"More and more we are finding
that mythology in general though
greatly contorted
very often has some historic base.
And the
interesting thing is that
one myth which occurs over and over again
in many parts of the world
is that somewhere a long time ago
supernatural beings had
sexual intercourse with natural women
a special breed of people."
About the Book of Enoch
2. Relevant Excerpt from the Book of Enoch
3. The Evidence Mounts
4. Who Are the Nephilim?
5. Sons of God, Daughters of Men
6. Blavatsky's Theosophical "Secret Doctrine"
A Relevant Abduction Experience
Additional Information
Having seriously studied the complex and multi-faceted subject of
UFOlogy for some time now, it has come to my attention that there is
a perspective which is noticeably absent in current "ET" interspecies
hybridization syntheses; that of the ancient and perhaps currently
unfashionable mythologies, folklore and belief systems regarding
"otherworldly" or interdimensional beings which somehow managed to
copulate with human females and produce an odd sort of hybridized
It has been my observation that people will talk all day long about
flying saucers or alleged
ET species such as Reticulans,
Pleiadeans, Arcturans,
Reptilians and so forth but seem to stop
just short of reconciling these alleged beings and their alleged
activities with the metaphysical or religious beliefs they purport
to espouse.
Such appears to be specifically the case in regards to
fundamentalists who apparently intrinsically sense that should there
turn out to be "space aliens" form other planets or other
dimensional realities, their faith would be somehow irrevocably
shaken; as though God were for some reason incapable of dealing with
such issues.
This despite the fact that even in the butchered
scriptural texts extant, there are all manner of odd goings on and
references to clearly non-human entities.
For instance, the apostle Paul had an apparently life-changing OOBE/NDE
in which he saw, and I quote, "things which it is not lawful for a
man to speak."
Why not, I have often wondered. The now-popular star
systems of Orion and Arcturus are mentioned by name in what may be
the oldest book in the current bible; the book of Job.
A most
interesting gentleman by the name of Melchizedek who had "neither
beginning nor end of days" mysteriously appeared in Abraham's time,
the apostle John had a most profound apocalyptic vision which dealt
with numerous non-human intelligences,
Ezekiel saw what could only
be described as a flying saucer, a mobile star guided three wise men
to the birthplace of Christ and the appearances of both angels and
demons were apparently relatively commonplace throughout the whole
of biblically documented history.
Yet in this day and age, we have become oh so civilized; oh so
technological and brilliant.
We seem to feel that we have outgrown
many of our previous myths and arcane legends on the one hand, yet
on the other, we have become converts of the religion of science and
We used to have sacred texts and spiritual revelations;
now we have textbooks and scientific breakthroughs. There is really
surprisingly little difference between the seemingly opposing
religions; both have their dogmas, their priests, their disciples,
their rituals and, perhaps especially, their narrowmindedness.
Yet, as have all cultures before us, our perception is tainted by
the many filters we have in place and again, as all cultures before
us, we retrospectively view previous mythologies and belief systems
with disdain; pitying the poor, uneducated slobs before us who, in
our estimation, simply didn't have a clue.
Yet have we truly outgrown our need for mythologies, folklore and
legend or do we merely create new, time and culture-appropriate
versions to replace the old in a perhaps vain attempt to settle the
ambiguities we are loathe to leave contextually unpackaged?
Yesterday we had fiery chariots; today they are
Yesterday we
had angels and demons; today we have positive and negative
Yesterday we had elves, leprechauns and faeries;
today it's Greys, Pleiadeans and Sirians.
Yesterday there were
vampires; today there are cattle mutilations where all blood is
removed from the corpse.
Yesterday we recorded a miraculous virgin
birth; today artificial insemination is commonplace.
people ran the risk of becoming demon-possessed; today we observe
Arcturan entities inhabiting the containers (bodies) of walk-ins.
Yesterday many looked to mediums and seances for esoteric
information; today we have channelers and trance-channelers.
I recall twenty-some years ago my surprise and immense curiosity
when I read the words of Jesus stating that "as it was in the days
of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of
Knowing full well at the time that one activity appeared to
clearly differentiate the culture of Noah's time from our own; a
disturbing program whereby the "sons of God" procreated with the
"daughters of men" and, in so doing, created an oddball hybrid
species known in many ancient texts (including the bible) as
the Nephilim.
It was not until very recently that I began to see a mirror image of
this hybridization program reflected in our very own culture; that
of the grey abduction scenario whereby sperm and ova are extracted
from unwilling human participants, genetically engineered then
implanted back into the female womb--only to be extracted at the end
of the first trimester during subsequent abductions.
It appears that
the "sons of God" are once again copulating with the "daughters of
men" just like in the days of old Noah.
It's all there in the incredibly ancient book of Enoch.
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