by Gregg Prescott
January 15, 2016
In5D Website

What are timelines
and why do some predicted
come and go without
the anticipated event ever
What is a Timeline?
A timeline is a chronological point within time and space that is
relevant to this planet. For example, a list of inventions in
chronological order since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
could be shown on a timeline.
Time is linear and is only relevant to this planet.
A day on Earth is calculated by the
amount of time it takes for our planet to fully rotate on its axis.
A day on Mars is similar, but different because it takes Mars
approximately 28 hours to revolve on its axis as it revolves around
the sun, proving that time (as we know it) is only relevant to this
When we cross over to the other side,
time, as we know it, no longer exists.
3 Reasons Why Timelines Change
Free Will
I was talking with a friend of
mine who is amazingly reliable with messages from beyond. He
stated that one of the biggest regrets of the
Anunnaki is allowing us to
free will.
Other spiritual master will tell
you the same thing… not all planets and star families have
free will. Earth is one of the few planets whose inhabitants
have free will.
Free will allows us to
change perceived or anticipated timelines. For example,
several false flag events were averted through
whistleblowers once the false flag was exposed to the
general public.
An example could be found
Ex-CIA Agent - Obama Planned Massive False
Flag Attack on America
Because we, the people, do not
(in general) seem to challenge most laws that work against
humanity's best interests, we are in essence agreeing with
them and giving up our free will in exchange for perceived
safety and security.

This is why "love and light" is
not enough when it comes to creating change or changing
A good example of this would be
the massive movement against GMO's in the United States as
Americans are finally seeing a growing movement toward GMO
labeling and in time, the eventual elimination
of GMO's.
Benjamin Franklin once
The same could be said of free
We control our own destiny
The last page on the Lost
Book of Nostradamus is blank, showing us that we control
our own destiny. In other words, it is our own free will
that will determine how the story plays out.
Parallel realities
According to
Dolores Cannon, every
decision you make creates a parallel reality.
For example, if you decided to
wear white socks instead of yellow socks or no socks at all,
every decision you make creates a parallel reality. In other
words, in a
parallel reality, you chose
to wear yellow socks and in a different parallel universe,
you chose to wear no socks at all.
Every possible option is played
out in parallel realities and the option that we are all
experiencing is only one version of this.
Thoughts, manifestations and
Your thoughts and intentions play major
roles in what comes into your reality and thus, what will affect
subsequent timelines.
If you are predominantly thinking about
bills, then bills are what you will attract to your timeline.
Thoughts are manifesting quicker than
ever right now and as the global awakening continues, we will
continue to see a number of whistleblowers bringing out the truth
despite those in power trying to suppress it.
As the critical mass grows, the timeline
that we experience changes toward something more positive.
A great example would be how
George W. Bush tried to push
the North American Union and switch
over to
the Amero as the currency, yet this
never came to fruition.
The same can be said for the "New
World Order".
The next time you see a timeline come
and go, understand that there are variables that affect why any
given event did or did not occur. Know that the timeline has
switched over to something positive.
Try to keep your thoughts and intention
positive as well.
By doing so, everyone's timeline will
rapidly change into something that benefits all of humanity!