by Anna Bragga
November 02, 2014
HumansAreFree Website
Spanish version

Wembley performance saw Icke hold audience
in the palm of his hand
for ten hours
One of the world's most loved and mocked public figures; the former
BBC TV sports presenter, author and speaker,
David Icke, has come a
long way since that infamous
Wogan interview of 1991, achieving
something of a cult status if Saturday's marathon Wembley
performance is anything to go by.
over ten hours, Icke held the attention of close to 12,000
people, some of whom had flown in from around the globe, as he
challenged just about every societal norm, belief and assumption
about the nature of reality, plunging deeper down 'the rabbit hole'
(a way into a bizarre world) than most conspiracy theorists have dared.
"The nutter is back," he roared, as he took to the stage, before
deftly turning the idea back on to his detractors - the people
imposing our "fake reality," through "The Bubble Program" of
controlled education,
media, science, politics,
medicine and law.
"We need the
end of 'normal'"
Warming to his theme, Awaken, Icke wasted no time hammering home the
idea that we are living in a madhouse we have accepted as normal.
"There's no need for a single person to be hungry or homeless on
this planet," he admonished.
"Most people are caught up in the
program. Others who can access another reality are called mad."
The vast majority of us are unknowingly suffering from an unhealthy
slave mentality, he said.
We are experiencing the psychological
phenomena of cognitive dissonance, where our beliefs and behavior
are in conflict, and Stockholm syndrome - the traumatic bonding with
a captor. This was all cheerfully summed up as "The Bamboozle."
Icke drew on the works of pioneering artists, thinkers and
scientists to support his theories.
Names like:
...flashed up on the big screen in quick succession.
Our ability to "decode reality" is linked to what we are able to
perceive, he went on. Sages and shamans have long been able to see
beyond the narrow frequency range of visible light.
It's no
coincidence that the pineal gland located in the brain, also known
as 'the Mind's Eye', is being calcified with the introduction of
fluoride into our water.

Icke launched into a blistering attack
on the establishment cover-up
of pedophile rings.
The crash course in metaphysics and quantum theory evolved to
encompass the ubiquitous presence of electro-magnetic fields
connecting everything.
"The heart is the body's most powerful
electro-magnetic field; it just knows," he said.
"And this is why they want to shut
it down with depression, fear and worry. The brain obeys the
heart. When the heart, brain and central nervous system are in
harmony, we are in a high state of consciousness."
"The world is structured to put us into low vibrational
states of emotion. Our reality is akin to the movie,
The Matrix.
We need to stop living the lie of who we are.
We are in an
intellect prison, and it can't connect the dots to see the
The idea that
the universe is a hologram existing in waveform
information may be a harder concept to grasp for many, but with
recent features in the New Scientist and the Scientific American,
it's gaining wider acceptance.
The Archon Hijack
If the first three hours hadn't shattered your false programming -
assuming you arrived as 'normal' - the next session could have been
the hammer blow.
Protesting and fighting the system is doomed to fail, boomed the
indefatigable Icke, preparing his audience for an even bigger shift
in perception. Politicians are just puppets, and it's not the
corporations who are directing events.
When you go deeper, you see
the Rothschilds, but that's not all; twenty-five years of research
has brought him to the conclusion that,
"reality is teeming with
different impressions of life".
What people really need to wake up to is the fact that this reality
has been hijacked by an invisible force the Gnostics used to call
"Archons," he said.
This "truth" stored in the Great Library of
Alexandria in ancient times, also known by
the French Cathars and
other cultures by different names, had to be destroyed, so that a "fake God" could be installed.
"The Archontic mind is the mind of
the psychopath:
no empathy or
no remorse
pathological liars
It's the mindset seen
world leaders, and increasingly, the militarized police, and
banking", continued Icke
flicking through images of EVIL to illustrate,
"the inversion of the word LIVE"
(= EVIL).
Humanity has been kept
ignorant of this death cult, and Archontic followers, like for
example, Satanists and the Archontic media, are obsessed with death
and killing.
The All Seeing Eye printed on dollar bills is a symbol
of the Archontic network.
Most politicians are of the Archontic bloodlines or agents of them - psychopaths, and the legal system imposes the will of the political
The Archon
Agenda 21 is a plan to introduce the
Hunger Games
We're heading towards a cashless world and "rabbit-hutch
Britain" in human settlements.
It's already being projected as local
community initiatives but it's actually centralized through the EU.
There's a war on our health to systematically weaken us so they can
walk in.
If you're sick, you're easier to control.
The big WMD is
the war on human health,
with Big Pharma literally "a crime scene"
while they try to destroy alternatives.

"The Archontic mind is the mind of
the psychopath"
No empathy or
shame, no remorse, pathological liars
Reptilian hybrids possessed by Archons
When Icke came out with the idea that
reptilians rule the world, many
years ago, he was roundly ridiculed and labeled mad.
But disbelief
is turning to respect, as more of his theories have come true, and
several have been found to originate in old text texts. The
existence of reptilian entities is one of the latter, having been
described by the Gnostics nearly 2,000 years ago.
Certain bloodlines were created to be vehicles of these entities, he
continued, as the audience stared at reptilian illustrations of
royal family.
"The reasons royals interbreed is to hold the
information field which has certain personality traits the Archons
want, because it has no compassion or empathy.
The frequency of the hybrids is far
more similar to the Archons than the rest of the population."
"We've been infiltrated by a force taking over reality because
they look like us. People will soon have to face the facts that
this is why the world is how it is."
The relationship between
pedophilia and Satanism
Barely pausing for breath, Icke launched into a blistering attack on
the establishment cover-up of pedophile rings, which are now,
thanks to the Internet, blowing wide open.
"Pedophiles are infesting the establishment on multiple levels," he
"The number of children being abused
all over the world is staggering. The reason that Satanism and
pedophilia are interrelated is because pedophiles are possessed
by these entities, which stimulate a desire for children and
draw on their energy.
Ted Heath was doing it, and
Savile was
supplying the rich and famous - which is why he was never
Icke is convinced the truth will eventually come out, and when it
does, the political establishment and Royal family will collapse.
The cover-up is so blatant, he said, with New Scotland Yard acting
as a,
"political pedophile protection
"We can change
our Archon World"
The dot connecting that David Icke has become famous for, continued
as he drew lines between different expressions of the same
Radiation is much higher than it was 50 years ago, and
are part of the plan to take us away from infinite consciousness, he
The influence of Archontic entities is changing the planet to
make it feel more like home, to change the atmosphere into that of
an "Archon World."
transhumanist agenda, in which technology is inserted into the
body, for example, by using microchips to replace drugs, is to make
us become slaves of society.
Archons are a robotic force and they
want to make humans like them. The reptiles' god is technology.
Icke's dystopian view of the future assumes that the masses will
stay glued to their TVs, locked forever into the hive mind of the
Matrix, which says,
'I have no power'...
Is it a lost cause?
"No way!"
thundered Icke to rounds of applause.
"The solution is
As soon as we wake up the game will be over. They are keeping us in
mental and spiritual deception because they're scared we'll wake up.
Joy, peace, love and compassion will change it.
By disconnecting from the program,
we take their power away."

We need to transform our reality
by changing our reality to truth
and love,
By following Icke's example and not worrying about being ridiculed
or ostracized for being our true selves, we have a real chance of
changing the system, seemed to be his final message.
He said:
"We need to transform our reality by changing our reality
to truth and love, to be who we really are. A personal revolution is
The New Age movement is escapism; it's in denial. We are the
revolution if we cease to conform to traditional reality. The
conspiracy is coming down.
The cracks are appearing.
There's a phenomenal wake up
occurring in the world. The system will try to oppress it, but
it won't succeed because of the magnitude of the global
Holding his audience still in the palm of his hand
ten hours
of delivery, the king of conspiracy theory's final words drew rounds
of applause and a standing ovation.
"Remember this:
No one rules if no
one obeys..."
The audience adored
him, and when tears came to his eyes, they loved him even more:
No One Rules if No One
October 2021
Bitchute Website
Extracted from
"AWAKEN!! - David Icke
(Wembley Arena 2014
Part 4)"
Full video