by Mark Sircus
08, 2021
DrSircus Website

From the heart space,
We are a race, a
unified spirit.
We are one whether we
like it or not and that is no fun since there is no shortage of
psychopaths and sociopaths on the loose.
We are in this life
on this world together and that is what love is all about, but
would you believe some people hate love and love hurting people.
It makes sense to want to
love and be loved yet too many choose to rape.
And remember there are
many kinds and levels of rape including chemical rape.
For anyone not understanding the nature of human vulnerability and
how one person can hurt and cause great suffering in another,
meditate on rape and child sexual abuse, which demonstrate the deep
hurt humans are capable of feeling - that too many men dish out to
others without remorse.
One of the most basic ways of hurting someone is to not listen to
them. Listening to the being of another is an act of caring. To
listen to the level of being or soul we must be "feeling" with the
other person.
We must be "feeling" one
with their inner world. This is the essence of empathy.
Empathy is the pure
understanding of what others are experiencing and feeling. When we
have shed our preconceived ideas and judgments about life and
people, we open the heart that has this special capacity to
empathize with another.
The individual cannot completely escape collective events and the
collective is the sum of all individual components.
Though we can build
illusions about the supremacy of our individualities, and the
individualities of others, however, there is a level of reality that
cannot be divided.
This is the true and
ancient meaning of individuality,
"that which cannot be
The Darkness
of The Uncaring Mind
The uncaring mind is having a field day in the Age
of COVID, and
people are being crushed financially, emotionally, mentally, and
Many are having their
lives taken from them with vicious vaccines and denial of rational
treatments that would have kept millions out of the hospitals and on
this side of deaths door.
In a lot of my writings through the years I have attempted to shine
a mirror on the uncaring mind that has raped the heart out of
humanity. It has been easy to highlight this against the backdrop of
modern medicine where pharmaceutical terrorism dominates not health
and caring.
Slaughterhouses exist in too many places to count,
in hospitals,
vaccine centers, radiology departments and chemo clinics where
people are chemically raped...
Our civilization is about
rape, about pharmaceutical companies chemically raping people with
their poisonous drugs, how companies rape the environment for profit
and so on.
Rape is the annihilation
of love. That is what rape is...
Sexual rape is a crime that is relatively easy to get away with.
Rape envelops the whole world of its victims; it turns their world
into living hell and children who have been abused sexually live a
life of strange shadows.
There are no words strong
enough to describe the way rape victims feel. They are locked in a
nightmare that seems to have little relevance to the outside world.
Having had their bodies
violated and their minds tortured it is almost impossible to
communicate the feelings to others who have no real perception of
the depth of physical and psychological abuse a person can suffer
From the point of the pure heart, that is not separate from itself
and what it feels, we can see almost all human life as manifesting
different degrees of uncaring, rejection, and denial of feelings.
At one end of the
spectrum, we have the pure heart that cares totally
At the
other, the
sociopath and psychopaths who have clearly lost all
capacity to feel, all capacity for empathy.
And the rest of us are
somewhere in-between...
Saving The
Human Race
From the highest avatar who thinks he is God to the most
humble and simple, there is not a soul who does not need to enter
his own heart and feel more and care more.
From the psychiatrist
who prescribes medicine instead of caring more, to the religious
fanatic who thinks his truth is the only truth.
From the husband
who cannot and will not listen to the being of his wife, to the
totally selfish industrialist who pollutes the river stream, to
the guru who sucks up the attention of devotees, to the
politicians who have criminalized much of society, to the
father, brother, uncle or neighbor next door who abuse or rape
little girls,
...it's not just the
other person who needs help and more attention, it is all of us.
Who is so good that
they could not be better?
Who does not need to
Even those of us who are
not suffering still need to grow and evolve.
Growth does not come
easily for those who are too content. That is why the saints talked
about a divine discontent. Evolution is a non-stop process for
The closer we get to a pure heart the more sensitive we get to all
the imperfections and flaws both in and outside of us. This is
connected to that part of the heart that just wants to make things
better, purer, and more harmonious.
The heart just cannot
help but be sensitive to all the problems, to all that which creates
separations from it.
Healing the flaws and separations in human consciousness is the
mission of the heart and we will start that healing when we realize
that we are all in the same boat, the same ship of humanity sailing
on the same prevailing winds.
As a race we need to find
our healed, healthy, and happy hearts, or as I wrote many years ago,
we will find ourselves headed for what all the prophets have
heralded, another dark night of the collective soul of humanity.
Is There Hope?
Asking is there any hope for humanity is a good question.
Not easy to answer...
We like to think good of
others but too many of us are bad.
One of the biggest
problems is that good people do not have a clear channel to
confront and deal with the bad, even in many marriages.
Another problem is
the bad people think they are good, which confuses good people.
We must understand at
this point that there are natural consequences to our collective
Also, the leadership of
the world is dragging humanity in a dark direction.
Our religions still
separate us, science has been trashed in the field of medicine, the
climate is changing violently, water is running out in too many
places, food prices are racing up as shortages threaten, and total
economic and financial calamity threaten while medical maniacs run
around injecting everyone with experimental vaccines.
All intelligence has left
the political sphere so we will have a dark night for humanity.
Meaning, and some are warning,
that we might see one of the biggest
human die offs of all time in the next few years.
If the theory that
the mRNA vaccines may cause antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)
proves correct, a lot of people could be killed by viruses this
winter as a direct result of being vaccinated.
So be strong, get smart
and love the one you're with.
Special Note:
Instead of having
'vaccine centers' funded all over the world I would be spending
the billions in resources on setting up 'learn to listen and care
centers' everywhere...