by Mike Adams
September 29, 2008
edited on October 03, 2008
PrisonPlanetForum Website
Spanish version
Technical comments:
While the outcome of Western Finance and Western
Medicine are not in doubt, the timing of their demise is
uncertain. The financial system could break and collapse
in weeks, or it could possibly limp along in a severe
recession for decades (a la Japan, circa 1989),
depending on the actions of foreign central banks and
the Federal Reserve.
Western Medicine will likely take many years to unravel
and be replaced by a new system based on reality. But a
collapse of the U.S. government would accelerate that
shift by taking the FDA out of the equation. Without the
FDA to enforce Big Pharma's monopolistic, racketeering
practices, natural products would quickly take over the
free market and Big Pharma would quickly shrink.
Remember this: FDA
employees are only one paycheck away from complete
disloyalty. The entire U.S. government is held together
by a long supply line of fragile paychecks. The whole
system could unravel in less than 30 days if foreign
nations stop buying U.S. debt. |
Here at NaturalNews, we've been
publicly predicting the fall of Western Medicine for nearly five
During that time, we've also covered the
increasingly precarious financial situation, warning readers in 2005
and 2006 about the impending housing bubble crash and the
implications for the entire financial system.
In covering these two topics (western medicine and western finance),
I've come to recognize many strong parallels between the two.
article explores the common threads of deception that characterize
these two powerful institutions.
#1 - They're both based on fraud and
Both Western Finance and
Western Medicine are fundamentally based on fraud. The fraud of
Western Finance is that you can create money from nothing and
everybody can get rich by selling each other fictitious
financial instruments that have no connection to reality.
fraud of Western Medicine is that everybody can get healthy by
taking fictitious patented chemicals (pharmaceuticals) rather
than addressing fundamental issues of nutrition, exercise and
exposure to consumer chemicals.
Western Finance's fraud is committed by high-brow academics who
contrive complicated derivative financial instruments that are
then presented to the investment community as things of real
value (which they are not). Western Medicine's fraud is
committed by high-ego medical researchers who selectively
massage clinical trial data to create fictitious "scientific"
results that are then presented to the FDA as fact.
FDA then "approves" such drugs
which are sold to the public as medicines that treat "disease"
(which are also fictitious, by the way; being voted into
existence by a panel of experts who benefit from such disease
Both the financial instruments and FDA-approved medications are
fraudulent to begin with, and they offer nothing of real,
lasting value to anyone.
They're both sold simply for momentary
profits, without any regard for the health or the wealth of the
#2 - When problems arise, they both treat
symptoms rather than solving the causes
The $700 billion financial
bailout created in Washington is a classic example of Western
Medicine's "treat the symptoms" mentality. Rather than address
the root cause of the problem (the Fed's control over the money
supply and the very structure of fractional-reserve banking),
politicians seem satisfied to rig up a series of financial
bandages that allow them to pretend the problem has been solved.
In Western Medicine, this "treat the symptoms" approach is the
de facto treatment philosophy taught in medical school: Ignore
the real cause, don't bother educating patients about diet or
exercise, and simply prescribe pharmaceuticals to mask the
problem for as long as possible.
In both cases, the patient inevitably gets sicker: The financial
situation festers and grows like an unchecked cancer tumor, and
while stop-gap measures can create the illusion of a healthy
patient, these actions inevitably contribute to far greater
crisis down the road, where the patient eventually crashes and
The financial sickness now infecting banks, lenders and
insurance companies across the globe is an unchecked pandemic of
infectious debt.
But rather than addressing the cause
of the infections, the financial industry seems satisfied to
refinance the disease carriers so they can rise up, coughing and
sputtering as they pass along the disease to anyone within
breathing distance.
#3 - They both enrich powerful
corporations while impoverishing the People
The key agenda of both the
financial and health industries is to enrich wealthy
corporations at the expense of the public. In Western Finance,
this is being done by privatizing the financial gains while
socializing the financial losses.
In other words, all the
profits go to the
wealthy elite while all the losses are passed
along to taxpayers (this is the fundamental point of the $700
billion bailout, of course).
In Western Medicine, virtually every regulatory policy in effect
today is constructed to enrich corporations. The FDA's
censorship of true health claims on nutritional supplements, the
FTC's crackdown on anti-cancer herbal remedies, the DEA's raids
on medical marijuana... these campaigns are all conducted solely
to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies at the
expense of public health.
Think about it: Monopoly pricing on pharmaceuticals sold in the
USA is enforced by the FDA and FTC. Approvals of drugs based on
outright fraudulent science is openly granted by the FDA.
Raids against vitamin companies,
supplement companies and natural product retailers are organized
and conducted by both the FTC and FDA, two regulatory bodies
that engage in outright extortion, threatening natural health
companies with bankruptcy and criminal charges if they don't pay
outrageous fines based on fabricated accusations of things like
"linking to a scientific journal from your website" (which is
now a crime in the U.S. if you sell nutritional products).
These are all the actions of governmental tyrants who act solely
as Big Business street thugs, wiping out the competition to
protect the profits of their (mob) bosses.
#4 - They're both based on arrogance
and the worship of money
Arrogance runs high in
Western Medicine, where clever men at the top of the
pharmaceutical companies think they've outsmarted mother nature
by brainwashing consumers into thinking the human body is born
with deficiencies of patented synthetic chemicals.
This same arrogance is woven
directly into the fabric of Wall Street, where greed-based
financial players convince themselves they're so brilliant that
the mere idea of how to make money is now recorded as a bankable
asset on the balance sheets (that's the Enron style of
accounting, which has now infected all of Wall Street).
The arrogance in both these industries is astounding. Neither
Western Finance nor Western Medicine believes there is such a
thing as a reality that shall ever hold them accountable. They
don't believe in gold, or real food, or cause and effect. Things
are things because they say they are, and nothing is subject to
economic reality, scientific scrutiny or real-world common
These two industries have been living in the Twilight Zone for
so long, they've completely lost touch with reality. In fact,
they no longer have any familiarity with reality.
Doctors, for
example, have no knowledge of nutrition or superfoods. They are
nutritionally illiterate the day they graduate from medical
school. Similarly, bankers are almost universally ignorant of
the basic laws of economics. Few understand how
fractional-reserve banking really works, nor do they grasp the
correlations between increases in the money supply and
Bankers and doctors, it could be accurately stated,
have almost
no knowledge about the very things over which they have been
granted authority.
(For the record, yes I know there are many exceptions to this.
Lots of well-educated bankers and doctors break out of the box
of ignorance by learning, on their own, those things not taught
to them in the land of academia.)
#5 - They both seek instant profits
at the expense of future generations
Western financial
institutions are famous for their focus on the next fiscal
quarter. If it doesn't create a profit in the next 90 days, it's
not considered a worthwhile investment.
This "instant profit" mentality
inevitably leads to an abandonment of virtues like saving money
or honoring future generations. Instead of leaving our children
with equity, the United States of America (and its financial
co-conspirators) have burdened future generations with an
impossible debt burden.
Pharmaceutical companies think much the same way. Rather than
uplifting the health of the nation with sound prenatal nutrition
policies (and infant health programs based on disease
prevention), it seeks to
vaccinate and medicate every living
being with a never-ending parade of high-profit
pharmaceuticals... from birth to death.
There is no attention
paid to the environmental effects of flushing all those drugs
down the drain (pharmaceuticals are now found in the drinking
water of over 50 American cities), nor is there any attempt to
actually prevent
cancer (or other diseases) in any way
Instead, Western Medicine prefers to wait until people get sick
so it can cash in on their disease. Similarly, Western Finance
prefers to hide its problems, expanding its debt base until it
gets too big to fail, at which point someone has to come along
and bail it out.
Neither industry operates with any degree of accountability.
#6 - Both are run by unindicted
If I break into your house
and steal your wallet, I would be considered a criminal. But
when Congress breaks into your finances and steals your life
savings, they consider themselves to be heroes!
Make no mistake: Both the Western Finance and Western Medical
industries are run by unindicted criminals who steal, lie, and
deceive their way to the greatest profits possible. Drug
companies routinely bury studies they don't want you to see, and
FDA leaders routinely stack their decision boards with "experts"
who maintain direct financial ties to the companies selling the
pharmaceuticals they're voting to approve.
Meanwhile, top bankers are shelling out hundreds of millions of
dollars in favors to Washington politicians in order to avoid
any reduction in their multi-million dollar salaries, even while
the financial institutions they led are about to be bailed out
by taxpayer money. What all this has in common is that the top
CEOs, politicians and regulatory decision makers are unindicted
criminals who are guilty of various crimes against the People:
Theft, conspiracy, racketeering and much more.
If these people were held up to the same laws applied to you and
me, they'd all be arrested and spend their lives in prison (or
#7 - Both are doomed to collapse
The final parallel between
Western Finance and Western Medicine? They're both doomed to
That very idea was considered absolutely loony just 30 days ago.
But I've stuck to this prediction for five years: Western
medicine is doomed to collapse. And now, all of a sudden, more
people are waking up and seeing their fictional world crumbling
around them. The near-collapse of the global financial system,
it seems, has rudely awakened a few people who were sleepwalking
through life, intoxicated by visions of free riches, free
pharmaceuticals and life in the land of zero accountability.
Reality, though, is a stubborn thing. You can daydream all you
want, but the laws of economics cannot be violated any more so
than the laws of human physiology. When there's a poison in the
system (biologically or financially speaking), something must be
done to eliminate the poison and bolster the health of the
Sadly, Washington remains in the business of denying
the problem, which makes it all the more difficult to try to
solve it.
Interestingly, the collapse of Western Finance is inevitably
linked to the collapse of Western Medicine. How so? Because Big
Pharma is almost entirely dependent on the government to protect
and feed itself. Without Big Government creating an artificial
monopoly market where competing natural products are censored or
outlawed, Big Pharma could not compete!
Nobody would buy arthritis drugs if they knew cherry extracts or
potent fish oils could solve the problem more safely and
affordably. No one would buy high-profit cholesterol drugs if
they learned the truth about red yeast rice, aged garlic or
Big Pharma is entirely dependent on the government to prop up
its business, and when the U.S. government goes operationally
bankrupt (which is coming), Big Pharma may suddenly find itself
competing in a free marketplace where it no longer has the tools
of oppression, censorship and tyranny to bludgeon the
competition into irrelevancy.
When Big Government goes, Big Pharma will follow, and the collapse of Western Finance is thus
a precursor to the collapse of Western Medicine.
Both institutions, of course, will attempt to claw their way
back to power, even as they are crumbling. They won't go without
a fight, and they may be able to put in place clever tactics
that delay their demise by years.
But in the end, no nation has a
future when its finance - and its medicine - are based on
Think about that. It's a powerful
The U.S. simply cannot continue the way it's running
today. With 50% of the population on pharmaceuticals, and children
being drugged with Speed (ADHD drugs), and
mandatory vaccines
poisoning (and killing) young girls, there is no future unless
something changes.
With junk foods and energy drinks intoxicating our youth, and
dangerous chemicals running rampant through the personal care
product industry, and foods being irradiated to destroy their
nutritional content, there is no future.
With banks stealing money from the working taxpayers, and $10
trillion national debt knocking on our door, and the government
taking ownership of more than 50% of the national economy, there is
no future!
The real world
will be a shock to many
The end of these systems is now in sight. They are crumbling under
their own arrogance and stupidity, revealing a society based on
self-righteous deception and global scandal.
Everything we thought was real turns out
to be fabricated:
The money, the medicine, the economy, the law...
it's all being revealed for what it is:
A Matrix of enslavement, designed to
keep the People believing they live in a free society, even as
their health and wealth are stolen from them by the sinister few
who wield political power.
Western Finance will fall, and Western
Medicine will soon end its reign of terror over the people. We will
live to see the end of the
FDA as we know it; the end of the
the cancer industry and the dominance of the drug companies.
We may
lose our savings and we may even lose our nation, but we will not
lose the one thing that matters most in this cold, dark universe:
Our sense of connection with life,
nature and each other.
Because when all the fictions fall apart, and the facade of the
American Empire crumbles like the twin towers on 9/11, when it's all
said and done, we still have one thing we can count on: Mother
Nature will still be there. The trees, the gardens, the herbs...
these things are real. The water, the oceans, the honeybees... these
are the things that bring us real wealth.
Wealth is not a collection of digits in a computer. It isn't a
promise printed on green paper money.
Real wealth is a garden that
feeds you, a river that hydrates you, and a system of medicine that
nourishes and supports you.
Real wealth is a day with sunshine, a
night under the stars and a life lived with purpose.
Real wealth is not fleeting, nor subject to cascading collapse. It
is as real as the morning dew on a cabbage plant, or the sweet taste
of fresh blueberry juice, or the buzz of ten thousand honeybees
pollinating an orchard.
These are the things Western society has forgotten, and in that
forgetfulness, it has suffered a dangerous, multi-generational
amnesia ... a disease of delusion, if you will, that is about to
collide head-on with reality.
The awakening will be rude. Some will embrace reality and thrive in
the Next Society. Others will deny reality and suffer.
As we watch all of this unfold, I invite you to join me in the real
world; to eat real food, to experience real (natural) medicine and
to make real, lasting contributions to the future of life on Earth.
As fictional constructs fall to the ground around us, we are all
being granted front-row seats to one of the most amazing
transformations in the history of life on Earth:
We are about to
watch one civilization end, and another civilization emerge from the
ruin. We are, indeed, watching history unfold before our eyes.
And you
know what?
We are all fortunate enough to participate in it!
miss this
Stay confident
Help those you can, and prepare yourself
for the transition
The next few years are going to be the
most interesting we'll see in our lifetimes...