July 27, 2011
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Pandora's Box has surely been opened.
A dangerous genetic experiment
has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras
and other transgenic clones has produced now threaten to endanger
and irrevocably alter life as we know it.
The controllers of elite-funded science and
R&D have wantonly
tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather
obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and
flagrantly jeopardizing the earth's delicately-balanced
Fresh revelations about a "secret lab" program in the UK admittedly
ongoing 'for the last three years' developing such bestial-hybrids
only serves to reinforce our available data concerning the fact that
genetically-modified laboratory creations are fast spinning out of
control. Now the biotech industry has unleashed these Franken-breeds
into the world under the auspices of monopolizing some of the most
important and dangerous developments in Agra, Pharma and Medical
research for the 21st Century.
Their GM "solutions" to life's
challenges promise lucrative returns, as we reported earlier today,
due to their patented gene-expressions.
Transgenic clones, created by deleting-and-replacing DNA sequences
to create a cross-species hybrid (xenotransplantation) that is then
grown in a host egg, are becoming a pet-project of corporate science
that offers 'Pharming's' promise of replacement organs for ailing
humans, industrial and pharmaceutical applications of
artificial-protein production, and the hope of successful outlets
for artificial fertilization in an age of increasing sterility and
However, it is these man-made creations that pose the
greatest risks - including contamination, proven links to sterility
in offspring and risks of cancer.
Many clones, including the world's
famous first-cloned sheep,
Dolly, have had conspicuously short lives
and bad health. Arthritis, breathing problems and more have plagued
their existence, while hundreds of embryos fail in cultivation for
each successful clone. Still others die in the womb after only days,
yet these entities are trusted to fulfill humanity's betterment.
In particular, mixing the human genome with that of various 'useful'
animals crosses the extremely risky bridge formerly separating many
beast-borne diseases from those that typically affect humans, or
plant species for that matter.
The contagion of mixing unrelated
species like mammals and jellyfish genes gives the opportunity for
unforeseen consequences and uncontrollable mutations. Further, many
genes which scientists have previously believed to be equivalent
have proven to behave differently when transplanted into foreign DNA
Additionally, lack of recognition or compensation for
pleiotropic genes (where a single gene gives expression for multiple
traits) makes some of the consequences unforeseeable, yet
predictably dangerous.
Grotesque experimentation iconically portrayed for more than a
century in globalist H.G. Wells'
The Island of Dr. Moreau has now
come to life - growing human ears on the backs of mice, harvesting
human-marked organs from cows, pigs and other host-species,
synthesizing strategic proteins in host-milk production and other
seemingly-sci-fi applications pave the way to future biotechnology.
Creations like
spider-goats are raised in contradiction to nature's
laws, all in the name of reaching industrial production of a
stronger-than-steel protein from spider-silk that can create fibers
for items like bullet-proof vests, sold directly to the
military-prison-industrial complex, further feeding the total
domination of mankind.
GMO species have become absolutely invasive, and their Doctors
Frankenstein have unleashed them intentionally to wreck and destroy
the native competing species. Crop contamination of non-GMO plants,
combined with the genocidal effects of
Terminator seeds is
devastating to ordinary farmers. Consumption of
GMO crops have
proven ties in mice studies to sterility (shown to be delayed until
the second or third generation) as well as cancer and other issues.
Powerful globalists have declared themselves God, and seek to limit
the complex expression of life with cheap carbon-copy clones that
threaten to displace the genuine flora, fauna and other life on this
Not long ago, the world's most prestigious scientists
considered some
96% of DNA to be throwaway 'junk'
with no genetic
Now, in greater arrogance, they will make far greater
mistakes as they pretend to understand the path to 'transhumanism'
where man supposedly ascends to godhood and life extension.
must stand up and say no before it is too late.