by Eric Dubay
August 27, 2014
AtlanteanConspiracy Website
Spanish version

Our government textbooks tell us that
nobody in the ancient world had ever crossed the Atlantic
before Columbus.
But the voyage of
the Mayflower only took 60 days.
Are we honestly to believe that
no one had ever previously taken the 60 day trip in all of
human history?
The great civilizations of
ancient Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, Greece, Rome, and the
sea-faring Phoenicians never wondered what was out West past
59 days sailing?
If we accept this improbability, we have
to accept many more along with it, because the native American
cultures of the "New World" and the Eurasian cultures of the "Old
World" were already far too similar to have naturally evolved
For instance, compare the Peruvians and
Egyptians. The number of complex comparisons between the two peoples
far surpasses serendipity.
Both cultures believed in an
immaterial soul which reincarnates through multiple physical
They both worshipped the, Sun,
Moon and Stars and held amazing astronomical knowledge, much
of which has just recently been rediscovered.
Both peoples built amazing stone
pyramids, often containing boulders too heavy for modern
cranes to lift, quarried from miles away. Both cultures
embalmed/mummified their dead.
Peruvian and Egyptian royalty
both wrapped children's heads in the practice of "skull
elongation" (like trepanning) to attain higher
They both divided the year into
twelve months.
Both peoples had a women's order
of vestal virgins vowed to celibacy, and violating their
vows was punished on both continents by their being buried
Both cultures offered animal
sacrifices and divined the future by examining the animal's
They both built huge arches and
strewed the road with flowers for returning home triumphant
At the beginning of each
agricultural season during a big celebration, the Kings
placed their hands to the plough and ploughed the first
Are we to believe such incredibly
specific practices developed completely independent of one another?
"When the Spanish missionaries first
set foot upon the soil of America, in the fifteenth century,
they were amazed to find the Cross was as devoutly worshipped by
the red Indians as by themselves."
Ignatius Donnelly
The Antediluvian World"
Ancient symbols like the cross and the
swastika already existed in the Americas long before the Europeans

Egyptian symbols like the "Akeru" back
to back lion gods hieroglyph are found in Olmec temples from ancient
Mexico. We have also found Mayan art and glyphs in Egypt.
Modern Mayans and tribal Egyptians both
recognize the languages found in their countries as that of their
ancestors and both can read much of it. We've discovered artwork
2-3000 years old clearly depicting negroes and caucasians in Central
The establishment remains silent on all
these issues.
The similarities between Old
World European and American peoples are vast and difficult
to accept as mere coincidence.
The use of cement, bricks,
arches and advanced masonry/architecture is found on both
sides of the Atlantic, as well as roads, stone and
suspension bridges
Metallurgy, ore mining of
copper, tin, bronze, gold, silver, and iron
Sculpture, painting, engraving,
agriculture, navigation, large sailing vessels, pottery,
glasswork, and music
Both Old and New Worlders
fashioned the same weapons like bows and arrows, spears,
swords, battle-axes, darts and slings; baptism, confession,
... all long existed on both continents.
"If we find on both sides of the
Atlantic precisely the same arts, sciences, religious beliefs,
habits, customs, and traditions, it is absurd to say that the
peoples of the two continents arrived separately, by precisely
the same steps, at precisely the same ends.
When we consider the resemblance of
the civilizations of the Mediterranean nations to one another,
no man is silly enough to pretend that,
...each spontaneously and separately
invented the arts, sciences, habits, and opinions in which they
agreed; but we proceed to trace out the thread of descent or
connection from one to another.

Why should a rule of interpretation
prevail, as between the two sides of the Atlantic, different
from that which holds good as to the two sides of the
Mediterranean Sea?
If, in the one case, similarity of
origin has unquestionably produced similarity of arts, customs,
and condition, why, in the other, should not similarity of arts,
customs, and condition prove similarity of origin?
Is there any instance in the world
of two peoples, without knowledge of or intercourse with each
other, happening upon the same invention, whether that invention
be an arrow-head or a steam-engine?
If it required of mankind a lapse of
at least six thousand years before it began anew the work of
invention, and took up the thread of original thought where
Atlantis dropped it, what probability is there of three or four
separate nations all advancing at the same speed to precisely
the same arts and opinions?
The proposition is untenable. If,
then, we prove that, on both sides of the Atlantic,
civilizations were found substantially identical, we have
demonstrated that they must have descended one from the other,
or have radiated from some common source."
Ignatius Donnelly
"Atlantis: The Antediluvian
Stubborn egyptologists,
anthropologists and our government textbooks also claim that the
ancient Egyptian,
Sumerian, and Babylonian cultures
all 'somehow' started at the height of their civilization and
rapidly devolved as their empires fell.
This is standard accepted "fact" but how
is it possible that such advanced cultures just 'magically'
appeared at the beginning of recorded history?
"The region of Mesopotamia (Sumeria),
which seems to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere (according
to Academia), had a high knowledge of astronomy, architecture, a
pantheon of gods, agriculture, gourmet foods, and courts.
It is considered to be the cradle of
civilization. Mesopotamia, in the north, encompassed the rivers
Tigris and Euphrates, which flowed from the Garden of Eden, in
the Genesis stories.
The places known as
Dilmun, and
Lemuria are mentioned in the
records of Sumeria. This is an obvious indication that these
societies or cities pre-dated the Sumerian era. Therefore, the
Mesopotamian civilization did not suddenly appear out of
It was more likely a relocated
ancient 'Lost Civilization'"
James Arthur
"Mushrooms and Mankind"
"One of the great mysteries that
Egyptologists can never explain is this devolution, this
You look at the old kingdom, the
pyramids, the type of hieroglyphs, the type of jewelry, the type
of art produced, and then as it goes forward to the middle
kingdom it devolves, it's less advanced - to the new kingdom
when they didn't even build in granite or limestone anymore but
in sandstone a much softer stone, easier to work with."
Egyptologist Stephen Mehler
"Egypt and the Ancients." Coast 2
Coast interview, August, 2004
Are we honestly to believe that advanced
mathematics, medicine, astronomy, architecture, art, writing, and a
complex spirituality were already fully developed from the very
beginning of human civilization?
"How does a complex civilization
spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and
compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of
But in Egypt there are no parallels.
Everything is right there at the start."
John Anthony West, Egyptologist
"The ancient civilization of the
land we call Egypt has been pronounced by archaeologists as
flawless of its type from the very first. It reveals none of the
painful steps from primeval beginnings passing through the
Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age, to that of Iron.
It apparently burst upon the scene
into exotic radiance, its perfected civilization accordingly
having been described as a miracle. Science cannot admit any
such miracle and another explanation must be forthcoming."
Comyns Beaumont
"What we call 'Egypt' lasted longer than the later Hellenic,
Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment,
Industrial, and modern ages put together and multiplied by
The manipulators of history,
therefore, purposely concentrate our attention on the latter
days, in order to prevent us delving back into Egypt's past.
They do so, understandably, for they
have everything to lose once humankind becomes reintroduced to
the archive of knowledge and wisdom that was common to our
Michael Tsarion
"Astrotheology and Sidereal
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