by Bernhard Guenther
May 26,
VeilOfReality Website
Spanish version

A few nights ago (around the new moon), I had two intense dreams
back to back that felt very symbolic and prophetic.
I've had dreams
tsunamis and huge waves before (as many other people do too) but
these two dreams really stuck with me.
In the first dream, there was
much upheaval with people in distress worldwide, lost and
disconnected from each other and from themselves, living in fear;
when all of a sudden, a huge tsunami and flood engulfed the whole
world - destroying everything.
Buildings, cities, and everything
man-made were taken down by the waves and the flood. People were
trying to grab onto anything so as to not be taken down.
I was in
the middle of it too, swimming in the rising water. No place on
earth was safe from it.
Then, all of a sudden, I felt this calm energy coming over me.
knew in that instant that this destruction needed to happen to wash
away everything that is not aligned with Truth (within ourselves and
in the world) as the 'Divine Force' is anchoring itself and a new
world wants to be born.
It felt like a much needed collective
cleansing and I started to laugh in joy, completely wet and soaked
with all the destruction around me.
I realized it was the beginning
of something beautiful and new, something that has never existed
before here on Planet Earth.
Then, in another dream the next day,
I found myself at a beach.
There were masses of people.
A huge wave was approaching. People
freaked out and ran away from it. I looked at them and then at the
wave and realized, no, we cannot run away from this.
We need to
embrace this wave. With the same sense of joy and excitement I
experienced in the first dream, I ran towards the wave and jumped
right into it and through it.
I didn't get tumbled under but started
to ride the wave as I got pulled up.
Those dreams reminded me of a video someone posted on our
the Veil of Reality forum:
It's a video of a guy sharing his
prophetic vision he received from ''God'' (according to him)...
I got goosebumps listening to him (and you can tell he's deeply humbled
and touched by it too), especially because I've been using the same
analogy of "riding the wave" as I've tried to describe what's been
unfolding for years.
He talks about how, in his vision, many of us
are already
the wave and it is taking down/destroying
everything that is not in alignment with 'Divine Will'.
There are
several phases and consecutive waves, one hit after the other
washing over the earth, each time clearing and cleansing more and
pushing people UP from the undercurrent so they start riding the
wave as well.
In his vision, the ones already riding the wave were
also helping the ones "below" - lifting them up to ride the
wave together...
Watch the video here:
I realize more and more that whatever is happening NEEDS to happen.
It couldn't even be any other way. Even
the 'plandemic' and dark
forces' agenda that is unfolding is being used as part of the
"Divine Plan"...
For even 'the Divine' is in
'evil'; as paradoxically,
contradictory or illogical as it may sound for our little mind
(caught in linear binary thinking) which cannot possibly comprehend
what is unfolding and what the true meaning/purpose is behind these
events right now...
for none of us can see with the "eyes of the
So, it's also about
embracing the unknown.
But as he said, as well as what I experienced in my dreams,
will be "forced" to ride the wave eventually after more and more of
the "old" will be destroyed and washed away - including
dogmatic belief systems.
This is not just an 'external event'...
It's as
much an
internal process,
facing our own lies, wounds, traumas,
attachments, and disillusionment, and allowing anything that is not
in alignment with who you TRULY ARE to be washed away by the
metaphorical waves of change.
No one can escape or run away from
what is unfolding.
No place in the "old world" is safe from it. It
cannot be stopped but it requires our participation.
This is not an
overnight process, but a whole new age that's begun and it's a long
process in linear time.
In the meantime, the ones "riding the wave"
are also here to assist and help others during this
Time of Transition - and that's also the main reason why
many of us chose to incarnate during this time and age.
During this intense
collective process and consecutive "waves" washing over us, we may
indeed experience a more apparent "Timeline-Reality
Split" with people riding the wave experiencing a different
reality than the one's still holding on to the old world and who
don't resist the asuric hostile forces but go along with the "New
This split may
not be that obvious for everything is still
interrelated as all is ONE, however, one's level of Being, soul
embodiment, and lessons also determines what "personal reality" each
of us may experience which is beyond the ego's control but in the
hands of 'the Divine'.
What I'm stating here is not to be mistaken for
the distorted and oversimplified New Age version of "Reality
There is a plan indeed, and we all have our
individual roles to play in it but I'd say, trust 'the Divine'
which also requires us to show up and surrender and ride the wave.
This is nothing passive, like waiting for something to happen or
someone to save us - quite the opposite:
we must learn to
embody the spiritual warrior and participate in conscious action
during these times of change, upheaval, collective "waves", and
"tsunamis"... in service of ''the Divine''.
The "Great Awakening" is a perilous path, indeed.
It requires
both, conscious action and sincere self-work to align with the
occurring changes and 'Divine Will'.
Any external fixation of
gathering information alone or just waiting for some "event" will
drain you and tire you, stuck in anxiety, getting trapped in the
It can also get you trapped in blame/victim consciousness and
disconnected from your own power as a sovereign divine being and
inner guidance that is specific to YOU.
As I wrote in my
previous article:
alchemical transformation will also give birth to new opportunities,
quantum leaps in creativity, and true abundance (beyond just
materially) but it must be rooted in these concepts of integrity and
sincerity as this is, in general, a lesson for Capricorn on
an evolutionary level; and a big overall lesson of the
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn that we saw occurring in
the sign back in January.
We must
rebuild the world upon a spiritual foundation and hold true
aspiration grounded in our bodies, as these vessels become
spiritualized as conscious transducers
the ''Divine Force''.
During this process we may find there
is no escape anymore; old coping mechanisms no longer work like they
used to, as there is no place in the world is "safe" from what is
Ultimately, the body has to become our "safe space", and
if we spiritualize matter via the body, the body can be a source of
true strength and refuge.
There is something
"bigger" happening which we need to (or will be forced to) align
ourselves with so that we can ride the wave without getting tumbled
The mind is the trickster, as always, getting caught up in
mental analysis paralysis...
But if we open
ourselves to 'God'/Divine/Supreme/Spirit
with sincere aspiration, we connect to our true Self/Being and
consciously receive messages (or even visions) and guidance in
alignment with ''Divine Will'' as the Supreme speaks through the cracks
between the thoughts of the egoic monkey mind and acts 'through' us.
This is not an easy
process, for the resistance of the anti-'Divine Forces' is strong, but
it is what we signed up for.
It reminds me once
again of what
Sri Aurobindo said:
"Behind this
petty instrumental action of the human will there is something
vast and powerful and eternal that oversees the trend of the
inclination and presses on the turn of the will.
There is a
total Truth in Nature greater than our individual choice. This
apparently self-acting mechanism of Nature conceals an immanent
divine Will that compels and guides it and shapes its purposes.
But you cannot feel or know that
Will while you are shut up in
your narrow cell of personality, blinded and chained to your
viewpoint of the ego and its desires.
For you can
wholly respond to it only when you are impersonalized [embodied]
by knowledge and widened to see all things in the self and in
'God' and the self and 'God' in all things.
The state of ignorance
in which you believe that you are the doer of your acts persists
so long as it is necessary for your development; but as soon as
you are capable of passing into a higher condition, you begin to
see that you are an instrument of the one consciousness; you
take a step upward and you rise to a higher conscious level."
Nothing can stop
what is unfolding.
Embrace the mystery and ride the wave...!
