by Alexander Putney
Human-Resonance Website
Spanish version
Sacred Ayurvedic Waters
The sandstone chambers of
La Maná,
Ecuador gush with a sacred springwater subsequently
discovered at the ancient subterranean habitation site.
The La Maná springs still resonate an intense energy that has been the
focus of thorough international investigation. This spring water
is of such selective purity that it has been considered a
technological feature of the inhabited cave.
This situation is
not unique, however, but part of a global system of subterranean
sites with sacred rivers encircling
pyramids of Giza, Egypt including,
The precisely selective content of
the La Maná water has been documented in several laboratories
around the world; its most astounding feature being spherical
nanoparticles of gold and silver less than 10nm in size that are
potent antibacterial and even antiviral agents.
The curative
potential of this water has yet to be confirmed by clinical
trials, although it has been in use in Ecuador for over a
decade, with surprisingly little international awareness or
The high vibratory characteristics
of the sacred mountain of
La Maná imbues its springwaters with
an intense electrical vibration by resonant transfer from the
piezoelectric stone of the mountain itself.
During a recent
visit to the sacred mountain on August 13, 2010 with several
friends, we hiked to one of the many sacred springs dispersed
high on the mountainside to enjoy its celestial waters. We took
turns standing barefoot on the black basalt rock as we collected
handfuls and cupfuls of pristine water.
I briefly described the
higher-dimensional beings that I very often noticed at energetic
sacred sites as rapidly ascending and darting about among us
(and which no one else seemed to notice, as usual).

As a joyful lightness emerged inside
me, I silently asked the luminous
plasma orbs to share their
presence with us through the camera, which I had brought for
this very reason - to use digital flash photography to capture
images of the rapidly flitting transparent plasma orbs.
first picture I took directly after my request is seen above,
full of dozens of transparent orbs.
Three very bright white
plasma orbs radiating haloes of violet light are observed
directly in front of the celestial water springs, and were
plainly evident on the small camera display screen for all to
see. My request had been fulfilled by the luminous spheres in
mere seconds!
After showing my friends the
hypnotic images on the viewscreen to make my point, I continued
to record the bright flashes from my camera reflecting off the
hundreds of plasma orbs that flew amongst us and directly
through us over the next few minutes.
I also continued with
my explanation of the plasma orbs as pure spirit-forms that
pure math equations into the fields as
circles that express the same magnificent mandala structure
observed of the spherical orbs themselves.
Just a few months
earlier I had been able to record a daylight photograph of a
luminous orb at irregular crop formations in
Hidden Valley, California, but the images obtained at this
Ecuadorian sacred site proved to be much more impressive.
One particular photograph from this
series presents a large, radiant white/violet orb with very
distinct sets of concentric circles distributed like petals
around a nucleus (below), that perfectly reflect the
formula [zn+1 = zn2] that
also defines standing wave patterns observed during resonant
atmospheric stimulation of the Earth by intense bombardment of
radiation from the
2001 solar maximum!
solar activity heighten the electrical influence of this
sacred springwater, perhaps contributing to enhanced
bio-eletrification throughout the human body?

The electrical effect of a single
drop of La Maná spring-water on the skin can be instantaneously
measured all over the body, and can be accurately described as
'electrum water'.
Electrum is the ancient alloy comprised of
gold and silver that incorporates the ductile properties of the
two precious metals while being inert, without any chemical
reaction to water.
Electrical conductivity in the human body is
usually highest in the bloodstream, as its greater salinity
allows greater conductivity than the less saline cellular water.
However, a body fueled exclusively by colloidal gold and silver
water of optimal nanoparticle size induces an extremely enhanced
electrical conductivity, replacing one of the usual roles of
salt in the body.
As salinity reduces the ability of a colloid
to suspend the nanoparticles, the virtual elimination of salt
from La Maná electrum water allows for maximum suspension. The
suspended gold and silver nanoparticles are highly reflective of
light and sound alike, vastly increasing the resonant
characteristics of the human body.
Polarized light photography
of frozen La Maná electrum water crystals, shown below, reveals
the refractive qualities of a prism (below, by G. Shöen).

The antibacterial and ductile
properties of silver have been well known for centuries, having
been used effectively against many forms of infection including,
Lyme's disease
Only recently has it been widely
used in liquid colloids.
High-grade colloidal silver is reported
to be nontoxic, as any excess that is not needed by the body is
easily eliminated, preventing the accumulation of metals in
tissues that can occur when low-grade colloids are ingested. No
known cases exist to suggest any possibility of overdose using
high-quality colloids.
Furthermore, there is no known
interaction between high-quality silver or gold colloids and any
medicinal drugs.
The antibacterial effect is obtained
by the silver's reversal of the polarity of the hydrogen in the
cells of the body from negative to positive. Positively charged
water is a lethal environment for bacteria whose protective
outer enzyme layers are further attacked by the increased
electrical conductivity of the silver.
Furthermore, the silver
nanoparticles also bind to sulfur - acting as an antiviral agent
by lethally binding to the sulfur-bearing nodes of the virus
The precise size-dependence of the physical interactions
allowing colloidal silver's antiviral efficacy have only
recently been reported by
Elechiguerra et al. in the
Journal of Nanobiotechnology:
The interaction of nanoparticles
with biomolecules and microorganisms is an expanding field
of research.
Within this field, an area that has been
largely unexplored is the interaction of metal nanoparticles
with viruses. In this work, we demonstrate that silver
nanoparticles undergo a size-dependent interaction with
HIV-1, with nanoparticles exclusively in the range of 1-10nm
attached to the virus.
The regular spatial arrangement of
the attached nanoparticles, the center-to-center distance
between nanoparticles, and the fact that the exposed
sulfur-bearing residues of the glycoprotein knobs would be
attractive sites for nanoparticle interaction suggest that
silver nanoparticles interact with the HIV-1 virus via
preferential binding to the gp120 glycoprotein knobs.
Due to
this interaction, silver nanoparticles inhibit the virus
from binding to host cells, as demonstrated in vitro.

images reveal the interaction of Silver particles (3-7nm) with
HIV-1 virus
a) Silver nanoparticles bound to the HIV-1 virus appear as
evenly spaced white dots
b) Dark spots mark the gp120 glycoprotein knobs by which HIV-1
binds to cell walls
The antiviral effect is related to
the anatomy of the virus itself, as only 1-10nm particles may
bind to its glycoprotein knobs.
The researchers found that
exposure to this precise size range of silver completely killed
the HIV-1 virus in three days. Death of the virus occurs rapidly
after the binding of the silver denies the functions of the
glycoprotein knobs that are vital to the survival of the virus.
The vast majority of colloidal
silver now available consists of suspended nanoparticles of
20-100nm that are much too large to act as antiviral agents.
The nanoparticles size-range of the La Maná sacred springwater is
precisely confined to within this antiviral size of 1-10nm - a
range that also presents quantum effects involving light
scattering at wavelengths tunable by particle size control.
Gold nanoparticles of 1-10 nm are also found in the sacred La Maná
springwaters, enhancing the body's conductivity and balancing
the scattered light beneficial to DNA.
Monoatomic gold has been promoted in
esoteric groups as 'white powder gold' in pill form for many
years without scientific validation of any beneficial effects. Monoatomic gold is much too small to have any antibacterial,
antiviral or beneficial luminal effects, as revealed by the
research of Elechiguerra and others.
To the contrary, monoatomic
gold has been shown to bind to DNA in effective constriction by
Stevenson et al. in the Journal of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology. In this regard, monoatomic gold is evidently the
"fool's gold" of the nanoworld, while only the colloidal
springwaters of ancient sacred sites contain the optimal
particle sizes for human health.
The geometry encoded in stone
and metal masterworks of La Maná details a bioenergetic
technology that allows the vibration of resonating stone to
enter the crystallized human body.
This most advanced artifact
of ancient culture has returned to human use, revealing the
complex and subtle meaning behind an ayurvedic adage echoing
deep within the forgotten human past:
Make a temple of the body.

Used in conjunction with the pyramid
sites of the
are the
Crystal Skulls, advanced mnemonic instruments employed
in the reflective study of consciousness.
The quartz crystal
skulls were hewn in ancient times using
HHO plasma
torches - the only method capable of sublimating quartz into
anatomical masterpieces - fed by HHO plasma chambers that had
burned inside the pyramids.
A human body fueled by sacred
electrum waters undergoes of quantum shift in its electrical
The enhanced electrical conductivity and desalination of
the body imbues the being with the resonant properties of
quartz, the very concept conveyed through the crystal skull
symbolically. Sacred electrum waters were the key element in the
body purification processes for which the pyramids of the world
were designed.
This extremely advanced scientific
knowledge was passed on orally and eventually recorded textually
in the volumes of the oldest books known to humanity - the Vedas
of ancient India.
While these sacred texts use a poetic and
easily accessible terminology, the astounding scientific and
technical accuracy of the information has already lead to the
discoveries of novel
alloys with remarkable properties yet to be employed in
current technologies. Special properties in specific metal
alloys have been only recently reported which were once integral
to the ancient field of Vedic aerospace technologies, especially
electroluminescent and photo-absorptive alloys.
Not only are these qualities
necessary for the flight of 'vimana' circular aerial vehicles,
but also crucial for the very bodies and clothing of the pilots
and occupants themselves.
The special preparation of foods and
drinks for aerospace pilots is extensively documented in Vedic
manuals, whereby electroluminescence was also generated within
the human body. Modern scientists reported the
electroluminescence of gold and silver nanoparticles several
years ago.
Nanoparticles are stimulated by electrical currents
or strong electromagnetic fields into a high-energy state of
surface plasmon resonance. This induced plasmon excitation
produces a spectral signature unique to each element.
Scientists analyzed the scattering
spectra of gold and silver nanoparticles of various forms
including spheroids [Noguez C, Sosa IO and Barrera RG (2002)
'Light Scattering by Isolated Nanoparticles with Arbitrary
Shapes' Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 704]:

The reflectance/absorbance of
10nm silver nanoparticles shows a large peak at 480 nm
(blue/cyan), while 10nm gold nanoparticles resonate at 620 nm -
red light at the transition of orange, confirming the deepest
wisdom of our ancient Sanskrit traditions.
The many enigmatic
passages of ancient Sanskrit writings are now being understood
in a new light, as Vedic scholars recently identified the
Sanskrit term for electrum as 'Soma', described as
granting eternal life through the luminosity of
the electrum nanoparticles consumed in both foods and drinks:
"We have drunk the Soma and
become immortal. We have attained the light the gods
(Rig Veda:
"Soma is food for the gods. Gods
eat Soma."
(Chàndogya Upanishad:
"One thinks to have drunk
Soma... Of him (Soma), which the bràhma¯as know, no one ever
(Rig Veda: X.85.3; the
same hymn in Atharva Veda: XIV.1.3)...
"The man who supplies food hath
always [his Soma] pressing stones adjusted, a wet Soma
filter, well-prepared religious rites... he who hath this
knowledge wins the luminous spheres."
(Atharva Veda: IX.6)...
Soma, Soma ma¯al, asemon, asem,
electrum may perhaps denote the same substance... (which
required the purificatory 'mineral waters') contained in the
kaman.d.alu symbols in the icons of the yaks.a legacy.
may perhaps be the same substance said to be am°tam which
was considered to be the elixir of life, of immortality. It
may perhaps be the same substance referred to, in sheer
poetry, as amritam àyur hira¯yam. Gold is immortality.
[Kalyanaraman S (2004)
'Indian Alchemy: Soma in the Vedas' Munishram Manoharlal,
pp. 2-7]
Vedic hymns clearly identify
the intracellular luminosity of electrum-enriched Soma drinks
and foods as endowing eternal life.
This special food additive is invisible and tasteless, causing
so much confusion in modern scholarly interpretations, many of
which misidentify the nanoparticle admixture as a mere metaphor
for spiritual purity, despite the many direct references to
production methods and apparati.
fact, the Vedic texts are directly defining a 'god' as one who
has 'discovered' and 'attained the light' by consuming Soma
drinks and foods enriched with electrum nanoparticles!

While the Vedas and subsequent
Sanskrit texts preserve myriad metallurgical instruction manuals
and technical discourses, one particular dialog discusses sacred
rivers on whose banks accumulates a precious form of gold called
The Srimad Bhagavatam, quoted here in the
translation of Swami Prabhupâda, hints at the nature of the
energetic effects of colloidal gold and silver in the human
body. One finds an insightful description of golden waters in
the Description of Jambudvîpa (Canto 5, Ch. 16).
The dialog of King Pariksit and
Sukadeva Gosvami investigates the form of Bhu-mandala, our
energetic solar system.
The size and relative locations of many
mountains, oceans and fruit-bearing trees are discussed, yet the
gigantic scale given for these mountains and trees - thousands
to millions of miles in diameter - denies a literal
The reader is forced to accept that these are
metaphors for cosmic energy forms.
The human scale is reconciled
metaphorically with the cosmic scale by referring to planets as
mountains and the axis mundi or 'tree of life' as gigantic trees
thousands of miles high bearing elephant-sized fruit:
When all those solid fruits fall
from such a height, they break, and the sweet, fragrant
juice within them flows out and becomes increasingly more
fragrant as it mixes with other scents. That juice cascades
from the mountain in waterfalls and becomes a river called
Arunoda, which flows pleasantly...
(Text 17)
[As] the pious wives... drink
the water of the River Arunoda, their bodies become
fragrant, and as the air carries away that fragrance, it
perfumes the entire atmosphere for eighty miles around...
(Text 18)
The mud on both banks of the
River Jambu-nadi, being moistened by the flowing juice and
then dried by the air and the sunshine, produces huge
quantities of gold called Jambu-nada. The denizens of heaven
use this gold for various kinds of ornaments. Therefore all
the inhabitants of the heavenly planets and their youthful
wives are fully decorated with golden helmets, bangles and
belts, and thus they enjoy life...
(Text 21)
The residents of the material
world who enjoy the products of these flowing rivers have no
wrinkles on their bodies and no grey hair. They never feel
fatigue, and perspiration does not give their bodies a bad
odor. They are not afflicted by old age, disease or untimely
death, they do not suffer from chilly cold or scorching
heat, nor do their bodies lose their luster. They all live
very happily, without anxieties, until death.
(Text 25)
Resonant Regenerative Properties of
Deuterium-Depleted Water

With New Method, China can Mass-Produce
Light Water for its Citizens' Thirst
by Rebecca Boyle
January 6, 2011
PopSci Website
In an effort to produce mass
quantities of healthier H2O, Chinese
scientists have come up with a new method to change water's
chemical composition. It involves making light water.
Natural water has tiny amounts of D2O
molecules, deuterium and oxygen, mixed in with the dihydrogen
monoxide. Deuterium, also called heavy hydrogen, is an isotope
of hydrogen that contains one proton and one neutron.
In North America, typical drinking
water has a deuterium concentration of about 150 ppm, roughly
equivalent to a few drops per every quart.

Water with higher concentrations of
D2O is known as heavy water, and it is harmful
to plants and animals.
By contrast, water with hardly any D2O
- or light water - can boost the immune system and benefit plant
and animal health, according to several studies. In one study
from 2003, plant photosynthesis increased with the use of light
A study involving
blasted with ionizing radiation showed a dramatic difference
in survival between mice that drank light water and mice that
drank regular water. It is even used as a cancer treatment for
humans: In 2008, researchers reported that light water
lengthened the lifespan of terminal cancer patients.
Given these positive effects, it
seems smart to provide greater quantities of light water for
public consumption. But it's hard to produce - current methods
include electrolysis, distillation, a high-temperature exchange
method that uses hydrogen sulfide, and desalination from
seawater, according to authors Feng Huang and Changgong Meng of
the Department of Chemistry at Dalian University of Technology
in China.
These methods are either expensive,
inefficient or bad for the environment.
The authors propose a new method
involving a platinum catalyst, which quickly removes deuterium
from water using cold and hot temperatures, according to the
American Chemical Society. The result is water with a deuterium
concentration of roughly 125 ppm.
The method could be the basis for
industrial-scale light water production - and a new way to
produce huge quantities of healthier water for the masses.
While this article does provide
links to the astounding research conducted by a few different
groups, all of the experiments reported have been conducted
using deuterium-depleted water only.
The most remarkable evidence of
cellular regeneration will soon be obtained using pure
lightwater, comprised of 0% deuterium and 100% protium, as
described in various aspects throughout this author's latest
Highly advanced technological
information provided during many well-reported contacts by
extraterrestrial visitors are elucidated throughout each chapter
of the book, which, taken altogether, provide a holistic
framework for understanding the anti-aging effects of drinking
lightwater with traces of gold and
silver nanoparticles (above
report), and exposing the human body to
electrical current.
The most intense examples are given
by contactees who have been enveloped in
HHO plasma and experienced the
resulting transcendent consciousness.
Sacred Waters of Iyacyecuj Cave, Peru

Moment 600 Years Ago that
Terror Came to Mummies of the Amazon
January 10, 2007
ThisIsLondon Website
Hands over her eyes and her face
gripped with terror, the woman's fear of death is all too
The remarkable mummy was found in a
hidden burial vault in the Amazon. It is at least 600 years old
and has survived thanks to the embalming skills of her tribe,
the Chachapoyas or cloud warriors. Eleven further mummies were
recovered from the massive cave complex 82ft down.
The vault - which was also used for
worship - was chanced upon three months ago by a farmer working
at the edge of northern Peru's rainforest. He tipped off
scientists who uncovered ceramics, textiles and wall paintings.
The Chachapoyas were a tall,
fairhaired, light-skinned race that some researchers believe may
have come from Europe. Little is known about them except that
they were one of the more advanced ancient civilizations in the
Adept at fighting, they commanded a large kingdom from the
year 800 to 1500 that stretched across the Andes.
It is not known what the Chachapoyas
actually called themselves - they are identified by the name
given to them by their rivals and eventual conquerors, the
Incas. It comes from the Inca's Quechua language and means
'cloud people', because of the high forests in the clouds that
the Chachapoyas inhabited.
Virtually all record of the tribe
was lost when the Incas were themselves overrun by the Spanish
conquistadors who landed in 1512.
They have, however, left behind a
spectacular citadel, called Kuelap, 10,000ft up in the Andes. It
has more than 400 buildings and defensive towers, many of them
with decorated walls, cornices and friezes. Some experts rate
Kuelap more highly than the Incan ruins at Machu Picchu.
Herman Crobera, the leader of the
archaeological team that explored the cave, said:
"This is a discovery of
transcendental importance. It is the first time any kind of
underground burial site this size has been found belonging
to Chachapoyas or other cultures in the region."
He said walls near the mummies in
the limestone cave were covered with paintings of faces and
warriorlike figures which may have been drawn to ward off
intruders and evil spirits.
"The remote site for this
cemetery tells us that the Chachapoyas had enormous respect
for their ancestors because they hid them away for
protection," added Mr. Crobera.
"Locals call the cave Iyacyecuj,
or enchanted water, because of its spiritual importance and
its underground rivers."
The archaeologists have not yet
established an accurate age for their finds.
Once they have finished exploring
and excavating the tomb, Peruvian authorities want to turn it
into a museum. The mummies are going on show at the Museum of
the Nation in the capital Lima.
The Chachapoyas culture is a true enigma
in Andean archaeology. This newly discovered catacombed cavesite
presents an interesting feature for study:
the enchanted waters of
underground rivers for which the cave is named by local Quechua
The piezoelectric calcite content of
limestone Iyacyecuj Cave was likely used by the Chachapoyas people
for group entrainment - by resonating the calcite biomineralizations
the pineal gland with extremely low-frequency sound to induce a
hemispheric synchronization in the brain.
The source of extremely low-frequency
sound still being transduced in the caves today is the Orion pyramids
at Giza, which sits at a resonant distance based on the
structure of spherical nonlinear standing waves.
Iyacyecuj Cave (6.078°S 77.873°W) is
7,569 miles from Giza, Egypt, which is 30.40% of the Earth's mean
circumference (of 24,892 miles). This distance accurately reflects
the Fibonacci ratio of 2:3:5, confirming the likelihood that the
site was ambiently powered using nonlinear pyramid acoustics.
An ancient cavesite found in
La Maná, Ecuador
has yielded a similarly enchanted electrum water, as well as a trove
of UV fluorescent artifacts that describe its use. The sacred waters
of the ancient Chichimec culture have also been running from a cave
spring in Tlácote, Mexico (below report).
Both La Maná, Ecuador and Tlácote,
Mexico are precisely 30.0% of the Earth's circumference from Giza,
while Peru's Iyacyecuj Cave lies 30.40% from the pyramids.
The global alignment of these ancient
sacred sites is the very reason why their subterranean rivers are
still flowing with their sacred waters today.
Sacred Waters of Tlacote, Mexico

The Manuscript of the Crystal Golden Water of
translated by Gerardo Aceves
Quetza Sha
June 17, 1996
QuetzaSha Website
'El Bajo' is a hacienda located
about 2 km from Querétaro and about 300 km from Mexico City.
Millions of people have traveled
there to try the 'wonder water', which has been a great enigma
since its first discovery in this area. How can simple water
emerging from earth possess the power to cure diseases and
soothe pain?
Profound examinations and studies
have been made by the most scientifically advanced laboratories
in the US, Japan, Europe, and the NASA, to define and analyze
the healing properties of this water.
But the only result was the fact,
that the water was much purer than usual, and that it contained
six additional crystalline compounds, none of which could be
related clearly to the healing qualities of the water. 80% of
the people to drink the water were healed of pain and disease.
20% weren't healed for karmic reasons.
The water was brought to the USA, to
Central and South America, and to Europe, but unfortunately this
flow of the Golden Water was impeded by certain people for
political reasons. The water isn't any kind of 'wonder water',
but it is crystalline water, and one doesn't need faith to
experience its healing power. It is a sacred liquid causing
healing changes in physical organisms.
The manuscript of the Golden Water
was deciphered by the Maya-Aztec priest Gerardo Aceves Quetza
Sha, who received this knowledge through intense energetic
contact with the Golden Water of Tlacote both on physical and
spiritual level.
Quetza Sha is offering us the
explanation of this first sacred manuscript, permitting us to
understand the changes in the vibrational frequencies that are
about to occur in all dimensional levels, bringing great changes
for humanity.
Tlacote - the Golden Waters of the Chichimeca
Tlacote is a great assembly point of
the ancient gods where once existed the Golden City of the
Golden Water, built by the Chichimeca and the Chichicastl.
In other times, our ancestors left
us transcendental information.
The Chichimeca created the City of
the Golden Water using chants, dances and rituals of integration
with the elementals. Those way entities from other dimensions
appeared to share their knowledge with the Chichimeca and
Chichicastl, and they wrote this information down on
This happened in an advanced
intellectual manner, because ever since the beginning of
creation man has dedicated himself to the inner quest, knowing
that there is more about life than being born, growing,
reproducing and dying.
Man has always been looking for
something else, something that lives inside of him, and he
recognized the inner light manifesting in his heart. It is this
inner light that will cause the changes in humanity and that
will make the dream come true, that the animal which is the
human being will be able to live thousands of years. Man opens
his heart to understand the revealing truth, creating
consciousness and elevating his thoughts.
This process is necessary, because
we must understand and solve the enigmas of earth and the
planetary system, in order to develop in perfect conscience
right from the beginning of creation. We meet thousands of
phenomena in our life. Man calls this coincidence; spirit calls
it cycles of comprehension in the evolution of man.
Therefore, if a new race emerges to
a new cycle of existence, this happens because the information
imprinted in the subconscious of the Inner Self has been
All the information we need is
imprinted in the subconscious of the inner self, so it may
evolve according to its individual level, remembering who it is
and knowing its task on earth:
recognize your inner creation in order to understand the
movements of the universe!'
This is how the different races and
religions developed in their particular states of evolution.
Each religion in its particular
language has accompanied us on a very important part of our path
and accomplished the demands of a particular time. Now humanity
is awakening to a new cycle of consciousness.
A new race is born, constantly
bringing in new knowledge and spheres of conscience, and being
aware of the past, the present and the future. So we begin our
incessant quest for new enigmas that will occur in life, now and
in the future of humanity.
On July 11, 1991 there was a total
eclipse in Mexico. It represented an integration of the sun and
the moon, a fusion of two planetary spiritual entities of the
same solar system in order to create the new sun under which we
are living at the moment. The great changes are manifesting
powerfully, and the challenges for conscience are getting more
and more complicated to explain. This is the time where the
bronzy race is born.
The bronzy race is proceeding from
the fusion of all races, cultures and religions. We must be
aware of the fact that all the religions were right and on their
way to absolute truth, though each one of them is vibrating in a
distinct frequency.
All the religions are searching for
God, no matter whether he is named Jesus, Krishna,
Buddha, or Quetzalcoatl; all of them are divine entities who
have left us important information concerning our evolution.
When the gates opened on July 11 in
1991, the great prophecy was fulfilled, that predicts the
awakening of all our sources, not as natives, but as what we
really are.
That means, that we are living on
earth in order to later develop spiritually on other planets
In their sacred cities the
prehispanic people (Maya, Aztecs, Toltecs, Chichimeca, Zapoteca,
Mixteca and others) have left us sacred messages in glyphs and
manuscripts, supplying us with knowledge about communicating
with other worlds and revealing to us who we are and where we
are going.
We are all in a process of inner
evolution, and each one of us is on a different level of this
inner evolution.
This is revealed to us in codes, manuscripts
and glyphs coming from archaeological sites throughout the
world. We should remember that our ancestors have left this
wisdom behind for future generations, and us so the new vibrational cycle can manifest.
Entering the new frequency of
vibration will bring changes on earth, which we will only be
able to understand, if we look into our hearts and dearly love
the message revealing to us.
This message predicting the
awakening of the Golden Water is sacred and was created and
given to us by beings from other dimensions, so that other
generations can be born, prepared for the great changes that
will be produced from the center of the earth.
Tlacote is the center where the
Chichimeca got in contact with entities from other worlds
receiving knowledge from them about the awakening of humanity.
The divine plan will be completed through the fusion of all
races in this New Age, and Tlacote represents a sign of the
creator of the universe.
Since the beginning of the conquest,
Mexico had to live the experience of colonization. This had been
arranged by a religious movement of divinities of the old world
in order to delay the evolutionary process in this land. For the
same reason Christianity was introduced.
Because of this, almost all of the
sacred messages of our gods remained unrevealed like for
instance the instructions of the Father of America,
Quetzalcoatl, who told us about the incarnation of higher
entities in this world and how to communicate with entities in
other worlds.
Quetzalcoatl was a spiritual leader
of the peoples of the Americas; he was the fire entity to lead
them to an elevated spiritual level. He is the one to awaken the
inner fire of man and the new sun of the past, present and
If we recognize the grandeur that
lives inside of humanity, we will realize that we are gods in
different states of evolution.
Quetzalcoatl tells us, that we are
penetrated by the divine breath in order to transform our
thoughts, feelings and actions to get on with our interior and
exterior evolution.
Quetzalcoatl is the deity of Central
America. He is the one to facilitate the elevation of our
consciousness, so that we may follow the great path of light. We
must be prepared for all these changes approaching earth.
We are living the Apocalypse, the
time of transformation and the return of balance on earth. The
first changes will proceed in Mexico and Central America, which
doesn't mean, that these will be the only countries awakening.
But the changes need a center to manifest, and this center is
When we awake from our dream into
the increasing inner truth, we will understand, that God is
everywhere. But he created locations, where a more intense
awakening is possible. That is the reason for the existence of
sacred spiritual centers like Chichen Itza. It is the only place
on earth, where a solar mirage descending to earth can be seen.
Every year on the day of the spring
equinox (March 21), the solar semen penetrates the earth to
nourish our thoughts in the micro- and macrocosm. All these
changes happening are no coincidence. An example is places like
Tlacote, where the "awakening of the Golden Water" is occurring.
These places possess a very special
transcendental vibration.
The sacred awakening of the Tlacote
waters of the Chichimec is also occurring at other ancient sites
being simultaneously activated, notably at
La Maná, Ecuador.
Tlacote (20.36°N 100.08°W) is 7,709
miles or 30.9% of the Earth's circumference from the Orion pyramids
at Giza. This precise distance reflects the golden ratio, as
calculated by using the Fibonacci sequence (F# 138).
The complex pyramid technologies, by
their geopositions, encode the complete
phi geometry
of the nonlinear acoustic resonance structure into which
the Earth's
hum is focused.
The potent healing effects of the waters
are most significantly achieved within the strong electromagnetic
fields transduced by the calcite crystals of the pyramids.
Piezoelectric Caves in the Huashan
Hills, China

Caves of Mystery at Huashan
January 9, 2003
ChinaDaily Website
Is it simply a coincidence or do
certain laws of nature lie behind the phenomenon?
A new mystery
has recently been uncovered on the 30 degrees Northern Latitude,
following upon other great mysteries such as
the pyramids,
Noah's ark and
the Bermuda Triangle.
The new finding on this mysterious
latitude is to do with the ancient Mystical Caves at Huashan,
near the famous
Huangshan Mountain in China's Anhui Province.
Although tests on chiseled stones showed that the caves have
existed for at least 1,500 years, it was only about 15 months
ago that they were first discovered by a local farmer, by
The neatly chiseled walls and roofs,
the big pillars and stone stairs, indicate that the caves were
dug by men.
Yet nobody knows for what purpose
the ancient people excavated them. Not a single word about the
caves has ever been found among China's numerous ancient records
although their size has already ranked them as the biggest ever
discovered so far in China.
Altogether, 36 caves have been found
among the rolling Huashan hills, near the crystal-clear Xin'an
River. Two of the caves are now open to visitors. The rest are
still being cleaned of the mud that has accumulated inside.
According to the excavation workers, there is a high possibility
that the 36 caves may be connected to one another.
Huanxi cave, with a length of 140
meters and a size of 4,800 square meters, is one of the two now
open to public. After a walk of 100 meters, you find a grand
hall inside the cave, with pools, pillars and small rooms on
each side.
A most mysterious discovery is the
slope of the cave. The inclined plane of the walls has exactly
the same slope as the outside hill. Yet according to the
technology of that time, how could the ancient people have
managed that?
Of all the 36 caves, the biggest is
the Qingliang Cave, which is known as the "Underground Palace"
due to its scale and magnificent layout. With a total length of
170 meters, the cave covers a space of 12,600 square meters.
The original digging-out of the cave
could have produced at least 50,000 cubic meters of stone.
Inside the cave there is a stone
bridge above an underground river and with stone paths leading
to different halls. A two-storey stone structure is nearby where
visitors have a bird's eye view of the huge cave from a balcony.
No food remains were found in the cave, nor any smoking or signs
of fire.
But without fire how could the
ancient diggers have produced light in the cave? ...
The ancients produced UV light in this
cave using resonant transfer
plasmas, a free energy source recently rediscovered by
Blacklight Power, Inc.
The piezoelectric quartz content of the
sandstone are used to resonate the calcite biomineralizations of the
pineal gland, inducing a hemispheric synchronization in the brain.
Very similar caves found in La Maná,
Ecuador yielded a trove of
UV fluorescent
artifacts which, like the complete absence of soot, can only be
understood in the context of advanced r-t plasma technologies.
The Huashan cavesites (30.1°N 118.2°E)
are in prime geopositions along the resonant 30th North latitude
with the Orion
pyramids of the Giza plateau. As shown on the resonance map
above, the Huashan hills are in precise alignment with a sacred
circle of ancient sites, each equidistant from Angkor at the
circle's center.
The Huashan caves are 1,469 miles or
5.90% of the Earth's circumference distance from Angkor.
Other sites which share this 5.90%
circle distance include,
...as well as, (Indonesia's) Bada
Valley, Dieng, and Borobudur temples Pawon, Banon, Mendut, Ngawen,
Canggal and Sukuh (see
Appendix 2 for the calculations).
This complete set of synchronous
features reveals that the piezoelectric caves of Huashan were once
bathed in the
UV light of hydrogen plasmas that transduced
infrasound focused along that latitude by the Orion pyramids.