by Leonard G. Horowitz
Spanish version
BreathOfTheEarth Website
following photographs share the secrets of the Breath of the
Earth™. These fascinating frozen water crystals were formed from
lava-heated steam erupting on the Big Island of Hawaii...
residents and native Hawaiians testify to the intensity of the
“purgative and restorative” highly creative energy of this tropical
Here is where the newest land on Earth is being formed along with
the greatest diversity of life.
This study was prompted by the possibility that “Pele’s breath” as
natives call it— lava-heated ground water issuing from highly active
steam-vents — might
crystalline water structures (i.e., clustered water) reflecting the
Big Island’s reproductive and creative reputation.
Many regard this
setting as ideal for creationistic research and spiritual

In order to perform this analysis, I
requested the assistance of Dr.
Masaru Emoto, famous for his
New York Times bestselling book, The Hidden Messages in Water,
and his appearance in the award-winning documentary film "What the Bleep Do We Know!".
I was introduced to Dr. Emoto in 1998 by
our common water science mentor, Dr. Lee Lorenzen, developer
of the first marketed clustered water.
from the ocean floor, the Big Island of Hawaii boasts Earth’s
highest mountain, reaching farthest from any sea into space....
It, therefore, receives the first and
brightest light from billions of galactic suns and stars.
The world’s best telescopes and
astronomical experts are stationed here in the heart of the world’s
largest body of water to unravel the mysteries of hydrocreationism.
Through analyses of sound and light, they seek to discover the
origin of life and the cosmos.

Supplied by governmental grants and
corporate contracts, scientists search outward posing questions...
In the stillness of the mountain’s silence, the best researchers
turn inward for answers.
The scientific consensus is that the Hawaiian Kahunas are right (Kahuna
is a Hawaiian word to mean Precious One, the Provider,
or the Keeper of the Sacred Principle):
“The end of the universe begins
right here.”
flash frozen water crystals are capable of relaying hidden messages,
as Dr. Emoto has hypothesized, then the Big Island's
lava-heated steam might be expected to relay information about the
origin of the universe somehow or somewhere in its structure.
In my latest of fifteen books, Walk on Water, I relayed the
fact that the summit of this sacred place is believed by Kahunas to
“the Divine umbilical cord to all
creation—the birthplace of the cosmos.”
Relatedly, a huge natural
heart-shaped hill protrudes from Mauna Kea. It greets visitors
approaching the world’s most esteemed deep space observatories here.
This is a photograph (below) showing an eruption of Kilauea volcano
seen from Mauna Kea. The Gemini Telescope dome is under construction
at the right...

following photographs were produced by Dr. Emoto's well-trained
laboratory assistants in Japan who were unaware of the sources of
the two water samples analyzed in this study.
Samples were collected
by this author on the Big Island near Volcanoes National Park. Pure
Breath of the Earth™ was obtained by condensing and collecting
lava-heated steam erupting from a highly active steam-vent.
A second sample was taken from a mixture
of the Breath of the Earth™ and fresh rainwater, certainly among the
purest on Earth. The full strength and homeopathic samples were
flown to Japan without exposing them to x-rays.
Once in the lab, they were cryogenically
frozen and examined under the "cold room" microscope at 100 and 200
magnifications. Using Dr. Emoto's laboratory technique, less than
twenty clusters were able to be identified and photographed.
So if a common theme was to be
determined in this small sample of photographs, it would be highly
improbable and very significant statistically.
is first photograph in the Breath of the Earth™ series.
Is it a “coincidence” that this cluster’s heart shape is much like
that of Mauna Kea's adorning hill enroute to the observatories?
Diluting the Breath of the Earth™ with rainwater (similarly done to
potentiate homeopathics) produced the next cluster — a beautiful
twelve-pointed crystal.
The center of this cluster appears to tell a story. Sacred hexagonal
forms spiral outward from a radiating energy source or power center
giving rise to a vast spinning unknown universe.
Alternatively, the photo center appears as a twisting umbilical cord
and "wormhole" connecting inner to outer levels of the cosmos,
creation, or multi-dimensional space.
Furthermore, the hexagonal (sacred)
geometry of organic chemistry and all life forms is exclusively seen
here emerging from small to large as per the theological tenet "as
above, so below."
The hexagon parade appears to spin out from the
core of creation, and turn from the depths of darkness, while
proceeding to grow and move into the radiant light.

Again, it is well known in biochemistry that hexagons represent the
sacred geometry of biology; the "carbon 6 building-block" of all
In this next photo, the full
strength Breath of the Earth™ gives the impression of a spinning
yin/yang symbol — the core creative energetic polarity of the
universe, as well as the male and female energies required to
reproduce life.
Students of microanatomy (i.e., histology) are reminded here of a
fallopian tube passing an egg seconds after fertilization by a
I paid this fleeting consideration no heed until I saw this next
photo in the Breath of the Earth™ series. It shows a fetus-like
structure at the center of its cluster and an obvious umbilical cord
In the next photograph shown below from the same water sample I
present perhaps "Pele’s vaginal passageway to eternity."
Having taught histology at Tufts
University School of Dental Medicine, I can tell you the center
of this cluster is reminiscent of a uterus in cross section.
center of this crystal suggests a fertilized egg has implanted
itself into the smooth muscle of the uterine wall, and appears to be
undergoing its first mitotic divisions.
One might say I have an active reproductive or creative imagination.
Yet, I did not take these photos, and the series is distinctly
different from any Dr. Emoto has produced to date.
did Dr. Emoto’s lab technicians know the aforementioned Big Island
history prior to photographing these water clusters.
Thus, this simple investigation provided a “message from water” very
clear to me... And though the rest of the scientific community may
be slow to grasp this blessing, I pray it will not escape you.
The purgative and restorative energies investigated and discussed
herein appear vital, and must be used, to recreate ourselves as pure
bodies of water as originally intended. This applies to our planet,
as well, having been sourced from water.
After lengthy reflection on the scientific evidence available, I
must conclude the only hope for civilization's survival rests in our
communion with nature and in the creationistic power working through
Purging is necessary for what ails us, for humanity's survival, and
for the expression of karmic law and Divine justice. We are all part
of a magnificent mathematical-musical matrix. This scientifically
determined truth illuminating love and our natural psycho-spiritual
drive for divine communion is becoming increasingly apparent among
those with spiritual freedom growing in their hearts.
is compelled to follow this heavenly calling. Increasingly, it is
purging people from the hypnosis under which we tolerate global
genocide, particularly under the guises of “national security” and
“public health.”

“Omnigenocide” produces any, and ultimately every, species
extinction for profit. Petrochemical-pharmaceutical pestilence and
impoverishing global governance compel urgent attention and remedial
Actualizing this ideal provides the only hope for surviving and
thriving to transform the current imposition of generally
intolerable, outdated, misdirected, socio-economically-enslaving,
and politically-destabilizing systems.
These results and conditions appeal to the powers-that-be to lay
down their weapons of mass deception and planetary destruction, and
join those of us successfully engaged in "singing a new song."
This way to rebirth ourselves with love, and steward our planet
accordingly, appears to be the central "message from water" in this
study. These are the conclusions shared by Dr. Emoto and myself in
analyzing these photographs.

Happily, this natural energy of re-creativity cannot be foiled or
spoiled by mere mortals, governments, or industrialists. The
restorative spirit flows eternal and remains readily available as
these crystals suggest.
The dolphins and whales broadcast to the oceans and seas. We simply
need to sing their cleansing song to the rivers of life so that once
again, the crystal clear waters will flow through the streams of
beings serving a unified reality.
A global "Concert for the Living Waters" is currently advancing for
this purpose. LIVE H2O is presented as a remedial plan. Visit
www.liveh2o.org for more information.
Moreover, the specific sounds prompting hydro-creationism for
enduring freedom have been recently determined, arranged in
pioneering musical CDs, and technologically advanced for this
humanitarian mission. (See: Healing Codes for the Biological
One example of this advancing technology is called the
"3E - Evolutionary Energy Enhancer." This is discussed at
Another is the masterpiece musical CD entitled Holy Harmony
by Jonathan Goldman.
In conclusion, there are no greater political or spiritual callings
than this.
For the sake of our civilization's survival, please help
us spread these findings and loving messages from water about the
origin of life and our potential to sustain ourselves and recreate
our planet through selfless service and Divine spiritual communion.
The lives of our children, and the future of our planet, depends on
what we do together with this knowledge at this critical time.
As urged by our world's most celebrated vocalists...
"It's a choice we're making; we're
saving our own lives. It's true we make a brighter day, just you
and me."
Acknowledgments and Contacts
The two water samples containing the Breath of the Earth™ were taken
from the “Creator’s Rainbow Spa,” on the property of the Steam Vent
Inn & Health Retreat, in Pahoa, Hawaii.

The Breath of the Earth™ is being
licensed to any and all individuals and organizations for a tithe.
Distributors are encouraged to call 1-888-508-4787 for more details.
This research was made possible by generous donations from: Hado,
LLC, Healing Celebrations, LLC, and public supporters like you.
For more information about the doctors collaborating to advance this
research, and the topics mentioned above, link to:
Or call: 1-208-265-8065.