by Zen Gardner
01 June 2012
ZedGardner Website
Spanish version

While H.G. Wells has been popularized to today’s generations as a
profoundly prophetic science fiction writer, he was known in his day
as a very busy boy getting the
New World in Order… literally.
An outspoken proponent of
everything global, Wells pushed a
consistent theme of a global community and held a deep disdain for
common humanity, a typical elitist eugenicist trait which he also
Why was he so spot on with his forecasts, be it technology or
societal changes? Could his membership in secretive clubs and
societies have anything to do with it?
Same old same old, who are we kidding. Things don’t just happen,
they’re planned. Way in advance.
By the time society fully wakes up
to that it may just be too late. Even though it’s gone on for
centuries, if not millennia, it’s too much for most to bear.
Cowards. Anyway you look at it, someone not willing to face the
Truth is a coward.
Of course there’s hope for anyone - there’s always. Now to discover
your eternal self connected to all the Universe. Therein lies our
key to freedom.
But people have to decide to take it.

H.G. Wells.
Sense the stench of
elitist arrogance?
Armchair engineers
deciding your fate. Like that? They’re still here!
The Plan Unfolds
Here are some self-explanatory excerpts from an excellent paper on
Wells’ World Brain theory.
In 1938, aged 72, H.G. Wells
published in American and English editions his little book of
essays and speeches titled,
World Brain.
At this time of his life, Wells was
an internationally famous literary figure. His books, fiction
and nonfiction alike, were popular and widely translated. He had
access to the leading statesman of his day.
Wells was a utopian social reformer. He was intrigued by
socialism and was caught up for a time before the First World
War with Beatrice and Sidney Webb, George Bernard Shaw and
others in the Fabian Society. After the War he became
increasingly and passionately dedicated to the idea that a new
kind of world order was needed.
In this connection he witnessed the
rise of fascism and the Russian communist State with a curious
As contemptuously critical as he
was, especially of the fascist dictators, he seemed on occasion
to suggest that their totalitarian regimes represented stages in
the evolution of the new kind of single, unified World State
that he believed was an inevitable.
And to address the generations to come
transhumanism and the global mind:
"…Wells spoke of the gradual
appearance “in the species Homo Sapiens” of “synthetic
super-minds… into which individual consciousnesses tend to merge
These super-individual organizations,
are cultures, churches, communities, states, classes and creeds,
and they represent “accumulations of mentality.”
Wells suggested that current trends
seem to suggest that these are “coalescing”.
They seem to be heading towards “an
ultimate unification into a collective human organism, whose
knowledge and memory will be all science and all history, which
will synthesize the pervading will to live and reproduce into a
collective purpose of continuation and growth.”
Want to know where this monster Wells is
going with all this?
In a later book,
The Shape of Things to Come, he portrayed the adaptive processes at work in human
society as overcoming “the inherent distaste in the individual
for subordination and self-sacrifice.”
To ensure the success of the new
social order that is beginning to appear in the twenty-first
century “man’s life and interests have been socialized against
his natural disposition.”
This is described as a subversive
individualism. In the future Wells’s believed that “the obscurer
processes of selection” will be “accelerated and directed by
eugenic effort” and man will eventually become a new species (p.
Bet you didn’t know all that.

Place mouse on above
...and notice the Illuminist
unfinished Tower of Babel inference…
The World
Encyclopedia is Now
"[Wells] believed that his 'modern encyclopaedism' constituted a
'scheme for the reorganization and
reorientation of education and information throughout the world.
No less'.”
(Wells, 1938, p17)
"It would involve assembling, he
declared, 'facts and suggestions with the same insistence upon
scientific reality and the same exclusion of irrelevancies that
has controlled the establishment of the world outlook that I
have put before the reader'.”
Wikipedia and all of it’s suspect roots
is only a part of this.
Clearly Wiki’s a globalist-sponsored
amassing of information from the get go is definitely a world
dominist agenda at work. No one trusts their information, yet you’re
reliant on it for quick definitions. Clever assimilation of info,
all according to plan.
It’s the World Encyclopedia on steroids as
predicted/foretold/instructed by Wells.
More profoundly, the matrix of information that H.G. Wells forecast
is alive and well in the overall Internet, safely and fully
controlled by
the NSA and every nefarious
information gathering body in the black-hearted, black-op world. The
info-giants like Google
are all part of it.
They all know it. But it’s no skin off their noses, it’s just the
way it is to the cold-hearted executioners of this master plan.
The amazing thing is reading it so specifically forecast in the well
publicized words of,
H.G. Wells
George Orwell
Aldous Huxley
George Bernard Show,
...and other
Fabian Society members way
back when makes it clear the plan is long term and carefully
followed through.

Eugenics is the
Lifeblood of the Globalist Elites
In order to have their utopian society,
the elites must clear out
the underbrush… the undesirables, the unclean, the disadvantaged… as
if they had nothing to do with their making.
The arrogant hypocrisy is beyond
description, but suffice it to say we need to identify these
parasites for who they are and bring to light their nefarious
Wells and many others were part of bringing these machinations to
fruition. What’s amazing in examining this evolution of structure is
how smoothly these parasites have been able to pull this off,
generation after generation...
That sneaky, slithery nature is so akin
to the Satanic underpinnings of the elite class it’s undeniable.

It’s Almost
Over – Time to Drive the Stake In
Truth cannot be trumped, despite all their long term plans.
We’ve covered this many times, these
bastards are long-term planners and motivated and empowered by we
know not what, but it’s not good, and it’s long term.
So what.
This part of their agenda is just another piece of the puzzle of
their multi-pronged oppression of mankind. History has been
bastardized, blacked out and adulterated. The U.S. school system
never mentioned eugenics or what else H.G. Wells was preaching. It’s
Just learn from this. It’s only touching on another aspect. Getting
the big picture is what it’s all about.
Trust your instincts. Trust your heart. Be bold in your convictions...