by Brian Desborough
Review by Brian Desborough
February, 1999
for "The California Sun"
Whale Website
British author and lecturer David Icke has a penchant for
courageously delving into the politically-sensitive machinations of
the global elite, as evidenced by his books "And
The Truth Shall Set You Free", and "I Am Me - I Am Free".
His latest book is primarily a history
the Illuminati - the super-secret
group who have been the overlords of the human race from the
Babylonian era to the present, through their control of wealth,
suppression of knowledge and creation of false religions.
Initially reluctant to review this book on ethical grounds, since
Mr. Icke graciously cites my own research into the Illuminati,
I reconsidered, since my research, spanning nearly three decades,
corroborates that of the author. This explosive book and video
represent the most penetrating insight into the true nature of
global history ever revealed to the public.
The book’s title is derived from a meeting between David Icke
and a senior member of British Intelligence. David asked him what
was the biggest secret held by British Intelligence. The man replied
that it was that the British Royal Family are shape-shifting
Before the reader mentally assigns the author to a padded cell, let
me assure the reader that David provides corroborative
evidence, including the transcript of his taped interview with
Princess Diana’s closest confidante, in which she relates
Diana’s awareness of the House of Windsor’s reptilian ancestry (Diana
referred to them as "the lizards").
The author provides an in-depth account of Diana’s ritual murder and
investigative cover-up, including the fact that the chauffeur
appeared to have been a
Monarch mind-control victim, who
was programmed to drive away from the intended destination and crash
into the thirteenth column in the Pont de L’Alma tunnel. The tunnel
is an ancient Illuminati sacrificial site.
Since the book went to
press, I’ve been informed by a high-ranking Illuminatus that
Diana’s "first aid" in the tunnel included being bludgeoned to death
with an oxygen cylinder.
My own research, based upon unpublished astrophysical data, revealed
that Mars originally occupied our planet’s orbit and was
populated by a technologically-advanced Aryan race. A
celestial catastrophe displaced Mars into its present orbit, forcing
the Aryan survivors to colonize our planet and subsequently
construct the Great Pyramid. They were overthrown by an evil
priesthood who established the Royal Court of the Dragon in
While David was writing his book, it was my good fortune to
meet the Mother Goddess of the Illuminati.
She corroborated
my research, adding that the Illuminati hierarchy are
shape-shifting dragons, who require the consumption of Aryan
blood in order to maintain their shape-shifting capability, hence
their opposition to interracial marriages. She added that because of
this symbiotic relationship, the Illuminati dragons have
pursued the Aryans from Mars to Earth.
In her videotaped Interview with David Icke, the Mother
Goddess describes how the Illuminati genetically bred her from
the Merovingian Royal bloodline and sent her to Russia for
psychic development.
She was trained to telepathically communicate
with dolphins and extraterrestrials at covert military
bases. In order to maintain control over her, she was subjected to
the trauma-based Monarch mind-control program by Nazi doctor
Josef Mengele, who covertly conducted his evil work at the
China Lake Naval Weapons facility after World War 2.
Mengele forced
her to witness Illuminati human sacrifices attended by prominent
global figures whom she names in the video.
The Mother Goddess’s story may seem improbable, but this
reviewer, after watching many hours of the Mother Goddess’s
videotaped comments made under the influence of sodium amytol,
and obtaining corroborative information from other mind-control
survivors, finds her story very credible. If it were not, neither of
us would be subjected to our current harassment involving wire taps,
directed-energy microwave beams, nor surveillance by Naval
Intelligence and NSA operatives.
The Reader’s attention
is also drawn to the autobiographical book "Trance-Formation
of America’, by mind-control victim Cathy O’Brien,
in which she claims that she saw George Bush shapeshift
into reptilian form and alleges that former education secretary
Bennett told her that the Illuminati relocated here
from another region of the universe.
The Mother Goddess, together with several other Monarch
mind-control victims, escaped the Illuminati clutches in
1989, when Mengele died. In an attempt to regain their control over
her, the Illuminati subjected her to intense harassment, including
electroshock torture at a private house in Sherman Oaks (other
Monarch survivors have also been abused there).
Custody of her two children was awarded to her ex-husband by
commissioner Richard Vogel, despite the fact that three
psychologists presented the judge with sworn affidavits that it was
their opinion that her young daughter had been sexually molested by
her ex-husband.
A revealing book about judicial treachery is "There’s
a fish in the courthouse" by former Ventura county Chief
Investigator Gareth Wean (the reader may not be aware that
the current Supreme court Chief Justice is the former attorney for
the Kemper Marley organized crime syndicate. Marley
was an associate of Al Capone).
Shortly after the child-custody hearing, one of the psychologists,
Dr. Daniel Schiele was confined for two weeks in a mental
institution and was found hanged on the day of his release. The Mother Goddess claims that in order to terrorize her into
rejoining the Illuminati, she was shown a videotape of the
hanging, which was perpetrated by four men, three of whom had
attended her custody hearing.
The book also discloses little known, yet very important, facts
about American history, e.g. that the United States of America is
not the name of a country, but a corporation formerly known as
the Virginia company, owned by Britain (similarly, the IRS
is a private corporation, distinct from the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, incorporated in Delaware in 1933 by three Nazis, in order
to fund the Nazi military with U.S. tax money).
The Illuminati dragons contemptuously regard humans as
cattle; their planned agenda has been outlined in several
documents, including National Security Counsel Policy Directive
200, which calls for a fifty percent
population reduction by means of
plague, famine and controlled nuclear warfare (presumably using the
Y2K millennium bug debacle as a precursor).
The survivors are to be
subjected to mind-controlled slavery.
The adage "what you don’t know can hurt you" is very true when it
comes to Illuminati intent. Thanks to David Icke, the
Illuminati’s biggest secret has been publicly revealed for the first
time, despite the best efforts of the Illuminati-controlled media to
suppress it. As the author states in the book, the Illuminati
foments wars and mayhem in order to create terror, the vibrations of
which become encoded onto the
earth’s ley lines, thus
inhibiting the spiritual growth of humanity.
The Illuminati are supremely confident that their intended
imposition of a State of National Emergency in major nations
(after blaming terrorists for the detonation of Israeli-developed
briefcase-sized nuclear bombs, according to former CIA
director Bill Colby) and it’s accompanying gun seizures, will
enable them to permanently enslave the entire human race.
Even the
best laid plans can go awry, however, as Napoleon discovered when
eighty percent of his troops perished during his Russian campaign -
all because the French uniforms had tin buttons. The buttons became
brittle and disintegrated in the sub-zero Russian winter.
off slashing sabers with one hand, while holding up one’s pants with
the other, is not effective military strategy.
Far from being omnipotent (the Illuminati privately refer to
themselves as Olympians) they have made an incredibly
stupid military blunder; most homes in the Western world possess a
potentially lethal weapon.
It is not a gun, but a microwave oven.
For several years, pamphlets have been distributed at survival meets
illustrating that by removing the magnetron, capacitor
and cooling fan from a microwave oven and mounting
them on a metal chassis, the result is a deadly beam weapon, capable
of igniting wood at a distance of five hundred feet, and more than
adequate to cook the brains of United Nations goons during
house-to-house gun seizures.
Many such home-made weapons have
doubtlessly been equipped with inverters, enabling them to be
operated from automobiles. Moreover, the technology exists in the
private sector to construct inexpensive weaponry capable of
eliminating aircraft and satellites (Mossbauer and R.F. modified
lasers and Gavreau infra-sonic cannons).
Although not wishing to foment violence, let this book review serve
notice to the treasonous fifth column (military, law
enforcement, judicial, political and IRS personnel) who conspire to
effect the enslavement of humankind by the Illuminati
dragons: in your lust for self-aggrandizement, you have backed
the losing side. Unless you refrain from your present murderous
course of action, you will be publicly exposed, brought to justice
and tried for high treason.
The Mother Goddess and David Icke have placed their
lives in jeopardy, not to mention ridicule by the
Illuminati-controlled media, in order to bring you, dear reader,
the most important expose you will probably ever encounter. it is
not possible to compromise with the Illuminati dragons, as
was exemplified by the House of Windsor’s callous attitude
toward the death of Princess Diana.
The only hope for humankind is by
forcing the dragons to flee this planet. This is achievable if
sufficient members of the public (especially college students) read
the book, watch the video and inform others of its contents, thus
enabling political winds of change to blow over every continent.
This will truly demonstrate that the pen is indeed mightier than the