"The openness and
surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of
attached entities between two people.
The thoughts, desires
and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the
person's own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts,
feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have
been present for a long time, even from childhood.
This is a major
factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of
acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and
spirit attachment, obsession or possession."
Dr. William
Spirit Releasement Therapy
"Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with.
Intimacy at this
level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the
other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how
insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris,
particularly within people who do not practice any type of
cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise.
The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the
connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours.
Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple
people and carries around these multiple energies?
What they may not
realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel
positive energy and attract negative energy into your life."
Lisa Chase
"There is always a drawing of [occult] vital forces from one to
another in all human social mixture that takes place
Sex is one of the
most powerful ways of each drawing upon the other's vital force,
or of one drawing the other's, which also often happens in a
one-sided way to the great detriment of the "other".
In the passage come
many things good and bad, elation, feeling of strength and
support, infiltration of good or bad qualities, interchange of
psychological moods, states and movements, depressions,
exhaustion - the whole gamut.
People don't know it
- which is a mercy of god upon them - but when one gets into a
certain yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware and
sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction, but
also one can build a wall against, reject etc.
People who have desires add to the mental formation a kind of
small envelope, a vital shell which gives it a still greater
These people are
usually surrounded by a number of tiny entities which are their
own formations, their own mental formations clothed with vital
force, which come all the time to strike them to try to make
them realize materially the formations they have made.
You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre.
He describes this; he
had come here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that
he had always noticed - he was highly sensitive - he had always
noticed that people who have [excessive/pathological] sexual
desires are surrounded by a kind of small swarm of entities who
are somewhat viscous and rather ugly and which torment them
constantly, awakening desire in them.
He said he had seen this around certain people. It was like being
surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, yes!
But it is more gross,
and much uglier still, and it is viscous, it is horrible, and it
turns round and round the person and gives him no peace, and it
awakens in him the desire that has formed these entities and
they batten on it. It is their food.
This is absolutely
true. His observation was quite correct. His vision was very
true. It is like that.
The sex-vampire eats
up the other's vital and gives nothing or very little."
from "The
Hidden Forces of Life (Integral Yoga)
Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother"
"Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make
their living ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from
you because you have considered yourselves valueless and
Those who would rule
you on the physical and
multidimensional planes understand the
power of your genitals to create life, pleasure, pain, and
They use your
genitals as doorways without you even realizing it.
You are re-gridding Earth and changing the frequency so that
one-by-one lights go on and fields of energy are established.
You must learn how to stop feeding those vampires who suck your
energies, from
the astral planes, from the dimensions, and from
on and under the Earth herself.
Your sexuality and
how it is used are the key elements.
It is in this very deep part of your regenerative self, your
sexual organs, the core of your being, that many of the main
problems lie, problems so dark, so secret that no one would dare
speak of them. Yet they must be revealed. To relinquish power
over your sexual organs is truly to abdicate the power of
By power we mean a sense of connectedness and accountability,
the maturity to know when to express yourself sexually and when
not to…
First you must make
peace with the sexual organs of your being because it is here
that life springs forth... And most of all, seek to understand
the power of your sexuality, to infuse its expression only with
love, for sex without love is truly not worth experiencing.
Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another.
So if you are bonding
yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of
your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are
exchanging energy quite intimately.
Even if you don't
want to be with this person, the sexual experience stays with
you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange."
Bringers of the
Dawn /
Family of Light
"In several of the cases, individuals reported feeling that
their partner was some kind of conduit or host being
overshadowed or temporarily possessed by another spirit.
In the case of Wiz and Koral, Wiz experienced a twisting,
contorting knot in his solar plexus area after having sex with
As the relationship
progressed, he became confused, exhausted, and depressed. Even
after he and Koral broke up, Wiz continued to experience
paranormal activity and unusual dreams, as if a dark force
followed him around, sucking his energy.
He reported this to
me years after the relationship ended, and could feel a distinct
energy-draining sensation between his shoulder blades, as if an
entity had become attached to the back of his heart chakra area.
This often happened
in conjunction with sexual "astral attacks" in which he believed
his sexual energy was being siphoned by predatory inter
dimensional entities.
What could be happening with the
Dark Side of Cupid is an
indirect form of psychic feeding.
One partner tends to
have the greater psychic vampire features, but instead of being
a direct, consciously feeding vampire, the partner is used as a
sort of portal for an interdimensional, parasitic entity.
The Dark Cupid is
accessing the two lovers' energy through some kind of mediated
energy transfer.
The question may then
"Is Cupid, or
whomever is behind this mask, a psychic vampire?"
One of the
disconcerting issues that Dixon brought up with deep psychic
feeding or communion with a vampire is the permanent psychic
link that will be maintained with the donor or unwitting
This powerful
connection is often felt as true love for the one being fed
For the vampire, the
partner may be nothing more than an energy fix or addiction.
This may result in unrequited love for the unfortunate ones
caught in the nest of psychic feeders, as unintentional as it
may be.
A hazardous
by-product of psychic vampire sexual feeding, is a powerful
connection which feels like one's true love or soul mate.
Hence, the
counterfeit soul-mate connection.
Sexual chemistry and sexual intercourse itself is also a
preferred method of creating a powerful link for psychic
feeding. It is very important to not participate in the
normalization of sexual behaviors that are not based in mutual
respect and deep reverence.
This may sound prudish but I do think human sexuality is
powerful and threatening to the dark forces and they use
normalizing sexual deviance and loose sexual behaviors to
destroy people and to prevent the true spiritual potential of
human sexually from being realized and enjoyed.
There is no
comparison when sacred sexuality is honored, realized and or
known. Lower forms of sexuality are then obviously repulsive,
low and degrading to every person involved.
Having the good sense to set appropriate boundaries, finding and
addressing our blind spots and past traumas that create
unconscious reactions and developing the capacity for highly
evolved skills of discernment is of extraordinary importance.
If we have not
addressed our own blind spots and unconscious triggers or do not
have a clear sense of what is really going on, this can be one
of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can use to
take and misuse our energy."
Eve Lorgen
The Dark Side of

Art: Alex Grey,
Demons and Deities Drinking from the Milky Pool
(feeding off sexual energy)
"Our DNA distortion [via genetic manipulation/interference by
reptilian hyperdimensional hostile forces] is the reason behind
pornography in the world today.
This artificial and
genetically enhanced mechanism stimulates, through frequency
emissions within our own DNA, the sexual act devoid of love.
This serves as a means of both
control and
nourishment for these
Your raw sexual
energy gets fed back to collecting mechanisms within your DNA
that then create a feedback circuit within the DNA that cements
this mechanism further into place.
These beings have been doing this for many thousands of years,
and used sex slaves in,
...amongst other
places to 'farm'
this energy for them.
And this is still
going on today on earth, most notably in the USA.
Many porn stars today
are replaying these roles [possessed by entities working/feeding
through them], and tens of millions of men and women are
hooking into this energy every minute, voluntarily giving away
their life force and taking themselves deeper into a vibrational
black hole to unconsciously feed those who would call themselves
our 'creators.'
Nothing is further
from the truth.
Many men and women do experience this membrane 4D cage around
the DNA. It is like a dome that prevents humans from moving
beyond it into divine love.
Every time a human
being, who still has this DNA cage and particular sexual device
in place, experiences an orgasm, the power of this orgasmic
energy can be harvested and used to feed the DNA of the
reptilian beings who engineered it into the DNA of the human
Not every human has this sexual siphoning device in place, but
many do. But those who do are genetically wired, BY GOD, for
sexuality to be a big part of their pathway to divine love and
So it is a blessing
for you that these 'other' beings saw that potential in you as a
confirmation, and see that you are worthwhile for harvesting.
Whilst this is quite sick, surely now you have the motivation to
free yourself from it and use your pure sexual energy, harnessed
with love, to propel your soul's growth.
No one is a victim. You had a hole, a pain, a wound, you did not
want to feel or embrace. Then you chose to substitute divine
love for a pale imitation.
You were tempted to
stay on the surface of your emotions and fears by promises and
seductions that played to your sense of wishing to avoid the
pain of powerlessness, hopelessness, terror and other emotions.
As an emotion, which
one has to feel, embrace and move through, this sexual
manipulation can feel sick, shameful and distorted, and it taps
into the collective field of this for all humans.
It can be terrifying,
and the mind may make all kinds of excuses to stop you from
entering these places.
To understand, feel and release these emotions and their causes,
journey into the event and moment you gave away the love energy
of your sexuality in exchange for something else. Go into the
moment you did this.
See it, FEEL IT. Now
ask WHY, what was the cause that made me trade myself, what did
I not want to feel, what was I avoiding and denying?
Others, be it people
or spirits/entities, may have taken advantage of this.
In the distortion of our sexuality, changing it into a
sentimental, physical, pornographic, fantasy driven, needy or
lustful affair, know that disembodied spirits are sucking your
energy away.
Fantasies, sexual
toys and the like, so often encouraged as 'healthy' by
neo-tantric 'teachers' fail to recognize this fact, and so their
students descend lower and lower into a sorry soul state, going
further and further away from true Union of heart-soul, emotions
and the divine.
And who has not had sexual fantasies?
It is important to
see and feel these parts of you, but not to be caught in them.
Just be aware now that the next time you feel inclined to
fantasize, what exactly are you feeding, and what is your true
desire for?
You have a conscious
choice now...
After experiencing sexual and energetic abuse, we can abandon
god, blaming him for not protecting us, saying, "fuck you" to
god. And then we become lost, trying to fill a hole for
thousands of years, alternating between being the victim of it,
and then becoming the initiator of it, becoming the abuser.
We replay and
continue this ancient pattern within us, cutting ourselves off
from god, unwilling and too scared to feel the deep pain of
betrayal and abandonment.
And, this is what
allows for sadistic and abusive behavior, when a person is
unwilling to feel his or her own deep, deep pain. On the
surface, the thrill of sexual lust/abuse mixed with violence,
blood lust and control (it is all a similar frequency) is very
stimulating and addictive, similar to a cocaine high.
If one keeps on
taking a hit of whatever they are addicted to, they never have
to feel the deep emotional, spiritual and existential pains that
lie underneath the addiction.
One can even become
addicted to physical pain, which is a distraction from deeper
emotional and spiritual pains.
The energy, power, stimulation, thrill, arousal and excitement
that comes from sexual energy (and violence and fear) is
enormous. It is an extremely addictive drug sensation,
destructive to the soul as it has no love to it. It is such a
huge energy source for most people that if they were to cut it
off they would feel half alive.
The energy of control
inherent within this is actually our own fear of becoming
powerless and helpless, which is what we must all feel to
initiate this breaking of the pattern within us, because it is
the causal emotion of why we reached out to these other entities
in the first place.
So there is our
personal responsibility, AND a collective one as well.
The enormous magnitude of the power of sexuality is because of
its true potential as an engine to become closer to god, once it
is healed and connected to human love and the soul's deep
The distortions
around it are a result of core causal wounds: the split of
sexuality from the heart, the veiling of the true potential and
power of the womb and the lingam, the split of the heart from
the soul, and the split of masculine and feminine.
This has all been encouraged by these reptilian races. We were
not created like this, the sorry state we have fallen into
today. This is important to know. We are God's perfect creation,
and we have created veils, through our own choices as well as
the choices of the collective to experiencing this.
The only energy source that is more compelling than these
distorted and genetically modified aberrations is sourcing one's
energy directly from god, divine love and the energy that flows
when sexuality is healed and integrated with the heart and
in Union.
Most people have not
experienced this, and think they are just a fantasy, or a far
away mythical dream. They are not. They are who we are in Truth
and what we have been divinely designed to enjoy.
If we are not sourcing this energy from our soul, the Soul of
Father-Mother god, the Sun and Gaia, we are feeding off other
humans or off human distortions.
Anytime we "need"
another (or are dependent on another) this means we are feeding
off them, which is humbling to realize.
When we recognize
ourselves doing this, it may come with feelings of shame,
sadness and even disgust. But the disgust or rejection of these
patterns only helps to cement them in place.
These distorted patterns must be seen and embraced. We only
choose these actions and belief patterns in our ignorance,
blindness and emotional neediness stemming from our wounds.
Once the wounds are
seen and felt they can dissolve and heal back into our original
sexual innocence.
Love is the death of this wounded mindset and distortion, and
the control this has on present day humanity. Sexuality + love
in orgasm in prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the
universe, powerful enough to move even the Galactic Centre.
This is not a myth.
Loving emotion
combined with our precious human sexuality and soul, in alliance
with the true god of love, creator of all universes, can create
a wave that will help dismantle and dissolve the control and
fear mechanisms within us."
Padma Aon
Sacred Wounds
"A couple of weeks ago, I had an interesting conversation with a
She shared with me
that, while she was currently in a psychological place where
many of the old patterns and 'pain body' suffering programs had
disappeared (or at least were not bothering her anymore), this
one particular problem still persisted, and she could feel that
literally nothing could make it go away.
She just felt this
weird hum in her navel that drained her energy and seemed to
keep certain programs in place.
She kept having this
sensation of feeling very sexual, but it was overwhelming, and
she didn't know how to channel this energy in a constructive
way. Intuitively, she felt that something else was going on.
She went to see a psychic healer who scanned her aura and
detected an alien etheric implant in the area of her
navel/second chakra. The psychic told her that this implant has
been put into her at a young age, during a moment of trauma.
She said the strong
sexual feelings she experienced were actually a distraction, and
that it was not about seeing it from the perspective of sexual
'groin' energy and working with it from that perspective.
This implant was
usurping her creative sexual energy (kundalini) in order to
block her from manifesting her potential and, essentially,
denying her access to her "mission".
This is exactly what she
experienced in her life:
a blockage, a feeling of being stuck.
Sexual energy is
creative energy at the end of the day, and it is seated/produced
in the second chakra, the place where the implant was found.
The psychic healer then removed the implant. The woman felt
better right away, and the sensation in her navel region was
However, the psychic
also told her to keep taking care of it. Just like in physical
surgery, the removal of etheric implants or attachments creates
a "wound", and has its own healing process.
She also recently
realized - through her own intuition and feedback from the
psychic - that she's a "wanderer" or "star seed", incarnated in
this particular time with a specific mission profile.
remembered the time when this implant was possibly attached to
her as a young child going through some traumatic events in her
This also confirms
that "wanderers" or "lightworkers" are prime targets of these
hyperdimensional forces because they are a threat to their
manipulation agenda, and these sensitive people also have
difficulty adjusting to the 3D vibration of physical life.
The possibility of having an etheric implant - one that can
create all kinds of emotions or "sexual" feelings that actually
distract the victim from the real issues, and sucks away their
creative energy at the same time - puts the whole topic of
sexuality and cravings into question, which is a huge subject of
its own.
Most of us never
question why we feel what we feel, and just tend to act on it
("I'm just horny and very sexual"), when in fact we may be
animated at times by external forces via implants or entities
who feed off of that kind of energy."
Bernhard Guenther