by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
September 18, 2009
NaturalNews Website
About the author
Mike Adams is a
natural health researcher and author with a passion for
teaching people how to improve their health He is a
prolific writer and has published thousands of articles,
interviews, reports and consumer guides, impacting the
lives of millions of readers around the world who are
experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his
Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who
receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to
write about other companies' products.
In 2007, Adams launched
EcoLEDs, a maker of energy efficient LED lights that
greatly reduce CO2 emissions. He also founded an
environmentally-friendly online retailer called
BetterLifeGoods.com that uses retail profits to help
support consumer advocacy programs.
He's also the founder of a
well known HTML email software company whose 'Email
Marketing Director' software currently runs the
NaturalNews subscription database.
Adams is currently
the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center,
a 501(c)3 non-profit, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, Pilates and organic gardening.
He's also author of
numerous health books published by Truth Publishing and
is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots
campaigns, including the Spam - Don't Buy It! campaign,
and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide.
He also
created the free reference sites HerbReference.com and
Adams believes in free
speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the
ending of corporate control over medicines, genes and
Known by his callsign, the
'Health Ranger,' Adams posts his missions statements,
health statistics and health photos at
The mainstream media is engaged in what
we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu.
It seems to be true with this issue more
than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a
colleague of mine - a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -
told me their column on natural defenses for swine flu was rejected
by newspapers all across the country. Many newspapers refused to run
the column and, instead, ran an ad for "free vaccine clinics" in the
same space.
The media, it seems, is so deeply in bed with the culture of
vaccinations that they will do almost anything to keep the public
misinformed. And that includes lying about swine flu vaccines.
There are ten key lies that continue to be told by the mainstream
media (MSM)
about swine flu and swine flu vaccines.
Lie #1 - There are no
adjuvants used in the vaccines
I was recently being
interviewed by a major U.S. news network when the reporter
interviewing me came up with this humdinger: There are no
adjuvants being used in the swine flu vaccines, he said!
I assured him that adjuvants were, indeed, a crucial part of
the vaccine recipe, and they were being widely used by drug
companies to "stretch" the vaccine supply. It's no secret.
But he insisted he had been directly told by a drug company
rep that no adjuvants were being used at all. And he
believed them!
So everything being published by
this large news network about swine flu vaccines now assumes
there are no adjuvants in the vaccines at all.
Lie #2 - The swine flu is
more dangerous than seasonal flu
This lie is finally
starting to unravel. I admit that in the early days of this
pandemic, even I was concerned this could be a global
But after observing the very mild impact the virus
was having on people in the real world, it became obvious
that this was a mild flu, no more dangerous than a seasonal
The MSM, however, continues to promote H1N1 swine flu as
being super dangerous, driving fear into the minds of people
and encouraging them to rush out and get a vaccine shot for
a flu that's really no more likely to kill them than the
regular winter sniffles.
Sure, the virus could still
mutate into something far worse, but if it does that, the
current vaccine could be rendered obsolete anyway!
Lie #3 - Vaccines protect you
from swine flu
This is the biggest lie
of all, and the media pushes it hard.
Getting a vaccine,
they insist, will protect you from the swine flu. But it's
just flat-out false. Even if the vaccine produces
antibodies, that's not the same thing as real-world immunity
from a live virus, especially if the virus mutates (as they
often do).
As I pointed out in a recent article, statistically speaking
the average American is 40 times more likely to be struck by
lightning than to have their life saved by
a swine flu vaccine.
Lie #4 - Vaccines are safe
And how would any
journalists actually know this?
None of
the vaccines have
been subjected to real-world testing for any meaningful
duration. The "safety" of these vaccines is nothing more
than wishful thinking.
The MSM also doesn't want you to know what's in the
vaccines. Some vaccines are made from viral fragments grown
in diseased African monkeys.
If that sounds incredible, read
the true story
Lie #5 - The vaccine isn't
You hear this lie all the
time: The swine flu vaccine shot is voluntary, they say.
But it's not true if you're an
employee at a place where vaccines are being mandated.
Millions of Americans are now being told by their employers
that if they don't get vaccine shots, they will be
effectively fired from their jobs.
It's especially true with health
care workers, day care employees and school teachers.
Lie #6 - Getting a vaccine
shot is a good bet on your health
In reality, a vaccine
shot is far more likely
to harm you than help you.
According to one viral expert,
the actual mortality rate of the
swine flu virus is estimated to be as
low as .007 percent. That means H1N1 swine flu
kills less than one person in 100,000. Even if the vaccine
works, let's say, 10 percent of the time, you'd have to
vaccine one million people to prevent one death from swine
And in vaccinating one million people, you would inevitably
harm or kill several people, simply from the vaccine side
effects! Your net risk of death is increased by getting a
swine flu vaccine.
Lie #7 - The vaccine isn't
made with "attenuated live virus"
When the swine flu
vaccines were first being announced several months ago, they
were described as being made with "attenuated live virus."
This was directly mentioned in CDC documents, among other
This term apparently freaked out the American news consumer,
and it has since been all but erased from any discussion
about vaccines. Now, journalists will actually argue with
you and insist the vaccines contain no attenuated live
viruses whatsoever.
Except they're wrong. The vaccines are, indeed, made with
"attenuated live viruses." That's how you make a vaccine:
You take live viruses, then you weaken them ("attenuate")
and inject them into people.
Lie #8 - Wash, wash, wash
your hands (to avoid exposure)
This idea of washing your
hands a hundred times a day is all based on the assumption
that you can avoid exposure to the swine flu virus.
But that's impractical. The
virus is now so widespread that virtually everyone is
certain to be exposed to it through the air if not other
means. This whole idea of avoiding exposure to the swine flu
virus is nonsense. The conversation should shift to ways to
survive exposure via a healthy immune system.
Of course, hand washing is a very good idea in a hospital
setting. Recent news reveals that doctors are too busy to
wash their own hands, resulting in the rampant spread of
superbugs throughout most large hospitals in first world
Lie #9 - Children are more
vulnerable to swine flu than adults
This is just a flat-out
lie, but it makes for good vaccine sales. Vaccines are right
now being targeted primarily to schoolchildren.
But the truth is that swine flu is extremely mild in
Reuters actually had the guts to
report this story, but most of the larger media outlets are
still reporting that children are the most vulnerable.
Lie #10 - There is nothing
else you can do beyond a vaccine and Tamiflu
This is where the
media lies by omission.
The mainstream media absolutely
refuses to print just about any story that talks about using
vitamin D, anti-viral herbs or natural remedies to protect
yourself from swine flu. In the MSM, there are two options
and only two: Vaccines and
Tamiflu. That's it. No other
options exist in their fictional reality.
Why is the mainstream media so afraid to print the truth
these days? Why can't reporting on swine flu see the light
of day... literally, with a mention of sunlight and vitamin
Apparently, Big Pharma has such
a tight grip on mainstream newspapers that no true story on
swine flu can ever make it past the editor's desk.
stories, deceiving the public
It must really be depressing to work for the mainstream media. Even
the reporters I know can't stand it. The truth, they admit, rarely
makes it into print.
Over the last few years, I've had a couple of job offers from large
media outlets. They want to pay me a six-figure salary and stick me
behind a desk where they can control what I report. Needless to say,
I routinely reject those offers. If I can't write the truth like I
do here on NaturalNews.com, there's no point writing at all. In too
many ways, the mainstream media has become little more than a
corporate mouthpiece, whoring itself out to the highest bidder/advertiser.
It's no fault of the frontline reporters who actually work there.
For the most part, they agree with what I'm saying. It's the fault
of the profit-oriented corporate mindset where news is about selling
newspapers rather than actually informing the public.
Important news stories get killed every day in the newsrooms across
They get killed not because they are poorly investigated or
poorly written, but because they upset advertisers and corporate
string pullers who shape the news and reject any stories that
threaten their own financial interests.
Here in 2009, the distorted reporting on the swine flu vaccine has
been one of the greatest media frauds ever perpetrated. The media
has in every way contributed to the widespread ignorance of the
American people on the subject of
vitamin D and natural
immune-boosting defenses that could reduce swine flu fatalities.
Rather than informing readers, the
MSM has made it a point to keep the people stupid, and in doing
so, the media has failed its only mission and betrayed the very
audience is claims to serve.