Mind Bender (Russell Hallock)

July 26, 2015

from MindBendingTruth Website

"The definition of freedom

is the infinite value of the human being.
The definition of evil

is the destruction of freedom.
Everything that is evil

teaches people that

they have limited value."

"To challenge evil,

all that remains is to open your mouth

and tell the people of the world

that the dream of freedom is real."



If the mantra is to 'evolve or die', humanity must remember the lessons of the inherent value of their own existence.


To end injustice and create a universal healing in the environment, a healing of the trauma that has scarred every generation is critical for the Earth and mankind's survival into the future.

Some are put off by the idea that evil exists at all, but the concept is a recognition that violations are being perpetrated against one's inherent rights in life. 'Evil' spelled backwards is 'Live' and law does not trump life.


Therefore, a deeper understanding of what evil is and how it functions is necessary in order to live.

In his short 2005 book, The End of All Evil, Jeremy Locke makes a simple yet strong attempt to accomplish just that and gives some brilliant insights during the process.

"To understand how evil controls people, it is necessary to understand the difference between principal and law.

Principal is a truth that creates freedom. A law is a lie that creates slavery.

Principles describe reality. They are knowledge that help you make use of our world. Because of your intelligence, you recognize principles in everything you do. Every true thing you learn is a principle. The movement of your hands, which foods taste good, mathematics and empathy for a friend are all based on principals.

Laws are artificial ideas created by evil men to restrict the thinking and understanding of people. Laws mask themselves in authority so that they can impersonate principles.


When people mistake truth for the ideas of authority, their abilities and wisdom are diminished. This is the purpose of law.

Law must be enforced, because there is no truth in it. A law destroys freedom because it is a lie. A principle, however, creates freedom because it is knowledge.

That which destroys freedom is evil."

OBFUSCATION: (Wiktionary)

  1. Confusion, bewilderment, or a baffled state resulting from something obfuscated, or made more opaque and muddled with the intent to obscure information.

  2. A single instance of intentionally obscuring the meaning of something to make it more difficult to grasp.

Notice how in the 'real world' there are many things taken for granted and interpreted by the general population as being too complex or obscure to comprehend.


Some examples would be:

  • money

  • medicine

  • debt

  • personal rights

  • the economy

  • global politics

  • war

  • technology

  • government

Locke gets to the core of why the ruling elite would use this propaganda technique to maintain their agenda.

"There are two principles relevant to understanding the concept of intelligence.


The first is simplicity. The principle of simplicity states that intelligence recognizes truth. When any truth is presented in pure form, all people are capable of understanding it. There is no truth that you cannot learn. This is the principle of simplicity; that intelligence recognizes truth.

The second principle is the principle of obfuscation. Obfuscation is the distortion of principle. Obfuscation is the creation of false ideas in order to hide truth. Sometimes this is simply adding ideas on top of truth to disguise the nature of the original truth.


Even ideas that seem entirely appropriate can be used to bury simple truths.

Obfuscation is used by evil to confuse the minds of people. Obfuscation distorts principles so that people will be unable to learn. Evil uses obfuscation so that you will be unable to gain wisdom. It does this to limit your freedom.


Culture knows that people will discover fewer truths if they are focused on artificial complexities."

Those last 2 paragraphs really hit the nail on the head. Obfuscation is the #1 technique of the 'architects' who have designed the narrative under which our global society is enslaved.


Click on the snap shot below and look at the number of results that are generated when I type into the google search engine "9/11 confusion".

Google search for '9/11 confusion'.

23.8 million: That's how they warp physical reality and pull off false-flag psyops like 9/11.

Obfuscation = confusion = control of a mind enslaved population.

When people don't know what to believe, they'll believe anything.

Consequently, perhaps the greatest sickness that society is afflicted with is the belief in authority. Guidance, when exercised with conscience, had its place when we were children and were ignorant to the dangers that life brings.


But to reach maturity and evolve mentally and emotionally a human being must have the freedom to experience the choices and the lessons, as a result of those choices, to become a capable and well rounded individual.

"You were born to this world so that you might have the free agency of life.


Life is liberty. With liberty and faith in this world, you can learn to do anything. Anyone who tells you that you must yield your mind, your body, or your possessions to authority is evil.

The implementation of evil is called authority. Authorities are what evil implements as it exercises control over the lives of people. Authority limits your ability to learn, to think, to feel, to love and to grow. This is why authority is evil.

Authorities are not accidents. They are specifically created by intelligent people to control you. There are two tools that evil makes use of in order to accomplish this. Both tools destroy freedom. They are culture and violence.

When people are taught that obedience is principle, they obey. When they are taught that the source of worth and knowledge is found in another person, rather than themselves, they obey.


This is the rule of law, and it teaches people that their will is subjective to the will of law and those who control law. The legitimacy of law is the object of culture. Culture uses law to distort the minds of people into believing that they are incapable of seeking truth or living in peace.


It teaches that law is legitimate, instead of one's own mind."

Another important element in understanding how evil implements an operation of mind control is the 'divide and conquer' technique.


In order for tyrants to hold full unquestioning sway over a society, an enemy must be created to inspire fear and panic.


Notice how in modern day America there is always some sort of crisis but none larger than the War on Terror.

"In order to engineer a culture and pervert the free thinking of men, evil must create an enemy. It is not important to tyrants who the enemy is. Tyrants offer protection from these enemies in exchange for obedience.


Take careful note that they offer protection, but obedience is mandatory. Whether or not you wish to have the authority over you, you will obey or they will revert to violence. The enemies are only created to ease the burden of obedience from the minds of people.


Cultural enemies are an illusion.

Benjamin Franklin taught that those who give up liberty to gain security will soon have neither. This is not an idle observation. The pattern of tyranny clearly shows that the entire purpose of presenting you with the need for security is to convince you to yield your liberty.


That is everything authority wants. The demand for security is raised by those who seek power over you.


This is how they create enemies."

That's b-a-a-a-a-d...   

It is important to achieve clarity on the subject of law-enforcement and the intention by the gate keepers to maintain their control over society through coercion.


It's never been intended for a measure of public safety, that is only an illusion.

"There will always be a small minority who refuse to obey the tenets of cultural law.


Because of this, authorities employ a constant stream of violence known as law enforcement, or police. These are not police in the defense of liberty, but police in the defense of authority. Cultures always teach that liberty and authority are one and the same; but the design of police is to wield the weapons of violence in the preservation of authority, not to defend liberty.

When cultures begin to break down, it is because people are learning about their value.


Such cultures and the authorities they protect are doomed. Never once in history has a culture in decline been redeemed. When authorities see that their culture is being dismantled, and obedience is no longer theirs to enjoy, they return to violence. These returns to violence are historically extremely brutal.


The violent enforcement of law is a sign of coming liberty.

The object of law is obedience, and the destruction of freedom is found in the blindness of this obedience. The authority principle shows that even when a person would normally believe an action to be wrong, if ordered by an authority, they will still perform it.

Law holds value only to those who create it, and only because your culture demands that you obey it. The purest invitation to tyranny is your commitment to obey law regardless of what it says. Against you, the law becomes the perfect weapon.


Whomever controls the law, controls you.


Your worth is measured by the extent of your obedience."

Bush Lives






At the time of this writing the dominant news story is the bringing down of the Confederate flag. I had the displeasure of listening to this drivel this morning:





Stating that I am not a fan of the Confederate flag, slavery, or any of the symbols government and war stand for, I know there are more pertinent issues that are much more deserving of our attention over this one.


Jeremy Locke knows that this is simply a control tactic of the establishment:

"Political correctness is engineered slavery. It focuses attention on controlling the speech of people in such a way that they believe the enemy of people is impoliteness.


They are taught to believe that they are naturally racist, sexist and bigots. Only when culture keeps a tight control on speech are people safe from their own demons. Culture teaches the limited value of people.

Culture would have you believe that evil is found in the discussion of ideas, or the passing of intentional or unintentional insults. It would have you believe that certain words, or allusions are where evil is to be found within society.


If evil can create the enemy of speech, it can convince you to yield to its control. This is the design and purpose of culture.

Though people always feel entirely justified in taking offense at speech, it is nonetheless their full choice. They have the freedom to feel anything they want when they hear the mind of another person. Yet the solution offered by culture is to force speech into a manner conducive to culture's taste.


Once you believe that the control of speech is noble, you will not wonder at why it is improper to question authority."


Another evil of culture is the belief in sacrificing one's self in favor of the collective, and to this end the violence perpetrated against the non-conformist as being acceptable.

From a young age we were conditioned to yield to the idea of what is 'fair' in the face of our own desires or needs. Unless the choices of an individual are immoral, i.e. doing harm to others, an individual should be free to explore the possibilities of life free from the agenda of others. If one doesn't give in to this ideology they are viewed as selfish, uncompromising, crazy, and ultimately a criminal or even a terrorist.

What has been sabotaged is our conscience, individuality, integrity, personal commitment, and sense of self-worth to the point of madness.


A powerful tactic to keep the masses in line with the agenda for State control.

"Culture teaches the worthiness of the common good employed by force.


It teaches that it is acceptable to issue law to advance a collective ideal. Whether to pay for a project, or control behavior, compulsion is frequently labeled 'public interest.'

Culture creates collectivism with individual-crushing labels such as 'we' and 'our'. People are taught that within a nation, they are 'our' children, rather than the parent's. Culture teaches that 'we' want laws and taxation, and that 'we' fight wars.


The destruction of the individual in collectivism directly serves the purpose of evil.

No human being who understands the fullness of their own worth would ever accept the notion that someone ought to rule over them. It is the function of culture to blind the eyes of people to their own worth, and to deafen their ears to any speech that may teach them.


When cultural influence is at its peak, insanity ravages the mind. Obedience is the object of authority, and authority wants no possibility of rebellion.


The definition of insanity is blind obedience."

As time has moved out of the ancient world and into more modern times, the masses awakened to the fraud that is the belief in sovereign kings and royal families.


Acts like,

  • the Magna Carta

  • the American Revolution

  • the French Revolution,

...spelled doom for royalty, if only in appearances.


But men with cunning intellect devised a new strategy: the nation state.

"Under the umbrella of nationality, people are slaves to borders more than at any time in history.


The power of 'my king' has been replaced by the culturally superior 'our country.' Nations have caused greater death and slavery than any degree of royalty ever envisioned.

Nations are created and borders drawn to create stability for authority. While royalty improved stability by convincing people that they owed allegiance to authority, nations took a bigger step and taught people that they were the authority. National cultures deceive the minds of people to more effectively extort money and control.

Government is an agent of force. As soon as power is yielded to authority, as soon as you give it license to take life and liberty, it becomes an agent of evil. Evil men who seek authority over you will not fight government. All that evil wants is power over you.


Evil naturally seeks its place in government."

When you're a hammer,

everything looks like a nail.

Knock, knock, knock...


It's the Mental Health and Children Protection Services here to do a welfare check on your family.


Have you received the newly mandated CDC vaccine shots for your kids yet? When the State is in charge of your body and your welfare and mandates what is moral or prudent by law, fascism and tyranny is what you've got.


In America, we're just one epidemic or terrorist action away from these draconian measures.

"Morality is freedom. Immorality is the destruction of freedom. Morality is good, immorality is evil.


Culture would have you believe that morality is a question of personal vice. It pretends that imprudence is the same thing as immorality. When people believe that enforcing prudence is the same as defending liberty, they can be used to support dramatic increases in the power of authority over people.

The inquisitions of medieval times used the ideas of enforcing morality to expand the power of the Roman church. They created law and enforcement to force church government into people's lives.


It was culturally acceptable because they were enforcing 'morality' instead of simple arbitrary control."

And with Agenda 21 and environmentalism…

"Culture teaches that the only security to be found in life is in government.


Only they can secure your water, your air and your food. Yield authority to them. The strength of environmentalism is that it can be used to regulate every aspect of your life. Transportation, food, housing, energy and communication; they all fall under this umbrella of regulation and control.


Environmentalism is just one more excuse to implement slavery".

Another symptom of our conditioned programming is the confusion over the belief in rights. A ploy of delusional men in perceived positions of power, they trick you into believing that you have rights in some areas but others you don't.


Locke has a different angle on it:

"There is no such thing as a right. All people are inherently free.

The idea of right was created by men who sought to free people from some of the burdens of government, but who still believed that governments were supreme over men.

The problem with rights, is that they offer certain delineated permissions, granted to men by government. After these, government can still dispose of you as it pleases. Even in measures of restriction, this still teaches people that they have less value than law.

The truth is that you are free, and there is no authority that has any claim upon you, ever. You are, by your nature, already free. This is the value of a human being."

To connect the dots with patriotism and nationalism, the propaganda spouting con-artist politicians in the West promote the idea that we live in a democracy representing the wishes of the people.


But in simple Truth this term is only a euphemism for mob rule.

Ochlocracy: government by the mob; mob rule.

"The absolute pinnacle of cultural success is to convince people that they are free in their slavery.

Democracy is an invented theory, not a moral truth. It is a construct of evil. It was created to impersonate freedom while still maintaining the grip of law over people. As in every instance in history, the pattern of tyranny repeats itself by reinventing lies to hide the same slavery.

The evil of democracy knows no freedom. A free person has none to enslave him. Instead, democracies offer everyone the opportunity to enslave you.

Tyranny by one king is the same as tyranny by a hundred million kings. It is the nature of compulsion in law that is evil; how the law is achieved is meaningless.

Evil teaches modern peoples that royalty and dictators were a mistake, but that submission to your neighbors is right."



We find that the 'president has no clothes'…

"Democracy creates violence and destruction.


Democracy teaches people that it is proper to inflict your will by force upon others. Indeed, it teaches people that they are entitled to take anything from their neighbors by force.

When democratic cultures strengthen, it is obvious to everyone that the legitimacy of law is a farce. Any law is noble as soon as it becomes law. What would be considered the crimes of kidnapping, mugging and murder are now committed for you, in proxy by police.


Mature democracies will find certain people who begin dispensing with the excuse of law and simply take what they want when they want it.


This is no more evil than law, just more efficient."

Taxation is extortion because it is attained through coercion. Taxation is a weapon used by the corrupt corporate control system to fund endless wars and murders perpetrated by the police state.


Taxation is theft because it parasites off of the natural wealth and productive labor of society.

"Under taxation, you work but gain nothing in return.


Even when the claim is made that the money will be spent for your benefit, you cannot choose what your work will buy. Under taxation, the extortionist is the master and you are the slave. What amount of time they steal from you is irrelevant, a slave for an hour or a slave for life is still a slave.


Failure to pay is penalized by imprisonment or death.

The restriction of behaviors to compel you to do something that authority wants is taxation. Using this method, they never have to bother with money, they simply compel you to do their bidding directly. This form of taxation is called by many, many names.


Some of them are price controls, regulation, bureaucracy, red tape, paper work, formalities, oversight, social security, public works and the public good.

Government taxation is the single most effective extortion racket that has ever existed. The evil genius comes with the culture - most 'citizens' consider it honorable to pay their masters.

Your money is not safe in savings either. All governments control their forms of money (such as the US Dollar), and it is illegal to trade using any other currency. Inflation is engineered by governments to erode your savings over time as they spend your money through government deficits.


Inflation also ensures that as your savings are eaten away you will be forced to keep working, wherein they can repeat the cycle of taxation.

Remember that the reason you work is to benefit yourself and those you love. Yet because they are more powerful than you, many, many people have managed to force you to work for their benefit. This is economic control. This is the purpose of government. Governments are predatory institutions.

Make no mistake - you are a slave and government is your master. The brilliance of your masters as opposed to 'conventional' slavery is that they allow you to believe that you earn what you work for, and that you own what you buy.


It keeps you complacent and agreeable."

Livestock on the farm.

Yes, Obamacare and social security are a tax.

"Taxation is a function of time.


They will take just as much today as keeps you laboring in their behalf tomorrow. Cultural ideas like 'public servant,' 'public works,' 'public good,' 'public protection' and 'social security' illustrate their deviousness.


They have actually convinced people that having their money stolen under threat of death is something to be desired.


Remember, it is all for your own good."

One can argue that the artificial concept known as the 'corporation' has contributed as much harm as any other institution in society, especially when one considers that the United States is effectively a corporation.

"Corporations are constructs invented to restrict the collective behaviors of people.


If one person can work on a task, it is clear that many can group together to accomplish more complex tasks. Normally this would just be you and me agreeing to do something together for the benefit of someone else, in exchange for money.


Corporations are 'creatures of the state' (as governments call them) created to abstract the average person from the simple truth of people conducting trade. If government acknowledged the mammoth restrictions they put upon you which tell you where you can and cannot trade, what you can and cannot trade, how you can and cannot trade and at what price you can and cannot trade, they would have an instant revolt.


Corporations allow them to create a demon to hide their own lusts for power and wealth. Corporations today attract the wrath of people as polluters, greedy conglomerates, and usury employers. Despite the truth that a corporation is just you and I trading work.


All of this is designed to hide the most advanced extortion racket in history."

Ask the Greeks about the evils of government debt…

"Government debt is money spent by governments before they confiscate it.


Such debt has little meaning, since the evil is found in the confiscation, and not the timing. However, given the culture of democracies, people are taught the nobility of nations and the loyalty of being a taxpayer.


Governments know that they can spend whatever they want today, and obligate you to pay for it tomorrow.

The nature of national cultures is such that even when the threshold of extortion is less than government spending, by the time the debt comes due, cultures convince people that it is their debt.


In this fashion, they raise the threshold of extortion. People are less likely to revolt or quit working when they are taught that it is their nation, their debt and their moral obligation to pay.

Building codes, environmental regulations, local planning, and on and on. Each one justifiable in modern culture.


Each one has armies to support them. Each one with just one thing in common: their enforcement by law destroys freedom. If any of these goals were noble in their own right, they would not need force to accomplish them.


Their true result is to raise costs through increased property tax, impact fees, licensing fees, business fees, employment taxes, etc."


Many have been duped into believing that there is still a viable "free-market" economy.


But the constant reminder is that we are imprisoned in a system that is manipulated in such a way that is reflected in a deterioration of productivity and innovation.


Along with the erosion of liberty, the rigging limits the population's ability to express itself with an entrepreneurial spirit that would enable people to evolve and think 'outside the box' of normal standards.


One can see why governments might think this is dangerous, indeed.

"In government regulated cartels like health care, governments pretend to reduce costs either directly through price mandate, or indirectly by buying services on behalf of citizens.


Using either method they insert the tentacles of control under the guise of protecting the poor from greedy corporations and capitalists.

By forcing people to work at artificial wages, they destroy the competition of a free market. When freedom is destroyed, only the powerful can survive. Cartels are thusly forged with governments.


Powerful businesses watch their weaker competition fall to bankruptcy. Government makes sure it is prohibitively expensive to enter the market with fees and licensing requirements. Businesses then can enjoy government- mandated prices with no competition. Governments can enjoy control of prices, and therefore guaranteed taxes.


The intent of price controls are not to keep prices down, but to keep them up.

Big business loves government regulations. Regulations ensure that only the well established and extremely well financed can compete. People seeking to trade their skills, products or expertise are burdened by the impossible demands of government.


Thusly, big business is an extension of the compulsion of government. Anti-business regulations that people are taught to support are actually good for big business.


Instead of hindering them, such regulation destroys your liberty."

Why would the government be so heavily invested in our education?


The American public education system is formatted after the Prussian system under Frederick the Great. Using a curriculum to teach obedience, he indoctrinated the children at a young age into accepting conformity and following orders.


Meanwhile, they were given just the basic skills to function in menial tasks. Literacy soared but this structure has failed to teach people to think critically for themselves.


On the contrary, it's accomplished the agenda of programming the masses to react to psychological manipulation like Pavlov's dog.

"Governments control education for the purpose of culturing employees. The objective of state education is the stabilization of the tax base.

Schooling, education and knowledge are not the same thing. One is not a natural result of the other. People grow in knowledge when they learn truths. Teaching and schooling are meaningless when students do not seek wisdom. They are likewise meaningless when that which is being taught is not wisdom. In order to learn, people must thirst for knowledge.


Force and compulsion cannot accomplish this.

Law does not pretend to teach people their worth or abilities of achievement. Law desires only that you learn obedience. Not only does law provide a way for students to learn the merits of social and economic obedience to authority, it enforces a near perfect monopolization against all other teachers.


Private schools and parents themselves are nearly shut out from teaching children the one lesson they need:

an understanding of their own value and potential.

When people understand that their minds are truly capable of anything, that they are able to learn and grow according to their dreams, they tend to make poor citizens.


They question culture and oppressive authority. They reject taxation. They are stronger, more peaceful, more prosperous and more independent.


All of this is wonderful for humanity, and destroys evil.

Welfare teaches that people deserve to receive the basic necessities of life without needing to work for them. Flipped upside down, welfare teaches that those unwilling to labor for their own benefit can extract it from you.


Welfare reveals forced labor.

Bureaucracy teaches that people should be able to expect others to behave according to strict rules to benefit everyone. Flipped upside down, bureaucracy teaches that to keep bureaucratic employees in the money, everyone must jump through hoops and pay fees and fines. Bureaucracy reveals forced labor.

Taxation teaches that people deserve to receive roads, protection, schools, and all other manner of services even if they cannot afford them.


Flipped upside down, taxation teaches that people have the right to force their neighbors to pay for services without the hassle of asking for permission. Taxation reveals forced labor.

All economic control is slavery."

"Hey, teacher… leave those kids alone!"

How do we end evil?

"Personal sovereignty is the end of evil.


When every person on earth will defend themselves and those they love. When evil cannot gain even a foothold because all people are watching for it, and recognize that it seeks to destroy their value. This is the exact opposite of perfect evil, in which every person is a slave and a master of slaves.


Perfect liberty is life, and in it there are no slaves and no masters of slaves. Perfect liberty is life.

For the end of evil to be achieved, all people must be taught that they owe obedience to no one. They must be taught that the desires and dreams of their hearts are proper and good. They must be taught that every ounce of joy they seek can be had for themselves and those they love. This is the anti-culture, to free the minds of people.

In the end of evil, people cannot tolerate compulsion and force. The mistakes of history are found where people have allowed the establishment of culture. In every case, it was known that this establishment would destroy liberty.


In the end of evil, tyranny will not be tolerated.

Remember the lessons of technology. Technology is the fruit of freedom. Technology enables humanity at the expense of authority. Just one example of this is the extraction of economics from the control of nations. Regulation chokes economic activity by making it prohibitively expensive, cumbersome and complex for newcomers to sell products and services.


The answer is technology.


Internet activities such as classified service listings will be merged with product auctions on an open and universal platform. We already understand how technology can bring the cost of selling down, and make selling easier for everyone to accomplish.

Merging public auctions and marketplaces with anonymous, steganographic peer-to-peer networking will forever remove the control of economics from the hands of extortionist authorities.


With technologies such as these, people can buy and sell anything without the interference of governments and mafias. Furthermore, governments will not be able to enforce taxation record keeping, since instead of a smaller number of corporations preferred by government, every one of the billions of people on earth will engage their economics directly.


Population and technology crush evil.

You are the key. To teach the people of earth the value that they have within themselves you need only speak, and tell them that every good thing is theirs to have. You need only tell them that the glory of liberty is real, and that it belongs to them.

This war is already won. Evil has already been crippled. Every human being on earth is ready to rise and let the chains that held them crumble to dust. This world will be free.


If you can see your own value, then stand tall.


Ye are called unto liberty."