from Transcend Website
I am fascinated with the insights the evolution of science provides, particularly astronomy, cosmology, quantum physics and medicine.
Medical research and technology opened the doors to the insides of our brains, considered by ourselves superior and in many ways as complex, dynamic, fascinating as the universe itself. And scientists keep sending those 'intelligent' messages to outer space in hopes that other 'intelligent' beings will pick them up and beam back their replies to them thus completing the human life-changing experience of a close encounter of whatever kind.
They assume that beings 'out there' possess minds and
intellects like our own.
A handful of philosophers have addressed such intangibles quite elegantly.
But in our pragmatic, empiricist, materialistic, savage, belligerent, utilitarian, realist, scientific, technological, technocratic 21st century world it became a no-no.
Serious people, who do serious thinking and serious undertakings don't dwell on these - or any other - immaterial aspects. An 'advanced' country must be the one with the greatest military power, economic supremacy, and ability to dominate others by any means necessary. Non-different from beasts, insects, birds in the wild.
The name of the game is competition; solidarity being
the underdog without a future. It is the survival of the fittest,
to Darwin's theory (not fact) of
material evolution.
Humbleness is for a certain class of people who can afford it (saints for instance); one should not even look humble not to be stepped over socially.
We are socialized, conditioned, educated, governed to
believe in such cultural/structural biases from birth to coffin. It
is what reasonable people expect from other equally reasonable
people. Not evolved. Reasonable.
But upon closer scrutiny believing those mathematical hypotheses is not very different from believing hypotheses based on spirituality and consciousness.
The common dominator being belief.
Steven Spielberg was perhaps closer to reality
with the plot of his Box Office record 1982 movie, 'ET.'
They shoot arrows [their technology] at airplanes, which represent their very own UFOs. Ring any bells? We have nuclear weapons ready for the UFOs that keep flying over us without plausible explanations.
How dare they? They must be evil...
We are meant by nature, the universe, life itself (let's leave the gods out of this) to be superior beings, elevated in,
...and not merely to get, dominate everything and everybody we contemplate - if possible by force.
This is the real danger, the aspect that could prompt
these smarter, more aggressive (meaning less civilized) people in
power to explode the planet through a nuclear war, thus creating a
second asteroid belt.
Rather, life's movement is forward, up - if certainly with setbacks.
As every Yin encapsulates its Yang - and vice versa -
on an eternal, infinite cosmic recycling motion, and energy is never
destroyed, only transformed, so is spiritual evolution. There is
never a loss.
Today's physicists, astronomers, cosmologists, mathematicians are getting closer to the top with their pursuit of the elusive 'God particle,' aka Higgs boson - but with their biases against spirituality intact.
Stephen Hawking, allegedly one of the most intelligent persons on the planet, goes to great lengths to proselytize his belief that the universe,
The subtext being that it is a god in and of itself.
Albert Einstein, however, was the exception
that proves the rule; as was Carl Jung. And Gandhi, of
course, the antithesis of a politician.
Peace and Conflict Studies, among other civilizing factors for human beings, thus represent the flip side, the how-to, the map to the top of the mountain.
Peace is an inside as well as an outside job, a
process for individuals and also for social bodies and
collectivities to trail permanently - the planet being the ultimate
It all starts and grows within the individual and
then manifests into society. Or not...