by Mark Sircus
October 7,
DrSircus Website

Change is
Never Easy
but Necessary...
"The future is barreling towards us at a furious pace. And the
pace of that change is accelerating.
It's time to freak
out a bit. To get serious about protecting ourselves. To make
different decisions and reorganize our priorities.
If you understand
energy and its relationship to the economy the way I do, you'd
share my urgency to create community and develop a resilient
My goal here is to
nudge you towards action,"
writes Chris Martenson.
We all know how hard it
is to nudge anyone in a new direction. Even those close to us resist
change and to be honest, we all resist change. Even those of us who
champion change resist.
Bibles were created
to freeze us into the past so they are not about change.
Politics is not about
change, no matter how loud they shout, it is about protecting
the status quo.
Most of us will be
sitting ducks to change, especially violent change that we are
not prepared for.
Misplaced trust can cost us everything, as those poor souls in
India are
after being shut out of their bank
the banking system is what most
of us do as a matter of habit. It is probably a habit we should
have eliminated yesterday.
All the signs are on
the wall for the
next banking crisis, however
for most, not even a megaphone shouting in one's ear will have
us running out to withdraw our funds from the banks.
USA Today
"Chances are good
that you haven't thought much about the safety of your bank
deposits lately.
Most of the time,
like now, it's just business as usual for financial
institutions. But when banks get into massive trouble, lots of
bad things happen.
Just think back to
the last recession (2008),
when hundreds of financial institutions failed and depositors
worried about the safety of their money.
That's why it's good
to review the basics of deposit insurance now and then - just in
They then spend much of
the rest of their essay trying to convince you to relax, its not a
It really is a neck and neck race between what will smack us hard
a financial
crisis or a climate one that
will take food off our plates...
Both crises are looming
like a tidal wave that is sucking up the water from the beach before
it strikes.
And of course we are
racing our way to war, which is always a dangerous affair, to say
the least, in the nuclear age, and we are killing ourselves off
pharmaceuticals, a
host of chemicals, continued mercury and radiation pollution and
an alien invasion of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and
antibiotics, which are getting heavily into water supplies...
Politics is not changing.
We mostly have a bunch of sold their souls idiots
running around being idiots...
One thing all politicians
have in common is they love to spend other people's money and to
spend money that does not exist. Some things never change.
People are not happy with what is going on and are actively
protesting in Hong Kong, Iraq and the farmers in Belgium.
That's the short list and
authorities are not happy but they are prepared having known for
years where the world was heading and how unhappy people were going
to be about it.
Chris Martenson
we're fractured and
divided on just about everything and will have an impossible
time especially on a
change away from hydrocarbons through a massively expensive
energy transition, especially in a world out of money.
He is correct of course
for we are having trouble trying to agree on which gender(s) should
use a particular bathroom.
Psychology of Change
All relationships
begin a rapid death when people resist growth and change because
that is when communication breaks down.
Love gets destroyed
when communication breaks down, and communications breaks down
because people are not interested in real change.
Our willingness to
change is the only way we can convince ourselves and others that
we are in fact absolutely committed to love.
Communication Psychology is the psychology of change
because it recognizes that
communication itself heals by
leading us into a deep process of growth and change.
It recognizes that
communication taken to the therapeutic level leads a person into
a confrontation with
the ego, that part of us that
hates change.
Not only do we need to
fall in love with love. We need to fall in love with
If there is no will, no love to change, how can we change?
Many people hang on to
concepts that close them off from real change. The first step in the
process of change comes with the openness to realize that our
concepts are not reality.
Concepts are only mental
models of reality. All change on the being level happens beyond the
world of concepts. Concepts are designed to prevent us from getting
Concepts are
obstacles to change.
Change and Our
Most of us know from experience that making
lifestyle changes can be difficult.
Sometimes years go by and
we just don't seem to be able to make the changes we desperately
need to make such as quitting smoking, losing weight, getting back
in shape, or kicking bad habits such as
unhealthy eating.
Then one day we walk out
of the doctor's office with a cancer diagnosis and we wonder why.
Our health is impacted by the lifestyle we live though many of us
get away with bloody murder (or think we do) in terms of how much
abuse we can administer to ourselves without obvious consequences.
It's a story that does
not end well for many people.
When finally faced with
rapidly declining health, we just somehow cannot muster the
discipline to make those dietary and lifestyle changes.
Love is the heavenly force that binds all as one, two as one, three
as one and so on. Love is the power that closes the circuit between
There is nothing more
beautiful than true love, nothing more needed, nothing more hoped
for. And unfortunately, nothing more lacking in the world as true
That's how I say it but feel Martenson
says it even better.
"Given the enormity
of the challenge, and the fractured, divisive social and
political landscape, you really need to plan for nothing
That no vision is
coming along, no savior will appear, and that we're going to
merrily continue along until we run out of time and resources to
do anything more than regret our mistakes.
Odds are we're going
to keep heading straight along our current trajectory.
Until - clunk! - we
go right over the edge."
What he does not say is
that there are many ways we are pushing ourselves or being pushed by
forces beyond our control (Nature) over the edge.
So maybe an alien race will finally appear and 'save us' from
ourselves or just try to get rid of us like they do in
all of the movies...