by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine
Volume 3, #3 (April-May 1996)
NexusMagazine Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Spanish version
Governments may soon break fifty years of silence to
tell us the truth about UFOs
visiting our planet.
will they tell the whole truth...? |
Recent and upcoming developments point to public disclosure of UFO
and extraterrestrial reality in the very near future.
(General Accounting Office-the congressional investigative agency)
has completed its investigation of the cover-up of documents related
to the 1947 Roswell saucer crash retrieval and autopsies of
extraterrestrial bodies. This investigation had been commissioned by
Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico.
Senator Diane Feinstein
joined in requesting that the GAO look into
the Roswell incident.
The GAO’s Report about its Roswell and related saucer crashes
documentation findings was presented to Congressman Schiff and
Senator Feinstein on 28th July 1995, and immediately released to the
press by Congressman Schiff.
The Roswell report said that key military documents were apparently
destroyed without authorization. Congressman Schiff characterized
these documents as "important", and said that they "should have
provided more information".
Schiff said,
"The military cannot
explain who destroyed them or why."
He added that Air Force
explanations "never fit the fact of high military security used at
the time".
According to Representative Schiff, the GAO investigation into the
Roswell incident has stirred the interest of a number of US Congress
members. Because the GAO interviewed a number of people, and learned
various things which were not in its report, the GAO reportedly
predicts there will be congressional hearings.
Is Air Force Report no. 3 on Roswell emerging?
The US Air Force in
September 1994 had issued a report on the Roswell incident which
admitted that they had lied to the American public for 47 years. The USAF admitted that what was retrieved from Roswell under extreme
military security was not a weather balloon. But the September 1994
report said that what was retrieved was "probably" a spy balloon
carrying a high-altitude radiation detector (Project Mogul).
On 16th November 1995, a reliable source
reported that a certain compartment within Air Force Intelligence
has been developing yet a third report on Roswell.
Elements from
this USAF Roswell Report no. 3 have been leaked to The New York
Times, and reportedly contain information from a classified USAF
document. However, Air Force Headquarters is now struggling with the
unauthorized leak of this disinformation, apparently by USAF
Intelligence personnel.
UFO Magazine’s Richard Hall published a 1995 article stating that
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will issue a history of its
involvement with UFOs.
However, now it appears that the CIA will
acknowledge its study of UFOs only indirectly and in stages.
no. 1 was the wire service reports in January 1996, that the CIA had
for decades used
remote-viewers (RVs-Defense Department
clairvoyants) to view various intelligence targets of interest (such
as locating Saddam Hussein’s hideout during the Gulf War).
Stage no.
2 was the February publication of the revealing book,
by Courtney Brown, Ph.D., a university professor and
military-trained remote-viewer.
In it, Brown reveals that RVs in the
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)/National Security Agency (NSA)/Army
Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) (such as Major
Ed Dames,
William Stubblebine and Col.
John Alexander) broadened their
viewing targets to focus on extraterrestrials visiting Earth,
including a humanoid Martian race and the spindly "Grey"
A Washington, DC informant, whom I call
"Beltway Throat", reports that Major Dames,
Dr Brown’s trainer,
provided RV briefings to the US Congress as long as 10 years ago.
Those briefings included future events that remote-viewers had
looked at.
In April 1995 at an Arkansas conference, astronaut Gordon Cooper
declared that when he was a USAF officer, a four-man Air Force crew
was filming a plane landing-gear test at Edwards Air Force Base in
1957 when a UFO swooped down and landed at the base while the Air
Force cameras were rolling.
The shocked USAF camera crew later
brought the film to Edwards AFB Headquarters. Gordon Cooper
personally viewed the film. EAFB commanding officers thereafter
shipped it to Washington. Nothing has been heard of since about the
Astronaut Cooper is expected to make this revelation in a television
documentary to be broadcast imminently. He has been cooperating with
Irish film producer Jackie Dunn who is working with a Canadian film
production company on this major UFO documentary film.
Cooper, also a former Air Force Colonel, granted a second interview
to Sam Sherman, of Independent-International Pictures Corporation,
who is producing a film, titled Beyond This Earth, to be released in
early 1996.
In it, Cooper says that he,
"had worked on a UFO system
with someone who had been in touch with extraterrestrials and was
able to gain some knowledge."
This person had made a small UFO
prototype, and was working on a 50-foot model, with financial
backing from an Arab country, when he died. Cooper also talked about
the Center for Advanced Technology which no longer exists.
They were
apparently involved in back-engineering some kind of alien
technology. Cooper also talked about a friend who saw the ET bodies
at Roswell.
In a published article in April 1995, former NASA Director of
Communications Maurice Chatelain dropped the bombshell revelation
that the Apollo Moon Mission
found "several mysterious geometric
structures of unnatural origin" on the Moon.
Donna Tietze, a former photo technician at NASA’s Johnson Space
Center in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, revealed during a
6th May 1995 radio interview on WOL-AM in Washington, DC, that the
job of a co-worker in a restricted area was to airbrush out UFOs
from photos from the Moon before NASA sold those photos to the
Another former astronaut, Dr Brian O’Leary, on 18th September 1994
made the following declarations publicly at the International Forum
on New Science in Fort Collins, Colorado.
O’Leary said that,
"For nearly 50 years, the secrecy
apparatus within the United States Government has kept from the
public UFO and alien contact information."
He flatly stated that,
"We have contact with alien cultures..."
As for the non-disclosure of these
facts, Dr O’Leary said,
"The suppression of UFO and other
extraterrestrial intelligence information for at least 47 years
is probably being orchestrated by an elite band of men in the
CIA, NSA, DIA and their like. This small group appears able to
keep these already-hard-to-believe secrets very well. ...
who have investigated this hydra-headed beast believe that the
Cosmic Watergate of UFO, alien, mind-control, genetic
engineering, free-energy, anti-gravity propulsion and other
secrets will make Watergate or Irangate appear to be
kindergarten exercises."
In 1993,
Laurance Rockefeller, long an interested follower of the
UFO phenomenon, assisted by his ’point man’ on UFO matters,
Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN-ONI (Ret.), former career intelligence
officer, began a campaign, dubbed the "White House Initiative", to
get the current administration to reveal to the public promptly, yet
responsibly, what the government knows about UFOs and ET visitation.
Rockefeller and Jones met with Clinton White House Science Adviser
Dr John Gibbons in March 1993 and presented a "Matrix of UFO Belief"
analysis monograph. A follow-up visit by Mr Rockefeller took place
with Dr Gibbons at the White House on 4th February 1994.
it is reliably reported that President Clinton gave initial
agreement to the White House Initiative. Subsequently, White House
Science Adviser Gibbons was tasked to find out everything about
A recent Freedom of Information Act request directed to Dr Gibbons
yielded a cache of UFO-related correspondence between Dr Gibbons and Laurance Rockefeller, Dr Scott Jones, US Air Force officials, former
French Government UFO investigations office (GEPAN) official
Jacques Vallee, and former Defense Secretary
Melvin Laird.
Secretary Laird is the official who also authored a letter (which I
have seen) to incoming Clinton Administration Defense Secretary Les Aspin, offering to brief him about UFO matters.
Dr Jacques Vallee,
in April 1995, briefed White House Science Adviser Gibbons on his
knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.
On the weekend of 19th-20th August 1995, Laurance Rockefeller had
President Clinton as his guest at his Wyoming ranch in the Grand Tetons.
New York Daily News reported that Rockefeller has been
pressing the Clinton Administration to open the government’s UFO
files. The News has obtained correspondence from Laurance
Rockefeller to White House Science Adviser Dr John Gibbons, in which
Rockefeller stated that the government must put an end to over 40
years’ denial of UFOs.
Mr Rockefeller recently funded a study on UFO
activity, which involved the help of three former astronauts.
study is expected to be presented to the White House in early 1996.
When he first took office, President Carter tried to learn what the
government knew about UFOs.
President Carter was denied access to
UFO information which the CIA had, by then-CIA Director
George Bush
who told the President he did not have clearance for that
information. In similar fashion, President Clinton is not satisfied
with the briefings he has gotten from the CIA on UFOs because the
CIA information conflicts with the information which the President’s
Science Adviser Jack Gibbons has independently acquired.
A source in contact with the CIA’s UFO Desk within the Directorate
for Science and Technology, reports that President Clinton has
already made several pilot videos of proposed alternative public
announcements about UFOs and ET presence/visitation.
Steven Greer, head of
CSETI (Committee for the Study of
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), has likewise provided two White
House briefings to Science Adviser Gibbons on his UFO findings. Dr
Greer has also been making international contacts with European
governmental leaders in an attempt to achieve consensus on an
international joint statement acknowledging UFO and ET visitation
Dr Greer is engaged in this project in concert with the BSW
Foundation’s Marie Galbraith, a good friend of Laurance Rockefeller
and wife of Evan Galbraith, President Reagan’s former Ambassador to
On 5th June 1995 at a Bay Area lecture, Dr Steven
Greer revealed
further findings.
He has received leaked information that the Air
Force, through its North American Air Defense Command (NORAD)
facility deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, tracks an average
of 500 "fastwalkers" (UFOs) each year entering the Earth’s
atmosphere from deep space.
This corroborates a similar report from AeroJet engineers Lee Graham
and Ron Regehr who have shown UFO researcher Don Ecker documents
revealing that AeroJet’s DSP satellite system alone routinely
detects UFOs flying into Earth’s atmosphere from deep space two to
three times per month.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Howard Blum reported that
tracks many UFOs on its deep-space radars.
Dr Greer has talked to a fellow medical doctor, the nephew of a
pilot who, with General Jimmy Doolittle, was commissioned by
President Harry Truman to report on "Foo Fighters" during World War
II. (Foo Fighters were levitating lighted globes, perhaps a
meter in
diameter, which silently paced Allied and Nazi fighters and bombers
during WWII and were never officially explained.)
This officer
reported back to Truman that the Foo Fighters were real, were not
German craft, and were most likely of extraterrestrial origin.
Two separate intelligence sources have provided Dr Greer with
accounts of rogue units in covert compartments of military agencies
who are directing Black Budget and SDI weapons systems at UFOs and
have downed two UFOs in the past two years. One source, a physicist
in the Office of Naval Intelligence, has said that this
shooting-down of non-hostile UFOs is done by out-of-control,
arrogant "cowboys" using "unimaginable technologies" without any
Author Whitley Strieber, in his new book,
Breakthrough, states that
he has seen a portion of a document which reveals that the same EG
Corporation which is involved at
Area 51 is involved in
weapons against extraterrestrials.
Dr Greer went on to note that key members of the government,
military and intelligence as well as international leaders are "out
of the loop" on detailed UFO information and are not being informed
about hostile actions directed against these visitors.
Former NATO (SHAPE) Intelligence Sergeant-Major
Robert Dean has
revealed the contents of an extremely classified 1964 SHAPE
Assessment of UFOs and ETs which stated, among other things, that
UFOs are real extraterrestrial spacecraft, that at least four and
probably more ET races are visiting the Earth, that their intentions
do not seem warlike, and that it appears they have been studying the
Earth for a very long time.
Sgt-Major Dean also revealed that, in 1961, a flying disc as long as
a football field crashed near Timmensdorf, Germany. Twelve ET bodies
were found inside. Their blood was not red, but a viscous greenish
Dean reported that, in 1989, a 100-yard-wide UFO disc hovered for
over an hour over the headquarters of the Soviet Air Defence
In 1993 there was a series of unidentified submerged objects (USOs)
sighted in the Norwegian Sea. The USOs were the size of aircraft
carriers and moved at extraordinary speeds. In response, NATO sea
exercises were conducted in the area. During the NATO exercises, a
US carrier/destroyer disappeared off the radar scopes of the other
naval vessels and has not reappeared to date.
More recently, on 19th June 1995, six F-14 Navy fighter jets
intercepted a UFO over Puerto Rico. Radio transmissions between the
jets and the control tower were recorded by civilians on the ground.
The F-14s and their crews never returned to their carrier.
Dean reported that government insiders feel that we are dealing with
hundreds of ET civilizations - some intergalactic, some
He noted that 10 years ago, NASA set up a
scientific committee which came to the conclusion that there are an
estimated 10 billion planets with intelligent life.
Sgt-Major Dean has assembled 20 astronauts, former intelligence
officers and servicemen who participated in crashed UFO retrieval
operations - generals, admirals, and even cosmonauts - who are willing
to testify to a congressional committee about what they know about
UFOs, provided that they are released from their national security
The videotaped depositions of key witnesses have been taken
by a prestigious Washington, DC law firm and stored in its safe,
awaiting public hearings.
Dean is working with CSETI’s Dr Steven Greer, in concert with former
astronaut Gordon Cooper, other astronauts, another high-ranking
military officer and a general, to plan the release of UFO
information to which they are privy.
Dr Greer and Sgt-Major Dean are
part of a coalition, called "Stargate", which has been putting
together the best evidence of UFO/ET reality.
The evidence includes
not only that of military and intelligence officers who participated
in UFO-crash retrievals and autopsies on ET corpses, but also of
fighter pilots, generals, astronauts and cosmonauts who have
witnessed UFOs close up, as well as UFO metal samples and ET tissue
The coalition’s plan is to take their briefing document and evidence
to world leaders, the United Nations, scientific academies and
religious leaders for a pre-briefing. Then the coalition will make a
public disclosure within the next five months. Dr Greer reports that
the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and the
UN are being enlisted to assist, and no one has said that this
cannot come out.
On 17th August 1995, Sgt-Major Robert Dean announced the beginning
of a citizen’s campaign to compel Congress to grant congressional
immunity to astronauts and military and intelligence witnesses who
are ready to testify at congressional UFO hearings.
Dean has
acquired the services of a political strategist who has developed a
plan to inject the UFO subject into the 1996 political agenda,
including the presidential campaign. The coalition has several
senators and Congress members who are favorable.
The goal of all
these efforts is to make UFO information and the ET reality known to
the public through televised public congressional hearings.
On 21st October 1995, staff to the leadership of a key congressional
committee indicated that the chairman was ready to hold public
hearings on UFOs if a scientifically credible panel of experts could
be assembled. I assembled this panel in four days - a speed which may
have surprised the committee.
The committee has not yet indicated
when it will move forward with the hearing, or whether this was just
a trial balloon.
On the weekend of 18th-19th March 1995,
the Disney Corporation
conducted a sneak telecast of a UFO documentary without any prior
announcement in five TV viewing areas (Connecticut, Tennessee,
Alabama, Florida and California).
This amazing documentary,
featuring Disney Chief Executive Officer Michael Eisner, put the
reputation of the Disney Corporation behind the documentary’s many
startling statements, such as the following:
"Mankind is in the midst of the most
profound event in history: actual contact with intelligent life
from other planets."
"Intelligent life from distant galaxies is now attempting to
make open contact with the human race, and tonight we’ll show
you the evidence."
"From beyond the boundaries of our perceptions, intelligent
beings are beckoning mankind to join the galactic community.
It’s an invitation which is both wondrous and terrifying."
"Alien ships seem to arrive in waves, and if the last few years
are any indication, planet Earth is experiencing a tsunami of
"As early as 1947, the large alien ships began to arrive,
navigated by living creatures. Their advanced physics allowed
them to traverse the galaxy and pierce Earth’s atmosphere with
amazing speed."
"More than one alien craft crashed and was recovered for secret
US military research."
"This is the actual site [Roswell, New Mexico] where the Roswell
saucer was discovered, along with the bodies of three
extraterrestrial missionaries who didn’t survive the collision.
The debris and the dead were impounded and taken away for
top-secret study, while a classified investigative committee,
the Majestic Twelve, was organized by President
and a government cover-up was initiated with a calculated
disinformation campaign."
"For governments determined to maintain their authority,
extraterrestrial contact is pure dynamite."
"When [Jimmy Carter] assumed the office of President of the
United States, his staff attempted to explore the availability
of official investigations into alien contact. As this internal
government memo illustrates, there are some security secrets
outside the jurisdiction of the White House."
"In November of 1975, essentially every SAC [Strategic Air
Command] base in the United States was visited by UFOs."
"Indications are that government, military and scientific
leaders will soon release nearly a half-century of official
documentation of ongoing alien encounters on Earth."
"Statistics indicate a greater probability that you’ll
experience extraterrestrial contact in the next five years, than
the chances that you will win a state lottery."
"Most Americans will likely explore outer space aboard crafts of
alien origin."
Some UFO researchers feel that these
’stealth’ Disney documentary broadcasts were a test of the public’s
ability to handle the revelation of UFO reality and the government
On Friday 5th May 1995, British TV producer Ray Santilli held a
press conference at the London Museum to announce that he had come
into possession of 14 reels of 16-mm military intelligence film
which include scenes from UFO crash retrieval operations by
classified Army Air Corps units, along with scenes of autopsies in
progress on several extraterrestrial corpses.
Mr Santilli stated that he was given this film by Jack Barnett, an
82-year-old Army photographer who said that he kept back a personal
copy of the classified footage he shot at
the Roswell UFO crash
retrieval operation in July 1947.
But Christopher Cory, a business
associate of Mr Santilli, feels that this account does not fit and
that there are indications that the films came by way of
intelligence agency ’leaks’.
Some indications that these UFO wreckage and extraterrestrial
autopsies films were actually leaked from intelligence sources are
the following two incidents.
A delegation of Taiwanese UFO
researchers who were in London and saw the film in June 1995, said
that they had received copies of the same footage two years earlier
(1993) from the CIA in exchange for some Chinese UFO film footage.
And former Air Force intelligence officer Sgt
Dick Doty claims that
he was shown the Roswell film some time ago at Los Alamos National
Laboratory, New Mexico.
On 28th June 1995, a group of 19 senators and Congress members,
including Rep. Steven Schiff, was shown a preview of the film of the
extraterrestrial autopsy at their request.
One month later, a special film program, entitled Alien Autopsy:
Fact or Fiction?, was televised publicly around the world on 28th
August 1995.
The six-fingered, five-to-six-foot-tall ET shown in the
autopsy film is not of the same race as the four-fingered,
three-and-a-half-foot-tall ET shown in a different film reel
Santilli possesses. Such anomalies suggest that the films may
actually be of different UFO crash retrieval operations, some at a
different date than the Roswell incident.
These inconsistencies may point to a sophisticated negative-disinformation campaign by intelligence compartments to divert
attention from mushrooming civilian evidence about a 1947 UFO crash
at Roswell by foisting onto an unsuspecting Mr Santilli and the
world public some hoaxed or misidentified film.
Alternatively, the inconsistencies may point to an even more
sophisticated positive-disinformation campaign in which actual
military-intelligence footage of a variety of UFO crash retrievals
of various places and dates is merged together under the name of
"Roswell", so that it will require discernment on the part of the
public to distinguish the Roswell scenes from other UFO sites and
This latter strategy would also permit fearful disbelievers
to reassure themselves that Roswell ’didn’t happen’, by pointing to
scenes in certain film sequences inconsistent with investigated
Roswell facts.
The 20-minute film excerpt depicted a grainy image of
an autopsy
taking place in a well-lit space.
This segment is reportedly the
second of three autopsies which are photographed on various film
reels. There are three human workers shown in a hospital-like
environment. Two people are wearing ’radiation-type’ (biohazard
isolation) white suits, while a third person is looking on behind a
glass partition.
The two in isolation suits are working on a humanoid body shown on a
black slab. The ET body has a height of five to six feet. Her head
is larger than a human’s and is shaped differently, with huge
development in the back of the skull. She has large, black eyes. The
torso has a bloated stomach, possibly from desert decomposition.
Extremities have six fingers and six toes. One of her legs is
charred, presumably from the crash.
There is no cranial or axillary
hair. There is no apparent rib structure. Ears and nose are small
and rudimentary in comparison with human ones. There are no teeth,
and lips are not apparent. The ears are set extremely low, below the
jaw hinge. There is no navel.
There is a presumably female genital
cleft, but there are no apparent breasts. Some researchers feel that
this corpse may be a hybrid of ET/human origins because of the
presence of genitalia (not ET) and the absence of breasts (not
Another film segment, seen earlier by Philip Mantle, an officer of
the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), shows an autopsy
involving an extraterrestrial who is three-and-a-half to four feet
tall and has four fingers at the end of the upper limbs.
The Kodak
company has examined some film-leader and says it was of 1947
A prestigious three-day international conference was held at the
Sheraton Washington in Washington, DC, on 27th-29th May, on the
subject of what should be the Earth’s proper response when it comes
out in the open that we are being visited by cultures from
The "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" conference featured
presentations by scientists, academics, governmental leaders,
research professionals, military officers, journalists and religious
spokespersons. This major world-class conference revealed the solid
acceptance by political, academic, scientific and journalistic
figures of the realism of preparing for extraterrestrial contact,
and provided a number of compelling statements and revelations.
Arlington Institute national security specialist John L. Petersen
compared the current shift in society and culture - involving dramatic
breakthroughs in energy sources, ET contact and technology - to the
shift from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment.
Anthropologist/journalist Michael Hesemann likened ET contact to a
second Copernican Revolution. He also reported that Soviet KGB UFO
files have now become public, revealing, for example, that in 1989 a
UFO hovered for two hours over a Soviet nuclear weapons storage
facility until finally a MiG fighter came and caused its departure.
Harvard psychiatrist Dr
John Mack
presented arresting videotapes of
his interviewing of South African fourth-graders who witnessed a UFO
set-down at the edge of their recess playground. Then several ETs
emerged, one approaching within three meters (nine feet) of one
schoolgirl as others watched.
Washington Post journalist Ruth Montgomery related how she had
received multiple reports about UFO reality from various military
officers with whom she had spoken.
Jaime Maussan, the producer of Mexico’s Sixty Minutes television
documentary program, showed extensive videotapes of UFOs over
Mexican population centers. These videotapes show structured craft,
flotillas of UFOs, and a vertical column of UFOs inside a
translucent plasma(?) field. The most arresting footage is a
night-time shot of a UFO hovering near the ground; and, later, a
praying-mantis-type extraterrestrial, illuminated, is seen turning
towards the camera from perhaps one block away.
Sumerian culture expert
Zecharia Sitchin presented evidence from
ancient Sumerian tablets for previous contact between
extraterrestrials and modern humans’ ancestors.
The organizer of the Cosmic Cultures conference, Dr Scott
Jones, has
made videotapes of the conference available to key congressional and
White House figures so that they can be aware that representatives
from the scientific, academic, professional and journalistic
communities are well-informed and accepting of UFO and
extraterrestrial reality.
Scott Jones has also recently sent a
survey on UFO awareness and attitudes to all members of Congress.
On 13th April 1995, family physician Jesse Marcel, Jr, M.D., gave a
talk at Helena, Montana. Dr Marcel is the son of the Army Air Corps
intelligence officer who was present at the 1947 Roswell flying
saucer crash.
Dr Marcel told of being invited to Washington, DC, in
1991 by Dick D’Amato, national security specialist for Senator
Robert Byrd and liaison member of the National Security Council.
Dick D’Amato insisted that Dr Marcel and he meet in a "secure room".
Jesse protested that he was,
"not going to say anything he had not
said before".
But D’Amato insisted, saying he had secure things to
D’Amato acknowledged to Dr Marcel that there was a crash near
Roswell, and that aliens were aboard. This was the first time Dr
Marcel had heard anyone in government admit to the UFO crash.
Marcel said that D’Amato’s answer to where the wreckage is now, was,
"We [National Security Council] don’t know."
D’Amato told him that
the UFO-reality information should be released, but that an
incredibly powerful "black arm" of the government has been keeping
it a secret and that enormous sums of money are being spent
He also told Dr Marcel that the National Security Council
is trying to find out who these people are and why they are keeping
it a secret.
UFO researcher Stanton Friedman confirmed (and had also attended)
this meeting with Dick D’Amato. Researcher Timothy Good had also met
confidentially with Dick D’Amato in Washington and London. Mr Good
confirmed what D’Amato said, and will be reporting in his next book
on their meetings and the implications of what was revealed.
In Britain on 2nd July 1995, the big London daily, The Mail,
reported that Nick Pope, head of the Ministry of Defense's Air Staff
Secretariat’s Office of Special Reports, had resigned and publicly
announced that he is a believer in UFOs and had seen numerous
official reports while working in the Ministry of Defense.
In view of multiple pressures compelling disclosure of UFO reality,
and the exigencies of presidential election-year politics,
Congressman Phil Graham and Senator Bob Dole had perhaps best be
prepared for the possibility of the Democratic Presidential
Re-election Campaign launching an unprecedented kind of "October
In view of this, one UFO investigator, Dan Smith, has
entered into discussions with the Dole and Graham presidential
campaigns staff, offering them his information services about UFOs
so that Senator Dole and Congressman Graham can minimize their risk
of being blind-sided by the UFO cover-up/disclosure issue which may
become the sleeper issue of the 1996 presidential campaign.
Well-informed sources tell that both the Republican and Democratic
national committees are trying to assess whether UFOs, and
government secrecy over UFOs in particular, might be a legitimate
issue in the upcoming political season. In an apparent effort to
avoid being taken by surprise by the politics of UFO disclosures,
Republican National Chairman Hailee Barbour and other RNC officials
reportedly have contacted various astronauts to learn from them what
they know about UFOs.
The Democratic National Committee is thinking about putting one or
more UFO-related questions on a national survey questionnaire they
put out in preparation for the next election.
Both major parties are aware that a third party candidate might push
the UFO issue, too, to the embarrassment of Republicans and
Democrats. It is known that Ross Perot, during his presidential
campaign in 1992, made lots of back-channel UFO inquiries.
The UFO campaign issue may have already begun. During the week of
17th September 1995, two national figures referred to UFOs.
former President Jimmy Carter was asked a question about UFOs, he
answered by relating how the Director of Central Intelligence had
used a psychic to locate precisely a downed secret US plane. This
was a veiled reference to intelligence agencies’ use of psychics to
study UFOs and extraterrestrials.
That same week, presidential
candidate Bob Dole disparaged President Clinton’s economic policy
(that more than two per cent economic growth is impossible without
inflation) by commenting,
"That’s like the Air Force saying UFOs are
Native American spiritual leaders have been receiving messages that
it is now time to reveal to the white man secret, centuries-old
Indian oral traditions about extraterrestrial visitations.
these visits, the ETs taught the Indians beneficial information and
healed some of their sick.
Now a Native American spiritual leader is
going to gather together the Star Nation Altar-keepers from tribes
in North, Central and South America in mid-June 1996, and is
inviting certain Anglo ET experts as well so that everyone can share
their knowledge in a collective educational circle.
The extraterrestrials also appear to be employing a four-element
game plan to reveal their presence:
Element #1 is to increase the pace,
boldness and openness of UFO sightings. Peter Davenport,
Director of the National UFO Reporting Center [phone (206) 722
3000)], stated that the centre has been swamped by UFO reports
which have been escalating since the first week in July. Not
only are the reports plentiful, but reports of numerous and
multiple kinds of UFOs are now common during a single sighting.
Element #2 is the coming forward of
an increasing number of close-encounter experiencers to
acknowledge their contacts to psychotherapists, investigators
and the public. Many professional researchers and therapists
report increasing numbers of such accounts of extraterrestrial
Element #3 is the strong sense of
mission felt by numerous UFO experiencers and researchers to
work to bring the extraterrestrial presence to public awareness.
Reports from around the country verify that many people are
feeling such a sense of mission.
Element #4 is the attitude change in
many governmental and other influential leaders to allow release
or leaks of UFO information. Numerous instances of the results
of such greater openness are evident in the revelations cited
earlier in this report.
Meanwhile, 1995 reports of UFO/ET
sightings increase.
On 9th July near Versailles,
Missouri, two Air Force officers and a dozen other witnesses saw
five very large UFOs - a triangular craft and four discs, each as
long as a football field-hovering over an empty field.
On the
ground were 20 to 25 extraterrestrials moving about.
different races were present: some short ones with purplish skin
and large ears, another type described as luminous energy
beings, and a third group of humanoid ETs in jumpsuits.
On 6th August, numerous people saw
clusters of UFOs over Bakersfield, California, which were
reported in the Bakersfield paper.
On 7th September in mid-afternoon, a
silvery-grey, cigar-shaped UFO the size of a small plane-so near
that portholes across its midsection could be seen-descended and
landed at a
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
underground installation at Seattle.
On 20th September, two Blackshear,
Georgia, policemen called 911 to report an array of six to eight
different types of UFOs. One policeman reported that his vehicle
had been picked up by a UFO.
The Georgia assistant state 911
director also went outside and saw the display of lighted UFOs
of different types, including the sports model, a cigar-shaped
craft, a wedge shape, a football-shaped UFO which turned
blood-red, a flying disc projecting a green beam toward the
ground, and an ’Adamski’ type with three spherical appendages
below a flattened bell-shaped hull.
On 21st September at Salina, Kansas,
two policemen in a light plane spotted an array of UFOs and took
camcorder videotape of them.
On 22nd September in Redmond, a
Seattle suburb, two women, one of them a professional
astronomer, saw an array of craft with pulsating red lights.
In early November, Sightings broadcast videotape of a huge
cigar-shaped UFO moving very fast over the daytime skies of
Salida, Colorado.
On 11th June 1995, a UFO was sighted
hovering over the headquarters of the CIA at Langley, as
reported in the McLean, Virginia, local newspaper and The
Washington Post.
The UFO shone down a bright
light on the headquarters. Then it drifted north towards
Great Falls, Virginia, where
Ron Pandolphi, who runs the UFO Desk at the CIA,
has his home.
Could it be that the ETs are saying, "Time’s up!"?
Multiple, previously reliable sources
expect that either a governmental or a civilian expert panel
announcement of UFO reality will occur within the next five months.
These sources also expect that the beginning of a series of
formalized meetings of human and ET representatives will quietly
start in 1996.
Subsequent events in 1997, including a predicted announcement of the
forthcoming establishment of the first openly declared, official ET
presence on Earth the following year, will make it virtually
impossible by 1998 for any informed person to deny extraterrestrial