by Aletheia Luna
February 27,
LonerWolf Website
Spanish version

Going through a spiritual awakening is one of the most confusing,
lonely, alienating, but also supremely beautiful experiences in
Put simply, spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of your
initiation on the spiritual path. Without experiencing a spiritual
awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money,
fame, power, and respect in an attempt to find "happiness."
The unsettling and equally beautiful thing about spiritual
awakenings is that they occur at the least expected times. There is
no way you can plan for them. They lurch into your life and shake
everything up like tornadoes.
But the hidden gift
buried deep within them is that they occur at the precise time that
you need them the most.
are the soul's
cry for freedom.
Listen to its call
and your life
will be transformed
into something
meaningful and significant.
Refuse its call
and your life
will be like a graveyard.
If you have experienced a spiritual awakening, you have come to see
through the lies and illusions of this world.
Deep in your soul, you
realize that nothing external has ever, and can ever, bring you true
happiness or fulfillment. This profound realization leaves you
craving for something richer, more fulfilling, and something that
will make you feel whole once again.
If you're looking for answers, if you're thirsting for a direction
in life, this page will share with you what you need to know.
What is a Spiritual
When we undergo a spiritual awakening, we literally "wake up" to
We begin to question our old beliefs, habits, and social
conditioning, and see that there is much more to life than what we
have been taught.
It is common to ask questions such as,
"Why am I here?"
"What is the purpose
of my life?"
"What happens after
"Why do good people
...and other questions
that examine the fundamental nature of life during your awakening.
Spiritual awakenings stir
the deepest and most significant questions within us that we have
been putting off asking or have been too scared to touch.
If you've experienced a spiritual awakening, you might crave to find
the meaning of your life and whether there is a "higher state" of
My Experience
With the Spiritual Awakening Process
I experienced the beginnings of my spiritual awakening about 6
months before I met my partner (Mateo).
At that time, I was
deeply entrenched in the dogmas and cultish teachings of the
fundamentalist Christian church I was born into.
Beginning to doubt, question, and sense that there was more to life
than what my indoctrination declared, I felt lost and deeply alone.
I had no one outside of the church that I felt comfortable talking
to about my feelings.
I had no true friends to
confide in - and my family didn't understand - or rather, didn't
want to.
As a result, I felt so
alienated and suffocated with loneliness that I developed
depression, health issues, and chronic anxiety, the latter lasting
for many years.
During this harrowing awakening process, I carried within me the
unshakable sensation that I was falling endlessly through a void of
Dark Night of the Soul taught me so
much about my life purpose, even though it made me experience
unimaginable pain.
Ultimately, I had no idea what was happening to me while I
was going through my spiritual awakening and Dark night. I thought
that I was going crazy or was going to burn in hell forever for
questioning everything I'd been taught.
I would have loved to
read an article like this describing the spiritual awakening
symptoms and their significance. So I'm honored to be able to
present them to you now.
I hope, if anything, that
they can validate what you're going through.
Why Do Spiritual
Awakenings Happen?

So, why do spiritual awakenings happen in the first place?
awakenings happen as a natural
product of your Soul evolving, expanding, and maturing. Just as
everything in life grows, so too does our connection with our Souls.
The more you connect to
your Soul (whether accidentally or
intentionally), the more you experience transformation. The more you
come to embody your Soul, the more you taste true and lasting joy,
peace, fulfillment, freedom, and love.
While the spiritual awakening process can feel painful and
disturbing at first, it ultimately helps you to live a more
meaningful life.
The sensation that your
life doesn't make sense anymore is the product of having all of your
former beliefs, desires, and paradigms challenged and often
This is traumatic, but a
necessary part of your expansion.
What Triggers
the Spiritual Awakening Process?
You might be curious to know what activates spiritual awakenings.
The answer is that,
circumstances can trigger this process!
There really is no one
Spiritual awakenings can happen at any moment or period in your
life. They can be spontaneous, but they can also be triggered by
major life changes, illnesses, tragedies, and traumas such as
life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, midlife
crises, and much more.
Generally speaking, the spiritual awakening process happens in
conjunction with an experience known as
The Dark Night of the Soul.
The Dark Night of the

If you're highly sensitive to the suffering of others and are a deep
thinker by nature, it is possible that you have gone through, or are
currently going through, a Dark Night of the Soul.
The Dark Night of the Soul is a period in life when we feel
completely cut off from god or the divine. The more aware you
become of your disconnection from the divine, the more chances you
have of experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul.
Going through a Dark Night of the Soul is profoundly entwined
with the process of spiritual awakening.
Before seeing the light
(i.e. spiritually awakening) we must "walk through the valley of the
shadow of death" in order to prepare our minds and hearts for the
conscious upgrade.
Just think about the analogy of getting dressed. In order to put on
new clothes, you must take off the old ones.
That, in a nutshell, is
essentially what the Dark Night of the Soul is about.
The old must be
stripped away in order to make way for the new.
This means that the
suffering you experience during the Dark Night of the Soul is
for a purpose - and that is the destruction of the old (outdated
beliefs, identities, habits) to pave way for fresh ways of being.
This life is a cycle of birth and death.
As such, going through
the Dark Night is not a pretty or manicured experience - at its
core, it's raw, primal, and the most difficult experience known to
humanity. Everything is stripped away from you. There is no light,
no clarity, and no peace.
But please know that it
is a stage, and like everything in life, it will naturally fade.
I have gone through a
bleak and chaotic Dark Night of the Soul, and let me tell you, inner
work is vital. It's kind of like the difference between letting your
old clothes just fall off you (which is a long, unhygienic, and
tiresome process) or actively pulling them off and throwing them to
the wind yourself.
Signs you might be experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul (along with
a spiritual awakening) include the following:
You feel isolated
from everything (others, yourself, life in general)
You feel
abandoned by god/the divine
Your mood is
almost always low and melancholic
You're lost and
don't know which direction is right
You feel despair
and horror when observing the world
You feel a sense
of existential dread
You feel deep
tiredness in your bones
You lack the
motivation to keep doing what you used to
You've lost
interested in most things
You keep
pondering the deep questions of life (e.g. "what is the
You feel like you
don't belong on this planet
This list is not
exhaustive, so keep in mind you might be experiencing signs that
aren't included here.
7 Spiritual
Awakening Stages
The spiritual awakening process is complex, multi-layered, and
different for everyone.
In reality, it cannot be fit into neat
However, with that being said it is helpful to have a kind of "map"
to locate where you're at right now.
The following stages are
They define the overall
flow of the spiritual awakening process:
Stage 1 -
Unhappiness, despondency, and feeling lost
In this stage, you experience the aforementioned Dark Night
of the Soul.
This is a time of
confusion, disconnection, alienation, depression, and great
unhappiness with life. You are searching for something, but
you don't quite know what. There is a great looming
emptiness inside of you.
This stage either
emerges spontaneously or due to a life crisis (e.g. breakup,
divorce, death, trauma, illness, major life change).
Stage 2 -
Shifting perspectives
You start to perceive reality in a totally different way.
In this stage,
you start seeing through the lies and delusions propagated
by society. You feel unhappy with life, disturbed by the
suffering you see and hopeless to the ills of the world.
You no longer see
life as you once did in your previous state of complacent
Stage 3 - Seeking
answers and meaning
There must be a point to all this, right?
In this stage,
you're asking all the deep questions. You are in search of
your life purpose, spiritual destiny, and the meaning of
life itself.
You will start
dabbling in different metaphysical, self-help, and esoteric
fields in search for answers and truth.
Stage 4 - Finding
answers and experiencing breakthroughs
After a lot of soul searching, you'll find a few teachers,
practices, or belief systems that ease your existential
(Beware: a lot of
spiritual bypassing can occur in this stage.)
You will feel a
sense of expansion as old patterns dissolve and your true
self (soul) begins to emerge. You may have a number of
mystical experiences or brief moments of
(enlightenment) that give you a glimpse into the ultimate
nature of reality.
This is a time of
joy, hope, connection, and awe.
Stage 5 -
Disillusionment and feeling lost again
Life is about movement.
With the
spiritual awakening process, there is always an ebb and a
flow. In this stage, you become bored and tired of your
spiritual teachers or practices. You may become
disillusioned by the faux spiritual
BS out there and crave
for something deeper.
You may have even
experienced long periods of connection with the divine, only
to become separated again (this is normal). Understandably,
you'll feel disturbed and deeply upset by this experience.
while you may have experienced many
mental/emotional/spiritual breakthroughs, they might feel
superficial. You crave for authenticity and for deep
spirituality that permeates your life and transforms every
part of you.
The unhappiness
and stagnation you feel will motivate you to go in search
for more.
Stage 6 - Deeper
inner work
In this stage, you're not interested in dabbling in
feel-good spiritual philosophies or surface practices
anymore. The abiding pain you feel inside motivates you to
do deep inner work.
You may become a
serious student of meditation, mindfulness, ritual, inner
child work, shadow work, body work or various other
transpersonal philosophies.
Stage 7 -
Integration, expansion, joy
Integration means taking the spiritual lessons you've
learned from your inner work and applying them to your daily
happens both naturally and consciously as a habit in deep
spiritual practice. In this stage, you'll experience the
most profound and long-lasting changes deep within.
Many people
experience prolonged mystical experiences and periods of
unity with the divine in the integration phase. Remember
that enlightenment is never guaranteed: we can strive for
it, but it is ultimately a gift from Life.
profound peace, love, and joy emerge and are felt in this
stage. You may feel ready to be a spiritual mentor or role
model in your community and pass on your insight to others.
Life will become
less about you and more about We. Your perspective will
expand and you will start seeing things from the big
Above all else,
you will feel connected, at peace with yourself, and deeply
aligned with life.
It is common to
move back and forth between these spiritual awakening stages.
Remember that this is not a linear process - you cannot just move
from A to B to C.
This is a complex and messy path, so it's
perfectly fine if it doesn't look like what I've described.
spiritual awakening process is unique to you.
But I do hope this
analysis has helped (in some way) you to 'gain your bearings.'
23 Spiritual
Awakening Signs and Symptoms

There are many spiritual awakening symptoms. In fact, spiritual
awakening symptoms are not only emotional but also psychological and
even physical.
Here are twenty-three of
the most common symptoms out there.
See how many you can identify
You feel as
though your life is false
You craving for
meaning and purpose
You begin asking
deep questions
You realize that
a lot of what you've been taught is a lie
You feel
completely lost and alone
You see through
the illusions of society
You see how
unhappy most people are
You want to
'purge' your life
You begin
experiencing deep
empathy and compassion
You desire to be
seem shallow
You want to quit
your job
You thirst for
authenticity and truth
You become aware
of your old negative habits
You experience
anxiety and/or depression
You become more
You want to make
the world a better place
You deeply want
to understand who you are
Your intuition is
You feel more
wonder and curiosity
You start to love
You see that we
are all One
I'll expand on these
signs below:
1. You feel as though
your life is false
that you have believed, built, and worked towards seems to be
false. Your life doesn't feel as though it's your own. You no
longer feel like yourself - nearly everything you once enjoyed
no longer brings you meaning or satisfaction.
2. You craving for
meaning and purpose
You deeply
desire to find the meaning of your life. You have no idea what
your purpose is, but you want to find it desperately. There's a
sense that something is "missing" inside of you (like a part of
your soul).
3. You begin asking
deep questions
Questions such
"Why am I here?"
"What's the purpose of life?"
"What happens
after we die?"
"Why do people suffer?",
You begin thinking
more philosophically. Such profound thoughts may greatly disturb
you as you don't know the answers.
4. You realize that a
lot of what you've been taught is a lie
You start to
see how many beliefs, feelings, and values are not actually your
own, but other people's or inherited from your culture.
5. You feel
completely lost and alone
Nothing in
your life seems to make sense anymore. You feel as though you're
wandering through an endless wilderness. As a vagabond, you feel
completely alone and cut off from people. You struggle to relate
to those you once felt close to (i.e. your friends, work
colleagues, and family members).
6. You see through
the illusions of society
success, and profit no longer mean anything to you. You start
feeling as though you're a cog in the machine of society.
7. You see how
unhappy most people are
You awaken to
the unhappiness and suffering of others. You may start to
explore activism or read more about the human condition. It is
tormenting for you to realize how much pain there is in the
8. You want to
'purge' your life
You're sick
and tired of feeling stranded, depressed, and hopeless.
Suddenly, you feel the need to simplify and declutter your life.
This could mean cutting ties with toxic people, reassessing your
habits, throwing out old things, relocating to a new job or
place to live, or even giving away most of what you own.
9. You begin
experiencing deep empathy and compassion
As you start
paying more attention to the many hardships faced by humanity
and nature alike, you develop more compassion. Your inherent
is awakened and you may find it hard to cope with the
intensity of your feelings. This is a pivotal point in your
inner transformation: you either numb the pain you feel with
addictions, or you find healthy ways to accept and express your
10. You desire to be
You crave
solitude. Whereas once you may have been extroverted, now you
experience the introverted side of your nature. You spend a lot
of time introspecting and enjoying the silence. At every cost,
you try to reduce social contact. At this point, you may lose
touch with many old friends.
11. Conversations
seem shallow
When you do
talk to people you feel an acute sense of separation. You
realize that very few people are comfortable with talking about
passion, emotions, meaning and the soul. In conversations, you
feel restless and irritated by the small talk.
You silently
"Can't anyone wake up and realize what is happening?"
Your distaste for frivolous chit-chat draws you more into
solitude. You may become a lone wolf.
12. You want to quit
your job
Even though
you worked for years getting your degree, establishing your
career, and climbing the ranks, you feel nothing but emptiness.
Your job no longer provides you the sense of fulfillment that
you need. You desperately crave for more.
13. You thirst for
authenticity and truth
Being true to
yourself becomes top priority. You hate faking and putting on
the old masks that you used to wear. You want to be completely
authentic. Pretense makes you feel sick and disgusted.
14. You become aware
of your old negative habits
You are
painfully aware of your flaws and destructive habits. Within you
arises a strong urge to wipe the slate clean and start over.
15. You experience
anxiety and/or depression
You may go
through deep bouts of existential depression or persistent
anxiety. The shock of plunging into your awakening leaves you
feeling unstable. You may be misdiagnosed with a mental illness.
Uncertainty and fear follow you around everywhere.
16. You become more
impacts you more. You feel the energy of others more strongly,
the pain of your loved ones more intensely, and the difficulties
in life deeper than ever before. At the same time, you feel a
gloriously enhanced
connection with animals and nature. You
start feeling more at home within the natural world (rather than
the manmade world).
17. You want to make
the world a better place
When all is
said and done, you want to leave the world a better place. You
start thinking 'big picture.' This longing to make a real impact
translates to actively helping others or finding a life purpose
that aligns with this desire.
18. You deeply want
to understand who you are
questions arise about your identity and your life, for example,
"Who am I?"
"Why was I born?"
"What am I here to do?"
"What is
the purpose of my existence?"
As a result, you begin reading
many self-help books and spiritual texts. No wonder you ended up
19. Your intuition is
Gradually you
begin to listen to the still, small voice within. You allow it
to guide your decisions. Eventually, you start to uncover your
hidden spiritual gifts and talents.
20. More
You start
becoming conscious of the many signs and omens that life brings
to you. Life becomes much more receptive and interactive with
Serendipity and
déjà vu increase. You may even undergo
numerous mystical experiences.
21. You feel more
wonder and curiosity
The smallest
things start to bring you joy and bliss: a falling leaf, a
spider's web, a child's laughter, a puddle. Life is no longer
ignored - it is seen as magical, amazing and beautiful.
22. You start to love
As the
barriers of
the ego breakdown, you begin to love other people
without expectations or conditions. You lose interest in drama,
conflict, and anything that perpetuates hatred.
23. You see that we
are all One
Not only do
you intellectually understand that we are all interconnected,
but you feel it deeply within your bones. You realize that our
thoughts and beliefs influence reality, and that we are all
fragments of one 'great whole' - that is, Spirit. Having fully
experienced that we are this Oneness, you find peace at last.
Sometimes this stage can take years or even an entire lifetime.
Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
Physical signs obviously differ for everyone.
Here are a few symptoms
that I have observed within myself and many others who have begun
the spiritual awakening process:
Amplification of
sense - for example, your sight, hearing, taste, touch
and/or smell becomes intensified. You may even discover that
you're an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).
You discover food
intolerance's that you never seemed to have before (or
perhaps weren't paying attention to) - i.e. allergies to
wheat, nuts, legumes, soy, spices
Changed sleeping
patterns, i.e. - you sleep more or experience more disrupted
sleep, often causing insomnia
Vivid dreams -
your dreams become scary, bizarre or intense
Dizziness -
feeling lightheaded as a result of being ungrounded during
the day
Weight change -
either gaining or losing a lot of weight
Changed eating
habits - what you once liked eating no longer appeals to
you. Also, you may crave to experiment with other foods that
you've never tried/liked
Fluctuations in
energy - feeling less energized than you used to
Decreased or
increased sex drive
Decreased immune
function (more illness) and eventually increased immune
It is uncommon to
experience all of these physical spiritual awakening symptoms at
once (one or two is more likely).
If you have
noticed a rapid change in your health during this period, it
might be due to the drastic change in your mind-body-soul
If no logical
everyday reason can be found (such as prior illness, family
stress, injury, relationship meltdown etc.) don't rule out a
more metaphysical explanation.
Awakening and Inner Work
Spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of our spiritual paths.
But unlike the popular new age depiction, the spiritual awakening
process isn't all love, light, and roses... This is a shocking,
painful, and extremely unsettling period of life.
Often, those who experience spiritual awakenings feel as though
their entire lives have been turned upside down and inside out. This
experience can lead to self-isolation and problems such as
depression and chronic anxiety.
But there is hope...
This website is dedicated to helping you navigate through this
difficult but intensely meaningful part of your life. Both of us
know how harrowing this experience can be as we have gone through
this harrowing process ourselves.
We want you to know that
you are most definitely not alone.
The main way through this experience is through a path we call inner
work. Inner work is the psychological and spiritual practice of
diving deep into your inner self for the purposes of,
self-exploration, self-understanding, healing, and transformation.
Both of us have experienced the Dark Night and spiritual
awakening journey, and the best advice we can give you in this very
moment is to learn to treat yourself with love and compassion.
You deserve your own
kindness and compassion more than anyone else at this point in your
life. And by learning to take care of yourself, you'll be able to
genuinely care for others.
We hope with all our heart that this page helps open a new sacred
door in your life and provide some much-needed answers.