by Montalk
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7/15/01 -- For more
in-depth discussion of the matrix (with new mind-blowing
developments far surpassing those of this article), see
Counterfeit Reality |
There is much to be said about The Matrix, and several good articles
exist analyzing its metaphorical qualities (see Leading Edge issue
126 for a Gnostic analysis). But what if we assume the movie is
closer to truth than simply a metaphor, that reality truly is a
computer simulation. Applying the characteristics of conventional
computers to the structure of reality, some interesting explanations
crop up.
This article will first list some
phenomena and its interpretation in light of the computer
assumption, then hypothesize about the true nature of this
Inertia is the property of an object's resistance to acceleration.
Heavier masses are harder to accelerate and hence have more inertia.
Now, what if the Computer has a finite operating speed and describes
all objects by coordinates of position and momentum (a Hamiltonian
equation, for you physics oriented readers), and allocates memory
proportional to the mass of an object.
It follows that attempting to accelerate an object means changing it
velocity, but the finite clock speed of the Computer's processor
takes time to calculate it next position and velocity. It must do
this for all the memory allocated to the mass.
Thus, the more massive the object or
quicker its change in velocity, the more processing is required and
the longer it takes for a quantity of force to accelerate that
object to a desired velocity.
Quantum Ether
The ether, as described by
quantum mechanics, is a bubbling sea of
virtual particles which pop out of the vacuum. Unlike conventional
energy to mass processes, these particles are not created from
energy, seemingly violating the Principle of Conservation of Mass
and Energy. They do not violate this law, however, because their
lifespan is adequately short to skirt the
Heisenberg Uncertainty
principle. In other words, they exist so briefly that we can't tell
for sure if they ever existed at all, if that makes any sense.
The Computer's operating speed is finite, meaning between two
successive calculations, there is a moment of limbo in which some of
the conventional laws of physics do not hold. Clearly, a virtual
particle can only exist within that interval without being checked
by the Computer's Laws of Physics routine.
The more massive a virtual particle, the shorter its life. In other
words, the more bits of data comprising the particle, the more
likely one of those bits will be discovered out of place due to the
Computer's parallel processing capabilities, causing the entire
particle to be deleted.
Astral Planes
Robert Bruce, in his book
Astral Dynamics (highly
recommended), gives a detailed account of the visual structure of
the astral planes. A single astral plane looks like a flat, vast
board covered in squares containing repeating geometric symbols. One
can fly into a particular square and end up in a particular astral
world. He comments that the astral planes look and feel artificial,
as if they were engineered and built by some vastly superior
technology long ago.
These planes serve as a visual directory for various running
programs. One can exit out of his simulation and enter another one
through the astral plane.
The Akashic Records detail everything that has ever existed, and all
that might occur in the future. They are the memory logs on the hard
drive of the Computer, and can likewise be accessed if one has the
know-how to do it.
Intent and
A magical technique is to command reality to make your intents
become real. If you wish for a sum of a money, and declare it shall
soon be given to you, in a few weeks or months an opportunity will
arise which will fulfill that intent if you choose to take advantage
of it.
All such manifestations arise through
The Computer communicates with us symbolically, and has the power to
influence your program or simulation to bend, not break, the laws of
physics, and alter the probability of an event occurring. That's why
miracles which seem improbable happen only during desperate times
when the Computer is called upon to arrange them.
Synchronicity is evidence that objective reality is not beyond the
control of a higher force, the Computer which created it.
Thought-forms are astral objects or entities created by one's
thoughts or desires, which gradually disappear the more an
individual forgets about it. They influence probability much like
the Computer influences reality. A thought-form of a fire-spewing
robot placed in another's house will increase the probability of it
burning down.
Thought-forms are little subroutines that the individual processor
can devote some of his calculation time toward, which will
accordingly influence his local reality. When they are forgotten,
the processing time returns to normal, and the subroutine halts or
disappears altogether.
People under emotional trauma often develop multiple personalities,
whereby separate consciousnesses exist within the same body.
Parallel processing involves many processors calculating at once.
Given enough of a jolt, an individual processor can fragment or
replicate into multiple ones, all of which must still operate
through the same bus wire and hence take turns using it. A bus wire
is the conduit through with the CPU (central processing unit, the
microchip) communicates with memory.
A human brain is that bus wire.
It appears that we are only under the guidance of the computer when
in our bodies. Outside of our bodies, as in death, we have more
freedom to choose what programs we enter next. We get to choose
what's best for us, and how we should live our next lives.
This sheds light upon the true purpose of the computer.
When we
choose our up-coming life, we find the one that best aids our
evolution. The Computer seems to be a machine designed to aid in our
evolution, much like Sim City aids in the evolution of its virtual
Who designed this machine? Maybe we did. Maybe our points
of consciousness were uploaded into this computer or interfaced with
it after we designed it, for the purpose of our own evolution.
Bob Dobbs, founder of the
Church of the SubGenius,
jokingly said that all life was replaced with a computer generated
hologram after the nuclear bomb tests of the 40s destroyed reality
as we knew it.
With the aforementioned info, this might not be as
The Illuminati
and NWO
The Illuminati hold symbolistic rituals which mimic the same
symbolism employed by the Computer, in attempts to communicate with
it and alter the reality to their benefit at the expense of innocent
ones. They are in effect attempting to hijack the Computer, such
that all safety checks (Karmic Laws, Laws of Freewill, and other
Universal Laws) are bypassed or disabled.
They will then have
ultimate tyranny and control over all programs.
Would the creators of the Computer ruin their own creation? Or are
the evil ones merely computer simulations themselves, unlike us who
are actual souls who merely jacked into the Computer for our own
It is reminiscent of the Star Trek holodeck. We enter as
beings of flesh and blood, and fight computer simulations to train
ourselves. But recall the episodes about Dr. Moriarti, who gained
sentience and attempted to escape his own simulation and take over
the holo-deck computer.
the manipulative aliens, Illuminatists, and evil in general
were once all holograms for us to combat in this program, but
somehow gained sentience and are presently trying to take over the
The Matrix was telling us something, but most blew it off as an
imaginative sci-fi flick. Despite this article's merely speculative
tone, it makes some sense in a frightful way.
The operating speed of the Computer is related to the amount of time
it takes a light-ring (see my
LRT article) to complete one
revolution. Physical reality, hence, might be computer generated,
but the computer itself is more organic than a simple PC.
Definitely food for thought.