by Zen Gardner
July 7, 2013
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

Wow - big question, but not really if we look within and get simply
Admittedly not easy in this current
social environment with all the imposed insanities but let’s give it
a try.
I’ve been a little quiet of late, for many reasons. I’ve had a big
change in my life since moving to a third world country. Everyone’s
been so welcoming it’s exposed a lot in myself. I didn’t realize how
defensive I had become in the US. People always had their guard up
and apparently I was akin to that attitude more than I realized.
It’s so much less here, but you have to discover what underlies the
surface of their reactions as well. It too can be superficial and
has its own level of societal fears and hang-ups of course. It’s just
so much simpler, more like a time or dimensional change than just
It reminds me of my youth when things were so much simpler.
Things Change
The vibrational change is quite profound. Feelings and perceptions
alter in the most subtle of ways. But I get it. It’s at a frequency
I needed to learn to tune into it and let my previous patterns go in
my new environment.
I’ve also realized I’ve been carrying quite a bit of worry and
concern - concerns about our kids, about the rapidly deteriorating
world condition, and most of all its coming effects and implications
on humanity. I have a propensity to worry but this change is
allowing me to peel back more layers without the electrosmog,
uptight American vibe, and cultural insanity of the States to keep
interfering with everything.
I like it. It’s not easy at times, but we’re learning and that’s
what’s important.
The language challenge is everywhere as
well - difficult, yet fun. It’s laborious to communicate yet so very
rewarding with the gush of connectivity you soon access in such
wonderful salt of the earth people. Enjoying your family and friends
and getting food on the table is all that concerns so many who
reside in humbler areas outside the spoiled US.
Most striking is the lack of fear. Children play freely in the
streets and walk to their destinations without all the staged
paranoia of the west. Even the dogs are happier, roaming freely and
going about their business of playing with each other and their
The contrast to
hyper controlled and
regimented America is stunning and takes some easing into, but is oh
so welcoming.
So… Where Are
We Now?
That’s quite relative, in basic reality. I’m of course referring to
the big picture. But it ultimately depends on what information
people receive.
For the awake and aware we’re on the brink of a major calamity and
need to speak up louder and more clearly than ever. The Orwellian
State is being deployed at breakneck speed and we need to respond
and prepare accordingly. A daily pressure for any awakened soul.
The bigger question is, where are YOU now in the midst of all this
unraveling insanity?
I’m in a new place and learning a lot
daily as a result of making the leap. I’ve taken the steps I knew I
had to take at this time in my life to get to this next stage. From
here I don’t know what Universe has for me but I’m open and keeping
my energies focused where they’re led and mostly on how I can
continue to have maximum effect.
All this while avoiding what I would consider a massive trap being
set inside the US and their sycophant allies.
That’s just me. I’m only one.
I understand some can’t move physically nor might they be called to
in order to escape the Amerikan gulag, but we can prepare in every
possible way to help the awakening.
The biggee, besides understanding the
significance of what is transpiring on our planet right now, is
preparing for what is steamrolling straight at us while continuing
to sound the alarm.
Are you
Prepared for the Collapse of the Western world?
Are you prepared for an authoritarian police state that will accept
no excuses?
For me, leaving the US is what I felt led to do in order to avoid
the obvious inundation of calamity coming to such an off course
nation as the crazed, militarized US, which is clearly being
targeted for destruction.
If you truly know something and don’t
respond to it for whatever reason, you are doomed to your own
resignation and inability to act.
If someone can’t read the signs of the times now they pretty much
will have to go through what’s coming on the defensive and it won’t
be pretty. The wake-up takes many forms depending on one’s state of
awareness and consciousness and willingness to act on what they
learn. So it is now.
Those reading this are aware of this
truth. If this isn’t making sense to you then you have some waking
up to do.

Where and
Being outside the US isn’t necessarily the solution for everyone,
although thousands are fleeing as we speak for these very reasons.
Each has to be where their conviction
lies. That the US so-called government is cracking down on
“hoarders” and “preppers” should be a pretty clear signal of what
Americans are up against, never mind the total loss of personal
To go after people for preparing for
coming shortages is barbaric and completely shows their fascist
intent to subdue the American people.
Each day some new truth surfaces, such as
the NSA spying - which
anyone half awake already knew, but they’re playing into the
mainstream now to get everyone’s acceptance of “oh, that’s just how
it is now and it must be needed” which seems to be the American
default setting.
Even stranger are the latest revelations that Homeland Security has
secret assassination hit squads and Russian security forces are to
be used at US events.
These are so over the top people hardly stop
to notice how absolutely Orwellian their world has become. It’s too
painful, so they think. Wait until it executes the clampdown, that’s
when painful comes home to roost.
We’re up against a very nasty bunch of fascists, evidenced by their
baseless invasion and mass murder of the middle eastern countries
they’ve ravaged and the massive loss of personal liberties in the
very land they say they’re protecting.
So prepare we must! The situation is code red or however you want to
picture it.
Don’t blow off your intuition! Act on
it! And get your loved ones on it!

How Many
Americans Are Officially Boiled?
The news is rife with announcements of more controls.
The fabricated “terrorist” meme is
working its magic and they are glorying in it. That it is passing
without an American revolt is the most massive statement of their
dominion anyone could conceive of.
It seems the,
...have just about succeeded.
But will they? Not too quick, Bucko. While their purpose is always
control and Americans appear to be toast, the wild card is the
indomitable human spirit.
Indeed, that the vast majority of humanity has not yet responded to
this blatant oppression and control grab is testament to the decades
of social engineering and enslavement. Our race’s core
understandings have been eviscerated and the people have been
overtly and subliminally denied access to their true roots.
The key that ends all previous programming is waking up. Once that
happens all bets are off. We become the unstoppable force they so

Our voyage is rediscovering who we truly are, and then living
according to those standards. With confidence, with love, with
strong solidarity with others who have awakened or are in the
process of awakening.
Our connectivity is manifesting at a massive rate. Now is the time
to wake up together, disengage from business as usual and any ties
that bind us from right action, and make the personal transformation
- consciously, lovingly, soundly.
Keep networking, sharing information,
showing up where we’re supposed to be, supporting those doing what
we know is contributing to the awakening, and following the tug of
intuition and the leadings of
We are arising in the midst of the gathering rubble of
a failing
empire in its last dying throes.
Don’t fear it, but do be aware of your surroundings. The safest
place to be is doing what we know we’re supposed to be doing.
Universe has a way of taking care of those helping It to unfold and
discover itself, empowering others to find their true nature and
infinite possibilities.
That’s the river to be paddling in, none other. Beware the eddies of
distraction and wrong attachments.
Missing the right river is the same as missing the boat.
Paddle consciously, and happily…
NOTE: read also "So
Where Are We Now?".