by Mark Sircus
14 September 2010
IMVA Website
Spanish version
Today there is considerable
confusion about what kind of drinking water is the most
health promoting and what kind of home water treatment
produces the best drinking water. |

Water is a critical element for health
and survival with hydration being on top of the list of medical
concerns among sensitive and knowledgeable healthcare practitioners.
It is horrible but necessary to come to grips with the reality that
most public water supplies are loaded with hazardous contaminants,
chlorine, heavy metals, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs; even rocket
fuel is present in many states in America, and probably Russia as
well has massive amounts of pesticides.
These pollutants all have to be filtered out for us to enjoy a good
and healthy existence.
Bluntly speaking, most public drinking
water in the United States and some other countries like Brazil
deliberately poison their public’s water
with fluoride and this is one
of the most insane things man has ever done. Unfortunately fluoride
is one of the most difficult pollutants to filter out of water.
The subject of water takes us into many important but hidden areas
of life. Knowledge about water is almost as precious as the
possession of the pure life-giving waters that so few have access to
anymore. We are entering an age of water and
food shortages
and the tragedy of this is amplified by the staggering pollution we
have managed to accumulate during the last hundred years.
In medical terms this all rams home hydration issues, which are
largely ignored by the rank and file allopathic physician and by
many others as well.
It should come as no surprise that
pediatricians are sued more for ignoring hydration issues than
anything else. How many people and doctors know that Pepsi and Coke
are highly acidic and actually push our bodies into dehydration
because the body needs water to process these corrosive liquids and
thus ends up in a water deficit.
In my Natural Allopathic Medicine, water is the most basic
and important medicine.
Our devotion to water should border on
the religious, and in fact prayer and water go together. Pure water
is like pure consciousness so when we address water we are walking
on holy ground. And yes, as we will learn to see, there is something
to holy water that makes it special and different from stagnant
polluted water that has been listening to incongruent music.
As we go deeper and deeper into the mystery of water we find that
even the structure of the water - how the molecules cling together -
also matters.
Water is life and we find it responding
to life’s emanations. Water responds like plants do to thoughts and
emotions so when we pray over water or put water in the presence of
fine classical music we find the structure of water change.
This means that
water has a memory; it contains
information about its history, its environment. And in fact water
acts as a binary computer would. We enter an interesting level of
life when we descend down to the world of information and how it
flows and is recorded.
Humans are informational vortexes highly dependent on constant
interaction with others as well as the environment. We are like
black holes of interstellar space - hungry for information, eating
it up like the black holes eat light.
Since we are water with lots of minerals
and other good things added, we are able to understand and remember
everything in our largely watery brain cells.

In this book the universe of information
meets up with the physical world of structure.
We will pay much attention to the
structure of water as well as the information that structure
contains. It is hard to get away from the conclusion that how we
address water and liquids in general has got a lot to do with our
intelligence. We, as intelligent watery beings, would
naturally be interested in our water and its quality especially
since the quality of our water can have a direct effect on both our
intelligence and health.
In human physiology the river of life is the blood, and the kidneys
(the bloods filtering system) represent the water element in ancient
Chinese medicine. The study of the blood is directly tied into our
understanding of water where structure, purity, pH and zeta
potential are all crucial parameters.
It is terrible to contemplate what contemporary medicine does to the
blood with their highly toxic vaccines.
Like the
fluoridation of water,
vaccination programs highlight the
inhumanity and arrogance of medical doctors who insist on turning
their backs on all the harm being done in the name of good medicine.
When chemical fluids in the form of vaccines are injected into the
waters of life (our blood), a great disturbance is created and not
everyone lives through the experience.
And many who live through it are greatly
The issue of water
pH - alkaline versus acidic water
is important and very popular these days in the alternative health
community. There are quite a few astonishing health claims being
made about alkaline water that are important for us to follow up on
because our polluted world has become an acid world.
Processed foods produce acid bodies and
stress itself is acid producing for our organs and tissues.
My book
Bicarbonate - Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment deals
deeply with the issue of pH because bicarbonate levels in the blood
and tissues are directly related to body pH.
Adding bicarbonate minerals to water is
the quickest and least expensive way of adding alkaline water to our
life and many practicing physicians use quality alkalinizing
machines to dispense medicinal water to their patients.
Special Note
It is unfortunate that healthcare
professionals like
Joseph Mercola
throw monkey wrenches into people’s understanding of
water filtration and pH issues.
In his recent attack on water
ionization and water pH he has given millions of readers a
distorted view of
alkaline water, whose powers for
healing and cure are actually unparalleled. Mercola infers that
using water ionizers or drinking alkaline water will cause major
damage to one’s health.
His interview with Houston Tomasz
is less than convincing in light of the fact that Mr. Tomasz seems
to have no credentials other than being a,
“10-year veteran in the water
filtration industry.”
The fact is that Tomasz represents a
company called
Aquasana that sells water filters.
Tomasz makes a few “unscientific”
statements such as:
“I mean, millions of years of
evolution can’t be all that wrong.”
“This is my take. We’re mineral
water machines. All the water you find on the planet has
minerals in it. I absolutely believe that we should all be -
from our dogs and cats and fish, to us, that all of our water
should have minerals in it.”
And Mercola himself states that,
“All of those ionizer salesmen
promising alkaline water will lower your cancer risk are
completely clueless when it comes to what the scientific
research actually shows,” indicating that they are all
multilevel salesmen anyway so we should pay no attention to them
and their claims.
Joseph should not be talking down on
salesmen, being one himself. Though I sometimes agree with him and I
shy away from multilevel marketing, it does not mean that they do
not have fine products.
One of my readers wrote me saying,
“You really can’t condemn alkaline
water without condemning alkalinity itself and therefore
calcium, magnesium and potassium. Most docs know that chronic
disease is ALWAYS chronic acidity and anything one can do to
make the body more alkaline is beneficial, from green leafy
vegetables to alkaline water to transdermal magnesium.
Mercola was respected by his peers
before he became a huckster. He says he does not sell a water
filtration product but - you can bet - he will. He is not a fool
when it comes to merchandising and he knows it is more effective
to criticize the competition BEFORE you announce a product of
your own.”
There are
over 400 comments on Mercola’s page
after the essay.
I’ve been using Nascent Iodine on
one or another skin tag,
petechia, mole or other annoying
blemish since I got it - all with amazing and delightful
results. I’m sure if I had taken that slightly raised brown spot
that suddenly appeared on the back of my calf to a
dermatologist, by now I’d have one big, nasty, oozing, painful
hole in the back of my leg. Instead, with Nascent, it has almost
disappeared. No pain, no fuss, no muss, no bother. A couple more
applications and It will be no more. Since I’ve been using
Nascent, I’ve eliminated Iodoral. But I still take the natural
B-complex, selenium and zinc to help metabolize the iodine.
Dr. Mary Gillespie
I have been using 2% Lugol’s iodine in my nose and it has
reduced the polyp size to about one-third after two months of
applying iodine.
John /Israel
I cannot believe the amount of top quality material that exists
on this website. The site is incredibly attractive and pulls
your reader instantly in, the articles are generally perfect
quality and are extremely professionally written. I’ve seen too
many of these sites where it looks like they pay a seven year
old to carry out the writing - Not this one. Your weblog is
definitely the best which I have witnessed in a long while.