Several years ago a man by the name of Steve Brodie claimed to have been abducted into an underground base in Arizona and later found himself walking the streets of New York City six months later with little or no memory of where he had been. Brodie told his story to researcher John J. Robinson, who related it on Long John Nebel’s W.O.R. radio show in New York City.


Before Brodie mysteriously disappeared again he had told Robinson that he had the feeling he was ‘being watched’. His only recollection of the abduction was of being in a dungeon-like cavern in a cage-like enclosure with other humans who had told him that their captors (who wore dark, hooded capes) were known as the ‘dero’. This name comes up again and again, but whether it refers to sorcerers, sauroids or synthetic beings is any ones guess. Perhaps as we’ve suggested all three are involved!?


There have nevertheless been reports of ‘possible’ reptilian hominoids posing as human-like beings, such as the ‘alien’ described on p. 109 of John Keel’s book ‘THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’:

“I am an amateur herpetologist and once kept three-fanged cobras in my New York apartment... until my concerned neighbors squealed to the Board of Health. SOME OF THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ENTITIES IMPRESSED ME AS RESEMBLING SOME KIND OF REPTILE RATHER THAN HUMAN MAMMALS. I didn’t mention the reptile notion to anyone. But on July 24, Lia (an alleged alien tied-in with the Men In Black) visited Jane (a contactee) and refused to talk about anything but eggs. She took some eggs from Jane’s refrigerator and sucked out the contents like a reptile! Jane was perplexed by this exhibition and called me soon afterward.”

And on pp. 176-177 of Signet’s 1975 paperback edition of ‘MOTHMEN’, in reference to this same ‘contactee’ Keel states:

“...Meanwhile, Jane’s phantom friends were visiting her daily and helpfully giving her surprising information about my own ‘secret’ investigations. My interview with the Christiansens of Cape May, and the details of their pill-popping visitor, Tiny, was then known only to a few trusted people like Ivan Sanderson. But on June 12, Mr. Apol and his friends (the being that called itself ‘Lia’, referred to above, apparently being from this same group - Branton) visited Jane when she was alone in her house and asked for water so they could take some pills.


Then they presented her with three of the same pills, told her to take one at that moment, and to take one other in two days. The third pill, they said, was for her to analyze to assure herself it was harmless. They undoubtedly knew she would turn it over to me. Two hours after she took the first pill she came down with a blinding headache, her eyes became bloodshot, and her vision in her right eye was affected.


When her parents came home they expressed concern because her eyes were glassy and her right eye seemed to have a cast. The sample pill proved to be a SULFA DRUG normally prescribed for infections of the urinary tract...”

The possible significance of the “Sulfadrugs will become apparent later on in these ‘Files’.

Theodore Illion, in his book ‘DARKNESS OVER TIBET’, the inhabitants of an underground city beneath Tibet which the author claimed to have stumbled on. This underground community was allegedly ruled over by a powerful sorcerer who was part of an international secret society and who kept the inhabitants, many of whom were people who had ‘disappeared’ from the world above, under complete mind control to the point that they lacked any personality, their eyes were vacant and empty, and their lives were emotionless and drone-like, much like an ant colony.


Or in other words, much like certain ‘MIB’-like beings who have been encountered by UFO witnesses. This sorcerer was allegedly in contact with an infernal (reptilian?) race via a ‘bottomless shaft’ which descended through the city itself. Keep in mind the ‘drone-like’ aspect of certain people tied-in with alien activity, as it is a common threat than can be found in other caves involving UFO’s, Conspiracies and Caverns.

These two accounts (Illion’s and especially “Laressa’s” account as given in CAVEAT EMPTOR) tend to confirm that two opposing (?) beliefs somewhat similar to the conflict between socialism on the left and fascism on the right, have caused a great deal of conflict between many HUMAN inhabitants of these nether regions.


When we consider that socialism and fascism are apparently being manipulated by the same source, i.e. the Illuminati (which in turn as we’ve seen is ultimately controlled by the serpent race) in order to turn humanity against itself so they can more readily be kept under subjection and control; then is it possible that a similar scenario is taking place in human civilizations beneath the surface of this planet? There is evidence that the Illuminati is not only aware of the existence of these subsurface communities (for instance the subterranean connection apparently existing beneath the Masonic U.S. headquarters of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite located in the “House of the Temple” within Washington D.C.) but is intricately involved in manipulating it’s affairs as it has done in surface society.


So we see how it may be possible that the entire planet, whether surface or subsurface societies, may be subject to Reptilian - serpent cult - Illuminati manipulation via the Jesuit-Rosicrucian-Masonic movements.

The CAVEAT EMPTOR account, as well as many others which have been gathered by various writers, seems to indicate that these two “factions” which largely exist among the subterranean civilizations are known as the T-Forces (Tero’s) and the D-Forces (Dero’s).


Each of these apparently “worship” either the positive or negative aspects of the electromagneticforce”, possibly similar to the so-called “light side” and the “dark side” of the “force” as depicted in the STAR WARS series. We realize that this concept may sound rather strange to us on the surface, but when we realize that intense electromagnetic currents may exist deep beneath the earth then it is entirely possible that any human civilization which might inhabit those regions may attempt to utilize this energy source to the point of utter dependence.


If this is the case, then both of these groups would not be worshipping “God” in the Judeo-Christian sense, but rather a form of pantheistic nature-worship, the worship of CREATED FORCES RATHER THAN THE ONE WHO CREATED THOSE FORCES. This is not to say that ALL who inhabit these regions adhere to this peculiar belief system.

There have been several accounts concerning individuals who have encountered human beings - some who spoke the native language and others who spoke a language entirely foreign - within deep underground tunnels and caverns.


There are many such cases, but we will refer to only one of these at this point (and will reserve the others for later in the text), an incident which may be one the most well-known and most well-documented accounts of this type:

Sometime during the 12 century, a monastic chronicler in England by the name of “Gervase of Tilbury” recorded a strange account of two “children” who suddenly appeared near a small town near Bury St. Edmunds, England. The account was also recorded in the writings of several other chroniclers who lived at the time or sometime afterwards.


These include: William of Newbury - HISTORIA RERUM ANGLICARUM, written in Yorkshire, England (1136-1198?); Abbot Ralph of Coggeshall - CHRONICON ANGLICARUM; and also the chroniclers Giraldus Cambrensis and Walsingham. The account was more recently related in FLYING SAUCERS UNCENSORED, by Harold T. Wilkins (Citadel Press., New York, N.Y. 1955., pp. 97-98). From their combined accounts we can piece together the following bizarre story which the chroniclers swore to be true.

One warm, sunny day in the 12th century some farmers and other residents of the small town of Wolfpittes, England - some seven miles distant from the larger village of Burry St. Edmunds - were startled to see two young children wandering around as if disoriented in some ancient “pits” or “trenches” known to the locals as the “Wolf-Pitts”, after which the small village had taken it’s name.


These excavations were ancient, but no one seemed to know when or by whom they were dug, but the consensus was that they were at least partly artificial, and very ancient. The most shocking thing about the children, which the residents of Wolfpittes encountered, was that they had skin which was olive-green in colour, yet the rest of their features were as human as the average Englishman.

The villagers attempted to communicate with the children but were unsuccessful as they soon discovered that the young boy and girl spoke a language which was completely unfamiliar to the villagers.


The townspeople had compassion on the children and took them to the village and offered them various different kinds of food, all of which they seemed unfamiliar with and which they refused. However, when they were shown some beanstalks, they took them greedily, but instead of opening the bean-pods, the children attempted to open the stalks themselves, as if they had been accustomed to opening stalks in this way (apparently a practice they had learned in the land from which they emerged). Upon finding nothing in the stalks, the children began to weep.


Unfortunately, the shock of entering our world was too much for the young boy, and even though he became partly acclimated to other forms of food, he nevertheless became weaker and weaker and finally died as few years afterwards. The young girl, however, adjusted quite well to her new surroundings. In fact she eventually grew into a mature, beautiful woman, and later married a gentleman from the nearby town of Kings Lynn.


As time passed, her husband patiently instructed her in the complexities of the English language, and soon she was able to communicate fairly well, and the story she told of where she had come from and how she had arrived in our “world” with her brother was even more incredible.

She told her husband that her people all had skin similar to hers, or rather to what her skin had once been like, as over a period of years the greenish tinge had left her. She described her world as a cavernous, subterranean country of enormous size, a country which went by the name of “St. Martin’s Land.” The land in which she lived was described as “twilight” in nature, yet there was a large underground river, on the other side of which there was another land more brightly lit.


One day, she and her brother were herding some type of underground animal when they heard something like the sound of “bells” emerging from one of the cave passages or tunnels which lined the perimeter of this underground land. Out of extreme curiosity, they entered this tunnel and followed the passage upwards for what could have been a few days, although in their underground land they probably did not have any concept of what “day” or “night” was.


After their long and weary journey up the steep incline they suddenly emerged into the brilliant sunlight of the British countryside. The change from their twilight world was dramatic, and the children walked around in the pits or trenches starved, half-blinded and disoriented. They shortly afterwards attempted to re-locate the small opening through which they had emerged, but were unable to do so, because of the blinding light.


At about this point the farmers found them and took them to the village.

A somewhat similar incident “may” have been repeated in the small hamlet of Banjos (or Banos) Spain in August of 1887, several hundred years after the incident at Wolfpittes and several hundred miles distant.


We state that it MAY have been repeated to some degree simply because there seems to be some confusion surrounding the Banjos account, apparently due to the possibility that some well-meaning researcher may have confused the two incident, in essence attributing some of the events that in fact took place near Wolfpittes with the Banjos account.


Basically, the Banjos incident reportedly had to do with two children who emerged from a CAVERN near the town (not “pits” or “excavations”), spoke an unknown language, and so on, although the details are sketchy. Some of the accounts of the Banjos incident repeat the Wolfpittes story almost verbatim, as if, as we said, someone somewhere mistakenly confused the two incidents, perhaps due to a lack of detail in the Banjos, Spain account. Whatever the case, it seems that SOMETHING of this general nature also occurred in this Spanish hamlet, even though the exact sources of the story are much more difficult to trace than are the sources for the Wolfpittes account.


Paris Flammonde refers to this account in his book: THE AGE OF FLYING SAUCERS (Hawthorn Books, N.Y., p. 197), having learned it from an article in the September, 1967 issue of ORBIT Magazine, which in turn gave credit to an article in the Vol. XII, August 1967 issue of Dan Fry’s UNDERSTANDING Magazine. Fry claimed that he got the story from an article by John Macklin which appeared in the December, 1966 issue of GRIT Magazine.


The account also appears in John Macklin’s book STRANGE DESTINIES (Ace Books., N.Y.); Jacques Bergier’s LES EXTRA-TERRESTRES; and also appeared in the British periodical WEEKEND, on July 22, 1970.

Most accounts tend to support the idea that this nether world is basically inhabited by both HUMAN beings (of many types - ranging from large to small and from relatively peaceful or “neutral” to defensive and violent, usually the latter being controlled or manipulated by the infernal inhabitants of these lower regions); and also inhabited by REPTILIAN beings (of many types), ALL of which are apparently very dangerous and indifferent or outright malicious against the human race and human life.


Many of these as we’ve said are extremely intelligent, although these creatures sometimes, according to various accounts, appear behind occult-technological or biogenetically induced human-like “disguises” in order to increase their dominion and control through infiltration, subversion, etc.


All indications seem to point to the fact that these creatures, irreparably fallen and corrupted as a race since the events of ancient Eden, have no soul nor conscience or redeeming virtues but simply operate from parasitical-like motives of gaining power and control over all creation and all life by any and all means according to their predatory nature. This infernal nature is no more thoroughly portrayed than in an incident which took place several years ago near the small town of Dixonville, Pennsylvania.

On July 14th, 1974 an article by Stoney Brakefield appeared in the Pennsylvania newspaper, NEWS EXTRA, reporting an incident which allegedly took place in 1944 near this small coal mining town, yet because of it’s nature it had been covered-up for nearly 40 years until the son of the mining inspector who investigated the incident revealed it as his father (then deceased) had related it to him.

This mining inspector and a fellow investigator had been called in to look into a “cave-in” in one of the Dixonville mines. About 15 men had either been killed or turned up missing altogether in the strange disaster.


Once inside the mine the inspectors eventually came across the first victim. Although lying under a broken timber surrounded by some fallen rocks and rubble, they concluded that the cave-in certainly could not have been large enough to kill the man.


The inspectors were shocked to find that the body of the miner was lacerated with claw-like markings from some unknown creature. They continued and found a few other bodies, all dead and some of which had similar claw-like marks covering them. Several other miners had vanished, and were nowhere to be seen in spite of subsequent diggings. This tragedy apparently took place after the miners had broken into an ancient tunnel of unknown origin deep in the mine.


This tunnel (at the time the inspectors didn’t fully recognize it as the recently discovered passage or drift) was then followed by the inspectors at approximately a 45 degree angle downwards for about half a mile until they arrived at a “room” which “seemed” to be the end of the passage. At this point the passage behind them just “happened” to collapse (many accounts indicate that these underground creatures can create “cave-ins” at will, as was the case in the Maltese incident mentioned in earlier texts).

A follow-up team was sent in to intersect the inspectors while this was taking place. This other crew followed the tracks of the inspectors into the mysterious tunnel and eventually found the “cave-in” and began digging through in hopes of finding the now missing investigators. In the meanwhile one inspector (the father of the man who released the story to the press) suddenly felt something like “hot breath” on the back of his neck. He closed his eyes, too terrified to see what the “thing” was. As the other workers were breaking through, the “creature” left, perhaps frightened away. The other inspector who was with him however observed the whole thing and in wild-eyed horror he exclaimed, “That thing was not of this world!”

The possibility that an ancient reptilian-saurian race may exist below the surface of this planet is not an idea which is relatively new. This infernal yet physical race has been refereed to in spiritual and historical records which date back to the beginning of time. Ancient Hebrew history, for instance, records that our human ancestors were not the only intelligent, free will beings who inhabited the ancient world. Genesis chapter 3 refers to the “Serpent”, which according to many ancient Hebrew scholars was identified with a hominoid or bi-ped reptilian being.


The ancient Hebrew word for “Serpent” is “Nachash” (which according to STRONG’S COMPREHENSIVE and other Biblical concordances contained in itself the meanings: Reptile, Enchantment, Hissing, Whisper, Diligently Observe, Learn by Experience, Incantation, Snake, etc. all of which may be descriptive of the serpent-sauroid race which we have been referring to).


The original “Nachash” was not actually a “snake” as most people believe, but actually an extremely intelligent, cunning creature possessed with the ability to speak and reason. It also stood upright as we’ve said, as did many of it’s descendants, the small “saurian” predators which ambled about on two legs. Many of these reptilian creatures retained their bi-pedal form while others mutated via natural selection, adaptation and atrophication into the other “saurian” species.

Some years ago a lady by the name of Robin Collyns wrote an article referring to this serpent race and it’s influence upon the human race throughout history. Collyns was of the opinion that (as these creatures alleged) the serpent race “created” man and planted him on this planet.


All indications however strongly point to the fact that this is just one of many propagandist lies which this infernal race propagates. If these alien deceivers can convince man that “they” created us and therefore they are ourcreator-Gods” so-to-speak, then we will be all the more likely to bow down and submit to these vermin in worshipful adoration. Such “revelations” and propaganda often come through “trance mediums” who claim to channel these alien beings. On a few occasions these alien creatures have spewed forth such propaganda directly to “abductees” during “UFO” encounters.

Since their “race” has long since lost any concept of righteousness or moral integrity, “they” will not think twice about using deception or whatever means at their disposal in order to advance their over-all CONTROL of all things.


Deception is and has been for thousands of years second nature to them, and therefore any statement made by them should be considered in light of this fact. John Lear alleges, based on what his sources have told him, that these entities, the sauriangreys”, etc., even claim to have created Jesus. Even Lear regards this claim with great suspicion, believing that it is one of many attempts by these creatures to undermine traditional values in order to gain further control.


Not to mention Jesus himself condemned the serpent race of being in league with satan and his demonic hierarchy!


Collyns’ article nevertheless contained some useful information concerning the ancient influence of these creatures, which we quote:

“...Old Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek legends refer to theserpentdeities who were believed to have once resided in the “underworld”. The Garden of Eden in this context takes on additional interest and significance, possibly of paramount importance. Pristine legends from AUSTRALIA and the PACIFIC ISLANDS offer innumerable references to serpent deities/beings who were anciently associated with the creation enigma in the area (Note: There are in fact several accounts of caverns in Australia.)

“...The spiral serpent symbol is found throughout the Pacific and is associated universally with the creation enigma... From earliest days, the serpent symbol is to be seen in many parts of the world, but undoubtedly the most fascinating portrayal is a detail on an Egyptian “magical” papyrus in the British Museum depicting a serpent encompassed by a ray-emitting disk.


The most unusual form of the serpent symbol is a spiral representing a coiled snake; it has been discovered as petroglyphs and other pictorial representations in Britain, Greece, Malta, and Egypt, as pottery designs in New Mexico; as ground drawings on the Nazca Plateau, Peru, and throughout the Pacific Islands

(Note: Nearly every site mentioned here has also been the site of intense subterranean activity and encounters with sauroid beings, as the reader may recall and as he or she will see further in the text - Branton).

“...Aborigine legends,” Collyns concludes, “indicate that the serpent beings were not above waging war, and an identical parallel is also mentioned in the Hindu legends of the Nagas, serpent beings who came from one of seven worlds... Aborigine legends (state that) the serpent beings waged many wars around Ayers Rock, and the vertical gutters in Ayers Rock testify to these wars.”

The Nagas “seven worlds”, by the way are, according to Hindu tradition, actually seven LEVELS of a subterranean nether world from where these Nagas, or serpent beings, originate.

In “THE WORSHIP OF THE SERPENT,” the Rev. John Bathurst Deane made the following statements and observations:

“...One of (the) five builders of Thebes was named after the serpent-God of the Phoenicians, OPHION... The first alter erected to Cecrops at Athens, was to “Ops”, the serpent-deity... The symbolical worship of the serpent was so common in Greece, that Justin Martyr accuses the Greeks of introducing it into the mysteries of all their Gods... The Chinese... are said to be ‘superstitious in choosing a plot of ground to erect a dwelling-house or sepulchre: conferring it with the head, tail and feet of diverse dragons which live UNDER OUR EARTH.’”

The Rev. Deane also states that hierograms or depictions of a circle (representing the sun) with wings and serpents emanating from it are predominant features

“in the Persian, Egyptian, and Mexican hieroglyphics. China, Hindustan, Greece, Italy, and Asia Minor, as distinctly through more rarely, exhibit it; and it has even been found in Britain.”

(THE WORSHIP OF THE SERPENT TRACED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, by the Rev. John Bathurst Deane., London., J.G. & F. Rivington., 1833)

In his book “VENOMOUS REPTILES” (Charles Ceaibrer Sons, N.Y. 1969), author Shirman A. Minton Jr., an expert on reptilian and amphibian biology, reveals some peculiar scientific facts concerning “reptiles”. These facts include the following:

A)   All reptiles have scales

B)   All are cold-blooded

C)   All lay eggs

D)   All reptiles with well-developed limbs have clawed toes



(Note: Snakes incidentally bare both aquatic AND land creatures, and can travel through either environment, as evidenced by the fact that snakes have often been seen swimming across rivers and lakes, etc. Scientific evidence indicates that “snakes” at one time in the ancient past had limbs but lost them in the process of time, while other reptilian species, at least for the present, have retained their limbs - Branton),


The book “VENOMOUS REPTILES” also states the following:

“...Cobras (according to legends) are descended from the Nagas, Serpent Gods of Bharat, or ancient India. Their worship has been traced to prehistoric Dravidian times before the Aryan invasion of the subcontinent in almost 1600 B.C. The Naga’s power to inflict disproportionate physical damage or almost instantaneous death is explained in the Hindu Vedas as paralleling the energy of creation or fire.”

The book goes on to state that,

A)   The Naga’s are said to have appeared at the birth of Gautama Siddharta, who later became “Buddha”.

- Note: The “Serpent” also played a large part in the legends surrounding another Hindu religious figure, i.e. “Krishna.”

B)   The ancient “well” of Sheshna in Benares, India, is traditionally where the YOGA APHORISMS OF PATANJALI, a classical guide to students of Yoga, was written.” This “well” is said to be an entrance to one of the Naga’s underworld lairs.

Take note that the same pattern of deception we see here is apparently similar to that which was used against Eve as recorded in Genesis chapter 3.


satan, working through the present-day “sold-out” saurian race (the seed of the Serpent), inspired or inspires these misguided Hindu’s, Buddhists, Masons, etc. (the seed of the Woman) with blasphemous doctrines based upon the lie of the original Serpent or Nachash as recorded in the Genesis account: “Ye shall be as Gods”, a teaching which is at the very heart of occult Yoga philosophy; i.e. that by “tapping in” to the so-called “universal serpent force” one could gain supernatural powers and thereby become a “God”.


Such an occult practice was carried out by Adolph Hitler and the theosophist-rosicrucian-jesuit connected occultists who surrounded him, but instead of tapping-in to the mythical “universal force” they instead opened themselves up to hideous demonic powers which had masqueraded behind the deceptive facade of such a pantheistic “force”. How else can one explain the horrible atrocities which were carried out by the Nazi’s during World War II?

There are indications that Hitler and his occult societies may have subsequently come into contact with this serpent race, believe it or not.


These include the face that: Hitler had himself read “THE COMING RACE,” written by the Rosicrucian Grandmaster Bulwer Lytton, describing an underground race which “tapped” a supposed force called “vril”, identical to the Hindu’s “serpent force’: Hitler had, after his rise to power, sent out numerous secret expeditions to nearly every continent including Antarctica, in order to explore ancient ruins and especially old mines and caverns in attempts to find geographical areas suitable for establishing underground “bases” of operation.


A strange cult of Tibetan occultist-monks were actually found in some of the bombed-out ruins in Berlin near the end of the war, who had been killed by the blasts - there were also rumors that Tibetan monks were assisting Hitler in the establishment of a “demonic” world order and religion.

Again, we are not “condemning” any particular group of persons who may have been born into a society which has unfortunately fallen victim to the deception of the draconian. Many of these people grew up in a society where “tradition” and “religion” are one and the same, or in other words they are - whether they like it or not - “members” of their religion (whether it be Far Eastern occultism or other) from birth.


Reptilian-inspiredreligion” is forced upon a person against their will, for to deny religion would be to deny their tradition. The way of “The Serpent” uses deception disguised as “secret initiation into higher knowledge” in order to manipulate a person towards believing the reptilian propaganda which they would use to get the believer to eventually worship their race.

The book “VENOMOUS REPTILES” also states that “Sheshna’s well”, an alleged opening into the underground reptilian realm of “Patala”, may be seen today in Benares, India, and according to Minton, it’s author:

“It has forty steps leading down into a circular depression to a stone door covered with cobras. This is said to lead to PATALA, the reptile netherworld.”

Buddhist occultists like Robert E. Dickhoff, in his book “AGHARTA” (Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA), a somewhat “occultized” and confused look at the subterranean civilizations of Asia, nevertheless describes one event which seems to tie-in with various accounts which we have given earlier and which we will relate further on.


According to Dickhoff, or rather from what he learned from certain Buddhist monks, some time in the ancient past an Asian prince and his followers had learned that a subterranean race of reptilian-like hominoids were causing a great deal of harm in the surface world through their attempts to manipulate the minds of those on the surface through “witchcraft” and “sorcery”.


This Asian prince eventually led an army of followers into the tunnels and caverns below central Asia and encountered the reptilian or “lizardpeople. After a considerable conflict the reptilians-saurians were driven out of these ancient caverns and the (antediluvian?) subterranean cities which later became known as “Agharta”. Ever since that time the reptilians, according to Dickhoff, have been plotting a re-takeover of these caverns and have been using occult “channels” to spread propaganda which would favor their cause.

In his book “ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS” (Souvenir Press), Andrew Tomas gives some additional information concerning the “Nagas” or the “Serpent People” who are believed to originate from a gigantic underworld cavern network below central Asia and the Far East.


On p. 160 of his book Tomas states:

“...Even in this jet-age every Hindu is familiar with and usually believes in the legend of the Nagas, the “serpents” which live in extensive underground palaces in the rocky Himalayas. It is believed that these creatures are able to fly in space and that they possess amazing magical powers and intelligence.


They are not too fond of man if he is a curiosity seeker, explorer or mountaineer. According to the sacred(?) tradition of the Hindus, the deep caverns of the Nagas contain fabulous treasures, illuminated by flashing precious stones. The subterranean abodes are known to be in certain parts of both the Himalayas and Tibet, particularly around the Lake of the Great Nagas - Lake Manosarowar.”

Take note of the remarkable similarity between this description and medieval traditions of hideous and malevolent “dragons” who lived in dark underground lairs along with kidnapped human maidens and “stolen treasures.” We’ve all heard of these tales, which most have formerly attributed to fantasy.


However, could such tales actually be rooted in subconscious awareness of actual realities?

Andrew Tomas describes his own personal encounters with those who claimed to have knowledge of these subterranean and space-traveling creatures. On pp. 166-168 he states:

“...I decided to go to the Kulu Valley in the Western part of the Himalayas to visit Naggar, where Nicholas Roerich had lived. Since I had known him personally, the trip had sentimental overtone. A narrow curving road, a precipice on one side with rocks and avalanches on the other, were not conductive to an enjoyable journey to this remote region near Ladakh and Tibet. The village of Naggar derives its name from NAGA, the serpent. High up in the mountains lies Roerich’s estate. Having been an artist of note, his two-sided house contains a museum of his paintings.

“As I began my ascent on the mountain path, I saw a tall grey-haired sadhu (hermit), sitting by a mountain torrent. In his hand he held a cobra-shaped staff, which together with the markings on his forehead, signified that he was a devotee of Shiva. During the earlier, more peaceful times of the British Raj, these pilgrims would travel to the Lake of the Great Nagas, Lake Manosarowar, or to Mount Kailas, the abode of Shiva (a “God” apparently tied-in with the Nagas - Branton), in Tibetan territory. I climbed the mountain and reached the terrace on which Roerich’s house is built. I spent an hour studying (his) paintings. On the way back I admired the narrow valley and the looming snow-capped mountain ridges on both sides.

“The sadhu was still there. I thought, ‘A place called Naggar, a devotee of the Nagas with the cobra staff, if he does not know something about the Nagas, then who does?’”

After Andrew Tomas asked this man, apparently a misguided member of a serpent cult, if he knew anything about the “Nagas” or the serpent beings, the pagan devotee responded:

“’I am a poor sadhu, I know nothing, sahib. But about twenty years ago my yogi teacher went into the mountain kingdom of the Nagas. Bright lights everywhere, big halls like Taj Mahal... The Nagas have many, many things and machines. They are clever, like Cambridge men, may be more clever, sahib,’ the sadhu said with an apologetic smile...

“’Your yogi must have been a Rishi. Don’t the Nagas destroy men with their sting?’ I asked.

“’Yes, though the Nagas are Gods and wish nothing but good to man, they do not like men who have no business near their palaces,’ he replied.”

One can see here the poor, miss-guided and indeed self-contradicting mentality of many of those souls who are caught up in the “serpents cults” throughout the world. In response to Thomas’ accusations that THE NAGAS DESTROY MEN WITH THEIR STING, this “devotee” agrees with him and states “Yes” (they do destroy human lives).


However, he then goes on to make the absolutely contradicting statement that THE NAGAS ARE GodS AND WISH NOTHING BUT GOOD TO MAN. This poor soul like so many others, apparently desiring to worship a supernatural power “greater” than himself, had actually been deceived into devoting himself to creatures which are in fact a deadly threat to man and are apparent “Gods” only in the sense that their intellectual capacity allows them to develop and utilize advanced forms of occult-technology.


This apparent schizophrenic or self-contradicting thinking may result from the devotee’s DESIRE to believe he was worshipping benevolent entities while at the same time subconsciously acknowledging the threat that these creatures pose to human life is very real as well.


Many of these people may have grown up with such false teachings and, simply because there was no alternative presented to them, ended up worshipping the serpent race or “The Beast”. This aspect of being taught a particular belief-system from birth has to do with the so-called “law of first report”, a powerful force which states in essence that a person who learns one set of teachings BEFORE hearing of a contradictory viewpoint will often defend the teaching which he heard “first” to the death, whether that teaching it right or wrong.

Andrew Tomas continues by describing other subterranean-related accounts in his book “ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS”:

“... Traditions of vaults, labyrinths, tunnels and buried treasures of remote antiquity are found in Crete, Egypt, Tibet, Angkor, India, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. The legends usually connected with the cult of the Serpent come especially in Egypt, Crete, Angkor, Tibet, India and Mexico.”

Tomas also describes one account on p. 165 which stated that an “Arab fraternity” had knowledge of and access to a “subterranean gallery under the Sphinx” near Giza, Egypt which is sealed by an artificial barrier of flame.


Such subterranean “barriers” have been described in other accounts, and are often described as a “sheet” of bluish flame. There are many accounts other than this one given by Andrew Tomas which tell of hidden subterranean tunnels, labyrinths, chambers and caverns - even subterranean people - which have allegedly been seen beneath the Cairo, Egypt region.


Such accounts also spread to South America, as we can see by Tomas description (p. 158) of an alleged sub-terran system beneath Peru:

“Legend has it that a vast subterranean network exists in the Andes. This would infer engineering skill of the highest calibre which the early inhabitants of South America did not lack. The megalithic stonework of Tiahuanaco has to be seen to be believed. Stones are fitted together with insets without cement as if they were ivory and not 20-ton stone blocks. These ruins were ancient even at the time of the Conquest, nor could the Indians of the period provide an answer as to the identity of the Titan-builders. Another puzzle at Tiahuanaco is the absence of burial sites in the complex. Does the reign of the Tiahuanacan Empire... go back to an unknown chapter of prehistory?”

On p. 159 Mr. Tomas gives yet another account concerning Tiahuanaco and the strange subterranean tunnels which allegedly undermine the area:

“The Jesuit Agnelio Oliva (1572-1542) recorded the words of an old Inca quipu reader to the effect that the real Tiahuanaco was a subterranean city exceeding the one above ground in vastness. It was believed that the entrance to the underground apartments could be gained through four tunnels. Last century one passage was evidently found as treasure hunters managed to get in, to look for gold, but only one came out. He brought out with him two gold bars but left behind his sanity. After this incident the Peruvian government decided to wall up the cave entrance...”

This tunnel, according to other sources, was actually hidden among the ruins of Fort Sacsahuaman outside of and above Cuzco, Peru.


The explorers allegedly found their way into ancient treasure caves beneath the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco, and most of them subsequently became lost in the dark labyrinthine maze, except for the man who returned with two gold bars. There are however “rumors” that the tunnels beneath Cuzco eventually connect with others in different parts of the Peruvian Andes.

In this file we have dealt extensively with the saurian-type alien entities. However, not all of the “aliens” encountered during UFO events or subsurface incidents are of the infernal, “sauroid-reptilian” type. Probably the second most commonly reported occupants or alien entities are the “Nordics” or so-called “Blondes” (as they have often been referred to), described as being human yet usually blond-haired and blue-eyed.


These claim to have continuity with ancient earth societies who developed advanced forms of technology, and these “Nordics” or “Blondes” have been associated with nearby planetary or star systems as well as with subterranean colonies possibly descended from ancient Greco-Mayan explorers. It is uncertain just what “their” stand regarding the “serpent race” is, but some sources indicate that conflict between the two “alien” groups has existed for hundreds of years and perhaps millennia, and is increasing in more recent times.


The major centers of activity for one group of blond semi-alien humans, according to several sources, is in a network of subterranean caverns which exist a few miles beneath the surface of California and surrounding regions. One of their major “Capitol” centers of this hidden society is alleged to be a subterranean city by the name of “Telos”, which is actually a Greek work meaning “uttermost”.

Telos is said in itself to be inhabited by over a million persons, many of whom claim ancient ancestral ties with the old Mayan civilizations. Telos is said to be one of 7 or more subterranean cities below the United States which may have been in existence since antediluvian times and which were apparently re-discovered and re-established by various early native inhabitants of the Americas. Also, some sources claim that these “Blondealiens have an alliance with Oriental Subterranean humans from the “Agharta Empire”. There is evidence that the subterranean network beneath California may have been inhabited continuously for over a thousand or more years.

The Telosians, etc. are allegedly aware of conditions on the surface of the earth, which they monitor constantly via TV, radio, etc., although they are usually reticent of establishing any major contact with the surface world and carry on their activities in privacy.


They are apparently aware of the geological trends which are leading this planet to an eventual crisis point (i.e. ozone destruction, pollution, seismic disaster, potential polar reversal, greenhouse effect, etc.) but seem to be just as helpless to do anything to stop it as are the surface governments of the earth. All this might sound like the most daring science fiction, but there are several sources who swear it’s true. More on these two groups (the Telosians and Aghartians) will be revealed later on and we will leave it to the reader to decide how to deal with such allegations.

There are other groups which may have been confused with the TelosianBlondes’. One we will refer to as the ‘Nordics’ who have allegedly established bases or communities beyond the earth. Another group which may fit into the scenario will be referred by us as the ‘Aryans’, an alleged ‘pure-bred’ race of neo-Nazis who are believed to occupy
underground bases below Antarctica and utilize Nazi ‘aerial disk’ technology.


There is still another group which we should include here. There have been some accounts concerning so-called “nordics” or “blondes” or “Aryans” (which one’s we do not know) who have been seen working in connection with the sauroids or the serpent race. The serpent races have apparently convinced a relatively few from one or more of these human ‘races’ just mentioned, to work with them, perhaps enticing them with certain promises of supernatural or technological advancement.


For instance if an Earth-person sees a “Nordic Blond” human with a group of reptilians, as many have (these particular “Blondes” are usually described as exuding a type of mindless and superficial “unconditional compassion” from their eyes) then the human will be all the more likely to cooperate with the sauroids’ attempts to implant, examine, de-sperm, de-egg, impregnate, or genetically interfere with these victims.


Often the Blondes who are working WITH the reptilians are described as being simplistic, with child-like minds and lacking critical thought, as if they have abandoned all critical judgment in exchange for blind faith in the grandiose promises of the serpent race. In contrast to this the Nordic or Blond groups (the majority?) who are in direct opposition to, or even at war with, the grays or sauroids, have been described as being more practical, intelligent, and less prone to use manipulation and deceit to get their way.

If such a scenario involving an actual conflict between human and saurian beings is in fact taking place on, below and above this planet, then one must wonder why the majority of us humans living on the surface are oblivious to the fact? There are in fact many Christian-Patriotic publications which document actual attempts by one-world organizations to influence and manipulate the information media.


If many of these one-world organizations, through secret fraternities, have actually been suppressing news references to “aliens” as part of a secret-governmental cover-up, then the ignorance would be explained by the fact that the majority of human society would rather “go with the flow” and believe everything they’re told with blind faith. Just because something is big and powerful (like the news media, and in fact like the devil himself) does not mean that they are always benevolent or truthful.


Many would apparently trust the “controlled” news media religiously and frown upon those who would dare make waves and go against the established flow. However, in recent years the news media IS in fact letting the “snake out of the bag” and producing programs about alien abduction, etc. Let’s hope that these and future programs depict the alien problem in a true light.

There have also been various fictionalized movies and TV serials which have in recent years hinted at the reality of the human-saurian conflict. Some of these productions reveal a rather distorted view of alien reality, both human and/or reptilian, yet others are very close to the fact.


We will list a few of these here:

WHAT WAITS BELOW - (Movie: A military unit discovers huge underground caverns in which they encounter an ancient tribe of subterranean human troglodytes).

ALIEN(S) - (Movie: Astronauts from earth come in contact with a race of highly-intelligent, egg-laying, reptilian creatures which prove to be an extreme threat to the explorers. Part II is probably closest to actual reality according to certain reports).

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - (Series - A human, born deformed yet possessed with great knowledge, becomes the philosophical leader of an underground community within a subterranean realm below a major city).

THX 1138 - (Movie: An underground community, having lost almost all knowledge of the surface world, degenerates into an entranced society of human slaves).

HANGER 18 - (Movie: Based on actual events, although in a fictionalized format. U.S. Government teams discover a crashed disk-like spacecraft containing human occupants and hieroglyphic-like writings identical to those found in ancient Meso-American ruins, which they attempt to decipher for scientific use).

A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH - (Movie: A classic adventure about a group of explorers who discover a path through an ancient volcano which leads to an underground realm inhabited by saurians and ancient ruins of a human civilization).

“V” - (Mini-series: A race of human-appearing aliens claiming to be benevolent space brothers are found by a resistance group to be humanoid reptilians beneath a human disguise).

THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN - (Movie: An underground biological research lab-base becomes caught-up in a fight to save the world from a deadly, runaway virus).

THEY LIVE - (Movie: A Christian resistance group fight a race of alien beings who have infiltrated most aspects of human society through their chameleon-like ability to appear outwardly human).

THE ENEMY WITHIN - (Movie: An off-shore oil platform looses a horrifying alien being from the depths of the earth).

MOONTRAP - (Movie: Explorers from earth discover a race of ancient human astronauts, prehistoric cousins of humanity, who were forced into cryogenic freeze on the moon after losing an ancient battle with a race of deadly self-perpetuating android beings).

STRANDED - (Movie: A race of human refugees from another planet, fleeing an interplanetary war with a reptilian race, land on earth only to discover new dangers from confused and frightened eartheans).

PREDATOR - (Movie: After the CIA tricks a multi-national special forces unit into fighting a suicide mission in the jungles of South America, the soldiers battle for their lives against a green-blooded chameleon-like alien being which they discover is responsible for many unexplained mutilations).

The reader should realize that these representations are fictionalized and deal with the possibility of human-alien conflict from an entirely physical-technical perspective, and therefore also reveal the extreme potential dangers that might be faced by humans is such conflicts occurred from an entirely physical context.


However, since the ACTUAL conflict is BOTH physical as well as spiritual in nature (i.e. physical reptilian beings empowered and energized by malevolent spiritual or supernatural entities) such movie or serial representations of the “cosmic conflict” should NOT be seen as “instruction manuals” for this ancient “war” with the saurians.

From ancient times, man has been aware that there has been a power or a force which was and is intent on destroying humanity as a whole, although in many cases they have been unable to put their finger on just ‘what’ was behind this conspiracy to orchestrate this destruction of human society. This lack of discernment of reality on the part of humanity is one of the enemy’s major strategies, since the serpent races attempt to blind and confuse the nations of the earth as to the true nature, and in fact the very existence, of their warfare-subversion-invasion-infiltration of human society.


The threat however is very real and must be treated by the “human resistance” as a real and potentially deadly threat.