by Russell Blaylock, M.D.
03 November 2009
AugustForecast Website
About Russell Blaylock, M.D.:
Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and
lecturer. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in
addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired
from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies
and research.
Dr. Blaylock has written and illustrated three books. The first
book was on the subject of excitotoxins,
Excitotoxins: The Taste
That Kills, and how they are related to diseases of the nervous
His second book,
Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your
Life, covers the common basis of all diseases, nutritional
protection against diseases of aging, protection against heavy
metal toxicity, the fluoride debate, pesticide and herbicide
toxicity, excitotoxin update, the vaccine controversy,
protection against heart attacks and strokes.
His third book,
Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, was
released in April, 2003 and discusses the ways to defeat cancer,
enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments and prevent
complications associated with these treatments.
In addition, he has written and illustrated three chapters in
medical textbooks, written a booklet on nutritional protection
against biological terrorism and written and illustrated a
booklet on multiple sclerosis. He has written over 30 scientific
papers in peer-reviewed journals on a number of subjects.
Since the publication of his first book he has been a guest on
numerous national and international syndicated radio programs.
Visit Dr. Blaylock’s website at
"What experience and history
teach is this - that people and governments never have
learned anything from history or acted on principles deduced
from it.”
G.W.F. Hegel
I have been following the evolving
“pandemic” of H1N1 influenza beginning with the original discovery
of the infection in Mexico in March of this year. In the course of
this study I have tried to utilize as my sources high-quality,
peer-reviewed journals, data from the CDC and accepted textbooks of
As with all such studies one has to integrate and correlate previous
experiences with epidemics and pandemics. As you will see, a great
deal of my material comes from official sources, such as the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of
Health, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
and the New England Journal of Medicine.
Thus my distracters cannot claim that I
am using material that is not within the mainstream.
Pregnant Women
NOT at Special Risk from Swine Flu
In the beginning, even before it was declared a level 6 pandemic by
the World Health Organization (WHO), a group of “scientists” were
sounding the alarm that this might indeed be the terrifying, deadly
pandemic they had been expecting for over half a century.
Naturally, the vaccine manufacturers were doing all they could to
fuel this fear and they were quietly making deals with WHO to be
among the companies selected to manufacture the “pandemic” vaccine
for the world. Being anointed by WHO would guarantee tens of
billions in profits.
As the infection began to spread into the United States and then the
rest of the world, its peculiar nature became obvious. Those born
before 1950 seem to have a high degree of resistance to the
infection and the disease seems slightly more pathogenic (disease
causing) among those aged 25 to 49. Early on the official sources
declared that pregnant women were at a special risk as compared to
the seasonal flu.1
As we shall see later, this was a
grand lie.
Studies Show H1N1 NOT Dangerous or Highly Contagious
Once the pandemic had been declared, virologists tested the potency
of this virus using a conventional method, that is, infecting
ferrets with the virus.2 What they found was that the
H1N1 virus was no more pathogenic than the ordinary seasonal flu,
even though it did penetrate slightly deeper into the lungs.
It in no way matched the pathogenecity
of the 1917–1918 H1N1 virus. It also did not infect other tissues,
and especially important, it did not infect the brain.
Next, they wanted to test the ability of the virus to spread among
the population. The results of their tests were conflicting, but the
best evidence indicated that the virus did not spread to others very
well. In fact, an unpublished study by the CDC found that when one
member of a family contracted the H1N1 virus, other members of the
family were infected only 10% of the time - a very low
This was later confirmed in a study of the experience of New York
State, in which only 6.9% of the population contracted the virus,
far below the 50% predicted by the President’s Council of Advisors
on Science and Technology.3 It is instructive to note
that during the 1917–18 Swine flu epidemic the world infection
rate was only 20%.4
They also predicted that 1.8 million people would need
hospitalization and 300,000 would end up in the intensive care units
(ICU). Further, they predicted that hospitals would be overwhelmed
and that ICU units would not have enough beds to care for the sick
and dying.
Incredibly, they predicted that 90,000
people would die.
Much Fear
Not satisfied, they up the ante on fear mongering by peddling the
idea that pregnant women were especially in danger as were small
We were told daily that young, healthy
people were dying, not just those with underlying medical
conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other immune
suppressive diseases. The Minister of Fear (the CDC) was working
overtime peddling doom and gloom, knowing that frightened people do
not make rational decisions - nothing sells vaccines like panic.
These same dire predictions were extended to Australia and New
Zealand, which began to show an increase in their reported cases of
H1N1 and associated hospitalizations as they entered their fall and
winter. Recently, two major articles were released in the New
England Journal of Medicine, which analyzed the American
hospitalization experience 5 and the Australian/New
Zealand ICU experience 6. I will analyze these very interesting
There is a dramatic disconnect between what the science is
discovering about this flu virus and what is being broadcast over
the media outlets.
As you will see, this is a very mild flu
virus infection for 99.9% of the population.
Australian and
New Zealand Experience Prove U.S. is Wrong
As I stated, the countries in the southern hemisphere have already
gone through their fall and winter, that is the seasons of peak flu
infections. Epidemiologists and virologists have been surprised at
how mild this flu pandemic has been in the Southern Hemisphere, with
relatively few deaths and few hospitalizations in most areas.
The study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine on October
8, 2009, called the AZIC study, analyzed all ICU admissions in New
Zealand and Australia, looking at a number of factors.6
Here is what they found.
Out of a population of 25 million people, 722 were admitted to the
intensive care unit (ICU) with a confirmed diagnosis of H1N1
influenza. Overall, 856 people were admitted with a flu virus, but
11.3% were a type A flu that was not subtyped and 4.3% were
seasonal flu.
They also analyzed the number of people admitted with viral
pneumonia and found the following:
Number of People Admitted to the
Hospital each Year with Viral Pneumonia 5
57 people in 2005
33 people in 2006
69 people in 2007
69 people in 2008
37 people in 2009
So we see that in 2009 they had 32 fewer
people admitted with actual viral pneumonia.
The CDC and other public health agents
of fear like to imply that mass numbers of people are dying from
“flu”, that is, actual influenza viral pneumonia, when in fact, most
are dying from other complications secondary to underlying health
problems - either diagnosed or undiagnosed.
They also found that the average person’s risk of ending up in the
ICU was one in 35,714 or about three thousandths of one percent
(0.00285%), an incredibly low risk. When they looked at actual
admission to the ICU, they found that it was people aged 25 to 49
who made up the largest number admitted.
Infants from birth to age 1 year had the
higher admission per population, and had a high mortality rate.
Majority of
Children Respond POORLY to Flu Vaccine
It is interesting to note that babies this age respond poorly to
either the seasonal flu vaccine or the H1N1 vaccine. One of the
largest studies ever done, found that children below the age of
2 years received no protection at all from the seasonal flu vaccine.7
The recently completed study on the effectiveness of the new H1N1
vaccine reported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Disease found that 75% of small children below age 35 months
received no protection from the H1N1 vaccine and that 65% of
children between the ages of 3 years and 9 years received no
protection from the vaccine.8
Flu Vaccine
DOUBLES Risk of Getting H1N1
It is also important to view this in the face of the new unpublished
Canadian study of 12 million people that found getting the seasonal
flu vaccine, as recommended by the CDC and NIH, doubles one’s risk
of developing the H1N1 infection.
It would also make the infection much
more serious. So much for expert advice from the government.
Obese at Six
Times Higher Risk from H1N1 Complications
As stated, most authorities agree that the H1N1 variant virus is
quite mild as far as flu viruses go. The vast majority of people
(99.99%) are having very brief and mild illnesses from this virus.
Keep in mind that when I am discussing numbers and risk, this does
not intend to understate the devastation experienced by the people
who are experiencing serious illness or even death.
Any death is a tragedy.
What we are discussing here is - is the risk from this virus
significant enough to justify draconian measures by the government
and medical community? Should we implement mass vaccinations with a
vaccine that is essentially an experimental vaccine, poorly tested
and of questionable benefit?
The study also looked at the health risk of the people admitted to
the ICU, but unfortunately did not look at the underlying health
problems of those who died. We get a hint, since the American study
did note that it was those over age 65 who were most likely to die,
and that 100% of these individual had underlying health problems
before they were infected.
One of the real surprises from this study, and the American study,
was that one of the more powerful risk factors for being admitted to
the ICU and of dying was obesity. Obese people are admitted 6x more
often than those of normal weight. As we shall see, obesity played a
significant role in the risk to children and pregnant women as well,
something that has never been discussed by the media, the CDC or the
public health officials.
This study found that 32.7% of those admitted to the ICU had asthma
or other chronic pulmonary disease, far higher than the general
population. The Australian and New Zealand study also had a large
number of aboriginal patients and those from the Torres Strait. It
is known that nutrient deficiencies are common in both populations,
which means an impaired immune system.
Obesity is associated with a high incidence of insulin resistance
and metabolic syndrome, both of which would increase one’s risk of
having a serious infection, even to viruses that are mildly
pathogenic (mild viruses).
H1N1 Vaccine
is NOT Made the Same as Regular Flu Vaccine!!
I am really upset at the insistence by the CDC, medical doctors and
the media that all pregnant women should be vaccinated by this
experimental vaccine.
The media repeats the manufacturers’
mantra that this vaccine is produced exactly like the seasonal flu,
when in fact it is not. Yes, they use chicken eggs, but the rest has
been fast tracked and many shortcuts on safety procedures have been
There are 250,000 pregnant women in Australia and New Zealand
combined. Only 66 pregnant women were admitted to the ICU, an
incidence of 1 pregnant woman per 3,800 pregnant women or a risk of
Put another way, a pregnant woman in
these two countries can feel comfortable to know that there is a
99.97% chance that she will not get sick enough to end up in
the ICU.
Pregnant Women
NOT at Increased Risk, Obese Women Are!!
So, why did even 66 pregnant women end up in the ICU?
As we shall see in the American study 5,
a significant number of these pregnant women were either obese or
morbidly obese and most had underlying medical problems. The
Australian/New Zealand study 6 found that one of the major
risk factors for pregnant women was indeed being obese and that
obesity was associated with a high risk of underlying medical
They also found that death from H1N1 infection correlated best with
increasing age, contrary to what the media says.
They concluded the
study with the following statement:
“ The proportion of patients who
died in the hospital in our study is no higher than that
previously reported among patients with seasonal influenza A who
were admitted to the ICU.” 6
In fact, they report that of those
infected with the H1N1 variant virus who were sick enough to be
admitted to the ICU, 84.5 % went home and 14.3% died and that of
those admitted with seasonal flu 72.9% were discharged and 16.2%
That is, more died from the seasonal flu.
Recent NEJM
Study of the American Experience
In the same Oct, 8th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine
they reported on the American experience with the H1N1 variant
The study looked at data from 24 states
with widespread influenza infection from April through June 2009.
Remember, unlike most flu epidemics in the United States, this
epidemic began early and by the end of September it was beginning to
peak, with late October being the date it may begin to decline.
The study examined 13,217 cases of infection involving 1082 people
who were hospitalized.
Here is what they found:
Underlying Medical Conditions
Of the total hospitalized
They also found that 32% of patients had
at least 2 medical conditions that would put them at risk. We are
constantly told that it is the young adult aged 25 to 49 who is at
the greatest risk. Note that 83% of these people had underlying
medical conditions.
This means that in truth only 292
“healthy” people out of 1082 in 24 states were sick enough to enter
the hospital - that is 292 healthy people out of tens of millions
of people, not much of a risk if you do not have an underlying
chronic medical problem.
Medical Conditions Risk Factor for H1N1 Deaths
When they looked at people over age 65 years of age, that is, the
folks who are most likely to die in the hospital, 100% had
underlying medical conditions - all of them. So, there was not one
healthy person over age 65 who has died out of 24 states combined.
What about the children, a special target of the fear mongering
media and government agencies? This study found that 60% had
underlying medical conditions and that 30% were either obese or
morbidly obese.
A previous CDC study states that 2/3 of children who died had
neurological disorders or respiratory diseases such as asthma.3
If we take the 60% figure, that means out of the 84 children
reported to have died by October 24th, 2009, only 34 children
considered healthy in a nation of 301 million people really died,
not 84. It is also instructive to note that according to CDC
figures, the seasonal flu last year killed 116 children.9
Remember, that is, 34 so-called healthy children out of a nation of
40 million children. In 2003 it was reported by the CDC that 90
children died from seasonal flu complications. Ironically, as shown
by Neil Z. Miller in his excellent book - Vaccine Safety Manuel -
once the flu vaccine was given to small children the death rate
from flu increased 7-fold.10
Not surprising, since the mercury in the
vaccine suppresses immunity.
Pediatric Flu Deaths by Year Made WORSE by
Flu Vaccine
Parents should also keep in mind that
this study, as well as the Australian/New Zealand Study found that
childhood obesity played a major role in a child’s risk of being
admitted to the ICU or dying.
This is another dramatic demonstration
as to the danger of obesity in children and that all parents should
avoid MSG (all food-based
excitotoxin additives), excess sugar and
excess high glycemic carbohydrates in their children’s diets.
goes for pregnant moms as well.
Every Parent
Needs to Know Other Vaccines INCREASE Risk of H1N1
One major factor being left out of all discussion of these vaccines,
especially those for small children and babies, is the effect of
other vaccinations on presently circulating viral infections such as
the H1N1 variant virus. It is known that several of
the vaccines are
powerfully immune suppressing. For example, the measles, mumps and
rubella virus are all immune suppressing, as seen with the MMR
vaccine, a live virus vaccine.12, 13
This means that when a child receives the MMR vaccine, for about two
to five weeks afterwards their immune system is suppressed, making
them highly susceptible to catching viruses and bacterial infections
circulating through the population. Very few mothers are ever told
this, even though it is well accepted in the medical literature.
In fact, it is known that the
Hib vaccine for
haemophilus influenzae
is an immune suppressing vaccine and that vaccinated children are at
a higher risk of developing haemophilus influenzae meningitis for at
least one week after receiving the vaccine.10,14 These
small children receive both of these vaccines.
According to the vaccine schedule recommended by the CDC and used by
most states, a child will receive their MMR vaccine and Hib vaccine
at one year of age and both are immune suppressing.
At age 2 to 4 months, they will receive a Hib vaccine. Therefore at
age 2 to 4 months, and again at age one year, they are at an extreme
risk of serious infectious complications caused by vaccine-induced
immune suppression. The New Zealand/Australian study found that the
highest death in the young was from birth to age 12 months, the very
time they were getting these immune-suppressing vaccines.6
The so-called healthy children and babies that have ended up in the
hospital and have died may in fact be the victims of immune
suppression caused by their routine childhood vaccines. We may never
know because the medical elite will never record such data or
conduct the necessary studies. Recall also that the seasonal flu
vaccine, which is recommended for all babies 6 months to 35 months,
is also immune suppressing because of the mercury-containing
thimerosal in the vaccine.15
If parents allow their children to be vaccinated according to the
CDC recommendations, that is 2 seasonal flu vaccines and 2 swine flu
vaccines as well as a pneumococcal vaccine, that will increase the
number of vaccines a child will have by age 6 years to 41.
amounts to an enormous amount of aluminum and mercury as well as
intense brain inflammation triggered by vaccine-induced microglial
Risk of
Serious Illness from the H1N1 Mutant Virus
Their survey of 24 states found that a total of 67 patients out of
tens of millions of people ended up in the ICU.
That is, only 6% of the people admitted
to the hospital were so sick as to need intensive treatments. Of
these 67 patients, 19 died (25%) and of these 67% had obvious
underlying long-term medical illnesses. This means that only 6
patients out of tens of millions of people in 24 states that were
considered “healthy” before their infection, had died. Is this
justification for a mass vaccination campaign?
Of the 1082 hospitalized patients, 93% were eventually discharged
recovered and only 7% died, a very low death rate.
Their analysis of
these cases concluded that those who died fell in three categories:
They were older patients
Antiviral medications were
started 48 hours after the onset of the illness
There was no correlation to
having had seasonal vaccines
The last item is especially interesting
because they assume that having had seasonal flu vaccine would have
offered some protection - it offered none.
What they did find was that none who
died had been given antiviral medications (Tamiflu or
within 48 hours of getting sick. Those given the antiviral
medications within the golden 48-hour period rarely died. Relenza is
far safer than Tamiflu.
This was the only factor found to
correlate with survival of severely ill ICU patients.
What about the
Danger to Pregnant Women? The American Experience
Our media is inundating the public with scare stories of the danger
this virus poses to pregnant women. Most of us visualize the
pregnant woman as being healthy, young and without underlying
medical diseases. The study is quite revealing, but omits some very
important factors.
We are told that pregnant women are 6x more likely to end up in the
hospital than the general population. This figure is derived from
the fact that it was estimated that pregnant women had a 7% greater
chance of requiring hospital admission than did the general public
at 1% (Even this is a far higher number than their own studies
indicate - actually it is a very small fraction of 1%).
Dr. Michael Bronze, a professor of internal medicine at the
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, writing for
emedicine.medscape.com (WebMD),
states that the risk of a pregnant women being hospitalized with the
H1N1 infection is 0.32 per 100,000 pregnant women (which is 1 in
300,000 pregnant women).17
One can safely say, based on the
Australian/New Zealand experience (at the peak of their flu season)
and the American data somewhere in the middle of their flu season,
that pregnant women have about a 99.97% chance they will not become
so sick as to require hospital care at any level.
The death rate of pregnant women who were admitted to the ICU was
7.7%, a fairly low figure for infectious ICU patients.
Remember, most patients admitted to the
hospital are admitted for hydration and are not that ill in terms of
the infection itself.
Smoking and
Obesity Increase Risk of H1N!
Now, most of us assume that these pregnant women are perfectly
healthy as mentioned above, but the data shows something quite
They found that greater than 30% of the pregnant women
were either obese or morbidly obese, as did the Australian/New
Zealand study. Of these, 60% had underlying medical conditions that
put them at greater risk of overwhelming infections - both viral
and bacterial.
It is unfortunate that they did not enter any information on
smoking, either by the mother or by anyone living in the household.
It is known that smoking greatly increases ones risk of severe
complications from any flu virus.18,19 This is for
several reasons. One, smokers eat a much poorer diet than
Second, smoking destroys the cilia in the bronchial passageways that
are essential for clearing mucus and debris - thus increasing the
risk of developing pneumonia.20
Finally, nicotine is a very powerful
immune suppressant.21 The combined effect of all three is
enough to land anyone in the ICU during even a mild flu season.
Likewise, chronic smokers have low magnesium levels, which increase
their risk of developing bronchiospasm that is resistant to normal
drug treatments.22–24
They also failed to record possible illegal drug use, how many were
living at poverty levels and how many were on prescription drugs
known to suppress immunity or deplete nutrients essential for immune
function. And, one must keep in mind, at this age, (age range of 15
to 39 years) many would have had numerous childhood vaccines and
booster vaccines.
This was also not considered for obvious reasons. So, some critical
information we all need to evaluate this “pandemic” is being
excluded or purposely kept from us.
Pneumonia and Swine Flu
The American study found that of the people admitted to the
hospital, 40% were found to have X-ray evidence of pneumonia.
Of these, 66% had pre-existing medical
conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
immuno-suppression for transplants or cancer or neurologic disorder.
We are not told how many were smokers or lived with smokers, again,
something that puts people at great risk of having severe reactions
to any infection. Smokers have much higher bacterial pneumonia rates
every year. The CDC estimates that smokers have a 200% increased
risk of flu virus complications as compared to nonsmokers.
The CDC released in the September 29 issue of the MMWR an analysis
of the lung tissue from 77 fatal cases of H1N1 infection.25
Of these, 29% had a secondary bacterial infection - pneumonia.
This is an important study because the media and the CDC are telling
adults they need to get a pneumococcal vaccine and that parents need
to have their children vaccinated with the pneumococcal vaccine
as well.
This adult study found that only half of the pneumonias were due to
Streptococcus pneumoniae, the organism used in the vaccine. Half of
the cases were due to other strains of streptococcus, staphlococcus
or H. Influenza. Some 18% of the people had multiple organism
cultured from their lungs.
It is important to note that they found that all of these autopsied
patients had previous, serious medical problems prior to becoming
infected with H1N1 variant and that not all bacteria were examined,
meaning that even those with Strep pneumoniae could have had
multiple infections, for which the vaccines would have offered no
Parents should also know that the vast majority of pneumonias found
in these infected children were not due to Strep pneumoniae, but
rather Staph aureus.
Again, the pneumococcal vaccine would
have offered these children no protection.
Pregnant Women
Given Vaccine Have Babies with More Health Problems
It has always been a principle of medicine that one should not
vaccinate pregnant women, except in extreme cases, because the risk
to the baby is too high. Recently, we have seen two examples of
violation of this policy. When the HPV vaccine
Gardasil was first
released the CDC and the manufacturer (Merck Pharmaceutical Company)
recommended that it be given to pregnant women.
Shortly after beginning this dangerous practice it was ordered
halted because a number of women were losing their babies and babies
were being born with major malformations.26
It is known that stimulating a woman’s immune system during midterm
and later term pregnancy significantly increases the risk that her
baby will develop autism during childhood and schizophrenia sometime
during the teenage years and afterward.27
Compelling scientific evidence also shows an increased risk of
seizures in the baby and later as an adult.28 In fact, a
number of neurodevelopmental and behavioral problems can occur in
babies born to women immunologically stimulated during pregnancy.29-32
It is true that serious flu infections or E. coli infections during
pregnancy are a major risk for all these complications, but a
woman’s risk of becoming infected, as we have seen, is a very small
fraction of 1 %, yet they are calling for all pregnant women to be
vaccinated with at least three vaccines, two of which contain
There is also evidence to show that a large number of these
women will gain no protection from the vaccine.
Dr. Bronze, quoted above, notes that animal studies have shown that
vaccines harm unborn babies and that no safety studies have been
done in humans. A recent study done by Dr. Laura Hewitson, a
professor of obstetrics at the University of Pittsburg Medical
Center, found that a single vaccine used in human babies, when used
in newborn monkeys, caused significant abnormalities in brainstem
This mass vaccination program for H1N1
variant virus will be the largest experiment on pregnant women in
history and could end as a monumental disaster.
How Many Cases
are Really Swine Flu?
CBS, to their credit, conducted a three-month long investigation
that indicates that we have all been hoodwinked by the governmental
“protection” agency called euphemistically, the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention.34
What they tried to learn from the CDC was just what percentage of
the “flu cases” were in fact H1N1. The CDC did all they could to
protect this information and only after filing a Freedom of
Information request and waiting 2 months did they finally release
the data. Now we know why they wanted it protected and why they
stopped testing for the H1N1 virus in late July.
The data revealed that in fact very few cases reported as swine flu
were in fact H1N1 variant virus. CBS examined the data in all 50
What they found, for example, was that,
in Georgia only 2% of
reported cases were H1N1 (97% negative for H1N1)
in Alaska only 1%
of reported cases were H1N1 (93% negative for flu and 5% seasonal
in California only 2% of reported cases were H1N1 with 12%
being other flu viruses and 86% negative for flu
A recent release from the CDC found that their survey reported that
of 12,943 specimens tested from around the country, only 26.3% of
cases tested positive for H1N1 variant virus, but that 99.8% of the
specimens tested positive for some type of other flu virus, most of
which were regular seasonal flu.
The CDC has now changed all data reporting on the flu effects. They
did this by stopping viral typing and subtyping and rolled back all
previous numbers based on prior data. The new system for collecting
data now started on August 30th, 2009.
The only reason I can imagine they did this is that the prior data
was clearly demonstrating that the H1N1 variant virus was causing a
very mild illness in most people (99.99%) with fewer
hospitalizations, fewer cases of pneumonia and fewer deaths for all
ages and groups than the prior seasonal flu in past years. This was
true for the United States and the Southern Hemisphere, which has
gone though the worst of its flu season.
Now that they are no longer typing the virus, they can attribute all
cases of pneumonia, hospitalizations and deaths to H1N1, even though
the majority of cases appear to be from a long list of other causes.
In fact, they can classify many cases of
primary pneumonia as caused by H1N1.
Actually LESS
Flu Deaths this Year
One must always keep in mind that the CDC has told us that 36,000
people die every year from influenza and influenza-related
complications. Thus far, we have seen (accepting their data) about
900 deaths and 21,829 cases of pneumonia.
This is far below the 36,000 figure. In fact, perhaps we should be
breathing a sigh of relief that 35,000 fewer people have died this
year from flu-related disorders. This would go down on record as the
fewest flu-related deaths in recorded history.
In fact, worldwide, according to CDC and WHO data, far fewer people
have died form H1N1 than any seasonal flu in the past.
This graph
from the CDC showing the “Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality for 122
US Cities” also show that, so far, this year’s flu mortality is far
below that of 2008.

In fact, worldwide, according to CDC and
WHO data, far fewer people have died form H1N1 than any seasonal flu
in the past.
So, one must ask, why is the government and their
handmaidens, the media, fueling this panic mentality? Why are we
once again talking about mandatory vaccination for every man woman
and child in the nation?
And I can assure you that soon we will hear an announcement that the
adjuvant MF-59 or ASO3 (squalene) will be needed to save lives.
Now, if the CBS data forced from the files of the CDC is correct,
why are so many people dying from this flu? The answer is that no
greater number are dying now, for any age group, sex or state of
pregnancy than have died in any previous flu outbreak.
By statistical slight of hand they have created this pandemic and
continue to do so. One cannot foretell the future, but based on the
data now available from the United States, Canada, Europe and the
Southern hemisphere, there is no justification for the fear
mongering by the media and government agencies.
It is accepted that the cognitive portions of the human brain work
less well under two conditions - fear and anger. Those who have
survived deadly situations or who make their living surviving such
situations tell us that controlling our fear is the most important
thing in survival. More people have died from making poor decisions
while overwhelmed by fear than have died as a result of the
situation itself.
I am reminded of the poor elderly person who died several years back
waiting in a very long line for a flu vaccine in the sweltering
heat. It seems she passed out and struck her head on the hard
She was standing in that line for hours because the CDC announced
that that year’s flu was going to be especially deadly for the
elderly and there was a shortage of vaccine. As it turned out, that
year they picked the wrong virus to make the vaccine - so it was
not only a dangerous vaccine, it would have given her no protection.
But then, the vaccine manufactures got
their blood money.
What Do They
Not Know About This Vaccine?
Insurance companies in Australia would not insure doctors who gave
the vaccine because it was a fast tracked vaccine and therefore
They felt that the danger of complications was far too
high to risk insuring the doctors. Unlike doctors in America, they
did not have a special law that Congress would pass to insulate them
from liability should severe complications arise from the vaccine.
It is also of special interest to note that tens of millions of
babies were vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine (providing no
protection to the babies) only to learn later that it is linked to a
310% increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis.36
One has to ask - What else do they not know about this vaccine?
Well, it turns out a lot.
Years after it was added to the recommended vaccine schedule, it was
linked to a terrifying disorder called
macrophagic myofascitis,
which in children is associated with a severe dementia-like illness.
Then we have the case of the
vaccine. Millions of young
girls were vaccinated and within several months pregnant women were
losing their babies, babies were being born deformed, several of
these very young girls died and a growing number have had serious
reactions to the vaccine.
Once again we have to ask,
What else do they not know about
this vaccine?
Vaccine Safety
Testing Only Done for ONE Week
Now we are being told that this new fast tracked, poorly tested
vaccine is very safe and effective. The results of the testing on
this vaccine were reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.39
It is instructive to learn that the
tests for safety and to assess complications lasted only 7 days
after the vaccine, an incredibly short period of follow-up.
Guillain–Barré paralysis can occur even months after a vaccine as can
seizures, behavioral problems and neurodevelopmental disorders in
It is interesting to note that the authors of the safety study for
our swine flu vaccine were all employees of the maker of the vaccine
CSL Biotherapeutics and eight held equity interest in the company.39
This admission is part of the disclosure policy of the New England
Journal of Medicine.
It is always important to keep in mind when you hear about this
vaccine being safe and produced just like the seasonal flu vaccine -
What else do they not know about this vaccine that they will
discover months, years or even decades later.
Once injected with the vaccine and you
develop a complication there will be little that can be done to
treat the life-long degenerative disorder it produces.
You will just be a sad story on
60 minutes.
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