by Sterling D. Allan
September 18, 2011
PureEnergySystemsNews Website
The sudden spike shown in both the very
unusual DC and Denver earthquakes on August 23 are consistent with
an explosion from a sub-surface nuclear bomb.
A recent interview of
Benjamin Fulford gives some
intriguing possibilities about a counter coup, and hope for release
of suppressed energy technologies.
Today I've received a phone call and a number of emails from people
referring to an interview (below Audio) conducted recently with
Benjamin Fulford, who asserts that the recent DC and Denver
Quakes were spurred by underground nukes wiping out two of the
New World Order bunkers by "white
hat" elements in the U.S. Pentagon, signaling the end of days for
the dark cabal that have been running the planet for millennia.
Va/Denver Quakes
Nuked NWO Underground Bases
The interview concludes with a
discussion about how with this victory over the dark elements of the
former powers-that-be, that many hitherto
suppressed energy
technologies will soon be released.
It's all a bit difficult to believe, and I probably wouldn't be
mentioning it to you were it not for some hard facts that support
the key points about the earthquakes not being natural. They have
the same seismological signature as what accompanies a nuclear blast
detonated a few miles below the Earth's surface.
Here is a
government website that gives a comparison of a nuclear
test and an earthquake on seismograph. Here is a comparison they
show between the May 11, 1998 Indian Nuclear Test, and the April 4,
1995 earthquake in Pakistan.

It explains:
Livermore seismologist Bill
Walter explains that the differences in seismic P- and
S-wave energy provide one method of discriminating explosions
from earthquakes.
Seismic P waves are compressional
waves, similar to sound waves in the air. Shear (S) waves are
transverse waves, like those that propagate along a rope when
one end is shaken.
Because underground explosions are
spherically symmetric disturbances, they radiate seismic P waves
efficiently. In contrast, earthquakes result from sliding or
rupture along a buried fault surface and strongly excite the
transverse motions of S waves.
Thus, we expect that explosions will
show strong P waves and weak S waves and that earthquakes will
show weak P waves and strong S waves, as seen in Figure 2.
With that in mind, now look at this
image of the seismic signature of the DC quake as shown
at NBC17:

Readings from a
seismograph at Washington and Lee University,
about 85 miles
southwest of the earthquake's epicenter in Mineral.
Its as obvious as Building 7 being
brought down by pre-placed demolition charges
on 9/11.
Here's the seismograph from the August 23 Denver quake that same
day, as published by
the Denver Post.

A seismogram of the
Trinidad earthquake
as recorded on the
Kent Denver School seismograph.
Again, the immediate onset of the large
quake at the bottom right is indicative of an explosion-induced
quake, not a natural quake.
In poking around a little bit, I found an August 24 story from the
Canadian PressCore, titled:
Seismic evidence reveals underground
nuclear detonation south of Washington DC.
The author says that he was put onto
this possibility by an unusual email he received from someone who
apparently was a whistleblower.
I was pointed to this overlooked
piece of evidence by someone who claimed to be with the United
States Air Force.
The story submission appeared to be
sent by mistake as nothing was visible in the body of the
submission. Instead of sending it to the trash I thought I would
apply an old intelligence trick I was taught back in 1989. I
right clicked my mouse on the body of the submission and
selected all, then copy. I then opened up the notepad and
selected paste from the menu.
You would expect nothing to be
pasted as there was nothing in the body of the submission but,
just as I thought, a paragraph was pasted into the notepad. What
was revealed was 1 paragraph whereby who ever sent it stated he
was a member of the United States Air Force.
He stated that the Virginia 5.8
magnitude earth "wasn't a natural earthquake and not a
HAARP earthquake".
He told me to find a seismograph of
the Washington DC area earthquake and compare it to a past
earthquake. Then he stated that I should
Google DUMB or Deep
Underground Military Bases. He ended by stating "the ABC
warnings are real".
I tried to trace the IP of the
submission but they don't exists.

Air Force tunnel
boring machine links
underground military bases across U.S.
In the introduction to the interview
with Fulford about the Denver and D.C. earthquakes not only being
nuke-induced, but that they were used to destroy two underground New
World Order bunker cities (of possibly 30,000 people each).
I'm familiar with the
underground bunkers and cities that
the black-ops have been building.
The best documentary I know on this was
done by Jesse Ventura in
his "Conspiracy Theory" series.
The last half of the
program was devoted to the underground bunkers that have quietly
been built by dark elements in the U.S. Government looking out for
their own survival with no thought for informing or preparing the
population at large.
Here is some material that my awakened friend,
Fred Burks
compiled, who was formerly a translator for two U.S. Presidents:
Comparisons of seismograph
for earthquakes with nuclear tests
Comparison of
a nuclear test and an earthquake on seismograph on a
government website -
Comparison of seismograph signatures for various
Washington, DC, 5.8 earthquake
on Aug 23, 2011, 1:51 PM
local time
Most striking seismograph of DC quake on NBC affiliate -
Cornell University seismograph quite definitive -
Multiple seismographs of DC quake -
Access to hundreds more
Denver, 5.3 earthquake on Aug 22,
2011, 11:43 PM local time
(roughly 12 hours before the
DC quake)
Post seismograph showing clearly nuclear explosion
signature -
Hundreds of seismograph readings
To see what seismographs look like for more normal
earthquakes, click below:
4.6 scale Aug 18, 2011 Off the coast of British
Columbia -
4.7 scale Sep 2, 2011 Utah
Both the Denver and DC earthquakes were quite shallow,
with official reports giving 3.7 miles depth for
the DC
quake and 2.5 miles
for Denver.
That is well within even
conventional drilling technologies these days.
to Wikipedia,
earthquakes under 70 km (43 miles) are considered
"shallow focus" earthquakes.
The Virginia quake was the
largest there in 117 years, while the Denver quake
was the
largest in Colorado in 41 years. These two rare
quakes happened only 12 hours apart. (Washington
Post; Denver Post; Aug. 23, 2011)
So I find the evidence fairly solid that both of these
quakes were not natural.
I agree with Fred that there is definitely enough evidence to
consider the two very unusual quakes on August 23 as probably being
spurred by nukes.
The question that is intriguing is why,
who, and how.
Though it's hard to believe all the stuff covered in
the interview, I do think it's worth a perusal, to give you
something to think about and a working hypothesis to start from.
It's definitely worth our attention, especially if the release of
hitherto suppressed free energy patents is one of the upshots of
this recent counter coup.
What is alleged by Fulford is that the nukes were done by good
elements in the Pentagon who are fed up with the
New World Order
conspirators using the U.S. Military to enforce the spread of
the police state tyranny, whose plan is to reduce the world
population by 90% down to a "manageable" 500,000,000.
I personally am greatly encouraged by the possibility that there is
that high a level of resistance from within the ranks of what used
to be nearly totally controlled by the conspirators. It's a
rebellion from within what used to be something they controlled.
The two underground cities were probably two key bunkers where the
New World Order conspirators thought they could go run and hide
while they bring destruction to the inhabitants on the surface.
But now they have been sent a message:
"We're all in this together here on
planet Earth; what you do to others you do to yourself, so stop
the destruction."

Hanks Mills
On September 17, 2011 11:43 PM, my
Hank Mills added:
Elected government officials are not
the only individuals who control the course of human events.
There exists powerful individuals
from the realms of banking, finance, secretive extra-government
agencies, and the military-industrial complex, who manipulate
the strings that make the puppets in official elected offices do
their bidding. This tangled web of the ultra elite power barons
is not easy to sort through.
I do not think anyone fully
understands the true structure of these organizations, and their
true motivations. What we do know, is that these institutes and
families of power have suppressed exotic technologies and the
truth about extraterrestrial activity on our planet. This
suppression has been on going since before the crash of an
extraterrestrial space craft near
Roswell, NM in the year 1947.
If a nuclear attack did take place on one or more underground
bases, this would be a clear indication of dissension in the
ranks of
the "powers that be."
This whole situation reminds me - to a certain extent - of the
situation in the fictional series Stargate SG1. In that
fictional series, a highly secret, ultra black-budget military
organization exists called, "Stargate Command."
The leadership of this organization
have the task of trying to protect our planet from
extraterrestrial threats, exploring the galaxy by traveling
through "stargates"
which allow near instantaneous travel to other worlds, and
maintaining the secrecy of their program.
Those working for Stargate Command
are portrayed as being the "good guys", despite the fact they
suppress exotic technologies, withhold fundamental information
about the universe from the public, and often take it upon
themselves to make decisions that impact the entire human race -
mostly with little supervision from elected authorities.
In this same fictional series, there are rouge groups, agencies,
and organizations that compete with the Stargate program.
Some of these entities claim to be
opposed to Stargate Command's secrecy and track record of
sometimes putting humanity at risk, but in reality have their
selfish motivations.
Of course there are groups of
extraterrestrials in this fictional series that have their own
desires and interests.
Some of these groups of
extraterrestrials are benevolent, others are opportunistic, and
still others are hostile. Although communicating with these
species have often benefited Stargate Command's efforts to
protect humanity, interaction with them have often created
troublesome situations or threats to Earth.
The simple fact is that in the fictional series of Stargate and
in our reality, it is not always easy to distinguish the good
guys from the bad guys. Even the attack on the underground bases
may (or may not) have prevented some sinister plot, this does
not mean those who launched the attack were "good."
They may not be heroes, or on the
side of the billions of people on this planet. Their motivation
for the attack may not be as simple and pure as we may hope.
If these apparent earthquakes were actually attacks on
underground bunkers, thousands of people may have died. Many of
these people probably were not evil, sinister individuals
plotting for the eradication of 90% of the population, but could
have simply been engineers and scientists working jobs, to earn
a paycheck. The majority of those employed by these bases may
have had no political agenda at all, and simply were thrilled to
work on exotic technologies - or needed to find a way to pay
their mortgage!
For example, NASA has naysayed alternative energy and
alternative propulsion technologies for decades. The space
agency has also belittled and mocked the incontrovertible
evidence that unknown craft are visiting our planet. Regardless
what we think of those who have actively participated in
suppression, we cannot forget that the majority of people at
NASA have had nothing to do with it.
To think that everyone at NASA is in
a plot to suppress information that could change our world is
simply implausible beyond measure.
Most of those individuals working at
NASA truly believe they are working for the agency with the most
advanced space technology in existence, or are simply there to
get a paycheck.
Any nuclear attack that has taken place is a total and complete
If those who perpetuated the attack
desired to do the right thing, they should have organized a way
to come forward to the public, and share what they knew.
Instead, these individuals - many of which have probably been
actively participating in suppression of various topics - may
have taken another path that limits their personal risk while
ending the lives of others.
Standing up and releasing highly
classified information about extraterrestrial life, exotic
technologies that could benefit all of humanity, or the
operations of ultra secretive organizations, can be risky. In
fact, it can be very dangerous, but fear of persecution is not
an excuse for a nuclear attack.
I would urge the individuals and organizations that want to do
the "right thing" to avoid conflicts with other entities, and
simply speak up. Despite their rank, position, or situation they
should organize the information they have, and share it with the
We live in an age where
communication is easier than ever before.
If someone really
wants to tell a story, in a matter of hours or less they can
upload videos of their testimony to YouTube, send the video to
thousands of people via email, post the information on countless
message boards, drop a few hundred DVDs in the mailbox, create a Facebook profile with the information, and transmit the
information in so many ways NO ONE will be able to stop it.
The more aspiring "good guys" who are willing to come forward
and distribute their story at the same time the better it is for
everyone involved.
There is no excuse for violence. Even when it comes protecting
ones self, the best defense is honesty and full disclosure. I
think the motivations and sincerity of any group that would
perpetuate an act of violence should be questioned.
Let's hope if a nuclear attack did happen on one or more top
secret bases, that these will be last such attacks.
What the world needs is the truth, the full truth, and nothing
but the truth.
The fact that the
President and Congress have such low approval
ratings has a lot to do with how unbelievable they have become.
Who can trust the government when they
"This is
how and why 9/11 happened,
and this is what we should do about it; when a common sense
look at what actually happened screams so loudly to the
Some truth from the government would be
nice, but it will take some time before people start believing again
because they have been lied to for so long.