by Gerard Baker
December 04,
MSN Website
Gerry Baker
Editor at Large of The Wall Street Journal. His weekly
column for the editorial page, "Free Expression,"
appears in The Wall Street Journal each Tuesday.
Baker is also host of "WSJ at Large with Gerry Baker," a
weekly news and current affairs interview show on the
Fox Business Network, and the weekly WSJ Opinion podcast
"Free Expression" where he speaks with some of the
world's leading writers, influencers and thinkers about
a variety of subjects.
Mr. Baker previously served as Editor in Chief of The
Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones from 2013-2018. Prior
to that, Mr. Baker was Deputy Editor in Chief of The
Wall Street Journal from 2009-2013.
has been a journalist for more than 30 years, writing
and broadcasting for some of the world’s most famous
news organizations, including his tenure at The
Financial Times, The Times of London, and The BBC.
He was educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford
University, where he graduated in 1983 with a 1st Class
Honors Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. |

© Provided by The Wall Street Journal
Climate-Change Hypocrisy
is a Fair COP
for Dubai Conferees.
Many of them came in carbon-spewing private jets.
Some were snowed
in at the airport in Munich.
It was a smart move to hold the COP28 summit, the latest
gathering of world leaders to
ululate unmerited alarm about the climate
and make unfulfillable promises on how to deal with
it, in Dubai in December.
At least in the Gulf emirate it is guaranteed to be hot...!
The forecast for this
week is for sunshine and temperatures in the high 80s Fº, enough
heat to provide a suitable backdrop for their insistence that we
are all going to fry 'soon' - although it has been hot on the
Arabian Peninsula since long before man set about his evil
carbon-spewing ways.
If they had chosen to hold it in, let's say, Europe, they would have
been in for a distinctly awkward convergence of message and visual.
Meteorological winter in
the Northern Hemisphere has barely started, and already more of the
Continent is under snow cover as of the first week of December than
in any year for more than a decade.
In the latest illustration that God has a wicked sense of
humor, many members of the planetary emergency rescue elite on their
way to the summit were stranded in Munich, where
a snowstorm dumped 17 inches of the
white stuff and canceled most outbound flights.
I haven't checked in with the usual alarmist suspects on their
explanation for this deep and crisp and even landscape, but I am
sure they have a good story.
The climate
propaganda is so well-rooted now in the West's media that we
are given to understand that 'everything' is the
result of
global warming...
So doubtless historic
snowfall, like,
drought, floods,
hurricanes, earthquakes, migration patterns, the scarcity of
certain foodstuffs, racial discrimination, seasonal temperatures
with partly cloudy skies,
...all, in the fanatic's
taxonomy, the work of climate change.
This isn't to suggest that a cold winter is enough to prove the
mendacity of the climate-change thesis and its proponents. I am well
aware that global temperatures have on average risen, and that
there's a plausible case that man's carbon dioxide emissions are a
significant factor.
But the awkward
persistence of normal weather continues to remind us of how at
odds with realities the extremism of the global climate lobby is.
They are at it again in Dubai.
None more so than that
scientist, 'theologian' and 'philosopher' King
Charles III, who with his taste
for public intervention is already retesting, barely a year after
his sainted mother's death, the wisdom of hereditary monarchy.
The Earth faced
"existential threats," he
"How dangerous are we
actually prepared to make our world?"
To which the best answer
probably is:
We'll elect
governments to make those decisions, thank you, not submit to
the half-baked scientific claims of a man whose heating bill for
his half-dozen castles, palaces and mansions is probably larger
than the budgets of several small nation-states...!
But to his credit, the
king also reminded us of another reason why Dubai was a good choice
for the summit:
it's as good a place
as any to witness the hypocrisies these high priests of
hysteria shower on the world...
The United Arab Emirates,
of which Dubai is a member, is not only one of the most intensive
producers of fossil fuel in the world.
It is looking to
increase its output.
The state-owned Abu
Dhabi National Oil Co. said last year it planned to raise
production capacity to five million barrels a day by 2027, a 25%
increase from 2020.

The host of the summit is
the Emirates oil supremo, which is a bit like putting
Donald Trump's sons in charge of
the World Wildlife Fund's annual meeting.
The Emiratis
are only doing on an industrial
scale what all climate alarmists do:
preaching one thing
while doing another...
When they were eventually
able to take off from snowbound Europe, the various chief
executives, nonprofit officials, green lobbyists, bureaucrats and
others flew the several thousand miles in their private jets,
churning more carbon into the air in a week than the average
American, whom they like to lecture about his evil ways, does in a
They will thunder on like this for another week.
John Kerry, the U.S. climate
czar, will repeat the British monarch's warnings, and talk up
some grand new partnership with a China that is starting to resemble
one giant
coal-fired power station, and
they'll all doubtless commit to some "ambitious" goal that they will
tell us,
still won't be enough
to save the planet...
Then they'll go back to
their homes and escalate the rhetoric another notch, demand new
spending and taxes from their hard-pressed populations for some new
great green public infrastructure project.
Meanwhile the real work -
developing technology that runs on more sustainable energy,
continues to cut the carbon footprint of traditional energy
production and mitigates the effects of climate change - will get
done by the capitalists whose economic system many in this crowd
like to denounce as incompatible with a sustainable environment.
Let's just hope, when they get back home, that their pipes haven't