by Catherine J. Frompovich
May 01, 2017
ActivistPost Website

At one time most children were familiar with the
Chicken Little story:
I assume that child's story was crafted to teach children not to
jump to conclusions nor exaggerate situations, plus the importance
of ascertaining the facts first before starting rumors.
It's a great little
teaching tool for adults, too, I offer, especially in today's
climate of pseudoscience, which has been given the sophisticated
label "consensus conformity."
Wow! How impressive, but
the science is faulty...
Recently, I came across a website discussing the genesis of our
present-day 'chicken little scientists'.
Those scientists apparently morphed into reality as a result of
strategic thinking by politicians and controllers who were
determining a cause fitting in with the
Hegelian Dialectic
[problem-reaction-solution] for globalization politics or
the New World Order domination by
vested interests, e.g.,
According to
ICECAP Blogosphere:
The Club of
Rome was an organization formed in 1968 consisting of current
and former heads of state, UN bureaucrats, high-level
politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists,
economists and business leaders from around the globe.
It raised
considerable public attention in 1972 with its report
The Limits
to Growth.
The club states
that its mission is,
"to act as
a global catalyst for change through the identification and
analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the
communication of such problems to the most important public
and private decision makers as well as to the general
In 1991, the
club published 'The First Global Revolution' in which they
searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the
idea that pollution, the threat of global warming…would fit
the bill…
It does not matter if this common enemy is "a real
one or…one invented for the purpose."
[…] Meanwhile
instead of engaging and supporting critical thinking and testing
of hypothesis, there was concerted effort to paint anyone not
supporting their theory as 'deniers' with not so subtle attempts
to liken them to 'holocaust deniers' and those who denied the
dangers of cigarettes.
Thus began the era
of 'sanctified' pseudoscience or "consensus conformity," which has
plagued all aspects of life and living ever since, especially when
huge profits are to be made from consumer products which, in
reality, are harmful but sold as 'inert', e.g.,
So, how was it that
consensus conformity and pseudoscience were accepted as the 'norm'?
An acculturation process and a resulting meme took off under the
apparent tutelage of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ),
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization having in excess of 1200
journalists and academics in the USA, Canada, Mexico and 27 other
countries whose apparent goal is to promote "false balance" in
Here is
SEJ's webpage on climate change.
Michael Crichton,
author of
State of Fear, made the comment,
"Let's be clear: the work of
science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is
the business of politics. In science, consensus is irrelevant.
What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest
scientists in history are great precisely because they broke
with the consensus." (Galileo, Newton, Einstein, etc).
"There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's
consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't
consensus. Period..."
One of the issues
ICECAP talks about in its article
"EPW Critical Review Document decimates Obama administration and EPA
pseudo science" is carbon dioxide (CO2), which most
consensus 'science' seems to forget, is the basis we learned in
biology, chemistry and physiology:
necessary in the life cycle
on Planet Earth!
I want to quote
directly from ICECAP's article because I've not seen CO2 discussed
as they have:
CO2 is necessary to life on earth. It is in fact plant food, and makes possible the process of
Photosynthesis is the process whereby plants
using light energy from the sun convert carbon dioxide and water
to glucose sugar and oxygen gas through a series of reactions.
The general equation for photosynthesis is:
Carbon dioxide + water = light
energy => glucose + oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O = light energy => C6H12O6 + 6O2
Humans exhale CO2 at a rate of
approximately 40,000 parts per million (ppm). Humans inhale CO2
at the rate it currently exists in the atmosphere, which is just
below 400 ppm.
Accordingly, humans exhale CO2 at
a much higher rate than they inhale.
Why is it "The men the American
people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men
they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the
truth," as H.L. Mencken so eloquently stated.
All the above leads
up to asking why no one - especially the U.S. Congress - plus ICECAP,
seems to want to discuss,
Solar Radiation Management (SMR)
toxic chemtrails
weather geoengineering patents
the Air
Force's plan to own the weather by 2025
...plus the overwhelming
sky graffiti laid down by specially retrofitted-planes to
toxic chemicals into the troposphere.
It would seem many
"Chicken Littles" are running around telling all sorts of stories
about climate change but none acknowledge what is above their heads
in the sky.
The sky is not falling, but what falls from the sky is
not an acorn - they're toxins galore, aluminum chaff and other
particulates, some proffered to contain radioactive materials.
Isn't it about time
we find out the extent of the sky's poisoning?