by THoTH
December 01, 2007
TheBookOfThoth Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
UFOs and their occupants, have been described thousands of times in
relatively modern history.
There have been some accounts of UFOs
seen in decades gone by, I wrote one a while back looking into this,
UFOs a Modern Phenomenon?
Think again, but what
follows are quotes and sections of information relating to Tuatha
Dé Danann, who were ancient Irish deities. The name translates
to “gods of Danu”.
Danu was the
mythical mother of all Gods.
The parallels to modern day accounts of aliens and UFOs are
striking. I have also incorporated pictures of the Janus Man, the
face of which bears a resemblance to the descriptions of the
grey. There are many accounts of alien like entities in
ancient folklore, I wrote a small article about this here:
The Tree Mother
and her UFO.
The Tuatha Dé Danann
accounts are fascinating to read, and as you'll see, the
similarities are very interesting indeed.
The Otherworld, was the name given to the residence of the
Irish deities (although there were equivalents in England, Scotland
and Wales). Here are a few quotes, where similarities to the UFO are
“They were hidden
from mortal eyes by strong Otherworld magic.”
Many times with UFOs,
they appear in photographs where nothing is seen at the time.
Perhaps they too are hidden normally.
“Normal rule does
not apply in the Otherworld. A year may seem to pass in the
Otherworld, but in the real world centuries may have passed.
Time seemed to have stand still. Nor does the people who live
there, aged like mortals. They seemed to remain forever young.”
This describes the
effect of traveling close to the speed of light amongst other
things, but more notably for this article, that many abductees
report that they have lost only a short time here, but seemed longer
inside of a UFO, or vice versa, that they've been gone for a
relatively long time, when only moments seem to have passed.
“Otherworld, which
would, appeared at night for mortals, but would probably vanish
in the morning.”
UFOs appearing at night?
“The Otherworld also
seemed to be able to move from one location to another” perhaps
The Otherworld refers to the UFO, or how it appeared to its
Now for some information
relating to the “Tuatha Dé Danann”:
“There is a story
that they came to Ireland in flying ships but could not land as
the Fomorians had set up a great energy field that they could
not penetrate. So they had to circle Ireland nine times before
finding a breach in the energy field and setting down on Sliabh
an Iarainn (The Iron Mountains) in Co. Leitrim.”
They arrived in Ireland,
on or about May 1 (the date of the festival of Beltaine), on dark
clouds, although later versions rationalize this by saying they
burned their ships to prevent retreat, and the "clouds" were the
smoke produced.
“the Tuatha De
Danaan arrived in a mist, it is said, and that they came through
the air and the high air to Ireland.”
" . . . The manuscript is entitled 'The Magical Stone of Tara',
and it states: 'one evening Conn of the Hundred Battles repaired
at sunrise to the Ri Raith at Tara, accompanied by his three
druids, Mael, Bloc and Bluicne, and his three poets, Ethain,
Corb and Cesaire; for he was accustomed every day to repair to
this place with the same company, for the purpose of watching
the stars, so that no hostile aerial beings should descend upon
Ireland unknown to him."
This is a quote from
Charles Squire about the Tuatha De:
"In his [Eochaid
O'Flynn] poem, preserved in the Book of Ballymote, he says:-
"Though they came to learned Erinn, without buoyant, adventurous
ships, no man in creation knew, whether they were of the earth
or of the sky. "
Another Squire quote
"What is probably
the earliest account tells us that they [Tuatha De Danann] came
from the sky. Later versions, however, give them a habitation
upon Earth - some say in the north, others in the "southern
isles of the world"... Whether the Tuatha De Danann came from
earth or heaven, they landed in a dense cloud upon the coast of
Ireland on the mystic first of May [Bealtaine] without having
been opposed, or even noticed by... the Fir Bolgs."
“Nuada was the high king of the Túatha Dé Danann. In an almost
Biblical exodus, he lead his people into Ireland from the
north-west of the world in wondrous flying ships. They brought
the four ancient treasures with them: the Sword, the Spear, the
Cauldron and the Stone.”
“They invaded Ireland’s energy field through Sliabh an Iarainn:
Iron Mountain in County Leitrim. They arrived with a great fleet
of flying ships to take Ireland from the Plânt Rhys:”
“They have glass asallaíoch: green magic and can appear as a
shimmering green sky light. They guard the Well of Forgetfullness so that people will not remember what they have
The Tuatha were
mighty beings, somewhere between mythical super-humans and deities,
and some people do worship them as such.
They are intimately
connected with fairy lore. They are seen in lots of different ways,
but often as something like the rulers of the fairy world, which is
also populated by various nature spirits, and the souls of the dead.
There have been many comparisons between alien entities and the
descriptions of fairy lore. Here are some examples of that.
An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs, 1976) gives numerous ancient
examples of fairy abductions. Almost always a special drink was
given to the abductee. This drink, usually described as a thick
liquid, was an essential part of the fairy abduction. Women are
abducted much more often than men and some fairies take special
delight, in repeatedly capturing women for amorous motives. In
short, some fairies simply liked having sexual relations with
Fairies abduct their victims through paralysis; then they simply
carry (levitate and fly) the abductee away into "fairyland."
Fairyland is always nearby; under normal conditions we can't see or
perceive it. The paralysis induced on the victim is how fairies get
their abductee to enter fairyland.
The modern word "stroke" (meaning
paralysis) is derived from the ancient terms "elf-stroke" and
"fairy-stroke." Fairies travel in circular globes of light,
sometimes called "will-o-the-wisp."
It seems too coincidental to have these commonalities, the cases of
many women abducted then examined sexually are many. There have also
been cases of alien sexual relations, albeit not many. Paralysis is
another feature of many abductions, as well as levitation toward a
UFO. The Globes of light parallel is also very interesting.
So what can we conclude from all of this?
A single example of a
similarity between these ancient Irish gods would be something, but
there are so many, and what strikes me as unusual, is that the
descriptions of flying ships seems common. Its interesting to note
that in older descriptions of UFOs, the term “flying ships” is seen
a lot. What isn't so obvious is that the description matches the
mindset of the observer.
There were no aircraft
back then obviously, so these flying objects were referred to as
It could be argued that if these accounts are real - and most
folklore has it's basis in real peoples experiences - then either
people were simply describing UFOs in the only terms they knew how.
There is another possibility of course, which is that whatever
phenomenon is behind the UFO and/or Alien sightings, could be
something that manipulates us into seeing only that which fits into
our cultural expectations.
There are simply too many similarities between what has been written
in folklore or mythology and the UFO for it to be ascribed to simple
co-incidence. Perhaps some day some scholar will sift through the
massive amount of legend and mythologies to see how diverse the UFO
parallels really are.
The closest has been
Jacques Vallee and his
outstanding book “Passport
to Magonia” which should be on the reading list of any
person interested in the history of UFOs and Aliens.

Finally a picture of
Janus, from a cemetery in Ireland. The shape of the face and the
size of the eyes remind me of an alien grey, could this be a
co-incidence too?