16 - The Politics of People

ONE of the greatest myths known to the human race is that politicians have power. It is simply not true.

How can 365 members of Parliament in Britain have power over a population of some 57 million? Or a President have power over 250 million Americans? They can’t.


Their only power is in persuading us that they have power. Like everything on this physical level, it is an illusion.

I mentioned earlier that towards the end of British rule in India, Gandhi told the colonial government, ‘100,000 Englishmen cannot control 300 million Indians if those Indians will not cooperate’. In that one sentence you can see where the real power lies. It lies with us, the mass of the people, and not with governments, armies, industrial conglomerates, or the Brotherhood. They only appear to have power because of the apathy and indoctrination of the robots.


Once enough robots wake up and rebel we will see what a sleight of hand this business of ‘power’ really is. I feel for politicians. In many ways, they are the biggest victims, the most programmed of robotic beings. They change nothing which is not acceptable to the system. The economic madness which they have helped to unleash across the world has imprisoned them and their successors.


They are no more free to act on fundamental issues than a prisoner in Dartmoor or San Quentin. At election time, they have to tell people what they believe enough of them want to hear. If they don’t do that, they don’t get elected. And what do most people want to hear from their politicians? What the system has indoctrinated them to demand. More growth, possessions, money and economic ‘success’ for their country.

Politicians are pawns being moved around a board by the Brotherhood, a programmed population and the interdependency the system has constructed. Politicians cannot act independently in one country because they are linked to a system which insists that they play by its rules. If they seek to limit imports of unnecessary goods which their country is capable of making for itself; others immediately take action to block their country’s exports.


Even those politicians who have seen the system for what it is - and there are painfully few - would recoil at the prospect of taking any action that would bring with it a chaotic but vital period of transition while their economy was recovering from the colossal blow of losing export revenue and redirecting itself into producing the goods it had been importing until then.

Any government which tried to do this would be overthrown either democratically or by force. The System has the politicians slavishly serving its wishes through manipulation, indoctrination and fear. They will never take the action necessary to free humanity from its imprisonment or the planet from her punishment. Only by the system’s collapse and its replacement by another way of thinking can we be freed from our dependency and be able to step into an era of economic sanity.

Essential to this is an end to politics as we know it. Representatives of the people are there to serve those people, not their party or self-interest. It is such an insult to the word democracy to see politicians allowing themselves to be used like fodder to vote in Congress, the House of Commons and the other parliaments of the world in whatever way their party leaders tell them. They are the prisoners of the Whip system.


The Whips are party officials who are there to ensure that the Members of Parliament which the population has elected follow the wishes of their party and never the urgings of their conscience or what they believe are the needs of the people. Parliaments are, appropriately, microcosms of the whole system. You have the few at the top like the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, or the President and his advisors, who try to force their Members of Parliament or Congress to toe their line.


They, in turn, most of them without realizing it, serve the non-elected Brotherhood above them. Political leaders often talk of the need for people to show self responsibility, but they are the last ones who want to see any such thing - especially in their own party. When MPs take responsibility for their own thoughts and vote with their beliefs, they are ‘disciplined’ by their party and told they will never be considered for promotion.


This is democracy?

I remember when I was a national speaker for the British Green Party, the Conservative Government introduced a Poll Tax which was deeply unfair in that it asked the poor to pay the same as the rich. The strength of the protests and a campaign of non-payment forced the Government to scrap it (people power again).


At the time, the Environment Secretary vehemently supported the tax and condemned those who challenged its unfairness. It was he who guided the bill through parliament to bring the Poll Tax into law. Some years later, that same man was interviewed on a programme looking back at the years of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister. He said he had always believed the Poll Tax was unworkable and should never have been introduced. He had, he claimed, even said this to Margaret Thatcher before he had agreed to introduce it.


On the same programme, the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time of the Poll Tax said that he, too, had told Mrs Thatcher it was a ridiculous idea. The film cut from him to archive footage of Margaret Thatcher proclaiming the Poll Tax at a Conservative Party Conference. Sitting close by and clapping all that she said was that same Chancellor of the Exchequer who, in private, was saying it should never be introduced.

Stories like that and much, much, worse could be repeated many times in parliaments all over the world. Let us not avoid the issue here. The political system and the economic system are one and the same. They are indivisible. Both are sick, corrupt, stupid, self-destructing and Brotherhood-controlled. Like the economic order, the political circus has created mechanisms and structures for turning out the robots and clones it needs to survive. Unless you are a system-serving, toe-the-liner, you will struggle to be selected to represent a major party in an election. Some people with a mind of their own slip through this net, but they are so few they can be muzzled or made impotent even if they are elected.


The attitudes to life you need to become an MP or a Senator are mostly the opposite of what is required for honest, fair and inspired government.

“The political has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician and is therefore unstable on his throne. He who wishes to rule must have recourse to both cunning and to make believe. Great national qualities like frankness and honesty are vices in politics, for they bring down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly than the most powerful enemy.”

(Illuminati Protocol 1).

Like the economic system, politics has become ever more centralized through this century. British local government has had responsibilities and decision-making on many issues removed by Westminster; and Westminster is surrendering responsibilities to the European Community. Others have done the same. It is all leading towards the Brotherhood dream of a World Government and I even hear some intelligent, caring people supporting the idea, often from the best of intentions. I say again and again... NO, NO NO.


As with most changes that give power to the few, it can be presented as highly desirable. If we had a World Government, they say, we could stop this or stop that, do this, or do that. Others believe that the move towards World Government is a natural part of our evolution and journey towards wholeness. We started in tribes and communities, this way of thinking suggests, and we are evolving through national and continental government to World Government.


I challenge this view. World cooperation and World Government are not the same thing.


Does anyone really think that a World Government convened under the present system is going to be any less sick, corrupt, stupid and self-destructive than national or international governments? Of course not. But we are not looking here at a government that has the potential to inflict all these things on a single country. We are talking about the world.

Both sides of the left-right political spectrum have those who support the idea, but then, as with most things, the idea of left and right is another illusion. They are different aspects of the same bubble of unreality - and manipulation. The Brotherhood does not have a political line. It will use anyone or anything for its own ends. In its ranks and under its influence are politicians of all kinds and persuasions.


The Communists and the capitalists speak the same language. Communism is merely a more authoritarian form of capitalism, anyway. Politicians, even the high-ranking ones, are mere front men and women compared with those working behind the scenes. President Reagan was an excellent example of this. He fired the bullets, but others loaded the gun. Imagine what control could be gifted to a tiny group of people if World Government became a reality.


It would have nothing to do with the evolution to wholeness and everything to do with controlling the lives of six billion people. The way to avoid this is to pass decision-making and control down the line to people and communities and not to create the final rung on the ladder to world domination. We should demand this and refuse to cooperate with the present system.

Look at examples of how global political-economic organizations, already in existence, have behaved. Those Brotherhood creations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, are there to make sure the system is served under all circumstances. When Third World countries begin to struggle to pay back debts to the rich, in goes the IMF to lend them yet more money that doesn’t exist and which they will not be able to repay. In return for this ‘help’, the IMF insists on measures to cut back on spending on the poor, healthcare, education and food subsidies.

This brings more pain and suffering for the population. They also insist that those countries increase their exports to raise money. More food-growing land goes under cash crop production. But, with the IMF telling scores of countries to do this, the market is flooded with certain commodities or goods and the price collapses. They are all exporting more, but earning less.


Who wins? The West.


It has to pay less for its imports. The World Bank (not to be confused with a World Central Bank) is supposed to invest in projects to help the poorer countries. Instead, it has been responsible for investment in Third World countries that have destroyed their environment, put local farmers out of business and made western companies richer at the expense of the very country the bank was supposed to be assisting.

If economic control is to be devolved to communities, political decision-making must be similarly devolved. This will be resisted by national and international governments. They will be desperate to maintain their control and this is another reason why the economic crash is necessary. Take economics out of national and international governments and there is little left for them to do under the present order.


These governments are, in effect, only stewards of the world economic system on behalf of the banking elite. No-one is going to take any notice of them when the priority for everyone is the provision of essentials after the crash. They will be politicians with no-one to govern.

The breakdown of the old can only lead to a return to local decision-making, if we reject the Brotherhood plans. There will be no other way to cope and react successfully to what will need to be done. Eventually we will see the end of political parties. They are the product of a divided humanity and have no place in the new tomorrow. Like all ‘isms’ they insist that their members serve the ism first and their hearts and conscience second.


They battle for power by offering the same basic policies presented in slightly different languages but, the Greens apart, they all serve the system and their members serve them. Indeed, some elements of Green politics are also system-serving without realizing it. Political parties have also added to the confrontational nature of politics which mirrors the lack of cooperation that pervades the entire system.


Politicians, in general, have sought office to achieve power. They want absolute power to impose their views upon the population. They will deny this but that is what they want, collectively. The electoral system in Britain gives control of decision-making to parties which considerably less than half the population have voted for. This is all old age nonsense.

Politicians should be there to empower people. The key words are enable, allow and respect. To enable people to realize their full potential and follow their own instincts; to allow people to do whatever they wish and live in any way they choose as long as it does not cause harm to others; and to respect the rights of all people to control their own lives and make their own choices. The representative is a servant, not a dictator.


Modern politics has got the two mixed up. From these principles, communities will decide on a system of representation that suits them. There will be no imposition of rigid structures by national and international governments once the transformation is well under way. Communities will be in control. I see elected representation as only part of community action. With the new consciousness, cooperating will come naturally without the need for laws and regulations of the kind we have so many of today.


The world is drowning in laws and legislation because of the desire to control people and in response to the negative behavior of those disconnected from their true selves. Representation will evolve with rising consciousness and in reaction to the collapse of the old structures.


But, here are a few ideas which are likely to play some part in the new politics in the post-Brotherhood world:

  • I think we will see Neighborhood Councils representing groups of houses and streets. If someone is lonely or hungry or in any sort of need, it will be the role of the Neighborhood Council to take the necessary action. They will not ring Social Services because Social Services won’t exist in the way that it does today. Everything will be on a smaller, community scale.


    The explosion in the Welfare State and Social Services has been a reaction to the collapse of community. Now that the Brotherhood elite have largely achieved that, they will seek to squeeze the welfare services. Neighborhood Councils will alert the people of their area as to what needs to be done and will sort it out themselves, whenever possible. You could set up a Neighborhood Council where you live, today. Through this, you could co-ordinate the care of the people in your area by the people in your area.


    There is no need to wait for the crash. It is a tragedy that so many do not even know who lives in the flat next door, let alone at the end of the street. Centralization and the system of divide and rule, have brought this about. It is time to change this but it will not be easy. It will take commitment and there will be many people who fear participation because they have been programmed to believe that they are here to follow, not to lead.


    But, these changes will happen because circumstances and awakening consciousness will demand them. The more we can de4ink from the system now and prepare the groundwork for community organization, the smoother the transition will be.

  • Neighborhood Councils will have a representative on the Community Council. How big an area these Community Councils will cover will be decided by the people involved, in consultation with other communities around them. I would see elected Community Councils working alongside community forums.


    These forums would be open to everyone to present their views and suggestions for ways of improving the community. They would allow the knowledge and ingenuity of people to be given a hearing. Today, we have professional politicians making decisions about subjects they know little or nothing about. Those who are close to these subjects are never asked to speak in the debates or to offer their insight into problems which they work with every day.


    Giving people that opportunity in the present system of centralized control is almost impossible because there are too many people involved. But, in a community situation, that would not be the case. Everything would take place on a human scale. Even now, under the present system, there is no reason why community forums could not be organized to give a platform for local views and action. Indeed, this is happening as awakening people follow their instincts.


    The elected Community Council would attend these regular forums and listen to the people they represent. The councils would consist of people elected from right across society. Besides representatives from each neighborhood there would be the opportunity for all sections of society to have an elected spokesperson -food producers, shopkeepers, employees, environmental groups, young people, old people, and so on.

    I would suggest a similar dual approach to economic organization. Elected representatives to a community economic cooperative would coordinate the day-to-day organization and development of the community economy while an economic forum would allow everyone to contribute to the discussions on economic matters.


    People are much more enthusiastic and motivated when they know they have the opportunity to contribute and make a difference. You will be amazed at how many apparently insuperable problems can be solved once human ingenuity is harnessed to its full potential. The task for these community economies in the transition period will be to provide food, shelter, warmth and clothing for everyone and to do it in ways that are environmentally sustainable.

  • I would see the main roles of Regional Government to be the following: To support the communities in their efforts to be self-reliant in all essentials; to ensure that essentials which cannot be provided locally are provided from surpluses in other communities; to coordinate necessary trade between communities to the mutual benefit of both; to be a forum for communities to exchange information and experiences; to pass on details of new discoveries and technology which would benefit communities and add to their self reliance; to arbitrate in disagreements between communities; and to ensure that the actions of one community do not adversely affect another, either economically or environmentally.


    The regional level will be particularly important in the transition period in organizing food distribution to the big urban areas which do not have enough food-growing land to feed themselves.

  • I do not believe the present national governments, as such, will be necessary, although groups of regions may choose to get together to support each other. The next level of representation after regional could be continental. These would be areas covered today by the European Community or the United States and Canada -that sort of size. I would see these as forums and coordinators, not governments.


    This is very different from the present European Community model which is little more than an economic trading bloc with system-serving and centralizing motivations. The continental forum I am thinking of would be a meeting place where regional representatives could exchange ideas and discuss issues of mutual interest. This level would arbitrate on disagreements between regions, ensure that one region was not harming others economically and environmentally, and help to identify and direct the essentials of food, warmth, clothing and shelter to regions who were not yet self-reliant or who were struggling, temporarily, from the effects of natural disasters.


    They would also coordinate relief operations in places where natural disasters had occurred, with expertise, transport and technology on permanent standby to be on the scene in the shortest possible time. This would be a kind of Global International Rescue which all communities and regions could call upon.

  • The other level of representation would be the World Forum. This is not the same as World Government. It would be a place where representatives from the continental forums would meet to discuss topics that affected the whole world. It would arbitrate in disagreements between continents and co-ordinate the provision of essentials which a continent was unable, at any stage, to provide for itself.


    The World Forum would have no army at its disposal and, apart from powers to intervene to prevent environmental degradation that had global implications, it would have no other power to impose its decisions. All armies will be dismantled when the transformation of consciousness is well underway. I would also see the World Forum as a body that would represent the planet in formal interaction with other Universal Civilizations which are going to be openly visiting this planet and we theirs in the future just as we visit other countries today.


    We desperately need forms of democracy that empower and involve all people. The present ‘democracies’ were created by the Brotherhood with built-in flaws to ensure they were only illusions of freedom:

    • “All these so called ‘People’s Rights’ can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical lift. What is it to the proletariat labourer, bowed double over his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in lift, if talkers get the right to babble, journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with the good stuff? The proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for voting in favor of what we dictate, in favor of men we place in power...”
      (Illuminati Protocol 3).

This devolution of economic and representative power to communities with support, but not control, from above has built-in environmental benefits. People, as a rule, do not wish to pollute their own neighborhood. National governments give permission for polluting factories to be imposed only on those communities where they don’t have to live themselves.


The main motivation of a national government is economic growth, not the wishes of one community. With decision-making transferred to community level, the incentives to reject polluting technology are far greater. If you are seeking to be self-reliant you are going to look after your environment as a first priority because that is your self-reliance. The link between a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy will be staring you in the face every day.

This structure is not a model for the future written in stone. I have only outlined a few ideas to illustrate some of the trends that are already quietly underway and which will come to the fore as the transition proceeds to challenge the Brotherhood nightmare of central control.


I expect the economics and representation of the future to be much more diverse than a single, set structure. In every community and region there will be variations on the theme of self-reliance in essentials and decision-making at the lowest level possible. There will be many difficulties and complications to overcome because these trends are faced with a world that has been geared and created to serve a very different system.


Communities and regions do not break down into neatly packaged units with the ideal ratio of farmland to people. We have appalling urban sprawls and it will be some time before anything like the ideas I have put forward will be reality world-wide. There will be a lot of chaos, hard work and learning from experience before that can happen. What we can do is make a start now and try to de-link ourselves as much from the system as we can.

It is worth noting again that the fewer material wants we have the less we need to work and earn to live. This frees more time for us to do what we really want to do. If we simplify our material lives we give ourselves choices which are denied us if we work, work, work to chase the material dream and its symbols of ‘success’.


We need to free ourselves from the so-called work ethic. This insists that, unless we are in paid employment all day, at least five days a week, we are lazy and work-shy. What rubbish. But what could be better for the system over the last two hundred years than for us to believe in the work ethic and its misguided morality?


With people rejecting this conditioning and giving themselves time and opportunity to use their full creativity, we will see such changes for the better; an explosion in the arts for a start. Music, in particular, has a fundamental role to play in using its vibrations to raise the frequency of the planet, although it can be used to do the opposite in the wrong hands. We are going to discover more notes and tones as the changes gather pace.

People think that the collapse of the present order will see us living in caves and tents for evermore. But the release of human creativity will lead us into a world of abundance. Being poor is not purity, it is poverty, and we will have the means to remove this cancer. Ours will be a world that celebrates and encourages beauty, style and excellence in all things. The idea, put forward by some, that living rough has some kind of spiritual street-cred is a delusion, I feel. The transformation is about balance while poverty is an obvious sign of imbalance within a society.

Two areas related to political and economic change are the media and what we laughingly call justice. The media, or most of it, is the propaganda machine of the present system. Nowhere do the mainstream newspapers, magazines, radio and television programmes question the obsession with growth and free trade, except in the rarest of circumstances. The only questions they ask are how best to stimulate both.


They never ask why these things are so desirable and what the consequences of them are. The media depends on the system to survive and offers all the support it can. It is also Brotherhood-controlled. The media has allowed itself to become the vehicle for selling the American (Brotherhood) culture to the world. In its raw state, the media is like knowledge. It is neither negative or positive. It is how it is used that is negative and positive.


Some individuals in the media already do some outstanding work, exposing exploitation and hypocrisy and highlighting injustices that need to be addressed - but they are a depressing few. Local radio stations can be wonderful sources of information close to the people and they are going to be crucial in times of turmoil and change. The media could be used to communicate understanding and information that would free humanity.


Instead, its overwhelming contribution is to imprison our thinking because its own thinking is imprisoned.

“We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so called ‘Great Power’ - the Press, which, with a few exceptions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands.”

(Illuminati Protocol 7).

“What is the part played by the Press today? It serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purpose or else serves selfish ends of parties. It is often vapid, unjust, mendacious, and the majority of the public have not the slightest idea what ends the press really serves...

... All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical - for so long as the constitutions exist... Every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims... Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable to us.”

(Protocol 12).

I have been explaining in countless press interviews about the eternal nature of all consciousness, the frequencies, the so-called great mysteries of life, and why we are having extremes of weather and seeing the old order crumble. Only a very few have printed a word of this. They come along being nice to my face and go away to their typewriters to undermine what I am doing.


All they have wanted to do is talk about is my private life and to misrepresent what I am saying to encourage the belief that I am crazy. I am challenging religion. They say I have discovered religion. I am questioning most of the Bible. They present me as a Bible-basher. I challenge the whole idea of ‘Messiahs’. They say I am claiming to be one. And mind-controlled people believe this stuff. They say, ‘You should never believe what you read in the papers’, but they go ahead and do exactly that.

One journalist, who accepts the themes of what I am saying, wrote an article for a newspaper about me. The editor rejected it because it was ‘too positive’. I predicted in 1991 that we would see record-breaking weather extremes in this decade, particularly rains and floods. At a time when France, the Netherlands and Germany were suffering from terrible floods and the Isle of Wight, where I live, was being battered by rains which would lead to some of the worse floods the island has seen, a journalist rang my home.


Did he want to talk about the weather, why it was happening and what we could do about it? Not quite.

“Who do you think should be the new manager of the England soccer team?”, he asked.

On one occasion a friend in Scotland told me of an article in the Scottish Daily Record which had said I was a ‘Cult Lord’. As I had already written several books opposing the whole idea of cults, I was interested to see how the paper could justify such a claim. Across the top of the page was a giant headline ‘The Cult Lords’.


Underneath were articles about various people. David Koresh, who was at the centre of the siege in Waco, Texas, was among them and there, alongside the mass murderer Charles Manson, was me! I wrote to the editor asking how on earth that could be justified and he replied that they had not suggested I was a cult leader!! And because of the injustice of the ‘justice’ system, which is only there for the rich in these cases, there was nothing I could do. I’m sure there will be more character assassination to come in an effort to discredit the information in this book.

These are examples of the kind of mentality which mostly governs the stories you read and hear in the media. I have worked on local newspapers and regional and national television and radio. I have seen how journalists are some of the most programmed beings on the planet. Not all of them, but the majority.


Especially at the extreme end. I dread to think of the karma they are collecting every day as they go about their business of distorting, lying and destroying lives. What they do to others, they will need to face themselves on the journey of evolution if their actions are motivated by negative intent.


Like politicians, I feel for them. They know not what they do. They are de4inked from their higher selves and locked within a media structure that programmes them to programme others with their trivia, drivel, untruths, narrow vision and Brotherhood propaganda. When they leave the confines of the physical body they will be horrified at how they have allowed the system to control them. Most journalists are puppets of fear and negative thought patterns, but they don’t have to be.


They are not bad people. They are misguided and they have the choice to change. Fortunately, the awakening process is there for everyone and many journalists are opening their consciousness to new ideas. Their problem is getting past the editors and the newspaper owners who block information because they don’t want to hear it or allow others to hear it.


I laugh when the media complain of press censorship when the biggest censors of information are the media themselves. Along with economics and politics, we have seen the centralization of media power into Brotherhood hands. They control the world’s news agencies that feed information to newspapers and the broadcast media all over the planet.

The Brotherhood media serves the Brotherhood bankers. I have no doubt, either, that intelligence services like the CIA have the technology to use television broadcasts to send subliminal messages into our non-conscious mind, without us, or even the television station concerned, being aware of it.


In 1994 a Polish radio station began to send out an inaudible sound on its frequency to clear of mosquitoes the homes tuned to that station. It was, apparently, very effective in doing so, but thousands of listeners started to complain that it was also driving their cats mad. If they can do that to insects and cats, they can do it to humans. What is really coming out of some of the explosion of radio and television stations around the world?

I ask this of journalists or the ones who can’t see that they are being used as propaganda poodles: Are you going to go on meekly serving your masters, or are you going to rebel? If you only realized what the New World Order has in mind for you and your media, you would take a very large gulp!

And where are the journalists’ unions in all this? I say to them:

Get together, open your eyes, and stop cooperating. I cannot tell you how much you will regret it if you don’t. I will be most pleasantly surprised if such a journalistic rebellion does happen but, for now, on past experience, I will not be holding my breath.

In the meantime, we have to provide alternative sources of information, and stop buying newspapers. The alternatives are emerging in magazines and papers struggling into life across the world. We also have access to a printing press - the photo copier - to network information through communities and further afield.


I have found that radio is by far the best means of communicating in the media as it is today. Newspapers distort by reflex action and television is too often looking for items so short it is impossible to communicate effectively or in depth. I have found that radio offers the time to speak at length and if it is live you are free from editing. What you say is what the listeners hear. The staple diet of many radio stations is the phone4n and you have the chance every day to ring up and comment on subjects from the perspective presented in this book and countless others.


The awakening is leading to growing interest in subjects like reincarnation, alternative healing, UFOs, and related topics. The media will not be able to resist this interest indefinitely because they will want to use it to increase sales and viewing figures. That will only further stimulate interest and help to awaken more people which, as a result, will speed the demise of the system on which the present media depends. In the communities of the future, communication of information will be much more diverse, both in content and control.

There will be a revolution in ‘justice’, too. The police-lawyer-jury-judge system serves and protects the status quo and it is run by the Brotherhood secret societies, especially the Freemasons. One high ranking judge revealed the attitude behind our version of ‘justice’ when he said that people wrongly convicted by the system should not be released because it undermines public confidence in British justice.


It takes massive ongoing campaigns over many years for those wrongly imprisoned to be released. Some never are. In Britain there are three people in prison for killing a newspaper boy called Carl Bridgewater. A fourth has already died since he was wrongly convicted. I covered this case when I worked for BBC Television.


They are obviously innocent and the only reason they are still behind bars is that so many other wrongly convicted people have had to be released in the last few years and the authorities don’t want to open the criminal justice system to yet more derision. They want to put as much time as they can between those other high-profile releases and the inevitable release of ‘the Bridgewater Three’. Never mind that this policy demands that three people innocent of the crime for which they were convicted spend even longer in prison.


The System comes first.

Government ministers and officials who should have no influence in the courts or public inquiries meddle as much as they can when certain sentences or decisions would suit them politically. Some Home Secretaries make known their feelings in these cases, and this is communicated unofficially down the line and through the freemason’s network to the judge. Not every judge takes notice, but many do. It’s good for their career prospects and helps the Brotherhood.


It is far from unknown for judges to be influenced in their sentencing and decisions by the secret signs that tell him the defendant or lawyer is a fellow freemason. When public inquiries are organized to hear objections into road projects that devastate communities and the environment, governments make sure an inspector who sympathizes with their view is appointed to hear the objections and reject them. If people only knew what goes on behind the scenes, the robots would have rebelled a long time ago.

The winners in this charade of democracy and justice are the system and the legal profession which is alive with freemasons, as is the police force. It is run for the professions and the elite, not by a desire for fairness. The costs of going to court to pursue justice have long entered fantasy land.


Most people have to concede their rights because they can’t afford to pursue them. This gives all the aces to those with money. They can afford to buy their justice. The majority cannot. Even legal aid which is supposed to help the poorest to pay for legal representation is being cut back at every opportunity. Meanwhile the leading lawyers and the judges take home often enormous salaries from a system that most people cannot afford to use.

I was once involved in a civil case which should never have got to court. This happens, however, when one side is willing to negotiate and the other is not. All the costs in the case were awarded against me. Given the circumstances and the background that was outrageous, but that’s another story. My own legal costs were £1,500. The other side’s costs were estimated in court as about £2,000.


But when their final bill arrived from a firm of solicitors in Banbury, Oxfordshire, it had grown miraculously to almost £4,000! My shock at this was made worse when I read the bill. Only £1,576 of that figure was for work the firm had actually done. On top of that they had charged me for not using a barrister. No you didn’t misread that. I said not using a barrister.


It was a straight forward case that any competent solicitor could have handled and, as I say, there was no need for a court hearing, anyway. But because they were saying they could have used a barrister had they chosen to, I had to pay for them not doing so. No, I assure you I am not joking. It is quite within the law for them to do that.

Also they charged me extra because I had ‘opposed their application throughout’ and because of the ‘importance of the case to our client’. I had to pay and in effect be financially punished by a firm of solicitors because I had challenged their demands and because it was an important case for their client.


As every client considers court hearings to be extremely important to them, they could apply that added charge to every case they handle. I had to pinch myself to believe this was happening, and so did my own lawyer who was as bewildered and appalled as I was. You can appeal to a court against legal bills when costs have been awarded against you.

It is called taxation. This I did and I was confident that the bill was so silly and against all laws of justice and fair play that it would be reduced and sanity would return. The court did reduce the bill. They reduced it by £135 and I was charged £186 for the cost of them doing so!!!

It struck me that this was one case in one court on one afternoon involving one firm of lawyers. Just think what is going on in courts in America and all over the world. How many people are being cleaned out financially by pursuing their rights to justice or defending themselves against injustice? It is one of the great ironies that members of the legal profession who spend their time prosecuting or defending illegal theft are themselves responsible day after day for legalized theft.


The legal system is in the same category as economics, politics, and most of the media. It is sick, corrupt, stupid, juvenile, self-destructing and brotherhood-controlled. Ask those many lawyers who are motivated by helping people and not by making as much money as possible and they will tell you the same. I know how frustrated these caring lawyers are at being forced to operate in such a corrupt and corrupting system.


But you see the system has to persuade us that we do have freedom, live in a democracy, and have a fair system of justice. If it doesn’t maintain that facade, we are more likely to rebel. It is time we did.

Governments do not look honestly and deeply at the causes of crime because to do so would reveal that the ‘values’ necessary for economic growth are the very values that encourage crime and violence. Instead they condemn law breakers, wash their hands of responsibility, and call for harsher punishments.


The prisons are overcrowded because society is punishing the symptoms and not addressing the cause. And what is the reaction of the growth mentality to crowded prisons? You got it. Build more prisons. In America which claims to be the home of freedom, justice, and civilization, some states still send people to the electric chair or the firing squad. This is not justice. It is barbarism.


Opinion Polls (or rather opinion manipulators) in Britain continually show that the majority would bring back hanging for some crimes. What arrogance to think we have the right to take the life of another, and what mental gymnastics it must require to say that killing is wrong and the state should kill anyone who does it!! Expect to see governments trying to introduce more authoritarian laws in all countries as the decade progresses which further erode freedom. We must resist this, peacefully, but with great determination.

The changing consciousness will reject the present methods of ‘justice’. Crime will plummet when new values and measurements of human success are accepted and personal achievement is not measured by possessions. The move towards local decision making and the involvement of all people in the life and direction of communities will reduce negative behavior still further.


The relinking with our higher levels and all that understanding, love, and wisdom, will have the biggest impact on the reduction of crime and negative behavior. Before that time arrives, we need to look at why people act in the negative ways they do. Why have people been so de-humanized that they can mug and maim frail old ladies. The way to change that is not to use the fear of incarceration in some grotesque prison that will further de-humanize them.


It is to treat them in ways that re-humanize their values and spirit. If someone attacks an old lady, the way to stop them doing it again is to put them, under supervision initially, into situations where they meet and work with old people. This will allow them to see that those they mug are not meaningless, worthless, victims for those of greater physical strength. They are human beings with feelings.

I see mediation within the community replacing courts and lawyers and ludicrous legal bills in the decades that follow the turn of the Millennium. The number of laws will diminish as will the numbers required to administer them. You don’t need laws to say you must not pollute, when human consciousness has reached a level that would not dream of harming the Earth in any way.


Nor do you need laws to punish violence when there is no violence, because all life is seen as sacred. In the years before that I believe that more and more awakening people will refuse to cooperate with the economic, political, and legal systems in ever-increasing numbers. The system depends on mass subservience and unquestioning cooperation to survive. You can arrest a dozen people for a peaceful protest.


You cannot arrest 100,000. Cooperation is the basis of the new world, but it has to be two-way. One-way cooperation leads only to exploitation. A refusal to cooperate with exploitation will be another way the system will fall.

Writing about the themes of the future is difficult because there will be distinct phases of change. In the short term the breakdown of the old will bring chaos, confusion, and fear. Crime will grow as people grab and steal what the system can no longer provide in the old way.


The Brotherhood will be encouraging crime, even stimulating it through its mind-controlling technology, because it wants the public to demand a more authoritarian police force with laws to match. We may see martial law, military coups, and internal conflicts increase around the world. Many will be looking around for someone to blame for this mayhem, and the encouragement of racial and ethnic prejudice will result.


Most human minds have been programmed to hand over responsibility to others. Amid the confusion of change, they will look to any strong leader to tell them what to do. This is fertile soil for dictators. There will be tensions, sometimes severe, between those serving the status quo and those moving with the frequencies.


The way they see life and what they wish to do will be in conflict. It is up to awakening people to avoid violence in these circumstances. The last thing we need is more negative energy adding to the extremes we already have. In contrast to these negative aspects of the transition, we will see the expansion in positive behavior from those following the frequencies. These people will be healing divisions wherever they can. Old barriers between those of different colors, creeds, and ways of life, will be no more among those tuning in. This will be the new consciousness emerging from the death throes of the old.

In the medium term, as the System sinks beneath a tidal wave of change, I feel the community and regional economies will be stabilizing and order will return. By this time, the world population will have fallen rapidly, with more going out of incarnation than coming in. Those who hold out against the frequencies and close their minds will have left the planet as they fall behind the quickening vibrations.


The level of consciousness that will inherit the Earth will be meek, in that it will not use violence or imposition, but it will be mentally and emotionally strong and wise. When the chaos subsides and calmness returns to the weather, the surface of the Earth, and humanity in general, beings of advanced evolution will arrive in large numbers to assist the development of the new societies.

Much further into the future, the world will be unrecognizable from the one we see today and even from what I envisage for the medium period. The frequencies will have risen to levels of knowledge and understanding that will give humanity the ability to manifest and de-manifest, to travel across space and time at will, to create through the power of thought, and to be dependent on nothing except the energy of life itself By then we will not even require food as we know it. We will absorb all that we need from the Ocean of energy around us. Consciously leaving our bodies and experiencing other frequencies will be available to everyone whenever they wish. There will be no possession of people or objects.

Love and respect for everyone and everything will be our guiding light.


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17 - The Science of Sanity

WE speak of the ‘wonders of modern science’. If only we knew how primitive some of those wonders really are.

There is such a difference between the ‘science’ we are told about and that which we are not. We have the establishment scientists believing they are at the cutting edge of human understanding while in the secret underground bases technology exists that would blow their minds. Literally, some of it.

Take our sources of energy, as created by the science we are allowed to know about. We rape and devastate the Earth collecting oil, gases, and clumps of matter. We release the energy held inside them by burning what we have collected. In doing this we lose much or most of the energy they contain and we create horrendous pollution that poisons our air and water and damages our forests. The alternative is to build blocks of concrete called Nuclear Power Stations.


These create waste that is lethal for up to 24,000 years and probably far longer. No-one knows what to do with this waste, but we go on producing it. One of the by products is plutonium. One thousandth of a gram of this is fatal and if enough gets into the hands of a terrorist or dictator they could make a nuclear bomb.


Oh yes, and should these power stations leak or explode as with Chernobyl, substantial areas of land become uninhabitable and incapable of supplying food. Thousands, possibly millions, will die sooner or later from radiation poisoning or cancer and there’s a good chance that babies born to those affected will be deformed. And this is called scientific advance? It is, rather, a scientific smokescreen. A deadly one.

The Brotherhood at the highest human level made a definite decision to create support the myth that there is no such thing as spirit or an eternal self. It knew that wasn’t true, but that knowledge was for them, not the people whom they wanted to control. Religion had had its day and humanity was starting to reject its view. This, the Brotherhood decided, could only continue to increase.


Another rigid belief system had to take its place, and anyway, they preferred for people to think they were nothing, but lumps of meat. One of the Brotherhood’s creations was the famous Royal Society in Britain. It opened its doors in the late seventeenth century and has been a wonderful vehicle for selling the quite hysterical idea that only the physical world exists. Goodbye God.


The media have once again played their part like the good lap dogs they have chosen to be and they still treat the words of a ‘scientist’ as solid gold truth. They are scientists after all, and they are very clever people who know more than we do. I know you don’t understand the jargon, but don’t worry your little head about it. You just get on with your life and let the scientists us tell you how things are. They know best.

What a negative affect this has had on human life. We are back again to the five senses. The collective mind of ‘public’ science is convinced that this physical world is the only one that exists. They have ridiculed anyone, even members of their own profession, who have questioned this and the Brotherhood have arranged for much of that onslaught against real scientists.


A science in this state of misunderstanding will obviously concentrate its research on the world of the five senses. Its ‘advances’ over the last 200 years or so have been in understanding some of the potential to exploit the physical environment. From the perspective of this physical level it has achieved some remarkable feats. It has landed on the Moon (well after the secret scientists did, however), developed endless gadgets, and found ways to treat the symptoms, though less often the causes, of some illnesses.


But by ignoring or dismissing the existence of other non physical levels of people and the planet, it has given itself a very limited and lopsided view of Creation. Sadly it has done the same for billions of people. Far from advancing understanding, it has held it back by undermining the efforts of the more enlightened scientists and people working with psychic sources who challenge the this-is-all-there-is view of life.

Say someone goes missing and you organize a search party. You choose not to look in the area where the person is lost and discourage or prevent anyone else from looking there. If anyone does you ridicule and condemn them when they say ‘I’ve found him’. So you don’t find the missing person and in the mind of the search party and all the people they influence that person remains lost.


By taking your search party to another area you may find other missing people you didn’t know were there. You will ‘discover’ many things that will be new to you. But you won’t find the one you are supposed to be searching for because he is lost in the area where you refuse to look. If you take the ‘missing person’ to be symbolic of the mysteries of life and the search party to be mainstream science, you have the reason why those so called ‘mysteries’ are still unanswered by science.

Had they not done this and had they had the humility to listen, we would be much further along the road to solving our problems. In fact many of them would not have been created in the first place. Science is part of the problem when it could, and should, be part of the solution. If it had not been so obsessed with the physical world alone or been so arrogant in dismissing alternative thought, we would already have the technology to provide all the power and warmth we need by harnessing the Ocean of Energy all around us.


We would not be destroying the planet for our heat and light. The knowledge of how to tap into the non-physical, sub-atomic, energies that surround us is available today, but the scientific establishment and the system in general does not want to know.

The reason is that what we call ‘science’ is system-led. It is funded by, and owes its livelihood to, the system and the Brotherhood, which is following its own agenda. When I wrote It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This, half the world’s scientists were involved in weapons research, and most of the rest were researching technologies to serve take, make and throwaway.


The Lucifer-controlled system does not want us to know who we are and science has played its role brilliantly. It has denied the existence of our true selves and encouraged us to believe we are just a cosmic accident. People who know they are eternal beings of light and love, on an endless journey of evolution through experience, are not so easy to manipulate and control. Science has also been the System’s mad professor, producing all the potions, poisons, and technology that have so affected the planet.


The System is based on oil and other fossil fuels, and with the help of science it has managed to protect these energy sources from the knowledge that would replace them with non destructive alternatives. I do not wish to decry the achievements that scientists have made in some areas, but the overall contribution of mainstream ‘public’ science has been to suppress human understanding and to use its knowledge for destructive, rather than constructive, purposes.

The story of science has mirrored that of religion in many ways. Both decided on a creed and belief which they then imposed upon the world and both have sought to block all efforts to present information and evidence which exposes their misunderstandings. But then both are controlled by the same masters which have ensured that both can survive only by suppression.


Once they painted their colors to the mast and proclaimed one unyielding dogma, their empires, funding, power, and influence have been dependent on the survival of that dogma in the minds of enough people. Suppression of information and understanding becomes essential to their continued existence. If you are a scientist who depends for his living on the current scientific dogma, the desire to block alternative explanations which would shatter that dogma, can be very compelling.


The System, no doubt with considerable Brotherhood influence, has ensured that these key areas like science, politics, economics, the media, and religion must suppress truth if they are to survive. In suppressing that truth, they must also promote a destructive illusion for the robots to focus on.


The media slavishly support them by communicating the myth that establishment science is at the cutting edge of human understanding. I wrote to all the BBC Television science programmes summarizing the work of open minded scientists who are convinced the general themes of consciousness and frequencies set out in this book are true. I offered to put the programmes in touch with these people.


I wrote to investigative programmes like ‘World In Action’ with the same information. Only one even bothered to reply, and that was only to say that in effect they did not cover topics that were not accepted by mainstream science! Game, set, and match to mind control.

James Lovelock is one open-minded scientist who has challenged convention. He has put forward the theory of ‘Gaia’, the Greek name for the Earth Goddess. This theory proposes that the Earth, far from being dead matter, is a living, thinking, organism. I would go much further than Lovelock, but there is a great deal of what he says that fits in with the overall themes I am putting forward.


In his book The Ages of Gaia he explains why science is system rather than information led:

“You may think of the academic scientist as the analogue of the independent artist. In fact, nearly all scientists are employed by some large organization, such as a governmental department, a university, or a multinational company. Only rarely are they free to express their science as a personal view. They may think that they are free, but in reality they are, nearly all of them, employees; they have traded freedom of thought for good working conditions, a steady income, tenure, and a pension.


They are also constrained by an army of bureaucratic forces, from the funding agencies to the health and safety organizations. Scientists are also constrained by an army of bureaucratic forces, from the funding agencies to the health and safety organizations. Scientists are also constrained by the tribal rules of discipline to which they belong. A physicist would find it hard to do chemistry and a biologist would find physics well-nigh impossible to do.


To cap it all, in recent years the ‘purity’ of science is ever more closely guarded by a self-imposed inquisition called ‘the peer review’. This well-meaning but narrow minded nanny of an institution ensures that scientists work according to conventional wisdom and not as curiosity or inspiration moves them. Lacking freedom they are in danger of succumbing to a finicky gentility or of becoming, like mediaeval theologians, the creatures of dogma.

“As a university scientist I would have found it nearly impossible to do full time research on the Earth as a living planet. To start with, there would be no funds approved for so speculative a research. If I had persisted and worked in my lunch hour or spare time, it would not have been long before I received a summons from the lab director. In his office I would have been warned of the dangers to my career of persisting in so unfashionable a research topic. If this did not work and obstinately I persisted, I would have been summoned a second time and warned that my work endangered the reputation of the department, and the directors own career.”

Control the funding and the lab director and you control what is investigated and what isn’t. That is what the Brotherhood does. This all-knowing science has been with us for such a short time in human evolution. It is only very recently that some of the planets have been ‘discovered’.


Neptune was not identified until 1846 and they didn’t know Pluto was there until 1930. There are more planets still to find in this Solar System, and thousands if not millions of other such systems across the Universe. If you took the Sun be the same size as an orange, then on that same scale the nearest star outside of this Solar System would be 3,000 miles away! To think we can pontificate on details about the Universe and dismiss the idea that there are other universal civilizations is just beyond belief.


Scientific understanding is in its infancy. It is like a small child forcing its view of the world on everyone else. When you look at its ‘big bang’ theory for the Universe, the explosion of a ‘Cosmic Egg’ of matter which they say formed the universe, it is incredibly naive. It is founded on calculations that other galaxies are speeding away from this one. The implication being, conventional thinking believes, that they are still being forced away by the power of the original explosion.


It is a very tenuous hook on which to hang a theory that has become accepted by many as ‘fact’. Galaxies are moving because everything is in orbit. Much of the scientific ‘advancement’ of the modern world is merely the confirmation of what the ancients already knew, because space visitors and channeled communicators told them.

Science is not as clever as it thinks it is, but far from showing the humility necessary for open minded research, it has consistently dismissed even its own profession when they have predicted new possibilities. They don’t understand something and so they arrogantly say it cannot happen. An Astronomer Royal said that talk of space travel was ‘utter bilge’ just eighteen months before the Russian Sputnik was orbiting the Earth, and that was primitive compared with what secret science was doing!


As another astronomer, Carl Sagan, once said: “Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong”. If; however, alternative explanations are systematically suppressed everyone else is encouraged to be dead wrong also.

But the dyke is collapsing for science as it is for all expressions of the system. From without, the evidence continues to mount through near death experiences and ‘inexplicable’ phenomena, that reveal the limitations of understanding and vision at the core of ‘public’ scientific theory.


And from within, the open-minded, genuine, scientists who seek to unlock the mysteries of Creation are being inspired by the rising consciousness to accept what psychics have been saying for so long. These twin pressures on scientific dogma will bring current scientific ‘thinking’ and its empire of influence and delusion crashing down in this decade and the next one.

With the genuine scientists now tuning into the higher frequencies, the understanding of who we are and the nature of life is awakening in their consciousness. This is leading them into areas of inquiry that will unlock the mysteries for them. The establishment will try to resist their findings, but it will make no difference. The laws of physics are going to be re-written.


The way physics is currently perceived by scientists considered by the public to be ‘geniuses’ is in reality well wide of the mark. The supporters of today’s view of physics have closed their minds to the non-physical levels of existence and ignored 99.99 per cent of Creation.


No wonder their understanding is so limited. How tragic that scientists like Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, and many others had identified the basic answers to many of the mysteries scientifically much earlier in this century, but were ignored and attacked by Brotherhood supporters, as were the psychics who have known for thousands of years what today’s system-serving scientists still don’t know.


More than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosophers understood the principles of life and Creation before Christianity, Islam, and others arrived on the scene.

The rising consciousness will sweep away the delusions and present us with technology beyond our dreams. There will be no need for fossil fuels, electricity pylons, or even the ‘alternative’ sources like wind and wave power. Each home will have a device, perhaps no bigger than a shoe box, which will harness the Earth’s energy field to provide all the power and warmth we need. It will not have to be plugged into a grid.


It will work independently anywhere you wish to take it. Transport will be revolutionized and made non-polluting by using the same understanding. We will have the knowledge to travel through time. Space travel will be like catching a bus today. The idea that we are alone in the Universe will seem as ludicrous as believing the Earth is flat.


Later will come all the ‘miraculous’ feats like manifesting and de-manifesting, which I have already spoken of.

How do I know?


Because most of it is already happening today, suppressed or in secret, and has been for decades. Free energy is a fact. By that I mean technologies that provide unlimited supplies of energy without using any fuel themselves. They access the ocean of power in the Earth’s energy field and other energies all around us and produce no pollution and no environmental degradation whatsoever.


You need no coal mines, no oil rigs, no power stations, nuclear or otherwise, and no ugly power lines in a national grid. These technologies can be used to heat and power homes, businesses, vehicles, anything. We talk of the ‘electric vehicle’ running on batteries, when the brilliant Croatian scientist Nikola Tesla ran a car in New York with a form of free energy technology in 1931, and man called John Worrel Keely of Philadelphia demonstrated his ‘Dynaspheric Force’ free energy machine in New York in the 1890s! While investigating the magnetic forces flowing between the Earth’s, poles, he discovered that ‘corpuscles of matter’ could be divided by vibration and the principle used to drive a motor.

The inventors of free energy technology have always suffered suppression and some have been harassed in other ways. One, John Searl, was jailed for his trouble.


In 1946, when he was only 14, he built his Searl Effect Generator (SEG) which was inspired by a dream he had as a boy. It was based on a magnetic device, and it generated usable electricity. As he perfected his creation, Searl also began to build flying craft using the same power system which could out perform even today’s conventional air and space craft. Three months before he planned to build a craft for a manned flight, he was jailed for using his own free electricity and not paying the power company to use theirs! While Searl was in prison on this outrageous charge, the authorities burned all his papers.


The Brotherhood and the System in general is desperate to stop these technologies, because they will remove our dependence for fuel and warmth and the whole cover-up of their technology will begin to come to light. Many free energy inventors are refused patents, and their work can be classified by an international ‘Military Use Refuse’ law which can stop them from publishing their findings or promoting their technology. But the Brotherhood elite know all about it, because the information goes to their secret scientists.

How appalling to think that while old people shiver from the cold and die from hypothermia because they can’t afford their heating bills, the ability to produce limitless energy for free is suppressed to serve the interests of some perverted elite. In Britain, fuel bills have increased enormously after a new tax was added, and people suffer ill health from the pollution caused by this primitive burning of fossil fuels.


Meanwhile the answer is blocked and has been for decades. Where are you politicians? Where are you journalists? Where are you environmental groups? Expose this scandal and insist that free energy technologies are further developed and made available to everyone. The free energy technology of the Illuminati elite is further ahead of anything the public know about as it is in other scientific knowledge. How they must smile at what is being taught to students in the schools and universities of the world under the title ‘science’.

The Brotherhood know that the laws of creation as set out at the start of the book are correct. They know about energies and frequencies. It may be a version twisted by other misunderstanding, but they know the real laws of physics. I am not saying this next story is all accurate, it may be disinformation, but it will give you some idea of how far ahead Illuminati scientists are of ’Goyim’ scientists.

Franklin D Roosevelt was a close friend of Nikola Tesla, the scientific genius who was to say that much of his knowledge came from ETs. One of Tesla’s students, Guiglielmo Marconi, set up a secret group which claimed to have built ‘flying saucers' in the 1940s, and to have landed on the Moon in the early 1950s. Interestingly, a number of Marconi scientists and others working in similar areas have strange and inexplicable deaths.


Roosevelt asked Tesla, some researchers claim, to become the director of a project which is now known as the Philadelphia Experiment. His number two was Dr John Von Neumann and the team based themselves at Princeton University before everything was moved to the Brooklyn Naval Yard in 1940 and code named Project Rainbow. The brief was to make an American ship invisible both to the radar and the human eye. They achieved this with a mine sweeper by generating intense magnetic fields.


Tesla was given a battleship for his next experiment in 1942, but protested when he learned that this time there would be a crew on board. He felt they would be in danger and, it seems certain, he sabotaged the test which didn’t work. Tesla left and ten months later he was said to have been found dead in his New York hotel room. Von Neumann took over and on July 20th, 1943, he conducted the experiment again on the US destroyer escort, ‘The Eldridge’.

It worked, but the crew went hysterical and were sick. Von Neumann asked for more time to perfect the technology, but the Chief of Naval Operations insisted it was finished by August 12th, 1943, because they wanted to use this capability in the war. He said, however, that he would accept only radar invisibility. This they achieved in Philadelphia Harbor, but then after a blue flash, the Eldridge disappeared for three hours.


Now it gets complicated because we are about to cross frequencies of time and space. Two young scientists on board, Edward and Duncan Cameron, came on deck to find the crew suffering from extreme hysteria and the two of them jumped overboard. The story claims that they didn’t land in water, but in the Montauk Army Base on New York’s Long Island where they realized that it was now 1983 - forty years later. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but stay with me!

The general background to the Philadelphia Experiment has been told in a feature film, and the basic themes of it are said to be correct. In the underground centre at Montauk the Camerons were taken to see Von Neumann, now of course a much older man than the one they had known in 1943. Von Neumann was reported to have died in 1957, but that was part of the cover for his work.


He told them that they had to be transported back in time to the Eldridge in 1943 to smash the equipment because the experiment had created a ‘bubble in hyperspace which threatened to cause catastrophe on this frequency. Von Neumann had by now (1983), perfected the technology for time travel thanks to the extraterrestrial input since the 1950s, this story claims.


The Camerons were transported back to the ship and 1943 where they smashed the equipment. When that happened, the Eldridge reappeared physically. See, I said it was complicated, and it’s even more so when you read the full story as documented in other books. It is hard to comprehend all this if we remain stuck with our version of time rather than a version in which the past, present, and projected future are happening together. Perhaps most amusing was the fact that when Cameron, back in 1943, told Von Neumann what had happened to him in 1983, his boss refused to believe him!

Again I say that I am not suggesting that I believe every word of this. I don’t know. There are some amazing stories coming out, but I do believe that at least the Illuminati scientists are working in these sort of areas, including inter-frequency and, possibly, time travel.

It is said that when the Eldridge returned to the physical world of 1943, it was a nightmare to behold. The time-space-molecular synchronization had been so scrambled by what happened that many of the crew members were found to be part of the superstructure of the ship. Others were insane and still others would disappear or burst into flames. Talk about cleverness without wisdom. The mad professors are out of control.


The researchers making these claims say the project was stopped after the Eldridge disaster and Von Neumann went to Los Alamos to work on the development of the Atomic Bomb. But by 1947 curiosity, and the potential for power presented by what had been learned in the Philadelphia Experiment got the better of them. It was re-started under Von Neumann as Project Phoenix at the Brookhaven National Laboratories in New York.


He also worked with the recovery of the crashed space craft and extra-terrestrials, like the one near Roswell. Some researchers say that a number of craft were deliberately brought down by the American military, when they realized how they could be seriously destabilized. Von Neumann and Dr.Vannevar Bush were two who worked with the extraterrestrial from the Roswell crash known as EBE, it is suggested.

The development of Project Phoenix into the 1980s has, some claim, produced the knowledge and technology to travel through time. One story says they have traveled forward in time, but when they reach 2011 everything enters a dream-like state. 2011 links in with the predictions of the Maya and others for the time of great change. There is so much speculation, and looking at the themes rather than all of the detail, claim and counter-claim, is probably far more productive. It is further said that Von Neumann and the secret scientists have also perfected the technique of making a person older or younger by breaking their ‘time lock’.


Tesla was working on time locks before he died, or disappeared. We are time-locked at birth into this frequency’s version of time. On physical death, the time lock breaks and we are free to move on to other space-time worlds. Without this time lock during a physical life it would be chaos, and the sort of things that happened to the crew of the Eldridge would be happening to all of us. But if you can remove the time lock in a controlled way, you can advance or regress the age of the physical body, or so some investigators have said.


The Brotherhood elite know how to change the weather in a limited way, and from the grotesque experiments they carry out on their abducted victims these insane scientists also know how to create clones. Some of the ‘little greys’ which people often report seeing could be from their laboratory and I’m sure they have developed the ability to create a human body, Frankenstein style. To think we are having discussions about the morality of genetic engineering while this is going on! Thousands of people go missing in the world every year and are never seen again. A number of them, I have no doubt, end up in the underground laboratories.

Their understanding of anti-gravity technology - space craft - is now very advanced and many of the UFO sightings we hear about will be craft being tested and flown by human pilots. The bright light or glow around a UFO as reported by so many people is caused by the magnetic field produced by some craft which distorts the gravitation field to create anti-gravity. There are many different technologies that these craft use to harness the natural energy fields.

Think what such knowledge could do in the right hands. It could bring an end to poverty, suffering and environmental degradation, We could be traveling from Britain to Germany in five minutes, Britain to Australia in half an hour or less. Leaving today’s destructive insanity behind will not mean poverty for everyone, as the present system collapses.


We have the choice to have a life made easier by amazing, non-destructive, technology that will dump poverty, hunger, and homelessness into the dustbin of history where it belongs. This we will do because these misguided men and their extra-terrestrial masters are not going to win. The transformation, with help from all levels, is going to remove their manipulation, and they will have to wait for another opportunity to work out their vast imbalances. They will do their damndest to cause havoc over the next 20 years or so, but their control of this planet is coming to its conclusion.

There needs to be a rebellion of science students - all students -in every university, each coordinating with the others. They should demand to know what knowledge is really available and reject the rubbish they are being spoon fed to keep them in the dark.


The same with their lecturers, most of whom don’t know what is going on either. Come on, get moving my friends. There is no time to lose. Don’t take no for an answer. Do it peacefully and with love, but ensure it is underpinned by unbreakable determination. The robots must rebel, or you will regret it forever and a day.

The medical students and other health employees need to do the same. The way people suffer when there is no need, is one of the greatest scandals of this story. As the transformation progresses, other methods of healing will bring an end to the drug-obsessed, surgery obsessed, disease care services of today.


Once again medical science has been directed to see only the physical level of being. It treats symptoms and not causes, because it does not understand the causes. How can it when most illness results from imbalances on our nonphysical levels and medical science insists those levels don’t exist? It is known that people who live under or near power lines or have close contact with electromagnetic technology are more prone to certain illnesses, particularly some cancers.


Human science has no idea why this should be. But our non-physical self is a series of electromagnetic energy fields working as one. When we come into close and consistent contact with other powerful electromagnetic fields thrown out by power lines and technology, our subtle selves are affected in various ways.


This imbalance distorts the etheric body which governs the workings of the physical. In turn the etheric organization is disrupted and the physical becomes imbalanced, resulting in cancer or another dis-ease. That is why the crew of the Eldridge was so affected on all levels by the immense electromagnetic field they were subjected to.

Even illness is used to serve the system. The Brotherhood-owned-controlled drug companies fund scientific research, and insist that the scientists they are funding look only for ways of treating disease through drugs or technology that can be bought and sold.


The world is awash with tablets and potions, and the drug companies measure their profits in billions. Some of their gross markups are as high as 90%. But the disease-care services are submerged by people who are ill! When I was younger I had a doctor who hardly lifted his head long enough to look at me before he was writing a prescription for some drug or other. Representatives from the drug companies have many ways to ‘encourage’ doctors to use their products.


So many people are ill, physically or emotionally, that the disease-care services are little more than conveyor belts cutting open and administering drugs to the never-ending stream of system-created disease that is passing by. The doctors and nurses are as much the victims as the patients. For doctors and nurses, see economists, politicians, scientists and journalists. They are programmed to think the System’s way and do its bidding within the prison of misunderstanding it builds around them. But again many are awakening from this slumber.

Nothing sums up better the conveyor belt mentality of medical care than a circular sent out by a doctor’s practice on the Isle of Wight. It said that patients were reminded that doctors appointments were for five minutes only and this was not the time to discuss other problems.


There you have it in a sentence. The fact that the ‘other problems’ were likely to be the cause of their illness did not seem to register. If there are imbalances in our eternal selves, especially at the emotional level, they will filter down through the chakra system to manifest as physical disease or disease.


Medical science reacts by throwing drugs at the symptoms while ignoring the cause. It accepts that stress and emotional problems can cause illness because the evidence is overwhelming. But it rejects any idea of eternal consciousness and so it cannot understand why stress causes disease. When they identify an emotional problem they prescribe Valium or other anti-depressants in an attempt to suppress the symptoms.


What the patient really needs is for the cause of their depression to be addressed. If you are depressed because you have poor housing you don’t need drugs you need a decent house. But instead of being a health service, the system has turned doctors and nurses into medical garbage collectors, coping with the human debris the system daily tips out. I am not condemning doctors or anyone in the medical profession.


What else can they do when their workload is such that they can give no more than five minutes to a patient and have no power to provide what the patient really needs to remove their dis-ease?

Preventative medicine which removes the causes of dis-ease before they become physical problems is largely ignored by the medical establishment, because to do what is necessary would mean rethinking all its values and misguided principles. Instead, even preventing illness - or claiming to - is used to stoke the fires of financial opportunism and exploitation. Did you know that the fluorides added to drinking water in the name of fighting tooth decay were used as rat poison for nearly 40 years?

Since the early 1900s industrial fluorines have been a major polluter of rivers and streams, poisoning land and animals. They are a by-product of the aluminium industry. In 1939 the Mellon Institute in the USA asked Dr Gerald Cox to find a market for fluoride waste.


Cox, a biochemist, suggested the idea of putting them in the public drinking water. This delighted his paymasters, the Melon Institute, because it was owned by the family of Andrew Mellon, the owner of the Aluminum Corporation of America (ALCOA). In 1944, Oscar Ewing was employed by ALCOA at an annual salary of $750,000, and this was fifty years ago! Within months he had moved on to be the head of the Federal Security Agency and he began a campaign to have fluoride added to public water supplies.


By 1951, he had persuaded Congress that it was a good idea and was given two million dollars to start the work. You could not put this rat poison into rivers and streams because it was considered too dangerous, but you could put it into water that people drank. This was great for ALCOA, but terrible for the people, and this sort of covert wheeler-dealing is going on behind the politician-speak every day.

This is dream land for drug companies. It is no surprise that one drug company alone I saw increased its six monthly profits by 1.7 billion dollars. This adds greatly to the wealth of people like the Rockefellers who own half the pharmaceutical industry in the USA, according to Nexus magazine. But such increases in profits have run parallel to the growth in drug-related illness.


Dr Brian Strom, Associate Director of Medicine and Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, estimates that the side effects from drugs kill 160,000 Americans every year, and put 1.6 million into hospital. I’ve seen people I know prescribed pills for symptoms, and other to offset the effects of them.


This is making the tills ring even quicker for the drug companies. If medical science does not understand the true nature of the human being, how can it avoid creating drugs that cause more harm than the original illness they are designed to treat? But then a drugged-up population is just what the Brotherhood wants.


And how do we know what they are putting in those drugs?

The drug companies are terrified of alternatives to this madness. They portray alternative healers as ‘quacks’ who are potentially dangerous when they, themselves, are often lethal. There are people who call themselves alternative healers who are nothing of the kind and you have to be careful. But I don’t remember an alternative healer coming up with Thalidomide which deformed so many babies; nor do I recall them giving people drugs with side effects that ensure their victims will never be able to walk out in the sunshine again.


Drug companies have done both and much more. Just as the oil companies and the Brotherhood seek to stop free energy technology, so the Brotherhood drug companies make every effort to discredit and destroy all cures that do not involve drugs. They don’t want a cure for cancer. They are making too much money selling drugs to treat the symptoms of it. This is not about health. It is about wealth.

The Pharmaceutical Industry is one of the most corrupt and corrupting organizations humanity invented. It is Brotherhood-controlled and one of the most sinister of its operations. Ian Sinclair, in his book You can overcome Asthma says that in 1972, a commission set up by the Chilean President, Salvador Allende (a doctor), reported that no more than two dozen drugs were actually effective.


The doctors on the commission proposed a dramatic reduction in drugs purchased from the companies, mostly American. Within a year, the junta with CIA support, had ousted Allende in a coup. The doctors on the commission were killed, and the new regime recommenced business as usual with the drug companies. The industry controls the whole system - doctors, universities, research, government, health departments, the lot. And when they are prevented from marketing drugs which are exposed as dangerous, they dump them on the Third World.


So, everyone involved in medicine, are you going to continue to take all this, or are you going to get together and do something?

AIDS is a massive earner for the drug industry. They even leaked claims about ‘cures’ to boost their share price as people invest in a company in the hope that they will make lots of money when the ‘cure’ is marketed. They do this with other ‘cures’ too, and the media poodle barks to its master’s tune again by running stories of drug research projects on the verge of this or that ‘breakthrough’ which never sees the light of day.


AIDS, this heaven-sent profits-booster for the drug companies, is not some mysterious disease that has come from nowhere. It was almost certainly created in a laboratory. I have seen some evidence presented by Robert Strecker MD that AIDS is basically caused by the amalgamation of two animal diseases - bovine leukemia in cattle and visna virus which affects sheep.

Dr Strecker says that, the genes of the AIDS-causing virus do not exist in primates or humans. But they do exist in these two viruses, known as retro-viruses, in cattle and sheep. During hearings of the Church Committee in 1969 it was learned that the Department of Defense had asked for ten million dollars to create new viruses to destroy the immune system. In 1972 the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (part of the UN) carried suggestions from a group of virologists that a virus be made to destroy the T-cell and B-cell systems of human beings.


The idea was, it appears, that if they could make a virus to cause cancers and leukemia, it would help them to find a cure for those diseases. Strecker’s research leads him to believe that the bovine leukemia and visna virus were mixed in the laboratory to create the bovinevisna virus. This was then grown in human tissue, which turned into a virus that affected the human body in a way that dismantled the immune system. We call it AIDS.

The authorities denied this, and even denied the existence of the cattle-sheep virus combination known as the bovine-visna virus, but Dr Strecker tracked down papers detailing this very thing.


He says:

“(Bovine-visna virus) had the exact same shape as the AIDS virus; it had the same molecular weight; it had the exact same genetic structure in a sense; it had the exact same Magnesium dependency, which is relatively unique in this class of agents. It had the exact same capability of killing T-cells selectively and yet, in the cumulative knowledge of the world’s AIDS experts, this virus didn’t exist. Now that’s a lie.

“What we think happened was that... in 1972 we produced a group of viruses that will cause cancer in the laboratories around the world and then, in our opinion, these viruses were probably tested. We think they were tested in large populations in Africa, which explains how you get three hundred million Africans probably infected today. The epidemic in Africa would not have started from a single-point infection. In other words, the numbers infected are so great that there had to be a mass inoculation at some point in the mid-1970s. What we think really happened was a group of scientists went to Africa and actually tested these agents there.”

It is also interesting that, according to Dr Strecker, the initial spread of AIDS in the United States tallies exactly with a US Government vaccine study on Hepatitis B which involved young, white male homosexuals between the ages of twenty and forty. AIDS appeared where the Hepatitis vaccine study had been - New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and St. Louis.


If you believe that no one would ever do such a thing, that’s because you run your life with standards that are far higher than the misguided people who run the world. When you think that many countries have tested nuclear bombs without evacuating either their soldiers or the local population, because they want to study the effects on the human body, it is clear how much respect some of these characters have for human life.


Poisons and radiation have been released purposely into local populations around the world for studies on the effects. Germ warfare testing has been conducted in this way. One of the projects which have done this in the United States was called MK-ULTRA which I spoke of in an earlier chapter... Robert Strecker says that in Alabama, they recruited black men in the 1930s for a long-term study on the progression of syphilis, and when penicillin came along, they prevented the men from being cured, because they considered the study more important.


The same mentality, and worse, goes on in the scientific community today among the extremists. That Alabama study, incidentally, was conducted by the US Public Health Service Department which today works out of Atlanta, Georgia under the title of The Center for Disease Control, and it ‘leads’ the government battle against AIDS. I feel that the cure for AIDS might already be known.

I don’t know if all Dr Strecker’s assumptions are correct, but he makes some telling points and I feel sure that AIDS has its origin in a laboratory or with negative ETs. One of the themes running through the findings of the researchers into the New World Order is that there is a secret plan to reduce the global population by genocide, and that includes attempts to use diseases like AIDS and germ warfare techniques. As I say, these are strange people under the influence of a very misguided force.


What is it that the Protocols say? They would undermine humanity in part by “the inoculation of diseases”.

The idea of reducing the population through the spread of disease is believed to have originated from a meeting of scientists in 1957, who came to the conclusion that the soaring population, pollution and the exploitation of the environment would destroy the planet’s life support systems by the year 2000.


Eisenhower ordered a study to be conducted into alternative ways of responding to this crisis.

  1. Alternative One was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere to allow heat and pollution to escape, and change the destructive human culture into one of environmental protection (this was rejected).

  2. Alternative Two was to construct underground cities, connected by tunnels, where selected representatives of the various cultures would continue the human race.

  3. Alternative Three was for the chosen few to move to new bases on the Moon and other planets. The Moon was code-named ‘Adam’ for this plan, and Mars was ‘Eve’.

All three alternatives include the release of deadly diseases, and AIDS is said to be one of them. I cannot confirm any of this, and I don’t present it as fact, but what is obvious is that we have not even begun to know the full story about AIDS. One body of opinion suggests that the HIV virus, which is said to cause AIDS, is not the culprit, or not the only one, and I believe that the electromagnetic pollution produced by the military and secret services is harming the human immune system.

The cure for AIDS and other human diseases lies in the areas termed alternative medicine. I am particularly impressed with vibrational medicine and the use of sound to re-balance and re-harmonize the mind, body and spirit. I said before that every vibration has its own sound, shade of color, symbol and number, and if you can use these to harmonize the body and the human energy field, dis-ease is replaced by health.


The sound which represents the vibration of tre-harmony for the Earth is the ‘OM’ sound and its colour is white, the amalgamation of all colors. The ancients knew of this. The symbol of the OM vibration is the three spirals which together form a triangle. It can be found on countless ancient sites, stones and caves. This knowledge is now resurfacing in our consciousness, and it will revolutionize healing.

Alternatives like acupuncture, homeopathy, rieki, radionics, aromatherapy, reflexology, and others reflect a far wider understanding of the human being. They seek to remove the imbalances on all levels and treat the cause, not the symptom. Preferably, they wish to identify potential trouble and re-balance the energy fields before any physical discomfort is felt.


Acupuncture, which is thousands of years older than the drug companies, uses needles to balance out the energy flows through the chakras and the lines of energy known as meridians. Hands-on healing of the genuine kind is not ‘faith healing’; it is the transfer of energies from the healer through their hands to the patient. A form of photography developed by a Russian couple called Kirlian can photograph the energy fields around the body.


They found that when they photographed someone with an illness the energy fields were weak. When they photographed healers, the energies were particularly vivid and bright. After a healing session, the patient’s energies were stronger and the healers had temporarily diminished. Everyone has the potential to heal to some level depending on what they have chosen to do in this life. In the next few years, millions are going to realize that they have come to the Earth to be healers, because that is going to be vital during the transition.

The evolution of healing is another example of why the system has to collapse if real change is to be realized. The growth in alternative healing has been hastened by the breakdown of the disease-care services like the National Health Service in Britain. That is constantly short of funds because the system is unable to produce the money from over-production to cope with the growth in human disease caused by conspicuous consumption; and when a health service is dependent on drug-based treatments and expensive surgery, it will never have enough money for all it needs to do. The demise of the economic system is encouraging people to look for alternatives like barter, and it is the same with healing.

The disease services are falling apart and people are turning to alternatives far more rapidly than they would otherwise have done. The changes in conscious ness will speed this process every year, until we see a fusion between the knowledge of the physical level as expressed by today’s doctors, and the understanding of the higher levels which alternative methods possess.


I do not see this fusion as a 50-50 balance. Nothing like. The alternative methods will become the overwhelming foundations of health care, and other even more effective methods will be developed as higher knowledge becomes available to us and we can control the aging process and remove genetic disease by re-programming the DNA genetic coding. The cut ‘em and drug ‘em days are almost over.

We will see that the physical body is a far more fantastic creation than science has yet understood and the basis of all health and illness is thought. Our etheric energy fields organize the physical body as I have already said and it encodes every single cell with a memory of what it is and what it has to do. A cell is a classic example of the universal principal of as above, so below. Each one is, in its energy system and memory, a smaller version of the whole body.


Our thoughts are constantly affecting this process positively and negatively. Everything that happens to us which affects our thoughts is affecting the DNA genetic coding which we pass on to our children, or, at be more accurate, the physical bodies we create for the consciousness of our children. We can get genetic illness because of an emotional trauma or physical accident which someone experienced in the same genetic line thousands of years ago.


The affect of the emotions on the etheric organization is passed through to the DNA and on down the line until the DNA is ‘wiped’ clean of that inherited genetic imbalance. This can be done very quickly and simply in a few minutes once you know how, and long-standing illnesses disappear after such treatment. It does not involve a single drug or any surgery whatsoever.


As this gains acceptance you will not be able to give away shares in the drug companies and conventional medicine. We are obviously very much affected by the genetic history of the ancestral line of our genetic spacesuits and people are dying every day, every minute of every day come to that, for the want of a simple treatment that can remove the genetic inheritances that all bodies carry. What we do and what we experience emotionally and physically in this life is passed on to our children.


Once this DNA cleansing is widely accepted, expectant mothers and would-be fathers will go through this process to ensure that they are passing on only positive genetic codes to their children. The emotional state of the mother during pregnancy has a very big effect on the children, because the baby in the womb is linked to the mother’s blood supply and its growing form is affected genetically by what she is experiencing emotionally.


Healers in this field of Vibrational Medicine and genetic cleansing are years ahead of medical science as we have come to know it. Watch the drug companies try to marginalize and outlaw alternatives to their empires of greed as the years progress. They are already doing so, and we should respond to this in the usual way - by ignoring them and any laws that might arise from their lobbying.

The expansion of healing and healers cannot happen too fast. Some diseases will disappear with the rising consciousness, while new ones will develop some of them from the effect of the quickening vibrations on those who choose to close their minds to change.


The vibratory disharmony between those people and the consciousness of the planet will have many consequences for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The more people who have activated their healing gifts, the better it will be for everyone. This need will be compounded by the consequences of administering drugs like sweets. I wrote in It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This of the danger from ‘Superbugs’.


These are viruses that have developed immunity to drugs like antibiotics which have been prescribed for almost anything that moves. We are now seeing these Superbugs and I feel that some diseases we thought had gone forever will start to return. Superbugs, incidentally, have implications for food production. Drug4nfested farming methods are giving insects immunity to the poisons sprayed on the crops.

On the other side of the transition our knowledge will be such that we will live on this physical level for hundreds of years if we wish, just as we did in Atlantis. We will hear stories of a time on Earth when people said that only the physical world existed; we will be told of a civilization so primitive that they ravaged the planet for fuels, cut open their bodies, and used potions that caused as much illness as they cured.


We will smile at the story tellers. We will shake our heads. And we will find it so hard to believe.


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