Some effects of DU contamination on children
Depleted Uranium or DU [1] encased bombs that have been used since 1991 by US and NATO forces knowing well that the use of DU weapons is illegal being weapons of mass destruction [WMD] and amounts to War Crimes.
These weapons were used in Gulf War 1 against Iraq, then in the Balkans and later, after 9/11 events, in Afghanistan, Iraq, North Africa, Libya and now being used in Drone bombings in Pakistan.
These gases are picked up by the wind and carried all over the world creating vast areas of secondary contamination.
Based on the population within the contamination map
[Map 1], over 35% of India’s population received a heavy dosing of
DU aerosolized uranium nano-particles within months of the start of
Afghan and Iraq wars. [2] Map 1:
Drawn by former
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat
The total estimated population within the two circles is nearly a billion. [3]
Countries like, not even have well established, dependable cancer screening facilities, let alone determining whether the illness is due to depleted uranium contamination or careless handling of toxic pesticides in the farms as was fobbed off by a very ‘respectable’ Indian environmental group.
If you think that the population of
contaminated regions has gone up, think again; it may have dropped
significantly and not even India conducts honest Census operation.
Asia, Europe and North Africa are slowly becoming sterile; the only
virile bastards are those very leaders who screw 4 or 5 year old
boys and girls, white boys and girls, often kidnapped by their own
police. [4]
Add another 6-8% of the landmass within 1000 mile radius of,
...and you can guess that, contaminated with DU aerosolized nano-particles.
While the spineless idiots in bureaucracy, foreign services, and the army worldwide are merrily radioactive, those “dumb stupid” soldiers from US and NATO forces are dying.
Even the Indian armed forces are using these lethal weapons and they won’t even know why they died in peacetime.
Image 2:
Anatomy of a 30mm DU
According to one report DU weapons have
been sold to 27 countries and India is one of them.
These winds also blow across the Himalayas where these particles are rained out or snowed out. These particles are carried by the perennial Himalayan Rivers irrigate the agriculture lands that feed 1.6 billion Asians.
I know these parts.
Scientists like Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan, shocked Europe in a Sunday Times of London article on Feb. 19, 2006 that Aldermaston radiation monitoring centre which Dr. Busby oversaw, had shown high level of radiation.
By tracking airflow pattern from West
Asia to Europe during the time period, they came to a conclusion
that the radiation level was high from the bombing raids over Iraq.
That is sufficient dosing to turn the entire population sterile. [7]
Just one nice and juicy ‘government defined depleted uranium’ is lethal enough. In so far as India, South Asia, and the Himalayas are concerned, the airflow patterns from West Asia are regularly reported in major national dailies.
What they don’t report is that these air currents carry depleted uranium particles at low, medium, and high altitude, from West Asia, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan across India, the Himalayas into China.
This typical airflow pattern continues across Asia, and is carried around the world mixing with the global atmosphere within weeks.
Further evidence comes from scientists [who have expressly forbidden me to disclose their name and place of work] who have tracked abnormal air current movements from the Gulf to Delhi, sometimes under “bone-dry” conditions.
Image 3: Air flow and cloud movement from West Asia to Western India and Delhi.
In Image 3, I have given the normal cloud movement from the same source.
In Image 4, one can clearly see that while there is no cloud cover and there was a strong surface wind towards the mid-Arabian Sea, the streak was found moving towards Delhi.
Image 4:
Abnormal air flow
under bone-dry conditions over across Pakistan and
The same scientist further notes that the time for such “incursions” is normally between 6PM and 6AM.
So, the question is:
Meteorological experts suspect that some entities are regularly attempting to modify South Asian weather pattern.
These have been tracked during Monsoon months too and these scientists say that,
It actually means that someone is
artificially directing air currents from West Asia to pass over
Northern India, particularly Delhi. It is also well known that
weather modification technologies have been in existence for many
decades and one is known as
HAARP. [9]
Another isotope of uranium U235 is also naturally occurring substance. The ratio of naturally occurring U238 to U235 is 137.88. Human body can cope with this ratio. However, the use of depleted uranium, the primary waste product of the uranium enrichment process, in weapons upsets this ratio. Enriched and depleted uranium are both mutagenic materials; they attack DNA structure and alter it.
Exposure to radiation from nuclear explosions and to the subsequent dust cloud is serious enough.
The insidious aspect of the nano-particles
of U235 dust is that they are very easily ingested, and being so
tiny, they find their way into individual cells in the body,
wreaking havoc from their constant radiation, and as a highly toxic
heavy metal.
Responsible scientists had warned that DU weapons are WMD and must not be used. Yet DU weapons are being extensively used in Afghanistan particularly in the eastern parts, including the heavily populated Kabul and Jalalabad.
Studies conducted by Uranium Medical Research Centre (UMRC) showed a ratio of 237 times in returning Gulf War I British soldiers, which,
During 2002 the UMRC research team conducted a series of field tests in Afghanistan.
In Jalalabad it found concentrations of 400 to 2000% above normal level. At Nangarhar, the concentration was 100 to 400 times; every person donating urine sample was contaminated.
Doug Westerman met the research team and this is what he reports:
Discussions and email exchanges with UMRC team clearly showed that they were shocked by the public health impact of the use of these weapons.
Dr Miraki says that every bombsite that he has visited and investigated, he finds that people are ill. The civilian population presents symptoms consistent with internal contamination by uranium.
Asaf Durakovic, UMRC’s president and a former US army adviser, believes that exposure to DU weapons may have brought a rise in birth defects as well as,
It is an excellent way to kill a large
number of people without gas chamber. And Punjab, Haryana, Himachal
and Delhi are all in that juicy soup.
Tests on children’s hair showed high level of uranium but lower than some tested in Himachal Pradesh. Elements like copper, chromium, zinc, lead, mercury, and uranium and poisons such as arsenic, show up in the hair.
The important thing in the Punjab case is that Dr Carin Smit, a South African toxicologist associated with ‘Defeat Autism Now’ [DAN] and autism in children is directly related to the mercury poisoning from enforced vaccinations of poor households] found uranium in hair but the Punjab Government said that it is Central Government’s problem!!
DAN has a solid reputation for in-depth study; the Punjab Government has a reputation for being one of the most corrupt and inhuman. [12]
Toxic elements don’t just appear in
children’s hair because it is “Central Government’s” problem. These
bastards should know that it their problems too; their own fucked up
lives are highly radioactive.
It is for this reason that I had
republished my 2006 paper in which I had warned that nuking Iran
could kill millions across South Asia, in Iran, Afghanistan,
Pakistan and India. [13]
[2] The term ‘Area deniability weapons’ was coined by John McCarthy who is Vietnam veteran and who now spends much of his time to expose the fraudsters who run the US Government from Washington DC.
While illegal wars were unilaterally declared by the US under mentally challenged Baby Bush guided by that scoundrel Tony Blair, our spineless leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee wanted to be a party to this mayhem.
And later Manmohan Singh continued to promise billion dollar businesses to the paedophiliac western leaders. Manmohan smiles only in their company; for Indians he has pasted a scowl across his non-existent mouth.
However, if anyone has unraveled similar anomalies please feel free to write to me and the matter shall remain confidential. If anyone thinks that these interpretations are bogus, also feel free to write your comments to the Editor.
The Punjab Government knows that DU contamination is going on. The Indian armed forces and their top generals also know this.
The Government of India also knows this. The people should know that their lives are at stake and they should seek to try these elected criminals for collusion with war criminals.
[13] Shrivastava, Arun: ‘The Planned democide by American and European leaders’