by Michael Topper
First published in TNTC Vol. 2, No. 8
Oct.-Nov. ’91
Zelator Website
If you’re being watched by
the Shadow Government, you perhaps know that they have
the technical ability not only to know wherever you
are, and to listen to your thoughts (frightening
enough!) - they also have the technical capability to
interfere with your thought patterns and with your pain
That’s even worse! What can you do about it?
This article tells you! Better yet, the methods
explained herein work also if you’re under occult siege
from astral entities or anybody else outside our "known"
realms who would want to try to mess with you. Now, they
can’t mess with you anymore! |
The following excerpts from letters received by the T-Bird over the
past year, have been mixed together randomly and allowed to flow
into one another without separating quotes so as to mask the
individual identities of those involved; the reason for this should
become clear in perusing the collective contents, for all these
excerpts pertain to the single theme of current, covert espionage
operations involving brain-wave monitoring and mind-control,
conducted on involuntary subjects in the populace at large.
As was indicated in the lead editorial article, amongst those
authentic inquiries and depositions there appear covert inquiries
received along with all the rest, which while they purport to be
from ordinary victimized citizens like the others are in fact
forwarded from the "secret" agencies responsible for much of the
silent brain/mind monitoring. The reason for their having directed
such "disguised" inquiries toward the T-Bird, was also touched upon
in the lead article, where it was noted that although such agencies
have long been practically familiar with the kind of technology
involved they have been largely unsuccessful in developing defenses
against it.
This contretemps does not have primary "Cold War" significance, as
commentators have frequently suggested when describing the
development of these covert powers in the conventionally-accepted
context. As Dave Emory of Radio Free America noted in a recent
broadcast on the subject, when the specter of "Russian technological
superiority" has been invoked as rationale it inevitably turns out
the U.S. is already ahead of the Soviets in those same areas.
The actual source against which such agencies seek defense, is the
same which teasingly extended the original leads relative to such
super-technology; the real fear haunting personnel of DARPA (Defense
Department Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the
counterintelligence branches has to do with the altogether
transcendent faculty of space-alien factoti to impose just such
technological manipulations unhindered, and indeed to do so from a
"density" or higher-dimensional point of leverage which is
untouchable and inaccessible where the militarists stand.
The potent
admixture of truly Psychic force with electrogravitic wizardry as
characterizes the capacity of higher-density "alien" forms, preempts
and completely outflanks anything that may be developed at the
purely mechanical 3rd-density level. The military/powerstructure has
certainly gotten the hint over the years that Psyche patterns Soma,
and that the void-value of mind informs the complex nonlinear matrix
of em identity-signatures in the same way that "paper covers rock".
As we indicated in our lead article, part of the higher-dimensional
negative pattern of Stalking has to do with imposing and stressing
such a capability-disparity, turning up the pressure through
fear-reaction (of an invasion threat etc.) so as to drive the
targeted subjects toward deeper and progressively irreversible
degrees of Negative polarization, i.e. driving them to commit a
succession of acts - with their consequences - out of preservational
self-concern that requires certain ratios of psychic balance
inscribing threshold degrees of consolidative mind/body "intensity"
to the negative side upon the summary soul-record.
Indeed the pressure that pushes them to investigate more deeply, to
experiment the more thoroughly with wanton disregard for anything
aside from their immediate results, is precisely responsible for
having driven open the devoutly secularized eyes of the scientific
"elite" to the prospect of rethinking conventional wisdom on the
subjects of psychism, the traditional avenues of metaphysics and the
arcane knowledge etc. - for while it is persuasively there, in those
shuttered rooms and side-corridors of the current scientific edifice
that the prevailing potencies are certainly to be claimed, it is
there also that the altogether-greater potential for higher density
consolidation of either positive or negative kind may be directly
engaged in the form of a temptingly mischievous mind-power. Thus the
"Orions" unerringly herd their targeted Earth elite straight toward
those doors containing the kinds of elements that can "do the most
Here then is the composite letter. These letters and passages have
been specifically selected for their correspondence to truth, i.e.
they are not the misinterpreted expressions of schizophrenia and
they are not the products of hoax. Initiated awareness has, as
always, "screened for verisimilitude" (and it’s precisely through
such process that the "ringer" from the boys-in-the-agency was
detected, included here amongst the excerpts since "the boys", after
all, know whereof they speak, hrnmm?)
I believe that you or someone you know may be able to assist a group
of people in the _____ area who are possibly the unwilling subjects
of psychotronic experimentation... I am currently in contact with
four people in the _____ area who claim to be hearing very realistic
voices and other sounds they report that the sounds do not
necessarily originate inter-cranially but can come from anywhere in
their environment. The nature of the communication is quite negative
in nature... I have had brainwave testing at ______; brainwave
patterns are normal, and they were unable to distinguish intrusive
input when experienced...when I go into another room, they seem to
know just where I am. This is true if I’m at home, or somewhere
else. It’s as if they were seeing through my eyes... the specific
content of the communication is usually quite negative, sometimes
cryptic. When asked who they are they reply, "We ’re watchers". When
asked why they are doing this they say, "We don’t know. "
They do
tell me their names (or pseudonyms). One of them who is called ____
is very insulting. He usually says things like: "____, You ’re an
animal. You ’re an animal lover ". Sometimes it is possible to
converse with them but I try not to... Sometimes there are surges of
pain that seem to take over my whole body; at other times they are
very specific, local like shocks or a cattle prod... I have had one
telephone conversation with Dr. ______ after I became aware of his
investigation. At first Dr. ______ thought these people were
suffering from a cognitive disorder. After extensive testing he
concluded there is nothing wrong with them.
The manner in which these marvels are accomplished, has been
detailed to a degree in available works; again we refer you to the
writings of Tom Bearden, and also to relevant tapes available from
Archives On Audio (415-346-1840, P.O. Box 170023, San Francisco, CA
94117) in particular the broadcasts of Dave Emory, Radio Free
America. In one such tape he quotes from a 1991 paper by Harlan E.
Girard delivered to the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Coherent
And Emergent Phenomena In Biomolecular Systems" held at the
University of Arizona; and he refers as well to a Dell Publishing
reissue from 1977 by John Marks called "The Search For The
Manchurian Candidate: The CIA And Mind Control".
From the above sources it becomes persuasively apparent even to the
average lay reader that such technology is firmly in the hands of
government agencies; and that fact requires no hypothesis of
"unknown" or "secret" technologies in itself, since well-known
equipment (i.e. of the Cray supercomputer type etc.), even publicly
available to some degree, comprises the backbone beneath the total
range of engineered effect. (Initiated understanding would include,
however, the practical presence of
scalar technologies not nearly so
well known, by which multi-leveled coded potentials may be patterned
and directly discharged without "intervening em waves" through the
brain-molecules of the targeted subject.)
The principle behind these seemingly impossible feats of
mind-monitoring, influence and control/harassment employing quite
conventional technologies, involves the currently "hot" science of
Fourier analysis whereby any image, sound or sensation may be
converted on an oscilloscope and analyzed into "discrete Fourier
transforms" i.e. audio, video, photographic or
telemetrically-retrieved brainwave data may equally be converted to
an equivalency of simple sine-wave signatures compared, averaged,
integrated and digitized so as to produce a profile signature.
Acoustic processors analyze vocal patterns, for example, and by
Fourier transform continuously synthesize spectral time samples
which can be kicked out by the hundreds every second, correlated
with stored prototypes in the processor and decoded to probable
sentence-patterns. Since the human brain can process 5,000 bits of
information per second, the capacity of current market computers to
perform hundreds of millions of calculations a second through
injection logic circuits easily explains how the subject’s actions
and ideas may be anticipated through analysis of preverbal thinking.
It explains as well how computer response programs modulated to
typed vocal patterns can produce the effect of voices discharging in
one’s brain as if in answer to thoughts, actions or ideas not yet
clearly formulated in the mind of the subject (since the
computerized vocal-patterns bypass auditory circuitry and resonate
the brainlobes directly, no detection of mechanical artifice arises;
the brain directly interprets the signal as human speech-pattern
without tinny resonance, robotic diction etc.).
In this way the brain-wave patterns of many subjects may be sampled,
so that a functional signature of certain common or collective forms
can be extracted (i.e. a synthesized pattern that would couple to
and resonate the brain-wave signatures of all those sharing a taste
for chili peppers, or those who participated in common
belief-patterns as in a church or club); or conversely, the
brainwave behavior of a single subject may be sampled so as to
produce an ongoing pattern-analysis distilling the various types,
ranges and idiosyncrasies of speech and thought, mood and emotion
into a sleek Fourier profile.
Possessing these
brain-wave signatures (which, whether on a
collective or individual scale function as fingerprints of selective
identity-resonance), the "agencies" in question can target and
fine-tune a subject long distance, picking the relevant
wave-identity profile out of the hologram of complex interferences
through which all things appear magnifying weak signals of motor
activity belonging to the electrical precursor gestalts of speech
patterns, for example, with use of the SQUID or "superconducting
quantum interference device" (click
image left), and deftly extracting them from
environmental noise.
In this way all the invasive programs becoming progressively more
"familiar" to the general public may be implemented without
obstruction: thought may be monitored, and thought may be implanted;
pain and pleasure centers may be stimulated, total sensory
distortion or deprivation imposed, diathermic effects disruptive of
the autonomic system generated. And all this seemingly without
respect of distance, location, lead-shielding or any of the
reasonable resorts which could at least minimally be counted on when
such technology was still in its primitive implant stage (not to say
that there isn’t still a substantial bit of implant-work being done;
the variables involved in this basically-nonlinear process make the
additional assurances accompanying physical implant a desirable
adjunct still, where implant is at all feasible).
Stimulation of the brain and nervous system directly through
microwave beam technology and ultralow frequency, Gigahertz
radiation masers constitutes an altogether formidable weaponry
directed upon an unknowing and defenseless civilian population; add
to this the lesser-known capacity to code and tailor complex scalar
infrastructures into the EM delivery systems, programmed with
variable and simultaneous messages involving any range of factors
from emotional conditioning, subliminal trigger-responses and even
health (cf. Bearden’s discussion of the presently-operative "death
photon") and you have a good composite portrait of that which the
very perpetrators themselves most fear, seeing that this prospect of
their greatest control is at the same time the threat of their most
thorough subjugation, when displaced just "a few inches above and to
the left".
There is however a secret to this level of control, which is still,
at bottom, material-reliant (it’s that fact which after all makes
the power elite aware of its vulnerability with respect to the
higher-density "reptilians" etc. i.e. the biogenetically engineered
and tailored "Orion SS shock troops").
That secret may be located in precisely the technical capacity
adjudged by commentators perhaps the most frightening of all, i.e.
the capacity to deprive the thought-process itself of one of its
most identifying if taken-for-granted features, i.e. the ability to
hear the thought internally as it’s being formulated.
We intercept the process of thought at the ordinary 3rd density
level, as "inaudible speech". This is supported by the fact that
thinking is always accompanied by electrical activity of the speech
centers patterning nerve signals to drive the vocal apparatus.
Although commentators attest they have no idea how this altogether
disconcerting deprivation of the echoing feedback function belonging
to inaudible "verbalization" of the thought is accomplished,
initiated understanding points to EM interfering of the speech
center itself as being primarily involved. It is noted that through
this effect, thinking still goes on but seems suddenly shut up in vacuo where no corroborative and comforting echo of itself may be
Despite all this, even longtime victims of brainwave manipulation
may generally be distinguished from the superficially similar
schizophrenic pattern which, while it also "hears voices", exhibits
dissociation etc., is also accompanied by rapid verbal dysfunction -
the speech pattern itself becomes dissociated, neologisms intrude
constantly and there’s every indication from this that the actual
thinking of the schizophrenic is aberrative. On the contrary, a
mind/control victim even if he ultimately snaps under stress and
shoots up a McDonald’s continues to display the capacity of coherent
thinking as reflected in his speech patterns.
As far as ordinary, 3rd-density level mind/control techniques are
concerned, then, they do their distinctive work by seizing the
effective zone at which thought is already being generated, at a
pre-reflective level, into potential speech patterns. It is at this
level that "thought" is identified, and its components analyzed.
However the very fact that such deprivation techniques operating
through the speech center leave proof as to how thought continues
even when disconnected from motor activity patterning neural
messages, indicates that thought and therefore mind functions upon
another level altogether, and on a deeper basis than may be analyzed
in the context of Fourier transforms heavily reliant on verbal
signatures. This is why it has been emphatically noted that the most
verbally-oriented and communicative, are those most vulnerable to
the technique of mind-control.
Herein lies the answer. The highly verbal being of 3rd-density is
also emphatically left-brain (women have the verbal faculty
distributed more evenly across the hemispheres, which only means
that in "3rd density" context the left-brain verbal emphasis has
taken advantage of the thicker corpus callosum and encroached on the
gestalt or pattern-recognition function of the right-brain). The
typical form of such verbal consciousness is a brainwave mixture
strongly emphasizing beta-wave activity. These verbal brainwave
patterns function on highly repetitive, habitual configurations
their very, verbal character adapts such thinking to the stylized
linguistic convention of structured, formalized and very linear
repeatability. This is why "high verbals" are so especially subject
to brain-wave monitor and control such highly structured and
diagrammatic thinking loans itself admirably to the necessary
computer-process of averaging and distilling to an overall, typal
It is this same abstract-verbal, left-brain emphasis (at bottom a
product of enculturation rather than genetics) which caused
brain-researchers to believe for so long that specific muscles and
their rote-mnemonic movements were stored in the motor cortex, and
that word-order was the basic function recorded in the
language-centers. Even with parallel-process computers, there’s a
greater comfort and state-of-rapport between the ens of
computer-technology and the brain/mind paradigm based on 19th
century notions of linearity and object-specific learning patterns.
Modern brain research however knows a whole other paradigm wherein
meaning rather than word-order is represented in memory and
language; in which acts and their outcomes (aims and anticipations
etc.) are represented in the motor cortex rather than muscles or
movements. This is of greatest significance to the problem of
mind-control, because it distinctly points away from autonomic or
conditioned, linearly-ordered response patterns and toward the
volitional void-variable of the Conscious Axis itself. Language,
motor activity and all other "voluntary" patterns of the being are
based on an abstract-cognitive fulcrum: the presiding idea with its
form and aim powers a variable patterning process, indeterminately
elastic in itself and maximally adaptable. It is therefore
sensitively subject to initial conditions, and so participates in
the basically non-linear paradigm of Chaos models through which an
indeterminate interplay of "angular degrees of freedom" allows for
optimum adjustment and responsive reorganization of coordinates.
Such a sensitively contingent adaptability has always characterized
the behavioral processes, but that fact has been habitually damped
and masked by chronic verbal left-brain emphasis.
What is called for, then, is a shift in the actual, functional ratio
of emphasis between left and right-brain hemispheres. Such a shift
would place proportional emphasis on the variable gestalt-patterning
processes of the right-brain hemisphere, resolving the mind/body
system as a whole into deeper congruence and true functional
correspondence with its presiding, nonlinear (cognitive or ideo-form)
values i.e. meanings, acts etc. as opposed to rigid structural
circuitry. Since such a significant shift would effect a deeper
alignment with the central, adaptive variability and living
responsiveness of the system as a whole it would necessarily draw
the personality into deeper congruence with the essential,
volitional void-variable coincident with the Conscious Axis itself.
And this would be equivalent to the adjustment of balance between
parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve-networks of the autonomic
system in favor of the sedative value of the parasympathetic, also
characterized as aligning a more direct congruence between the
subconscious response-patterns and the whole-being value of the
Conscious Axis.
Referring then to our T-Bird essay in Vol. 1, No. 7, "Mind/Brain
Behaviors: Why Some Citizens of Gotham Fear Batman and Draw
Reactionary Cartoons About Him", we recall that any such
reorientation and overall alignment toward the basic, nonlinear
variability and volitional indeterminacy (i.e. freedom) of the
Conscious Axis necessarily results in a shift in the admixture of
brain-wave patterns, recessing the ordinary beta-storm of cortical
activity and drawing forward altogether deeper values of alpha,
theta and even delta thus bringing forward and integrating directly
into waking consciousness the creatively elastic qualities belonging
to the dimensions of dream, and deep dreamless sleep (i.e. those
values and corresponding dimensions of the brain-mind most directly
correlated with the essential, creative void-value of
As we learned from that article, far from the
verbal-linguistic faculties usually identified with thought itself
proportionately diminishing and disappearing, they’re taken up and
integrated into a much more powerful complex of brainwave activity
which enriches and extends their power altogether; they simply
decouple from exclusive association with beta-wave activity, and
proceed to function on a far more optimal basis through dominant
theta and delta patterns.
What this means in terms of the specter of technological
mind-control however, is that the usual accessible juncture at which
identifying patterns of the verbal-linear "habit" discharge and may
be seized, becomes integrated and aligned to a very different
principle. Typical forms of expression may still seem to
characterize the personality; but this is deceptive, for such forms
aren’t tied so tightly any longer to chronic patterns of one-to-one
identification. Therefore "typifying" or computer-averaged values of
representative brain-wave pattern dissolve into a more elusive,
variable, creatively adaptive range and depth of brain-wave mixtures
progressively baffling to strict computer "typing".
Such a transformative realignment is indeed equivalent to a
higher-density shift in function; any deeper shift toward congruence
with the volitional or conscious axis, corresponds to higher-density
degrees of function. Thus, what’s apparently called for from both
"victim" and ’’ victimizer" alike in confrontation with the looming
problematic specter of mind-control, is nothing less than total
shift to a higher-density framework of functioning. As large and
preemptive a demand as this appears to be, the situation is such
that "both" seem, mutually, to have been driven into a comer and
there’s nothing left to do short of making the "unthinkable" leap.
When reasoned through, such a millennial/irreversible step into the
higher dimensions of consciousness itself is the only way to get
"behind" and therefore above (in terms of hierarchic flow) the
otherwise-swift etiological stream gathering mind into the measured
flux of the rigidly regulatory Sine.
There are three basic exercises which must be engaged in order to
demonstrate a practical, non-technological means of overcoming the
mechanics of brainwave control; the mastery of these means is the
only sure protection against such a thing, and at the same time
secures one’s "sovereignty" of psychic function against higher and
even more subtle forms of mental interdiction generated from potent
conscious planes.
Charger Breathing
Banishing Star-pentagram
Hounds of Heaven
[1] Whole-charger breathing as outlined in past issues of
T-Bird, furnishes an ideal first step since its oxygenation of the
system and ionization of the bloodstream generates a very rapid
metabolic economy for the overall, mind-body complex; through this
deeper more integral economy (spontaneously powering a subtle shift
in ratios-of-emphasis across the autonomic systems in favor of the
parasympathetic, correspondent with the ideal value of Phi aligning
subconscious current-centers in exact proportional equivalency with
the Conscious axis from which they spring), a surplus "charge" may
be quickly accumulated at the vital-physical battery of the solar
High negative ionization-potential translates into greater
magnitudes of negatively entropic pattern-building synergic
energies, or subtle "pranas", drawn directly into the economy of the
system through electron surplus (electrons are the atomic
"void-navels" or points of physical ingress into the
transdimensional infrastructures finely coding and "building out"
variable nucleon patterns "from the inside"). While the pH factor
tends to average-out the ionization potential, the prana drawn in
through it doesn’t neutralize but accumulates, each energy surplus
reinforcing and adding to the average across the solar voltaic at
the manipura.
That surplus charge in conjunction with the deeper
metabolic economy, means proportionately less bioelectric energy
need be invested in the hormonal and neurochemical cycles
conventionally claiming the available energy-capital; the surplus
may be used to power glandular chemistries of a higher integral
order, manufacturing hormonal keys to complex-dimensional "locks" of
the plexiform centers only present previously as dormant/pre-coded
potential of the biogenetic pattern.
Unlocking of those threshold values of the
multidimensional being,
generates a progressively deeper (functional) congruence between
subconscious systems patterning the mind/body networks, and the
Conscious axis itself. Such a deeper, multidimensional alignment and
integration doesn’t mean a more rigid-inflexible structure; on the
contrary, deeper integral harmony of the autonomic with the
conscious systems imparts to the former greater available values of
the latter, so that the essential indeterminacy belonging to
void-consciousness allows for expandingly elastic degrees of freedom
in the variable patterning of memory-codes and subconscious
The resonant harmonics of the sine-wave patterns emerging from this
integral alignment are highly non-linear; reflect a deeper ratio of
emphasis on gestalt, right/brain perceptual and cognitive
patterning; magnify the presence of theta and delta, incorporating
the normal beta functions; and express the presence of an operative
mind/body complex progressively functioning between the electrical
frequency ranges of 400 cps and 200,000 cps on the electromyograph,
out of range of the ordinary 250 cps indicative of 3rd-density
cognitive patterns (the latter being optimally, the former being
minimally subject to Fourier analysis, averaging, identification and
resonant duplication).
Charger Breathing is therefore a principal means of "pumping up" the
mind/body system out of range of technological aim. In the practice
of Charger Breathing, there is no group profile sine wave signature
generated since such practice resumes the totality of mind/body
systems from the biophysical pole rather than the mental pole; its
effects are immediately nonlinear to a high degree, and there is no
characteristic mental response or linear tailoring of a common,
cognitive profile as there would necessarily be in resort to a
belief system. This is why under the insidious circumstances of
brain-wave control, the victim finds that "turning to Jesus",
"petition by prayer" to the favored denominational deity etc.
doesn’t work, and indeed simply generates a high-profile
identification pattern.
In the event that the subject/practitioner’s physiological
response-patterns are highly monitored already, owing to brain/mind
access through signature thought-structures, one may avoid punitive
pain-center stimulation etc. by varying the intensity, depth, time
intervals, locations and accompanying activity relative to
performing the exercise. Experimentation is the only means of
determining the optimum combination of factors.
Mentally visualizing the Banishing Star Pentagram three times a day
or more, produces several important interrelated effects. First of
all the figure of the Star should be traced in the imagination, at
the general "locus" of the third eye center, approximately
inches between and above the brows and 1½ inches behind the
frontal bone; progressively produce its image (to the extent of
one’s visualizing ability) along the trajectory indicated in the
Thus the image is drawn in the imagination from the bottom left-hand
ray and around.
There is a very wide range in the ready capacity to perform this or
any visualization exercise. The instruction is to simply do the best
you can. Try to visualize the image in scintillant electric-blue
lines, the quality of neon tubing. Even if you can’t see it at all,
or visualize the color accurately, or hold it steadily or retain all
its lines and angles and segments at once, it is the intent and
effort to do so that counts not the degree of positive result. The
intent alone instructs and activates appropriate centers and lobes
of the brain/mind. Current alignments and ratios-of-rebalance are
generated in response to the abstract form as an idea in its own
It’s important to understand the effectiveness of visualizing
(impressing the subconscious systems with) the idea-intent of such a
basic geometric figure. The reader will note the honor paid
geometry’ s noetic status in the ordering of all energies,
dimensions and zones for the mind/body complex and creative field as
a whole, in past T-Bird essays (i.e. "What Is The Mother Current?"
"What Is ’Christ Consciousness’?" and "What Is Physics?" etc.). The
noetic value of geometry underlying all fields, imparts immediate
efficacy to the conscious/volitional projection of any such pattern
through the generative locus of the third eye center. The projection
or willed impress of such an image energizes, reinforces and
optimally organizes the states and current fields coded through its
abstract presence.
The traditional image of the Star-Pentagram has optimum symbolic and
literal potential for the nature-patterns and mind/body form of man.
It constitutes a key organizational template. Its pentagonal lines
and proportions can be found in:
the physics of the water molecule
the Fibonacci series recurrent throughout nature
the crystalline
lattice-network of the DNA molecule
the secret, structural
grid-matrix ordering and informing the brain/mind
As its deliberate
visualization impresses ideal-coordinate values of the brain/mind
pattern more deeply, an influence is generated through the third eye
locus which reinforces overall reordering of hemispheric ratios in
favor of right-brain emphasis, and nervous-network ratios in favor
of the parasympathetic system.
Internal visualization of the Pentagram’s criss-cross lines,
parallels the pattern of nerve-optics in the visual system; it
therefore traces an ideal group and reinforces optimum, angular
harmonics coded through the complex of the brain-mind (the visual
system is the mind/body’s chief sensory processor; the other senses
and their systems are subordinate. Even when blind, the visual
system continues to operate and process the other senses).
Charge the image with
Charger Breathing when visualizing it. Again,
there may be a "strategy" required to practicing this without
repercussion, if technologic interlopers already have access to your
neural/cortical systems through signature (verbal) brainwave
patterns. The same instruction for varying direction, intensity,
time and place applies here.
Although at first the introduction of this " uncommon " cognitive
pattern to your thinking processes might be "noticed" and draw
suspicion, with practice it will serve to reorder brain/mind ratios
and conscious/subconscious systems in such a way as to enhance, and
optimally reinforce, overall nonlinear current-harmonics strongly
modifying verbal identification-patterns and folding all such
functions into a far more complex, elusive, subtle and elastically
variable field. The procedural tracing of the figure incorporates a
"left-brain" value into right brain imagistic processes;
the effort
to visualize the Star in totality at the completion of tracing, is a
strongly right-brain exercise.
[3] The diagram of the Hounds of Heaven
should be visualized in
totality, closing eyes and internally imagining the superposition of
the entire image (in all its geometric parts and lines, with each of
its "hounds" properly placed), in alignment with one’s own head and
neck the "hound" at the top corresponding to a point parallel the
top of the subject’s head, and the "hound" at the bottom placed
parallel the base of the brain. The lateral "hounds" should
correspond to the actual placement of one’s temporal lobes.
After separately practicing visualized placement of the entire
image, this key is to be used in a very specific manner; even prior
to but especially when a particular class of "disturbance" is
induced, the "hound" corresponding to the type of disturbance should
be visualized. One need not visualize the entire diagram, any other
part thereof or any other "hound"; indeed one should fix attention
firmly only on the ’’hound" most appropriate to the situation,
imagining it at the location of the brain/mind to which it’s
assigned on the diagram. Visualize it the duration of the effect.
The importance of this "exercise", is to impart a special
instruction directly to one’s brain-wave patterns as a holonomic
system; with the visualization of the diagram and its guardian
"hounds", you are coding a particular and special class of
identity-signature into those patterns. The implicit "instruction"
to your brain/mind patterns is that they themselves are to take on
the specific configuration of these guardian hounds; and that the
nature of these hounds, is that they bite! i.e., they sniff out,
identify and detain with their sharpened fangs any energy-code which
attempts to encroach by disguise.
Your subconscious systems can
identify and discriminate what "you" as the resultant, composite
"conscious" system cannot. Your subconscious systems can distinguish
the authentic from the counterfeit. And you are further programming
them, through visualization of the "hounds", to attack and repel or
powerfully turn back on their "owners", any such surreptitious
interloping signals, or furtive foreign radiation-patterns. In
effect, you are phase-conjugating those signals, and bouncing them
back down the very phantom "thread" of their trajectory. At the very
least, you should give some Cray computer a terrible virus!
This works faster than you might think. In a relatively short period
of time (especially in conjunction with the first two practices) the
least inkling of an "alien" stimulus will trigger-alert the
appropriate "hound", even without your strict conscious
participation; and the first brain-wave upsurge of that
signature-hound should act by jujitsu directly on that
"heat-seeking" signal sent to greet one by identification, trapping
it and locking on to it by precisely the mechanism of its own
identity-correspondence to one’s signature-patterns.
The very activity of that counterfeit identity-pattern thinking to
resonate one’s brainwaves, causes it to generate its own
phase-conjugate reversal signature, forcing it to be repelled from
the target subject’s presence and "returned to sender".
Nor can this be successfully counterprogrammed against. The virtue
of meeting these technological wave-conjurations with consciousness
rather than combative-mechanical wave patterns, is that one
functions from the irreducible fulcrum, the ultimate Axis of all
energy-waves and polarized sinusoidal patterns. An attempt to
contradict or circumvent your own conscious programming would run
directly up against its inbuilt instruction, and there’s no way
around it. Identifying the brain-wave signature that characterized
your hound visualization would do no good, since counter-programming
it would, in this case, drive up against the irreducible paradox of
Consciousness in the manner of what happens when any "objective" or
third-person proposition (of the categorically negative type) is
stated in first person: the effect is suddenly that of the
double-negative paradox or self-referring statement, where the
negation immediately negates by confirming itself. "All sentences
are false including this one".
The two "pain" centers may be visualized at once,
both to block the
pain signal (left) and induce a canceling pleasure signal (right).
