Epilogue: Time to Change the Road
You’re On
Those who fear to face
Reality, can never hope to change Reality.
(Michael Tsarion)
Now that we have an explanation of what
has happened to the Earth and its inhabitants, we cannot but seek to
find the final remedy. But the time may be shorter for this than we
ancient Mayan calendar ended at the year 2012 and some
scholars have forecasted this date as the end of the world. Indeed,
the way things are going, it could be. But more likely, it will be
the world as we have known it that comes to an end.
This author believes that there are four possible outcomes to the
predicaments of the Earth and to the conflict between the alien and
human DNA within. The nature of each outcome depends on their
all-important intermediate stages and what transpires therein.
Therefore, what the adversaries are doing presently impacts
events of 2012.
The possible outcomes foreseen by this writer in his present state
of awareness are:
The first outcome is that the
progeny of the Atlanteans succeed in regaining all their
technological hardware, especially that necessary for space
travel. They manage to crack the code and breakthrough the Stargate and
prepare for departure. In so doing, they come
out into the open more than ever, startling the human race
who cannot comprehend what is happening. When they are out
of range, they destroy the planet and all that lives on it.
(The reader is referred to Dr. Who and the Pyramids of Mars,
Koyaanisqatsi, and Moonraker).
This is the “burn and rise no more” outcome.1
The second outcome is that the
“Dark Archons” realize, once and for all, that they cannot
leave this planet, that no matter what they do they are
forever “chained to the pit.” In this case, they begin to
rule the world with unmitigated tyranny, relentlessly and
openly. The human race loses whatever privileges it had
while its utility was beneficial. Now they are deprived and
slaughtered and turn even upon themselves. Debauchery is
everywhere and the planet is handed over to the perverse
scions of the sorcerers of Atlantis. We sink into chaos of
unimaginable proportions, with all the repressed, dark
content of consciousness in full view and without restraints
of inner or outer authority.
This is the “Bridges to Babylon”
The third outcome is that the
“good” under the weight of the yoke finally rise against
their oppressors, actively preventing them from ever leaving
and taking their evil elsewhere. To do this, we destroy
(sacrifice) ourselves, taking them with us. (The reader is
referred to the movies: The Wild Bunch, The Magnificent
Seven, and Terminator II).
This is the “...start the fuse
Tector” outcome.3
The fourth outcome is that
mankind finally discovers the correct means to the end and
vanquishes its enemy, with no excessive loss of life or
home-world. Mankind will prove itself its own defender and
redeemer. We will eradicate the enemy externally and finally
resolve the question of evil on the microcosmic level. The
beasts will be slain, the maidens rescued, the planet saved,
and the ending happy.
This is the true “Empire Strikes Back” outcome.4
1 ”Burn
and rise no more” - from the “Motorhead” song, March or Die, on the
theme of mankind's future. Author Lemmy Kilmister.
“Bridges to Babylon,” from the album by the Rolling Stones, one of
the bands funded by the present, but ancient, powerful psychedelic
Cult of Dionysus.
3 “Start the fuse Tector,” from Sam
Peckinpah's classic western, The Wild Bunch, which shows exactly how
to fight fire with fire.
4 “The Empire Strikes Back,” from the
film of the same name by George Lucas. Lucas, founder of Industrial
Light and Magic, is one of the bloodkin to the Atlantean Serpents,
as he never ceases intimating in his films. His movies are
modernizations, and even corruptions of, Tolkien's Lord of the
You may notice something is missing from
these scenarios. There is no mention of anyone or anything else
coming to our rescue. There is no mention of the conventional
avengers and redeemers: gods, greys, Christs,
angels, or Pleiadeans.
There is no “Flash Gordon” on his way.
We can accept God becoming
Man to save Man, but not Man becoming God to save
(Vernon Howard)
Naturally, there is nothing
attractive or advantageous about outcomes one, two, or three.
The third outcome certainly involves heroics, which would have
impressed Sam Peckinpah but would mean that the planet Earth
would finally be turned into a giant revolving headstone. There
is a precedent for this kind of denouement in the records of
old, for such an event almost took place in pre-diluvian times
(see The Silver Arm by Jim
The second outcome is what many
present-day creative savants foresee happening. Musicians and
filmmakers continue to warn the human race of the consequences
of the “return of the repressed” within us.
(See Bladerunner, Highlander,
Outlander, Mad Max, Star Wars, Star Trek VI, and Dr. Who).
The first outcome is looking more likely
at this point, considering the limited time between now and 2012.
The fourth outcome is also possible despite the odds. It is
obviously the best for humankind and the planet.
But how are we to get to that
What kind of remedy is
relatively non-violent and attractive to all peoples from
any culture and guaranteed to be 100 percent successful?
How can we get back to lives of
harmony on a beautiful, vital, planet, the way it was prior
to the visitation of
the Nephilim?
This is the dream of so many on
our world. Can it be achieved physically or will it remain a
dream within a dream?
If this question was in the minds of all
people today there would be progress instead of regress. The
question of evil, addressed earlier, should be on the minds of every
single living person. Unfortunately, most individuals are in a
semi-comatose delirium when it comes to this, which is why
civilizations have been in retrograde.
There are, however, certain prerequisites to the fourth outcome. To
avail it, it is imperative that during each intermediate stage
almost all the “good people” need to be pro-actively participating
in unison and solidarity, leaving aside their segregating
philosophies and agendas.
But even before reaching this seemingly
impossible state, something else of great importance concerning the
nature and machinations of the children of the Nephilim, the state
of our world, and our minds needs to be addressed.
Light never battles darkness, so
when you see a fight it is always between two dark forces.
(Vernon Howard)
Despite the evidence, people still find
the story of the Nephilim and the hidden histories of our planet
hard to accept, and futility is the general reaction, because the
so-called “good” have rarely accessed the strength implicit in the
word. Nor have they been operating according to their own rules of
The adversary has dictated the game plan
almost from the outset, giving themselves a head-start toward the
realization of their goals, by insinuating, with consummate
artifice, a fallacy in the minds of the good about the very nature
and operation of evil. Questioning what this fallacy is, how it
works, and what to do about it, is crucial to our personal and
collective re-empowerment and to the attainment of the fourth
The Bible gives us the advice “know thine enemy.” It would have been
so much better for humanity and the planet, if we did.
Those who align with “good” have been
compelled to misidentify the enemy, their true nature and agendas,
and to waste physical, emotional, mental resources and energy
sparring with evil in a variety of ways, most of which are not only
counterproductive but auto-destructive.
He who fights too long against
dragons, becomes a dragon himself.
(Fredrick Nietzsche)
Most people reluctantly accept that evil
is operative in the world for the simple reason that no one can live
and not know this. Some cling to the belief of a disincarnate
adversary somewhere up in the clouds or down in hell. Some get to
the point of identifying the adversary as more corporeal. When one
becomes aware of the level of corruption around them and
successfully deduces its source, phrases like “our hidden masters
are evil” become vogue.
Actually, this tells us next to nothing
for we have little concept of what evil really is, or how it
operates, in the context we are addressing. Evil is, to us, the bad
things which happen to good people. If such is caused by malign
personages, then they must be resisted, they must be brought to
All our energies must be spent finding
rectification of the wrongs they perpetrate.
This is generally what post-diluvian human beings have been thinking
and doing. When we see the positive results of our commitment, we
are excessively jubilant and our conviction is reinforced. When our
efforts suffer setbacks, we become fatalistic and look to our own
ranks resolving to do better next time. The attitude and energy we
expend is, we believe, the reciprocal of what we are receiving from
the other side. We imagine the combat to be a ferocious “tug-of-war”
with victory going to the team with the strongest muscle,
resistance, and adrenaline.
But yet, for all this, pessimism grows.
The evil that plagues us preys and intensifies, and we eventually
come to face the fact that something is seriously wrong with our
world, with the environment, and with our children. For all the
resolutions and heroics, existentially, life becomes steadily more
unbearable. We cannot understand why the net result of all the
positive actions of good people add up to so little. As time goes
by, we even lose the energy to find out why we are so jaded.
Our best efforts consist of turning over
and going to sleep and letting someone else take care of it.
If you think of yourselves as
helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a
despotic government to be your master. The wise despot…maintains
among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and
(Frank Herbert)
This was exactly the plan of the
Nephilim. It was, and is, one of many adroit strategies they employ
to keep us from our power. But it is a very important one. Our
myopia toward the question of evil has caused us to lose ardor and
We react not to evil as it really is,
but only to the chimera of evil created and put before us by our
pre-sentient adversary. In so doing, we play right into their hands,
actually serving them while impossibly miring ourselves.
Our false assumptions about the nature
of evil, which cause us to inappropriately, but vehemently, moralize
and resist, was instigated after the Nephilim (or their scions) made
a close study of the actual nature and operation of the “good,”
which to them is a drive like any other, an epiphenomena of the
organism and its biotic processes. It is an inconvenience, a malady,
inhibiting the free flow of energy and acquisition.
Subsequent to their researches, an
architecture of dialectics and deceit was initiated and propagated.
The scions of the Nephilim are not
many and they are very vulnerable. This is why they keep their
presence a secret and operate covertly from “behind the scenes”
where they are safe. Knowing this should empower the light-bearers.
The Nephilim's tactics were to employ
and utilize an entire army of henchmen who are highly empowered and
intelligent, but who are not themselves privy to the inner sanctum
or to the secret agendas of their controllers. The henchman is paid
well and asks few questions. He may even believe himself to be at
the helm. So much the better. Some of these ambivalent creatures are
forever making the unconscious decision whether to ally with the
alien or the human propensities within themselves. They are people
of convictions and beliefs.
Some are convinced that they are on a
crusade for justice or equal rights, etc. Obsessed with their “great
cause,” they are convinced that their personal ambitions are moral
and exalted. They exist in blissful ignorance of the fact that their
causes, however noble in themselves are, more often than not,
designed by their hidden masters as part of an elaborate dialectical
scheme to distract attention from the real threat and plight of
So deluded as to their station and
vocation, these henchmen feel justified not only in condescending to
their lessers, but in gratuitously satiating their carnal desires
and relishing their status and the public recognition that goes with
it. Thus, the privileged henchmen, together with their sycophants
and countless emulators, become the mannequins dressed for the parts
they are to play. Some take to their roles with more gusto
than others.
(See C. S. Lewis’ That Hideous
Strength, Frank Herbert's Dune, or John Christopher's Tripods
The job of the president is not to
wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it...
(Douglas Adams, The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Universe)
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court… of the temple. Part of
the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is
intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended
that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall
imagine that he understands them… The true explanation is
reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32
and 33 degrees).
(Albert Pike, Grand Master of US
Scottish Rite Freemasonry)
These types are over-represented among
the world's politicians, generals, lawyers, judges, priests,
teachers, bankers, magnates, dictators, and technocrats. Like
professional terrorists and criminals, they commit corrupt acts on
cue, on a daily basis. But unlike a criminal syndicate, they are not
themselves conscious of their dysfunction.
Infatuated with their own
importance, they feel not the tug of the strings in the hands of
their manipulators.
The rest of humanity, believing these
henchmen to be at the helm, to be ardently seeking to redress the
calamities of the world, sit back in their arm chairs and from a
comfortable sanitized distance, read about, or voyeuristically watch
the wars here, the famines there, the imbroglios and debacles in one
place, the civil unrest and human rights abuses in another, the
plagues, disasters, crime and vice, the multi-faceted architecture
of the machina infernalis, without ever coming to realize
that the pieces of the colossal jigsaw will never come together
until the picture on the lid of the box, so to speak, is revealed.
I really look with commiseration
over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading
newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known
something of what has been passing in their times.
(Thomas Jefferson)
The evil that people think they are
fighting is actually a facade, part of the elaborate panoply of
deceptions carefully crafted to exhaust precious energies and
engender malaise and disenchantment.
Their strategy has been overwhelmingly
successful. While the so-called “good man” fights the good fight,
struggles and endures a lifetime of relative frustration and loss,
the “evil” progress and gain more power. Their power grows in
proportion with our erroneous countermeasures. When witnessing their
ascent, most of us become convinced that all is dark, that there is
no way out ahead.
We turn off, tune out, or gladly turn to
the plethora of distractions made available by these same masters of
...your will is leaving you,
slipping away, and you are now beneath my influence. Though your
eyes are open, and you seem aware, you are in fact asleep, your
faculties dormant, your ability to act and think, subservient to
my will...
(The Devil Rides Out with Christopher Lee)
Some, in typical Freudian fashion, react
to their relative impotency by pathological identification with the
masters. Under self-delusion, envy, and awe, this group falls in
step even faster, going where they are told, working where they are
told, and thinking what they are told to think.
The line between man and automaton
becomes negligible:
Ours is the age which is proud of
machines which think and suspicious of men who try to.
(H. M. Jones)
In our dreams we have limitless
resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility
to our molding hands…
(Representative of the
Rockefeller General Education Board).
Impotent and jaded, we will remain until
we awaken from our comatose state and get connected to our own
sovereign power again. The Holy Grail that will take the “scales
from our eyes” is nothing more that realizing and changing the
perspective dynamics detailed above. To emphasize this point,
another illustration may be in order:
In the game of chess, the most powerful piece, the king, has, in
fact, the most restricted mobility. He can only move one square at a
time in any direction. But, it is not his adversary who imposes the
said restrictions but the members of his own court. His very
defenders impede his range of movement and action. The message and
lesson here should be self-evident.
Are we not the kings?
Regardless of how he has misused power
and freedom, the human is still regent of the Earth and the known
universe? Our commitment and resolve is contained not by an
adversary (alien or other), as much as by our own ineptitude. It is
our strategies, or lack of them, that hinder resolution. This is the
consequence of fighting “ high places” without
the correct discernment.
Perhaps, we should heed the advice of Christ when he said resist not evil.
Now that we are more aware of the reasons for our collective anomie
and personal ennui, what kind of positive action can we take? What
does an analysis of the dialectics tell us about ourselves and about
good and evil?
The first thing we realize is the incredible intelligence of the
adversary. Over centuries, they have amassed immense knowledge of
A web is not made from one thread.
(Frank Herbert)
You cannot manipulate a marionette with just one string.
The next thing we can glean is perfectly
enunciated by Frank Herbert who wrote:
Merely choosing the good, does not
make one good...
We have to do more than pay lip service
to the truth. We have permitted conditions to get into the sorry
state that pervades and are utterly responsible for the mess in
which we currently reside. One of the main reasons why we have been
so recalcitrant and artless is that we, as members of the
underclass, have unconsciously misapplied and even abused a great
gift that we are all a recipient of, namely, education.
We, only rather recently, have been
extended the “privilege of education” by our imperious masters. It
is a privilege that our pre-Industrial forefathers were certainly
not permitted to enjoy.
The main reason why the underclass was extended the privilege of
education was to prevent their uprising in the miasma of the postwar
era. After the first world war, there was great social unrest among
the people and the youth in particular. This was felt in the upper
echelons. Millions were dead and millions had suffered. Cities were
devastated and economies were shattered.
The future was uncertain
and the vision of the past had changed forever.
The comrade-less hero returned to find
that little had changed when it came to daily existence.
(See or read, To Serve Them All My
Days, Oh! What a Lovely War, Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner,
The Cinder Path, and the poem, The Motorbike, by Ted Hughes).
Meet the new boss... same as the old
(Pete Townsend)
There was not enough available (or
provided) to make the sacrifices seem at all worthwhile. As much of
the fatalistic literature and poetry of the time indicates,
revolution was impending. To appease the conditions, the social
architects permitted the first “Socialist” governments to come to
power and allowed the ordinary family to send their most
accomplished progeny to school.
With the privilege of education came man's chance to uncover what
has been hidden for so long from him and his fellows. We now have
access to the subject of history, but that we know so little about
the real events of the past is cause for sorrow and alarm. Moreover,
the manner in which such subjects are taught ensures that we remain
with little knowledge.
Regarding education, we would do well to
teach ourselves and our descendants the words of poet Alexander
Drink it deep or touch not the
Pyrenean Spring, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Regarding the cabals of academia, what
is the general constitution of the type who matriculates? Too often
we find that the tendency of the graduated ponderous academe is to
become a legend in his own mind.
He is utterly fixated on personal
interests and peer recognition.
Is this not the scenario we
often encounter and are frequently seduced into accolading?
Has our access to the corridors
of learning helped the planet?
Does it not give us chains of
gold to replace those of iron?
Are we not again playing by the
rules of the adversary?
Whose books are we reading?
Whose biographies are we
Whose sciences are we mastering?
Whose trophies are we coveting?
True meaning of “Graduation” -
gradual indoctrination
(Jordan Maxwell)
If a man has merit, what is the use of decorating him?
(Charles Baudelaire)
If a man guards a book night and day, what is more important,
the man or the book?
(The Silent Flute by Bruce Lee
and James Coburn)
Knowledge makes good men better, and bad men worse.
Definition of a scientist - a man who knows nothing, until there
is nothing left to know.
(From “Omega Man” with Charlton
We become, more or less, intoxicated
with intellection and with our noetic possibilities and will
sublimate other drives to maintain the “high.” We each, like
Narcissus, become fatally enamored by our own reflections, that is,
by the image of what we have been made to believe we are and where
we are going personally and collectively. Yes, we go to schools and
learn. And there is nothing inherently bad about education.
But what about the content, the manner
of delivery, the “diet”? What about the “malnutrition”? Is the
consumer the consumed?
solipsistic academe would do well to remember and contemplate
that before entry to the prestigious colleges was permitted, there
were other archives of knowledge, other paths and modes of learning.
There is the story each race, nation, culture and civilization has
been telling. These are not tales penned by a single self-absorbed
individual, but riveting sagas of entire peoples, orally passed down
and sanctified by time.
To look to these myths and legends with
contempt and intellectual condescension is to covet disaster. The
tribulations to which they habitually refer were not written in ink
and stone, but in blood, blood dead and blood living. They are in
our DNA. The human body is the scriptorium where is kept the
greatest gnosis.
When will the occidental scholar realize
that the real Academy, the real Lyceum, the real Library of
Alexandria, the real chambers of Thoth, Hermes, or Merlin are not
under a rock in some remote wilderness waiting to be discovered by a
wanna-be Indiana Jones. They are in the house of bone, the temple of
the nine gates—the human body. The famed “Pillars of Hercules”
guarding the way to Atlantis are not of stone. They are the arms of Adam-Kad-Amon.
They are the serpentine strands of DNA.
The legacy of the Atlanteans is only partly resolved in the physical
domain. As said above, no external presence or force will intervene
to directly prevent our total annihilation. Our predicament (the
Nephilim visitation and the quarantine situation, etc.) has its
origins in a situation more complex than just being free of a
parasite. Parasites come into being for a reason.
The predicament is an expression of
spiritual metathemes, the mastering of which will signal advancement
for consciousness on all its levels.
Nothing vast enters the life of
mortals without a curse.
The Stargate which physically prevents
the Nephilim criminals from leaving, also makes it imperative for
their present hosts to do the right thing without prevarication of
any kind. Those who “incarnate” on this planet, in this space-time
it seems, have to deal with this manifestation of “karma.”
Their lives and souls, and not just
their planet, become the last battleground and final frontier.
Why have we conjured a monster in
our midst? That is the question we must ask ourselves.
(John Boorman, Zardoz)
So, it appears that mankind's efforts in
resisting evil have been an overwhelming failure. It is, therefore,
time to put away childish stratagems and begin to deal with the
problem of this planet and its dark masters who (though hidden and
few) believe themselves to be invincible.
The first theorem we each have to remember from this point on is
that the way to combat evil of any kind is not to play by the rules
which its purveyors create.
As the Taoists and Zen masters and the
masters of Samurai and Martial Arts know, the universal law is that
which we identify as evil cannot be overthrown using any force which
approximates its own.
Problems cannot be solved with the
same level of intelligence that created them.
(Albert Einstein)
The Universe operates by reciprocal
laws. The cardinal lesson, therefore, is that one does not set out
to destroy evil, for the very thought of doing so engenders
cognition and action which immediately disempowers the defendant.
Whatever activity is born from such mentation is eventually
circumnavigated by the challenger. The universal intelligence itself
permits this.
This is the reason for evil and why it
increases in vitality and malignity through time. Victory over the
worst evil or tyranny (especially that of a spiritual kind) occurs
when the defendant is so inherently strong that the challenger, for
all his guile and might, cannot operate or insinuate. When your
enemy cannot conquer you, you have won.
This is the meta-lesson that under-girds
the karmic tests besetting the human inhabitants of planet Earth.
This theme of how to conquer evil
correctly is beautifully portrayed in the following movies:
Man in the Iron Mask, with
Richard Chamberlain
Silent Flute (also called Circle of Iron) with David Carradine
and Christopher Lee
Local Hero with Burt Lancaster
Being There, with Peter Sellers
Once Upon
A Time in the West by Sergio Leone
Now that we are aware of how the
adversary has siphoned off mankind's precious vitality and what to
do about it, we can begin to address what needs to occur during the
intermediate stages leading up to the denouement of the fourth
Very importantly, those who are “good” must work in unison. But what
kind of work is the individual to do? Is there something that each
person regardless of their status can do to bring swift change and
To come to this, let us return to the episode which
exacerbated the present negative conditions, the opening of the
pan-dimensional portal to the Dark Archons by Sir John Dee in the
sixteenth century.
When Sir
John Dee, the living “macroscope,” opened the
pan-dimensional portal and spoke with the Macrobes, the act was
registered in the Akashic Record.
It was immediately intuited by the
descendants of the “Sons of the Serpents,” that is, the descendants
of the Lemurian civilization who once lived on the pre-diluvian
continent of Oceania, which is now beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Remnants of this sunken continent
are found from Cuba to Hawaii and are repeatedly mistaken for
Atlantis. Atlantis is also believed to be where the Antarctic is
now. This is also not correct. The Antarctic is a remnant of one
of the five lost continents (Appalachia, Fennoscandia, Beringia,
Tyrhennia, and Oceania). It was probably under the control of
the Atlanteans, as was most of the planet, being one of their
major epicenters. This could explain why the Nazis, for example,
were interested in its secrets.
The descendants of the “Sons” (who for
now we will term the “Adepts of the Rose”) are endowed with
masterful intellects and creative abilities and are constantly
warding off the belligerent strategies and advances from their
They keep their identities concealed,
but have been attempting (in an endless variety of ways) to awaken
their less conscious fellow hybrid humans and to rebalance the
planet's etheric energies.
(See Lost Horizon with Ronald
Remember, that every living person
is Homo Atlantis, possessing both pure alien and pure human DNA.
However, children are born all the time who have the strong DNA
of the Lemurians. The human proclivities and sensibilities are
then pronounced in them. In the tradition of their ancestors,
they go on to become the great poets, artists, musicians,
philosophers, architects, film makers and religious teachers who
grace our world. Some live long and prosper, while others die
Some drive taxi cabs and busk in the
streets. Some dance while others heal, some pray while others
tell jokes. Some have long hair and tattoos, some rot in jails,
and some plant gardens. Some change the atomic frequency of the
universe with their songs, while others create music to make
angels stop to listen.
Some teach the great mysteries with
words, others teach with their eyes: The mark of an immature man is
that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a
mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
(William Stekel)
A cosmically sane man living quietly in society, is worth more
than a million screamers for reform.
(Vernon Howard)
I would sooner take instruction from the builders of the temple
of Luxor, than from the creators of napalm.
(Anthony West)
We are here to learn to love each other. I don’t know what the
others are here for.
(W. H. Auden)
The high priests and priestesses within
the “Adepts of the Rose” have (from pre-diluvian days) closely
monitored and counteracted the machinations of their nemesis. In the
sixteenth century, they sensed the colossal “rip” in the etheric
dimensions and were troubled that their adversarial cousins had
committed such a deplorable and prohibited deed.
They knew the consequences of
necromantic communion with pan-dimensional entities could be
incalculable and foresaw much tribulation ahead. They realized that
extraordinary measures had to be taken if disaster of cosmic
proportions was to be averted.
The Adepts called their leaders from all over the planet and held
counsel. They finally came to the conclusion that to rebalance the
energy another celestial portal had to be opened. Thus, it became
necessary to enter into dialogue with
the Ascended Masters. The
“Adepts of the Rose” realized that without the help of such
intelligences there was no hope. The portal was successfully opened
and the Ascended Masters were able to give pivotal information.
These numinous intelligences are not subject to temporal and spatial
laws. As a result, they know more and can see further than any
They do not remedy the problem for us,
but instead relay instructions in potentia, leaving the human
recipients to translate them into action in their temporal and
spatial dimension.
The universe is a super-computer
that is interacted with, not with binary code, but the
The opening of this portal obviously was
not a negative event but was, instead, to counter one. Its dynamics
are similar and yet different from those experienced by the children
of the Nephilim.
(See He Man - Masters of the Universe.)
The communications from such
Archons are
voluminous and veiled. They, too, are relatively impossible to
accomplish. Sacrifices are also required, but not of the kind levied
on the children of the Nephilim. Particular resources are needed,
and there are also worldwide consequences of the ritual.
We seek next to finally disclose some of the most salient points
communicated to the “Adepts of the Rose.” The Adepts let it be
understood that the Nephilim could not be fought in direct combat or
with energy that reciprocates their own natures or machinations.
The coming of the Nephilim to the
sovereign planet Earth was to be compared to a biological infection.
It was (and is) nothing more than the infestation of a parasite, a
virus, into a normally healthy host organism. The parasite has no
life of its own and, hence, no energy that it does not derive from
its host. The virus acts slowly and penetrates the cell, but only
when the immune system of the host is malfunctioning. The pathogen
cannot be removed allopathically which (as detailed earlier) is the
futile tactic attempted by those who are under the mesmeric
influence of the Masters.
The offending pathogen is not removed by
radical surgery or by waiting periods where the hope is that it will
change its character.
The success of eradicating the virus is entirely contingent upon the
patient acting in accordance with the advice of any homeopathic
doctor. This is what the “Adepts of the Rose” were told by the
Ascended Masters.
The Shaman knew that on a living body a
single cut, wound, infection, or even a cancer should not bring
about fatality. This contingency occurs only when the organism's
immunity is so depleted that it cannot endure. The Shamans within
these tribes conducted their age-old rituals and dances at exactly
the right sidereal times and at the right geomantic locations on
Earth-grid and by so doing had long posed a threat to their
pathogenic nemesis.
The Nephilim will be eradicated swiftly
and permanently only when the “immune system” of the planet Earth
itself is working at 100 percent. Knowing this to be true the scions
of the Nephilim, since the time of the Tudors, have seen to it that
the indigenous peoples they come across are slaughtered en masse.
Hence, mandatory genocide attended their acts of conquest and
War and genocide were, and still are,
the precautionary measures to maintain a low biospheric immunity and
make conditions suitable for themselves.
(See Koyaanisqatsi and
Wolfen with Albert Finney).
It certainly may come as a shock to most people to realize that
Earth is a living entity. As has even scientifically been proven,
she is indeed living, and has more of a life than most of us can
ever know or experience. She is intelligent and knows exactly what
she needs for her well-being. She has been taking care of herself
for quite some time.
She knows when she is infected or
poisoned and knows how to effect precautions. Earth has been
retarded in her holistic regeneration because her “white blood
cells,” her “lymphocytes,” are not doing their work. Her “T” and “B”
cell count is constantly waning due to toxicity brought on by the
presence of the pathogens and the sluggishness of the regenerative
agents. The human beings on the face of the planet are the Earth's
lymphocytes. Because we are recalcitrant in our duties, the “cell
wall,” was penetrated and the parasite was able to invade. Now the
time has come for change.
What does it mean to be part of the “lymphatics” of a planet?
Naturally, it connotes more than just physical responsibilities. Our
duty to our extended corpus comprises many levels. Individuals are
not identical in appearance or character. Each human “cell” has a
different task for which they are perfectly suited.
When the human is not doing his or her
job, they, like the Earth on which they live, are also in a state of
Healing fails to occur because it is
much easier to injure another than to heal oneself.
(Vernon Howard)
We have been conditioned to believe in
the cult of personality to such an extent that we no longer realize
any of the details of our “shamanic” duties toward the living Earth.
In prehistoric and even pre-Industrial times, the situation was very
different. The “Sons of the Serpents” knew that the Earth is a vital
and intelligent oracle and knew its language. This they taught to
their descendants and to the Adamic Race.
For millennia, the
priestess cults held the knowledge of flora and fauna and of herbs
and healing.
Under the
Dominican Order and the
Inquisition, they were brought to pay for their heresies, though the
crimes against them from this source were only part of what they
have had to endure.

St. George and the
Dragon by Paolo Uccello
The entire tale of the human being's
duty of protecting the Earth Mother from pathogenic forces is
encapsulated beautifully in Paolo Uccello’s painting Saint George
and the Dragon (1455-1460). Throughout time many artists have pictorialized for posterity the themes of the battle between the
light and the dark, between the alien and the human, and of man's
vital relationship with nature.
The apocalyptic masterpieces of Albrecht Durer (one of the “Sons of
the Serpents”) have been misinterpreted as mere representations of
common fears of his own time. However, they are not merely myopic
sketches of events of his own time. Durer and other artists who
treated canonical subjects were “remote viewers,” prophesizing,
warning, and revealing.
Their iconic allegories deal with
timeless meta-themes of which the average critic and also their
admirers are unaware. Durer's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse;
Michael's Fight against the Dragon; Knight, Death and the Devil; and
Melancholia I should be read as forecasts, as portents of things to

Albrecht Durer - Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Artists and minstrels of more recent
times also have the same macro-theme in their creations, though few
are aware of it… consider the final lines of the song Stairway To
Heaven, by Led Zeppelin, and then why millions resonate with this
and other masterpieces without knowing consciously why. (See
Appendix A.)
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a Lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all is one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
(From Stairway To Heaven –
Jimmy Page and Robert Plant)
Life was replaced with lifestyle,
competence was measured in the doing rather than the being. Laws,
rules, clocks, calendars, and money made their appearance. Since the
dynamics of such a life were unfamiliar and incongruent with
mankind's essence, schools had to be founded to teach us how to
adapt and comply.
(See John Christopher's The Tripods).
And the Lord said, Look, the people
are united, and they all have one language; and this they begin
to do, and nothing will stop them from doing what they take in
their minds to do… Come on, let us go down, and therefore
confound their language so that they cannot understand one
another’s speech.
(Genesis 11)
Homo Sapiens’ connection to the
Mother stretches back millions of years prior to the visitation of
the Nephilim. It became occluded only in the post-diluvian epoch
when the majority of humans were incarcerated in cities and were
gradually disconnected from the land and the elements. The
artificiality and relative complexity of municipal existence made it
easy for the subtle senses to be markedly debauched.
The religions provided imitations for
what was removed and lost.
The Christian resolve to find the
world ugly and bad, has made it ugly and bad.
(Fredrick Nietzsche)
As the earth in its primitive state is not adopted to our
expansion, man must shackle it to fulfill human destiny.
(Jean Vorst, Curator of France’s
Museum of Natural History)
Urban man's libido was directed toward
and aligned with the persona drives, and his thinking became
atomistic and linear rather than holotropic and synergistic. This
artificial life commenced in a relatively short period of time. With
the advent of post-diluvian monotheistic religions, the rise of the anthrocentric philosophies and the decline of the primordial
egalitarian and ecocentric Stellar and Lunar cults, Homo Atlantis
was thrown out of paradise, out of Eden.
Deprived of his umbilical connection to
the Earth Mother, man took his first step on the road to oblivion.
Perhaps we will never fully
understand the mystery of that original mutation from
egalitarian to state society. Certainly no standard explanations
are adequate.
(David Watson, The Pathology of
…. There is no evidence either from ethnographic accounts or
archaeological excavations to suggest that rates of accidental
trauma or interpersonal violence declined substantially with the
adoption of more civilized forms of political organization. In
fact, some evidence from archaeological sites and from
historical sources suggest the opposite.
(Mark Nathan Cohen, Health and
the Rise of Civilization, 1989)
With agriculture usually comes division of labor, increased
sexual inequality, and the beginnings of social hierarchy.
Priests, kings, and organized impersonal warfare all seem to
come together in one package.
(Against Civilization, p. 102).
Say what you will about such tribal societies, the record shows
that they were (and in some places still are) units of cohesion
and sodality, of harmony and regularity, devoid for the most
part of crime or addiction or
anomie or suicide, with
comparatively few needs and those satisfied with a minimum of
drudgery, putting in on average maybe four hours a day per
person on tasks of hunting and gathering and cultivating, the
rest of the time devoted to song and dance and ritual and sex
and eating and stories and games… No they did not have the power
of five hundred servants at the flick of a switch or the turn of
a key, but then they did not have atomic bombs and death camps,
toxic wastes, traffic jams, strip mining, organized crime,
psychosurgery, advertising, unemployment or genocide.
(Kirkpatrick Sale, Rebels Against
the Future)
Why did a lifestyle that had been so successful for tens of
thousands of years give way to one so different. Modern hunting
peoples, though living for the most part in marginal areas, are
frequently better nourished and always more leisured than their
agrarian neighbors…Agrarian peoples not only must work a good
deal harder for their sustenance, but are much more precariously
balanced in relation to their environment, since they have
substantially altered the natural ecology of their surroundings.
(Dexter Perkins and Patricia
The civilized people believe they have an obligation to bring
primitive and underdeveloped people up to their level.
Civilization, which is about to self-destruct, thinks of itself
as the superior culture that has answers for all the world’s
people…. The addict, truly, is a person who is emotionally
dependent on things: television, substances, personality
routines, other people, mental ideologies, total immersion in
some cause or work. If the object of dependency is moved,
addicts will experience insecurity, discomfort, distress, the
symptoms of withdrawal.
(William H. Koettke, The Final
We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized –
both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because
we are wounded, we have put up psychic defenses against reality
and have become so cut off from direct participation in the
multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we
can do is to navigate our way cautiously through a humanly
designed day-to-day substitute world of symbol— a world of
dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly
being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every
conceivable circumstance. The body and spirit both rebel.
(David Watson, The Pathology of
What does it matter if one is free or slave in this vale of
tears? The essential thing is to get to heaven, and resignation
is one more means towards that. . . Christianity preaches only
servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny
that tyranny always exploits it. True Christians are made to be
slaves, they know it, and they are not concerned by that: this
short life is too unimportant in their eyes.
(Jean Jacques Rousseau, The
Social Contract, 4.8).
Our present servitude is due to the
acquiescence of our post-diluvian ancestors who, after the horrific
terrestrial and celestial cataclysms they had experienced or heard
about, had no choice but to concede to
the New World Order of their times.
By the invincible power of
traditional subservience, the inertia of the general mind,
enhanced by the gullibility of ignorance, the masses have
slipped under the force of a victimization that is both pitiable
and tragic. The forces of religion have thus exerted their
ruler-ship over a vast segment of humanity and virtually
provided the masses with their conventional ideas and concepts
as to the meaning of the world ordeal.
(Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Ultimate Canon
of Knowledge)
Religious thought has detached itself from nature and searches
in the illimitable areas of feeling, thought, and wonder for
what understanding these may yield it. With no guides, checks,
clues or competent intelligence to recognize truth, imagination
all too readily conjures up wayward, extravagant and strange
surmises as to the presence and intervention of forces not
naturally operative...Religion is not the realm of knowledge, or
even of thought, but purely of belief, as for the masses.
(Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Ultimate Canon
of Knowledge)
All this chaos in the religious area was attended, accentuated,
if not largely inspired by, one of the most staggering phenomena
in the history of the race. This was--and is--the presence,
power, and influence of —a Book.
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And 'Thou shalt not' writ over the
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should
And priests in black gowns were
walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires.
(From William Blake’s The Garden
of Love)
Fortunately, not all civilizations were
founded on the Atlantean pattern. The ecocentrically minded
indigenous peoples of the world, descendants of the Lemurians, never
forgot their shamanic duties as is revealed in their works and words
and in the manner in which they existed. The native American
Indians, the Aboriginals, the Druids, the Pharaonic priests, and the
matriarchal societies all attended to this sovereign duty.
They were caretakers and protectors, and
they encoded into their sundry rituals and ceremonies the harmonics
and vibrational intonations which resonated with the merkaba of the
The “Sons of the Serpents” and their Adamic wards propagated and
disseminated their wealth of knowledge. They created their own
nations and infused their influence over peoples and nations. The
strongest strains of their progeny were largely responsible for the
high cultures of Egypt and also, to some extent, of early Greece
(i.e., Etruscan and Mycenaean).
In every case, where this particular
influence arose an adoration of and a return to nature was
noticeable. For the Lemurians and their progeny, there was and is no
separation between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Matter is energy
is consciousness.
That is why there can be a rapport between psychic
and physical energy.
The Earth and myself are of one
(Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce)
Whether I live or die, I am Osiris, I enter in and reappear
through you, I decay in you; I grow in you; I fall down in you;
I fall upon my side. The gods are living in me, for I live and
grow in the corn that sustains the Honored Ones. I cover the
earth, whether I live or die I am Barley, I am not destroyed. I
have entered the Order, I rely upon the Order, I become Master
of the Order, I emerge in the Order, I make my form distinct, I
am the Lord of the Chennet (Granary of Memphis), I have entered
into the Order, I have reached its limits. . .
(Egyptian: Coffin Text 330)
If we turn to ancient Egypt, we learn... that the religious
consciousness of early Egyptian civilization was saturated by
the aura and influence of nature.
(Alvin Boyd Kuhn)
In all their works [the ancients] proceeded on definite
principles of fitness and in ways derived from the Truth of
Nature. Thus they reached perfection, approving only those
things which, if challenged, can be explained on the grounds of
(Vitruvius, 1st Century BC, Roman
architect, engineer, writer)
Thus God must never be worshipped under roofs, only the
sky-vault, and preferably amongst trees. The temples are groves.
The air as spirit naturally held men's souls between
(Ross Nichols, High Druid of
The modern world is not at all cognizant of the splendid
achievement of the ancient civilizations of two lands at least,
namely Egypt and Greece, in so relating their minds to the order
of nature that their life in general flowered out in a state of
health and wholesomeness that has hardly been matched in the
history of the world since.
History discloses that the daily
life of the Egyptian citizen was one lived in close and intimate
relation with the life of nature. No one can study the life of
the Greek people of two to three millennia ago without
recognizing the tremendous part that what they called physis, or
nature, played in their modus of living both at the physical and
the intellectual level.
Their philosophy, which is still
regarded as the heyday of the human achievement in that field,
was solidly based on the foundations of all conceptuality found
in the order of the natural world. Man and the meaning of his
life were not envisaged as detached from the material world, but
as of kindred nature with it and in its higher ranges an
efflorescence from it.
(Alvin Boyd Kuhn, The Ultimate
Canon of Knowledge)
If one is in true connection with
nature, it follows that there is no gender dichotomy. Women are not
only treated as equals but are regarded as living agents (even
portals) to the mysteries of nature and being. The very word
comes from “mesta” meaning “woman” in Egyptian.
The scholar Max Muller wrote:
No people ancient or modern has
given woman so high a legal status as did the inhabitants of the
Nile Valley.
The Egyptian women were entrusted with the civilization. The
woman (princess), and not the male, was the legal heir to the
throne, and the man she chose to marry would become the ruling
(Moustapha Gadalla, Historical
...and the kingdom became dead and desert, for they lost the
voices of the wells and the damsels that were therein.
(The Elucidation)
As civilizations became corrupted by the
infusion of alien elements and influences, the connection to and
respect for nature and, for that matter woman, drastically waned.
Man's present disconnect from Earth and from nature arises from his
subconscious identification with his extraterrestrial masters and
their millennia old insinuations.
Two-thousand years of Christianity has indoctrinated the world
the pernicious fallacies regarding nature's ambient divinity.
ideology persists despite the valiant attempts of the great savants
and adepts. From Lucretius, Plotinus, Shakespeare, Blake, Rousseau,
Spinoza, Schelling, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Swami Aurobindo,
and a host of others, we have vehement promethean remonstrations
against man's nescience and impiety, against mankind's ignominious
avoidance of the organic.
Their impassioned entreaties for
restitution and reverence have largely gone unheeded.
It is a sin to suppose that Nature,
endowed with perennial fertility by the Creator of the Universe,
is affected with barrenness, as though with some disease and it
is unbecoming to a man of good judgment to believe that Earth,
to whose lot was assigned a divine and everlasting youth, and
who is called the common mother of all things and is destined to
bring them forth continually, has grown old in mortal fashion.
And, furthermore, I do not believe
that such misfortunes come upon us as a result of the fury of
the elements, but rather because of our own fault, for the
matter of husbandry, which all the best of our ancestors had
treated with the best of care, we have delivered over to all the
worst of our slaves, as if to a hangman for punishment.
(Columella, De Agricultura)
This universe is a living organized effective complex, all
comprehensive, displaying an unfathomable wisdom. How, then, can
any one say that it is not a clear image, beautifully formed, of
the intellectual verities? No one seeing the loveliness lavished
in the world of sense. . . could be so dull-witted as not to be
carried by all this to recollection and gripped by reverent awe.
. .
Such a one could have neither
fathomed this world nor have had any vision of that other. We
must recognize that even in the world of sense and part, there
are things of a loveliness comparable to that of the celestials,
which fill us with veneration for their Creator and convince us
of their origin in the divine forms, which show how ineffable is
the beauty of the Supreme.
I feel an indescribable ecstasy and delirium in melting, as it
were, into the system of beings, in identifying myself with the
whole of nature.
(Jean Jacques Rousseau)
Everything on earth is in a continual flux - nothing stays
constant or fixed. Our attachments to external things pass and
change as things do. But there is one state where the soul finds
a solid enough seat to rest and gather in all its being, with no
need to recall the past or to press on to the future; a state
where time is nothing, where the present lasts forever, with no
mark of duration or trace of succession; a state where there is
no feeling of deprivation or enjoyment, pleasure or pain, desire
or fear—only that of our simple existence, which fills our soul
What is it that one is enjoying in
such a situation? Nothing exterior to oneself, nothing but
oneself and one's own existence. As long as this state lasts one
is self-sufficient like God.
(Jean Jacques Rousseau)
The system of nature is at the same time the system of our mind.
Nature is God’s mind made visible, and mind is nature made
(Schelling, Philosophy of
Using the example of David and Goliath,
author Guylaine Lanctot (The Medical Mafia) addresses the question
of successful victory over adversity. Her analogy applies perfectly
to our present thesis.
David, she writes, destroyed his monstrous
enemy because he did four important things: He identified his enemy,
he overcame his fear, he found a weak spot, and he used a simple
It should now be clear what kind of consciousness and behavior will
precipitate the fourth outcome mentioned in this chapter. The
outcome asked for a remedy that is relatively non-violent,
attractive to all peoples from any class or culture, and guaranteed
to be 100 percent successful.
The answer is that we, the present
occupants of the planet, make a conscious return to the land (to the
Earth) and that we begin again to apply the rituals preserved by the
Shamanic traditions of our individual races. In so doing, we
strengthen the “immune system” of the biosphere, which then allows
the Earth (in its own mysterious manner) to destroy or repel the
offending presence. Thus, the pathogens infecting her become
eradicated in a way that is sane, healthy, and permanent.
When the sleepers awaken and make a return to the Earth, a great
circle of time closes. Men and women return to the human, as opposed
to the alien, within themselves, becoming their own priests and
The separation between the microcosm and
the macrocosm passes away forever, like a shadow in the architecture
of a nightmare, and the true Renaissance of Humankind begins.
I salute the light within your eyes
where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at the center
within yourself and I within mine, we shall be as one.
(Crazy Horse, Shaman and Chief of
the Lakota Sioux)
I am a wave of the sea, I am a murmur of the billows, I am a
stag of the seven horns, I am a wide lake on a plain, I am a
wind on the deep waters, I am shining tear of the sun, I am a
hawk upon the rocks, I am the fairest of plants, I am a
battle-waging spear, I am a salmon in the pool, I am a boar of
courage, I am a hill of poetry, I am the craft of the artificer,
I am a word of science, I am a god who creates in the head, the
Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen? Who enlightens
the assembly on the mountain, if not I? Who but I, telleth the
ages of the moon? Who but I, showeth the resting place of the
(Song of Amergin, Bard of
Prehistoric Ireland)
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