize that again and again, one name that
resurfaces for these beings is "The Watchers." In the
Ra Material,
they are referred to as the Guardians.
Again, now, I return to the Native American transcripts cited above,
to increase the burden of proof for the Hav - musuv /
Heph - aestus
"’When the Hav-musuvs could no longer use their great rowing-ships,
they began to think of other means to reach the world beyond. I
suppose that is how it happened. We know that they began to use
flying canoes. At first they were not large, these silvery ships
with wings. They moved with a slight whirring sound, and a dipping
movement, like an eagle.
To these people the passing
centuries brought only larger and larger ships, moving always
more silently."
This is an exact and precise description of exactly, exactly what I
saw again and again while I was growing up as a toddler and having
these fantastic dreams. Nowhere before have I seen such a perfect
and precise description of their appearance and flight
characteristics. I was quite impressed to see this corroboration, in
light of all the other evidence linking this to Hephaestus.
"’But tell me about these
people. What do they look like and how do they dress?’
are a beautiful people. Their skin is a golden tint, and a head
band holds back their long dark hair. They dress always in a
white fine-spun garment which wraps around them and is draped
upon one shoulder. Pale sandals are worn upon their feet...’
This is exactly the same thing that Betty Andreasson’s
Watchers were
described as, and this is exactly the same as the being that came
down from the UFO and announced that I was one of his people in my
housemate’s pivotal dream.
"I could not help but ask the inevitable.
"’Do you believe this story of the chief?’
"His eyes studied the wisps of smoke for some minutes before he
"’I do not know. When a man is lost in Tomesha, and the
Fire-God is
walking across the salt crust, strange dreams like clouds, fog
through his mind. No man can breathe the hot breath of the Fire-God
and long remain sane. Of course, the Paiutes have thought of this.
No people knows the moods of Tomesha better than they.
This is where it really cements in for me. You see, Hephaestus is
interchangeable in mythology with the god Vulcan. He is
the Fire
WOW! Do you get it yet? Hephaestus is the god of fire, and he gives
"strange dreams that fog through the mind," just like what happens
to me every morning!
The preceding account, titled "TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING
SAUCERS", appeared in the Sept. 1949 issue of FATE magazine.
Coincidentally or not, this same ’legend’ was repeated in amazing
similarity by an old prospector by the name of Bourke Lee in his
book "DEATH VALLEY MEN" (Macmillan Co., New York, 1932). However,
Lee stated that it was NOT a legend, but an actual account of the
discovery of a (now abandoned) city WITHIN the Panamint Mountains as
he heard it from three other people who claimed to have seen this
ancient wonder beneath the earth.
To our skeptophiles, please invoke "Occam’s razor" from
a standpoint higher than the status quo of rational pontification,
and realize that sometimes the simple truth right in front of your
face is actually the TRUTH!
The story of the Hav-musuvs seems to be a major or key ’piece’ of
the overall puzzle of a wide range of aerial as well is subsurface
phenomena which have mystified numerous researchers throughout this
I certainly think so!
Not the least of these unusual phenomena were the so-called
’contactees’ of California who during the 1950’s and ’60’s, in fact,
described their own alleged encounters with ’benevolent’ human-like
beings who were seen to emerge from aerial disks, not far at all
from the mysterious Panamint mountains them-selves.
This is the ’90’s, and now there is more evidence than ever.
"More than one...race occupies the Moon - Culture traits and
technology seen in different parts of the Moon vary considerably ...
’They invited a physicist from Colorado, a man named Joachim Kuetner,
who’d worked on the Moon program and knows what’s up there. He
could tell them about it first hand. About the frenetic building and
digging going on, the spraying of craters and carving up of crater
rims and ridges. I don’t know exactly what they talked about. But
you can bet they know it’s not Earth-people’s Moon anymore -- if it
ever was. It belongs to THEM.’"
Dr. Mandelker recently informed me that in the unpublished extracts
from the Ra material, there is mention of the United States having
reverse-engineered spacecraft, and a base on the moon. In addition,
it has come to be known from
Robert Morning Sky and others that
Richard Hogland was told of this US moon base as well, as an
agonizing secret token of trust. I guess he didn’t make it. There is
also the story of
Neil Armstrong seeing two UFO’s on the crater of
where he landed, looking down at him, and freaking out. Some people
heard it on the Ham radio, despite it being officially wiped out
before getting out to the public. It should by now be quite clear
that this all fits together because it is true.
As a final note, I was recently informed by someone else who
interviewed a famous movie producer that the producer was taken up
in an F-16 and watched a human - powered UFO in flight. He was also
told that there is a ten -year plan by which the government planned
to drop stronger and stronger hints, leading up to an eventual
disbursement of truth. This man will be releasing a major motion
picture about this plan sometime soon.
While reflecting on this in the haze of hypnagogia, I heard quite
distinctly: "We are now in the double digits."
In the words of Dannion Brinkley: "This is star time ladies and
gentlemen... Are you ready?"
Go Back
UFOs and Secrets of the Mojave
Joe Mason spontaneously provided the catalyst for me to open the
doors to mystical consciousness by a telephone conversation that he
and I had back in November, wherein he discussed his ’dream voice’
as being a source of information that he could use. He simply paid
attention to the fleeting speech fragments that he could hear in the
background when he was dictating his dreams in that early morning
trance state known as hypnagogia. Basically, if you don’t force
yourself to wake up right away, you stay in between waking and
dreaming, and it is here that you must cultivate your awareness if
you are to remember your dreams.
I am well aware of the importance of dream analysis and
interpretation, as it has proved again and again to be a source of
unflagging and absolute guidance in my life. But I was also aware
that there were other things going on when I was in this state,
including rapid series of images that were often completely
nonsensical and too fast to bother with anyway, as well as the
sounds of people talking who I had been in contact with that day. In
one part of my mind, I felt that this was only my brain’s way of
replaying what I had heard in the daytime and deciding what to use
and what to throw out. However, a little over two years ago I found
out that if you listened hard to it and tried to just follow
everything and remember them in pieces, that it was possible to see
a mosaic form, where each fragment may not have had meaning, but
when combined all together, it would produce spontaneous
I actually went to the point of announcing this mosaic technique in
my philosophy class at the time, and the professor commended me on
my progress in actualizing mystical states. But it didn’t seem to be
worth the effort to me, and I let it slide. Joe reinvigorated my
interest in this, by making me see that these are the whispering
sounds of those beyond. If you listen closely and reproduce exactly
what you hear, preferably into a tape recorder instead of by
writing, you will find that no matter how nonsensical it seems to
be, you can analyze it as you would a dream and extract tremendous
meaning from it.
The very next morning after my conversation with Joe, I learned that
this was no bullshit. The last thing it said was that I could travel
with my mind to a far site, and moments after I reread this in my
notebook, the phone rang and someone invited me to a class on that
exact subject, which had never happened before at all. In addition,
I was to learn shortly thereafter that I had somehow predicted the
imminent heart attack of Mother Theresa, five days in advance, in
very precise, albeit mysterious, language:
"One of our women,
Theresa, a sibling, inoperative; the Christian, psychically."
Through this dream voice contact, a bridge was constructed that
healed the gap within me. That gap was first understood when I read
a book by Dr. Scott Mandelker called
From Elsewhere, detailing the
specific personality characteristics and life experiences of people
who are termed Wanderers, Star People, or in the Seth books,
Speakers. HG Wells wrote a book about Wanderers and called it
fiction, in a book known as Star - Begotten, in 1937, ten years
before Kenneth Arnold started the modern era of the UFO. I think
that a huge subconscious portion of HG Wells knew who and what he
was, as the final paragraph of the book in its climax is the
narrator’s own self - realization of extraterrestrial identity. I
think he well might have turned this fact into a fiction story to
cover his own ass. Apparently Wanderers have been here all along,
and the closer we get to now, the more there are. It isn’t beyond me
to think that others were awakening well before the last thirty
To explain more fully, Wanderers are human beings who have recently
been in a focus of reality which is of a higher density of light
vibration than this level. This is usually quoted as being either
fifth density or sixth, whereas we are in the third. The main
resource, though I am aware Ho does not totally agree with it in
terms of its validity and I politely disagree strongly, is the
Material by L/L Research co. This book is supposedly written by the
extraterrestrial race which molded the post - Atlantean Egyptian
civilizations responsible for the pyramids and the record -keeping
priesthood. This is one of many books which go into detail
describing the personality characteristics of one who is a Wanderer.
Mandelker’s book is the perfect fusion of theory and practice,
combining the available information with his own personal interviews
of Wanderers.
As I picked up his book in the bookstore, I realized something
strange. I had just opened up a book on the ancient Mayas and
discovered that their symbol for "ability to contact galactic
consciousness" was literally identical to a metallic shirt pin that
I had sculpted in high school as part of a two - part series, the
other pin being a Star Trek communicator. I FELT that those two pins
belonged together. This synchronicity astounded me.
Shortly thereafter, asking whoever for some kind of proof that I
wasn’t fooling myself about my identity, I did some automatic
writing with my friend. Despite my ardent skepticism, a source
somehow took control of my hand and sprang it to life, wherein it
scrawled out "Christ Cometh," "Ra" and a quote from the Bible which
was perfectly suited to the troubles I was going through. Not
knowing where to find anything in the Bible from direct experience,
I realized that the proof had been given.
What a hell of a story to drop into my lap. I wasn’t always here,
and I will sometime soon be returning to my true home! I VOLUNTEERED
to be here, on a helping mission, to get people ready for this
imminent evolutionary leap. I just struggled to understand all these
things that Mandelker’s many sane interviewees were reporting. My
mind reeled to try to understand it all. It was pretty awesome, and
it explained a lot about me, including my social alienation and my
inability to understand deceptive or negative human behavior. But at
the same time, it was far too awesome to be me. I couldn’t really be
all of these things, could I? I’m just another shmuck with a BA who
researches metaphysics and UFO’s. I can’t be this. I can’t be.
Yet in the back of my mind, it made perfect sense. Perhaps that was
why I prayed for a sign three months later in the pits of a
stinging, horrible depression that had overcome me. I cried and
prayed out loud, so hard and with so much emotion that I knew it
would either work or it wouldn’t work.
But nothing happened - nothing. I decided that I would have to go it
alone and work this out on my own. They had let me down. There was
no special secret. I had cleverly fooled myself.
My unknowing housemate was awakened by a phone call the next morning
which happened to come in just as I went out to warm up the car.
This was very unusual; I didn’t warm up my car, and no one would
dare call me at that time in the morning and expect to be treated
friendly. But it happened somehow, through carefully timed
manipulation, in that tiny window of time available. I came back
inside, and Eric immediately told me that he had an intense dream
about me involving UFO’s. I did not tell him of my prayer, so I was
intrigued, sat down and said nothing as he spoke.
He told me that in his vivid dream, we were walking outside and a
big fleet of UFO’s flew overhead. A platform came down and a man
with a WHITE ROBE who seemed to be glowing was talking to the
people, telling them not to be afraid, that there was a big change
coming for humanity and they would help us. All the people were
freaking out, and when the man stopped talking, Eric encouraged me
to walk up to the guy and talk to him. I did this, and we exchanged
what might have been names, but were indistinguishable to English.
Then the man hugged me, and I cried tears of joy. With his arm
around me, he turned to Eric and said, "It is important that you
know that he is one of us." It didn’t even hit me until I was
driving home from work, and I suddenly burst into tears.
A few weeks before this happened, I had a dream where a spirit
wanted to talk to me, and we realized together that the best way to
do it was for it to whisper into my ear, and I would then dictate
what it said into a tape recorder. This was in January.
Month after painful month went by with no significant progress, no
major new revelations. Yet as soon as I opened the door to contact
in November 1996, a full year after the initial discovery, I was
immediately told that the connection with my "family" was renewed,
and that they would be helping me get ready for what is going to
happen soon. They proved their validity again and again through
repeated predictions of the future that were completely accurate,
such as the "Marvin Gate" prediction two and a half weeks before the
Heavens Gate mass suicide. All the details were completely accurate,
including mention of the
Hale-Bopp Companion. The only problem is
that since these predictions are phrased in code to slip past my
conscious mind, thus avoiding any distortion, I rarely recognize
them for what they are until they have already happened. I am still
working on refining this part of the process. The point is that I
was convinced a little at a time, but the odd nature of the way it
was happening caused me to have repeated doubts. I would forget each
prediction rather quickly, and again sink into doubts.
Early on, from Seth, Ra and what the dream voice said, I learned
that I had contacted what Seth refers to as my Oversoul. This is a
SIXTH - density thought complex that simultaneously teaches and
guides all of its various incarnations on Earth; the archetypical
guardian angel. As a wanderer, I volunteered to enter into a lower
system which necessitates the acquisition of an Oversoul; this would
not have been necessary in the fifth density.
However, as time progressed in my research, I discerned that there
were actually two others besides the Oversoul involved. One such
quote was, "You have three voices to choose from." Much more
recently, I have now discovered that the other two are actually
fifth - density, and were my friends and family before I left that
previous world. Their names are Grandfather, or Old One, and Light,
or Lucia.
Bringing it more into the present, I realized that it was time to
put these guys to the test, by having a greater metaphysician than
myself interview them. I found this metaphysician in the Northeast
chapter of the ARE,
Edgar Cayce’s foundation.
Surprisingly and
synchronistically, this man lives quite close to me, a mere fifteen
minute drive on back roads. He is a hell of a lot more established
with years of research than I am. Skip does past life regressions
and is an expert on Quabbalah, and his library puts my paltry stacks
to shame. It fills a 20 - by 20 room.
I knew that a "dream voice interview" would spice up the research
effort, though I did not realize how much it would. The first time
we sat down to I knew that a "dream voice interview" would spice up
the research effort, though I did not realize how much it would. The
first time we sat down to get to work, with my crystals in hand and
in the meditation chair, a bright yellow spark flashed out from a
cord under the table, and a puff of smoke came up. Skip and I were
both baffled and took it as possibly being of significance. As he
began hypnotizing me, I felt myself going deeper and deeper, and
before long, the whole process started up. There was an energy going
through me that I had only experienced a few times; a huge electric
pressure around my heart. As I talked, my eyes were forced open, and
at one point I looked right at him, and he said my blue eyes were
dilated complete black. An identical eye phenomenon has been
documented with Jane Roberts. [The clock just said 11:11, which to
me is an affirmation.] This proved to be the best session ever, the
information being of the highest quality.
After the session, we went to his computer and were going to check
some crop circles that had been mentioned by me before. Just as he
was dialing up, the computer suddenly died spontaneously. We then
had two electrical incidents together, both of which were separated
by an hour... not conventionally explainable. Not only that, but he
told me that several times, the voice had answered his questions
that he phrased telepathically, without speaking, enough to impress
him. For a 24 - year old kid to wow a master metaphysician was, I
knew, no small feat. I was completely astounded at what had gone on.
Then, about a week later, a light bulb spontaneously blew at the
same exact moment that I hung up the cordless phone in a
conversation with my brother. It appeared that the energy that was
being conveyed through me had been quickened, and I was now a
catalyst to greater manifestations.
The following week, we did a past life regression, and in the middle
of a life in the 1700’s I was describing a similar phenomenon to the
dream voice, only then it was known to me as Hephaestus. At long
last, a name was given! Thus, we come again to the starting point of
why I wrote this. I will now refer to the Native American article
that was just printed.
> "’You ask me if we heard
of the great silver airships in the days before white-man
brought his wagon trains into the land?’
"’Yes grandfather, I come seeking knowledge.’ (Among all tribes of
my people, GRANDFATHER is the term of greatest respect which one man
can pay to another.)
During this second session, the other two entities named themselves,
and the male identified himself as Grandfather.
"’We, the Paiute Nation, have known of these ships for untold generations. We
also believe that we know something of the people who fly them. They
are called The Hav-musuvs.’
The first thing that I noticed as I read this is that the same word
can be pronounced differently, according to the language structures
of the listener. The Japanese pronounce "Vatican" as "Bachikan", as
one example.
Bearing this natural distortion in mind, I was immediately drawn to
the fact that "hav - musuv" and "heph - aestus" are uncannily
similar. They are not similar enough for this to be proof alone; it
is the context that is so amazing. There is also a god in Egypt
known as Hept - suph, and he is listed in the Edgar Cayce Readings [ECR]
as being one of the important, transcendental Atlantean gods, which
other sources say are not from Earth.
In the wake of the dream voice finally giving an honest name after
eight months of beating around the bush, I was determined to find
out what Hephaestus meant to the Greeks. I then stumbled upon
David Pinnegar’s site
through a URL that I got off of Lycos, the seventh choice of 358
possibilities. When I hit the site, I found out quickly that
Hephaestus is considered in Pinnegar’s research to be the founder
and builder of the human species, which, just like as
Sitchin says,
was the product of DNA tinkering. In short:
apelike humans were
brought into concordance with the way their stellar counterparts
already looked.
Dream voice quotes:
"We have been here since the beginning."
have built and destroyed civilizations."
"We are your family."
"In a
short time, this [channeling from their end] will be your job, too."
What amazed me far more than that was that lo and behold, there was
a post from Joe Mason, the father of the dream voice, in a site I
chose at random from 358 possibilities through an impersonal
information server! It was far too fantastic to believe. I was
equally astounded to see this in conjunction with Hephaestus being
THE BEST POSSIBLE name from Greek mythology for such a voice to name
itself. It took a researcher as esoteric as Pinnegar to read between
the lines and make this connection. Bearing in mind that an
incredible miracle had taken place, I was determined to look deeper
for evidence that man was a product of genetic tinkering. Again,
from new and different sources, the proof leaped out of my books.
According to Colin Wilson’s recent book, "Atlantis and the Sphinx",
there is evidence that regular humanoids like us existed on the
planet some five million years ago, and the archaeological finds
were simply ignored, in favor of the Darwinian theory. This book has
a nicely abstracted write-up on the mammoth "Forbidden Archaeology"
by Thompson and Cremo, which goes into tremendous detail about
various archaeological finds. They list decisive proof of modern
human skeletons, footprints and complex artifacts embedded in
million - years old rock strata. I believe that in time, it will be
realized that humanity is much older than we ascribe it to be now,
and that this is because the form exists as a thought template which
continually forms itself into matter throughout the universe. Listen
to this pivotal Seth quote, one of a maddeningly precious few in ANY
of his books which discusses extraterrestrials at all, where most
other sources do so readily.
"There have been countless other civilizations that have destroyed
themselves in the planet’s past, and before this, when another
planet was approximately in Earth’s position."
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