by Julian Rose
February 29, 2016
JulianRose Website
Spanish version
Julian is a farmer,
international activist and writer. He is the the author
of the acclaimed 'In Defence of Life', a persuasive
demonstration of how we can take control of our
individual destinies and stand in defiance of the
crippling policies of the powers that be. |

None of us who were raised in the orthodox Christian Tradition
are likely to remember the moment when the priest placed his index
finger on our foreheads and moved it so as to record the shape of
the cross on our tiny brows.
Yet this moment becomes a symbolic and strategic 'freeze frame'
within the wider context of our initiation into the control system
called 'society'.
Some at the receiving end of this ritual have gone on to repeat it
with their own children. Holding, or passing to the priest, the
little bundle of innocence so that the mark of the cross can be
painted onto that beautiful expanse which links the two temples.
But there's one thing one can almost
certainly count on, the fact that almost nobody truly understands
what they are doing.
Those who enter their children into this ritual, believe they are
being guided by Christian doctrine and are happy to offer their
offspring into the protection of the church. But just what the
nature of this protection is, very few (if any) are aware.
How many even comprehend the excuse given for performing this act -
which is that we all arrive on this planet marked by 'the original
sin' as enacted by Adam, Eve, a serpent and an apple tree.
For it is stated in the liturgical documents of
the Catholic church
- and it applies equally to the Protestant faith - that one enters
life on Earth as a sinner. Still bearing the load of an ancestral
line of connection to 'the fall' in the Garden of Eden.
The baptism ceremony, in or by water,
supposedly washes the infant clean of this 'sin' and places him/her
under the protection of Jesus and the church, which are, according
to the Catechism, synonymous.
In Catechism paragraph 1237 we learn:
"Since Baptism signifies liberation
from sin and from its instigator the devil, one or more
exorcisms are pronounced over the candidate. The celebrant then
anoints him with the oil of the catechumens, or lays his hand on
him, and he explicitly renounces Satan.
Thus prepared, he is able to confess
the faith of the Church, to which he will be 'entrusted' by
Let's summarize thus far:
the newborn infant, arriving (or
re-arriving) on Earth is not greeted as pure or in any way
innocent, but as bearing the stain of 'the original sin'. In
order to be cleansed the infant is required to undergo an
exorcism performed by the priest.
I emphasize this simply to remind us of
the potentially huge significance this ritual could play on
the unfolding life of the being upon whom it is performed.
Accepting that one is 'a sinner', once one is old enough to
comprehend the meaning of this word, is a truly tragic start to life
on Earth. Tragic for its fundamental misrepresentation of truth.
For it places the individual in question into a world where guilt
and shame are established as the foundation upon which life is to be
I clearly recall the day when, as part of the congregation at our
Anglican village church, I heard the vicar say,
"Repeat after me, I am a poor and
miserable sinner…"
I looked up and saw my mother repeating
these words, and beyond her, the whole congregation doing the same.
Their faces carried a fixed expression
of sadness and obeisance.
I guess I was around seven years old at the time, but I refused to
repeat these words. From that moment on I knew I was on my own on
the greater path of life and would be unlikely to look back. It was
a sober yet liberating moment.
No one should be subject to a
doctrine of superimposed fear and guilt, nor have 'faith' in any
institution that attempts to pronounce on the will or word of God.
The official diktat of the Catholic church goes on to tell us in
para 1250,
"Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original
sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed
from the power of darkness and to be brought into the realm of the
freedom of God…
The Church and the parents would deny a child the
priceless grace of becoming a child of God were they not to confer
Baptism shortly after birth."
Thus we understand that the power to confer 'Godliness' on a newborn
infant rests entirely upon a man made ritual performed by an
institution known as 'the church'… which claims to represent the
will of God.
Just the other day a Polish colleague visited. A talented natural
He grew up in a devout Catholic family but found himself
blocked, energetically and spiritually. His life experience had led
him to explore other avenues of spiritual growth which did not
conform to the Christian doctrine.
One day he decided to seek apostasia (permission to leave) from the Catholic church; so as to
be independent of the ownership it claims over its neophytes.
At a prearranged appointment with the priest, he put his case for
why he wished to be absolved of his baptismal commitments and
removed from the church register.
The priest listened and then
leaned forward and said,
"There's a seal on the soul that
cannot be
That particular statement reverberated jarringly around my entire
It has such a sickening sense of finality.
How could any
institution have achieved such inviolable powers of judgment over
What is this invention called
religion that claims the authority to
irrevocably decide and impose the will of another - in this case our
What kind of arrogance has been unleashed upon humanity by
those who teach and uphold such doctrines?
My friend recalled that he did finally achieve his mission of being
struck-off the official church register.
The 'removal of the seal'
had to be achieved by other means. Means that are known to a fair
number of alternative spiritual healers.
Under the sub-heading 'The Necessity of Baptism' the official
wording goes on to state:
Para 1257,
"The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for
salvation… The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism
that assures entry into eternal beatitude… God has bound salvation
to the sacrament of Baptism, but he himself is not bound by his
Well, how very sensible of him...
Then, as if knowing it has gone too far, the soft pedal is applied,
"Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of
Christ and his Church,
but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his
understanding of it, can be saved."
Many many millions, over hundreds of years, have sought refuge in
the church, to give guidance and leadership in matters of a
spiritual nature.
I myself felt drawn by the parables of
Christ and gained some sustenance form a sense of mystery which can
still be found in certain churches whose subtle energies rise above
the standard teachings performed by vicars, priests, bishops and
This may be because many churches were built
on ley
lines and at places where strong subterranean energies intersect.
Energies well known to the pagan communities that preceded the
take-over by Judeo Christian doctrines.
In the process of replacing paganism, the church drew certain
elements from that which it was ostracizing.
However, it felt a
strong need to exert a tight sense of control over its initiated
ones (neophytes) and to impose a dogma which, to give itself weight
and orthodoxy, was said to come direct from God - or Jesus, son of
God. It is here where everything starts to unravel.
Para 1269,
"Having become a member of the Church, a person baptized
belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us.
From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in
the communion of the Church, and to 'obey and submit' to the
Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection."
Here the crux of the deception is laid bare.
Only those suffering a
manifest lack of self belief and high levels of naivety, would
willingly place themselves under the unquestioned authority of
others, regardless of the spiritual authority those others claim to
be in possession of.
Those who do 'obey and submit' quickly loose their ability to resist
any and all forms of authority figure-heads. Be they in schools,
clinics, government, the military or corporate conglomerates.
become slaves to the top-down pyramid of exploitation that holds the
world to ransom to this day.
By claiming authority in the name of God, the church plays a crucial
role in the formation of a doctrinaire power imperative which
thrives on an unquestioning acceptance of its dark and deeply
misguided agenda.
Being 'wedded to Jesus' and no longer yourself, might have some
consolation within the terms of spiritual practice. However, the
Jesus adopted by the church has been stripped of the revolutionary
elements of the teachings that shook the foundation stones of that
Teachings that challenged the status quo and dogmas of the
Roman Empire and Jewish faith.
Look at this commentary on the Gnostic gospels of the ancient Nag
Hammadi texts:
"Orthodox Jews and Christians insist that a chasm separates humanity
from Its creator: God is wholly other. But some of the gnostics who
wrote these gospels contradict this: self-knowledge is knowledge of
God; the self and the divine are identical.
Second, the
'living Jesus' of these texts speaks of illusion and
enlightenment, not of sin and repentance, like the Jesus of the New
Testament. Instead of coming to save us from sin, he comes as a
guide who opens access to spiritual understanding.
But when the
disciple attains enlightenment, Jesus no longer serves as his
spiritual master: the two have become equal - even identical.
Third, orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is Lord and Son of
in a unique way: he remains forever distinct from the rest of
humanity whom he came to save.
Yet the
gnostic Gospel of Thomas
relates that as soon as Thomas recognizes him, Jesus says to Thomas
that they have both received their being from the same source."
Elaine Pagels
A veritable gale of fresh air blows through this illuminating
Many of us will instantly recognize and respond to the
message that reverberates through
the Nag Hammadi gnostic writings.
The 'division' which underlies the message of the Catechisms, is
turned on its head by the powerful expression of a unifying
principle that rejoices in the essential oneness of man and God.
It is clear that the deeply unifying wisdom expressed in the Nag
Hammadi texts have suffered blanket pasteurization through the
'institutional prerogative' of the orthodox church. That which has
survived has only done so within the context of a 'repackaged Jesus'
ensnared by the sticky tentacles of doctrinaire dogma.
Too many of the official purveyors of this man's words have been
shown to walk a walk that tells a very different story from the
'road to purity' that they publicly proclaim. One too often
identified with the satanic rather than the sacred.
Certain rituals
of supposed worship, participated in by ordained leaders, have been
exposed as blatant acts of
child molestation, pedophilia and
various other forms of sexual and and spiritual exploitation. Acts
that cannot fail to expose the fundamental deception lying at the
root of all forms of mass indoctrination.
Do these figureheads of the church believe themselves to be immune
to the repercussions of such crimes against humanity?
Perhaps they do, as Catechism para 1272 states,
"Baptism seals the
Christian with the indelible spiritual mark of his 'belonging' to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism
from bearing the fruits of salvation."
* The Catechism quotations are from 'Catechism of the Catholic
Church' - Vatican Archive
Of course, in the greater order of things, there is no deviation
from truth that cannot ultimately be atoned for.
However, the
Judeo-Christian tradition does not embrace Eastern traditions of
karma and
reincarnation; a route by which souls can be purged of the
repercussions of dark deeds, over multiple returns to a third
density existence and the subsequent 'working out' of that which
blighted the path of emancipation.
For fallible mortals, a taste of power is hard to forget.
Hierarchical pyramids of power such as those put in place through
the establishment of the church, carry great allure for the
institutionalized aspirant.
Centers of religious belief, such as
Vatican, are steeped in the glittering robes of rank, the highest of
which are heavy in gold embroidery and medals of 'the faith'.
Symptomatic of the vast wealth the church hoards in far flung
corporate vaults.
What is on offer is a perversely materialistic interpretation of
'the kingdom of heaven' as against how it was expressed by the
church's very own Son of God.
In the end, the entire package resembles a vast Leviathan of static
energy. A stagnant unmoving 'mass', lacking the courage to break its
own chains of illusion. And ultimately an 'unholy mass' which
inhibits mankind from taking control of his own destiny, provoking
instead a pacifistic subconscious obedience to authority.
The perfect tool for the centralization of power which lies at the
heart of
Illuminati ambition.
Para 1277,
"Baptism is birth into the new life of
Christ. In
accordance with the Lord's will, it is necessary for salvation, as
is the church herself, which we enter by Baptism."
Baptism, in accordance with the Lord's will:
"A seal on the soul
that cannot be removed"
RFID chip placed under the skin of a newborn child...
Are these really great 'advancements' on the highway of human
Or deeply deceptive tools for prolonging humanities enslavement...