EDRO Website
Below table lists the world’s cities that are likely to collapse
completely or partially by or before 2012 in the first wave of
collapse. The collapse would be caused by a combination of:
human-enhanced environmental catastrophes
food, water and fuel shortages
infectious disease
war, civil conflict and other dynamics...
Following the first phase of
collapse, massive waves of human migration from the affected areas
create a domino effect that causes the collapse of the remaining
population centers shortly after.
Is your city safe?
To prevent misuse of data, commercial exploitation, or property
speculation, the project coordinators are withholding names and
specific details of the first phase of world’s collapsing cities
until further notice.
See table below for general information.

Table C.1.
No. of world cities that could collapse completely or
partially by 2012,
the corresponding regions/countries and number of
people that would be affected initially, according to the worst case
future scenario.
(Sources: MSRB, CASF)
Important Notice:
1. The date “2012” is based on the dynamic model simulations
analyzing the environmental impact of excessive energy consumption.
The CASF Committee and Members do NOT endorse Mayan Calendar or any
New Age, ancient, or bible prophecies whatever.
The Dynamics of Collapse
The following exhibit lists the most probable [leading] causes that
would drive the first wave of the world cities to collapse.
Data listed alphabetically]
Accumulation of toxic pollution in the environment
Civil conflict
Collapse of fisheries/fish species
Collapse of natural pest regulation systems
Desertification; Soil degradation (salination, erosion, loss of
topsoil and fertility)
Economic collapse
Epidemics of plant and animal diseases
Extreme climatic events (including extreme rain events, floods)
Failing ecosystems
Food-borne, waterborne, airborne and insect-borne infectious diseases
(viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, prion)
Fuel shortage
Global collapse of pollinators
Habitat destruction
Human-enhanced natural catastrophes including earthquakes, floods,
tsunamis, hurricanes, tropical storms, cyclones, extreme rainfall
events, landslides, volcanic eruptions, droughts and wildfires …
Human-induced climate change
Increased UV radiation
Industrial accidents (including radionuclide, chemical and oil
Inordinate prevalence of psychopathology caused by exponential
growth economy: money fetishism, industrialism, militarism, atomic
lifestyles, consumerism, throwaway culture, dysfunctional societies
Land use change
Mass suicide as a result of neurological disorder caused by mercury
[or other heavy metal] poisoning.
Moral decline (unethical behavior, unsustainable lifestyles,
Overshoot of Carrying Capacity; Increased ecological footprint;
Overpopulation (esp. DCs
Overwhelmed by mounting waste: agricultural, municipal (garbage and
sewage) and industrial
Poor global harvest/Food scarcity [Humans are one harvest away from
Running Dry (Running out of freshwater)
Sinking into the ground (large-scale subsidence caused by overuse of
groundwater supplies)
Societal collapse
Spread of pandemic diseases
Tourism [euphemistically, eco-tourism]
War (conventional and nuclear)
* DCs: Developed Countries
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