by Eileen Dannemann
March 23, 2012
PreventDisease Website
Eileen Dannemann is the Director of the National Coalition of
Organized Women, and represents individuals spending their own time
and money as to speak up for progressive change and a new vision for
America…and the world. For more information, visit the Progressive
Convergence Website or Vaccine Liberation Army.com |
Dear Doctors:
Haven't you wondered why some of the patients that you
are prescribing psyche drugs to - dumbed down or pumped up -
function better than others on your drugs?
We wonder the same thing
about vaccines.
Why do some kids do better than others after the 45
doses of vaccine by the time they are six years old?

While some are full blown Autistic others just have ADHD or ADD or
Bi Polar labels.
What they all have in common as well as vaccine
injury is that they all eventually take your drugs to compensate for
their apparent "mental illness". 25% of American children are now on
psyche drugs. And according to the CDC 1 out of every 6 children are
developmental damaged.
Haven't you noticed that some of your patients get more and more
psychotic forcing you to change or up their prescriptions? Do you
ever wonder why so many people on psyche drugs are committing
suicide and homicide these days? After all, decades ago, there were
no "school shootings" or bizarre child suicides or homicides like
those found on
Well hold on to your prescription pad! Herein, for all to hear, I
expose your horrible secret! Something you know about if you are a
"current" psychiatrist. Something egregious that you are turning
Something that
Big Pharma stakeholders haven't given you the
green light to talk about. Something that you are doing that is
destroying families and society. Something the lawyers have not yet
summoned up the moral courage to come after you for!
Years ago the genome project identified the main metabolic pathway
needed to metabolize 25 - 50% of all psyche drugs and street drugs.
This field is called Pharmacogenetics. You must have read about it
in the journals - that is, if you keep up with current research in
your chosen field.
Common psyche drugs such as Adderall, Haldol, Respirdal are on the
list that needs the
Cytochrome P450 gene 2D6 in order to be
metabolized. 2D6 refers to the most major metabolic liver enzyme.
the same gene,
Cytochrome P450, is the Glutathione pathway
implicated in Autism and vaccine injury.
The incredible news is that perhaps more than 10% of caucasians and
a percentage of Asians and African Americans do not have the 2D6
These folks can not metabolize 25-50% of the psyche drugs that you
are willy nilly prescribing. Historically, by your professional
hands, these non metabolizers are given more and more psyche drugs
as they become more and more psychotic until they hang themselves,
kill someone else or become disabled in a mental institution,
foaming from the mouth.
Why are they becoming more and more psychotic? Because without an
active Cytochrome P450 2D6 metabolic pathway your drugs are
accumulating in their liver... cannot be metabolized - cannot exit
their bodies. These non metabolizing demographics - adults and
students - regularly commit suicide and homicide on your drugs.
These are the folks taking your prescription psyche drugs, having
been labeled as,
...according to your book and
These are the kids as young as 12 years old who are shooting
their fellow students at school; mothers who are drowning their
babies in the bathtub and wives who are stabbing their husbands
while they are sleeping.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
you don't know - you ought know - about Pharmagenetics. If you don't
know - you should know that there is a simple oral swab test for
about $300.00 that you can give your patients before you prescribe
these counter indicated deadly cocktails.
Why isn't the testing for Cytochrome P450 2D6 standard of care for vaccines and psyche drugs?
Because the stake holders won't make it so! If the people knew this
dirty secret, the stakeholder would lose billions and billions of
dollars because 10% and more of the human race can't tolerate their
For over 15 years the stake holders have kept this dirty secret from
the people as they scurried hopefully and greedily to find an
alternative pathway for their drugs. In fact, they have, all these
years, blocked education about cytochrome P450 in medical schools.
But there really is no alternative pathway.
This is the major Gipper!
Some pharmacuetical manufacturers, like Johnson and Johnson are now
forced to warn, in their Respirdal package insert, that an active
Cytochrome P450 2D6 is the necessary metabolic pathway for their
drug. Further they warn that a percentage of the population is
missing the activity necessary to metabolize their drugs. But I have
found that you don't read the package inserts.
To explain further, lest you think that a dormant Cytochrome P450
2D6 activity is a "defect" as opposed to an evolutionary leap.
Tanzanian Africans and Ethiopians, for example, are "ultra
That is because their soil is not good for growing
food. For generations they have had to eat weeds which are for the
most part either toxic or medicines. The ones who survived have
multiplied, even triplicated their 2 D6.
Theory has it, that those incarnating beings, perhaps on the trail
of enlightenment, have generationally lost their need for a major
detoxifying pathway. Hence, their 2D6 pathway is, for a lack of a
better word, dormant.
Unfortunately they find themselves suddenly in today's toxic soup of
street drugs of,
...your mind ripping psyche drugs, to name a few
Why have you not genetically tested your patients prior to
prescribing drugs to find out the status of their metabolic
pathways? The science exists!
Why are you giving your patients drugs
that insure their psychosis when there is an effortless test
available to you? Kids who are experimenting with street drug may be
missing their 2D6 activity if they are in the 10% group and you give
them more drugs without testing them first.
I know your excuse: It
is not standard of care so Medicaid doesn’t cover the test!
Why is
it not standard of care? The answer is because you have not insisted
on it. Cowards - you all!
And what is the 1000 lb gorilla in the
room that is apparently causing this epidemic of mental illness,
that you are financial benefiting from? Vaccines! - the precursor to
a psyche drug prescription.
Why aren’t infants genetically tested to see if they can tolerate
toxic vaccines?
Why is the CDC/ACIP recommending the injection of a
pregnant woman with mercury?
Why would you shoot the neurotoxin
mercury into a child’s arm 20 times by the time they are 19 years
Why aren’t you, the supposed “masters of the mind”, doing something
about psychopathic forces; the pharma/government medical nut clubs,
that you most likely are forced to belong to and ascribe to, that
are rendering our population incoherent, dumbing-down multiple
generations and robbing us of our happiness and liberty?
Stand up and do something, for heaven sakes and wake up to what Dr.
Kohls is trying to tell you.
Today’s pharmogenetic science has identified the metabolic pathways
needed to metabolize street drugs, psyche drugs as well as the
toxins in vaccines. Read the Psychiatrist Dr. Yolande Lucire’s
new study exposing your shameful ignorance and egregious
Further Review:
Whistleblower Exposes Evidence That Anti-Depressants
Cannot Be Metabolized
Whistleblower Exposes Evidence That...
Anti-Depressants Cannot Be
November 9, 2011
PreventDisease Website
Thirteen years ago Dr. Yolande Lucire began to notice alarmingly
high hospital admission and suicide rates among patients treated
with antidepressant medications and antipsychotics.
Since then she
has accumulated damning statistics on suicide, homicide and
hospitalization rates among patients and more recently it has become
clear that a large percentage of people being treated with
antidepressants can't metabolize these medications because of common
genetic mutations.
One of the most interesting aspects on Dr. Lucire's research is in
the area of phamacokinetics.
This is one of the most critical
elements of research which defines the toxicity potential of any
drug. It it primarily concerned with the bodily absorption,
distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients within a
specific drug.
What is surprising is that more than 99% of all
pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines have absolutely no conclusive or
long-term phamacokinetic research to validate any clinical trials of
any drugs in human beings.
"If Dr. Lucire's research were to be taken seriously, it would
revolutionize the way Physicians treat patients," said Naturopathic
Doctor, Dr. Dave Mihalovic.
"The reason that pharmacokinetic
research is rarely if ever properly evaluated throughout any clincial trial is because drug manufacturers know that it would
offer conclusive evidence that almost every drug and vaccine
available today is cytotoxic, hepatotoxic and organotoxic to all
living organisms, not just humans."
Dr Lucire has been campaigning to introduce systematic doctor
education in order to minimize promiscuous and uninformed
anti-depressant prescribing.
With her complaints, findings and
warnings about lack of action, Dr Lucire has been assiduously
lobbying her colleagues, the Medical Board and the Health Care
Complaints Commission of NSW, the Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory
Committee (ADRAC) of the federal Therapeutic Goods Administration in
Australia and a clutch of ministers, both state and federal, for
many years.
Most recently she has been providing redacted files on
her own extensive sample of DNA swab-tested relapsing patients
suffering from the side effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
and polypharmacy.
She has been on a mission, fighting back against the Pharma-driven
psychiatric consensus that treating with SSRIs is safe and
effective, working hard to wean patient-victims as well as their
prescribers off the drugs.
Very often
Big Pharma itself has largely conjured up the booming
markets in which its dubious drugs offer expensive treatment for
dubious medical conditions.
The biggest and most lucrative scandals
have been in two types of second-generation drugs:
or SSRIs - Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.
"atypical" antipsychotics
such as Zyprexa, Risperdal and Seroquel which were known from their
licensing to be ineffective for the vast majority of clinical trial
subjects and up to twice as bad for inducing suicide as
The corrupt drug trial and marketing practices of Big Pharma include,
imaginary science (the serotonin deficiency theory of depression)
systematic suppression of lethal side effects (akathisia -
cannot-sit-down restlessness - leading to suicidal ideation, suicide
and murder)
a multi-billion dollar success over the past
generation in medicalising the ordinary ups and downs of the human
Feeling sad? ("Moderate depression", worthy of a happy little Zoloft
rock.) Diffident? ("Social anxiety disorder", try Aropax.)
antidepressants cured any significant number of people there would
be significantly less cost and less demand for mental health
services in Australia.
Whether from inadequate or tendentious
pharmacology training, laziness, busyness, greed driven by willed
ignorance or even misplaced conviction, the medical profession has
succumbed to the cynical marketing and the targeted blandishments of
the pharmaceutical companies.
Medical and scientific journals from Nature to The New England
Journal of Medicine allowed their columns to be infiltrated for
years by blatantly dishonest research reporting and ghost written
articles commissioned in Pharma-land but signed by distinguished
professors frequently in receipt of seven-figure research and
consultancy funding.
Most of these journals do now take another
tack, debunking Pharma claims and exposing fraudulence. But many
medical professional bodies are still being subsidized beyond hope
of objective dealing with the issue of mass iatrogenesis caused by
dud drugs and multiple drug prescribing ("polypharmacy"), and
particularly with the lethal side effects of anti-depressants.
The key drug regulator in the US - and the planet - the United
States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has failed to purge the Pharma-friendly experts who have dominated its rulings up to now.
Our own Therapeutic Goods Administration obediently follows suit,
also licensing drugs largely on information provided by their
But in America the going has been getting perceptibly harder
for the drug companies.
According to the New York Times, Dr Joseph Biederman, the pioneer of
"aggressive diagnosis and drug treatment of childhood bipolar
failed to report most of the $1.6 million he received in pharma funding over several years while at Harvard.
Part of the controversy stemming from Dr. Lucire's research is
cytochrome P450 genotyping which is the study of a large and diverse
group of enzymes.
CYP2D6 (cytochrome P450 2D6) acts on one-fourth of all prescription
drugs, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI),
tricylic antidepressants (TCA), betablockers, opiates, neuroleptics,
antiarrhythmics and a variety of toxic plant substances.
Up to 15%
of the population has a slow acting form of this enzyme and many of
these a fast-acting form. Thirty-five percent are carriers of a
non-functional CYP2D6 allele, especially elevating the risk of
adverse drug reactions when these individuals are taking multiple
Drugs that CYP2D6 metabolizes include,
...and the
over-the-counter diphenylhydramine drugs, Allegra, Dytuss, and
CYP2D6 is responsible for activating the prodrugs codeine
and other opioids into their active forms. The analgesic activity of
the drugs is therefore reduced or absent in CYP2D6 poor metabolizers.
The following is a
full list of drugs that need the 2D6 pathway to
This means that potentially up to 1 billion people on the planet
cannot metabolize and eliminate the commonly prescribed drugs from
their bodies as others without enzyme inhibition would. Since the
genetic polymorphism in CYP2D6 is common, it can affect therapeutic
response to these drugs and actually worsen specific conditions.
CYP2D6 metabolism, as measured by genetic variation and enzyme
inhibition, is also an independent predictor of breast cancer
outcomes. Determination of CYP2D6 genotype may be of value in
selecting alternative therapies and it appears CYP2D6 inhibitors
should be avoided in many women treated via pharmaceutical
The National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) has stated that the
information that would have averted the school shootings, the
homicides, the overdoses, the bizarre epidemic of mentally ill in
recent years has been available for circa 15 years.
But it has been
suppressed so that the stake holders might find alternative drugs
that use other than 2D6 as the metabolic pathway. Cytochrome P450
2D6 is the metabolic pathway that detoxifies 50% of all psyche drugs
and street drugs.
7-10% of Caucasians are missing the 2D6 pathway to
detoxify 50% of psyche drugs and street drugs.
Check out this most
egregious cover up in the history of modern psychiatry, Dr. Yolande Lucire
Her study just published in the summer of 2011 is not
only a academic victory but the homicidal speak of their experiences
in their own words on how they were moved to kill their loved ones.
Eileen Dannemann, Director of NCOW stated,
"the interesting thing I
found was that the glutathione pathway implicated in vaccine injury/
Autism Spectrum is found on the same cytochrome 450. Vaccines are so
toxic that if someone is a poor metabolizer they will sustain a
vaccine injury; then get misdiagosed as ADHD, ADD, etc and then
given harmful life debilitating drugs."
Some treatment protocols for autistic children now include support
for cytochrome P450 detoxification enzymes.
These include natural
remedies such as milk thistle, ginger, dandelion, turmeric, and phosphatidylcholine.
Despite a large number of studies investigating the potential
clinical relevance of CYP2D6 genotyping in preventing treatment
failure (eg, insufficient efficacy and/or unacceptable adverse
effects), the prevalence of patients using drugs metabolized by that
enzyme is relatively unknown.
However, it is clear that several
patient populations in developed nations (e.g., psychiatric,
psychogeriatric, geriatric) have a high prevalence of patients
treated with at least one drug metabolized by CYP2D6. Theoretically,
assumptions can be made that these patients would inevitably be
exposed to toxic levels of these drugs due to poor metabolism.
left undiagnosed, drug treatment could lead to additional
misdiagnoses and could prove fatal for many patients.